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  • - A novel by Daniel Defoe
    av Daniel Defoe

    Robinson Crusoe is an Englishman from the town of York in the seventeenth century, the youngest son of a merchant of German origin. Encouraged by his father to study law, Crusoe expresses his wish to go to sea instead. His family is against Crusoe going out to sea, and his father explains that it is better to seek a modest, secure life for oneself. Initially, Robinson is committed to obeying his father, but he eventually succumbs to temptation and embarks on a ship bound for London with a friend. When a storm causes the near deaths of Crusoe and his friend, the friend is dissuaded from sea travel, but Crusoe still goes on to set himself up as merchant on a ship leaving London. This trip is financially successful, and Crusoe plans another, leaving his early profits in the care of a friendly widow. The second voyage does not prove as fortunate: the ship is seized by Moorish pirates, and Crusoe is enslaved to a potentate in the North African town of Sallee. While on a fishing expedition, he and a slave boy break free and sail down the African coast. A kindly Portuguese captain picks them up, buys the slave boy from Crusoe, and takes Crusoe to Brazil. In Brazil, Crusoe establishes himself as a plantation owner and soon becomes successful. Eager for slave labor and its economic advantages, he embarks on a slave-gathering expedition to West Africa but ends up shipwrecked off of the coast of Trinidad...

  • - Kompostieren mit Pflanzenkohle
    av Horst Wagner

    Terra Preta ist eine holzkohlehaltige schwarze Erde die bereits vor Jahrhunderten von Menschen im Amazonasgebiet angelegt wurde. Wie wir die Vorteile dieser hochfruchtbaren Erde nutzen können und warum es für unsere Gesundheit und unsere Umwelt förderlich ist, davon handelt diese Buch.

  • - unabridged edition
    av Aesop

    Aesop's Fables, or the Aesopica, is a collection of fables credited to Aesop, a slave and storyteller believed to have lived in ancient Greece between 620 and 564 BCE. Of diverse origins, the stories associated with his name have descended to modern times through a number of sources and continue to be reinterpreted in different verbal registers and in popular as well as artistic media.The fables originally belonged to the oral tradition and were not collected for some three centuries after Aesop's death. By that time a variety of other stories, jokes and proverbs were being ascribed to him, although some of that material was from sources earlier than him or came from beyond the Greek cultural sphere. The process of inclusion has continued until the present, with some of the fables unrecorded before the later Middle Ages and others arriving from outside Europe. The process is continuous and new stories are still being added to the Aesop corpus, even when they are demonstrably more recent work and sometimes from known authors.Manuscripts in Latin and Greek were important avenues of transmission, although poetical treatments in European vernaculars eventually formed another. On the arrival of printing, collections of Aesop's fables were among the earliest books in a variety of languages. Through the means of later collections, and translations or adaptations of them, Aesop's reputation as a fabulist was transmitted throughout the world.Initially the fables were addressed to adults and covered religious, social and political themes. They were also put to use as ethical guides and from the Renaissance onwards were particularly used for the education of children. Their ethical dimension was reinforced in the adult world through depiction in sculpture, painting and other illustrative means, as well as adaptation to drama and song. In addition, there have been reinterpretations of the meaning of fables and changes in emphasis over time.

  • - Nouvelle edition en soutien a la reconstruction de la cathedrale: 1 euro par ouvrage reverse pendant 1 an a la Fondation du Patrimoine
    av Victor Hugo

    -- Le livre (1831-32) : Notre-Dame de Paris est un roman historique de l'écrivain français Victor Hugo, publié en 1831.Le titre fait référence à la cathédrale de Paris, Notre-Dame, qui est un des lieux principaux de l'intrigue du roman.Le roman se compose de 59 chapitres répartis en onze livres. Dans la première édition du roman, paru chez Charles Gosselin en mars 1831, trois chapitres sont coupés en raison des contraintes de longueur imposées par l'éditeur : ce sont le chapitre « Impopularité » (IV, 4) ainsi que les deux chapitres formant le livre V (« Abbas beati Martini » et « Ceci tuera cela »). Ces chapitres sont publiés dans la deuxième édition du roman, publiée en 1832, et considérée jusqu'à ce jour comme l'édition définitive. -- L'incendie de la cathédrale (2019) : Le 15 avril 2019, un violent incendie détruit la flèche et latotalité de la toiture couvrant la nef, le choeur et le transept deNotre-Dame de Paris. Il s'agit du plus important sinistre subipar la cathédrale depuis sa construction. Au lendemain del'incendie, le président de la République, Emmanuel Macron,annonce sa volonté de voir la reconstruction achevée dans undélai de cinq ans.-- Les passages prémonitoires de Victor Hugo : 188 ans après la parution de l'oeuvre de Victor Hugo, le bâtiment est ravagé par les flammes, le 15 avril 2019. Certains passages troublants du livre de Victor Hugo relatent : "Tous les yeux s'étaient levés vers le haut de l'église. Ce qu'ils voyaient était extraordinaire. Sur le sommet de la galerie la plus élevée, plus haut que la rosace centrale, il y avait une grande flamme qui montait entre les deux clochers avec des tourbillons d'étincelles, une grande flamme désordonnée et furieuse dont le vent emportait par moments un lambeau dans la fumée" "Au-dessus de la flamme, les énormes tours, de chacune desquelles on voyait deux faces crues et tranchées, l'une toute noire, l'autre toute rouge, semblaient plus grandes encore de toute l'immensité de l'ombre qu'elles projetaient jusque dans le ciel" (Victor Hugo)-- Le soutien au chantier : En soutien au chantier de reconstruction de la cathédrale, une partie des bénéfices de cette édition est reversé durant un an à la Fondation du Patrimoine créé dans le cadre de la mission de sauvegarde du patrimoine confiée à Stéphane Bern par le Président de la République en septembre 2017. Elle apporte enparticulier son soutien dans l'identification et la restauration des monuments en péril.

  • - Tips for Scientific Working
    av Martin Gertler

    Science is when someone scientifically creates new knowledge! Therefore, this textbook and reference book is not only about techniques, but about a consistently investigative attitude and approach.Those who follow the approach of this book will no longer want to "write about" something, but rather to investigate something - with the passion of a researcher.This compilation of the basics of scientific research is a textbook of the Veganomics Institute. Also the veganism needs for all its facets - ethics, health, ecology, economics etc. - always the respective scientific bases and research results and should constantly in it cooperate.The principles of science and research naturally also apply to other problems and solution goals. Therefore, this book has been designed to be useful to everyone.At the same time it serves as an accompanying book to the online course of the same name at - it summarizes all the video lessons, contains the task sheets and thus helps with more in-depth self-study.

  • - Notebook, Fantasy, Fantasie, Fee, Marchen, Saga, Sage, nordisch, Elfen, verzaubert, Zauber, Meerjungfrau, Einhorn, Riese, Prinz, Prinzessin, Burg, Wald, Postkarten, sammeln, Original, Post, Briefmarke, Klassi
    av John Bauer & Elizabeth M Potter

    - Für alle Freunde von original John Bauer Illustrationen mit einer Illustration aus der nordischen Märchensaga- Persönlicher Begleiter, verwendbar u.a. als Notizbuch, Notizheft, Einschreibbuch, Tagebuch oder Anti-Stress Kritzelbuch. - Perfekter Ort zum Festhalten von Geistesblitzen, Action Items, Erlebnissen, Projekten, Plänen, kreativen Ideen, Gedanken, ToDo-Listen, Kritzeleien u.v.m., einfach für alles was man nicht vergessen will und darf! - Im praktischen Pocketformat, liniert und mit glänzendem Cover. - Super Geschenkidee! Notebook for all friends of John Bauer illustrations.Perfect as gift booklet to say thank you, or as present or for yourself. *** Notebook for fast and simple saving of instructions, prescriptions or for all things you do not want to forget *** Due to a handy format, the notebook can be comfortably used in any situation (e.g. on the way or at home or at work) *** Perfect for spontaneous collection of ideas or as a memorization tool *** Practical handling due to easy pocket format Further features: glossy cover, ruled paper

  • - Handbook
    av Wolfgang Fries

    What top speed is possible at each spot?The handbook with more than 130 photographs and 26 sketches of each section of the track; and a max speed during good weather conditions with Bridgestone BT 56/57 tires on a Yamaha FZR 1000. Track time 8.06 minutes.

  • - SeelenDialoge & SeelenEntfaltungen 111 222 AbSchluss
    av Clarissa M Seite

    Wir stehen gerade jetzt vor großen Herausforderungen im Leben und die täglichen Reize und Flut / Überflutungen aller Art gestalten sich nicht immer einfach.Dieses 13. Buch zeigt Dir, wie DU durch AbSchluss einen Neu~Beginn, Möglichkeiten und Wege, so wie ein Leben voller "Liebe & Licht" AllZeit im BewusstSein beschritten und erLebt werden kann. Vereinigung auf einer Ebene im "Einz Sein".

  • - Forklaring over Luthers Lille Katekismus

  • - Set them up. Lead them well. Reach your goals.
    av Antoni Lacinai & Mike Darmell

  • - Nonviolent Communication with children
    av Frank Gaschler & Gundi Gaschler

  • av Andreas Hambsch

  • - Poems, Letters and Text to Honor All the Broken Hearts
    av Evelyne Mikulicz

  • - Mirko Reehs neues Buch aus dem Land, in dem Milch und Honig fliessen.
    av Mirko Reeh & Barbara Stromberg

  • - Basic Course
    av Salme Mujunen & Pirkko Vesterinen

    Structure of the Dog - Basic Course is a book for everyone interested in the structure and wellbeing of dogs. The book has 300 A4-sized pages. It includes 98 exercises and numerous illustrative photos and drawings, which guide you to understand the details of dog structure in a very practical way. You will not just passively read, you will actively learn - by seeing, doing, practicing, and realizing yourself.The ambitious aim of the book is to provide you with tools that will help you distinguish essential from nonessential, see all the details of the dog structure and understand the resulting whole.By reading the book and doing all the exercises, you will become an expert of dog structure and movement. You will understand the connection between structure and movement, you will be able to recognize the risk factors in the skeletal system and joints of a dog, you will distinguish normal from abnormal structure in different structural-functional breed types, and much more.The basis of the book is in natural sciences and ethics. The book encourages the reader to ethical dog ownership, breeding and dog sports. The main focus is on healthy structure, movement and overall wellbeing of the dog.Structure of the Dog - Basic Course is the right book for you, if:- you want to own and breed dogs with a healthy structure- for you, healthy structure is an ethically important criterion when selecting a breed or an individual dog- you are interested in dog shows- you are planning a career as a dog show judge- you want to develop your eye for the dog structure, both in details and as a whole- you want to understand what kinds of structure and movement are the most suitable for different dog sports- you want to learn to distinguish essential from nonessential, normal from abnormal, healthy from unhealthy as regards the structure of the dog- you want to recognize the anatomical risks of dogs and understand how they impact the dog┬┤s life- you want to deepen your knowl

  • av Andrea Mohamed Hamroune

  • - Italian/English/French/German/Arabic
    av Filippo Tommaso Marinetti

  • - Updated Edition: A humorous guide for foreigners and their Danish Friends
    av Kay Xander Mellish
    359 - 378,-

  • - Tactics/strategies/drills for trainer/coaches, notebook, training, exercise, exercises, drills, practice, exercise course, tutorial, winning strategy, technique, sport club, play moves, coaching instructio
    av Theo Von Taane

  • - Tactics/strategies/drills for trainer/coaches, notebook, training, exercise, exercises, drills, practice, exercise course, tutorial, winning strategy, technique, sport club, play moves, coaching instructio
    av Theo Von Taane

  • av Carsten Stech

  • - - doctor, freedom fighter, martyr
    av Jakob Munck

    Oluf Munck was a Danish doctor who left his homeland in 1919 and went to Dutch-East Indies (Java). Here he was employed by the Dutch military (KNIL) as a doctor. When the Japanese invaded Java in 1942 he was involved in the resistance movement and he chose not to listen to the warnings that he had been exposed and would be arrested by the Japanese. Therefore he met his inevitable destiny. He was arrested, tortured and beheaded.

  • - 30 temoignages de passionnes de l'abeille
    av Stephanie Boue & Serge Boue

  • - English - Chinese
    av Carsten Rasch & Mei-Fang Lin

  • - Wie ich Laubenpieper wurde
    av Wolfgang Kruger

  • - Inspired by The Big Bang Theory

  • av Hans-Peter Rousselle

  • - A step by step guide how to survive and enjoy the madness in China
    av Alexander Black

  • - 51 gestures and what they signal
    av Antoni Lacinai

  • - with nicotine-free cigarettes -
    av Christine Engelbrecht & Sebastian Schewe

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