Utvidet returrett til 31. januar 2025

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  • av Liz Eeles

    Das Mädchen steht auf der Klippe und spürt, wie die sanfte Brise durch ihr glänzendes rotes Haar streift und ihre Tränen trocknet. Sie kann fast hören, wie Irland sie über das wilde Meer nach Hause ruft. Aber sie kann niemals zurückkehren. Und in diesem Moment schwört sie sich, dass niemand jemals den Grund dafür herausfinden wird.Nach einer chaotischen Trennung von ihrem Freund sucht Freya verzweifelt nach einem Neuanfang. Da kommt der Job als Pflegerin der älteren Kathleen in dem Küstendorf Heaven's Cove im wunderschönen Devon gerade richtig. Die beiden verstehen sich auf Anhieb. Kathleen ist trotz ihres Alters lebensfroh und hat stets ein Lächeln auf den Lippen - bis sie eines Tages unter Tränen zusammenbricht, den Blick auf Driftwood House hoch auf den Klippen über dem Dorf gerichtet.Kathleens Sohn Ryan, ein ruhiger Mann mit auffallenden smaragdgrünen Augen, ist nicht damit einverstanden, dass sich eine Fremde um seine Mutter kümmert. Doch er gesteht Freya schließlich, dass Kathleen jedes Jahr an diesem Tag auf dieselbe Weise reagiert - und nie jemandem sagt, was ihren Schmerz verursacht.Freya ist fest entschlossen, die Ursache für Kathleens Trauer zu finden. Doch während sie und Ryan sich näherkommen, steht Freya nach einer schockierenden Entdeckung vor einer unmöglichen Entscheidung. Soll sie dieses Geheimnis mit Ryan teilen und damit die Chance auf ein gemeinsames Glück riskieren? Und wird die Wahrheit Kathleen in ihren letzten Lebensjahren Frieden bringen - oder wird es sie alle auseinanderreißen?Ein absolut atemberaubender Roman über das Heilen alter Wunden und die Suche nach neuen Freuden. Perfekt für Fans von Debbie Macomber und Hannah Ellis.Was Leser:innen über Ein Wiedersehen im Cottage am Meer sagen:Ein solches Lesevergnügen! ... Wunderschön ... herzerwärmend ... wird dich zu Tränen rühren ... Ich habe dieses Buch geliebt ... definitive Leseempfehlung! Stardust Book Reviews, ¿¿¿¿¿Bezaubernd ... Ich war von der ersten bis zur letzten Seite absolut gefesselt. NetGalley Rezensentin, ¿¿¿¿¿Wirklich wundervoll ... eine so herzzerreißende Geschichte ... hat mich tief berührt. Featheronawire, ¿¿¿¿¿

  • av Liz Eeles

    Tränen laufen ihr über die Wangen, als sie die Schrift ihrer Großmutter auf dem Umschlag erkennt und einen schweren, gravierten Schlüssel hervorzieht. Wird das verfallene Cottage der Beginn eines neuen Kapitels für sie sein - oder nur weitere Enttäuschungen bereithalten? Mit dem Rücken zum glitzernden Meer steht Nessa in der Tür des steinernen Cottage, das ihre Großmutter ihr hinterlassen hat. Wenn sie nur die bröckelnden Wände renovieren und die Zimmer wieder gemütlich herrichten könnte, wäre es das perfekte Zuhause für ihre kleine Tochter Lily - und die einzige Möglichkeit für sie, in Heaven's Cove zu bleiben. Doch ein Klopfen an der Tür macht ihre Pläne bald zunichte. Der attraktive Gabriel Gantwich erscheint zwar mit einem Lächeln im Gesicht, aber auch mit Dokumenten, die besagen, dass das Haus der Firma seines Vaters gehört. Sie planen, es abzureißen und damit Nessas letzte Verbindung zu ihrer Familiengeschichte zu zerstören. Nessa ist außer sich vor Wut. Sie hat nur dreißig Tage Zeit, um das Cottage zu renovieren und zu beweisen, dass es ihr gehört. Während sie und Gabriel sich ständig streiten, bemerkt Nessa kaum, dass ihre Gespräche von der gleichen Leidenschaft angetrieben werden. Und dass hinter seiner harten Schale ein Mann steckt, der die Schönheit des Sonnenuntergangs in Heaven's Cove genauso sehr schätzt wie sie ... Doch eine stürmische Nacht verändert alles. Nessa ist gezwungen, sich zwischen der Vergangenheit ihrer Familie und der Zukunft ihrer Tochter zu entscheiden. Wird sie dabei am Ende alles verlieren? Oder wird Gabriel endlich erkennen, was wirklich wichtig ist, und Nessa dabei helfen, diesen wunderschönen Ort zu einem Zuhause zu machen? Eine absolut atemberaubende, rührende und herzerwärmende Lektüre, die dich an die Küste von Devon entführt. Perfekt für alle, die Ella Thompson und Debbie Macomber lieben. Dieses Buch kann als eigenständiges Buch gelesen werden. Was Leser:innen über die Heaven's-Cove-Serie sagen: Wunderschön ... Ich habe jede Seite geliebt! Lu Reviews Books, ¿¿¿¿¿ Wow, wow, wow!!!! Ich habe dieses Buch absolut geliebt!!! ... Ich war gefesselt ... Die Tränen begannen zu fließen, bevor ich das Ende des ersten Kapitels erreicht hatte ... es hat mir wirklich mein Herz gebrochen ... wunderbar ... atemberaubend ... hielt mich bis zum letzten Wort in seinem Bann. Stardust Book Reviews, ¿¿¿¿¿Packend und rührend ... Eine perfekte Sommerlektüre ... Ich war von der ersten Seite an gefesselt und konnte das Buch bis 1:30 Uhr morgens nicht aus der Hand legen. Bookworm1986, ¿¿¿¿¿ Ein wunderschön geschriebener Roman voller Wendungen, der es schwer macht, ihn aus der Hand zu legen. Goodreads Rezensentin, ¿¿¿¿¿ Umwerfend ... Diese Geschichte lässt einen nicht mehr los ... Wunderschön ... Idyllisch ... Eskapismus pur, herzerwärmend und hat mich mit einem Lächeln im Gesicht zurückgelassen. Whispering Stories, ¿¿¿¿¿

  • av Verity Bright

    Ein Maskenball, eine Leiche, eine verschwundene Diamantenkette und ein verdächtiger silberner Kerzenständer? Klingt nach einem Fall für Lady Eleanor Swift!England, 1920: Lady Eleanor Swift, Abenteurerin und Ermittlerin wider Willen, gönnt sich eine Pause von der Detektivarbeit. Sie hat viel größere Probleme: Eleanor hat zwei linke Füße, nichts zum Anziehen, und sie wird auf einem Maskenball erwartet. Ihr neuer Verehrer Lance Langham ist der Gastgeber, also muss sie sich von ihrer besten Seite zeigen.Umgeben von Partygästen in aufwendigen Kostümen und Make-up sucht Eleanor nach einem bekannten Gesicht. Doch nachdem sie einem vertrauten Paar langer Beine die Treppe hinauf folgt, bietet sich ihr ein schrecklicher Anblick: Lance steht über dem toten Colonel Puddifoot - daneben der Safe der Familie weit geöffnet und leer.Augenblicke später stürmt die Polizei herein und verhaftet Lance wegen Mordes, Diamantendiebstahls und einer Reihe ähnlicher Einbrüche. Eleanor ist überzeugt, dass ihr Liebster unschuldig ist. Und da er im Gefängnis sitzt, liegt es an ihr, dies zu beweisen.Begleitet von ihrer treuen Bulldogge Gladstone beginnt Eleanor ihre Ermittlungen bei Lances Freunden, einer Gruppe wagemutiger High-Society-Männer, die gerne Unruhe stiften. Doch als diese nacheinander unter verdächtigen Umständen zu Tode kommen, beginnt für Eleanor ein Wettlauf mit der Zeit, um Lances Unschuld zu beweisen und weitere Tote zu vermeiden ...Fans von Agatha Christie, T.E. Kinsey und Ellen Barksdale werden diesen klassischen 20er-Jahre-Krimi voller Geheimnisse, Mord und Intrigen lieben!Leser:innen über Der Tote im Ballsall:Ich habe diesen Cosy-Krimi geliebt. Die Figuren waren wunderbar. Das Buch war spannend, aber trotzdem so gemütlich und charmant. The Heartland Chronicle ¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿Es war wieder wie ein großartiger Besuch bei Menschen, die mir wie alte Freunde vorkamen. Ich kann es kaum erwarten, bis ich das nächste Buch der Reihe lesen kann. Verity Bright hat liebenswerte Figuren geschaffen, mit denen man immer wieder Zeit verbringen möchte. NetGalley Rezensentin, ¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿Ich bin Lady Swift und ihren Abenteuer Hals über Kopf verfallen. Dieses Buch ist perfekt, um an einem Sonntagnachmittag in einen fabelhaft geschriebenen englischen Krimi abzutauchen. Ich kann es kaum erwarten, mehr von Lady Swift zu lesen. Sarah in Readerland ¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿

  • av Alice Castle

    In a quiet little village, mourners gather for a church funeral. But some of the tears flowing are fake - and Beth Haldane suspects foul play... On a rainy afternoon, Beth Haldane accompanies her elderly mother Wendy to the funeral of her boyfriend and local councillor Len. But as they gather in the church, Beth can't help but notice how many women are there who look just like her mother. As the service begins it soon becomes clear that all of the women thought they were Len's special someone - and one of them even claims to be his distraught wife. Wendy suspects foul play and immediately asks Beth to investigate. As Beth begins to speak to the women she has to ask, was one of Len's many disgruntled girlfriends out for revenge? Why was Len borrowing money from the ladies he romanced? And why did his work for the local council seem so suspicious? Then, Len's secretary Bella is found dead amongst the dahlias in the churchyard. Beth starts to suspect Len was involved in something far more dangerous than she'd assumed but what did Bella know about his business that led to her unfortunate end? With the village rumour mill in full swing, fingers start to point at Wendy. After all, distraught Wendy is telling everyone who lends her an ear that Len was murdered - and she saw Len the very evening he was found dead. The clock is ticking for Beth to clear her mother's name before it's too late! A deliciously cozy and gripping murder mystery, perfect for fans of Agatha Christie, T.E. Kinsey and The Thursday Murder Club. Readers are hooked on the Beth Haldane series: 'EXCELLENT!... I read this book in one day and I didn't regret a thing about that!... When you think the story is solved there comes more twists and turns... A page-turner that will keep you on the edge of your seat. Highly recommended.' Nat's Bookish Corner, ¿¿¿¿¿ 'A lot of fun... thoroughly enjoyed it... It kept me hooked and guessing... Highly recommended.' Annarellix, ¿¿¿¿¿ 'Wow, what a page-turner... the best... Bottom line, this instalment of the Beth Haldane mystery series is a winner... It packs quite a punch.' Goodreads reviewer, ¿¿¿¿¿

  • av Verity Bright

    Mach Platz, Miss Marple, es gibt eine neue Detektivin: Eleanor Swift - angesehene Abenteurerin, Hundeliebhaberin, neuerdings Lady ... wagemutige Ermittlerin? England, 1920: Eleanor Swift hat die letzten Jahre damit verbracht, die Welt zu bereisen: Nach China, Peru, Persien, Südafrika, ist das verschlafene Städtchen Chipstone so ziemlich der letzte Ort, an dem sie sein möchte. Und zu allem Übel ist sie nach dem Tod ihres Onkels nun auch noch eine Lady und Besitzerin eines kalten Anwesens. Um dem muffigen alten Haus zu entfliehen, macht sie sich sofort auf einen Spaziergang durch die englische Landschaft. Im strömenden Regen wird Eleanor Zeugin davon, wie in der Ferne ein Mann erschossen wird. Doch als sie die Stelle erreicht, sind sowohl der Schurke als auch das Opfer verschwunden. Da es keine Leiche gibt und die örtliche Polizei ihr nicht glaubt, beschließt Eleanor, den Fall auf eigene Faust zu lösen. Und als dann bei ihrem Auto die Bremsleitung durchtrennt wird, ist eines sicher: Jemand im beschaulichen Chipstone hat Lady Eleanor Swift im Visier ... Wenn du britischen Humor, glamouröse Figuren und 1920er-Mysterys magst, wirst du diesen mitreißenden Cosy-Krimi lieben. Perfekt für Fans von Agatha Christie, T.E. Kinsey und Ellen Barksdale! Leser:innen lieben Ein allzu englischer Mord: Was für ein toller Cosy Krimi! Ich bin süchtig! Das ist das beste Buch, das ich in diesem Jahr gelesen habe ... Ein extrem witziger, rasanter Krimi ... Ich liebe die Heldin, eine furchtlose Abenteurerin ... Ich möchte in Henley Hall wohnen, ich liebe Gladstone, die sehr lustige Bulldogge, einfach zu niedlich! Eine höchst unterhaltsame Lektüre! Reviews by Carol in Tallahassee, ¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿ Ich habe mich sofort verliebt! ... Lady Swift ist meine neue Heldin. Ich habe sie regelrecht vergöttert ... Jede Menge Twists, um den Leser auf die falsche Fährte zu locken. Sarah in Readerland, ¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿ Wow, wir haben eine forsche neue Heldin, die das Kommando im Historischen Cosy-Krimi-Genre übernimmt! Was für eine unterhaltsame neue Figur ... Finde diese Serie echt super bisher! Beauty Sleuth Book Diva, ¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿ So fesselnd. Ich habe es geliebt ... Ich kann es kaum erwarten, über die weiteren Abenteuer von Lady Eleanor und ihrer geliebten Bulldogge Gladstone zu lesen. Goodreads Rezensentin, ¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿ Ich mochte Eleanor sehr, sie ist unerschrocken und lieb ... Das Ende hat mich ein bisschen zu Tränen gerührt ... hat mir ein wohliges und warmes Gefühl gegeben. Ich freue mich schon auf den nächsten Band! Goodreads Rezensentin, ¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿ Ich LIEBE britische Krimis! ... Eleanor gibt einem das Gefühl, als wäre man bei ihren Ermittlungen durch die malerischen Dörfer und die Landschaft dabei. Goodreads Rezensentin, ¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿ So unterhaltsam! Ich mochte die abenteuerliche Ellie wirklich sehr ... Ich habe bis zum Ende mitgerätselt. Goodreads Rezensentin

  • av Casey Kelleher

    'BUY THIS BOOK, BUY THIS BOOK!... just so brilliant!... completely addictive... phenomenal... perfect deliciously dark masterpiece... Five stars doesn't show how brilliant this book is.' Goodreads reviewer ¿¿¿¿¿ Everything I thought I knew about my life is a lie. My mother revealed a terrible, dangerous secret in her last letter to me. But, with her death, any chance of knowing the truth has disappeared. I'll have to do whatever it takes to find out for myself. Going back to the house where I was born, I find a family living the life I'd always dreamed of. And when Cecelia, the mother, mistakes me for the new nanny, I seize the chance to move in. Maybe, being in the house every day and night, I will remember more, uncover more, about the secret that haunts me... But this family is not the happy one it appears from the outside. Cecelia is angry, unpredictable, unstable. She is not the mother these children deserve. They are scared of her, and rightly so. As my memories start to crystalize, I am ever more determined to shelter them from harm. Because history has a horrible way of repeating itself, and I'll do everything I can to protect these children. But how long can I stay here, undetected, pretending to be someone I'm not? And if the children end up in danger, what will I have to do to save them...? With twists no reader will EVER see coming, this incredibly gripping psychological thriller is perfect for fans of The Housemaid, The Widow and The Housewarming. Readers love Casey Kelleher: 'BUY THIS BOOK, BUY THIS BOOK!... just so brilliant!... completely addictive... phenomenal... immersive and unpredictable... pulled the ground from under me... the perfect deliciously dark masterpiece that will leave readers speechless. Five stars doesn't show how brilliant this book is.' Goodreads reviewer ¿¿¿¿¿ 'Whoa! Oh Wow!... truly addictive, twisted... unputdownable!... I craved more more more with tears falling as my heart pounded... a must read... Absolutely fantastic right to the very end.' Goodreads reviewer ¿¿¿¿¿ 'OMFG what have I just read!!!!!... I couldn't put it down. I felt as if I was physically in each and every page watching everything unfold, my nerves jangling every step of the way. Amazing, amazing story.' NetGalley reviewer ¿¿¿¿¿ 'Unputdownable standalone chilling and mind-blowing read... truly amazing twisted chapters right up to that brilliant twisted ending that I did not expect. Brilliant writing once again from Casey Kelleher that always sends shivers down my spine.' Goodreads reviewer ¿¿¿¿¿ 'Utterly fantastic... I definitely couldn't predict what was coming... a thrilling, addictive and shocking masterpiece that will leave you craving more... I wish I could give this more than five stars to show just how wonderful this book is.' littlemissbooklover87 ¿¿¿¿¿

  • av K. L. Slater

    They say they have no children. So who did I see at the window?My darling little boy Albie adores playing at our new neighbours' house. And after the terrible year we've had, I feel so lucky that we can start over in this perfect place, with new friends who treat Albie like the son they never had. He can't stop talking about the tree house they're building him, and the cookies they bake together.But as time passes, something starts to feel wrong. Why don't they ever open the front door more than a crack? They told me they had no children, so who does the small pink tricycle I saw in their hall belong to? And why can I hear a lullaby drifting across the garden when I'm tucking my own boy into bed?Then, one night, I see a small shadowy figure in their bedroom window...I thought I'd learned my lesson about trusting the wrong people, but now I'm forced to wonder what this perfect couple are hiding.And if I try to save that little helpless figure in the window, will I do what I've always feared most, and put my beautiful boy's life in danger...?An utterly gripping psychological thriller from the number one bestselling author of The Marriage and The Girlfriend. If you like Gone Girl, The Housemaid and Lisa Jewell then you will be hooked by The Bedroom Window.What everyone is saying about The Bedroom Window:'I devoured the book for hours. I stopped my world and front page 1 to the end, did little else. It was one where you were watching and blood pressure was rising. On my gift list for others this year.' Netgalley reviewer, ¿¿¿¿¿'A story that gave me goosebumps reading it, suspenseful had me guessing until the last page... raw, gritty, literally unputdownable through all the twists and turns the author led the reader. A fantastic book, 5 stars.' Goodreads reviewer, ¿¿¿¿¿'A wonderful book... an absolute triumph! One of the best books I have read all year... I started reading this last night and finished it this morning. I couldn't stop. Fabulous author and great storyteller.' Goodreads reviewer, ¿¿¿¿¿'Absolutely amazing... Once I started, I just couldn't put it down.' Goodreads reviewer, ¿¿¿¿¿'A great, twisty novel that had me second-guessing until the end!... The book seamlessly integrates so many different scenarios as we are led to the final reveal about 'why' and it's amazing! Love Slater's books and this one tops the charts!' Goodreads reviewer, ¿¿¿¿¿'Kept me riveted from beginning to end. Ms Slater is an automatic read for me, and I just devoured this latest in a desperate bid to slot all of the diabolical pieces into place... This is K.L. Slater at her finest, crafting a sinister tale that is tantalizing with red herrings. I loved every word.' Goodreads reviewer, ¿¿¿¿¿

  • av Tilly Tennant

    Kann ein Urlaubsflirt jemals ein Happy End haben? Reise mit Kate ins sonnenverwöhnte Rom und verliebe dich neu ... Als Kates Ehemann Matt sie ausgerechnet an einem Freitag, dem 13. verlässt, beschließt sie, dass es Zeit ist, sich etwas Gutes zu tun, und steigt in den nächsten Flieger nach Rom. Eine Woche Grappa und Gelato in Straßencafés unter azurblauem Himmel ist genau das, was sie jetzt braucht. Doch sie hat nicht damit gerechnet, dass sie dem sexy Polizisten Alessandro begegnet - und sich verliebt.Aber die neue Liebe bringt Komplikationen mit sich: Alessandro hat fünf aufdringliche Schwestern, eine furchteinflößende Mutter und eine bildschöne Ex-Freundin Orazia. Und alle sind sich sicher, dass Kate nicht die richtige Frau für ihn ist. Können Kate und Alessandro ihr Happy End finden? Oder wird Kate mit dem einzigen Souvenir nach Hause zurückkehren, das sie nicht wollte - einem gebrochenen Herzen ... Verliebe dich in die farbenfrohen Cafés und die gepflasterten piazzas von Rom und folge Kate auf der Suche nach einem Neuanfang in diesem bezaubernden Roman. Perfekt für Fans von Liz Eeles, Debbie Johnson und Katie Jay Adams. Was Leser:innen über Alle Herzen führen nach Rom sagen: Was für ein absolutes Juwel. Eine wunderschöne Geschichte zum Wohlfühlen. Stef Loz Buchblog Jede Seite dieses Romans war eine Freude zu lesen ... Ich habe dieses Buch geliebt. The Anxious Canadian Großartig! Der perfekte Liebesroman ... Ich empfehle es wärmstens! Urban Book Reviews Ich bin schon seit einiger Zeit ein Fan dieser Autorin, und sie begeistert mich immer wieder aufs Neue. Tilly hat wirklich eine Art, ihre Leser zu fesseln und sie an die Schauplätze ihrer Geschichten zu entführen. Diesmal habe ich es in Rom sehr genossen, in den Straßencafés Kaffee zu trinken. Fünf Sterne! The Reading Shed, ¿¿¿¿¿ Wow! So eine wunderbare Wohlfühlgeschichte, die mich mühelos nach Rom entführt hat. Ich habe jedes Wort geliebt! Renita D'Silva Eine interessante, unterhaltsame, leichte Lektüre, die ich sehr genossen habe. Any Excuse to ReadWas alle über Tilly Tennant sagen:Eine absolut wunderbare Sommerlektüre zum Wohlfühlen. Dieses Buch war ein wahres Lesevergnügen, das ich in einem Zug verschlungen habe. The Reading Shed Einfach genial ... Ich habe einfach alles daran genossen! 5 Sterne! I Love Reading, ¿¿¿¿¿ Eine warme Umarmung ... perfekt, um es eingekuschelt mit einer heißen Schokolade vor dem Kamin zu lesen. Rachel's Random Reads Eine weitere Wohlfühlgeschichte von Tilly Tennant. Es fühlt sich an, als würde man in ein Buch mit lang verloren geglaubten Freunden eintauchen, und mit der Wärme und Gemütlichkeit, die von der Bäckerei ausgeht, kann man nicht anders, als sich bei dieser entzückenden Geschichte ¿zu Hause¿ zu fühlen. Krafti Reader Aufmerksam, einfühlsam, humorvoll und herzzerreißend. Ich habe ihren Humor geliebt. Books and Bindings

  • av Ann O'Loughlin

    'I love you, and you are my daughter, no matter what anyone says. Nobody can take you from me.' In beautiful Rathmoney House nestled by the wild Irish Sea, Margo sits in her black suit, three strings of pearls at her neck, nodding at those offering their condolences. She never thought she would be here without her beloved husband. All she has left is their beautiful daughter Elsa and a house full of memories. Then, she receives a letter that turns everything she thought she knew on its head... When Margo learns that her daughter was accidentally switched at birth with an American child and Elsa is not in fact her biological daughter, her world shatters. American Cassie and her daughter Tilly are equally shocked to learn about this tragic mistake, and both parents are terrified about the prospect of their daughters being taken away. Margo and Cassie know that together they must protect their daughters, both biological and not. Cassie and Tilly fly to Ireland, and with the help of the local community they must learn to support each other through the most difficult times. Will they be able to find a new version of family, or will the shocking revelation force them apart forever? An absolutely glorious and emotional read that celebrates the power of female friendship. Perfect for fans of Susanne O'Leary, Cathy Kelly and Kathleen McGurl.What readers are saying about Ann O'Loughlin:'I am speechless and emotionally wrung out after reading this incredibly powerful and moving novel... It tapped into my heart and squeezed out every tear I tried to hold onto but the waterfall could not be held back and the tissue box became my constant companion... Exceptional.' Cindy L Spear ¿¿¿¿¿'Wonderful! Powerful, poignant and emotional, the characters were special and Kilteelagh was definitely a character of its own. A very heartwarming contemporary novel... I recommend highly.' Goodreads reviewer ¿¿¿¿¿

  • av Amy Sheppard

    One last holiday together. One of us wouldn't come home... Saturday night:It starts as an innocent holiday game amongst old friends. As we sit around our campfire, the evening sky streaked with peach, my little boy sleeping peacefully in our tent, the wine flows and secrets are spilled. It should be harmless fun, but Annie's questions worry me. She's always been the keeper of our secrets. She knows all the infidelities, the indiscretions, the stolen kisses... I just hope she knows when to stop. Because there's something I can't let her bring to the surface... Wednesday morning:It's the little things that stay with you. The hurried rip of zips being opened. Figures stumbling into the cold night air. The screams echoing across the campsite as flashlights scour the ground. That's what happens when someone you love is murdered. One of us is responsible for Annie's death. One of us will stop at nothing to keep our secrets hidden... A totally gripping psychological thriller that will take you on a rollercoaster ride of emotions and have you gasping at the twists. Fans of The Housemaid, Gone Girl and The Girl on the Train will be turning pages all night long! What everyone is saying about The Last Holiday: 'A gripping, can't-put-down psychological thriller... I found myself reading late into the night... I'll definitely be recommending The Last Holiday to anyone who is looking for an exciting thriller, and I'll for sure be reading more books by Amy Sheppard.' Goodreads reviewer, ¿¿¿¿¿ 'I was hooked from the very first page' Goodreads reviewer 'Wonderful... It gripped me from the first page until the last. The characters are so amazing... This story kept me glued all the way through... Phenomenal... Outstanding' Goodreads reviewer 'Absolute shocker of an ending!' Goodreads reviewer, ¿¿¿¿¿

  • av Lydia Travers

    When Maud McIntyre and her lady's maid Daisy travel into the Scottish Highlands, the last thing they expect to find is a body on the train... Will these keen amateur sleuths stop a murderer in his tracks? Edinburgh, 1911: When Maud McIntyre receives a letter from a maid called Rose, sharing her suspicions that something strange is happening in the house where she works, she and her assistant Daisy immediately travel to the Highlands to investigate. But as they are changing trains, the body of a man falls from the carriage right in front of them, a bullet in his head. Maud and Daisy can't believe it - they've waited ages for a new case, and now one has literally landed in front of them! And when the local police rule the death as a tragic accident, the pair have no choice but to investigate what they believe is a murder... Arriving in the Scottish village, Maud and Daisy go undercover to begin their hunt for the murderer, while also investigating the strange behaviour of Rose's employer, a local art dealer. As they begin to piece together the chain of events, Maud and Daisy wonder whether the cases might be linked. Is it possible the man on the train was killed to cover up something in the village? And, if so, who would do such a thing? When a local artist is found murdered, Maud and Daisy become convinced the two cases are connected. Searching for the link between the deaths, will Maud and Daisy solve the case before another mysterious murder takes place? A page-turning historical whodunnit, perfect for fans of the mysteries of Helena Dixon, Verity Bright, T.E. Kinsey and Catherine Coles. Readers are loving Murder in the Scottish Hills: "I love this series so much! I loved this one just as much as the first... I absolutely love Maud and Daisy. So much fun!" Angelic Light ¿¿¿¿¿ "Wonderful... I love this series. Light-hearted, fun read that kept me interested the whole way through. Excellent. A pleasure to read." Nicki's Book Blog "Amazing and gripping mystery. Can't wait for more!" Netgalley reviewer ¿¿¿¿¿ "Entertaining... I enjoyed the first book hugely and the second was just as enjoyable." Goodreads reviewer ¿

  • av Alison James

    An ordinary journey. A shocking secret. And the perfect murder...Hattie travels on the 18.53 train home every night. She sits in the same seat, in the same carriage, and sees the same people. The unwritten rule is you don't talk to your fellow passengers, but Hattie has been watching them all for months now to distract herself from her own troubles.Then one night a commuter suddenly drops dead. And the terrible accident changes everything.In the aftershock of the tragic death, the group of strangers huddled around the two tables in carriage 3 strike up a conversation. Boundaries are shattered, connections are made and Hattie becomes tangled up in the lives of her fellow passengers as they travel to and from London every day.But Hattie has no idea what she's letting herself in for. The ordinary people on her ordinary journey all have dangerous secrets. When another commuter is killed, Hattie suspects someone in carriage 3 is responsible. Who can she trust? And is the truth closer to home and more dangerous than she could have guessed?An absolutely addictive psychological thriller that will keep you up late into the night. If you love Behind Closed Doors, Gone Girl and The Perfect Couple, you'll be gripped.What readers are saying about Alison James:'Oh my god! This had me on the edge of my seat, read it in one sitting... Fantastic... I was completely gripped... Absolutely loved it, totally deserves five stars.' Bonnie's Book Talk, ¿¿¿¿¿'WOW!! This book grabs you in from the first chapter and just doesn't let go. I stayed up until 2am just to finish it, it was that good. Five stars - a must read!!' NetGalley reviewer, ¿¿¿¿¿'Wow, this had me picking up my Kindle at every available opportunity. I finished this in less than 24 hours, desperate to find out what happened!... Kept me gripped from the off... An absolute triumph.' Goodreads reviewer, ¿¿¿¿¿

  • av Shalini Boland

    Oh wow. Ein fesselnder, mitreißender, emotionaler Thriller ... O mein Gott, dieses Ende habe ich NICHT erwartet. Es hat mich umgehauen. Read Along With Sue, ¿¿¿¿¿Nimm mir nicht mein Baby!Kirstie Rawlings wird von den Schreien eines Kindes aus dem Schlaf gerissen. Über das Babyphon hört sie eine unbekannte Stimme, die sagt: Lass uns das Kind nehmen - und verschwinden. Versucht jemand, ihr kleines Mädchen zu entführen?Doch ihre Tochter liegt schlafend und sicher in ihrem Bettchen. Kommt die Stimme aus einem Nachbarhaus? Aber an ihrer ruhigen Landstraße leben keine anderen Kinder ... Die Polizei glaubt ihr nicht. Und ihr Ehemann auch nicht. Aber Kirstie weiß, dass etwas nicht stimmt.Sie dachte, sie könne ihren Nachbarn vertrauen, jetzt ist sie sich nicht mehr sicher. Als sie nach und nach die Geheimnisse der Menschen in ihrer Straße aufdeckt, beginnt Kirsties perfektes Leben zusammenzubrechen. Denn jemand verbirgt eine schreckliche Lüge. Und derjenige wird alles tun, um Kirstie daran zu hindern, die Wahrheit herauszufinden.Ein fesselnder Psychothriller, der kalte Schauer über den Rücken jagt und die Frage stellt: Was geschieht wirklich hinter den Türen deiner Nachbarn?Warum Leser:innen von Das Kind nebenan begeistert sind:Von der ersten Seite an gefesselt ... Ich habe Das Kind nebenan in weniger als einem Tag durchgelesen. It's All About Books, ¿¿¿¿¿O mein Gott. Was für ein phänomenales Buch! Ich habe dieses Buch in 24 Stunden gelesen, weil ich es nicht weglegen konnte. Goodreads Rezensentin, ¿¿¿¿¿WOW ... fesselnd ... Ich konnte es nicht weglegen ... mehr als 5 Sterne wert und einer der besten Psychothriller, die ich bisher gelesen habe. Goodreads Rezensentin, ¿¿¿¿¿Fünf brillante Sterne. Wow, was für ein Ende! Dieses Buch hat mich vom ersten Satz in den Bann gezogen ... großartig vom ersten bis zum letzten Wort! Audio Killed the Bookmark, ¿¿¿¿¿O mein Gott!!! Die Geschichte hat mich vom ersten Kapitel an gepackt und ist mir sofort durch Mark und Bein gegangen! ... das Ende ... WOW, völlig unerwartet! Stardust Book Reviews, ¿¿¿¿¿Fesselnd, aufregend ... es hat mich sofort gefesselt und ließ mich nicht los bis zum Epilog, der dich garantiert nach Luft schnappen lässt. Ich habe dieses Buch geliebt. 5 Sterne. Goodreads Rezensentin, ¿¿¿¿¿Wow! Das Ende hat mich umgehauen ... schockierend, überwältigend, gruselig und intensiv ... die Art von Buch, die man nicht aus der Hand legen kann ... es verdient definitiv 5 Sterne. Es ist eine Wahnsinnslektüre! Bonnie's Book Talk, ¿¿¿¿¿Ein fesselnder Psychothriller, bei dem man von einer Minute auf die andere nicht mehr weiß, wem man noch trauen kann ... Man kann keine Pause machen, bis man am Ende angekommen ist! Thoughts From Irene, ¿¿¿¿¿

  • av Merryn Allingham

    Amateur detective duo Flora Steele and Jack Carrington have gained a reputation for crime-solving. But will they be able to untangle the latest baffling murder in the cosy village of Abbeymead?Sussex, 1957: When Flora and Jack hear that Percy Milburn - a newcomer to the area who has ruffled more than a few feathers with his grand plans for modernising Abbeymead - is missing, they're determined to find him. But after scouring the village, Flora is shocked to discover the body of the poor man in the cellar of a crumbling farmhouse.Percy's murder is tragic but not unexpected, as his ambition had made him many enemies within the small, rural community. Flora and Jack get stuck into the case, but they're sent on a wild goose chase around the village. Whoever is behind the death has taken careful steps to cover their tracks...Was it Miss Minnie Howden, the nervous housekeeper who loved Percy? Sir Frederick Neville, the owner of the farm Percy was trying to buy? Or Colin Palmer, made rich by Percy's death? Did any of the suspects dislike Percy enough to end his life?The amateur detective duo finds themselves outfoxed at every turn, unable to find any concrete clues. When their prime suspect is murdered, Flora and Jack have their work cut out to find the culprit. But the clever killer has pulled the wool over their eyes and is reeling them ever nearer to danger.Will this case finally bring Flora and Jack closer together? And can they unravel the mystery before they're led like lambs to the slaughter?A completely addictive cozy crime novel set in the fictional Sussex village of Abbeymead. Perfect for fans of Agatha Christie, Faith Martin and Joy Ellis!Readers love the Flora Steele mysteries:'Amazing... a top-notch cosy mystery... an engaging, intelligent and intriguing murder mystery that I found totally absorbing.' Goodreads reviewer, ¿¿¿¿¿'I absolutely love this book! I was so captivated... I could not put this book down... I read this book in one sitting!... Amazing.' @thenerdandherbooks, ¿¿¿¿¿

  • av Emma Davies

    A heart-warming, gorgeous story of family secrets, lost loves, and one woman's fresh start in the most unexpected of places. Heartbroken Lowri Morgan, a young Welsh widow, is finally packing up her beloved husband's belongings, her young daughter Wren asleep at her side. Then, hidden amongst the very last pile of papers, Lowri finds an official-looking letter - and her whole world shifts... Her husband had a secret inheritance, one he'd never mentioned or done anything about. And now, it seemed, somewhere called Clearwater Castle was hers - and, in time, little Wren's. How could he have hidden this from her and why? And what on earth was she going to do? Arriving in Clearwater village, Lowri doesn't find the fairy-tale home she'd pictured. The castle is near-derelict, a tiny cottage in the grounds barely liveable, and her responsibilities - as outlined by the ruggedly handsome but prickly local stonemason Huw - are overwhelming. This is not the future she'd imagined for her and Wren, but as the only link left to her husband, she's determined to make the best of it. Lowri never asked for a new start, but it seems fate has decided she needed one. As she and Huw reluctantly begin to work together, sparks start to fly between them. Can they find a way to save Clearwater Castle and bring life back to the village? What will they find out about themselves - and the mystery of the hidden inheritance - in the process? And will Lowri, heartbroken once already, find the courage to give love one more chance? Fans of Susanne O'Leary, Liz Eeles and Tilly Tennant will adore this totally uplifting and page-turning romantic mystery. Readers love Emma Davies: 'Oooooohhhhhh... I literally loved this book!... heart-warming, uplifting, feel good.' Curled Up With a Good Book, ¿¿¿¿¿ 'I absolutely loved this book and devoured it in one sitting!... enthralling, enchanting and utterly captivating.' Once Upon a Time Book Blog, ¿¿¿¿¿ 'Wow!!! Five stars is not enough!... Delightful and purely heart-warming! I did not put this book down!!' Goodreads Reviewer, ¿¿¿¿¿

  • av Liz Eeles

    Alyssa carefully holds the delicate paper map and looks down at the cottages and winding streets of the village by the shore. She came to Heaven's Cove for a fresh start. But will the pathways on the map lead her to an old secret? Fleeing from a heartbreaking mistake, all former nurse Alyssa wants is to focus on her new job giving tours of Heaven's Cove to visitors and sharing the myths and legends of this beautiful place. Nobody needs to know the real reason she came to the village... Over cups of tea with elderly resident Magda she soon makes a friend who is alone in the world too. For decades, Magda has been secretly in love with her best friend Stan. Desperate to return Magda's kindness, Alyssa is eager to bring these two lost souls together. But meeting Stan's tall, handsome son Jack scuppers her plans. Dedicated to caring for Stan, Jack says Alyssa's focus on legends keeps the village in the past. But when Alyssa finds an old map revealing the true story of a Heaven's Cove couple who sacrificed everything for love, she's sure the romantic tale could bring Stan and Magda together... and although digging up old secrets soon ruffles feathers in the village, with Jack and Alyssa growing close, she can't help but think she might find happiness after all. But will Alyssa ever be able to open up about her own past? Or will the truth tear them apart? An absolutely stunning read that will whisk you away to the Devon coast, where the seagulls soar and saltwater sprays the air. Perfect for fans of Debbie Macomber, Mary Alice Monroe and Barbara O'Neal. Read what everyone's saying about Liz Eeles: 'Wow, wow, wow!!!! I absolutely loved this book!!!... I was captivated... The tears began flowing before I got to the end of the first chapter... my heart literally broke... wonderful... stunning... kept me hooked until the very last word... Loved, loved, loved it!!!'Stardust Book Reviews,¿¿¿¿¿

  • av R. S. Moule

    In the shadow of Eryispek-a mountain said to have no summit-a dark power is stirring. Storms rage in the frozen heights. Unexplained disappearances shake the kingdom below. And old enemies are sharpening their swords...Andrick the Barrelbreaker first led an army at sixteen.His victories secured the throne of Erland for his brother and shattered the rebellious noble houses in the West. Decades later, a fragile peace still holds.But when the king's only son is murdered, Erland is plunged into crisis. The new heir will stop at nothing to secure his claim. The king, maddened by grief, stalks the halls and hidden passages of his keep, growing more unpredictable by the day.As war and magical disaster loom, Andrick must decide between protecting his family and marching out to serve a brother he barely recognizes.His children must also choose their destinies.Training in the practice yard every day, Orsian dreams of fighting beside his father. Now, for the first time, he faces the brutal reality of battle.And Pherri is haunted by very different dreams-of figures struggling up the mountain, of a voice more chilling than the wind, of blood on the snow. Only she can resist the darkness that waits on the slopes above... Race through the pages of an epic new series and enter a world of intrigue, battles and destiny that will leave you breathless. The Erland Saga is a classic fantasy adventure, perfect for fans of George R.R. Martin, John Gwynne and Raymond E. Feist.'Impressive new author... and an impressive new series. Such a cool setting and an entertaining ride!' NetGalley reviewer, ¿¿¿¿¿'This is the kind of book that fans of Robert Jordan's Wheel of Time would enjoy... For those readers who are like 'heck yes' so far, this book was beautifully written. It has all the skills of most seasoned fantasy authors... a great fantasy read.' Goodreads reviewer, ¿¿¿¿¿'R.S. Moule does a great job in creating a great story and interesting characters... I'm excited to see where this will go and thought it worked well.' Catraphoenix, ¿¿¿¿¿'I love good fantasy novels, in almost all their forms, and this was a good fantasy novel... it will surely be a corker!' @loureadsandreviews, ¿¿¿¿¿'Wow. My eyes are currently sore from the unblinking stare I've had upon my tablet screen, rushing to get to the end of this story. I loved it... There was tension, drama and death. Oh, the death. There's even secret tunnels hidden behind bookcases!... The culmination of the individual parts is amazing... I'm definitely hooked for book 2. I need a lie down.' @jesshidesinbooks, ¿¿¿¿

  • av Ann Bennett

    Paris, 1941. As we drive down the cobbled street, I take in the red banners with swastikas covering every building. Suddenly a group of guards appears in the street. I duck beneath the window of the car, and my heart thumps as my hand jumps to my chest. But I'm not wearing my yellow star now, I left it with my sister. Tears well in my eyes. Will I ever see her again? 1939. Standing in front of the orphanage's imposing stone walls, eleven-year-old Jewish twins Helga and Ruth shiver with fear. The war has taken their mother and father, their home in Berlin has been turned to rubble, but their soft, dark eyes meet and Helga gives Ruth a reassuring smile. They should be safe here together. Yet every day bombs fly overhead. And when Ruth becomes desperately unwell, the girls are torn apart. As war rages on, will they ever find each other? Paris, 1990. When Naomi moves to Paris, she hopes the city will help her find herself again. But whilst exploring the antique markets in the early morning sun, she is shocked to discover a duplicate of a photograph her mother Helga has on her mantelpiece back in London of a magnificent vine-covered villa on the outskirts of the city. Naomi soon discovers it was used as an orphanage during the Second World War. But why was the photo so precious to her mother? When Naomi tells her mother what she's found, Helga is furious. She begs Naomi to leave the orphanage alone. But Naomi is already desperate to discover the truth about her mother and the secrets of the other forgotten children of Montmorency. If Naomi learns the heart-shattering mistake her mother made, it will change their lives forever. But if she leaves the secrets in the past, Helga will never find out what happened to her sister... Breathtaking and unputdownable, this story is about courage, hope and the resilience of the human spirit, perfect for fans of Before We Were Yours, Sold on a Monday and The Orphan's Tale. What readers are saying about Ann Bennett: 'So captivating, I was on edge while flipping through the pages as fast as I could... Truly heart-warming... Emotional, heartbreaking... I loved this... A must read!' Pageturners ¿¿¿¿¿

  • av Sue Watson

    The blushing bride. The handsome groom. A secret one of them will kill for...It's the day I've been dreaming about my whole life. As I glide down the flower-strewn aisle overlooking the Greek orange groves, in my pearl-encrusted ivory gown, I finally see my fiancé Nik. We look like the perfect couple, but not all fairy tales have happy endings...Today is supposed to be the day of my dreams.But I don't see a single friend or family member. I'm surrounded by strangers.I have been so excited to finally meet my fiancé's family.Then why do they turn their heads away as I walk down the aisle?Now, as I say my vows, I gaze longingly into Nik's eyes.But instead of love, he looks through me, as if he can't wait for this day to end...And I suddenly have an awful feeling that I don't know my fiancé at all.But then again, he doesn't truly know me either.And by the time he finds out who I really am, it will be far too late. There's only room for one happily-ever-after on this wedding day, and I'm determined to make it mine...What readers are saying about The Wedding Day:'Pow, wow, wow, the punches keep coming!!! Wooooh, this book was amazing. You kinda thing you know, but do you really know? So many twists right up until the last turn of the page. A psychological thriller at its very vest.' Goodreads reviewer ¿¿¿¿¿'Amazing. I was blown away by all the secrets and twist that kept coming... I raced through the pages as fast as I could.' Goodreads reviewer ¿¿¿¿¿

  • av Clare Chase

    Die Sonne geht über einem üppigen Steinhof auf, in dem Vögel singen und Farne einen alten, sprudelnden Brunnen beschatten. Doch in den trüben Tiefen des Brunnens wird der Körper einer jungen Frau Stunde um Stunde kälter ...Samantha Seabrook, eine ehrgeizige junge Frau mit einer schwierigen Vergangenheit, wird ertrunken im Brunnen eines Innenhofs in Cambridge gefunden. Der einzige Anhaltspunkt ist eine antike Silberkette, die fest um ihren Hals geschlungen ist.Es ist an der Lokaljournalistin Tara Thorpe herauszufinden, was mit Samantha geschehen ist. Doch der Fall nimmt eine persönliche Wendung, als sie erfährt, dass Samantha Drohbriefe erhalten hat - ähnlich dem, den sie in der Nacht von Samanthas Tod auf ihrer eigenen Türschwelle gefunden hatte.Gemeinsam mit Detective Inspector Garstin Blake verfolgt Tara eine Spur, die sie zu den tiefen Sümpfen am Rande der Stadt führt. Aber es gibt ein Detail in ihrer Vergangenheit, das Tara Blake nicht gestehen kann - und es könnte entscheiden, ob sie den Fall lösen, bevor der Mörder erneut zuschlägt.Fans von Helena Marchmont, Ellen Barksdale und M.C. Beaton werden diese Serie nicht aus der Hand legen können!Leser:innen lieben Die Tote vom Moor:Wow, was für ein Buch! Einer der besten Krimis, die ich je gelesen habe! Ich habe es von Anfang bis Ende geliebt und konnte es nicht aus der Hand legen! Perfekter Plot! ... Ein durch und durch überzeugendes, absolut umwerfendes Buch! Ich kann es kaum erwarten, mehr von dieser großartigen Autorin zu lesen! Renita D'SilvaIch konnte das Buch nicht mehr aus der Hand legen! Das war ein hervorragender Krimi mit gut entwickelten Charakteren und tollen Twists!!! Von der ersten Seite bis zum Ende ... voller Geheimnisse, Spannung und Mord ... Exzellenter Krimi! Goodreads Rezensentin, ¿¿¿¿¿Rasant, voller Twists ... Ich habe dieses Buch nur so verschlungen. Goodreads Rezensentin, ¿¿¿¿¿Ich habe dieses Buch absolut geliebt ... es hat mich vom ersten Kapitel an gepackt und bis zum Ende nicht mehr losgelassen ... Die Geschichte war ein fantastisches Puzzle ... alles vor der wunderschönen Kulisse von Cambridge und der bedrohlichen Leere der umliegenden Sumpflandschaften. A Little Book Problem, ¿¿¿¿¿Clevere, wendungsreiche Geschichten mit großartigen Charakteren. Kate Rhodes/Kate Penrose, Autorin der Ben-Kitto-SerieEin spannender, aufregender Thriller mit vielen Twists ... ein Buch, das süchtig macht. Goodreads RezensentinEin verflixt gutes Buch. Goodreads RezensentErinnert mich an Agatha Christie. Hat mich von Anfang an gepackt ... lässt einen bis zum Ende miträtseln ... Ein perfekter, fesselnder Whodunit-Krimi. Chelle's Book Reviews

  • av Clare Chase

    Es sind Bücher wie dieses, die mich dazu gebracht haben, nach zehn Jahren Pause wieder Krimis zu lesen ... An diesem Buch muss man eigentlich alles lieben. Jenny O'Brien, ¿¿¿¿¿ Als die Leiche eines Mannes aus dem Fluss am Stadtrand von Cambridge gezogen wird, vermuten alle einen tragischen Unfall. Doch Detective Tara Thorpe, die gerade erst in den Dienst eingetreten ist und sich beweisen will, ahnt, dass mehr dahintersteckt. Tara will unbedingt ermitteln, aber wird von ihrem Vorgesetzten Patrick Wilkins blockiert, der alles tut, um ihr Steine in den Weg zu legen. Auf gar keinen Fall will er riskieren von einer überehrgeizigen Anfängerin vorgeführt zu werden. Aber er muss vorsichtig sein - jeder weiß, dass sein Chef Detective Garstin Blake und Tara eine gemeinsame Vergangenheit haben ... Dann wird eine weitere Leiche gefunden und es wird klar, dass ein Serienmörder am Werk ist. Könnten die Morde mit den Geheimnissen zusammenhängen, die Tara vor ihrem neuen Team verbirgt? Und kann sie den Fall lösen, bevor eine weitere unschuldige Person stirbt? Macht euch gefasst auf einen unfassbar spannenden und charmanten Krimi! Perfekt für Fans von Helena Marchmont, Ellen Barksdale und Agatha Christie. Dieses Buch kann als Einzelband gelesen werden. Leser:innen sind gefesselt von Der Mord am Fluss: Wow! Tara Thorpe ist so eine tolle Figur, ich mochte sie vom ersten Moment an ... ein Krimi mit einem Twist, der mich umgehauen hat. Bits About Books Tara ist schnell zu einer meiner Lieblingsprotagonistinnen in der Kriminalliteratur geworden. Goodreads Rezensentin Ich habe die Chemie zwischen Tara und Blake sehr genossen ... die perfekte Fortsetzung dieser Serie ... ich empfehle es allen, die fesselnde Bücher mögen. Orchard Book Club Das Buch entwickelt sich rasant, so dass ich die ganze Zeit mitgefiebert habe, bis die Wahrheit endlich ans Licht kam. Ich freue mich schon auf den nächsten Band. Rae Reads Eine Geschichte, die zum Nachdenken anregt ... Hält den Leser in Atem ... Ich habe es geliebt. Between the Pages Book Club Ein weiterer Volltreffer von Clare Chase, die jetzt fest auf meiner Leseliste steht. Goodreads Rezensent, ¿¿¿¿¿ Ein unterhaltsamer, gut geschriebener und fesselnder Krimi ... Ich kann es kaum erwarten, in Zukunft mehr von Clare und dieser Serie zu lesen. Katie's Book Cave Es ist ein rasanter Krimi ... das Ende macht wieder einmal Lust auf mehr. Also her mit dem dritten Teil, bitte. B for Bookreview

  • av Helena Dixon

    Kitty Underhay is awarding first place... to murder.Spring, 1935. Newlywed Kitty Underhay has been enlisted by her old nemesis Mrs Craven to help organise the Miss Dartmouth Jubilee pageant at the Dolphin Hotel. Being bossed around by her arch enemy is not quite what Kitty had in mind for the start of her married life, but she's excited to launch the glamorous show. Sparkling smiles are quickly replaced by audible gasps however, when one of the girls goes missing during the interval...When pretty Peggy Blaine is discovered dead, Kitty can't help but notice that none of the other contestants seem particularly shocked. Can jealousy over a sash and a diamante tiara be a motive for murder?But when she discovers the threatening notes the young women have received, Kitty enlists her husband Matt to figure out who's scaring the competitors. However, before Matt can speak to them, another entrant turns up dead after an apparently accidental overdose. Taking part in a beauty pageant seems to have turned into a fatal occupation!The daring duo are sure that someone close to the girls is responsible. But can they sort the harmless face powders from the fatal poisons before it's too late? Or will Kitty and Matt find they are next to be crowned... with death? An utter joy! Fans of Agatha Christie, T E Kinsey and Lee Strauss will fall head over heels for this utterly compelling and totally charming historical cozy mystery!Readers love the Miss Underhay mysteries:¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿ 'I could not put this down!! I read this in one sitting. I need more than 5 stars for this book! I absolutely loved it!' NetGalley reviewer'I cannot put it down... I tore through this book!' Goodreads reviewer¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿ 'I read it in one sitting, a page-turner I couldn't put down.' Goodreads reviewer¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿ 'What can I say? I loved it.' Goodreads reviewer¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿ 'I love this... It kept me guessing right until the final scene.' Roberta Reads¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿ 'This murder mystery is perfect... This story has it all. An absolute page-turner with characters to care about.' Goodreads reviewer¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿ 'A page-turner that will keep you guessing.' Goodreads reviewer¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿ 'After the first chapter I wasn't able to stop reading and turning pages as fast as I could.' Scrapping and Playing

  • av Michelle Vernal

    Welcome to the little Irish village of Emerald Bay where the sun is shining, the locals are gossiping, and romance is in the air. But will returning home be the fresh start Imogen Kelly needs? Thirty-year-old Imogen Kelly is meant to be living her best life in Dublin but the bright lights of the city aren't making her truly happy. So she leaps at the chance to take on an interior design job at the big country manor at the edge of Emerald Bay. It also gives Imogen an excuse to return to the place where she spent an unforgettable summer with her first love, Lachlan Leslie, the heir to Benmore House. Imogen's heart is full of hope at the thought of seeing her childhood sweetheart but on the way there she nearly has an accident on the winding, muddy country road. She arrives at Benmore House late and flustered, only to discover the builder working with her on the renovation project is none other than Ryan O'Malley - the class prankster who was forever pinging her bra strap at school. Within seconds it's clear he's still a cheeky charmer, even if he's transformed into a gorgeous guy who unexpectedly sets her pulse racing. Forced into close proximity with relentlessly cheerful Ryan, who's forever (badly) singing rock ballads at the top of his voice, Imogen at first finds him an annoying distraction. With St Patrick's Day celebrations in full swing, Imogen has her work cut out to keep the job on track. Spending more time with Ryan, she discovers that, behind his warm smile and generous ways, he's nursing heartache. But when she finally sees blue-eyed Lachlan again, Imogen has to face up to the truth about the secret summer romance they shared. Will she leave Emerald Bay broken-hearted? Or will Imogen realise that home really is where the heart is? What readers are saying about Michelle Vernal: 'So heart-warming... I loved... Hit all the feels and had me laughing out loud... Will propel you to Ireland... Fabulous.' Page Turners, ¿¿¿¿¿

  • av Kerry Wilkinson

    'Your tattoo... it's exactly like mine.' She hesitates. 'But - I've never noticed it before. I must have had it since I was little.' The ink markings on both of them are delicate, barely visible. Interlinked triangles in the shape of a daisy. But how can two strangers have matching tattoos, they didn't know they had? With their parents gone and nobody left to ask, when Georgia and Oliver first come to amateur sleuth Millie Westlake for help with their daisy-shaped markings she thinks the tattoos are a joke. A funny, if unusual, link between two strangers. In the seaside town of Whitecliff, stranger things have happened - especially to Millie herself. But then Millie finds an artist who remembers giving someone the same tattoo twenty years ago. Someone who spent years hiding in the isolated woods outside Whitecliff - the same place unidentified bodies were once found... Even as Millie gets closer to answers, she witnesses a shocking robbery that changes everything. And as whispers of what happened in the woods decades ago become louder, how much danger will Millie, Georgia and Oliver put themselves in, to uncover the mystery of the daisy-shaped markings and the dark truth about their pasts? This gripping and character-driven mystery read is perfect for fans of Faith Martin, Ann Cleeves and LJ Ross. Read what everyone's saying about Kerry Wilkinson:'Twists that take your breath away. This book has everything you could possibly want... Phenomenal... I LOVED, LOVED, LOVED, LOVED IT.' Michelle H, ¿¿¿¿¿ 'Unputdownable... I was hooked from the very first page and kept there until the last. It is absolutely brilliant... So many twists and turns in this book which had me guessing until the end... I devoured it in two days.' Baker's Not So Secret Blog, ¿¿¿¿¿

  • av Victoria Jenkins

    My husband is keeping secrets. I'm watching his every move...Jake and I were childhood sweethearts. Strong, dependable and with a smile that melts my heart, he is the perfect husband and father to our beautiful little daughter. We have our money troubles - but getting a lodger, Kara, calms the panic I feel about our bills. Jake is reluctant but what choice do we have?I'm relieved that Kara is so sweet, playing endless games of hide and seek with Elsie and settling into our home. But when I catch Jake and Kara sitting close together on the sofa one evening, they jump apart when I walk into the room. Jake promises it's nothing...When I search Kara's room, I know for sure. My husband is keeping a terrible secret. And it's much, much worse than I imagined.Confronting him will tear our marriage apart, but I'll do anything to protect my precious daughter.Even if it means putting on a smile as I greet Kara at the breakfast table.Even if it means lying to my husband's face.Even if it means someone has to die...For fans of The Girl on the Train, Gone Girl and The Housemaid, this is a psychological thriller with a mind-blowing twist you'll never see coming.What readers are saying about Happily Married: 'MEGA twist that I didn't see coming AT ALL. I give it 5 stars for the twist itself! I raced through the book.' Goodreads reviewer, 5 stars 'Riveting... I read this one in one sitting. Absolutely wonderful!!!' Goodreads reviewer, 5 stars 'Fantastic. I love when a book takes me by surprise and this one certainly did. I didn't see the twist coming mid-way through the book.' Goodreads reviewer, 5 stars 'Brilliant. This book is so addictive.' Goodreads reviewer, 5 stars 'Intrigue and mystery at its best.' NetGalley reviewer, 5 stars 'The twist was amazing!!... The main thing I look for in a thriller is an unexpected jaw-dropping twist which this book delivers.' Goodreads reviewer What readers are saying about Victoria Jenkins:'OMG!!... Brilliant!... Makes your heart skip a beat... Will have the hairs on your head standing... OH BOY... This ending is explosive and will simply leave you breathless and gasping... This is a MUST READ!' The Secret Book Sleuth, 5 stars 'Fantastic, excellent... Incredible... I could not put this one down for the life of me... Loved, loved, loved this book... Wow, what a rollercoaster ride of an ending that was... I love it when a book shocks the pants off of me... I would highly recommend this to a friend and would shout it from any roof top.' Goodreads reviewer, 5 stars 'I loved this mind-blowing, impulsive, crazy book! The ending will blow your mind!' @oh.happy.reading 'Simply WOW... Just jaw-dropping... Hooked till the end... A brilliant and compelling read.' NetGalley reviewer, 5 stars

  • av S. E. Lynes

    One loving couple. One surprise guest. One week to destroy everything... When the doorbell rings, I take one last look round the villa. The nuts and olives are in bowls; the white wine is chilling in the fridge; everything is ready for my old college friend, the guest I'm dying to impress.When I open the door, Coco steps from the dusty street into the cool tiled hall, as effortlessly beautiful as ever. But then her face freezes in horror, her mouth falling open. I turn to see my husband Jeff behind me, his eyes wide, his cheeks pale.After a moment, they both smile, pretending nothing happened at all. But I know what I saw.This holiday was meant to rescue my marriage, not ruin it.But the connection between my friend and my husband isn't what I thought.All three of us have something to lose, and something to fight for.And when the truth comes out, not all of us will survive...From the no.1 bestselling author S.E. Lynes comes a brilliantly gripping thriller that will have you racing through the pages and gasping out loud at the twists. Fans of Paula Hawkins, Lisa Jewell and Gillian Flynn will love The Summer Holiday.See what everyone's saying about The Summer Holiday:'Just WOW! S.E. Lynes just hits another one out of the park!... Perfect tension that just keeps getting wound tighter and tighter. Fabulous... Don't miss this one!' Goodreads reviewer, ¿¿¿¿¿'Binge read! Woah! I could not put this book down!... a big twist at the end I absolutely did not see coming. I love it when I get blindsided because it does not happen often!' Goodreads reviewer, ¿¿¿¿¿'Wow!... So many secrets, revelations, and unexpected twists. I was kept on the edge of my seat wondering. Excellent thriller... white-knuckle suspense.' @kayoliverauthor, ¿¿¿¿¿'A jaw-dropper for me!... kept me hooked until the end... twists that got me by surprise. I never saw them coming!... perfect.' Goodreads reviewer, ¿¿¿¿¿'Omg this was a gripping and twisty read. Did not see that coming at all. 5 stars.' Goodreads reviewer, ¿¿¿¿¿'One of the best books I've read this year by a country mile, it's amazing. I read this in one sitting... that's how good it is. Can't recommend this book highly enough.' Goodreads reviewer, ¿¿¿¿¿'S. E. Lynes definitely knows how to build suspense!... gripping... tons of thrilling action... a superb twist I didn't see coming.' Goodreads reviewer'I started it one evening... I couldn't put it down... fast-paced with plenty of twists throughout... perfect... An ideal summer beach read.' Goodreads reviewer, ¿¿¿¿¿'Wow I am obsessed, such a good read! Devoured it in a day! Loved the characters! Loved the storyline and some great twists and turns!' Wellness by Blair, ¿¿¿¿¿'Cracking read... I couldn't put it down... 5 shiny stars from me.' NetGalley reviewer, ¿¿¿¿¿

  • av Lisa Regan

    The young woman lay among the rocks next to the creek like a broken doll, strands of her long dark hair covering her face. Her body was the kind of cold that only the dead can be...A body lies beside Kettlewell Creek, the waters rushing and churning next to her broken form. When Detective Josie Quinn arrives at the scene, she finds few clues and a victim with no enemies. Nineteen-year-old Sharon Eddy was cherished by her beloved grandmother, who raised her, and her death shocks the Denton community where she worked at the local animal hospital. When Josie is called to the morgue to hear the results of Sharon's autopsy, the case takes a sinister turn. She is horrified to see that a mark has been burned on to Sharon's left hip with a cattle brand: a horseshoe shot through with an arrow. Shaken and terrified, the usually cool and collected Medical Examiner Anya Feist lifts her own top to show Josie an identical mark. Ten years ago, Anya fled her hometown after her marriage to her high school sweetheart ended in terror. But Josie can find nothing to connect Anya's ex-husband Vance Hadlee to the murder. Her search of his family farm leads to more questions than answers.Then another body is found. A young woman in a red coat, lying in her final resting place, her hip bearing the same tell-tale horseshoe mark. As Josie gets closer to finding the truth, the killer creeps ever closer to home, threatening the lives of those Josie loves the most. Can she put together the pieces of this terrifying puzzle before it's too late? A completely unputdownable crime thriller from an Amazon, USA Today and Wall Street Journal bestselling author. Gripping, page-turning and guaranteed to keep you up all night, it's perfect for fans of Angela Marsons, Robert Dugoni and Rachel Caine.What readers are saying about Close Her Eyes:"Oh my goodness!!! Lisa never disappoints! This story had me guessing from the very beginning!... Some of the twists are heart-breaking!" Goodreads reviewer, 5 stars "How will I ever recover from this book?... One of the ones where you can guess and guess and still end up shocked and trying to turn the pages quicker. This was so perfect - the writing, the pacing, the emotion and just ALL of it." @becbingesbooks, 5 stars "Brace yourself for an intense, action-packed and frankly shocking ride... Highly addictive and truly unputdownable." It's All About Books, 5 stars "A devastating but enthralling read from the very first chapter and I was a total mess by the end... Worthy of far more than the five stars available." Goodreads reviewer, 5 stars "A fast-paced thrill ride that will keep you turning page after page. Don't expect to get sleep while reading this one. 5 stars!" Goodreads reviewer, 5 stars"A gripping and emotional rollercoaster!... It will have you on the edge of your seat as our much-loved characters face danger. This story will have you gripped to the very end... A fast-paced masterful mystery that you will not be able to put down!" Goodreads reviewer, 5 stars

  • av M. M. Chouinard

    The young woman lying on the forest floor looks like she's dreaming; her brown hair fanning out into a crown around her head, her hands clasped over her breast. She could be sleeping-if it weren't for the brutal slash across her neck... It's autumn in Oakhurst when Detective Jo Fournier rushes to local beauty spot, Crone Ridge Woods, desperately hoping to find Madison Coehlo alive. Instead, she discovers the pregnant woman's pale and lifeless body, killed in the spot where she loved to walk her dog. Madison looked after her sick mother and studied at community college, who could have wished her harm? Madison's mother is utterly broken by her brutal murder, but she cannot give Jo any insight into the tiny doll pushed into her daughter's hand. Supposed to bring luck to whoever finds one, is it a coincidence or a warning from the killer? When Jo gets another frantic emergency call, she rushes to the scene, determined to catch this cruel monster before he can steal more innocent lives. Her heart pounds when she finds another identical plastic doll. As the local community panics, Jo and her team work round the clock to keep other pregnant women safe. The call logs of the murdered expectant mothers give Jo the clue she desperately needs, but her heart splits in two when she realizes another woman is in danger. Can Jo get to her first, or is the killer pulling them both into a deadly trap? From USA Today bestseller M.M. Chouinard, Little Lost Dolls is a keep-you-up-all-night utterly gripping crime thriller with a truly jaw-dropping twist! Fans of Lisa Regan, Melinda Leigh and Gregg Olsen will be completely addicted. Readers love M. M. Chouinard: "WHAT did I just read!!!! WOW!!! I mean seriously Wow!!... Amazing... Had me hook line and sinker!!!... I LOVED... I read it in a day. I loved... just well...everything!!!... Clear your schedules before picking this up as you will not be able to put it down!!!... Will leave you wanting more!!!" Bookworm86 ¿¿¿¿¿ "Loved it, loved it, loved it!!... If I could give it 6 stars I would! In this current climate of 'twists you will never see coming'-believe me... you will never see this coming!... Best book I have read for some time-and if I am being honest, a bit gutted I have finished it!" NetGalley reviewer ¿¿¿¿¿ "Wow, what a book!! I don't think I drew a full breath for the entire time I was reading... I took it everywhere I went... I needed to read it at every opportunity!... Unbelievably twisty... I loved every word of it!" Goodreads reviewer ¿¿¿¿¿

  • av Donna Ashcroft
    146 - 149,-

  • av Barbara Josselsohn

    Italy, 1943. A castle once full of love and laughter is left in ruins by the Nazis, as three sisters are torn apart by one terrible mistake... New York, present day. Broken by the loss of her beloved grandmother Annalisa, who raised her all alone, Mia is shocked when she finds an old letter sent from Italy in her belongings. Annalisa never told Mia about the magnificent, vine-covered castle on Isola di Parissi where she spent one long summer under the Italian stars. Or that she was accused of something terrible in the darkest days of World War Two... Arriving on the stunning Italian coast just a boat ride away from Parissi, Mia is devastated to find the island closed to visitors. Desperate to find out what her grandmother was hiding, she finds dark and brooding local guide Leo, who promises to help her sneak in. As they explore the crumbling castle surrounded by lush olive groves, Mia begins to fall in love with passionate Leo and the beautiful country he calls home. And soon they find handwritten notes hidden in the walls, which confirm her grandmother's heartbreaking story. Annalisa arrived on the island with her two sisters but was forced to abandon them when the Nazis invaded. Mia soon realizes that the accusation against Annalisa might be true, and that Leo has his own reasons for wanting to dig up her family's past. The terrible mistake Annalisa made tore apart the island community. Will it force Mia to leave Leo, and Italy, forever? An epic, heart-wrenching tale based on the incredible true story of an island at war. Fans of Lucinda Riley, Fiona Valpy and Victoria Hislop will be utterly gripped. What readers are saying about Secrets of the Italian Island: 'This book will captivate you.' Goodreads reviewer, ¿¿¿¿¿ 'Totally enchanting. I was immediately under the spell of the characters, it's gorgeous setting and the fast-paced plot... will capture your heart.' Goodreads reviewer, ¿¿¿¿¿ 'The epitome of enchanting... phenomenal... magic... I cannot recommend it enough. I even stopped reading halfway through to check to see if there would be more in the series.' Goodreads reviewer, ¿¿¿¿¿

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