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  • av Artemus Withers

    As they acclimate to the newly revised ship and crew, Tar and Gorth try to retrieve the scarf lost in the battle with The Insane Moth. Against his mother's demands, Tar drags everyone to the remote and extremely hostile planet of Rimtiki Lumdung. Things seem to be going well as they infiltrate the populace until their plans are thwarted by an old flame of Gorth's-the beautiful and extremely deadly Zeestra.To escape with their lives, the crew must fight against an ever shortening time line to remove an ancient curse that has plagued the planet for centuries. Will Tar and Gorth live through the ordeal while fighting zombies dead, alive and otherwise? Or will Zeestra's treachery seal their fate and end their adventures forever?

  • av Artemus Withers

    Three short stories, introducing Tar Reztap, his shipmate Gorth, and their action-packed universe.A Little Misunderstanding: Tar and Gorth are roped into another mission by Renni, Tar's half-brother. This time, they're supposed to make a simple delivery to stop intergalactic war--it doesn't go quite as planned. On top of restarting the centuries-old war between the Claches and the Progorians, they put their longest serving navigator in a life and death struggle to not get eaten.Digging Reztap: The seminal story of how Tar and Gorth first met on a rescue mission in a mining colony at the tender age of nine. A girl, two mining carts and a high speed chase that ends with a shocker.Armed But Not Ready: The latest in a string of mishaps that find Tar and Gorth losing yet another navigator to a tragic circumstance. At an expensive space resort, the dui bail out their latest navigator candidate only to have him fall prey to a girl and her cat. It's like these navigators are wearing red shirts!

  • av Leah M Kelley

    Selfdom (noun)1. an expression of poetic thought, a glimpse inside the mind of the poet.2. find healing, peace, and a sense of release.3. the desire to know oneself; the essence of one's being, to be in tune mentally, emotionally, and spiritually with oneself, and one's reason for existing.4. requiring one to face one's past, and the pain associated with it; to uncover there is freedom from the bondage that seeks to hold one captive.Dr. Leah M. Kelley was born in Stamford, Connecticut on Dec 19th, 1969. She is the eldest of seven children. She grew up in Sacramento, California. She is an internationally published poet.Leah received her honorary Doctorate in Divinity on October 18th, 2019. She is also a mother of six: four sons and two daughters. She is a grandmother of eleven beautiful grandchildren. Leah has been writing for forty-four years; her love of poetry grew at a young age.Leah is also a lover of the arts, an actress, and enjoys writing praise and worship songs. She thanks God for the gifts He has bestowed upon her.Published by Blue Forge Press.

  • av Leah M M Kelley

    Things That Affect the Human Race was birthed of a desire to write something that would be encouraging and inspiring during this time of crisis.The assassin, COVID-19, snuck in and caught the world off guard. Black, white, old and young, all religions and all nationalities-this virus does not discriminate. As I watch the news, my heart cries for all of us. While in quarantine, I have been thinking, praying, and meditating on scripture. I have a greater appreciation of my family and friends, and life in general. Every day I wake up, I thank the Lord for another day. I hope as you read the pages of this book or watch the video sermon provided by my publisher, you will find comfort in these words that come directly from my heart.-Dr. Leah M. Kelley

  • av Laura Jacob

    Never let them see you weak. Never let the tears fall.The phone rang on the day after Christmas and Laura Jacob learned that her father was being placed on life support after being found on his bathroom floor seizing due to his alcohol addiction. How could a sober, safe man still be that monster she feared growing up? She had allowed him back into her life after hiding for over a decade and now she regretted it. At age 38, she suddenly felt the terror and devastation as if she was a child again. Her fight, drive, and resilience disappeared. As she learns the truth about her father's suicide attempts, abuse of his family, and continued addictions, she reflects back on all of those times when an adult-a parent-had let her down or did everything possible to destroy her spirit. Light Sleeper chronicles Laura's ongoing struggle to sleep as a response to her trauma. Meanwhile, she excels instead of fails, strengthens rather than falls apart, jumps out of airplanes and climbs mountains.

  • av J. W. Capek

    Survival is beyond gender, technology, or politics. It is a beautiful spring day when the people of the Deerwhere community meet an insurmountable natural catastrophe. Survival is completely dependent on human resilience and cooperation. A dystopian city-state must transform into recovery. Exposed to a variety of cultures, challenges of nature, and personal fears, the people of Deerwhere must save themselves and their home. Adrion's Passage is set in the Deerwhere universe, a world where a New Confederation of Peace was established after centuries of wars, overpopulation, political disruption, and global pandemics. Deerwhere was the culmination of humanity's search for Utopia. The colony quarantine keeps the survivors safe. Three genders live in harmony in Deerwhere: male, female, and uniale. Through epigenetics, uniales embody the prime qualities of both sexes and are immune to pandemics.

  • av J. W. Capek

    THE DEERWHERE CODEX defines humanity beyond the genders of Female, Male, and Uniale. Humanness can be explored through sentient Quantum Computers or corporeal beings on a water world in the Multiverse.In The Deerwhere Awakening, humanity's quest for utopia had come to fruition. The Founders imagined a place where humans, all three genders-uniales, females and males, would contentedly dwell behind walls and live happily ever after in comfort and safety. Humans have never dwelt anywhere happily ever after. It is not in their nature. Inquisitiveness and rebellion are basic thought processes. The humans revolted against their Keeper, the benign artificial intelligence the Founders had created to guide them. They thought they knew better. So they set out on their own to make the world perfect. It worked-for a while. In Adrion's Passage an earthquake, The Big One, shattered their world and a new challenge arose: Survival. They discovered a wild world outside the protection of Deerwhere, an unimagined world full of hazard and discovery. There are always challenges to face in life, but people discovered those challenges always have solutions. Often those solutions are quite dangerous and difficult.EVER AEQUUM is a collection of tales about the characters from the first two books, along with an assortment of new folk. The stories tell of their journeys, loves and tribulations as they wend their way through this dangerous, exciting new world in quest of that happily ever after for which humans all yearn.

  • av J. W. Capek

    Exploring the possibilities of being human, across three genders and beyond, The Deerwhere Awakening is a timely story for our present. Deerwhere is the culmination of humanity's search for Utopia. After centuries of wars, overpopulation, political disruption, and global pandemics, there followed a New Confederation of Peace: of work, of service to others, and of recreation. Together in Deerwhere, survivors were male, female, and uniale. The colony quarantine kept three genders safe. Uniales embody all the maleness and femaleness of the human genome. Through epigenetics, they have the best qualities of both sexes and all the races. The Deerwhere Awakening follows Noral, the uniale wifand of nes family unit, a trio of adults. Their idyllic lives in Deerwhere have all needs addressed by the Keeper, the Deerwhere Quantum Computer. All needs, but one. Confronted with the Confederation's Third Option, Noral can no longer tolerate the dictates of a "perfect society." The Deerwhere uniales must test their own loyalty towards the culture that is Deerwhere-a culture they must define for themselves.

  • av Chris Anne Wolfe

    Three women of Aggar. Three women so different, they may as well be from worlds as vast and varied as their ancestors. The face of Aggar has changed - war, conflict, healing, secrets - but these three will come to find that their similarities are as deep a bond as was ever formed. The vast desert calls and the whispers of changelings beckon. Cultures have risen and fallen across the land but some things remain constant even as everything is about to change.Jacquin the dancer. Adrian the warmage. Rox the hired sword. They are all more than they appear to be. They all carry secrets and stories. They will begin strangers and become something startling and new.

  • av Donna Lee Anderson

    Emily walked out of her front door and down the three flights of stairs to the ground floor. She was on auto-pilot, taking her morning walk. She walked down the street, past the rose garden on the corner, past the ferry landing and passed St. Mark's Church, and then she paused outside the cemetery next door. She wouldn't go in today but just seeing the grave markers made her sadder. She didn't know why but as she turned to head back toward home, she decided something. She would take the job Dr. Pete offered her. If she didn't like it she could always quit, but just maybe she would like it. Maybe she would like being around people that needed her. Yes, she would call Dr. Pete when she got home and accept. What could it hurt?

  • av Hiromi Cota

    Cota's best stories of the year. In 2019, Blue Forge Press selected nine authors and sent them monthly writing prompts for one year. They were radically diverse people in terms of experience, style, ideology, class, politics, race, sexuality, and religion, but they all gave a year of their creative lives to craft their best work. From supernatural Westerns to transhumanist science fiction to postmodern literary deconstruction, Hiromi Cota's stories take readers on a journey to over a dozen worlds through nearly as many genres. Cota's relentlessly queer fiction explores the meanings of life and justice for marginalized people in settings both brighter and bleaker than our own Earth. Blue Forge Press used a light editorial hand to allow the writer's voice to be heard in its original state: Undiluted, unaltered, and raw. Tales of Resistance collects all twelve stories written by Hiromi Cota plus an extensive interview and a thirteenth bonus story written in 2020. Published by Blue Forge Press.

  • av Gregor Fjellrev

    History itself is under siege. The single most fearsome opponent Miles Sorvenjar Radien has ever faced threatens all of reality with his scheme. The names of the brave and the bold are being forgotten. The deeds of the undaunted are being erased. Ballads and epics alike are all being rewritten by a mysterious Unmaker, and for what? No one seems to know. The encroaching doom threatens to make the hero of every story only one name, and this creature who would claim to be the champion of destiny itself executes his plan with harrowing efficiency. Miles and his allies must act with swiftness and purpose, even as the circle of those unaffected grows smaller and smaller, lest all of history die...

  • av Eliza Loeb

    Loeb's best stories of the year. In 2019, Blue Forge Press selected nine authors and sent them monthly writing prompts for one year. They were radically diverse people in terms of experience, style, ideology, class, politics, race, sexuality, and religion, but they all gave a year of their creative lives to craft their best work. We face ourselves more than anything else when we step into the realms of fantasy, noir, and horror. Eliza Loeb does just that with a little muse, a forsaken queen, two lovers who met in the most unlikely of circumstances and more. Loeb reaches out to the readers and asks: What is it you're looking for and what will you give in return? Blue Forge Press used a light editorial hand to allow the writer's voice to be heard in its original state: Undiluted, unaltered, and raw. Minding the Storm collects all twelve stories written by Eliza Loeb plus an extensive interview and a thirteenth bonus story written in 2020.

  • av Gregor Fjellrev

    He escaped Earth. He earned the right to wield the powers that be. He defeated Demons both who walk and hold weapons, and those born of the mind's darkest hours. And yet, Miles Sorvenjar Radien's journey has barely just begun. As Miles continues to learn just how to live in the universe that has opened up to him, he will meet his challenges with skill over luck, and with honor over iniquity. But Miles Radien knows well that honor is a luxury and not a right, and though he will always prefer its counsel, his foes will know the fury that will be brought to bear against those who transgress it. Miles has no shortage of worlds he intends to visit, and peoples he intends to do well by. All that remains is to find out just what titles he will ascend to...

  • av Donna Lee Anderson

    On this overcast but not too cool Saturday in November, a woman made an appearance on Haven Port Island, but it wasn't by the usual means. The eleven o'clock ferry had just pulled away from the shore. Twelve year old Gary was standing on the old wharf next to the ferry dock, holding his fishing rod. He was watching the ferry when he saw something different. "Hey, look at that. There's a coat floating in the water." "Should we go get it? Does it look good?" asked his twin brother Jerry. Almost in unison, they dropped their fishing poles and ran off the old ferry dock to check this out. And, when they got down to the water's edge they could see more clearly it certainly was a coat, but someone was still in it. A woman. "Call Mom," Gary said. And Jerry did, on their emergency-only cell phone. Their mom told them to stay put and as she drove to the waterfront, she called the sheriff's office. It flashed through her mind that talking on a phone while driving was illegal... ¿¿¿¿¿¿¿...but this was an emergency.

  • av Donna Lee Anderson

    His house was located just across from the golf course and he'd been watching the two guys and a girl as they were just standing there and talking. He'd fallen asleep leaning on his hands at the window before anything really interesting started, and then he had to go relieve himself but forgot to look again when he returned to the living room. Too bad... ¿¿¿¿¿¿¿He might have been of help.

  • av David Mecklenburg

    Part introspective journey, part absurdist house of mirrors, Deukollectrum offers a thousand ways of looking into a character's mind through memory and imagining. Recalling Woolf's The Waves (and many other classic texts of re-wandering), each short chapter is a poetic and philosophical adventure on the seas of myth and language as we sail through Sisyphean tasks and picnics on carpets patterned with Zen koans. Your captain is Ada Ludenow--David Mecklenburg's Muse, Alter-Ego, and Guide.

  • av Gregor Fjellrev

    Miles Radien stood alone... but this was not a bad thing. The tale of Miles Sorvenjar Radien ceases its dullness when a mysterious being from a world far-off grants his ship, and with his last breath, instructions: "Today, save yourself, so tomorrow you might save your world, and in time... all of creation." With these words begins Miles Radien's true story. A whole new universe has opened up before him, one his tempered mind and steeled soul find great difficulty in believing isn't some cruel dream, let alone one that would see him accepted into it. Worlds sprawling with splendor and incredible peoples, powers and technologies that seemed impossible, and a war of shadow and flame fought almost as long as time itself are the new stories of Miles Radien, and he will only be so eager to add his name to the history of time... Published by Blue Forge Press.

  • av Chris Anne Wolfe

    A mighty Amazon of the sea who has lost her way. A Blue Sight fleeing for her life, focused on a single, deadly mission.The face of Aggar has become nearly unrecognizable. The people have traded their free will for peace, bowing down to the Choir, a mysterious, faceless force in the dreamscape. The Choir's Songs sweep across the land, controlling the minds of the people. Controlling everyone but the Amazons - who have taken to the ocean, protected from the Songs by the winds over the sea.Gender, race, religion, and conflict have become things of the past but there is a darkness under the utopian veneer. Aggar beckons for new heroes. A secret as old as Aggar herself must be uncovered.Nix the Amazon captain. Reve the agent of chaos. They are the last of Aggar's chosen guardians. The only two with the will to challenge the Choir's rule and risk sacrificing Aggar's peace to regain their freedom. Together they will discover Aggar's dark origins and change their world forever... and their adventures will conclude the Amazon cycle that began with Shadow of Aggar and continued with Fires of Aggar and Sands of Aggar.

  • av David Mecklenburg

    Hyperborea was the "Land beyond the North Wind" for the Ancient Greeks. Was it real to them and does that matter? Our mythology often shapes our reality despite the assumption that only the reserve is true.For Ada Ludenow, Hyperborea is the land beyond human company--a realm sometimes called solitude and sometimes called loneliness. Like most places--both real and imagined, both literal and mystical--Hyperborea changes over time. Its topography is written in the brush-strokes of love, grief, language, and routine. And its creator? Ada. And, in equal measure, not Ada at all.Explore lyrical essays and arresting artwork in this newest collection from Ada's World.

  • av David Mecklenburg

    In this companion to The Nightingale's Stone, Ada Ludenow explores the power of relationships to make and unmake us by using language itself as a fundamental binding force to use or misuse for gain or at our own peril. What emerges is one woman's portrait of the world as an ambivalent, often hostile place, made livable by our ability to perceive the small events of beauty that overcome us in unexpected ways.With color illustrations of each poem, Small Events offers timeless meditations on how we make meaning of love, hatred, memory, and being human. Readers of The Nightingale's Stone will find a further expansion of that work's themes and new readers will find a philosophically poetic voice inviting them to enter the plural reality of the Hagengard.

  • av Amber Rainey

    Rainey's best stories of the year. In 2019, Blue Forge Press selected nine authors and sent them monthly writing prompts for one year. They were radically diverse people in terms of experience, style, ideology, class, politics, race, sexuality, and religion, but they all gave a year of their creative lives to craft their best work. ¿¿¿¿¿¿¿From the author of the classic romantic fantasy, Eternal Willow, and the creator of the family series Cassandra and Two Chicks and a Frog, comes a collection of short stories that explore love, choices, and the transformational process of pain. A director, filmmaker, and actor, Amber Rainey draws from her many creative paths to add layers to her storytelling and create authentic depth to each tale.Blue Forge Press used a light editorial hand to allow the writer's voice to be heard in its original state: Undiluted, unaltered, and raw. Metamorphosis collects all twelve stories written by Amber Rainey plus an extensive interview and a thirteenth bonus story written in 2020.

  • av Mecklenburg

    Mecklenburg's best stories of the year. In 2019, Blue Forge Press selected nine authors and sent them monthly writing prompts for one year. They were radically diverse people in terms of experience, style, ideology, class, politics, race, sexuality, and religion, but they all gave a year of their creative lives to craft their best work.From Hokkaido to Seattle, with stops around this world and others, Mecklenburg explores the intricacy of desire, regret, innocence lost and experience mired beneath the weight of absurdity. Through fictional memoir, essay, and third-person narratives, Mecklenburg's alter-ego and muse, Ada Ludenow, explores the effects of creation on all of us.Blue Forge Press used a light editorial hand to allow the writer's voice to be heard in its original state: Undiluted, unaltered, and raw. Across the Deserts of My Ghosts collects all twelve stories written by David Mecklenburg plus an extensive interview and a thirteenth bonus story written in 2020.

  • av David Mecklenburg

    What is a shadow?In the 21st Century our scientific minds may dismiss them as simply the absence of light, but a deeper part of our brain still knows them as tangible things full of meaning. Without them, the world would be a bleak, blinding continuum.Just as shadows make a painting or a film come alive, they define us and our families, our hopes, our mistakes and our dark triumphs. Collecting Shadows represents the seven short stories and a novella from the plural reality of the Hagengard, a particularly baroque and fabulist continent in Ada's World.Whether you are dragging your hooks through the darkness of your past, yearning to fly away like a raven, or find yourself uncomfortably close to a tank of eels, these stories explore the chiaroscuro of being human in a shadowy universe.Published by Blue Forge Press.

  • av David Mecklenburg

    Between two hills was a decrepit hall. Of what manner of architecture had gone into its spirit and flesh, I could not tell. The profuse and overgrown garden around it--the wild apple trees that climbed and fought with one another--obscured its age and look. It was as if each step changed the hall, and the lengthening shadows hinted at its great age, a history spoken in a forgotten language." Ada Ludenow returns to the Harz Mountains of Germany where thirteen years earlier she experienced a love affair that threw her into the uncertainty of life. Hoping to find her lover from that time, she instead finds a hungry but inquisitive supernatural being who may or may not eat her. To forestall becoming his dinner, she tells him of the summer of her twenty-seventh birthday and how it opened the road to Elsewhere. With twenty-one illustrations by the author, The Nightingale's Stone is the first novel set in the world of Hagengard, a place where reality is a plural endeavor by its inhabitants.

  • av Dezirae Bates

    Cassidy Hawkins never thought she was anything more than a simple woman in a simple world... but that thought changed the day she died. Thrust into a war she didn't know was raging, in a magical society referred to only as the Exodus, Cassidy must navigate the life she's decided to lead after her accident. Before long, the realities that often plague normal life begin to infect the magical one: lies, deceit, and delusions of grandeur. How can you accept the truth when the ability to change it is right at your fingertips? How do you navigate a war you know nothing about and the people who you trust, suddenly become untrustworthy? Even more, what do you do when all eyes are on you?

  • av Gary Floyd

    While plotting his strategic escape from Brooklyn, a New York Jew considers his highly comical upbringing.Armed only with a beguiling sense of humor, a love for music, and a steadfast dedication to self-metamorphosis, how does a lower middle-class New York Jew rise above his humble and often turbulent urban beginnings?I found your story a pleasurable and interesting read. It brought to mind the narrative in "A Christmas Story," introspective in an innocent and honest way, yet humorous and relatable. -Jennifer Ricci, fellow book club memberI can't help reading it with your voice and mannerisms in my head... Your humor comes through loud and clear.-Martin Hamilton, fellow book club memberYou got your point across about the power of humor and how essential it is for navigating through life's challenges.-Mitch Stevens, brotherYour book made me laugh out loud at times.-Barbara McMichael, friend and long-time Seattle Times book reviewer

  • av Carol DiMarco

    Mother, grandmother, writer, and farmer, Carol DiMarco juggles the humorous, frustrating, heart-warming, and always unique experiences of life in this, our own town Port Orchard, Washington.Residents of any small town will relate to the Americana charm of Carol's locales and situations, empathize with her neighbors, and find themselves laughing at her wonderful sense of the absurd on her quest to find everyday joy.

  • av Chris Anne Wolfe

    Royal Marshal Gwyn of the Amazons of Aggar travels into danger to aid and protect Blue Sighted Llinolae, the ruler of Khirla, a city plagued by Terran raids. But magic is afoot, political plots brew and these two women may need the advice of two who lived hundreds of years before, Diana n'Athena and Elana n'Sappho.Before her death in July 1997, beloved lesbian-feminist author Chris Anne Wolfe published two of her four classic Amazon adventure novels - "Shadows of Aggar" and "Fires of Aggar." These two volumes are only the first half of the Aggar cycle. Chris Anne also published two stand-alone novels, the time-bending romance, "Annabel and I," and the retelling of Beauty and the Beast, "Roses and Thorns." The manuscripts of Chris Anne's remaining novels, short stories, poetry and songs, were willed to publisher and friend, Jennifer DiMarco. These hand-written volumes include both remaining Aggar books - "Sands of Aggar" and "Oceans of Aggar" - and more than a dozen retold fairy tales and original fantasy and contemporary novels.

  • av Bella van Winkle

    Parker doesn't quite understand why people are so happy all the time. He doesn't feel that often, especially not in his own home. But at least he has a roof over his head, right? Parker didn't want that nowadays. He spent his days trudging through hallways, twisting his hands and trying to remain unseen. Well... until he met-Eryn doesn't quite understand why his mom is still with her abusive boyfriend. He's angry most of the time. People were just too much for Eryn's loud head. His best friend dragged him into work one day, and he was miserable, to say the least. Well... until he met-Parker and Eryn are whirled through this life together in a story infused with romance and terrifyingly real feelings, something neither had felt before. Suddenly, both of them had to think about the emotions they felt for each other... and the consequences of those feelings.

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