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  • av Safiya Quashie

    As Kevin practiced by himself, he found he was tripping over the ball when he tried to dribble it, but with every attempt, he got back up and tried again. Playing soccer is fun! Before it can become fun, a young boy has to learn the skills and techniques. Is that all he needs to be great? No! Will he find someone to teach him what he needs? Yes! But you'll never guess who!

  • av Mirella Van Schaaijk

    Congratulations! You are pregnant! To become pregnant is a special season for any woman. Of course you want to know what's happened with your body and how your little one develop. In these 9 months - a lot is happening. BabySweet provides the medical and spiritual information every new mom is looking for: BabySweet draws you into the bible scriptures that directly apply to the week by week situation of your pregnancy and lead you in powerful prayers. You will discover that the bible is packed with messages that seems to be written just for you in this special time of your life. Experiences that you love to remember, you can write this down in this beautiful book - a very beautiful memory for later: for yourself and for your baby!This book can help you with: facts prayers for your unborn baby space for your own story sweet songs encouragement biblical insights helpful tips and fun ideas space for photos and memories texts from the BibleBabySweet is a pregnancy and prayer journal and an excellent give away present.

  • av Paul Merkel

    About the AuthorPaul Andrew Merkel is a sought-after speaker, inspiring and educating youth and adults alike to follow their dreams. After living in the darkness of prison, he found his way to a life of happiness. Paul shares his struggle with others, encouraging them to pursue the life they secretly desire. Paul inspires passion for life, hope, and the pursuit of happiness in his listeners. His story is one of caution to keep young people from destroying their chances for a happy life. Paul has spent the last twenty-five years sharing his message of hope with the US military, law enforcement, youth and adult offenders, high schools, youth groups, and inside the prisons of America. He shares from the soul about his loss of freedom and incarceration and the lessons learned from the one choice he made. Paul grew up in the suburbs of Chicago in an upper middle class home, living the American dream. His choice of one night changed it all, leading to the heartbreaking journey behind bars and the loss of his dream of a military career. Paul rebuilt his life in a new direction after prison, discovering a new destiny. Paul married and has two beautiful children that he adores. Far from the suburbs of Chicago, Paul has lived in Anchorage, Alaska, for the past two decades. Paul's passion and love for life are contagious. He is qualified to address this topic like no other. Paul's hope is that all discover their destiny. Don Shaferfriend, entrepreneur, and inspirational speaker 1

  • av Norman Weber

    Norman Weber was born and raised in Windsor, Ontario, Canada. He is a CPA and has spent twenty years as a VP of finance for a twenty-million-dollar company and twenty-two years in public accounting and consulting. He became Spirit filled in 1973, and at a Full Gospel Business Men's Fellowship (FGBMF) convention in Detroit, Michigan, he began to understand how to hear the voice of the Lord and perfected this in the next few years. He was a national director in Canada for FGBMF for nine years and served as the national treasurer during this time. He retired from public accounting in 1999 and moved to the rural area outside Owen Sound, Ontario, and runs an organic farm, including 2,800 organic apple trees and vegetables. He has spoken throughout Canada and in the United States and Australia. He moves in the gifts of the Holy Spirit. God moved his heart to write this book containing one hundred spirit-filled testimonies on what God has worked supernaturally through him. In 2014, the Holy Spirit took Norman to the third heaven and showed him the body parts warehouse. In 2016, God instructed him to increase his Holy Spirit ministry by praying for new body parts, and the last chapter shares how twenty-three people received new body parts in 2016. This book demonstrates how Christians today can minster under the leading of the Holy Spirit in healings, miracles, deliverances, financial prosperity, and how to follow God in everyday activities.

  • av Theresa Chinheya

    The book is an exciting true story filled with adventure and humorous anecdotes. The narrative starts by providing a background from earlier ancestors-through four generations. The author gives a unique account, beginning in Chipinge, located in Zimbabwe's eastern highlands. The villagers are confused by the ambiguous nature of how their ancestral land changed ownership. After many years of living as tenants who paid for occupying a portion of the new owner's property by working as farm laborers, one of the villagers' offspring was fed up with the arrangement and decided to venture to the big city of then Salisbury. He became the family's pioneer for exploring other foreign lands. Partson finds true love and marries his lifelong companion, Daina. The eldest daughter, Theresa, narrates the story, detailing the family's humble beginnings, struggles, and triumphs. The story then carries the reader through a chronological order of her journey-from infancy, adolescence, young adulthood, and as a middle-aged woman. The story invites the reader to relive the author's experiences at home, through her numerous travels to Tanzania, England, and the United States of America. Destined to Excel demonstrates the mysteries of divine intervention as the author frequently experienced encounters of incidences that could have yielded catastrophic results. However, by the grace of God, she was miraculously saved from entering total destruction. During the prime stages of her life, the author became totally blind. Despite her struggles of living without sight, she diligently persevered, guided by the power of the Almighty, carrying the author to her intended destiny.

  • av Mary Hlawatsch

    Does God have a special job for me? If you'd like to know the answer, whether you are presently employed or not, this book is for you. The Bible stories of God's people's career paths are full of surprises. They were all busy, but God pushed, pulled, or yanked them out of what they thought was their perfect life's work and gave them something bigger and better. God had a plan for them, and He has a career path for you. Reading this book about the Bible stories will help to build your faith and guide you to God's plan for your success. "e;'I know the plans I have for you,' says the Lord, 'plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.'"e; Jeremiah 29:11 (NIV)

  • av Dave Herr

    In a day when the church's voice is increasingly silenced by the world's opposition, a call to stand for the good fight of faith must be made. But in God's call to His people, He asks them to stand up by first kneeling down. In an address to Solomon, God said: "e;If my people who are called by my name shall humble themselves...then will I hear from Heaven and forgive their sin and heal their land."e; The first motion toward the awesome, sovereign God is downward, in humility. The title of the book, Before Honor, is taken from a verse from Solomon's Proverbs: "e;Before honor is humility."e; Before a hearing from heaven and preceding any honor to God or from Him is humility. The author of the book confirms this principle of humility with a plethora of Biblical evidence. Using a Biblical overview, the writer demonstrates the continuity of the theme from Genesis to Revelation, thus supporting the claim that humility is a fundamental attribute of God and the only attitude a follower can have that exalts and glorifies Christ. Though pride, the inverse of humility, is a destructive force, humility is a beneficent one. Humility is the hope of revival for all God's people.

  • av Bill Gaughan

    Do you desire a passion for God's Word? A passion like you feel you should have, like you always wanted to have, like you used to have? If the answer is yes, then this book is for you. I've written this book for the average Joe and Joanne, people just like you and me, who don't have a theology degree or a professional ministry position but do have a desire to be able to understand and appreciate God's Word and develop a habit of honoring it daily. The topics in this book are actually lessons from my small group that I have had the privilege of leading for many years. My hope and prayer is that this enriches you, speaks life to you, and that the Holy Spirit would "e;open the eyes of your heart"e; to fall in love with God's love letter to you. You will find twenty-four chapters on topics that I believe are central to the Christian faith and that are ideal for your own devotional time or even to use as a guide for you-yes, you-to teach to a small group or cell group. Simple in presentation, yet profound in impact.

  • av Joyce Labor

    The book Forever In Your Presence is a reminder that no matter where we are on our path through life's journey, God is forever watching over us, guiding us and helping us from our very creation in the womb, throughout life and to the grave and beyond into His Kingdom. Isaiah 41:10 and Psalm 139 say it all so beautifully. The path in the woods represents the path we choose to take on our journey through life. The sun rays lighting the path symbolize God's presence and leading us along the way. If we stray from His path, we will have struggles but He will patiently wait until we see the light and return to the path He has always planned for our lives. Then we can glorify Him and find His peace and blessings.

  • av Frank Clymer

    The greatest generation will always be one of the most interesting times in American history. Why was this true? I had the privilege to be born in this period in beautiful historical Bucks County, Pennsylvania. I write this book as I saw it as a young boy. I was blessed with a good memory and an interest in all the things happening around me growing up in a small community, but a very unusual community during the Second World War. I will share in this book the people, our lives, how we lived, worked, played, and fought a war that affected and consumed us in everything we did. If you like nostalgia, which includes the Second World War, you will see it from a young boy's view, which will include many things you probably never knew or thought about-from the customs and people in a Pennsylvania Dutch community to a German American Bund camp that I had personal contact with; my family's involvement in the war; our small community's impact with lives given; sacrifices made; the number of generals from a population of 2,500 people; and probably the largest gauge plant in America. I will relate the fears and joys as a young boy from the air-raid drills, the holiday customs, our education, medical practices, family life, respect for adults and country, and spiritual impact at that time. There is a different world to be seen through the eyes of a child that is lost when we become adults. I believe I have captured that different world.

  • av Alan Bruni

    Babuka is a large sea creature that swims the vast ocean. Babuka comes upon island lands in the sea and wishes to befriend the island people. But the natives of the larger islands are scared of Babuka and misunderstand the enthusiasm of the large sea creature. Until Babuka happens to swim past the tiniest of islands with an enchanting princess where the magic of friendship brings unexpected results.

  • av Wilbur Smith

    The Last Shepherd tells how at the beginning of the Common Era, Palestine was in chaos socially, politically, and spiritually. Political turmoil during the life of Jesus affected his ministry and caused him deep concern that he was not reaching the people with God's message of love. Leaders in Palestine had been corrupted with Greek and Roman influence, causing a growing divide between the rich and the poor. Pharisees were fighting the trend by demanding a harsh adherence to Mosaic law laid down in Leviticus, which caused a greater burden on the poor, who could not follow the law of sacrifices for atonement. The people were desperately hoping for the messiah. After Herod Antipas had John the Baptist beheaded, Jesus knew of the real dangers he faced by those in power and by the Pharisees who saw thousands following him as a loss of their influence. After the second year of his ministry, Jesus knew that there were plots to have him killed. As a result, he shifted his ministry into areas away from Galilee and Judea, and he pleaded with people not to call him the messiah, the savior the people had been hoping for. The Last Shepherd is a story of how politics during the life and ministry of Jesus influenced his mission. But the gospels give only two of the events recorded in Luke 13:1-5. This novel records them all.

  • av Terrance Turner

    For years, when I would be alone on some of my deployments with the military, I used to ask why am I here, but there was no answer. When I would go through some trials, I used to ask myself, "e;who hears me when I cry"e;? I knew of God, but did not "e;know"e; him. He hears me when I cry.

  • av Stephen A Ibeh

    Compiled with psalms, prophecies, and short stories, North and South Gate is a tale of two voices that reveals each of man's final destination. The voice of God, the Northerner, to the righteous man as he continues to journey from the wilderness toward heaven in contrast with the voice of the adversary, the Grey Wolf, in his pursuit to lead the lost man away from God into eternal alienation. North and South Gate is inspired by the words of our Lord Jesus Christ, "e;Enter through the narrow gate. For wide is the gate and broad is the road that leads to destruction, and many enter through it"e; (Matt. 7:13 NIV).

  • av Arthur Kutschied

    God's Plan to Connect the Dots is a desire of mine to show others how God directs mine and their lives. God saved my life on many occasions so that I may share his Gospel message with his chosen children while on this earth. Although I am a sinner, just like you, God directed my life in a way to serve his purpose to reach his children. My prayer for everyone reading these words is to realize that God-from the moment of creation in your mother's womb until your eternal home with him-has connected the dots in your life to become his child and share his Word.

  • av David Holsted

    A full 75 percent of the Bible is the Old Testament. If one of your kids, or your coworkers, or your friends were to ask you about the Old Testament, could you talk knowledgably about it? When you pastor says that your church believes in the Old Testament because the whole Bible is about Jesus, can you even imagine what he's talking about? In my experience, Christians often know stories from the Old Testament, or maybe have memorized verses from it, but very few would say that they understand it. That's where I stood not long ago, so I set out to do something about it. Frankly, without help, the Old Testament can be difficult to read, let alone understand. But with a little guidance, you can not only understand it, you can appreciate how it harmonizes with the New Testament and you can see how it is so foundational to your faith. I put together this book as I earnestly studied my way through the Old Testament. My hope is that I have taken hundreds of hours of reading and work, and summarized it into a book that can be used by Christians who just don't have hundreds of hours to invest. This book combines the best of what I've read and studied about the Old Testament. It is part book-read it through, or select areas of interest from the summaries. It is part Bible study guide-use the summaries to study or lead a Bible study group. It is part commentary-use it to complement your Old Testament reading. The Old Testament is the story that Jesus completes, and the promise that Jesus fulfills. Are you willing to invest about an hour per week for a year in order to see how this is true? Learn the name, nature, attributes, and character of God. Learn biblical principles, patterns, and promises. Learn about Hebrew culture, language, and history in the context of world history. Learn of the prophecies of hope through the Messiah. Learn how the Old Testament testifies to Jesus throughout!Share this adventure with me! Take the first step! Start down the path! You will find it one of the most fulfilling things you've ever done!

  • av Dwayne Velasquez

    In The Forty Faces of God, I take you through scriptures that show you the characters of our God relating to the number 40 with the revelation of numbers. Numbers have strong meaning in the kingdom of God.We are destroyed by our lack of knowledge, and that knowledge is of God. For example, the number 6 means to destroy the works of the devil. David had a six hundred-man army, and the Star of David had six points, and what did David do? He destroyed the enemies of Israel. Chapter 6 of Ephesians tells us how to destroy the fiery attacks of the enemy. The number 40 means spiritual maturity and the more we know God, the more we mature. After you read this book, you will know God in a much better way, which will make you a much better disciple of Jesus-make you much stronger in your walk and display of the power God in your life in this evil and perverse world.Dwayne Anthony Velasquez Hill was born April 9, 1964, in the Abraham Lincoln Courts Housing Projects on the west side of San Antonio-a gang-and-drug-saturated neighborhood. From his childhood he witnessed violence, murder, and drug dealing. At seventeen, he joined the US Navy after graduation. After the Navy, he abused alcohol and drugs and became a murderous-minded person until he met his Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. In and out of jail and twice in prison, the Lord started to teach Dwayne his way in those lonely prison cells, and he became a teacher of the gospel there in the jails and prisons. Now being fully persuaded of his purpose, Dwayne now goes into the prisons teaching and preaching the gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ.

  • av Gail Thomas

    Gail Thomas, author of Healing Prayers in Jesus' Name for Children, along with her coauthor and her wonderful mother, Jean Castelow, wrote this book to glorify Jesus and to honor their Heavenly Father. This children's book, shows photographs of nature taken by Gail, taken where they lived together at Lake Seminole near Donalsonville, Georgia. Her mama helped her pair them with inspiring prayers, sent by the Holy Spirit in 2007. This mother-and-daughter team were together for four years, and Gail shares that her sweet mama became very sick and went to heaven. While there, Jesus asked her to help and encourage her daughter to publish this children's book first, since babies and children were so important to the kingdom of God. This book was Mrs. Jean's heart, and she sadly passed away on August 3, 2016. Gail is determined to have this dream come alive and was so happy to trust Faith Christian Publishing Company to make this happen to honor Jesus Christ. We pray it will touch anyone who reads them, especially children.

  • av Desiree M Webb

    Choices are everywhere! We can't live without making them. There are bad choices, good choices, and Godly choices. Often, we don't give much thought to our choices. We simply live and let life happen to us. In a fast-paced stressful world, many are doing their best to simply get through each day. Everyone is tired and living on autopilot; and yet everybody wants joy, contentment, and favor. Everyone wants fulfillment, and yet it is elusive to many. What if by making Godly choices, we could soar instead of just dragging through life from day to day? What if our experience with God could be deeper than ever before simply by utilizing the gift of Godly choice well? What if there was more, and it was available through. . . Godly choice? Every day, poor choices lead to unnecessary pain and struggle that passes down through the generations. While good choices may result in limited positive results, Godly choices yield supernatural results like bountiful peace, contentment, and joy that brings glory to God, unlocks heaven's storehouse, and blesses us and those around us. When we understand the power of Godly choice, it blesses generations! Today, we can experience greater peace, contentment, and fulfillment. Today, we can decide to utilize Godly choice and live the change that we have been praying for for decades. Take the journey with Desiree and explore a whole new world overflowing with blessings and healing. Today, decide to never be the same by using Godly choice wisely.

  • av Terry Harpool

    Navigating the church construction process can be a daunting task for a seasoned professional and even more so for a first time project manager. In his book, Terry Harpool discusses many of the aspects of this process beginning with prayer. Prayer is an absolutely essential requirement in seeking God's will from the very start of the project to its completion. Paramount to the success of the construction process is the selection of a qualified project manager to oversee the construction. This is vital, along with selecting a group of church experts, to help provide the needed inputs for requirements and budget. The book also provides tips on how to select the most qualified architect and general contractor based on the specific needs of the church. This ensures the building is specifically designed to meet church requirements and that it can be built on time and on budget. Also in the book, there is a discussion of the bid letter contents. These include special instructions to the general contractor, which help outline the parameters of the project and also prevents confusion during the construction phase. The book discusses many of the pitfalls that can occur during the construction phase with valuable insight on how to avoid these pitfalls. Additionally, there is a discussion of the dreaded "e;change order"e; and how it can impact the project. The critical relationship of "e;time, quality, and money"e; is addressed in the book, providing insight of how these three elements are interrelated in church construction. And finally, the book emphasizes the importance of giving thanks to God for the successful completion and celebration of the new church building. With project completion, the ultimate realization for the project manager is knowing that he has laid up treasure for his faithfulness in a job "e;well done."e;

  • av Colin Clark

    James 1:6-7 says this: "e;But when you ask, you must believe and not doubt, because the one who doubts is like a wave of the sea, blown and tossed by the wind. That person should not expect to receive anything from the Lord."e;Does this describe your prayer life? Asking but never receiving? Jesus Wept will break down that frustration in your relationship with God and give you hope as you begin to understand that praying is more about receiving than asking.

  • av Brenda Krick

    Unlocking Your True Identity and DestinyIn a time when the world has been on a path of removing God from manyplaces and many things, this book reveals what happens when you inviteHim in. Partnering with the Lord changes everything. The One who created you knows your true identity and destiny. He knitwithin you many gifts, talents, and abilities that you will need in this lifetime. In order to accomplish the good plans He alone has predestined for each oneof us, we must tap into what has been deposited. This book is a testimony of the depth of God's love and healing power and howHe, once invited in, changed my life completely. The person I had become wasshaped by my life's experiences, whether good, bad, or ugly. Although this book is written from my experience when I asked the Lord tohelp me with my lifelong physical weight issue, He revealed how just this onething, interwoven and connected to everything else in my life, has kept mefrom who He created me to be. As I partnered with Him, he unraveled "e;the weight of it all,"e; and revealed whatneeded to be addressed in my life in order for me to come into my God-givenidentity and destiny. Yours may not be a physical weight issue, but the path to healing is still the same. God created you, and He is the One who deposited those things you wouldneed. He has good plans for your life. Allow Him to reveal your true identity anddestiny, when you come out from under "e;the weight of it all"e;.

  • av Chriseline Beaubrun

    Chriseline Beaubrun was fifty-seven years old when she was diagnosed with congestive heart failure. A widowed mother of two, Chris has just completed her master's degree in nursing, and she felt that she had the skills to deal with life's challenges. But her biggest challenge hit her like a blow to the stomach when her cardiologist delivered the official diagnosis. Congestive heart failure? How could that be? As a nurse, Chris had worked hard all her adult life and had taken care of her body. But there was no denying the cold, hard medical facts. As Chris's symptoms worsened despite medications and a defibrillator implanted in her chest, as she reached the point at which she was unable to take a single shallow breath without intense pain, her options for long-term survival were pared down to one: a heart transplant. This was her last, best chance, and because she was determined to survive, she agreed to interview for the position of organ recipient. She got the job and was added to the transplant list, and now Chris tells her story of the many ups and downs facing heart transplant patients-the anxiety of waiting for a heart that might never come, months of hospitalization as her condition worsened, and finally the call that a heart was on the way and the surgery itself. Afterward came the satisfaction of taking her first deep breath in more than a year and leaving the hospital to live her brand new life. Throughout the long process of recovery, Chris experienced both successes and setbacks. But her new heart remained strong, as did the support of her family, friends, and colleagues. Chris hopes that her book will inform and inspire organ transplant recipients and their families.

  • av Gail Olson

    God seems to be "e;out there somewhere,"e; a distant and a most powerful presence that we need to respect and most time fear. I want you to know that we don't need to be afraid or hide anymore. I want to challenge you to come out of the shadows, and get personal with an almighty God. In this book I want to make an introduction of who He is, what He has done for you, and what He wants to do for you. We have a life journey but God also had a journey through time to fulfill His desire for a family of His own. Jesus came to introduce God to us as father and make a way whereby we can become one of His children. God and Jesus had an intimate father/son relationship and it is available for anyone who wants to be part of this family. He will welcome you with open arms to join the family no matter how you have spent your life. You can enjoy this loving relationship and be forever His.

  • av Mark

    Imagine that you woke up and discovered that you were only 6 inches tall!How did this happen? Is it just possible that you've always been this way?If you really are six inches tall, how will you fit in the giant-size world you now find yourself in? It is a mystery that the tiny young woman must solve. With the help of a shy but kindhearted young man, she will not only learn the truth about her past, but perhaps about her future, as well.

  • av Jodi Sackman

    Everyone experiences pain at one time or another. For some of us, a few days of pain turn into weeks, months, years, and then decades. What do you do when you feel betrayed by your own body? How does faith fit into a life of pain? What can you do when, like Paul, God says, "e;No"e; to your request for healing? Can God receive glory from your life? Can you be used in spite of your limitations? These are a few of the questions I have asked as I've had to learn to live with chronic pain caused by fibromyalgia. In Called to a Life of Pain, I share the life lessons Abba has taught me. Sometimes serious, sometimes humorous, always honest, Called to a Life of Pain for HIS Glory is a call to arms for those who are hurting. Don't give up! Don't quit! You matter, you can make a difference in God's kingdom, your pain has a purpose.

  • av Steven Freede

    Short and Pointed was started by Pastor Steven Freede as short and to-the-point sermons and sermon notes for future use. As his online ministry began to grow, he started including them with his weekly sermon series posts. Short and Pointed Sermons have become a favorite for many who frequent the Cornerstone Independent Church on the internet. Pastor Freede has become well-known for not holding back or sugarcoating the Gospel of Jesus Christ. The Word of God is as cutting as it is healing, and there is no place for fuzzy feel-good sermons in this world today. Short and Pointed Sermons cover many topics that will stare you in the face and make you admit who and what you really are. They will make you realize just exactly what God sees in the world and in you. There's no place for halfhearted discipleship, no tolerance for hypocrisy, or excuses for your actions or your children's. Short and Pointed is just good, old, straight to the point preaching. It's as encouraging and helpful in your daily walk toward our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, as it is cutting and painful to realize you may be in need of some serious soul-searching. The Word of God is supposed to cut deep, but it will only do so when it is presented in the plain hard truth that is missing in the sermons of many preachers today. Pastor Freede doesn't preach to make friends. He preaches to make disciples of Jesus Christ. Short and Pointed is a collection of sermons compiled for them who are not afraid to go under the knife to become more aware of the things that need to be cut away in their lives. Love it or hate it, this book, in some way, is for everyone!For more of Pastor Steven Freede's sermons, you can go to

  • av CeCe

    This book is based on the Bible and the many trials people went through. This book highlights how so many overcame through the power of Jesus Christ. The good news is, so can you. There is nothing that can come your way that you can't overcome if you give your will over to the will of God. I know first hand. I know because my own life has not been a bed of roses. In this book, you'll learn about my kids, my marriages, my sickness, my disappointments, and my victories. I give God the praise for all of it. I agree with the Apostle Paul, In Him, I live, move and have my being.

  • av Martha Manning

    God communicates with me, protects me, and shows me His love through an angel, which He gave to me when I was born in Martinez, Georgia, in 1936. My story takes place in the small towns of Martinez and Evans, Georgia until I became seventeen years of age. After high school graduation, I married a Methodist minister and the South Carolina Methodist bishop sent us to churches in different areas of South Carolina. In this book, the reader will find out exactly how life was spent in each of these churches. When my husband died in 2006, I moved to Rock Hill, South Carolina, and that is where I live now. My angel has provided guidance and assistance to me throughout my entire life and this fact is illustrated in this book through actual experiences. As you see, my angel on the front of this book is wearing a tilted halo to show the world that life is not always perfect, but we can receive guidance to help us through all of life's situations. Three times I have seen my angel in person. Other times, I have felt the angel's presence and heard the words spoken by my angel. My angel lets me know that God is near me. Read this book to discover the three times my angel thought it was most important to visit me in person. As you read, I pray that you will be aware of your angel in your life guiding you. Remember, God is your Heavenly Father and His desire is to love you. Your faith will acknowledge the hand of God caring for you.

  • av Pastor Randy Pitts II

    God's truth is always found in His word. God's Truths versus Man's Lies is a book of scriptural validation and verification. It is impossible to know God's truth without knowing His word. It's like a puzzle. If you only have two or three pieces to a 200-piece puzzle, can you truly know what the puzzle looks like? Of course not. Well, God's truth about various topics is the same way. We must know all of His word or scriptural puzzle pieces about a subject, before He wants us to apply our faith to His word. That's why we are commanded to live by every word of God - Matthew 4:4. Having all the pieces presents the honesty to God's truth. Partial knowledge does not exact epignosis, which is the Greek word for the full and complete knowledge. That is why if we abide in His word, we shall know the truth, and the truth shall make us free - John 8:31-32. So, my friends, without the truth, all you have is the lie.

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