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Bøker utgitt av Centre for Addiction and Mental Health

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  • - Guide d'information
    av Ontario, Shannon Bettridge, Canada) Barbaree & m.fl.

  • - An Information Guide
    av Ontario, Shannon Bettridge, Canada) Barbaree & m.fl.

  • - Guide D'Information
    av Christina Bartha, Centre de Toxicomanie Et de Sante Mentale, W J Wayne Skinner & m.fl.

  • - An Information Guide
    av Christina Bartha, Centre for Addiction and Mental Health, W J Wayne Skinner & m.fl.

  • - An Information Guide
    av Sarah Bromley, Sabiha Faruqui & Monica Choi

  • - An Information Guide
    av Camh Bipolar Clinic Staff

  • - Guide D'Information
    av Christina Bartha, Centre de Toxicomanie Et de Sante Mentale, Kate Kitchen, m.fl.

    Recemment mis a jour, ce guide a ete redige a l'intention des personnes deprimees, de leur famille et de toute personne desireuse de se familiariser avec la maladie, son traitement et sa gestion. Le guide contient de l'information sur: ce qu'est la depression et comment en faire le diagnostic; les differents types de depression; les causes de la depression et les theories actuelles a son sujet; les divers types de traitements offerts; les questions et les preoccupations les plus courantes sur les medicaments; le processus de retablissement et la prevention efficace des rechutes; les rapports que peuvent etablir les membres de la famille avec la personne deprimee; la facon d'expliquer la depression aux enfants. Ce guide aidera les personnes deprimees, ainsi que les membres de leur famille et leurs amis, a comprendre les realites de la depression, a explorer les options qui leur sont offertes pour atteindre le retablissement."

  • - An Information Guide
    av Christina Bartha, Carol Parker & Cathy Thomson

    This recently updated guide is written for people living with depression, their families, and anyone interested in gaining a basic understanding of this illness and its treatment and management. The guide gives information on: - what depression is and how it is diagnosed - the different kinds of depression - the causes and current theories of depression - the different kinds of treatments available - frequently asked questions and concerns about medication - the process of recovery and effective relapse prevention - how family members can relate to a person with depression - how to explain depression to children. This guide will help people with depression, along with their family and friends, to understand and navigate through the realities of depression, and the options available to them as they move toward recovery.

  • - Guide D'Information
    av Marilyn Herie, Joanne Shenfeld & Tim Godden

  • - A Physician's Guide to Treatment, Second Edition

  • - An Information Guide
    av Kate Kitchen, Neil A Rector & Danielle Bourdeau

  • - A Concise Canadian Pocket Guide

    Psychiatry in Primary Care: A Concise Canadian Pocket Guide is a comprehensive, practical resource designed to support the work of primary care providers who encounter challenging mental health problems in their daily practices. Following a "just the pearls" approach, Psychiatry in Primary Care provides realistic, clinically-tested guidance on detecting and managing mental health problems within the primary care context. Topics covered range from depression, anxiety and personality disorders to psychotherapy in primary care and managing mental health-related disability and insurance claims. Designed for quick access, the guide features useful tools, established diagnostic criteria, useful approaches and alternatives to pharmacotherapies and other resources. Edited by David Goldbloom and Jon Davine, Psychiatry in Primary Care features leading contributors from across Canada.

  • - Guide Pratique Pour Les Personnes Qui Ont Perdu Un Proche a La Suite D'un Suicide En Ontario

  • - Un Programme De Lutte Contre Les Prejuges Et De Sensibilisation a La Depression a L'intention Des Jeunes Femmes : Guide De L'animatrice
    av Cathy Thompson, Angela Martella & Pam Gillett

  • - Guide D'information a L'intention Des Familles

  • - An Anti-stigma Program for Young Women to Promote Understanding of and Awareness About Depression: Facilitator's Manual
    av Cathy Thompson, Angela Martella & Pam Gillett

  • - Revised 1st Edition
    av David S. Goldbloom

  • - A Practical Guide for People Who Have Lost Someone to Suicide in Ontario

  • - An Information Guide
    av Neil A Rector

  • - Strategies for Reducing Problems Related to Alcohol, Other Drugs, Gambling and Internet Use
    av Gloria Chaim, David a Wolfe & Bruce Ballon

    This booklet is the second in the What Parents Need to Know about Teens series. Written in chatty, down-to-earth language, it addresses the challenges and risks that appear as children move into adolescence. This can be a scary time for teens as well as their parents. Teens will face pressures to use substances and engage in other risky behaviours. Parents will face difficult situations as they balance their teens' need for independence and autonomy while providing the guidance and monitoring teens need at this time. Topics include why adolescence is important, why teens experiment and take risks and when experimenting becomes a problem. The booklet suggests strategies for guiding teens and maintaining good relationships with them as they move through this stage of development.

  • - A Guide for Families
    av Sabrina Baker

    Family members can play a significant role in helping to identify early signs of psychosis, in seeking prompt and appropriate treatment for their relative, and in promoting the recovery process.The guide is divided into two parts: - Part I is designed to help families to support their relatives' recovery. It includes information about treatment of psychosis, crisis intervention, and working with mental health professionals.- Part II focusses on the family's journey to recovery. It describes specialized services for families, self-care strategies, and communication and limit-setting tips.

  • - Recommendations for Enhancing Pharmacy Services
    av Pearl Isaac & Beth Sproule

  • - Best Practices in Case Management
    av Kate Tschakovsky

    Clients talk about working with case managers: "They stick with me through thick and thin, no matter how much I'm using. They don't give up on me." "[People need] help with lots of things: legal issues, applying credits, health issues-it helps to have someone sort it out." "Case managers have to advocate for us with other services." Opioid addiction is on the rise in Ontario, particularly to prescription medications, and methadone maintenance is recognized as an effective treatment. Research shows that involving case managers in clients' addiction treatment leads to improved outcomes. The first evidence-based guide written for case managers working in MMT in Ontario, this book describes their roles of co-ordination, counselling and advocacy at the hub of a circle of collaborative, professional care. It makes recommendations about what clinicians, the agencies they work for, policy makers and funding bodies need to do to achieve and support best practice in case management. Composite case studies, practice points and clients' quotations illustrate how these practices apply in different clinical scenarios. As the number of clients entering MMT grows, the need for case management becomes all the more urgent. This book guides those who guide clients to the help they need.

  • - An Information Guide for Families
    av CAMH

    This booklet is designed for people who have someone in their lives who has borderline personality disorder (BPD). The first three sections include information about the symptoms and causes and treatment of BPD. Section four talks about how to support someone who has BPD and the last section discusses self-care for family and friends.Contents: - about personality disorders- about borderline personality disorder- treatment for people with BPD- supporting the family member who has BPD- self-care- recovery and hope- family crisis information sheet.

  • - A Handbook for Health Care Providers
    av CAMH & Motherrisk

    A great deal of misinformation exists about women's use of substances during pregnancy and lactation. A health care provider's challenge is to know the true risks and bene ts, both to the mother and to her fetus or baby, of taking versus stopping the use of a medication or other substance. Yet the average provider is not well equipped to give the best advice to women who are pregnant or breastfeeding and exposed to psychotropics. -"Is it ever safe to drink alcohol when breastfeeding?" -"What are the risks to the baby if the mother uses cannabis while pregnant or breastfeeding?" -"Are the effects of smoking different during pregnancy versus during breastfeeding?" -"Can a woman safely breastfeed her baby when taking codeine?" Exposure to Psychotropic Medications and Other Substances during Pregnancy and Lactation: A Handbook for Health Care Providers is a convenient source of evidence-based information and recommendations on these and many other questions for primary care physicians, psychiatrists, pharmacists, obstetricians, midwives, public health nurses and nurse practitioners. The handbook: -details the properties and effects of many psychotropic medications and other substances, and provides recommendations for how to advise women using these substances -dispels common myths about drug exposure during pregnancy and lactation -discusses key principles for clinical approaches to working with pregnant or breastfeeding women who use psychotropic medications or other substances -covers screening best practices and provides screening tools -explores the critical therapeutic role that all health professionals can play in helping women move toward better health outcomes for themselves and their babies. The production of this handbook has been made possible through a nancial contribution from Health Canada.

  • - Ressource Pour Les Fournisseurs De Soins De Sante
    av CAMH & Motherrisk

  • - The "Harm Reduction for Rural Youth" Project Experience
    av CAMH

    Rural youth face distinct problems that demand solutions specific to small-town environments. Freedom to Act is a case study about young people in a high school co-op program who combine their skills to reach a common goal. This youth team created a magazine for their peers, called Wild Times, Deadly Times, with information on how to reduce the harms associated with alcohol and other drug use.This project guide provides activities and ideas for supporting rural youth as they address issues related to alcohol and other drug use among their peers. The resources and strategies of this case study could be applied equally to rural youth service agencies and to urban secondary schools.

  • - A Brief Treatment for Young Substance Users
    av CAMH

    First Contact: A Brief Treatment for Young Substance Users helps you integrate the treatment of drug use with co-existing mental health problems. Since so many youth present with concurrent mental health and substance use problems, we have provided you with a brief, first step intervention that focuses on drug use in the context of other mental health problems. It incorporates motivational interviewing, cognitive behavioural and harm reduction approaches discussed in the earlier chapters of the resource. It can be implemented in the various settings where youth present-addiction services, mental health services, social services and education programs-as a first step to more extensive treatment or as a stand-alone intervention with youth who do not need or want more treatment. It can also be offered concurrently with treatment for mental health or family issues. First Contact is suitable for youth aged 14 to 25 and is mostly used with groups of youth, but may be used in sessions with individuals.

  • - Family Psychoeducational Group Manual - Therapist's Guide
    av Christina Bartha, Kate Kitchen & Carol Parker

  • - An Information Guide
    av Marilyn Herie, Tim Godden & Joanne Schenfeld

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