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  • av Besu Tadesse

    What starts as an end-of-year celebration for a group of high school students leads to a nightmare, and for one in particular, the event leads to new revelations about her home and herself. Life goes on, but the ghosts never disappear.

  • - Understanding How To Play The Branding & Numbers Game As An Entrepreneur
    av Donnie L Nelson

    In the competitive landscape of entrepreneurship, *The Strategic Player* emerges as a strategic guide for entrepreneurs navigating the complexities of branding and the critical management of business numbers. Crafted from the entrepreneurial journey of a husband and wife who faced the ups and downs of building a legacy, this book unfolds as a blueprint for transforming ambition into actionable success. With a narrative rooted in the realization that entrepreneurship is akin to a strategic game, this guide dives into the nuances of branding-illustrating it as an art of crafting compelling narratives that resonate with consumers on a human level. It challenges traditional marketing doctrines, advocating for a personal approach where value creation and genuine connections become the cornerstone of branding strategy. The Strategic Player* also demystifies the numbers game, clearly explaining the importance of financial literacy, metric management, and the strategic application of business models. Through insightful chapters, readers are equipped with the tools to navigate the digital marketplace, emphasizing the significance of content creation, the articulation of a resonant brand message, and the judicious selection of a business model aligned with their vision. This book is not just a manual but a manifesto for aspiring entrepreneurs and established business owners alike. It champions the mindset of strategic play, where understanding the branding game and mastering the numbers game are pivotal to turning entrepreneurial dreams into reality.

  • - Exploring Boundless Possibilities
    av Candice Garwood

    Are you ready to embark on a journey of self-discovery and transformation? In this empowering book, you will learn the keys to unlock your full potential and live without limitations. Discover the Power of Faith and Self-Belief: Through compelling stories and practical insights, you'll explore the extraordinary potential that lies within you. Learn how faith and unwavering self-belief can be your guiding lights on the path to personal growth and success. Escape the Prison Mindset: Break free from the confines of a scarcity mindset and self-doubt. This book provides the tools and strategies to liberate yourself from the mental barriers that have held you back, allowing you to step into a future filled with boundless possibilities. Discover how to set effective goals: Setting effective goals is a cornerstone of achievement. Here, you will gain a deep understanding of goal-setting techniques that work. Whether you aspire to transform your career, relationships, or personal life, you'll discover the roadmap to make your dreams a reality. Manifest your goals through affirmations: Manifest your desires and aspirations through the transformative practice of affirmations. Learn how to craft and use affirmations effectively, harnessing the incredible potential of positive thinking to shape your reality. This book is your guide to unleashing the incredible potential that resides within you. It's a journey of self-discovery, personal growth, and empowerment. If you're ready to break free from limitations, embrace your dreams, and create a life filled with purpose and abundance, then this is the book for you. Unlock your full potential, believe in yourself, and start living the life you were born to live. Your journey to a limitless future begins here.

  • - A Tale of The American Civil War
    av Calvin J Camp

    Armed with two pistols and a dagger, Sarah Jenkins Boudreaux, a very dark black woman, boards the side paddle wheeler "Ida" and goes south to find her husband, a tall, white apprentice printer and former Union sailor. A terrifying telegram has come; he is missing in a war without mercy. "I am coming for you," she writes. "I have two pistols and a dagger. I love you, and I am coming for you." With those words, Sarah goes into the slave-holding Confederacy, the heart of darkness. Guarded by a crew of American sailors and Marines, she goes upriver on the steam launch "The 13." She will find him. Nothing will stop her. In this cold, wet December of 1864, the demons of war lurk on the Savannah River. This is Sarah's story.

  • av Aiysha Swallowgren

    The strongest and most intense love leaves evidence in the glowing in the shadows. Bringing light into darkness and making sense of the senseless these poems detail the evolution of a trainwreck of love and destruction. Some sweet, some perverse, some profane, and some profound there is sinsational words that will stimulate and titillate you and leave you glowing in the shadows.

  • - How To Connect With God
    av Gary Steven Williams

    Poetry In Prayer - How to Connect with God is a quest to learn how to pray authentically and draw near to God. When Gary Williams became a Christian, he knew that his life had radically changed with a desire to follow God and tell people about his discovery. This book is his path of learning how to pray, and the transformative results it can have in anyone's life. Publishing his self-revealing journey is an expression of Gary's life mission " to maximize his time, talents and treasures to win people to Jesus Christ and to build them up in a growing relationship with Him." Poetry in Prayer is a fresh, down-to-earth, nuts and bolts understanding of how to develop a meaningful prayer life. Written from a businessman's perspective, it is about connecting to the most important Boss. Gary's many years in prayer inspired a rich library of songs and poems of his spiritual walk, which are included in this book. This book will help you learn how to organize your quiet time, create a journal, organize your prayer lists, and build the essential discipline of daily prayer into your life. It will also provide poems and songs that will encourage and inspire you as you encounter life's daily challenges. Finally, you will find written within these pages, the most important answer to the most important question in life. Gary's prayer is that God will richly bless your life because of reading this book.

  • av Jeanette M Corso

    Meet Caper, a duck afraid of being different; and listen to how her story transforms from a fear of non-acceptance to one of true self-discovery. Once her secret was revealed Caper decided she no longer wanted to hide, so she embarked on a journey of self-acceptance. As she ventured she stumbled upon a beautiful garden and met wonderful ducks who are as unique as the splendid flowers that surrounded them. Caper finally accepted her uniqueness, and was embraced by others who celebrated diversity.

  • av Pepper North

    Nur ein Daddy könnte sie jetzt noch vor sich selbst retten ...Nach einer längeren beruflichen Auszeit, um ihren todkranken Mann zu pflegen, kehrt Sharon Ross endlich zu Edgewater Industries zurück. Erschöpft von der langwierigen Pflege und von dem Verlust ihres Ehemannes schwer getroffen, ist sie erleichtert, wieder bei der einzigen Familie angekommen zu sein, die ihr geblieben ist. Knox Miller liebt Sharon schon seit Jahren, bislang jedoch nur aus der Ferne. Er kann nicht tatenlos zusehen, wie Kummer und Erschöpfung das kleine Mädchen in ihr auffressen. Die zärtliche Liebe und Fürsorge eines besonderen Daddys könnten Sharon aus ihrem Elend befreien und Knox hat die Absicht, derjenige zu sein, der ihr diese Rettung verspricht. Daddy rettet dich ist das dritte Buch aus der Reihe der "ABC-Türme". Wenn Sie sich von heißen Daddys verführen lassen wollen, die alles riskieren, um ihre Littles in Sicherheit zu wissen, ist dieses Abenteuer genau das Richtige für Sie.

  • av Pepper North

    Was passiert, wenn sie sich an der Spitze der Karriereleiter allein wiederfindet?Elaine Rivers arbeitet hart, doch der Spaß am Leben fehlt ihr. Als das Zugpferd der Edgewater Company fehlt es ihr nicht an Leistungsdruck im Alltag. Wäre da nicht ihr neuer trotteliger Verwaltungsassistent, der sie in den Wahnsinn treibt, würde sie das Lachen womöglich verlernen. Fane Bogart liebt Laney schon seit langem. Als sich ihm die Chance bietet, direkt an ihrer Seite zu arbeiten, ergreift er sie sofort, um ihr näher zu kommen. Er hat es satt, sie aus der Ferne zu beobachten, schließlich kennt er alle ihre Geheimnisse und ist bereit, die Zügel in die Hand zu nehmen. Kann er seinen spielerischen Charme einsetzen, um ihr Vertrauen und ihre Zuneigung außerhalb des Büros zu gewinnen? Dies ist das zweite Buch aus der Reihe der ABC-Türme. Wenn Sie auf heiße Daddys stehen, die alles riskieren, um ihre Littles zu beschützen, ist dieses Abenteuer genau das Richtige für Sie.

  • av Pepper North

    Der Milliardär Easton Edgewater hat lange darauf gewartet, die Eine zu finden, die er bis ans Ende seiner Tage für sich beanspruchen wird. Piper Townie ist auf der Flucht vor ihrem Ex-Verlobten, dem größten Fehler ihres Lebens und sucht verzweifelt nach einem Job. Ein für sie neuer und geschützter Ort sollte alle ihre Probleme lösen. Aber was passiert, wenn ihr unwiderstehlicher neuer Chef die geheimen Sehnsüchte erkennt, die sie vor allen anderen zu verbergen sucht? Easton Edgewater hat jahrelang alles für seine Firma gegeben. Als seine rechte Hand geht und Piper als ihre Nachfolgerin auswählt, fällt ihm die verführerische neue Assistentin direkt ins Auge. Ist es möglich, dass sie diejenige ist, auf die er all die Jahre gewartet hat?Willkommen bei den ABC-Türmen. Wenn Sie auf heiße Daddys stehen, die alles riskieren, um ihre Littles zu beschützen, ist dieses Abenteuer genau das Richtige für Sie.

  • av Sukie Colegrave

    The crises of our time, socio/economic, political, environmental, psychological and biological, are inevitable reflections of our current collective consciousness of separation and suffering, and therefore cannot be resolved by this same consciousness, but only by unfolding our true human nature - Divine, unity consciousness. By way of personal experience and spiritual revelation Unfolding the New Humanity describes a new, unique way of unfolding unity consciousness. It is a way that unfolds who we are since it is who we are; a way that allows our current mind, heart and body to relinquish the energy signatures of separate consciousness, and spontaneously metamorphose into the Divine mind, heart and, ultimately, Divine body expressing as each unique, individual Divine human.The book concludes with glimpses of the new human culture that will be birthed by and reflect the new Divine humanity. Also by Sukie Colegrave: Uniting Heaven and Earth, Tarcher, By Way of Pain, Park Street Press, Embodying the Light of Oneness, Kindle.

  • av Hollandsworth-McMahan Beth Hollandsworth-McMahan

  • av Cecilia Anastos

    Every day, my dogs and I walk around beautiful Ramona, CA. While we walk, I practice walking meditation. My concentration is on the sounds the dogs' paws and my feet make as we touch the ground, their breathing and my breathing, the sound the leaves make when the wind caresses them, and the loud voices of some reactive dogs we encounter along the walk. This is not a book about meditation or dog training. It is a book about philosophy of life and the wandering mind that flourishes after the walks. It is a collection of 34 short stories. Some will make you laugh. Some will make you think deeply about your own life. In October 2021, Julie Gallant from the Ramona Sentinel interviewed me, and we talked about my choosing the canvas to express complex feelings. A few months later, I decided to choose the pen to express things for which the canvas would not have been the right medium. At the time of this writing, my loyal walking buddies were my service dog Nena, her daughters Juliette and Panda, Jolie, Kapa'a, Indie and Luna. Come inside the book to discover what transpires after the walks.

  • av Lauren Heidingsfelder

    A giant who lives in a magical forest makes a choice he regrets and enlists other magical creatures to help make things right.

  • av Donnette Jones

    I was entering my room and as I was about to sit on the bed, I heard the Lord say write a book from the heart of daughters to their mothers!I jumped on the assignment not truly knowing what was about to unfold from my heart or the hearts of my own daughters (6).As my heart willed to obey, I begin to ask my own daughters to write and give me their feedback. What I received from each one was different. Some said, "Yes, mama" with a smile. One said, "No!" One was hesitant and the other thoughtfully was l like, "Uhhmmm I guess." I said, "Wait a minute, what is truly going on in the hearts of my girls?" Then it all began to unfold ... Was it a possibility that you can laugh with your mama and talk to her every day, yet have hidden issues tucked deep away in a hidden compartment of the heart?

  • av Angel The Trailer Park Angel

  • av Sorayana Bravo

    El libro es el resultado de una investigación sobre los factores culturales e históricos que llevaron a la caída de Venezuela, luego de haber sido una nación próspera e independiente. Se explora la Venezuela Pre-Chávez, el desarrollo del socialismo y los elementos que contribuyeron a la llegada de Chávez en 1999. El libro cuenta con un resumen de las principales fechas de la Venezuela moderna y se enfoca en la presencia o ausencia del patriotismo.

  • av April Wolstencroft

  • av Anika S Madison

    This book is for anyone who feels stuck and unable to move forward. You are working towards realizing your passions but there is a glue keeping you from this realization. For the purposes of this book the definition for the glue is anything that you are stuck to that prevents beneficial action. In this book, you will discover how to speak to that situation acting as the glue and gain some insights on how to dissolve that glue once and for all. It is time to "Speak To Your Glue' and gain your freedom.

  • av Emily Donalson

    A silly book about a horse and a cat who are best friends, and the value of friendship.

  • av Patti Brown

  • av Elece K McKnight

    Elece Kunangura Mcknight was born and grown up in Zimbabwe. She is the fourth daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. Kunangura. Her mother died when Elece was only six year, she spent most her youthful years in tears and prayer. Elece graduated from Chibuwe high school in 1983 in Zimbabwe. Elece had dreamed of becoming a missionary or a minister. In 1984 after many years of searching and contemplating a suicidal attempt, she got involved with the unification movement. In 1989 she got married to an American Robin Mcknight. Now Elece and her husband are still raising their four daugters Justice, Victorian, Cherish, and SuHyun. Elece holds an A.B in creative writing and a master in Theology. Currently Elece is working as a teacher.Elece has written Into the Millennium Poems, Life lessons Poems and Into the Millennium Poems second edition. Rare Glimpses displays the deep insight, spirituality and humor with some seriousness. It takes you beyond today and reality to reflect on the wonder of the Origin and the glory of his Creation. Elece is currently working on her memoir about her life growing up in war-torn Zimbabwe and her struggles to survive as a child of the conflict.

  • - A story of capability
    av Wendy Maybee

    This is a story about Maxwell and his trusted friend, Stego the dinosaur stuffy. Maxwell was an able boy. However, sometimes he doubted his own abilities. When he wasn''t sure if he could do something, he didn''t want to try. He let others do things for him. But deep down, Maxwell wanted to believe he was capable. He wished he had the confidence to overcome his doubts. Then one day, Maxwell was magically transformed into Stego, the dinosaur stuffy. After a series of adventures living the life of Stego, Maxwell learned to see differently and realize his true capability.This story follows Maxwell through a series of events he experiences after taking the form of his favorite stuffy, Stego the dinosaur. Not being able to do anything for himself anymore, Maxwell gains a new perspective on his own abilities. Not only does he realize the life of a stuffy isn''t as great as he once thought, he learns a valuable lesson about the importance of trying.Maxwell and the Dinosaur Dream is a fantastic journey with an important message for anyone who has doubted their abilities or has let fear hold them back. The story is intended for children but carries an important lesson for all ages.

  • av Gordon Grob

    Join Kenny the Cleanly Garbage Truck as he embarks on an exciting day of trash collection! Follow Kenny all along his daily route to discover why his last stop of the day is so unique for a garbage truck. This story is a delightful tale of a lovable truck who loves his dirty job and enjoys ending his days on a note of cleanliness!

  • av A K Hicks

    A Middle Grade Adventure Mystery "Captivating and compelling, the writing style and voice was expertly crafted in a way that worked well and that will work well for both readers of the intended age and for older readers that might share the story with their kids." - Writers Digest "One feature I liked was the clues, which I thought A. K. Hicks made up superbly! They were difficult, well-phrased, and mysterious, which made them exciting and challenging!" - Reader Views Kids "The Mystery at Moz Hollow is a charming and captivating adventure that serves as the perfect foray into the mystery genre for younger readers." - Reader's Favorite "Lighthearted, Endearing, and Fun!" - Amazon Review Emma Sleigh and her best friend Laura Sorsby travel to Moz Hollow, a mansion in northern Minnesota where Emma's mother will be providing catering services to the crew filming the movie Faded Tapestry. During a visit with Isobel Walker, the elderly owner of Moz Hollow, Emma discovers an unsolved scavenger hunt based on the items listed on a holiday menu that is over 60 years old. Emma, Laura, and their new friend Raza Mehta face danger in the northern wilderness and from those who want the treasure (whose secret is linked to the menu) for themselves.

  • - Finally Make Peace with Food and Live a Life Free From Dieting
    av Jenn Hand

    There IS a path to learn how to be one of those "normal" eaters--and this book explains how to get there. Jenn Hand, who has inspired thousands of women through her blog and podcast, outlines how to overcome binge eating, how to find freedom from dieting, and how to, finally, make peace with food. With practical and actionable steps, she offers personal stories, simple strategies, and reassuring words to help you end the diet-binge cycle forever.

  • - Book Three of The Winged
    av T K Perry

    Delia's prospects at the Mating Mountain are not looking bright. While riding waves of hormonal rage, finding a husband is...difficult. More content to spend her time collecting herbs and loath to date, it will be a miracle if she makes if off the mountain. She desperately needs a guy who can see past her mental illness; but if she doesn't find him soon, a lifetime of serving with embittered slaves is a sad certainty. Praise for The Winged series: "I absolutely loved living in the world created by the author." -Chresann Dsouza of Anne's Book Nook "Perry has a unique way of writing that readers of fantasy romance will enjoy." -Singing Librarian Books

  • av Ross Denise Ross

  • av Judit Martin

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