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Bøker utgitt av Clarity Press

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  • - The Case for a Domestic Conspiracy
    av Dr Graeme Macqueen

    The anthrax letter attacks occurred from September through November of 2001, killing five and wounding many. The attacks were widely held to be the work of Muslims and were used to support the invasion of Afghanistan and, later, the invasion of Iraq. They were used explicitly and repeatedly to justify the passing of the Patriot Act. They were also meant to support withdrawal from the Antiballistic Missile Treaty, a withdrawal eagerly sought by the neoconservatives associated with the Project for a New American Century who wished to pursue their global agenda without obstruction from small states with WMD. In the early days of the attacks there were several perpetrator hypotheses in play. One that gained prominence was the Double Perpetrator hypothesis according to which Iraq had supplied the sophisticated anthrax spores while al-Qaeda had supplied the foot soldiers responsible for preparing and sending the letters. This hypothesis was eagerly reported by the mainstream media. It came to grief quickly when scientists discovered that the anthrax spores had a domestic source and appeared to come from the heart of the US military and intelligence communities. The FBI rapidly began a search for "the anthrax killer," promoting the idea that there was a lone wolf perpetrator within the military community--a renegade, an unbalanced person whose behavior revealed nothing of significance about structures and institutions of the deep state. In 2008 the Bureau named Dr. Bruce Ivins of the United States Army Medical Research Institute of Infectious Diseases as the "anthrax killer." Ivins had conveniently died a week before being named and could not fight back in court. Ivins remains the FBI's choice to this day: the case was closed in 2010. This book support with a great deal of evidence the following four assertions: (a) the anthrax letter attacks were carried out by a group of perpetrators, not by a "lone wolf;" (b) the group that perpetrated this crime was composed, in whole or in part, of deep insiders within the U.S. state apparatus; (c) these insiders were connected to the perpetrators of the 9/11 attacks; (d) the anthrax attacks were meant to play an important role in the strategy of redefinition through which the Cold War was replaced by a new global conflict framework, the Global War on Terror.

  • - The Battle for the Global Economy
    av Kelly Mitchell

    Gold Wars: Battle for the Global Economy addresses the grotesque, growing and unsustainable imbalances in the financial system. As gold is the barmometer of systemic ills, a war on gold--to drive down its price-is taking place to hide the negative impacts of fiat currency, shadow banking and central banking on the global financial system. Starting with an introductory discussion on the nature of money and the bizarre fractional reserve structure currently in place, Mitchell moves on to address the massive, but little known systemic pivot point: the Petrodollar standard. Tying dollars to oil, this mechanism undergirds the dollar's reserve status. But soon it will fail with paradigm shifting consequences. Gold Wars features a detailed breakdown of the gross manipulations in the gold market - from nonexistent paper gold, smackdowns, high- frequency trading, and ETF's to Central Bank games like swapping/leasing, shell accounting, midnight raids, clandestine gold movements and regulatory attacks on investors. Mitchell offers a prediction of the results for the gold market: when the manipulation fails, paper and physical prices will separate, with the physical selling for multiples of paper. Similarly silver, with its own unique characteristics for industry and investment, is also targeted as a potential refuge for flight from paper, though strangely, above-ground gold is now more plentiful than silver. Add to this a silver short position rolling from one institution to another as each fails, a 4-year foot dragging investigation into market fraud, and a class action suit for manipulation and the market has a recipe for a pressure cooker at maximum. Western banks, lacking the gold to cover their obligations, will eventually declare a force majeure-an event supposedly the result of the elements of nature, as opposed to one caused by human behavior-as a pretext for settling their obligations in increasingly valueless paper. Where is the resistance to this distortion and corruption of value? Power is flowing East as China and Russia have drawn in massive amounts of gold while denying the inflow. The BRICS will unveil a gold backed trade note to supplant the dollar. Simultaneously, they will force the US debt back home in exchange for real assets, choking the Fed/Treasury on the mountain of paper, and grabbing the financial power. This momentous shift is already underway. What is to be done? Some radical solutions are examined

  • - Proceedings of the IHRAAM (the International Human Rights Association of American Minorities) Chicago Conference 2012

    While African Americans have achieved civil rights, it has not ended their collective oppression in America. This book is a premier guide to the next stage in the struggle, and key to understanding the special rights African Americans enjoy under international law.

  • - The Case Against the UN Security Council and Member States
    av Abdul Haq Al-Ani

    Imposing sanctions on Iraq was one of the most heinous of crimes committed in the 20th century. This book offers a comprehensive coverage of Iraq's politics, its building, its destruction through aggression and sanctions, and an analysis of the legality of these sanctions from the point of view of international and human rights laws.


    Addresses such key questions as: What role is the state playing in its own rollback and demise? How has the emergence of global production chains facilitated the emergence of a transnational capitalist class? Do states still serve the interests of the peoples they govern, or do they primarily serve the interests of global transnational capital?

  • av Mahdi Darius Nazamroaya

    The world is enveloped in a blanket of perpetual conflict. One organization - North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) - is repeatedly, and very controversially, involved in some form or another in many of these conflicts led by the US and its allies. NATO spawned from the Cold War. This title deals with NATO's globalization.

  • - Waging Financial War on Humanity
    av Stephen Lendman

    Offers straight talk on unaffordable health care, unrepayable student debt, bankrupt cities, money printing madness, trillion dollar tax havens, IMF financial terrorism, the austerity hoax, banksters' market-rigging thievery, and the domestic police, media and legislative repression set to keep all that in place.

  • - the Last Years of the LTTE De-Facto State
    av N. Malathy

    Isolated in their struggle and condemned by world opinion, the Liberation Tigers of Tamil Elam (LTTE) nonetheless proved capable of withstanding all external forces, drawing large numbers of Tamils to support its cause. This book provides an insider's look at the motivations, issues and complexities of this largely secret civil war.

  • - The US-China-Japan Stranglehold on the Global Future
    av Richard Westra

    Exposes the destructive systemic conditions that make it possible for the US and Wall Street to play a central role in international economic affairs when the US has the world's largest national debt, a gaping trade deficit, an ongoing capital account deficit, an exploding budget deficit, and personal savings hovering near zero.

  • av James F. Petras

  • - The Ideological Campaign Against Muslims
    av Stephen Sheehi

    Examines the rise of anti-Muslim and anti-Arab sentiments in the West following the end of the Cold War through GW Bush's War on Terror to the Age of Obama. This book investigates the increased mainstreaming of Muslim-bating rhetoric and explicitly racist legislation, police surveillance, witch-trials and discriminatory policies towards Muslims.

  • av Betty Clermont

  • - Alternative Media Interviews
    av Francis A. Boyle

    Francis A Boyle may be one of the few lawyers and scholars in the world who, over a long career, has enjoyed multiple interviews with most of the world's major media. This collection of media interviews compiles Francis Boyle's responses to questions concerning the most significant issues related to US government policy since September 11, 2001.

  • av Richard Westra

  • av Nils Andersson

  • av Paul Buchheit

  • av Y. N. Kly

  • av Eugene Harkins

  • av Dennis Walker

    The presence of Islam in America is as long-standing as the arrival of the first captive Muslims from Africa, making Islam one of America's formative religions. But the long-suppressed indigenous Islam didn't resurface in organized form until the 1930s, when it infused the politico-spiritual drive by the Noble Drew 'Ali and the Honorable Elijah Muhammad to address the appalling social conditions of the ghettoized black masses of the North. Elijah Muhammad's Nation of Islam would prove to be the most extensive, influential and durable of African-American self-generated organizations. Combining black cooperative entrepreneurship with indigenous Islam-tinged culture and spirituality, the NOI pursued a collectivist nationalist agenda which sought to advance the black masses' cause--within America or without it. At its collectivist height, the NOI achieved a $95 million empire of interlocking black Muslim small businesses and farms--providing a model for "bootstrap self-development" by the marginalized and dispossessed, worldwide. Bourgeois elements developed within, or engaged by, the NOI sought to weld a united African-American nation out of a range of classes. Outstanding second generation leaders--Warith Muhammad, Louis Farrakhan and Malcolm X--would further imbed Islam in Black America, and extend its relations into the international community. Their media offered an informed and critical outlook on both domestic and international affairs that often paralleled progressive analysts. What seems clear, after two monumental marches in 1995 and 2005 to the nation's capital, is that the NOI and African-American Muslims will have substantial input into the future direction of the African-American struggle. But it remains ambiguous whether the developing African-American nation will pursue its still-unfulfilled promise through secession, autonomy or long-term integration. To date, indigenous American Islam has been made a bogey by various white elites in order to regiment their own and other ethnic groups. "Dr. Walker has drawn a portrait of this movement that deserves the attention of scholars. I strongly recommend it to teachers and students studying or writing about Islam and the African American experience." -- Dr. Sulayman S. Nyang, Howard University "It is not very often books of substance on African Americans, Islam and the Nation of Islam are written to set the record straight, or to reveal the truth about an historical legacy in the making. However, Islam and the search for African American, and the Nation of Islam, by Dr. Dennis Walker is an exception to the rule... ...Dr. Walker's book sets the record straight for an Islamic, African American and an Arab historical connection, the influences and impacting maze of geographical history, as well as the search for African American nationhood in the 21st century. This well documented book offers several defining points of views coupled with the elements of societies' Black History, The Nation of Islam, race, class, and culture. Dr. Walker's book also strengthens and confirms the longstanding relevance of media knowledge and networks within the African American communities and its impact on domestic and international relations. Islam and the search for African American Nationhood is an extensive scholarly treasure trove of African, Arab and Islamic history. This timely study on Islam and the African American movement and its leaders is worthy reading, yet goes beyond the expansion of the African American experience and its search for Nationhood." -- Leila Diab in Muslim Journal

  • av Devon A. Mihesuah

  • - The Black Untouchables of India
    av Shetty V.T. Rajshekar

    After centuries of slavery, apartheid and ethnocide, the silence is broken. One hundred million Dalits in India, the twentieth century's largest, most repressed minority, cry out for the ear of the world. Who are the Dalits" What does it mean to be labeled as an "untouchable"? Is there a relationship between Brahmanism and India's caste system, the modern Nazi doctrine of Aryan supremacy, and the colonial, US and South African policies promoting white supremacy. Does this book have special meaning for Black America?

  • - True Political Philosophy of Malcolm X

  • - Can Civilization Survive the Co2 Crisis?
    av David Ray Griffin

    Can we act quickly and wisely enough to prevent climate change -- better called climate disruption -- from destroying human civilization? There is no greater issue facing humanity today. This single source provides everything people need to know in order to enter into serious discussions and make good decisions: -The latest scientific information about the probable effects of the various types of climate disruption that threaten the very continuation of civilization. -The reasons why the media and governments have failed miserably to rein in global warming, even though scientists have been warning them for decades. -The additional challenges to saving civilization -- religious, moral, and economic. -The amazing transformation of solar, wind, and other types of clean energy during the past few years, making the transition from a fossil-fuel to a clean energy economy possible; and the falsity of the various claims that fossil-fuel companies and their (hired) minions have made to belittle clean energy. This book combines (1) the most extensive treatment of the causes and phenomena of climate change in combination with (2) an extensive treatment of social obstacles and challenges (fossil-fuel funded denialism, media failure, political failure, and moral, religious, and economic challenges), (3) the most extensive treatment of the needed transition from fossil-fuel energy to clean energy, and (4) the most extensive treatment of mobilization. It provides the most complete treatment of the various kinds of clean energy, and how they could combine to provide 80% clean energy by 2035 and 100% before 2050 (both U.S. and worldwide).

  • - How the Us Drive for Hegemony Risks World War III

    "Twenty-two geopolitical analysts provide an alternative vision to the fraudulent Western narrative on events in Ukraine and alert the world to the danger of a much wider war." --P. [4] of cover.

  • av Francis A. Boyle

    During the past three decades, Francis Boyle has dealt with some of the most difficult problems created by Britain's continued military occupation of six northeast counties in Ireland: * Proving that the "Potato Famine" was really British genocide against the Irish; * Britain's obligation to decolonize Northern Ireland; * I.R.A. resistance and Joe Doherty; * the anti-Irish U.S.-U.K. Supplementary Extradition Treaty (1986) and U.S.-U.K. Extradition Treaty (2006); and * the MacBride Principles on Northern Ireland; the Great Grandson of Major John MacBride; etc. The book concludes with a legal and human rights framework for establishing a United Ireland where all Irish can live in peace with justice for all irrespective of their differences. This book is required reading for Irish Americans, people living in Ireland, and the Irish Diaspora around the world.

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