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  • av S Kaur Chowdhury

    The book captures the essence of the protagonist's journey as a young bride, beginning with a breathtaking view of the Brahmaputra River, evoking mystery and admiration that held her spell bound. It delves into Assam's rich culture, often referred to as "the melting pot" of diverse communities making it truly an "Awesome Assam."

  • av Ainan Ahmad

    This is a collection of science, sexuality, gender and philosophy-related interests is the'nascence' of ideas associated with science, sexuality, gender and philosophy using familiartopical issues (titles) for each of them. It is a specificity of ideas that encompass the generality of the human concern. In a way, it is akin to the collection of articles of varying interests.

  • av Harsimrat Dulai

    "Underneath" is a heartfelt journey of emotions through a collection of poetry and couplets. The book indeed reflects the thoughts that brew underneath our human skin and yearn for everlasting echoes. In this book, the author invites you to experience the beauty of those thoughts in the form of poetry written in two languages. Each page is a tapestry of emotions, crafted to capture the essence of what lies beneath the surface. Through the author's eloquent verses, you will discover the magic of love and emotions in their purest form. Whether you are a hopeless romantic like the author herself, a lover of lyrical beauty, or someone seeking solace in the language of a poet, this book is for you! It's also a perfect opportunity for you to steal Instagrammable captions or share them with a loved one. Open the book, and let the words serenade you!

  • - The Story Of True Love
    av Bychance_ Writer

    Two unknown travelers Raghu and Yantra, whom fate had brought close to each other. but after this meeting Raghu fell in love with Yantra, so soon he decided to marry Yantra. But on the day of their engagement, someone suddenly kidnaps Yantra.But after 3 years, Raghuvendra Uff Raghu, who has become an IPS officer, got the news of some terrorists being in his area. During this mission, Raghu encountered Yantra with those terrorists. She was badly injured and unconscious. So Raghu hid this girl in one of his hidden base.Raghu was shocked to suddenly find Yantra among those terrorists, on the other hand, countless questions were coming into his mind. But Every answer was linked to Yantra's past...

  • av Monika Shrimal

    What this book is about ? This book is all about catching the stream of ever-flowing feelgoodness that already exists within you. Your task is to customize and create your own feel-goodness while flowing with the constant stream. You see, this book is not about healing or fixing anything within you, but rather about bringing attention to the wellness that is already inside of you. As RUMI once said, 'If you desire healing, let yourself fall ill.' Also, this book is not a replacement for any medical therapy or healing work, but rather a tool to help you practice and nurture the feel-good wellness that already exists within all of us. Three feel-good reason to read this book: 1. Practice feeling good in your daily life. 2. Grow faith in yourself. 3. Nurture the feel-good wellness that is already inside of you. And the best part? This book offers a simple, fun, and intuitive way to co-create with the universe through the FEELING GOOD WAY. You may notice some ideas seem repetitive, but that is intentional. The repetition will help you practice until it becomes natural and a part of your daily perspective.


    "Suitswell Solutions: Interior Design Bible" is a concise guide tailored for students, enthusiasts, and anyone intrigued by interior design intricacies. This educational masterpiece explores core concepts in residential and commercial design, serving as a valuable resource for both academic and professional audiences. It delves into the essence of design, offering a clear roadmap for creating functional, aesthetically pleasing, and sustainable environments. In the residential section, the book explains the rationale behind design, nuances of space optimization, and essential elements for a livable home. It systematically breaks down fundamentals and spectrum of design styles. Transitioning to commercial design, each chapter unravels client business insights, dynamics of spaces, and pivotal factors. The book equips readers with practical and creative approaches, emphasizing sustainability. Whether you're a student or an individual eager to comprehend design intricacies, this indispensable guide illuminates principles, emphasizing sustainability and the transformative power of interior design.

  • av Deepak Agrawal

    Despite spending billions on leadership development each year, most companies still reporta severe shortage of competent leaders within their ranks. Based on my personalexperience and experience observing good and bad leaders around the world spanningmore than three decades, I am becoming increasingly convinced that we may be looking forleadership advice in too narrow a space. The secret of great leadership may lie in theconfluence of quantum mechanics, neuroscience, biology, and spirituality rather than justmanagement and psychology books and training programs. Neuroscience research hasshed light on how the brain's ability to adapt and change, known as neuroplasticity, can beharnessed through specific techniques. Likewise, certain principles of quantum physicssuggest that reality can be altered through conscious observation. Leaders and managerscan modify their thought patterns to enhance creativity and improve performance bycultivating heightened awareness, mindfulness, humility, and purpose.

  • av Tapan Kumar Banerjee

    The saying that age is just a number is never more true than the publishing of this book. The author, his first venture in writing comes at the age of 72 years. This book will take you back to the submerged memories of your younger days and make you reminisce those days once again. In the days which are filled with stress and anxiety for most of us owing to work pressure and other daily life issues this book will act like a soothing balm. It will show a perspective of how happiness can be found even during the tough situations of life. Some of the poems in this book portray the mystifying beauty of nature while there are some poems that are satirical in nature. Overall it will take you through a plethora of emotions and at the end will make you smile. So pick this book up, sit back and enjoy.

  • av Asheesh Mamgain

    In the hustle of a bustling city, countless souls tread their mundane paths day in and day out. Yet, amidst the monotony, there comes a moment in someone's life that transcends the ordinary. These stories gather such moments, at times infusing them with a touch of magical realism. Like when a man goes looking for a Dream Reader to decipher his recurring dream, or when a famous actor devises a plan to get some time away from the limelight. At times, it is an emotional journey - a businessman looking for salvation in the eyes of a beggar, an upper-middle-class woman trying to find strength in her housemaid and more. The stories resonate with city dwellers seeking meaning amidst the chaos, both in their surroundings and within themselves. Often, the reader finds themselves not merely a passive observer, but an active participant, entrusted with the task of imbuing these tales with their own interpretation. These narratives belong to every urban dweller, serving as mirrors reflecting the complexities of existence and inviting contemplation on the mysteries of life in a city.

  • av Shri Balram Singh Bhati

    The first poetry collection of Mr. Balram Singh Bhati, titled "Anjaani Kavitayein" (Unknown Poems), introduces us to subjects about which we are unknowingly aware. Each poem in this collection draws our attention towards crucial issues of the country and the world. The poet has addressed various prevailing societal anomalies with utmost simplicity and straightforward language, successfully making the voice of the marginalized person standing on the sidelines resonate.

  • - Our Global Responsibility!
    av Farida Ahmadi

    In this book, you will encounter a group of minority women. Thesewomen come from various countries, have different backgrounds andworldviews, but they all belong to a category of people Norwegianauthorities and statisticians call "non-Western immigrants". This bookis not about all women in this category. It is about those among themwho are not well. Those whose life and presence in Norway is difficultfor themselves and for the Norwegian authorities.

  • av Shubham Gour

    "When Stars Aligned for Us" intricately weaves the tale of Harshita and Siddharth, two souls whose paths converge repeatedly but are consistently thwarted by life's circumstances. Despite the challenges they face, their connection remains steadfast, reflecting the unpredictable nature of destiny. As the narrative unfolds, readers are drawn into a world where serendipitous encounters, heartfelt connections, and resilient bonds illuminate the journey of self-discovery. Through unpredictable twists of fate and moments of adversity, Harshita and Siddharth navigate life's complexities, finding purpose in the chaos and embracing the unknown. This heartwarming novel explores themes of love, resilience, and the profound impact of seemingly chance encounters, leaving readers captivated by the wonder of perfectly timed destiny.

  • - Insights for Becoming an Effective Leader
    av Pradeep Kasab

    "The book, 'Leadership Lessons from the Bible: Insights for Becoming an Effective Leader, ' delves into timeless wisdom and captivating narratives found within the Bible to extract valuable guidance for leaders across diverse fields. It serves as a comprehensive reference on leadership concepts and practices, drawing inspiration from the stories of biblical figures like Solomon, Moses, David, Joseph, Nehemiah, Deborah, Daniel, Ruth, Joshua, Esther, Paul, Peter, and Jesus Christ.The initial part of the book focuses on Solomon's wisdom, emphasizing the importance of discernment and sound decision-making in leadership. It then explores Moses' exceptional leadership during the Exodus, showcasing visionary leadership in times of crisis. The David and Goliath narrative underscores bravery and strategic thinking, while Joseph's journey highlights integrity and resilience as critical leadership qualities.Nehemiah's leadership in wall repair exemplifies the power of energizing and motivating a group, and Deborah's partnership with Barak underscores the value of empowering others. Daniel's unwavering character demonstrates leading with integrity in challenging situations, and Ruth's devotion exemplifies servant leadership traits.The story of Joshua and the Battle of Jericho underscores leading with bravery and faith, while Esther's example highlights diplomatic leadership and calculated risk-taking. Peter's leadership in the early Christian community stresses the importance of learning from mistakes, and Paul's transformation from persecutor to apostle showcases personal growth and change.Furthermore, the book delves into Proverbs' teachings on caution and discernment, and it explores Jesus' model of servant leadership, marked by humility and sacrifice. Lastly, the apostles' harmonious teamwork exemplifies the need for building a strong leadership team.Each chapter offers deep insights, practical applications, and real-world examples, enabling leaders to apply these biblical lessons to their own leadership journeys. These lessons, drawn from various biblical texts and stories, can enhance decision-making, team motivation, collaboration, and the creation of a meaningful leadership legacy.We aim to inspire you to embrace qualities like discernment, vision, bravery, integrity, inspiration, collaboration, humility, sacrifice, prudence, wisdom, and unity as you embark on your leadership journey. Your objective is to become an effective leader who positively impacts others' lives and leaves a lasting legacy. May this book provide you with inspiration, guidance, and encouragement as you pursue this goal."

  • av Griselda Pinto

    Step into Griselda Pinto's world through "Wisdom Shots." This captivating booklet unveils her personal diary, filled with selective reflections on life's defining moments. Within these pages, you're invited on a journey of self-discovery and personal growth. Griselda's heartfelt aspiration is to inspire you toward a more meaningful life, emphasizing the wisdom hidden in everyday experiences and the power of self-reflection."The Walking Dead" narrates the tale of a courageous Afghan girl pursuing her dream of becoming an astronaut, even at the cost of her life in a tragic refugee boat accident. Griselda contrasts her bravery with the fear and complacency of a friend, illustrating humanity's indomitable spirit. Griselda's narrative style is not only enthralling but also effortlessly relatable, rendering the wisdom held within "Wisdom Shots" immediately applicable. Join us on this transformative odyssey, discovering the wellspring of inspiration to live a life brimming with purpose and meaning hidden within these pages.


    माझ्या शैक्षणिक जीवनाचा प्रवास या ठिकाणी मांडत असताना मी या ठिकाणी माझ्या आयुष्यातील घडलेल्या घडामोडींचा आलेख रुपी आढावा अगदी प्राथमिक शिक्षण म्हणजे बालपणापासून ते उच्च शिक्षण म्हणजे पी.एच. डी . शिक्षणापर्यंतचा माझा वैयक्तिक अनुभव मला आठवेल तसा या ठिकाणी लिहिण्याचा मी एक प्रयत्न केलेला आहे. माझ्यावर बालपणापासून संस्कार करणारे आमचे शिक्षकवृंद, आमचे आई पप्पा, आबा (आजोबा), आज्जी, तात्या (आजोबांचे मोठे भाऊ), आमचे बापू (भास्कर बापू), आमचे दादा( देवी डॉक्टर),आमच्या थोरल्या आई, आमचे मोठे भाऊ, मिलिंद अप्पा, आमची आशा ताई, माझे मोठे दादा (महानंद दादा आणि प्रशांत दादा), आमचे सर्व नातेवाईक, माझी सहचारिणी आणि अपत्ये, आमच्या गावातील सर्व ग्रामस्थ मंडळी, माझे सर्व मित्र मैत्रिणी,माझे सर्व दादा आणि ताई अक्का लोकं माझ्या मित्र मैत्रिणींचे आई वडील या सर्व लोकांच्या मार्गदर्शनातून मी माझा हा प्रवास पूर्ण केलेला आहे. एखादा व्यक्ती घडण्यामागे अशा असंख्य ज्ञात आणि अज्ञात लोकांचा सहभाग असतो. मी हा प्रवास पूर्ण कारण्यापाठीमागे माझी जरी इच्छा शक्ती असली तरीही माझ्याबरोबर असणाऱ्या सर्व लोकांचा वेळोवेळी असणारा खंबीर पाठिम्बा आणि मार्गदर्शन यामुळेच मी आयुष्यातील हा महत्वाचा टप्पा पूर्ण करू शकलो असे माझे प्रामाणिक मत आहे. हा प्रवास आपल्यासमोर मांडत असताना एकाच उद्देश्य होता कि आयुष्यामध्ये पुढे पुढे वाटचाल करीत असताना आपण ज्या ठिकाणातून सुरुवात केली आणि ज्या ज्या ठिकाणी शिक्षण घेतले या सर्वांची आठवण जरा मागे वळून पाहताना कुठेतरी शब्दांकित करून ठेवावी. नाहीतर काळाच्या ओघात या सर्व आठवणी पुसट होत जातात. खरे तर प्रत्येकाच्या आयुषयात अनेक घडामोडी घडत असतात काही लोक त्या मनात साठवून ठेवतात तर काही व्

  • av Surendra Kumar Sagar

    `TIME` is the name of the Apartment Complex in Indiranagar Bangalore where the Author lived for nearly 18 years from 2004 to 2022, and `IMAGINE` is the name of the campus in Whitefield, Bangalore where his office (TOTAL ENVIRONMENT) is located.Most of the short pieces in this book were conceptualized during the author`s travel times from `TIME TO IMAGINE`.There is something for everyone and for all ages. The topics covered are wide-ranging, on Science, Philosophy including religious philosophy, Quantum Physics and its Philosophical impacts, Teleology and Intelligent Field, Enlightenment in meditation, Geopolitics, The Doomsday Clock, American Presidential Election, Stock Markets, Horse racing, Time Form Ratings, Pure mathematics, Randomness, Construction Engineering, Slip Forms, Family matters, Interesting Small World, The game of Scrabble, not forgetting Quiz Time, etc.The central theme of the book suggests a mysterious and intelligent link between the unique variety and colorfulness of the earth and the vastness and sameness of the universe.

  • av R C Guria

    A poet's emotions, feelings, ideas, and literary pursuits in various aspects of life are expressed through poems. Here the poet has expressed his emotions, feelings, ideas, and literary pursuits in respect of Puranic legends, doctrines of Vedanta, various aspects social and spiritual aspects, and personal life in his book of poetry 'Kabitar Kusum Koli' in Bengali. The poet has so far written about fourteen books on various subjects, but this is the poet's first book of poems. 'Kabitar Kusum Koli' contains fifty-two poems on various aspects such as Puranas, spirituality, the present social system, human love, emotion, and sacrifice. Out of fifty-two poems, forty-six are written by the poet himself, and six are written by the poet's loved ones. In the journey of life, we have to go through different situations -good and bad at different times. Some are happy in life while many are very unhappy. Some live in wealth and fortune while others in miseries and despair. Everyone wants to be happy in life; Some get happiness while many don't. Here the poems reveal all these aspects of life.

  • av Usha Parakh

    In this book, innovation and inventions, the development of humans, and energy recruitment in the best version to transform as almighty are mentioned.The devil can't sustain for a longer time. Their arrogance, destroying nature, perplexion minds, and lack of knowledge kills them. When they approach to divine, deities, Gods, and absolute energies, they're loved, pampered, and given knowledge and punishments, that mold them into good beings.

  • av Saunak Mitra

    This is Only when you are alone, will you perhaps find yourself? 'Behind the Scenes' is a story of a successful Bollystar Ariyaan Kapoor who gets stranded in a remote outdoor location in the hills of North India after his shooting wraps due to the sudden lock-down. This unprecedented solitude brings out the other side of him and his stardom and unlocks the doors to the past. The drama depicts the journey of an outsider into the world of Bollywood, navigating not only nepotism but also accusations of narcotics, sexual harassment, political pinch, underworld pressure and several other odds. Ariyaan's insight opens the door to the hidden secrets and behind the scenes of a superstar's life. The real story unfolds, as emotion flows.

  • av Ashish Sah

    Ashua, a village boy, is visited by a monk in his village while he is grazing goats. The monk encourages him to chase his dreams and advises him not to give up. Soon, Ashua gets an opportunity to go to the city and works as a dishwasher in a restaurant. Ashua slowly learns the tricks of the trade and becomes a chef. He buys a food truck, and with his grit and determination, he is able to build a fortune. Along his journey, he falls in love, briefly ventures into politics, and starts a family. Suddenly, a calamity of epic proportions befalls the city as a virus disrupts businesses all across the city. Ashua fights his way through, and history will remember his tale as 'The Tale of Ashua.'

  • av Saika Akhter

    Dear readersThis is my first collection of poems and ghazals, which I dare to present to you in the hope that you will accept it. The purpose of publishing this collection is not to add any good poetry to Urdu literature. Of course, between you and me, this book is a means of introduction. The introduction takes the form of friendship when there are shared sorrows, if not your personal sorrows and national sorrows are shared. The poetry included in this book spans the last ten years. The pink color of love is reflected in these ghazals. And the blackness of deprivations and failures is also evident. The language of my ghazals is very simple and everything is described without twists. You may see some deviations in terms of meaning, but ignore it as my lack of knowledge. Some Punjabi ghazals are also included in this collection. May Allah support you and me. (Ameen)

  • av George Thomas

    Welcome to my poetic realm!Within the pages of this collection, I invite you to navigate the poignant corridors of emotion, where each verse serves as a heartfelt echo of sadness, love, loss, and Glee. May each line linger as a comforting embrace and a gentle reminder that, even in the shadows, poetry has the power to illuminate the path toward healing.

  • av Rana Pratap Bajaj

    I have Resolved NOT to Stop truthfully reveals the author's desire to travel places beating the odds like age, health and societal taboos like What will people say!! This book gives a new perspective to people who STOP themselves from taking an unconventional decision and serves as an inspiration to all age groups to resolve to Gird Up Loins and Keep on Marching. The author has picked up popular destinations within India like Leh Ladakh, Sikkim, Uttarakhand and Lahaul Spiti to name a few and has attempted to share his experience of visiting these must-go-to destinations as these have natural beauty, adventure in hazard, tough terrain, art and culture, architecture, history. For a picturesque read equivalent to virtually visiting a great destination in India is what the author has to offer through this book. He has easily captured the details of each, and every place visited and brought in his writing truthfully, which will be helpful in a well-planned journey as also what to expect and what not to miss. The book has an easy flow and takes its readers to the very spot being described. Pictures in the book are also catchy of the moments and spots of thrills. This should excite a reader to catch on to life without loosening or wasting it.Suggestion: The readers who may like to give their comments or seek any advice may reach him through e-mail:

  • av Debjani Chaudhury

    Love, Life & Wild Lillies is a captivating collection of poetic affirmations woven intricately with threads of self-discovery, resilience, and the profound essence of self-worth.In a world brimming with complications, mental health emerges as an issue demanding our utmost sensibility and endurance, both towards others and ourselves. The poet, drawing from her personal experience, has delicately tried to address the struggle, focusing on re-creating the essence of self-love with the beauty of metaphors.This collection invites you to embrace your unique narrative, to navigate through life's complexities with grace, and to etch the 'extra' edge to your 'ordinary' story as it's in the darkest night that the stars shine the brightest!

  • - Evaluating Nine Years of Governance and Controversies

    When there was a change of regime at the centre in 2014, his interest emerged to watch the Modi government that came with an absolute majority. His inquisitive mind started watching the government since the beginning to know how radically they mobilized the people to get 31 per cent and 37 per cent of total votes cast in 2014 and 2019. He kept on studying the promises Modi made and his failures in fulfilling them, yet able to continue in the 2019 general election. The magic wand was not the economic performance and his so-called welfare measures, but the oratory marvel of mobilizing people and dividing the people into religious and divisive lines of caste, creed, sex, and region. The author's first monumental work was on "Economic Consequences and Overall Implications of BJP Government during 2014-19." This work is an extension of nine years of his critical study of the style of Modi's functioning. Modi is very apt in promising but very renege in implementing. But once someone achieves power, he does not want to leave. Modi is also not unlike this. Although Modi had a very humble start, he has developed an authoritarian style in his functioning. The author observes that his charisma is waning and the coming general election would be most difficult for him to continue as PM, lest he improves his style of functioning.

  • av Dhruv Gupta

    "PEACE @ ENOUGH" by Dhruv Gupta provides a thought-provoking exploration of peace, through relatable anecdotes, philosophical reflections and practical insights reflected through stories spanning over a century. The message resonates with readers seeking a peaceful life by encouraging them to manage expectations; to define what is "enough" at different stages of life to adapt one's goals and expectations to the current context; to be realistic and adaptable in their pursuit of peace and satisfaction.The author's emphasis on managing stress, nurturing faith, and acknowledging unexpected help resonates with readers seeking strategies to cope with life's challenges. By incorporating these elements, the author encourages readers to develop resilience and a positive mindset, ultimately leading to a more peaceful and satisfying life.

  • av Haresh Sippy

    "Oh My God" is a compilation of memories presented in the form of quotes, essays, and uplifting poetry, encompassing 77 years of life and faith. This book emphasizes the author's connection with God and others, highlighting the positive experiences and lessons of spiritual development and navigating love and loss. It avoids any negative tones of complaining or anxiety. The author's poetic voice invites readers into the intimate reflections and moments of personal discovery that have shaped their journey in a positive and hopeful light and serves as a reminder of the power of faith and love in overcoming life's challenges. This book inspires resilience, gratitude, and faith in tough times, giving hope to those who need it.The proceeds from the sale of all my books go to Tema India's Youth Empowerment Program.

  • av Sriramanathan Muralitharan

    After a disastrous Christmas this year, my parents surprised me with an unexpected adventure: a trip to the Amazon! Initially, I wasn't too thrilled about the idea, but everything changed when I stumbled upon a mysterious map hidden in our suite. With the help of the wilderness expert, Thomas Rex, we eagerly prepared for an extraordinary journey into the heart of the jungle.Meeting with terrifying jaguars, curious and revolting apes, and even encounters with tribes that seemed straight out of a cannibalistic nightmare. The Amazon held the potential for excitement than I could have ever imagined. It's an amazing adventure of unexpected twists, heart-pounding moments, and the indomitable spirit of exploration that will keep you on the edge of your seat until the very end! Want more? You are welcome to experience the wild along with me!


    Jiya and Joy Sengal are emerging authors who bring a unique perspective to the world of fiction. Their novel appears to offer readers an unforgettable love story that is rich in emotion and relatable characters. By weaving a captivating narrative, they draw readers into the world they've created, making it easy for them to connect with the flaws and complexities of the characters. This emotional investment in the story's world seems to be a key feature of their writing, which can be quite engaging for readers who enjoy immersive storytelling.

  • - PS I love you.
    av Vidhu Bhatnagar

    This book is a collection of various life lessons which the author has learnt over the many years of her presence on this planet. Each quotation is a journey in its own and can be understood by readers keeping in mind their own experiences and lessons. Author has always felt that learning through someone else' journey makes our own existence a little bit easier hence the attempt to pen down all the introspections which have been learnt through lots of difficult times. This book also features original artwork of her spouse Dr Rohit verma and original digital artwork of her daughter Ms Hiranya Verma. In a nutshell, we present a small guide book on the journey of life.

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