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Bøker utgitt av Christian Faith

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  • av Shirome Campbell
    196 - 333,-

  • av Paulette V. Davidson
    183 - 293,-

  • av Mary Griffin

    Most leaders do not want to move behind or come after. But seeing the effects that following has on effective leadership, it puts you in the willingness to want to follow. Sometimes leaders do not start out on a leadership journey expecting to follow behind. There is that assumption to always be up front. But God is saying in this book, "When you fall behind and see things from behind, you will see the effects of your leadership." Waiting first on God will help you not make hasty, destructive decisions. Hearing the conclusion of the matter and getting a full understanding can help you avoid many errors in your leadership role. This is not to say you will not make mistakes, stumble, and learn many things. But when you follow God and obey his instructions, if you err, you soon correct the problem and move on with the tenacity to keep going. Your strength and hope do not come from you but from God, and there is no failure in God. When a leader ceases to follow, it opens an area in their leadership role that blocks their view of seeing their errors, which need to be corrected.One of the definitions of follow is "to come after in time and order." This will allow you to move in the right timing. Our timing is not God's timing; therefore, we should follow his timing. Let him go first, and we follow. The picture on the cover of this book says, "Lead to Follow". Leaders need to follow the shepherd (Christ our Lord), others will follow us to an expected end, not destruction. Paul pins it best in 1 Corinthians 11:1. Be ye followers of me, even as I also am of Christ. May God keep and bless you!

  • av Lydia Harris

    Proud King Perry tells the story of an unusual bird who, because of something he possessed, developed a haughty look and a prideful spirit. He ultimately learns that with pride comes serious consequences.In a vast blue ocean, a hidden island stands. There, the peagrows live a lively life among the lush green landscape. These striking birds, with their little round purple bodies and massive orange beaks, prize above all else the one tall hair growing on the top of their head. Year after year, hatching season came and left, but one year, something suddenly happened, something quite out of the ordinary.Cracking out of an egg came a chick unlike any other from Peagrow Island. As this chick grows and realizes the special attention he is receiving, pride creeps in, making him nothing more than ruthless and demanding. Striking fear in the flock, the question now stands, what can be done?

  • av Jamie Magoon
    209 - 358,-

  • av Michelle N Keyser
    209 - 358,-

  • av Jane Gorbury

    You don't have to look very hard to see how different people are, especially those with disabilities or birth defects. It's much harder however to see how we are the same. This is a book on how to look past the outside appearance to find the person's true beauty within.Different but Not is the story of a village full of people who are beautiful on the outside, but sadly their insides were ugly. They needed to learn that true beauty comes from within. A young boy who is different comes into their village and changes what it means to be beautiful.

  • av Candy Walcott
    209 - 371,-

  • av Kay W. Ross

    Salvation is just the first step to becoming a true member of His kingdom. If you want to be able to reap all of the Lord's great benefits and be used by Him in the kingdom of God, you must seek to grow in the love of the Lord every day. As a new believer, you must honor God in everything you do and become a living epistle of Christ. You must put your old self down completely and be willing to do anything for our Lord. God desires for us to lead a life of purpose, victory, and abundance. Inside this book is a twenty-one-day journey to help you to get started in renewing your mind toward change and spiritual development. The salvation that Jesus Christ preached must be understood in the context of the kingdom of God.

  • av Marie Milo

    Hopes for the Griot Hamlet covers the lives and families of two eighteenth-century women from different parts of the world. They wind up living and working on a plantation in Virginia, where their lives intertwine during the period of slavery. Pages of the saga cover the greed, lust, ambition, jealousy, and even murder of some of its characters. Hopes for the Griot Hamlet demonstrates how God has worked in the lives of people throughout the ages.

  • av Tonya "Tone" Eisenbise

    This book is about the wonderful ways God provided His ministry to people in situations with cancer, depression, was dead on arrival, drowned, and many more. They walked through their days dealing with these issues never realizing how God was watching over them when God turned their situations around!May you, too, find comfort from God in any trials you maybe facing. God gives a promise to those who want to walk and talk with Him. He says "I will never leave you or forsake you". That's God's Ministry.

  • av Ginny Breecher
    196 - 333,-

  • av J. S. Osborne
    222 - 371,-

  • av Cecilia Tritch

    Dreams of snow when children play happily, unconcerned with worldly events. Playing, enjoying the best of times during a snow day. Normal activities stop, and time stands still for just a little while, creating memories that last a lifetime. You can feel the warmth of family and love from above.

  • av Larry Beauchamp
    255 - 409,-

  • av Pastor Andreas Fischer

    In today's modern society of high tech and 24-7 new cycles, a massive amount of information is broadcast and published every day that deeply influences our perspective on what is happening, on what is "real and true" in the world at any given moment. We have become consumers of screen time and information, and more and more people are glued to their electronic devices. How do we know then that the information we receive and consume every day is true? Based on all that information we consume, are we really free to make independent decisions?"What perspective do we live? Do we live the perspective that is given to us through the screens?" writes the author. It seems that we face massive changes in all aspects of our daily lives, so people everywhere are looking for real answers and real solutions.Discover the reasons for the changes in our world today, and find out how you can be successful, no matter what, by applying time-proven but at times forgotten biblical principles presented in this book that will help you navigate these uncertain times and prepare you to reach your full potential.Author and missionary Pastor Andreas Fischer, born in Germany in 1967, immigrated to the US in 1991 to live the American dream. There, God called him to full-time ministry, and together with his wife, Kathy, he moved to Panama City, Panama. With the support of his home church from Florida, he started a successful ministry twenty-one years ago with a church and a nonprofit foundation to work in Panama City's inner city and high-risk districts.

  • av Norma Fleagane
    183 - 280,-

  • av Brooke Rhoades

    According to the World Health Organization, almost seven hundred thousand people attempt suicide every year. Of every one thousand suicide attempts, approximately seventy-two ultimately die of suicide. It is the tenth leading reason of death in the United States and sometimes even higher in other countries. Death by suicide also has no one particular type of victim; it affects everyone from the seemingly happy and successful movie stars, rockstars, country music singers, beauty queens, celebrity children, reality TV actors, promising college athletes, to the veterans returning home from the horrors of war. Unfortunately, the problem is only getting much, much worse.Medical experts believe that deaths by suicide could be dramatically reduced if the new generation truly understood and embraced the importance of life. My thoughts and experience on the matter go way deeper than just that, which is why I have chosen to share my story. I am a suicide survivor. It is an absolute miracle that I am alive. I survived a gunshot wound to the head. This experience helped me to truly understand what it actually takes for a person to willingly choose to permanently end their life, like the things that drove me to do the unthinkable, and also what happens to their loved ones left behind--the pain, the guilt, the sorrow, the suffering, the inability to move forward, the very same emotions that I saw in my own family immediately following my near-death suicide attempt, even though I had miraculously survived.My story gives readers a rare glimpse "inside the mind of suicide." My hope is to prevent suicide from happening because the pain does eventually go away, and "bad things happening to good people" is only a temporary condition in a long, happy, prosperous, and meaningful life. I also hope to help all the devastated suicide loss survivors understand why their loved one ultimately chose death over life so that they may eventually heal and feel peace again in time. I survived to inspire others to live and thrive. This is my own personal journey "inside the mind of suicide."

  • av Joseph Morrison

    You can be a born-again Christian on your way to heaven, but if you don't learn who Jesus is, you are not getting the best out of your investment before you get to heaven.This book is not written from my education. This book is written from my revelation.Psalm 9:10 tells us, "And they that know thy name will put their trust in thee: for thou, Lord, hast not forsaken them that seek thee."When you transform your mind by the word of God (Romans 12:1-2), you will learn who He is. When you learn who God is, you will understand why He came. When you learn the price that Jesus paid for your salvation, you will have a desire to live a life that is pleasing to Him. There is a promise that comes with pleasing the Lord. Proverbs 16:7 tells us, "When a man's ways please the Lord, he maketh even his enemies to be at peace with him."You may not be fully surrendered to His control; however, if you want to live a life that God desires for you to live, He will change you. You can live a life that is pleasing to God and live in victory all the days of your life. Then you, too, will be able to say who Jesus really is!

  • av Mahlon Treaster

    At West Colesville Baptist Church, I taught the adult class of men and women for over forty years. I hope what I have written encourages Christians to live a godly life.

  • av Tori K. Downs

    A realm trapped in time unknowingly pressed beneath the dark grip of evil.Having always been haunted with nightmares of being kidnapped by the armies of Hollowed, Valkyrie struggles to cling to the quiet life she has led so far. However, after she and her twin brother are forced into a dangerous experiment by their father, Valkyrie knows her life will be nothing compared to what it once was.As lies about the silent kidnappings are suddenly exposed, and her family disappears, Valkyrie is risking the exposure of her two-faced existence. Finding herself mixed between enemy territory and allies, Valkyrie struggles to find the reason for living. Searching for hope in the dark underground city of Smuir, she is given the opportunity to make friends and learn what it really means to be loved.In a different section of time, after the queen and her son disappear, it's Crowley's job to keep the paranoid king stable. But after the young adviser's trust is played with, he loses his mind to a dark force. Feeling betrayed and angry, Crowley is offered a much better choice of living. Leaving the fortified city of Smuir, he finds he has walked straight into the gates of Inferno.

  • av Ray Deaton

    Everyone is seeking peace. It cannot be achieved with drugs, alcohol, or what is promised on television or by politicians. It can be achieved in the here and now because Jesus promised, "Peace I give you" and "peace that goes beyond understanding." Peace of this world is full of heartaches, pain, and turmoil, but you have a choice. You can choose the true peace that Jesus can give, or the peace the world offers. The result of the latter is the wrath of God.

  • av Michael Alan Brown

    We cry for help! The coronavirus dark cloud of death is here. When will the pandemic be gone? We need heaven's help. The old church is dying. Christianity 2.0 is here. It teaches how to build a new church for all.God's love is always near us, to inspire and to save us. God speaks to us in the Bible, the Word of God, and the teachings for the new church. These teachings include the rational spiritual works of Secrets of Heaven and the widely read teaching of Heaven and Hell. These are two of the eighteen spiritual works recorded by Emanuel Swedenborg, who called himself the "servant of the Lord."The time has come to go to move forward. Sacred Scripture tells us a modern exodus will be bringing us together in spirit. Let us gather as one. The time has come.

  • av Thomas L. Larry

    Misunderstandings of biblical creation texts have resulted from a lack of appreciation of the cultural context of the inspired writers. Views of nature have changed greatly over history. At the time of ancient Israel, people gazed up to the star-studded firmament that separated the "waters above" from the "waters below" and the land. Land was bounded by sea which merged with the "waters above" at the horizon.The universe was close and intimate. Pagan peoples believed gods occupied this realm and accounted for much of observed cause and effect. Biblical writers also viewed nature in this context. However, they were distinctly monotheistic writing of a supreme God who made and gave meaning to everything.God chose a covenant relationship with a select people. This relationship was based on belief in God (faith). Fast-forward through many twists and turns of intellectual history, and we come to the modern scientific age. We picture our home as a spherical planet rotating once a day and orbiting the sun yearly. We gaze out at a vast space seeing distant suns (the stars) and enormous collections of stars (galaxies). Light travels at a known speed; thus, astronomers peer back to times billions of years in the past. We need to avoid concordism, conflating modern views with the biblical text. The concordism error has occurred throughout church history up to the present.The book addresses this as well as some discoveries of modern science that were unknown to ancient people. Such discoveries give us good reason to bow in awe before the Creator. Even though mankind's views of nature have greatly changed with time, the message of the Bible is the same. We come to God through faith as did Abraham who saw "more than meets the eye."

  • av Cicora S. Leigh

    Letters to Her is filled with prophetic messages from the heart of the Father. The Father longs to heal the brokenhearted and bind up their wounds. You will discover the keys to receive healing in your soul from traumatic life experiences. Letters to Her unveils mysteries of God to remove the veil of darkness and allow God to fill every area of your life with His marvelous light. This book is great for every daughter of God, both young and old. God has given His daughters the keys to the kingdom, lavished them with love, and crowned them with victory. Some of the topics addressed include the following:Healing the soul from traumaBreaking soul tiesSeeking and walking in purposeKnowing your identity and recognizing your giftsDominating as a woman in the natural and the spiritualEncouragement and empowermentNavigate the heart of the Father and discover His plan, purpose, and love for you. These pages contain wisdom and revelation that will take you on a journey with the Holy Spirit to transform your life and legacy to the higher plans and purposes of God. He is our good Father with good plans to prosper His daughters. You are royalty. Walk in holiness, purity, and righteousness--fully equipped to move in the authority and dominion that has been given to you by Christ.

  • av Judith A Diehl

    What is the power of prayer? It is easy not to even think about prayer until trauma happens. Everything seems to be going very well until we slip and fall. Life is filled with beauty and joy until it isn't. Then is God listening?Silence is deafening, and the lack of communication is frightening. Many people know the familiar "Lord's Prayer" found in Matthew's Gospel, and for good reason. Some of us memorized it in our childhood. But actually, we may know little about prayer, or we have tried to avoid it altogether. Within varied denominations and customs, people have rituals and practices about prayer that are deeply ingrained. Some are very helpful, but some do not raise prayer above a mysterious obligation and a duty. Sadly, perhaps we have lost our "prayer innocence" with time, traditions, and the painful experiences of life.This book is a focus on unusual names or titles for God on the lips of Jesus in John's Gospel. Names reveal identity: who is God, who is Jesus, and who is the Holy Spirit? A better understanding of God can have a profound effect on one's prayer life. Knowing God is the power of prayer; it can move us from obligation to love.There are numerous books on "effective" or "successful" prayer in the "religious" section of the bookstore or on the internet. This is not one of those books. It is not about how to pray, but it is a book about the One to whom we pray. Life is a rocky, craggy trail, and we all need dependable, available help when we slip and fall. Then, we can lift our hearts and thank Someone who loves us. That is the power of prayer.

  • av Sarah Artis

    Mr. Finch Letchworth has two occupations that he does for a living. By day, he works at the New Jersey Hospital in Roswell, New Jersey, as a state-licensed medical autopsy examiner. But by night, he performs a special ceremony in honoring a client's departed loved one called a night funeral for anyone who comes to see him at his business residence called Finch Letchworth Funeral Home.

  • av Judy Knapp

    Do you like holidays? All over the world people have special days that they enjoy celebrating. There are so many wonderful days. Which is your favorite?The most amazing and special day of all is Eastermas.Did you say that you never heard of Eastermas? That's not surprising because most people think of it as two separate holidays, and they call them Easter and Christmas. However, they really do go together.Eastermas is the most important part of the plan that God made before the creation of the world--a plan to save His people from the problem of sin.God knew even before He created the world and everything in it that Adam and Eve would sin. It didn't surprise Him, and He had a plan already made. That plan is what Eastermas is all about.Are you getting interested to learn more about Eastermas? It will take some brain stretching to understand, but that is a good thing and not at all painful.

  • av Courtney Cobbs
    2 028,-

    In Better Portion Character Education Curriculum, Courtney Cobbs, MA, provides character education lesson plans, schedule templates, parent newsletter templates, supplemental parent curricula, and even reward charts and posters. Drawing on Scripture and psychological insights, this curriculum can be used by Christian schools, Bible classes, homeschoolers, co-ops, churches, Sunday School classes, VBS programs, family devotionals, Christian homes, and more to uniquely equip elementary, junior high, and high school students to know, grow, and show the love of Christ. Want your children or students to be raised to walk in the knowledge and application of the truth? This curriculum is for you.While most Christian-based curricula offer basic biblical knowledge, Better Portion Character Education Curriculum offers an in-depth study of Scripture and biblical content for whole life faith application through engaging topics and activities. Additionally, this curriculum offers separate lesson plans for elementary, junior high, and high school so that each student can learn based on their grade level and interests while keeping the same topics and themes throughout the grades. Born out of a need for a truly life-changing education that is rooted in Scripture, Better Portion Character Education Curriculum was developed to fill the void of faith application in Christian education. This curriculum guides teachers, students, and parents in living out their faith daily in new, energetic, and practical ways.

  • av Kofi Aninakwa

    Fish provides more than three billion poor people with most of their daily affordable source of protein/nutrition. More than five hundred million people depend directly on fisheries and aquaculture for their livelihoods. In Matthew 4:19, Jesus said to Peter and Andrew "Follow me, and I will make you fishers of men." But God miraculously split the hollow place that is in Lehi so that water came out of it, as found in Judges 15:19. When he drank, his strength returned and he revived. Therefore, he named it, Enhakkore, which is in Lehi to this day.The Old and New Testaments have an incredible unity between them in terms of numbers. More than one-third of the New Testament is composed of Old Testament quotes. Many writings from the prophets and Psalms could not be understood without the Gospels and the rest of the New Testament.Watercourses and permanent rivers are used symbolically to refer to things that threaten or overwhelm people and nations, such as invading nations, the peace of God and the Holy Spirit. The sea was created and controlled by God as seen in Genesis 1:9-10, "And God said, 'Let the waters under the heaven be gathered together unto one place, and let the dry land appear: and it was so.'" During the Old Testament times, it was believed that worshiping God on the tops of mountains brought one "closer to God." God often reveals himself on a mountaintop in the text. As a result, the Old Testament is filled with places that speak about altars being built in "high places" to worship God and false gods as well (1 Kings 3:2-4, 13:32-34, 2 Kings 12:3). In the New Testament, Mark 3:13-14, Jesus appointed the twelve apostles on a mountain, whom he called the apostles.

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