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  • av Jr Conway

    What an extraordinary action with a great story and a lot of attitudes to remember! I do love the Sheriff's character because, at the end of the day, he not only proves his responsibility to his town but also proves that he is a great father and a husband. Also, this book has a solid structure of characters that are set as the equalizer of thoughts and ideas throughout the story which equally divides their part for an authentic story. It has a fine direction from which it all started with the relevant points and gradually introduced me to the county of Wyoming and let me experience the struggles and life along it as migration started to peak. Riley NewmanFrom Goodreads Review As a huge reader of contemporary fiction, I can say that this lived up to the standards I have set for it. I am very picky about the books I read, and this one satisfied me in ways that I couldn't explain. Sheriff Craig Spence was a good character to follow. Looking at the world that the author created through his eyes is an enjoyable experience, especially seeing his growth as a character and as a person! I didn't have expectations set for this, and I dove into this book blind. Yet I'm so glad I did because it offered me a story that I will never forget, even in the future. Somehow, Sheriff Craig Spence's story has moved me in ways no other hero had, and I will give up anything just to read this book for the first time again.Olivia EthanFrom Goodreads ReviewWhat impact could bus migrants have on law enforcement activities in Wyoming? What will a county sheriff do when faced with mentally ill passengers and criminals from other locations all the meanwhile dealing with the tragedies in his own life? This book is a fast-paced journey of crime fighting, tragic life-changing experiences and mysteries yet to be explained.

  • av Jr Conway

    After the Ride by JR Conway tells us about the life story of a man called Kenneth Boutros. The horrible and sad circumstances of his life story had brought him into the street and jail. Then, when a devastating situation became unbearable, he was brought into a state mental institution in Northern Colorado. A flock of angels had illuminated the light of hope upon a gloomy life of Kenneth, when the mental institution had able to connect with Bruce Boutros of Farson, Wyoming. He was Kenneth's relative. Mr. Boutros agreed that when Kenneth was ready to be released, he was welcome to come and settled in his ranch. But the good life was unlikely to happen to Kenneth, when David Cooke, who was a nephew of Mr. Boutros, didn't want him to live in the ranch. Craig Spence, the longtime Sheriff of Sweetwater County, was so emphatic about the difficult situation of Kenneth. He helped finding a job for this poor guy. And so the angel had brought Carl Tuber, who was very active with the chamber of commerce, to Kenneth's life. The part of the story that I like most is when Kenneth could able to land on a good job in the hardware store of Carl tuber, and had been able to be reached out by the SWWRAP, that provided him a place to live, and a doctor who helped for his medication. It gave me satisfaction and peace of mind, when I was sure that one of the protagonist had able to untangle himself from the chain of adverse fate. I was also glad for the people who was so thoughtful and helpful to their fellowmen, like Craig Spence. The part of the story that I like least is when David Cooke refused to honor the agreement between the mental institution and old Boutros that Kenneth could live in the ranch. It made me worried about Kenneth's future. This book is best suited to readers who are fun of reading detective stories. They will find it awesome on how the officers conduct an investigation in order to catch people who had been breaching the law. I enjoyed reading this book. I like the way the story was started. It made me delighted to see a bus in a hurry during the last hour of the day. And most of all, it was nice to imagine people going home. They were like weary birds, which were tired of foraging food, going home to their nest. The book described the setting in a creative way and it gave a wonderful ambiance.

  • av Dennis Frank Ma¿ek

    A ROSE FROM CHARLIE AND MARIE is a literary thriller set in a Buddhistic framework with the major theme being love and courage prove us to be eternal. "Charlie and Marie make for compelling characters . . . . Though Buddhist philosophy appears in the pages, this is definitely a highly readable story. A ROSE often finds Charlie and Marie considering in what way to best live their 'Lives' . . . . They strive always to do good and not to spread harm, which leads them to perform delicate moral calculations in their spy jobs. The tension between their positive morality and their undercover activities forms an interesting basis for this unusual story." -Elizabeth A. Allen ForeWord Clarion Reviews (Four Stars)

  • av Larry B. Bachman

    Did you know that "Where Are You?" is the most significant question in the Bible? If God asked you that question, what would you say? You of course would say, "Here Am I". Also, he would be asking about our faith. I have to wonder truly, "Where Are We?" As Christians, where do we stand in our faith? When God asked Adam that question, God was also wondering where Adam was in his faith.

  • av Jeff A. Lopez

    If you love Oldies Music, Old cars, and good stories, you'll love Small Town Big City (When Times Stood Still) A screenplay script. The way it used to be in 63. The nostalgic look back in time will take those who experienced it on a memorable journey to the times of simple living, old-fashioned ways, cool cars, good music, and teenagers trying to become adults, living for the moment, and looking forward to tomorrow. Those who were born after 1963 can see and feel themselves in 1963. Back in the day, small-town people were usually outdated by the lifestyles of the big-city folks. Kind of behind in the times, but they wouldn't exchange it for the world to be a part of a close-knit community and the love and commodity, priceless.

  • av Ph. D. Colonel Vaughan Witten
    212 - 332,-

  • av Moulton A. Mayers

    Unravel life's baffling mystery by cracking the secret code of this world. The world is a strange illusion replete with riddles, puzzles, conundrums, and Trojan Horses.Use this book to crack earthly life's mysterious code.Crashing Streams of Change embodies a fresh stream of ideas and a novel understanding of how to see the world. It is unique and different from all other books that you have ever read and will ever read in your life. And when you are done, you will never be the same again-I guarantee it. The book is a flaming, dramatic panorama of spine-tingling scenes and nail-biting moments that inspire awe and a new and refreshingly delightful grasp of love and adventure.This dashingly entertaining presentation is a riveting collection of romantic moments; sassy, erotic exchanges; and piquant see-saws between Vannetta's newly found obsession with sex and her husband Simeon's ardent yearning to improve the lives of the poor. The book captures the many frustrating and confusing moments that life throws at all of us; and, in part pedagogic beauty; it presents penetrating insight into life's cryptic mystery and poignant answers to puzzling, age-old problems. In this regard, the book elucidates and explains life's seemingly unfathomable issues and shatters the secret and inscrutable code of human problems. Who needs to read this book-every man alive!

  • av Paul Simpson Hickman

    Paul S Hickman was born in Tullahassee, Oklahoma - a small rural African-American township. He attended a rural elementary school and graduated from the academic Manual. Training High School in Muskogee, Oklahoma. During his 26 years of military service, he concurrently completed four college degrees; a post-graduate degree from Vanderbilt University - a graduate degree from Claremont Graduate University - a graduate degree from Golden Gate, and a bachelor with La Verne University in the disciplines of Human Develop and Counseling - Executive Management-Public Administration and Economics. Because of his great skill in job performance, organizational and leadership qualities, he was selected to be the Project Officer for several high-profile military operations in the USA, Greece, and the UK. In addition, he chaired two Military "Black History Month" Celebrations with University of Oxford academic scholars in attendance in 1981 in the UK, and with US Embassy Staff in attendance in 1986 in Greece. During this period in the UK, he was an adjunct Lecturer of undergraduate courses of Economics, Management, and Business Administration Courses for Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University and the City Colleges of Chicago in the UK. After his retirement from the military, he returned to Kifisia Greece, and was hired by Southeastern College in Kifisia Greece as an Associate Professor with the duties as the Business Department Coordinator and a lecturer of Management courses at the undergraduate and graduate levels. Further, he was an Adjunct Lecturer as well as the supervisor for three MBA candidates who completed their thesis with the marks of 'Commendable' at the University of Laverne in Greece. Because of his commitment to bridging cultural gaps, he was inducted into the American-Hellenic Economic Progressive Association [AFIEPA] all in Greece where he was instrumental in arranging a social function for the 1984 American Olympic delegation to Greece with the Honorable Mayor Thomas Bradley-the Mayor of Los Angeles. After returning to the United States and employed with the State of Maryland as a Disabled Veteran Outplacement Professional for 2 years. While employed there his supervisor made the comment that he did not know what made him tick. With that, he penned and submitted a poem entitled "Spirit Eagle" to the North American Open Poetry contest. His poem was selected for publication by the National Library of Poetry. Then he informed his supervisor that this is who he really was - a poet! Golden Apple Press published his poem "Simple Things" as the Editor's Choice in their publication entitled "Little Poems-Big Thoughts. He was selected by the National Library of Poetry to submit any one of his poems for their collection of new poems in their "The Best Poets" entitled Best Poems publication. The International Society of Poets rendered him free membership in their society as well as an invitation to become a Distinguished Member of the Society.

  • av Robert M. Blazak
    184 - 263,-

  • av Sr. Larry Allen Mcnair

    In this book, you'll be able to read stories about my experiences and learn about military life. This book is for people who have retired, have served, are on active duty, and those who enjoy creative content.

  • av Greg W. Davis
    212 - 277,-

  • av Matthew McNeal
    155 - 277,-

  • av Andrew Grof

    In this novel, the narrator greets nay, welcomes readers into a world of the absurd, with boundaries of neither space nor time. Barely do we arrive at the Crusades' bloodbath when a zeppelin circles about Renaissance Florence's Arno, and before we can catch our breath, Cologne is reduced to rubble through Allied bombardment. Next we find ourselves in fin-de-siecle Vienna sharing an espresso with Freud. According to the narrator's father, appropriately unnamed and unnameable, historical time is a flow of events endlessly repeating themselves, where what is true one moment is false the next, what once beautiful now hideous. Everything is both earthly serious and airy as life itself. Put another way, true survival consists in this: trust nothing and no one, yet love everything and everyone. This the narrator's father achieves to perfection. He is the perpetual student unbound by place and time, who learned the art of love from Sappho, war from Napoleon ("call me Boni") and climbed the steep scaffold with a refreshing drink for the hard-working Michelangelo. In his many incarnations (learned from Merlin no doubt), father's ongoing struggle is on behalf of the downtrodden and against the obscenely powerful. The history of the world itself is too short to fully contain such an individual, just as it was too short to enfold Cervantes' great Don.

  • av Sidney P. Little
    227 - 291,-

  • av Perry Douglas Sisk

    I currently reside in Texas where I have established my home and lead a solitary life. I am a 28-year survivor of HIV which I contracted through a blood transfusion while serving in the military in 1983, following an oral surgery procedure. In my retirement, I have dedicated my time to fishing, engaging in home improvement projects, and pursuing my long-standing passion for writing songs and poems which I have honed over a period of 35 years.¿¿As an individual imbued with a strong sense of spirit, I believe that all of us possess an innate potential for compassion, albeit to varying degrees. Through my poetry, I seek to convey this inherent quality to those who may not be fully aware of it, but who need gentle reminders that they too are capable of empathy. I trust that my literary works will bring peace of mind and awareness to individuals navigating the stresses of our fast-paced, ephemeral existence, and provide solace by imbuing hope for a better tomorrow, informed by my personal experiences. Ultimately, my objective is to leave behind a brief legacy that inspires others to connect with their humanity and the compassion that resides within them.

  • av Jr. Michael Franklin Varro

    Frank Varro, author of 'Stories from the Boxcar,' is a retired Methodist pastor, prison and hospice chaplain, missionary, teacher, counselor, and musician. He is from a three-generation family of China missionaries. This 'Quilogy' (five-books-in-one) is the story of his paternal Hungarian-immigrant heritage, and his maternal-missionary heritage. It relates to his father's boyhood home-a boxcar on a siding in Regina, Saskatchewan-from which came his father's many stories and life's lessons, which is the theme of Dr. Varro's book, pictures of his own life, struggles, victories, and detours along the way. The journey takes us through his international childhood in Alaska, Canada, China, Hong Kong, Taiwan, and five states of the U.S. He graduated from Morrison Academy, a Taiwan missionary boarding school; he also graduated from Seattle Pacific University, where he met and married Margo Moore, his accompanist-now his wife of fifty-six years. The story goes on with their own radio and TV missionary work, and teachers at Taipei American School in Taiwan; it continues with the birth of their daughter in Taiwan, and an around-the-world trip through Asia and Europe; then back to Seattle at the University of Washington-earning a Masters of Music, and Doctor of Music Arts in Choral Conducting degrees. He taught elementary, middle school, high school, and college music in Taiwan, Seattle, Oregon, Ohio, and Texas. After fifteen years as teacher and college music professor, Dr. Varro held music positions in churches, and founded two community music ensembles. Following times of spiritual struggle and renewal, he graduated from Houston Graduate School of Theology with Masters of Divinity, Masters of Arts in Counseling, and Doctor of Ministry in Pastoral Counseling degrees. He trained and was Staff Counselor at Samaritan Counseling Center in Houston. He founded Varro Counseling, spending the next twenty-two years in pastoral counseling, free-lance music, prison, and retreat ministries, as an ordained minister, in first the Evangelical Presbyterian Church, then the United Methodist Church, and finally the Global Methodist Church. The last two books outline his spiritual struggle and renewal before ordination. He and Margo are parents of Shelley, born in Taiwan; Steve, born in Oregon; and Rob, born in Ohio; they have five grandchildren, and one great-granddaughter. He and Margo have lived in Houston, Texas, for thirty-nine years.

  • av Ron Bracale

    Keys of Peace is a philosophical and poetic communication of ways to attain inner peace, which is the key to bringing richness to all one's relationships. Inner peace allows one to explore their life and find their own unique pathway which brings them fulfilment. Keys of Peace offers an invitation to explore and discover one's true nature. It is through individual, transformative growth that the whole of humanity will achieve peace on Earth and the cooperative unity of compassionate love.

  • av Beatrice Perry Soublet

    The Music That Makes Me Dance is a collection of poems that will encourage readers to listen to their inner music, the music of the heart. On some days, that personal song might be a lilting melody that encourages a slow somber dance. On others perhaps you hear a dirge during which standing and moaning is an appropriate response. The poem, "African Dancing," inspired by the poet's lived experience, will find in you a memory that will make you twirl and spin like a child's old-fashioned spinning top. Whatever you hear or feel, standing still while your heart accompanies you in song will not be an option. The Music That Makes Me Dance will leave you moved and moving.

  • av Jacquelyn A. Harmon

    Federal Agent Sarah Anthony, seeking a much needed break from her duties in Washington, D.C., heads to the mountains of Virginia. Saved from an avalanche by former Navy SEAL turned wildlife photographer, Connor McBride, the two find themselves involved in a web of corruption, betrayal, and murder. In their fight for survival, as they try to keep ahead of Mob Boss Dominic DeLuca, Sarah's boss and Connor's best friend are called to come to their aid in this thrilling tale of adventure and intrigue that will keep you on the edge of your seat.

  • av Barbara Ann Clay - Marshall

    Ann's interests have always been music and art. But when her cat, Chibi, drowned in the pool, Ann had to write this book. Chibi could not get out because he had no claws.If a cat has no kind human being to give him food, he needs his claws to help him find his own. If attacked, he cannot climb a tree or protect himself without his claws. Declawing a cat is a painful procedure and continues to hurt long after the surgery.Ann hopes that children reading about Chibi will understand how important it is for cats to keep their claws. In New York, it is against the law to declaw a cat. Maybe that will become the law for all of the United States.

  • av John Segun Odeyemi

    John Segun Odeyemi is an accomplished theologian, author, and ordained Catholic priest from the diocese of Ilorin, Nigeria. He received his doctorate in systematic theology from Duquesne University in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, where he is still closely associated with the department of theology.Odeyemi is the author of five books, each exploring theological themes with depth and insight. Some of his works include, "Friendship, Dating, Courtship, and Engagement: A Handbook for Young Catholics" (Iperu-Remo: Ambassador Publishers, 2015) "The Mass: Through Him, and with Him and in Him" (Ibadan: Ebony Books and Kreations, 2018) "Pentecostalism and Catholic Ecumenism in Developing Nations: West Africa as a Case Study for a Global Phenomenon. (Eugene, Oregon: Wipf & Stock 2019) He has also published several journal articles and participated in several international theological conferences, publishing regularly as a political commentator in the leading news outlets in his native country. Currently, Odeyemi is a fellow at the Institute for Black Catholic Studies (IBCS) and lectures in the Department of theology, both at Xavier University of Louisiana, New Orleans, USA. He carries out pastoral duties at Corpus Christi-Epiphany Church where he is a resident priest. With his unique blend of pastoral experience, scholarly rigor, and commitment to social justice, John Segun Odeyemi is a powerful voice in contemporary theology, inspiring readers to deepen their understanding of faith and its role in shaping the world around us.

  • av Franklin D. Todd

    WHAT WOULD YOU DO IF YOU WERE MADE A GOD FOR A DAY, is a book that depicts the essence and power of God's love by blending fictional characters into Biblical truth. It points out what the fundamental role of the church in modem society should be. In other words, instead of condemning others by being judgmental in our self-righteousness, we can just demonstrate the love of God from our hearts, and do the most good to our fellow human beings. This book unequivocally reveals the common errors in today's church and how "the body of Christ" (the Church) has traded its basic responsibility for materialism, money, and fame; thus, leaving the members languishing in the sea of doubt, bemusement, manipulation, lies, insecurity, and deception. As a result, the faithful are gradually turning away from the truth to find solace outside of the church, seeking answers in man's philosophies and other religions.WHAT WOULD YOU DO IF YOU WERE MADE A GOD FOR A DAY, brings us back to the basics and teaches the true meaning of the Christian faith as it relates to the teachings of our Lord Jesus Christ (Yehoshua), especially as it is written in Matthew 25: 31-46 respectively.

  • av Magdalena Edmonson

    Prayer. It is the most important method of opening up a channel between God and ourselves. Prayer is our only hope if we seek to develop and evolve a closer, personal relationship with the God of all creation. Moreover, without it, we can't have high expectations for being able to "hear" God when He speaks to us. Or as much gratitude for experiencing His unlimited grace. God speaks to all of His children. The problem is that most of us don't know how or what to listen for. In author Magdalena Edmonson's Grace and Gratitude: Developing Personal Prayer, readers will find a creative and practical guide to develop and empower a new personal prayer life, with encouragement to regularly practice prayer. First started in the author's personal prayer journals, this book has grown into a God-given gift for all readers who wish to have a stronger prayer bond with God, and who long to hear His voice, but feel frustrated or concerned that there is something wrong with their prayers when they can't hear God's reply.Edmonson experienced her own difficulties in this, as she strived and struggled to listen to God's voice in all her prayers. She intuitively realized that she could "hear" God's responses to her journal writing, and through her thoughts whenever she had thoughts both "good and unusual" cross her mind. Sharing her process in these pages, the author hopes this book will serve you in your prayers as well, and help you discover the God who always loves, provides, and wishes to meet the deepest desires of our hearts.

  • av Nuran Nabi

    Bullets of '71: A Freedom Fighter's Story details Dr. Nuran Nabi's experience growing up in rural Bangladesh and living through the tumultuous episodes of the Bangladesh liberation movement and the liberation war. This is the true story of how a frail young man developed into a politically conscious student activist before transforming into a heroic freedom fighter in the Bangladesh Liberation War. Throughout Dr. Nabi's narrative, the untold stories of the Bangladesh Liberation War unfold. The sacrifices and heroic actions captured through Dr. Nabi's words define more than his accomplishments, they define his entire generation. The Bangladesh Liberation War was a people's war. Men and women, young and old, students, farmers, bureaucrats, laborers, political activists, and defected Bengali soldiers of the Pakistani military, all joined the liberation war. Bullets of '71 is their story. The Bangladesh liberation war was bloody. Three million people were killed, thousands of women were raped, and ten million people were forced to become refugees. However, this story transcends the events of the war. It explores the political backdrop amongst China, the United States, the Soviet Union, and India. Dr. Nabi effectively illustrates how the selfish decisions of a few world leaders led to millions of crimes perpetrated against humanity. But among all the pages in this book, none are more candid and horrific than those that cover the atrocities committed by the Pakistani military. Although the Bangladesh genocide unfolded during the nine months of the liberation war, Dr. Nabi thoughtfully separates these stories to remind us of why he and his fellow freedom fighters fought. Bullets of '71: A Freedom Fighter's Story is the most authentic account of the events that transpired in 1971 Bangladesh. It is a captivating story that captures the elements of the universal struggle for freedom.

  • av Ph. D. Julia Frazier White
    169 - 241,-

  • av Burrell Speights

    "Two Neighborhoods In Harlem " is a memoir. But because of its historical content, it feels like more than a memoir only telling my story. I chose this title because Harlem is where I am from and for marketing purposes too. Given Harlem's high name recognition and given that this is my first book, I wanted my book's title to do what my name could not. For being the special place that it is, so little has been written or published about Harlem, and I would like to play a part in filling that void. Though known for its lush history, Harlem's perception has not always been positive, overshadowing many of the good things that Harlem represents.Until I was 8 years old my family and I lived in a section of Harlem known as Hamilton Heights, and from 8 to 20 years old, we lived in another subsection of Harlem that is known as Morningside Heights. Before moving to Morningside Heights, I had no idea that something so major was in the works, and the sudden realization that Hamilton Heights was a thing of the past for me shook me to my core. Sadness does not even begin to describe how I felt about being torn away from my beautiful neighborhood and friends. I thought Hamilton Heights would be where I would always live. But as it turned out, the move was a blessing in disguise. Though it was impossible for me to know it at that time, the move changed the direction of my life and opened the world up to me in a way that I can only describe as remarkable; and the 30 chapters that follow my opening paragraph explore the many ways that these blessings were bestowed upon my family and me.The story provides a unique look at New York City, Harlem, and my two neighborhoods. So if you are at all curious about New York City or Harlem, I made every effort to satisfy your curiosity. And if you like your reading seasoned with culture, history, laughs, sports, suspense, interesting people and places, music, or travel, my story has all of that and more. Wherever you are from, I am almost certain that there is something in it for you, and I would not be surprised if you find some of your own life experiences in my story. Though "Two Neighborhoods in Harlem" is a positive, funny, adventuresome, inspiring, and upbeat story about growing up and living in Harlem and New York City, by the time you turn the last page you will have spent time with me on my adventures in Berkeley, Oakland, Los Angeles, Venice Beach, Santa Monica, Napa and Sonoma, California; the San Francisco Bay Area; Havana, Cuba; Santa Ana, Mexico; the Bronx, and Brooklyn New York; New Jersey; Tijuana and Nogales, Mexico; Hampton, Virginia; South Carolina; Miami; Nogales, Arizona; and Tucson, Arizona. Not only that, but you will have read about the interesting people whom I have had the pleasure of meeting and knowing. Then too, you will have read about how a kid like me from Harlem (with all of my many early-academic challenges) was able to spend time in so many far-away places by this one single move from Hamilton Heights to Morningside Heights.Thank you,Burrell

  • av Sharon Forde-Atikossie

    Missionary Onboard! gives you a snapshot preview of Christian missions and the types of Christian missions, including the benefits of Christian missions, an in-depth explanation of who is a missionary, types of missionaries, roles, and duties on the various types of missions, Christian versus Christianity, who is a Christian, what is Christianity, and what is a mission.The book has a handbook of instruction for Christian missionaries, which includes the expectations of the Christian missionary, spoken language, body language, appearance, dress code, hygiene, footwear, accessories, hair and makeup, scheduling, safety, entertainment, music, television, radio, movies, videos, DVDs, internet, electronics, and computer equipment, camera, reading materials, group activities. It also includes instruction on the law of chastity, relationships among missionaries, mission leaders, the opposite sex, counseling, children, additional community service, local laws and customs, finances, offerings, housing, physical and temporal well-being, transportation, health, security, missionary assignment, responsibilities while on a mission trip, selling of goods, making promises, and the host country perception.The book gives an example of how to establish an outreach mission ministry and the author's personal notes, including her experiences, missionary journeys, and those who influenced her life in becoming a missionary for the Lord.

  • av Michael P. Senadenos

    "I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me."Philippians 4:13, NKJVArmed with unshakeable faith and a powerful conviction, Indiana Jamison Thompson embarks on a remarkable journey that transcends the boundaries of his once-promising NFL career. Through the twists and turns of life, he discovers a new path as he embraces family, embraces the Naval Academy, and follows the courageous footsteps of his father into the noble ranks of the U.S. Marines. With every step, Indy's unwavering dedication to his beliefs fuels his relentless pursuit of greatness, forging unbreakable bonds with his brothers-in-arms. But when destiny lands him in a distant and treacherous land, an encounter with a young girl sets in motion a chain of harrowing events that not only endanger Indy and his fellow marines but also threaten the very existence of an entire village. In the face of unimaginable dangers, Indy's unyielding spirit and his unshakable trust in a higher power will be tested like never before. Will his unwavering commitment to his beliefs be enough to overcome the perils that lie ahead and safeguard the lives of those he holds dear? Discover the extraordinary journey of faith, courage, and sacrifice that awaits in this gripping tale of hope, redemption, and the power to overcome any obstacle. Prepare to be captivated as Indy's story unfolds, leaving you inspired, breathless, and believing that truly, with the strength bestowed upon him, he can conquer all challenges in the name of love, honor, and faith.

  • av Michael P. Senadenos

    "I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me."Philippians 4:13, NKJVIn a tale woven with love, faith, and resilience, Papa's world is forever altered when Travis, a charismatic yet mysterious man, enters their lives. The birth of his daughter, Morgan, had brought immense joy and hope, with dreams of a promising future. However, Travis brings a storm of change, unraveling their once peaceful existence. With dangerous secrets lurking beneath his charm, Travis disrupts the lives of both Morgan and Papa, leading them down a path of despair and tragedy. Yet, amidst the darkness, a ray of light emerges in the form of Destiny, their grandchild. As Destiny becomes their beacon of hope, Papa and his wife embrace the newfound purpose of raising her, gradually restoring joy to their lives. But just as they begin to heal, Travis reappears, unleashing a whirlwind of drama and chaos that tests not only Papa's faith but also the faith of Destiny herself. Brace yourself for a captivating journey of triumph over adversity as Papa's unyielding faith and the strength of family unite to overcome the challenges that threaten to shatter their lives once more.

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