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  • - Communication Principles Preachers Can Learn from Television
    av Tony Gentilucci

    Stop Preaching and Start Communicating examines the medium of television as a powerful method of communication to consider what we can learn from it as communicators of the most important message the world needs to hear. Tony discusses: knowing your target audience, how to begin and end your message effectively, communicating without notes, the need for one memorable big idea, and how to communicate to transform, rather than simply inform.

  • - The Charles Mulli Story
    av Paul H Boge

    Six-year-old Charles Mulli wakes up in his Kenyan hut to discover his parents have abandoned him. Forced to beg from hut to hut in search of food, Charles scrapes out a meagre existence while trying to come to terms with his abusive past and seemingly hopeless future. As a teenager, Charles is invited by a friend to a crusade where he commits his life to Christ. That act begins a unique adventure of faith, miracles, and a passion for reaching street children. After years of struggle, Charles experiences unprecedented success. He finds a wonderful wife, raises a family, excels in business to such a degree that he creates an empire that is noticed by the President of Kenya. Charles becomes a pinnacle in the Church movement, but then his life changes again. In spite of his tremendous achievements, the plight of the growing street children problem in his country remains strong in Charles' heart. He is unable to shut out their cries, the cries he understands so well, and he realizes he must respond. Convicted by God to give away all his possessions, Charles sells everything to pursue his passion of rescuing street children from the slums of Kenya. He battles against corrupt religious establishments, supernatural enemies, and intense financial pressures to bring hope to those whose lives reflect his own childhood. Mully Children's Family (MCF) Orphanage was founded and established by Charles and Esther Mulli in response to the desperate needs of street children, abandoned children, and HIV/AIDS orphans in Kenya in 1989. Father to the Fatherless is the true story of a man whose life begins in desperate poverty, moves to riches, and finally servanthood, where he becomes a real-life demonstration of selfless love and sacrifice that challenges us to evaluate the cost of giving up all to God in the service of others.

  • - The Story of Krystaal
    av Darlene Polachic

    The 1989 student massacre in Lubumbashi, Zaire under the brutal rule of dictator President Mobutu Sese Seko was almost the end for brothers Michel, Fabian and Aliston Lwamba. Escaping with only their lives, that day was a grim and deadly reality marking the beginning of an incredible saga that changed their lives forever. During the chaos, the Lwambas were separated from each other, living in refugee camps for over five years and leaving many of their relatives for dead. They survived violence, disease, depression and starvation before they met God and found in Him both the reason and the will to keep on standing. Eventually Michel and Aliston were sponsored and given the opportunity to migrate to Canada, and later miraculously reunited with their brother Fabian, who was feared to have been killed. Today, the music that the brothers shared in the refugee camps that brought people purpose and healing, has led them to found the group Krystaal, whose award winning music style blends gospel, hip-hop, R&B and African styles. In September 2006, they launched the "e;Krystaal World Peace Tour,"e; advocating peace -- politically, interpersonally and spiritually -- around the world. Their aim is to share with others the hope that music brought to them, particularly to children, who like themselves, have been orphaned by war. Keep On Standing - The Story of Krystaal is a true story of hope, faith and deliverance.

  • - And Other Important Lessons in Leadership
    av Brian C Stiller

    Brian Stiller, Past President, Tyndale University College & Seminary, has spent a life-time leading and teaching others to lead. He has led small ministries, large organizations and everything in between. During his years, he has accumulated a wealth of knowledge and skills. In this new collection of wisdom, humour and history, Brian shares some of the valuable insights and wisdom he has gleaned in his 50 years of leadership. Major sections include: * The Art of Leading * Leading with Vision * Discerning the Times * Perspective Matters * Taking Risks * Smoothing the Rough Edges * Embracing Change and Gifting to Lead

  • av Deborah Gyapong

    This 2005 Best New Canadian Christian Author Award tells the story of a policewoman who finds redemption, aided by a man she suspects of murder. Linda Donner, a Boston native, travels north to rural Nova Scotia, and takes a post as a policewoman with the Royal Canadian Mounted Police in hopes of finding balance in her life. Instead of a slower pace, things heat up as she becomes preoccupied with a controversial pastor she suspects is guilty of arson, murder and child abuse. She breaks into a church and finds the suspected pastor exorcising demons from a child. She believes she has caught him in the abuse act, but finds her own self powerless as she spirals into what appears to be a nervous breakdown. As she realizes she is fighting supernatural forces, she decides she must find God's help--a God she had stopped believing in after a priest seduced her when she was a teenager. The only person who seems able to help is her chief suspect--the pastor.

  • - Discovering Who You Are Through The Trials Of Life
    av Colin McCartney

    The many challenges life throws at us do not shape us. How we respond to these challenges do. In "e;The Beautiful Disappointment"e; urban youth worker and author, Colin McCartney, shares his personal struggles in dealing with the murder of one of his staff, the death of a child in his program and his own near death experience from a paralyzing water accident in Hawaii. While the author was recovering from this life threatening accident in the critical care unit of Maui Memorial Hospital he slowly realizes that trials are "e;beautiful disappointments"e; God can use to purge us off all the false things we have allowed to disfigure who we truly are. It is through this "e;refining by trials"e; that the author experiences the intimate presence of God, a presence in our soul that frees us to reconnect to who we truly are as God originally created us to be. A true story that will leave the reader truly changed.

  • av Marcia Lee Laycock

    The winner of the 2006 Best New Canadian Christian Author Award. No matter how far you run, God will find you. No matter how bad you've been, God will forgive you. Alex Donnelly is running and trying to hide. He has picked a good place to do it - The Yukon - but he is pursued by friends, enemies, and most effectively, by God. Burning with the need to know about his parents, Alex returns to his birth-city, Seattle, where he discovers that his mother tried to abort him. The trauma sends him on the run again only to find out God has orchestrated a divine appointment for him back in the Yukon. The story is filled with miraculous healing, struggles with rage and an obsession with revenge for a childhood abuser. This story illustrates that God never gives up on those whom He has chosen. God's mercy and grace extend even to those who consider themselves unworthy, and even more, to those who are considered unworthy in the eyes of the world.

  • - Beyond My Wildest Imagination
    av Bosco H C Poon

  • - Vol 2: 8 Canadian Women Tell Their Stories

    Faith, Life and Leadership-Vol 2 : 8 Canadian Women Tell Their Stories is the follow-up volume to the very successful first book by the same title. This second group of eight successful, experienced, godly Canadian women, has been similarly assembled, and again each contributor is a distinguished leader in her field. All have been willing to share the unique story that relates to the lessons they learned during their leadership journey. Their personal stories are told with utmost authenticity and integrity. Readers will be inspired, encouraged and edified to achieve great things for the Kingdom.

  • - Exploring the Greatest Invitation Extended to Humanity
    av Ronald J Mahler

    In the parable of the great banquet in Luke 14, Jesus taught that a celebration unlike any other in all human history-a great banquet, also known as the wedding feast of the Lamb-has been planned and is being prepared in heaven at this very moment. At the end of human history, this banquet will be thrown for all who have responded to God's RSVP. The magnitude and size of this banquet are incomprehensible. It will include all the people of faith throughout history-the patriarchs, prophets, and apostles; the most infamous of saved sinners to the most insignificant of saints. The RSVP invitation list is growing daily, but who is invited and who will attend? This award-winning book explores these questions. It will motivate you with in-depth descriptions of the celebration from both Old and New Testament accounts. Jesus will be there! The question is "Are you banquet-ready?"

  • - Longing for Family and Home
    av Larry McCloskey

    During the past thirty years, Larry McCloskey has become an accomplished writer, while his day job/vocation has been working with students with disabilities. He wrote Lament for Spilt Porter with a sense of urgency born of the need to reconcile a haunting sense of loss with our muted desire to find our way home. The desire for home-how we fit into this life and anticipate the next-is our most basic spiritual impulse, fueling our hopes and fears, passions and pathologies. But sadly, for many of us, the hunger for home has been supplanted by the primacy of self, with predictable results. At a time and in a place of greatest affluence and freedom, with technological means to connect all of us at all times, many of us are unhappy, isolated and on the question of meaning, lost. So maybe the only way forward is to look back, rediscover the wisdom from the cast of characters that populate our past and informs our present, to find the miracle in the minutia, to go home.

  • - Celebrating the Legacy of Harold Percy

    In this collection of essays on leadership, discipleship, spirituality, congregational ministry, and missional outreach, over twenty pastoral practitioners engage in lively dialogue inspired by the life, legacy and many contributions of Herold Percy to the life of the church today. Throughout more than forty years of effective and faithful ministry, Harold Percy has successfully employed strategies that call a slumbering national and local church to find its true identity in Christ. Over 20 contributors includingPeter Patterson, Business Director of Wycliffe CollegeMichael P. Knowles, Professor of Preaching at McMaster Divinity CollegeJudy Paulsen, Professor of Evangelism, Wycliffe CollegeDave Toycen, President of World Vision CanadaDiane Toycen, Past Director of Programming and Parish Life, Trinity, StreetsvilleLinda Nicholls, Bishop of the Diocese of Huron,Bill Fietje, President of the Associated Gospel Churches, CanadaJohn Bowen. Professor of Evangelism Emeritus, Wycliffe CollegeAnd 16 others

  • av Sherri-Anne Williams

  • - Reflections on the Essential Disciplines of Institutional Investment Management, Life and Happiness
    av Ralph E W Loader

  • - A Practical Guide for Couples Considering or Planning to Get Married
    av David Sherbino

    Life is filled with choices, but one of the most significant choices a person will ever make is the decision to marry someone. Such a decision indicates that you desire to spend and share your life with another person in a manner that is different from every other relationship. In essence you are saying to this person "I am choosing to be completely committed to you in a way that is different from any of my other commitments in life".If this is a choice you are making, then it is important to choose well. To choose well implies that you understand what this commitment means and how it will impact the life of both individuals who are entering into this marriage covenant. It is essential that you are honest, transparent and open to each other.The questions in this marriage preparation workbook are designed to help you explore a number of issues that couples face as they contemplate life together.May this be a rewarding and enlightening experience.

  • - How Faith Conquers Fear
    av Theodore Mistra

    Conquering, Fear Through Faith is Gods Promise to Us. In his previous book, Surrounded by Angels, Theodore Mistra recounts his story of Gods healing power and love that encouraged him to overcome illness and return him to an active and fruitful life. Now, through his journey of discovering ultimate faith, Gods promises, love, and Gods will for his life as he struggles to come to terms with his second life threatening disease in three years.

  • - Helping Children Understand Homelessness
    av Tim Huff

  • - With a Smile on My Face, Sparkle in My Eyes, Spring in My Steps and Song on My Lips
    av Ernie Nullmeyer

  • - An Encounter with Christ: And how He used me to spread His love to the poor.
    av Charles Mulli

  • - 8 Canadian Women Tell Their Stories
    av Marg Gibb

  • - Crossing Bridges with Emerging Leaders
    av John, Fip McAuley & Brenda Melles

  • - Elaine Zeidman Markovic and the Story of Scott Mission
    av Ben Volman

    With Holy chutzpah and a bold trust in miracles led Morris and Annie Zeidman to found The Scott Mission in 1941. With the help of their children, they built one of Toronto's best-loved inner city ministries: "the Miracle on Spadina." Through the eyes of their daughter Elaine Zeidman Markovic, a remarkable story unfolds of blessings, heartbreak and personal triumph--and the presence of God who never failed, even in the darkest hours, to renew hope and restore their faith.

  • av Sam Martin, Sir (University of Pennsylvania) Martin & Lecturer French Studies Samuel

    This is the story of one small ministry that is making a big difference in the lives of thousands of children across the world. It's not just the story of man's efforts to reach out to and help children; it's not just the story of people seeking to meet the needs of children in a Biblical and cost-effective way; but it is the story of the gracious and miraculous workings of God through these facts! It's also the story of God's amazing provision, of His leading, of His power and the story of how obedience to the call of God and the leading of the Holy Spirit produces fruit. This is the story of God at work in and through the lives of faithful men and women who have given themselves to be 'the Arms of Jesus' and to reach the most needy of all unreached groups; children. It was written to bring hope to a hurting world, hope in the faithfulness of God, and it is written with a heart full of thankfulness to God for what He has done and is doing, and for the privilege we all could have of being involved in His work.

  • av Elizabeth Pierce

     In Deep Soulful Places author Elizabeth Pierce takes you on a journey of discovering the deep, soulful places in each of us where God's presence can be known and His love felt. God created places within us meant only for Him and His love. Yet they are places that often remain untouched by Him, despite His desire to meet us there. Because our heads get in the way, we can know of His love, but have yet to feel it deep within ourselves.Elizabeth Pierce is a practicing clinical social worker by profession. Deep, Soulful Places is a culmination of all that has transpired, personally and professionally, as she used her skills and gifts to help others. As she has been tenderly, yet passionately pursued everyday by a loving God, she wants to ensure that everyone else understands that they are too.

  • - Handbook of Essentials for Human Services Leadership
    av Robert (Newcastle University UK) Shaw

  • av Bruce Smith & Phil Kershaw

  • - How Leading Canadians Choose Faith to Conquer the Storms of Life
    av Gary Gradley

  • - Protect Your Family from Child Sexual Abuse
    av Diane Roblin-Lee

  • - Ethel Ayres Bullymore- Legend of an Epic Canadian Midwife
    av Donna Mann

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