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  • av Zacharias Tanee Fomum

    Nul doute que tu ne seras plus tout ä fait le me¿me apre¿s la lecture de ce livre.Il y a un grand besoin ä pouvoir, apre¿s un e¿chec, reprendre courage en s'appuyant sur l'Eternel, de manie¿re ä oublier le sombre passe¿ et revivre la ple¿nitude. Z.T. Fomum pre¿sente dans ce livre, unique en son genre, le Dieu qui est toujours pre¿t ä ramener ses enfants dans l'assurance en leur faisant oublier leur e¿chec.Et me¿me le grand consolateur, le Saint Esprit, peut faire entendre sa voix au croyantde¿c¿u,de¿courage¿ etfatigue¿;cette voix qui retentit au dedans de lui et qui dit: ''Oublie ton e¿chec ! Je suis lä pour commencer un jour nouveau avec toi !''Le message contenu dans cet ouvrage de¿livre de la re¿signation et de la le¿thargie spirituelle.C'est un message de re¿veil et de restauration indispensable ä tout croyant ne¿ de nouveau, et re¿solument engage¿ dans ce chemin e¿troit et pe¿rilleux qu'est la vie e¿ternelle en Je¿sus Christ.Aucun e¿chec n'a besoin d'e¿tre final.

  • av Zacharias Tanee Fomum

    Normally, such a book written for believers would be absolutely unnecessary, for the Bible clearly says, "No one born of God commits sin; for God's nature abides in him, and he cannot sin because he is born of God" (1 John 3:9).However, we know that a member of the church in Corinth did commit adultery and was disciplined. We also know that David fell into this same sin. The many warnings of the Apostle Paul to believers against adultery and fornication would leave the reader of the Epistles in no doubt that he wrote as one who knew that a converted person could fall into the sin of adultery and fornication.It is common knowledge that in our generation, some of God's servants who, without doubt, have truly believed in the Lord Jesus, have fallen into adultery and fornication. So, a believer can be tempted, yield to temptation and commit adultery or fornication. If you want to be honest, you will acknowledge that you have come close to falling, or have actually fallen, in either thought, word or deed. There are many who can say, "Thanks be to God, I have never committed adultery in act since I believed in the Lord Jesus." We thank the Lord for all such. That is only to be expected. However, the Lord Jesus is looking for those of whom He can say, "This one has never committed adultery in thought since he believed." I do hope He can say that of you.Our prayer is that in the course of reading this book, you should know the deliverance of the Lord from the sin of adultery and fornication in thought, word and deed. The Lord Jesus, the Deliverer, is near to deliver you and to enable you to walk in that deliverance for the rest of your life until He comes.

  • av Zacharias Tanee Fomum

    In life, most people grasp the concept of sin and understand that they should avoid it, at least within the confines of their society. However, one aspect of sin that often goes overlooked is gluttony, the unrestrained indulgence in food.But what exactly is gluttony?What forms does it take?Are all overweight individuals guilty of gluttony, while the underweight are exempt?And what wisdom does the Bible offer on this sensitive topic that transcends races, cultures, and genders?Deliverance from the Sin of Gluttony by Professor Z.T. Fomum provides a biblical perspective on gluttony, defining it, exploring its potential causes, and offering a path to recognize, repent of, and conquer this insidious sin. It also guides us on how to cooperate with the Holy Spirit for complete deliverance, allowing us to establish a healthy relationship with God and His gracious gift of food.This book is essential reading for everyone, whether you're a parent, pastor, youth leader, counselor, or even if you believe your eating habits are not a concern. Within its pages, you'll find answers drawn from biblical examples that address your questions and concerns.

  • av Zacharias Tanee Fomum

    Nowadays, many marriages are failing, and even some marriages of true believers are broken or in disarray.The reason is that many wives have missed the divine model for a successful marriage.What is a successful marriage?What's the role of the wife in ensuring a successful marriage?Indeed, the wife is called to be a suitable helper for her husband. She is called to assist him in fulfilling God's call in his life.In this book, we study the requirements for becoming and remaining a suitable helper. When a wife becomes and continues to be a suitable helper for her husband, she brings her full contribution to make their marriage a success.We publish this book, praying that it will be used by the Holy Spirit to transform some broken or breaking marriages into successful marriages; and that it will transform all happy marriages into successful marriages for the glory of the Lord and the advancement of the Gospel.

  • av Zacharias Tanee Fomum

    Are you tired of feeling unmotivated and lacking productivity?Do you struggle with the grip of laziness and want to unleash your full potential for the kingdom of God?In this book, Professor Z.T. Fomum delves into the causes, manifestations, and consequences of laziness. With practical insights and biblical wisdom, he provides a roadmap to overcome this hindrance and tap into the power and purpose God has for your life. Say goodbye to sluggishness and hello to a life of purpose and impact.Transform yourself into a driven, productive, and effective servant of God.Get your copy today.

  • av Zacharias Tanee Fomum

    Discover the transformative power of prayer with Pray or Perish by Zacharias Tanee Fomum.Through practical insights and personal anecdotes, the author, an authority on prayer and an exemplary prayer warrior, presents the importance of prayer in fulfilling God's purpose for our lives and in our generation. Fomum covers various aspects of prayer, including its relationship to spiritual leadership, holiness, and the call of God.The book is not merely theoretical but is the result of a life wholly given to prayer. Professor Fomum's passion for prayer is evident in every chapter, and his deep understanding of its power comes through in his writing. Through practical insights, he shows us how to develop a meaningful and effective prayer life.As you read this book, you will be inspired to pray fervently and wholeheartedly, knowing that your life and ministry depend on it.Pray or Perish is a must-read for anyone seeking to develop a powerful and effective prayer life.

  • av Zacharias Tanee Fomum

    It is, finally, all about the work of transforming a sinner into a repentant sinner, a repentant sinner into a convert, a convert into a young disciple, leading the young disciple to maturity and, finally, making him a disciple-maker.This critically important book is presented by the author as ''An attempt to provide the needful for the Lord's call to make disciples who will make disciples, who will themselves make disciples and...''It is a statement of the revelations, doctrines, methods and principles of discipleship aimed at helping anyone to experience discipleship and thereby lead others to grow in a way to become active workers in making others disciples.It is a book to read and recommend to any servant of God cognizant of the glorious mission that the Lord Jesus Christ has entrusted to His church: "Therefore, go and make disciples of all nations..."This book is highly recommended to the body of Christ.

  • av Zacharias Tanee Fomum

    Many want to serve the Lord in the gospel but are ignorant of the standards of God for those who would qualify as labourers in the gospel.The author shows from the scriptures who is qualified, the characteristics of the qualified and examples of those who qualified to serve the Lord.In this book, you will discover the qualifications which revolutionize the disciple's service to God in the gospel and also the flaws he must avoid in order to be a qualified workman who serves God and man in this generation.We send this book out with the prayer that the Lord would be pleased to use it to grant His children a better understanding of His service and instruct them on how to qualify to serve Him in the gospel enterprise.May God bless you richly as you read.

  • av Zacharias Tanee Fomum

    Este livro não foi escrito para fornecer conhecimento teórico do ponto de vista de Deus sobre o assunto. Trata-se de trazer o crente para a experiência espiritual da vida santificada.É um estudo aprofundado dos capítulos 6 e 7 da epístola aos Romanos. O cristão é salvo da consequência do pecado e libertado do poder do pecado. Portanto, ele pode experimentar diariamente a libertação do pecado e o poder do pecado.Este livro responde a duas perguntas fundamentais e, por extensão, a todas as relacionadas com elas:Como nos tornamos pecadores?Como podemos sair da natureza de Adão?Como podemos nos tornar um escravo da retidão?Como podemos vivenciar o caminhar pelo Espírito?É também neste livro que você pode descobrir o significado espiritual da libertação da lei.É um guia verdadeiro e prático na santificação. Que o Senhor o abençoe em sua leitura.

  • av Zacharias Tanee Fomum

    Dr. Fomum has written many books to date. From his personal journey with the Lord, he speaks as one who daily experiences what he writes.Concerning fasting, he says: "At the height of a long fast ... between the twenty-fifth and the fortieth day, the things of this world become absolutely meaningless ... my looks, qualifications, job, money, clothes, property, the presence of human beings ... accomplishments ... On the other hand, God was near and thoughts of heaven possessed me. I was anxious to walk in perfect holiness."Many have written concerning fasting. Few have experienced extended fasts several times per year of from forty-eight hours per week and from twenty-one to forty days' duration with such results as Dr. Fomum and believers in some of the Churches in Cameroon. "Each fasts according to his strength," each fasts drinking water only.The reader of The Ministry of Fasting is caught up in the reality of fasting unto the Lord on behalf of men leading tragic lives and nations facing tragic consequences of their sins or against the forces of evil in the world. As light is shed on the biblical teachings of The Ministry of Fasting, one is challenged with the evidence of the need to make an acceptable fast unto the Lord.Along with Bible characters, the Church fathers from Savanarola, Martin Luther, Knox, Wesley, Jonathan Edwards, and modern Church leaders, both living and dead, are cited as exemplary among those who valued fasting unto victory in Christ.Dr. Fomum explores the aspects of fasting, interference of spirits, and the different reasons to fast: for deliverance, ministering unto the Lord, and mourning... He helps one with preparations for fasting, how to intercede while fasting, how to break a fast, what to do after a fast, and how to maintain the results of a fast.The book is written, as the others of his books, in a teachable, expanded outline format. The earnest intercessor and serious spiritual warrior will want to read this book.DR. LESTER SUMRALL

  • av Zacharias Tanee Fomum

    Discipleship at Any Cost is the very first book written by Professor Fomum when he started out as a Christian Author in 1976. This book, therefore, reflects the original thought of the author.As clearly outlined in the book, Professor Fomum's basic message has not changed. From the start, it was the power of a man's all. Today it is still the power of a man's all.The different topics covered in this book are:the price to pay to be a disciple,the foundations of the disciple's life,the purpose of the disciple's life,the disciple's sufferings, andthe disciple's reward.Read this book and you will be challenged and encouraged to follow the Lord whole heartedly.

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