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Bøker utgitt av Christian Faith Publishing, Inc.

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  • av Robin Timmons

    Stories don't often begin at chapter 1. Sometimes, they begin hundreds of years beforehand. The events of the past are what lay the foundation for the future. Hezekiah is about the seeing the past and how it brings us to the future. It shows how even when an entire kingdom falls away from God, they are never once forgotten. From the moment they left unity with Him, their nation was divided. God set in motion for a man, an ordinary man, to come along and bring them back to Him. To unite a country on the brink of war and repair the wounds of a nation. Hezekiah is the story of a man willing to go, even though he had no idea where God might lead him. But his willingness leads to the adventure of a lifetime!

  • av Janet Gillespie-Orsborn

    Humor on the Way to Heaven is a compilation of events the author experienced while being a caregiver for family members during the end of their lives. There is a bit of therapeutic value to finding your sense of humor even in the face of death. There is a grieving period after the death of a loved one, but as Humor on the Way to Heaven teaches us, it doesn't have to be filled with sadness and tears. It's OK to remember good times and smiles.

  • av Sandra Mackey

    "e;When Righteousness and Peace Kiss,"e; is a collection of essays written to demonstrate the climate of fundamental, evangelistic churches in the mid-twentieth century. That climate is changing; many attitudes are changing, and it's ok to change unproductive attitudes. There have been cultural, social, emotional, historical, and educational differences, among other things, in every generation. In addition to different languages, Bible teaching and practices have been different in every country in the world. Let it be said...many churches and families have been divided over one thing or another throughout religious history. Yet, Jesus prayed for unity. In the United States, the climate of the 1950s and 1960s is totally foreign to children born in the late 1980s through early 2000s. Yet they are now teen-agers or young adults. We call them "e;Millennials"e; or "e;Generation Y"e; (Gen Y). We desire that they follow Jesus. We want them to be part of God's family, His church, but the look, sound or feel of the 1950s is not acceptable to Gen Y, so many have left the fellowship of the more fundamental churches to search for a better fit for themselves in the world of religion. In family matters, in business relationships, in social circles and realms of academia, there can be disagreements about methods of doing certain things certain ways and at the same time there can be unity of purpose and performance. However, in matters of religion and theology, we have had trouble settling or accepting those disagreements and differences and at the same time demonstrating kindness. Truthfully, we don't have to agree on anything to be kind to each other. When we are able to offer grace to one another and when we can love even those with whom we disagree, well... that is when righteousness and peace kiss! Psalm 85:10.

  • av Bonnie Best

    Olivia's Wonderful Day is a sequel to Olivia's Gloomy Day. It is an inspiring story of how precious life is. Overjoyed with finally getting to see her new baby calf, Olivia shares this excitement with her farm friends. Excitement turns to concern when the farm friends leave Olivia wondering what future her new baby calf will have. Bod Snarly, her owner, along with his son, George, brings good news to help make this a wonderful day for Olivia!

  • av Larry Craze

    The world was a much different place in 1852. Freedom Journey is the story of the escape of one family from the clutches of slavery in the deepest part of the American South, the bayous of Louisiana, to the promise of a new life of liberty in Toronto, Canada. Travel with Cassie and Theo Jefferson, children dependent upon the kindness and care of total strangers, as they are separated from their Mama Bess. Learn with them about God's kindness in the provision of food and shelter. Discover the secrets of the Underground Railroad and the faithfulness of the conductors along the way. Find out how the signals, songs, quilts, and safe houses are used to keep the children safe from danger. Along the way, Cassie and Theo meet friends they will remember for life. They learn the value of work and the importance of obedience. They endeavor to look for messages and begin to understand the meaning of the quilt blocks that lead them in their journey. More importantly, they discover that there is a God who loves them and wants to answer the many prayers that are offered for and by them. In doing so, they find freedom from physical slavery, and through the presentation of the Gospel story, they find a relationship with the God of eternity and find spiritual freedom as well.

  • av Montrell Spence

    Journey Two Light. The word two is a play on the before and after aspects of life without Jesus and with Him; two being the second phase of life after he gave me the free gift of salvation. My journey has been one of following what I thought was right for me without understanding that was darkness. The light of life came about after the slow dawning of my true condition was being brought to my attention and the truth started seeping in. Only after the light awakened me was I able to begin living as God intended. Even as this book is a work of my hands, the inspiration is truly from God. I can only take credit for saying yes and being obedient in completing what will bring glory to Him. Herein is my journey to light (1 John 1:5 and John 1:12-13). Hopefully, you will be encouraged.

  • av Pastor Bill Madison

    The title The Righteous Shall Never Be Removed was derived from the scripture found in Proverbs 10:30. There are many teachings on the land that proclaim that the Lord Jesus will, at some point, return to earth and call all the righteous Christians out of the earth and take them to heaven. This book is not in any way trying to change the doctrine or teaching of any group or church organization, but through the author's many years of study and research, along with countless hours of prayer, he has not yet found this type of teaching in the scriptures. It is the author's sincere prayer that this book and its title would, in some way, give the readers another avenue of prayer-or, at least, open their hearts to seek the face of the Lord for the answer to whether or not the teaching they believe in is true. The book or its title is not designed to make anyone believe the words written therein, but, rather, to take a second look at what they believe. As a pastor, Bill always tells the congregation not to believe anything he says but to take what he says before the Lord and ask him whether or not what he has spoken is true. First Timothy 2:4 states that God's will is that all men be saved and that all men come into the knowledge of the truth. The truth is not found behind the pulpit, the truth is not found in the sons of men, but the truth is only found in God himself. It is Bill's prayer that someday all men will stop seeking the hearts of men and start seeking God for the truth.

  • av Mary Lynne Puckett

    Have you ever looked across the room and spotted a couple where immediately you know they were ecstatically in love? Did you envy them? Did you think, Sure wish I had a relationship like that? Did you just assume they matched up correctly and nothing else had to be done to get along? Well, that would be very rare! This book is full of brand-new ideas to perk up a ho-hum struggling marriage. It offers examples of how to come to the point of truly accepting and enjoying each other again. These ideas come from two people having never been to even one marriage seminar. The ideas come from their own marriage and the illustrations illuminate from couples they have helped. It is formulated for both husband and wife to read and learn together. Each chapter is filled with enlightening info that may spark surprise, bring a chuckle, or trigger a few tears. It begins with a wife's dilemma in her marriage. It moves from her frustration to good sound teaching and onto genuine hope. A biblical truth is pulled out, turned into a way of thinking called "e;passing the test."e; It touches on how to control unkind habits, and changing these habits with the positive goal of renewing the love you once had giving perspective on how married life really should be: long-lived, successful, and happy.

  • av Stacee Goetzinger

    Do you have a struggle that hurts you and your journey in this life? Fighting this...can feel hopeless and paralyzing if you are choosing to face it on your own. But I have good news for you! No matter what your struggle may be, and regardless of the nature of your battle, there is shameless hope to be found in the only one who truly knows how hard you strive to get a handle on what is relentless in trying to drowned you...His name is Jesus and he is into restoring you and me. He is the healer of our hurts and the lifter of our heads. I struggle with the mental illness of depression and the sickness of anorexia nervosa. I have been through the darkness of self-harm and at the door of having to choose the complications of life rather than leaving a legacy of suicide. I get so tired, but with the support of the encouragers in my life, who have been chosen by God, I see hope and some day...some day, victory. The contents of this book are letters from my heart to yours. We don't have to be undergoing the same struggles, my friend, in order to travel down this road of life together. Fighting can be so very lonely. We were created to live and heal in community without harsh judgment of one another. I am absolutely no better than you and because we are acknowledging that we need Jesus's help and hope, we can get through our trials one step at a time, one day at a time. Enclosed are thirty raw and honest writings that express where I am in my journey. My heart's desire and prayer, is that you will find camaraderie and hope. Let's get better together!

  • av Bridget Cutair

    In Promises Kept Beaver learns that keeping promises is not just something you say but something that you most follow through with.

  • av Judith Kaye

    Sky Scrapers is about the adventure of a lifetime for Sam and Josh, who are doing research for a high school science fair on astronomy. The information comes to them by a mysterious teacher, who takes them zooming through the universe in a unique way to learn about the purpose of stars, comets, and more that inhabit the heavens. Later when at university, they have another series of adventures that finds them moving through time from Adam's arrival on earth to Abram's tent in the desert. Both of these thrilling events have a purpose to reveal how the heavens declare the glory of God and how this information has changed down through the ages. This is a story for all ages to enjoy, and maybe even to look at the stars in the heavens in a different way.

  • av Lee Simonich

    In Looking Back, Lee pulls back the curtain to share real-life moments through her eyes. True Lee stories reveal the layers of Lee's life through the unleashing of raw emotions. Lee's storytelling draws you in and shares the fears, blessings, kindness and faith in her life. Sometimes the simplest stories send the strongest of messages. Looking Back is authentic, vulnerable and honest.

  • av Reggie Longcrier

    I pray this book will help you come to know, as I did, that God is still in the miracle working business. He can transform the worst in us from disgrace to dignity.

  • av Lee Dobry

    GOD for Dummies is Dobry's attempt to break down some of the basic parts of religious dogma that have so often been deflected by the standard response of "e;It's a mystery."e; Certainly God is too immense for us to fully understand. But there are many things that God wants us to understand"e;"e;simple things that have been so shrouded in theological gobbledygook that even the theologians who develop it get all wrapped around the axles themselves. This book is an attempt to unwrap some of this "e;deep theology"e; and just lay it out flat in plain English. It doesn't have to be as complicated as the elites and deep thinkers try to make it.

  • av Aea Kimlin

    Satiana is a twelve-year-old girl living in Orchid Village where Kamori, the sorceress, raised her after finding her stranded in the forest as a baby. Satiana is learning to be an enchantress but is having trouble controlling her powers. But then, she discovers her moon and star powers during her training with Lumiere. She has won the tournament, but during her victory party, she is confronted by a white-skinned demon named Sheiko, who calls her Moon Child. Satiana then sets out on a journey to find her long-lost real parents, meeting new friends along the way-such as Tokomo the fairy-confronting other five demons, learning about Moon People, and trying to stop an evil threat, the Lord of Darkness.

  • av Bill Gray

    Abandoned in the 1960s by our nation's institutions of higher learning, this edition of Thomistic theology is certainly in stark contrast with the modern interpretation of individualism. The Order of Christ Crucified was written to spark interest within a new generation of readers and renew the spiritual enlightenment of those already familiar with the insights of this brilliant theologian. Combined with Cardinal John Henry Newman's take on the human characteristics we call faith and reason, the philosophy of Aristotle and Thomas is centered in a brief ecclesiology on the one end and a critique of the modern world on the other. Remaining true to the character of their thought, this book was written for the believer, is unapologetically Catholic, and forcefully written to uphold our belief in redemption through divine grace.

  • av John Sagert

    It is a time of beginnings, a time of endings, a time when the vast world of Andoran comes under great upheaval, nearing the end of one age only to give birth to another. An ancient evil not seen since the Age of Dreams has come forth again to consume the living or bring death to those that would not be consumed. It is a time shortly after an unnatural plague ravaged those who lived in a hard fought for short time of peace and harmony, the Shadow Plagues-brought upon by the re-awakening of an even more ancient enemy called the Void, that which seeks to utterly consume all that lives. Fear rules the hearts and souls of all. Though most only know this fear as something that could be about to happen, a never-ending ominous darkness that looms just out of sight-the kind of apoplectic feeling that all wish and hope is only a bad dream. It is dark times were the Lord of the Undead has reawakened from a three millennia old sleep. The armies of the wicked join under the banner of this mad Lord. These armies roam freely the lands once held by good people who died in the plagues. There is hope, as those few who still possess the strength of the First Men and Love of the Creator will stand, defy and overcome or die trying to defeat that which would destroy any of the good placed in this vast mythical world. Only the legions of the South and these few remaining ancestors of the First Men stand in the way of utter ruin.

  • av Margaret Porter

    "e;Our Love"e; seems like a great title for this book of love between two teenagers who met and fell deeply in love, and how I waited for him for four years during his time in the U S Navy. Lifestyles change, society has changed a lot, but my hope is that teenagers will read this book and learn how they can find the love of their lives and go on their special journey of love and make it last a life time. I never thought that I would meet a man at 16 and fall deeply in love with him, and he with me. If our love letters were not found after being tucked away for 65 years , I would never have thought about writing a book, even when Elijah and I were always asked how could we be together for so long and still be in love. Maybe some of your questions will be answered when you read this book.

  • av Jane Ann Crenshaw

    I was seventy when I began Morning Glory, and now I am seventy-nine years old. I come from a family of fourteen children: seven boys and seven girls. The boys' name started with L and the girls with J. I was the tenth child, born in Council Bluffs, Iowa! I grew up in Lawndale, California, and presently live in Klamath Falls, Oregon. I am married to Jim and have a son, Dan, and a daughter, Jennifer. I also have three grandsons who are a gift from God in my old age. Teaching God's word is what I have loved to do since I was eighteen years old! I love being married, being a mom, and a grandma! God has rewarded me with sharing my memories of struggles and joys of a fleshly life, all the time aspiring to become the woman God wanted me to be. Morning Glory became an outlet to remember my past and became an instrument for my well-being in Jesus Christ. To God, I give the honor and the glory in all of heaven and in all the earth!

  • av Jacqueline Filer

    Have you ever wondered why bad things happen to good people? From the time we began our ministry, we served with one purpose: to love people as God did. This is the story of our journey, from humble beginnings and pastoring small churches in our quest to pour the love of Jesus in sometimes unlovable people. Follow us on our journey through the struggles, triumphs, and the personal tragedy of losing our only child. In all these things, we found power far greater to hold on to through the storms of life and witnessed countless miracles and the faithfulness of God. We once heard a minister friend in one of his sermons share, "e;The church is the only place we kill our wounded."e; As you read our story, it is our sincere prayer that you too will discover that God is a good God and wants only good things for you. You have a divine destiny, a faith walk God has chosen just for you. Over and over again, God showed himself to be our source of strength, comfort, refuge, and provider. That's why we say "e;Jesus, He is our everything!"e;

  • av Loretta Bivens

    Joe Lee Anderson just received his veterinarian license and is eager to open up his own equine clinic. He already has a five-year plan mapped out. That is, until his mother, Zoe Anderson, interrupts that plan when she tells him Jake Garrison, the father he never knew, is ill and possibly dying. He is further shaken when his mother tells him she not only wants to go to Oklahoma to see his father but also wants him to go with her. Much to their surprise, when they arrive in Oklahoma, they find Jake is very wealthy and has another son, JW, and when Joe Lee meets his brother for the first time, he realizes they have more in common than just the same father. After an emotional reunion, Jake and Zoe rekindle their romance, and the brothers face their own issues regarding their reunion. Sadly, when tragedy strikes, the brothers are forced to learn quickly how to work together for the sake of family, and through this tragedy, they learn to love and trust one another. A Cowboy's Heart knows real love is not in the carnal desires of the flesh but the eternal, unconditional love of Jesus Christ.

  • av Pa Brown

    This book is to show the importance of trying. Don't give up too easily. There is always something or someone there to help in some way. If you fail the first time, try again. Sometimes it can be the show of strength to work hard for what you want.

  • av Robert Canada

    The National Institute of Mental Health estimates sixteen million adults in the United States suffer from some form of depression. The World Health Organization estimates 350 million people in the world suffer from depression. Over thirty thousand suicides take place in America each year above sixty percent suffered from depression. The suicide epidemic has become the fourth leading cause of death among adults ages eighteen to sixty-five. This sermon topic seems to be overlooked by our pulpits today. There are millions of Christians within the 350 million suffering from depression. These brothers and sisters in Christ are suffering from something they cannot control. They awake each day to another day of dread, crying out to God for relief with none in sight. Lost in a dark, never ending tunnel, looking for a way out. No light, no hope, and no direction. There is a stigma attached to being a Christian suffering from depression because we believe this is not supposed to happen to real Christians. After all, aren't we to be content in all things? We are to put on the garment of praise for the spirit of heaviness. How do we share our condition with other Christians who are void of understanding? We are not alone in our fight to drive this beast out of our lives. There are millions fighting this battle each day. Searching for the light at the end of the tunnel. The time has come to talk about depression in Christianity.

  • av Lisa Young

    "e;I have come that they may have life, and that they many have it more abundantly."e; -John 10:10 (NKJV)Jesus promises a rich, satisfying life of significance and purpose, yet worry, doubt, and fear seem to be stealing this great benefit. Anxiety and depression occupy the space designed for peace and joy in our heart. Join Lisa Young as she shares biblical in-sights through her own spiritual journey from ordinary to extraordinary by the trans-forming power of the Holy Spirit. In this book, you will be encouraged to allow your difficulties to purify your beliefs in order to walk victoriously consider your own identity and purpose in Christ gain perspective by learning to recognize and believe God's voice experience freedom by throwing out Satan's lies realize the "e;secret"e; of abundant life despite your circumstancesIncludes chapter questions for personal reflection and group discussion. Lisa Young is an ordinary wife and mother experiencing an extraordinary life in Christ. Encouraging others in their own dynamic relationship with a personal God is her pas-sion and calling. She is an author and teacher and serves at Rivers Crossing Commu-nity Church in Mason, OH. Connect with her at

  • av Myrtle-Anne Rempel

    Myrtle-Anne Rempel is a world-renowned artist after studying at the University of the Fraser Valley in Abbotsford, British Columbia. She was involved in two major car accidents, and after spending many years in hospitals, often facing death as well as pain and loneliness, she picked up her paintbrush. This book is a synopsis of her and her husband's life, from early childhood to the challenges they both faced. Ed Rempel built a hugely successful business in the years of a pro-union atmosphere. His businesses were all non-union companies employing young entrepreneurs and staff that were well paid. His motto always was, "e;Myrtle-Anne, we must always take the high road."e; Both Ed and Myrtle-Anne Rempel faced many highs and lows in their lifetimes. This book will challenge you to walk in faith to overcome your own obstacles.

  • av Sara Ousley

    The title was inspired by a sermon at church many years ago. This book is about overcoming a hurtful childhood and the ability to forgive and live a normal productive life. It is meant to encourage those who have had similar experiences and show that through traumatic events and a low self-esteem, one can have a good, useful life filled with love and usefulness. God loves a broken, not-so-perfect woman with a contrite heart who is willing to be used by Him, in whatever place He wants her. That goes for men as well. This book is written to be a glory to God and His great love!

  • av Domeka Kelley

    Victory in the Valley is an inspiring testament of the redemptive power of God and a reflection of the unwavering faith Pastor Domeka Kelley possessed in the power of God and His ability to sustain him through every affliction. This book is a window into the life and journey of Domeka as he experiences pitfalls and setbacks, leading him into the darkest period of his life, which he refers to as his "e;Valley Experience."e; A valley is defined as a low place or area situated between mountains or hills, and in scripture, valleys are symbolic for difficulties and hardships, while mountains are symbolic for elevation or high place. In this book, Domeka understands although he is in the valley at his lowest, he's simply in between mountains, which is his high place. Equipped with the Word of God and the support of his wife Jessica and children Bryan, Nakia, Malik, and Leyah; Domeka faces every challenge with a smile bigger than his problems, knowing God brought him to it only to bring him through it. This book is relevant to all teaching biblical principles and presenting practical truths while answering two of the most difficult but common questions while in the midst of storms, trials, valleys or simply the fight of your life: How did I get here, and when is it going to be over?"e;When you get to the end of your rope, tie a knot in it and hang on"e;. Franklin D Roosevelt

  • av Tania Wall

    When I was in elementary school, they would have us write stories, which I really enjoyed. However, my handwriting was not very good and I could not read, but that did not stop me from trying to get my stories on paper. My mother would sometimes turn off the television when we were young so we could have family time. I would run off to get my stories I had written. I was so excited and couldn't wait to share my stories with my family, but they had a hard time understanding what I was saying as I struggled to read what I had written, so they didn't understand me or my stories. I never thought I would be a writer, because in my mind, a writer needs to be able to spell, read, comprehend, and understand what they are reading, and all of those things are very hard for me. When God told me I was going to be a writer and share all of my stories I've written, as well as new ones, I told him all the reasons why I couldn't be a writer. He told me I just needed someone to hear my stories. God told me I need to be patient, honor him, continue to study his word, and pray for others. As I listened to all that God was telling me, I realized that I had learned all he had been telling me on the farm, and that is why God has chosen me to be a writer for this hurting world.

  • av Terri Fisher

    Get-Along Stories: A Book of Modern Fables is a collection of short stories using an assortment of nonhuman characters, which were endowed by the author with some very human characteristics including envy, prejudice, egotism, and pride, but also friendliness, compassion, empathy, and love. Every fable has a moral with the underlying theme being that we do not all have to be the same to get along in this world.

  • av Wendy Gelsthorpe

    The inspiration for the poems in this book was taken from stories in the Holy Bible, mainly from the life of Jesus, beginning with the visit of the Angel Gabriel to his mother Mary "e;The Annunciation."e; Many aspects of Jesus character are reflected in these poems, such as forgiveness, truth, self-knowledge, and peace (he was known as the Prince of Peace). The new commandment he gave his disciples before his death inspired the poem "e;The Greatest Commandment."e; The betrayal of Jesus by Judas Iscariot, one of Jesus' own disciples, was the subject of a poem and Simon Peter denying that he knew Jesus was another amazing story. Then came the Crucifixion portrayed in the poem "e;The Easter Tale,"e; which was followed by the story of the Resurrection "e;Christ is Risen."e; Next was the poem about Mary Magdalene weeping at the empty tomb where Jesus' body had been laid. When Jesus appeared before her, she did not recognize him until he spoke her name - "e;Mary."e; What a moment that must have been for her! "e;Pentecost"e; was the next poem, which tells of how the disciples obeyed Jesus' command to wait for the gift of the Holy Spirit to be bestowed upon them. The crowd were amazed by the things the Disciples said and did after receiving the Holy Spirit!Some poems even came to the author during the night. Truly they were Blessings from Heaven, which became the title of this book.

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