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  • av Billy Wellman

    From the creation of the universe to celestial wars to reincarnation, Indian mythology features enigmatic tales of time, creation, and spirituality.Indian mythology is not simply a thing of the past. Modern-day festivals, celebrations, worship, music, dance, poetry, and film and television might portray or include aspects of Indian mythology. The subject is also beloved by those who study and practice it.Indian mythology stretches beyond the tales of creation. This book will acquaint you with the gods and goddesses who shaped the world, as well as epic tales of hardship, struggle, and strife.Mythology attempts to explain the origins of the universe and delves deep into understanding the creation of time, matter, and life itself. Were humans born out of the light that spilled from Lord Brahma? Was the universe created out of a golden egg? Can all of the human race trace its lineage back to one man?This book offers a comprehensive guide to the events that shape Indian mythology.Reading this book, you will discover the following:Tales of the creation of the universeThe creation of matter, life, and timeThe way the three components of the universe interact to maintain balanceSome of the great gods in Hindu mythology, including the three gods of the TrimurtiThe role of the great goddesses in the creation and sustenance of the universe and the ways in which they overcome challengesThe various avatars and incarnations of gods and goddesses in Hindu mythologyTales from the Mahabharata and the Ramayana, which speak of strength of character, resilience, and hopeAnd so much more!

  • av Billy Wellman

    La expulsión de los nativos americanos al oeste del río Misisipi durante el siglo XIX para despejar el camino a los colonos es una historia trágica que implica sufrimiento humano que alcanza grandes proporciones.La política del destino manifiesto afirmaba que Estados Unidos era una nación moralmente superior que tenía derecho a construir un imperio desde la costa este hasta la costa oeste, en detrimento de los nativos americanos que se interpusiera en su camino. Este libro documentará el Sendero de las Lágrimas, sacando a la luz muchos sucesos que ocurrieron en el trasfondo y describiendo al mismo tiempo a algunos destacados jefes nativos americanos, como el jefe seminola Abiaka y el jefe cheroqui John Ross, y a algunos de los europeos estadounidenses con los que se enfrentaron.También iremos más allá de la historia convencional y examinaremos más de cerca la asimilación que se produjo entre los colonos blancos y los nativos americanos. Las características únicas de las tribus que se enfrentaron a los colonos españoles que llegaron a Florida y a los demás colonos europeos que llegaron a la costa este no suelen conocerse en su totalidad. Analizaremos más de cerca esta mezcla de culturas para ofrecerle una imagen más clara de cómo eran los cheroquis, chickasaw, choctaw, creek y seminolas en la época del Sendero de Lágrimas.Estas son algunas de las cosas que descubrirá en este libro:Por qué las tribus desarrollaron diversas formas de cristianismo.Las razones que llevaron a los jefes a firmar tratados para ceder tierras de los nativos.La opinión de George Washington sobre los nativos americanos.Las Cinco Tribus Civilizadas y cómo se diferenciaban entre sí.La opinión del ciudadano medio sobre los nativos americanos en el siglo XIX.La opinión de Davy Crockett sobre la reubicación de los nativos americanos.La Ley de Traslado Forzoso de Indios de 1830 y su impacto en el Sendero de Lágrimas.¡Y mucho más!

  • av Billy Wellman

    Do the names Michelangelo, Leonardo da Vinci, and Raphael ring a bell?If so, you are already somewhat familiar with the Renaissance, which saw a rebirth in the arts and science. Great strides were made in several fields, and many men made a name for themselves by creating masterpieces or developing new theories, even if some people found them controversial.This comprehensive guide digs into some of the most famous figures of the period and includes some who might not be as well known. This exciting ride through history gives you an introductory look at one of the most fascinating periods in history, injecting new life into a topic that has been written about countless times before.Avoid the stuffy academic textbooks on the Renaissance and instead explore a captivating look at a period that brought renewed interest to the arts, science, and culture in general.In this book, you will learn about the following:How the Middle Ages segued into the RenaissanceSome of the well-known concepts that emerged during the period, such as humanismWhy some families became patrons of the artsHow religion impacted the RenaissanceFamous artists, thinkers, and scientists who breathed new life into European societyExamples of Renaissance paintings and architectureHow the printing press led to the spread of ideasAnd so much more!

  • av Billy Wellman
    191 - 381,-

    Wussten Sie, dass die alten Ägypter an ein Leben nach dem Tode glaubten? Sie werden erstaunt sein, wie intensiv sie sich auf das Jenseits vorbereiteten!Dieses Buch ist voller Geschichten über das Leben der alten Ägypter, ihre Götter und ein paar der größten Mythen der Antike. Die Götter spielten eine wichtige Rolle im Leben der Menschen. Sie werden vielleicht überrascht sein, wie sehr sie das tägliche Leben beeinflussten!Auf jeder Seite dieses Buches befinden Sie sich auf einer aufregenden Reise zu einem der einflussreichsten Reiche der Geschichte. Auf ihrem Weg erfahren Sie etwas über die folgenden Themen:Der Ursprung und die Grundlagen der Welt aus der Perspektive der alten ÄgypterDer ägyptische Mythos über die Zeit, in der die Götter die Erde regiertenDie vielgestaltigen Geschichten über das Leben der Göttinnen und Götter des alten ÄgyptensDie unglaublichen Legenden der ägyptischen MythologieDie ausgefeilte Begräbniskultur des alten ÄgyptensDie Reise ins Jenseits aus einer ägyptischen PerspektiveDie Attribute der berühmtesten Götter und Göttinnen des ägyptischen PantheonUnd vieles, vieles mehr!

  • - Ein fesselnder Überblick über einen legendären Konflikt des antiken Griechenlands und seine Rolle in der Geschichte und der griechischen Mythologie
    av Billy Wellman

    Epische Erzählung oder historische Tatsache? Historiker streiten, ob der Trojanische Krieg beides oder nichts von beidem war! Um 1200 v.u.Z. wütete ein Krieg zwischen den alten Griechen und ihren Rivalen in Troja. Es ist die älteste Geschichte der Welt und der griechische Dichter Homer hat sie aufgeschrieben. In diesem faszinierenden Buch erfahren Sie, warum man diese Geschichte in Schulen und Universitäten weltweit immer noch liest!Wer waren diese Griechen und was trieb sie an, so weit entfernt der Heimat eine solch lange Zeit zu kämpfen? Wer waren die Trojaner und wie gelang es ihnen, die mächtigen Griechen zehn Jahre lang abzuwehren? Und vielleicht noch wichtiger: was hat uns veranlasst, diese Geschichte über Tausende von Jahren wieder und wieder zu erzählen?Dieses Buch nimmt seine Leserinnen und Leser auf eine Reise zu Homers Illias und darüber hinaus mit. Sie werden überrascht sein, was zwischen Göttern und Menschen, Adeligen und Bürgerlichen, Soldaten und ihren Gefangenen vor sich geht. Kommen Sie mit auf einen spannenden Ritt, der in einem Holzpferd endet! Sie erfahren etwas über folgende Themen: Warum brach der Krieg aus?Wie ein Gesicht tausend Schiffe in Gang setzteÜber die Betrüger - und die Betrogenen!Mythos oder Geschichte- welche Teile gehören wozu?Wer waren die Trojaner?Wer waren die Achäer?Wurden sie gekidnappt oder sind sie entlaufen?Achilles' Ferse - warum war sie so verwundbar?Zahlreiche Prophezeiungen- und ihre ErfüllungTod der Helden - je nachdem auf welcher Seite des Meeres sie lebten!Wie die alten Griechen und Trojaner den Trojanischen Krieg betrachtetenHeutige Entdeckungen und InterpretationenTrotz ihrer zahlreichen Interpretationen bleibt Homers Ilias eines der weltweit meistdiskutierten und meistbetrachteten Werke aller Zeiten. Viele sagen, der Krieg selbst sei nicht so wichtig gewesen wie Homers Werk, sogar Alexander der Große bewahrte ein Exemplar unter seinem Kopfkissen auf!Begleiten Sie uns auf dieser faszinierenden und inspirierenden Reise durch die Geschichte des Trojanischen Krieges, wie sie in diesem beeindruckenden und unterhaltsamen Werk dargestellt wird. Machen Sie sich bereit für eine historische Achterbahnfahrt!

  • - Ein faszinierender Einblick in die Geschichte Ägyptens
    av Billy Wellman
    204 - 407,-

    Überwältigende Pyramiden, eindrucksvolle Tempel, rachsüchtige Götter und skandalöse Dynastien. Ägypten, wie Sie es noch nie gesehen haben. Ägypten ist ein lebhaftes und vielfältiges Land und die Heimat einiger der beeindruckendsten Sehenswürdigkeiten der Welt. Die Geschichte des Landes wurde von mächtigen Persönlichkeiten bestimmt, die den Lauf der Weltgeschichte verändert haben. Seit das Vermächtnis der alten Pharaonen entdeckt wurde, fühlt sich die Öffentlichkeit von den Geschichten über reiche Herrscher und tödliche Flüche in den Bann gezogen. Wie viele der Legenden sind wohl wahr? Und wie viel ist Spekulation? Jahrhundertelang geriet Ägypten im kollektiven Gedächtnis der westlichen Welt in Vergessenheit, doch als es wieder auftauchte, übte es eine große Faszination auf die Menschen aus. Dieses antike Land birgt noch immer viele Geheimnisse, und das Erkunden seiner Geschichte ist ein wahres Vergnügen, das es nicht zu verpassen gilt. Dieses Buch wird Sie mit einigen der wichtigsten Ereignisse der ägyptischen Geschichte vertraut machen und Ihr Wissen über die Heimat der Pyramiden erweitern. Dieses Buch bietet Ihnen einen umfassenden Überblick über die lange Geschichte Ägyptens, einschließlich: Des Beginns der ägyptischen ZivilisationEines kurzen Blickes auf altägyptische DenkmälerDer Geschichten über die Pharaonen und deren HeldentatenEines außergewöhnlichen Blickes in Ägyptens prächtiges goldenes ZeitalterDie Eroberung Ägyptens durch AlexanderDes skandalösen Lebens der PtolemäerEiner kurzen Erkundung der Zeit des Mittelalters in ÄgyptenEines Überblicks zur Verbreitung des Islams in ÄgyptenDer Identität der MameluckenDer Leistungen des Saladin als erster Sultan von ÄgyptenEines eingehenden Blickes auf die Herrschaft von Hatschepsut und KleopatraEiner umfassenden Erklärung der modernen ägyptischen GeschichteUnd noch viel, viel mehr!Scrollen Sie nach oben und klicken Sie auf "In den Einkaufswagen", um mehr über die Geschichte Ägyptens zu erfahren!

  • - Ein fesselnder Überblick über nordische Mythen, Götter und Göttinnen
    av Billy Wellman
    194 - 394,-

    Wussten Sie, dass Loki der Vater der ungeheuren Kreaturen ist, von denen prophezeit wird, dass sie die Götter von Asgard töten werden?Als Heimdall in sein Horn bläst, um den Beginn von Ragnarök anzukündigen, bleibt den Göttern Asgards keine andere Wahl, als sich den Mächten des Chaos auf dem Schlachtfeld Vigrid zu stellen. Dies ist der Tag, an dem Loki und seine monströsen Söhne, Jörmungandr, die Weltenschlange, und Fenrir, der Riesenwolf, Rache üben werden, eine Mission, die ihnen gelingen wird, auch wenn sie dafür ihr Leben lassen müssen. An diesem Tag werden alle, auch die mächtigsten Götter, Blut auf dem Schlachtfeld vergießen. Die ganze Welt wird untergehen und eine Leere zurücklassen, in der sich das Leben von neuem entfalten kann.Die Geschichten und Mythen der Skandinavier wurden von den Wikingern mündlich überliefert, bis sie Mitte des 13. Jahrhunderts von anonymen Autoren in Handschriften festgehalten wurden. Die überlieferten Mythen erzählen davon, wie die Welt von den Göttern aus dem toten Körper eines Urzeitriesen erschaffen wurde, von der Existenz der verschiedenen Reiche, die das Universum umgeben, und von verschiedenen Erzählungen und Überlieferungen über die Abenteuer der Götter.Manche meinen, dass die nordischen Mythen in einem eher düsteren Universum spielen, in dem es endlosen Schnee, trostlose Sommer und grausame Kriege gibt, während andere sich die befestigte Stadt der Götter als einen Ort vorstellen, der mit Gold und gewaltigen Palästen glänzt. Doch was davon ist wahr? Da diese Mythen ursprünglich mündlich weitergegeben wurden und in den einzigen erhaltenen schriftlichen Quellen einige Seiten fehlen, könnte es für neugierige Leser schwierig sein, eine Quelle zu finden, die die faszinierenden Sagen und Geschichten der nordischen Götter korrekt wiedergibt.Aber das wird sich jetzt ändern. In diesem neuen Buch über die spannende Geschichte werden Sie alle berühmten Geschichten über die nordischen Götter und Göttinnen entdecken, von amüsanten bis hin zu Geschichten, die Sie in ihren Bann ziehen werden.Hier ist nur ein kleiner Teil dessen, was Sie entdecken werden: Wie der Körper des Urzeitriesen Ymir genutzt wurde, um die Erde zu formenEine detaillierte Beschreibung aller neun Reiche der nordischen Welt und des Weltenbaums YggdrasilDie berühmte Legende, wie Odin sein Auge im Tausch gegen Weisheit verlorWie Loki die Zwerge austrickste, um Mjölnir und andere Schätze für die Götter zu erschaffenDrei von Lokis monströsen Söhnen und ihre Rolle bei der Tötung der Götter in RagnarökDer unerwartete Tod von Baldur und der gescheiterte Versuch der Götter, ihn wiederzubelebenLokis grausame Bestrafung, die zu seiner Rache während Ragnarök führteDer bösartige Kampf zwischen Thor und der WeltenschlangeUnd vieles, vieles mehr!

  • - Ein fesselnder Überblick über die römische Geschichte, vom Mythos über Romulus und Remus, über die Republik bis hin zum Untergang des Römischen Reiches
    av Billy Wellman

    Sind Sie fasziniert von den Mythen, der Kultur und der spektakulären Entstehungsgeschichte des antiken Roms? Wenn ja, wird Sie diese spannende Nacherzählung der Geschichte Roms in ihren Bann ziehen! Sie werden das Buch gar nicht mehr weglegen wollen. Die erstaunliche Geschichte der legendären Stadt Rom erstreckt sich mittlerweile über 28 Jahrhunderte hinweg. In dieser Zeit hat sich der einst unbedeutende Ort zu einem riesigen Reich entwickelte, das sich bis nach Britannien, bis in den Nahen Osten und im Süden bis nach Afrika erstreckte. Die Kultur und die Institutionen Roms haben ein bleibendes Erbe hinterlassen, das bis heute die Zivilisationen auf der ganzen Welt prägt. In dieser fesselnden Geschichte des antiken Roms werden wir die faszinierenden Mythen über das Leben der Zwillinge Romulus und Remus - die zunächst dem sicheren Tod ausgesetzt waren - kennenlernen. Außerdem werden wir vieles über ihren Vorfahren Aeneas erfahren, der einst dem brennenden Troja entkam und anschließend seine epische Reise nach Mittelitalien unternahm. Wir werden herausfinden, wie all die berühmten Dramen, die Politik und der Aufbau des Reiches zu Stande kamen. Wir werden die fesselnden Geschichten der brillanten und unbeugsamen Menschen erkunden, die Rom aufbauten, und mehr über die chaotischen und zerstörerischen Mächte lernen, die Rom aus dem Inneren heraus zerstören wollten. Dieses gründlich recherchierte Buch bietet uns einen faszinierenden Einblick in alle Facetten des Lebens im antiken Rom. So wird Ihnen als Leser ein Eindruck davon vermittelt, was damals geschah, ohne dabei übertrieben oder langweilig zu werden.Die folgenden Stichpunkte geben Ihnen eine Übersicht über die Fragen, die dieses Buch aufwerfen und genauer diskutieren wird: Was geschah, als eine einsame Göttin auf einer Bergkuppe einen gut aussehenden Hirten traf?Wer entkam dem brennenden Troja und wurde später König in Italien?Welche unglückliche Liebesgeschichte trieb die Königin Dido von Karthago in den Selbstmord?Wie wurde eine berühmte vestalische Jungfrau schwanger?Warum wurden die beiden Babys in einem Korb den Fluss hinuntergetrieben - und was widerfuhr ihnen auf ihrer Reise?Wurde Romulus in einem Sturm weggepustet? Oder wurde er von den Senatoren in Stücke gerissen?Wie führte der Machtmissbrauch durch tyrannische Könige zu der Entstehung einer demokratischen Republik?Was führte dazu, dass die keltischen Gallier in Rom einfielen und die Stadt plünderten? Wie konnte sich Rom danach aus der Asche erheben und seine Vormachtstellung wiederherstellen?Welche machtgierige Großmutter ließ einen ihrer Enkel ermorden, um einen anderen auf den Thron zu setzen?Was geschah, als Diocletian versuchte, alle Christen des Reiches entweder zu bekehren oder zu töten?Welche Vision brachte Konstantin schließlich dazu, das Heidentum zugunsten des Christentums aufzugeben?Und Antworten auf viele weitere FragenScrollen Sie nach oben und klicken Sie auf "In den Einkaufswagen", um mehr über die unglaublichen Geschichten aus dem legendären antiken Rom zu erfahren!

  • av Billy Wellman

    La mitología celta es tan fascinante como la egipcia o la griega. Sin embargo, no parece recibir la atención que merece. Este libro pretende cambiar esa situación.Dioses, diosas, hadas y criaturas sobrenaturales son los protagonistas de las historias y cuentos celtas de antaño. A menudo utilizados para explicar los fenómenos naturales, la vida y la muerte, y nuestra existencia, los mitos informaban a los pueblos antiguos sobre sus vidas. Escuchando historias sobre aventuras heroicas y fantásticas, nuestros antepasados aprendían lo que la sociedad esperaba de ellos. Y los celtas no eran diferentes.Este libro le ofrecerá información sobre los mitos y los dioses celtas. Conozca las tradiciones y creencias que guiaron a otros, y descubra la naturaleza humana.Para algunos, la mitología puede parecer historias ficticias con poca información histórica. Pero al conocer lo que la gente se transmitía hace mucho tiempo, comprenderá el tipo de personas que eran idolatradas y obtendrá una conexión más profunda con el pasado.En este libro, descubrirá lo siguiente:Métodos utilizados para explicar el mundo sin tecnología.Diferencias entre mitos, folclore y leyendas.Reflexiones sobre los mitos en la actualidad.Los hijos de Lir y otros mitos irlandeses.Festivales que celebran los ciclos de la naturaleza.La reina escocesa del invierno y su influencia en la formación de Escocia.Misterios en torno al lago Ness y Nessie.Criaturas acuáticas místicas y mágicas.Mitos inquietantes de Dundee y la bahía de Clanyard.Los principales dioses y diosas irlandeses.Influencias de Gran Bretaña, Gales y Escocia.¡Y muchas más aventuras divertidas!

  • av Billy Wellman

    Una nación dividida, una guerra entre hermanos, inmensas consecuencias políticas y sociales: la guerra de Secesión estadounidense es sin duda uno de los conflictos más famosos de la historia mundial.Todo el mundo ha oído hablar de este sangriento conflicto que costó la vida a más de un millón de personas. Cuando la gente piensa en la guerra de Secesión, piensa en Abraham Lincoln, la Proclamación de Emancipación y la división Norte-Sur entre los estados estadounidenses, pero hay mucho más que descubrir sobre la guerra de Secesión estadounidense.Este libro se sumerge en los detalles de la guerra de Secesión y explora sus causas, su desarrollo y sus consecuencias a corto y largo plazo.En este libro descubrirá lo siguiente:La situación sociopolítica de los Estados Unidos del siglo XIX antes de la guerra.Las raíces del problema de la esclavitud.Abraham Lincoln y la creación del Partido Republicano.La infame división Norte-Sur.Las causas de la secesión y el comienzo de la guerra.Principales actores de ambos bandos, como Ulysses S. Grant, Jefferson Davis y Robert E. Lee.Campañas militares que marcaron los cuatro años de guerra.Las influyentes batallas de Gettysburg, Chancellorsville, Vicksburg y Fredericksburg.La aprobación de la Proclamación de la Emancipación.El asesinato del presidente Lincoln.Reformas y políticas de los Estados Unidos de la posguerra.¡Y mucho, mucho más!

  • av Billy Wellman

    The French Revolution is incredibly complex and involves a lot of moving parts, from the monarchy to the political clubs, from the intelligentsia to the starving peasantry protesting in the streets. This book breaks it down for you in simple terms.It could be argued that the French Revolution is the perfect example of a social movement that began with the best of intentions yet somehow went wrong.The ideologues of the French Revolution were seeking to create a better, more just society. Their eloquent and profound words about equality, freedom of religion, and sound representation became a great source of inspiration for many. French Enlightenment thinkers even influenced the American Revolution, which occurred prior to France's revolution.But while the American Revolution resulted in the founding of a nation based upon the principles of democracy and representative government, the French Revolution devolved into an utter nightmare, especially for those in the upper class.The French Revolution witnessed mob violence of the worse kind. Practically no one was safe. The king and queen were killed by the guillotine, and so was the Jacobin architect of the "Great Terror," Maximilien Robespierre. Then, in perhaps one of the greatest ironies of all, the French Revolution ended with the rise of Napoleon Bonaparte, who became a dictator. Many scholars refer to Napoleon as an "enlightened despot," but he was a dictator all the same.The French Revolution does indeed present itself as an incredibly perplexing paradox. What happened? What went wrong? Here in this book, we explore the possibilities.Learn all about:The downfall of King Louis and Marie AntoinetteThe rise of the Jacobins and other political clubsThe Reign of Terror and the cult of RobespierreThe Thermidorian Reaction and what that meant for the FrenchThe Directory and other government bodiesNapoleon Bonaparte and his military genius and leadership styleAnd so much more!

  • av Billy Wellman

    Chocolate, bouncy rubber balls, and the "Three Sisters" agricultural system-the people of ancient Mexico invented them all 3,600 years ago.They also built the world's largest pyramid by volume and the sixth most-populated city without the wheel and without pack animals. Ancient Mexico introduced the first city, calendar, writing system, and aqueduct to North America.This book unwraps the interrelated histories of ancient Mexico's key civilizations. Learn about their mythology, warfare, art, architecture, and religion. How did they develop writing? What happened when the Spaniards showed up? This book will keep you turning pages as it unwraps the stories of ancient Mexico's colorful and fascinating history.A glimpse at the questions this overview answers includes:Who built North America's first city and invented chocolate and rubber balls?Which culture developed Mexico's first logo-syllabic writing by 500 BCE?Who ruled an empire of six million people and worshiped a hummingbird god?What was the Valley of Mexico's first city-state, which was later buried under volcanic lava?How did Aztec soldiers reach the rank of Jaguar warriors?What tactics did Cortés use to defeat the Aztecs?What did Mexico's ancient people believe about creation, heaven, and the underworld?How has ancient Mexico impacted modern Mexico and the world?

  • av Billy Wellman

    La primera república del mundo, una increíble maquinaria militar, puentes y carreteras que aún se utilizan hoy en día, una filosofía política que dio forma a las democracias modernas: ¡la República romana tenía todo esto y mucho más!La metamorfosis de la República romana, de ser una modesta ciudad-estado a un territorio que abarcaba tres continentes, se extendió a lo largo de cinco siglos de desafíos y cambios. El interminable drama incluyó las luchas de la clase obrera por el poder político, el saqueo de Roma por los celtas y una revuelta de esclavos que llegó a incluir a setenta mil personas. El ejército romano aprendió a luchar contra elefantes de guerra y construyó una armada de cien navíos de guerra en dos meses.Viaje más de 2.500 años atrás para conocer cómo los romanos formaron un nuevo gobierno que el mundo nunca había visto antes. Esta historia ágil y fácil de leer lo guiará a través de los asombrosos logros y los caóticos conflictos internos de la República romana.Explore estas intrigantes interrogantes:¿Cómo condujo la violación de Lucrecia al derrocamiento de una monarquía tiránica?¿Por qué los senadores golpearon a Tiberio hasta la muerte con sillas de madera?¿Se enfrentó realmente el cónsul Pulcro a cargos por ahogar a sus gallinas sagradas?¿Cómo acabó Roma arrasando el gran imperio de Cartago?¿Qué llevó a Julio César, Pompeyo y Craso a formar la Banda de los Tres?¿Cómo contribuyó una política sucia a la caída de la República romana?¡Y mucho, mucho más!

  • av Billy Wellman

    Can you imagine how the world would be different today if there had been no Enlightenment era?The Age of Enlightenment, which lasted throughout the 18th century, brought about fundamental changes in people's thinking and transformed the entire fabric of society.Even ordinary people began to question the entrenched beliefs and dogmas. They wanted education, justice, freedom, and progress. They struggled to eliminate despotic rulers and desired to be governed by democratically elected representatives.But how did this fundamental shift in thinking occur in a relatively short period? And who were the great thinkers and philosophers of that era who dared to go against the established authority of the church and the power of the autocrats? Are you curious about how the Enlightenment influenced the French and American Revolutions?If so, this book holds the answers you seek.You will also learn about the following:The ideals of the Enlightenment, including reason, individual freedom, and democracy;How the average person viewed the Enlightenment;The philosophy and impact of great thinkers like Rousseau, Locke, Hume, and Voltaire;How the American and French Revolutions brought about changes to the traditional monarchy;The massive progress in education, science, and social justice;A brief look at the Scientific Revolution and the inventions that changed history;The explosive growth of trade and commerce that reduced poverty and created wealth;The remarkable women who stood up for women's rights;And much, much more!

  • av Billy Wellman

    ¿Sabía que no todos los romanos podían llevar toga?En las películas y las series de televisión se representa a los romanos con togas y sandalias en todas partes, pero en realidad no era así. De hecho, las togas se consideraban una prenda formal y un símbolo de estatus, ya que solían llevarlas los miembros de las clases sociales más altas.Se conservan muchos escritos de historiadores romanos que describen las interesantes tradiciones y costumbres de la antigua Roma. Estos escritos ofrecen una visión detallada y escenas del pasado del imperio. Algunos incluyen algunos mitos, mientras que otros están impregnados de prejuicios. Por ello, puede resultar difícil para los ávidos lectores distinguir entre hechos y opiniones.Sin embargo, con este libro de Enthralling History, podrá descubrir fácilmente el fascinante recorrido del antiguo Imperio romano, desde la aparición de su primer emperador hasta la caída del Imperio romano de Occidente.He aquí solo una pequeña parte de lo que descubrirá:Cómo Augusto puso fin a la guerra civil que duró décadas y se alzó como primer ciudadano del imperio.Cómo las fuerzas militares privadas del emperador, la Guardia Pretoriana, llegaron a ser lo suficientemente poderosas como para matar al emperador loco de Roma.Las despiadadas escenas de los mayores espectáculos de entretenimiento de Roma: los juegos de gladiadores y las carreras de cuadrigas.Las singulares y lujosas estructuras de Roma que han sobrevivido hasta nuestros días.Los duros castigos y el entrenamiento de los legionarios.La comparación entre la vida exuberante de los ricos y la vida mundana de los plebeyos, los esclavos y los hombres libres.Los primeros cristianos como chivos expiatorios del emperador Nerón y su terrible persecución.El auge del cristianismo y el saqueo de Roma.¡Y mucho más!

  • av Billy Wellman

    France is a land absolutely steeped in history. It has always been a leading nation of Western Europe, and in many ways, one could say France is Western Europe.One could confidently say such a thing because of the long history of French polities taking charge in world history. Before France proper even existed, the tribes there, such as the Franks, played a central role in regional affairs. For example, as the Roman Empire was falling apart, the Franks were increasingly relied upon for the security of the ailing Roman state.And when Rome toppled, the Franks took it upon themselves to pick up the pieces. It was from their efforts that the so-called "Holy Roman Empire" was forged. This massive conglomerate once contained much of France and a large chunk of the rest of western and central Europe.France then became a nation in its own right and would become one of the most powerful powers of Europe, with colonies all over the world. France would then undergo much internal upheaval and a revolution that would rock the whole world. It would take France generations to recover, but recover it did. Before arriving where it is today, the country would go through two world wars and a cold one.In this book, you will discover the following:France's origins and its prehistoryFrance's relations with the Roman EmpireHow the French survived the Middle AgesThe French Revolution and the impact it had on societyThe Napoleonic Wars and the changes Napoleon made in France and its coloniesFrench colonialism and a look at some of the major French coloniesFrance during the world warsPostwar and Cold War FranceModern France and what its future might holdAnd much more!

  • av Billy Wellman

    ¿Sabía que los antiguos egipcios creían en la vida después de la muerte? ¡Se sorprenderá de lo mucho que se preparaban para la otra vida!Este libro está repleto de historias sobre la vida de los antiguos egipcios, sus dioses y algunos de los mayores mitos de la antigüedad. Los dioses desempeñaban un papel importante en la vida de la gente; ¡te sorprenderá ver hasta qué punto influían en la vida cotidiana!En cada página de este libro, se encontrará en un emocionante viaje a uno de los reinos más influyentes de la historia. En su camino, aprenderá más sobre algunos de los siguientes aspectos:El origen y los fundamentos del mundo desde la perspectiva egipcia.Los mitos egipcios sobre la época en que los dioses gobernaban la Tierra.Los relatos con múltiples versiones sobre la vida de los dioses y diosas del antiguo Egipto.Las increíbles leyendas de la mitología egipcia.La elaborada cultura funeraria del antiguo Egipto.El viaje al más allá desde la perspectiva egipcia.Los atributos de los dioses y diosas más famosos del panteón egipcio.¡Y mucho más!

  • av Billy Wellman

    Two manuscripts in one book:Celtic History: An Enthralling Overview of the CeltsCeltic Mythology: An Enthralling Overview of Celtic Myths, Gods and GoddessesWhether you're already familiar with the Celts or whether you've never even heard of them, The first part of this book is for you. If you would like to delve into their lives, culture, and modern Ireland's Celtic heritage, you can find all of that in this comprehensive, captivating guide.In the first part of this book, you will know:Where the Celts came from and who they wereHow they settled in IrelandEssential Celtic myths, gods, goddesses, legends, and heroesTheir seasonal festivals and celebrationsKey stories influencing the Celts and the modern IrishCeltic art and its glorious evolution and influence through the agesCeltic rituals, past and presentHow Christianity affected Celtic societyThe rise of Christianity in Ireland and the decline of paganismWhy the Celts matterGods, goddesses, fairies, and supernatural creatures are the lead characters in Celtic stories and tales from long ago. Often used to explain natural phenomena, life and death, and our existence, myths informed ancient people about their lives. Through listening to stories about heroic and fantastical escapades, our ancestors learned about their societal expectations. And the Celts were no different.In the second part of this book, you will discover:Methods used to explain the world without technologyDifferences between myths, folklore, and legendsThoughts on myths todayChildren of Lir and other Irish mythsFestivals celebrating the cycles of natureThe Scottish Queen of Winter and her impact on the formation of ScotlandMysteries surrounding Loch Ness and NessieMystical and magical water creaturesHaunting myths from Dundee and Clanyard BayThe major Irish gods and goddessesInfluencers from Britain, Wales, and ScotlandAnd many more enjoyable escapades!

  • av Billy Wellman

    The Spanish conquest of the Americas is a pivotal part of the history of colonization.Christopher Columbus's discovery, albeit accidental, of a new landmass turned the world upside-down. Beginning in the late 15th century, the kingdom of Spain spearheaded the effort of colonization, sending expedition after expedition to the Caribbean islands and then to mainland North and South America. Through violence, bloodshed, and conquest, the Spanish conquistadors were able to gain control of the rich and prosperous lands of indigenous American civilizations, laying waste to magnificent political and social entities like the Aztec and Inca Empires.This book tells the story of how Spain managed to conquer the Americas in the span of half a century, from the late 1400s to the mid-1500s. Although exploitation and warfare continued between the colonizers and the colonized after this period, the largest campaigns against the indigenous peoples were undertaken in this short time span, which is the focus of this book.This comprehensive guide will cover the following:Columbus and his expeditions, which encouraged other Europeans to start colonizationThe makeup of indigenous American societies, from their social hierarchies and complex cultures to diverse political structuresColonization of the Caribbean islands and the establishment of the Spanish West IndiesThe arrival of Hernán Cortés and his groundbreaking expedition into the Aztec Empire in modern-day MexicoThe conquest of the Maya civilization in the Yucatán Peninsula and the power dynamics between different power-hungry conquistador groups thereThe magnificent Inca Empire in the South American Andes and its conquest by Francisco PizarroStories of infamous expeditions and the problems the conquistadors encounteredAnd much, much more!

  • av Billy Wellman

    Did you know that Zeus was considered to be both the youngest and the oldest brother?Thanks to their enthralling narratives and relatable characters, Greek myths have captured our imagination for millennia. Despite being thousands of years old, these tales still manage to touch on something in the core of our souls, connecting humans from across all time periods and all stages of life. That is because myths speak to raw truths that are felt and observed by us all, and to study them is to study that which shapes our world and that which makes us human.This book is divided into six chapters and explores the most famous narrative of four famous heroes of Greek mythology. While it is impossible to gather all the most important Greek myths in their entirety in one short collection, this book provides the interested reader with a nice, if somewhat modest, assortment of narratives that have greatly influenced our culture to this day.Some of the myths you'll discover by reading this book are:The rise of the OlympiansTheseus's epic fight against the MinotaurPerseus beheading the Gorgon MedusaJason and Medea's murderous affairThe bloody curse of the House of AtreusAnd so much more!

  • av Billy Wellman

    Two manuscripts in one book:The Persians: An Enthralling Guide to the History of Persia and the Persian EmpireCyrus the Great: The Enthralling Life of the Father of the Persian EmpireThroughout history, Persia made great contributions to the language and culture of the region. Nomadic movements and changing empires meant it was a hub of continuous cultural exploration and development. The Persians established and spread new ways of government, administration, and currency. The region is also the birthplace of Zoroastrianism and new ways of thinking and art.In the first part of this book, you will discover the following:How the Assyrian Empire gave rise to the Medians and then the Achaemenid dynastyThe establishment of the Persian Empire by Cyrus the Great and his many expeditions, which helped build the greatest empire of its timeThe period of Achaemenid rule over Persia, stretching from Cambyses II to Darius IIIThe Achaemenid takeover of Lydia, Egypt, the Indus Valley, Babylonia, and Asia MinorAchaemenid conflicts with Greece, which ultimately led to the empire's downfall at the hands of Alexander the GreatThe political, cultural, religious, and social influence of the Achaemenid Empire in and around ancient PersiaCyrus the Great was a remarkable man who became a legend in his own lifetime. The greatest testament to his good character and great achievements came to us via Persia's enemies: the Greeks. It is said he served as an inspiration to Alexander the Great and Julius Caesar. Cyrus gained such hero status that his heritage was still claimed by the last shahs of Iran in the 20th century CE.In the second part of this book, you will discover more about the following:The life of Cyrus the Great: both as a monarch and as a man.A dip into the milieu of cultures, influences, and worldviews of Cyrus's timeCyrus's multi-faceted Achaemenid EmpireMythology and religions of the eraHow Cyrus achieved harmony between conquerors and conqueredThe fall of the splendid city of BabylonA unique artifact that ties in with modern-day human rightsCyrus the Great's legacyAnd so much more!

  • av Billy Wellman

    Have you ever wondered about the ancient Celts of Ireland and what made them who they were? Did you know that Halloween originated with them, that they invented the harp, or that they wielded swords reaching lengths of three feet?In this book, you'll discover Celtic historical facts like these and so much more. Whether you're already familiar with the Celts or whether you've never even heard of them, this book is for you. If you would like to delve into their lives, culture, and modern Ireland's Celtic heritage, you can find all of that in this comprehensive, captivating guide.In our introduction to Celtic history, you can introduce yourself to all aspects of Celtic life in an easily accessible way, complete with visuals and easy-to-read language (no academic jargon here!).We will take you through Celtic history by explaining the following:Where the Celts came from and who they wereHow they settled in IrelandEssential Celtic myths, gods, goddesses, legends, and heroesTheir seasonal festivals and celebrationsKey stories influencing the Celts and the modern IrishCeltic art and its glorious evolution and influence through the agesCeltic rituals, past and presentHow Christianity affected Celtic societyThe rise of Christianity in Ireland and the decline of paganismWhy the Celts matterAnd so much more!

  • av Billy Wellman

    It has become a common theme in today's world to talk about the incredible technological and economic development of modern China. However, there are very strong historical roots to the exponential growth of modern China going back thousands and thousands of years.Today, people stand in awe of China's achievements, such as lifting hundreds of millions of people from poverty or becoming a global power. But have you ever wondered how the ancient people from the Far East developed so much while being virtually independent of other civilizations?Not everything in China's history is tied to growth, improvement, and development. There were many periods riddled with internal strife, which plagued China and its numerous dynasties. However, the Chinese empires were somewhat shielded from external dangers, partially thanks to the ingeniousness of the Chinese and the famous Great Wall of China and partially thanks to the country's geographic position.In this book, we look into how and why the historical pendulum of China sometimes turned one way and then the other.Discover the following about ancient China:The deep, virtually unfathomable paleolithic roots of Chinese civilization;Neolithic China and the formation of the Yellow River and Yangtze settlements;The Age of Metal in China, a glorious but increasingly violent period that resulted in the emergence of the first hegemons in China;The mythical Xia dynasty and its fantastic Yu the Great, credited with taming the Yellow River;The birth of China's fascinating writing system during the Shang dynasty;The rise of the Zhou, who finally overthrew the Shang, thanks to their military prowess and ability to keep numerous Chinese states tied in a loose feudal system;Confucius, the Chinese Socrates, who promoted peace, harmony, and wisdom;The absolute dissolution of the Zhou state during the Warring States Period;The formation of a ruthless yet efficient Qin Empire under the watchful eye of Qin Shi Huangdi;The rebellion against the Qin and the final victory of Liu Bang and the Han dynasty;And so much more!

  • av Billy Wellman

    Two manuscripts in one book:Native American Tribes: An Enthralling Guide to the Cherokee, Chickasaw, Choctaw, Creek, and SeminoleTrail of Tears: An Enthralling Guide to the Choctaw and Chickasaw Removal, the Seminole Wars, Creek Dissolution, and Forced Relocation of the Cherokee TribeThe "Five Civilized Tribes" tried to adapt to the American way of life, while others fought to keep their land. Which was more successful? This book will attempt to tell their story, the story of those five tribes. It will not go back into the distant past, and it will not be able to cover modern issues within the Native American community. But it will tell the story of how a group of people dealt with a world that had suddenly and drastically changed-and continued to change-and how they dealt with these changes as Native Americans.In the first part of this book, you'll know:The Five Civilized Tribes: Cherokee, Muscogee (Creek), Seminole, Choctaw, and ChickasawThe role of disease in the European colonization of AmericaGreat Native American fighters like Tecumseh, Crazy Horse, and Black HawkGreat Native American leaders like Pushmataha, Chief John Ross, and Blue JacketWhat role Andrew Jackson played in the Indian Removal ActThe reality of Native Americans who owned slavesThe real story behind the Trail of TearsGreat battles like Fallen Timbers, Tippecanoe, Little Bighorn, and St. Clair's DefeatMassacres at Sand Creek and Wounded Knee and the devastation at Prospect BluffHow the Native Americans used and were used by the Americans, British, and Spanish in the southeastern United StatesThe removal of the Native Americans west of the Mississippi River during the 1800s to clear the way for settlers is a tragic story that involves human suffering on a grand scale.In the second part of this book, you will discover:Why tribes developed various forms of ChristianityThe reasons behind chiefs signing treaties to give away native landsGeorge Washington's views on the Native AmericansThe Five Civilized Tribes and how they differed from each otherHow the average person viewed Native Americans in the 19th centuryDavey Crockett's opinion on the relocation of Native AmericansThe Indian Removal Act of 1830 and how it impacted the Trail of TearsAnd so much more!

  • av Billy Wellman

    Two manuscripts in one book:History of the Vikings: An Enthralling Overview of the Viking AgeNorse Mythology: An Enthralling Overview of Norse Myths, Gods, and GoddessesLearn how the Scandinavian people lived, who sailed as part of the Viking raids, the weapons used in battle, and their religious beliefs.In the first part of this book, you will discover:The impact of the Ice Age on Norse landformsHow the Stone Age and Bronze Age influenced the VikingsThe first known Viking raidRagnar and other famous VikingsIvan the Boneless and the Blood EagleThe Great Heathen Army and its famous battlesThe Viking legal system and the daily life of the Scandinavian peopleThe magic of Norse runes and poetryThe Vikings' impressive ability to craft ships, allowing them to traverse the known world and fartherThe stories and myths of the Norse were passed down by the Vikings in oral tradition until they were recorded in manuscripts by anonymous authors in the mid-13th century. The myths that survived tell the story of how the world was first created by the gods using the dead body of a primeval giant, the existence of the different realms surrounding the universe, and various tales and lore about the gods' adventures.In the second part of this book, you'll learn:How the body of the primeval giant, Ymir, was used to shape the earthA detailed description of all nine realms in the Norse world and the World Tree, YggdrasilThe famous legend of how Odin lost his eye in exchange for wisdomHow Loki tricked the dwarves into creating Mjölnir and other treasures for the godsThree of Loki's monstrous sons and their roles in killing the gods at RagnarökThe unexpected death of Baldur and the gods' failed attempt at resurrecting himLoki's gruesome punishment that led to his revenge during RagnarökThe vicious battle between Thor and the World SerpentAnd much, much more!

  • av Billy Wellman

    "Incredible India" is the slogan of India's official tourism campaign-and it's true! India has an amazing history, from some of the world's earliest civilizations to its contemporary high-tech culture and a huge diversity of religions, arts, and people.This book takes you all the way from India's prehistoric beginnings at Mohenjo-daro to the development of Buddhism and the Maurya Empire, the Hindu empires of the Middle Ages, the Mughals who brought Islam to the mix (and created the Taj Mahal), the British Raj, and finally the fight for independence and the modern yet ageless India of today.On the way, you'll find out some fascinating facts about Indian culture, history, and historical figures. Here is just a glimpse of what you can discover in this book:How National Highway 1 goes all the way back to the Mauryan Empire!The importance of nonviolence in Indian cultureHow just 20,000 British officials ruled a population of millionsHow the illiterate emperor Akbar headed a huge revival of art and scholarship, mixing Hindu, Muslim, Jain, and even Christian influencesWhy only ten of the eleven Sikh gurus were actual people-and who the eleventh guru isHow India exported Buddhism to the worldIndia's intense artistic heritage, from rock-cut temples and acutely observant Mughal miniatures to Anish Kapoor's contemporary abstractsWhy a Sikh maharaja ended up as an English landowner and friend of Queen VictoriaHow a film actress became Chief Minister of Tamil Nadu stateHow to escape jail in a basket of sweetsAnd so much more!

  • av Billy Wellman

    The Iranian Plateau has an extensive history dating back to 100,000 BCE!Today, Persia is known as the country of Iran, but long ago, Persia was once home to various nomadic tribes. It saw the rise of many empires and dynasties. The Assyrians fell to the Medians, who paved the way for the emergence of the Achaemenid Empire, one of the greatest empires in ancient history.Throughout history, Persia made great contributions to the language and culture of the region. Nomadic movements and changing empires meant it was a hub of continuous cultural exploration and development. The Persians established and spread new ways of government, administration, and currency. The region is also the birthplace of Zoroastrianism and new ways of thinking and art.The rise of the Achaemenid Empire is one of the most influential periods in world history. With Cyrus the Great and Darius I, the empire rose to unrivaled heights, gathering vast wealth and territories. Learn how this great empire declined and the role Alexander the Great played in it.This book offers an enthralling insight into the exciting and often bloody history of ancient Persia and the Persian Empire.By reading this book, you will discover the following:How the Assyrian Empire gave rise to the Medians and then the Achaemenid dynastyThe establishment of the Persian Empire by Cyrus the Great and his many expeditions, which helped build the greatest empire of its timeThe period of Achaemenid rule over Persia, stretching from Cambyses II to Darius IIIThe Achaemenid takeover of Lydia, Egypt, the Indus Valley, Babylonia, and Asia MinorAchaemenid conflicts with Greece, which ultimately led to the empire's downfall at the hands of Alexander the GreatThe political, cultural, religious, and social influence of the Achaemenid Empire in and around ancient PersiaAnd so much more!

  • av Billy Wellman

    Do you know the story of the Native American tribes, from the earliest known histories to the first European contact to the modern day?The "Five Civilized Tribes" tried to adapt to the American way of life, while others fought to keep their land. Which was more successful? This book will attempt to tell their story, the story of those five tribes. It will not go back into the distant past, and it will not be able to cover modern issues within the Native American community. But it will tell the story of how a group of people dealt with a world that had suddenly and drastically changed-and continued to change-and how they dealt with these changes as Native Americans.In this book, you'll learn about:The Five Civilized Tribes: Cherokee, Muscogee (Creek), Seminole, Choctaw, and ChickasawThe role of disease in the European colonization of AmericaGreat Native American fighters like Tecumseh, Crazy Horse, and Black HawkGreat Native American leaders like Pushmataha, Chief John Ross, and Blue JacketWhat role Andrew Jackson played in the Indian Removal ActThe reality of Native Americans who owned slavesThe real story behind the Trail of TearsGreat battles like Fallen Timbers, Tippecanoe, Little Bighorn, and St. Clair's DefeatMassacres at Sand Creek and Wounded Knee and the devastation at Prospect BluffHow the Native Americans used and were used by the Americans, British, and Spanish in the southeastern United StatesAnd so much more!

  • av Billy Wellman

    Dragonships, raiding and looting parties, hand-to-hand combat, explorers and adventures, and gods and goddesses -which of these truly describe the fearless Vikings?The word Viking conjures many images. Often, these are created as a result of the numerous movies, books, shows, and comics about the warriors. Some depictions are historically accurate, while others are developed to add to the allure of the invincible warrior.This book will provide you with details about the time period in which the Vikings reigned. Learn how the Scandinavian people lived, who sailed as part of the Viking raids, the weapons used in battle, and their religious beliefs.You will discover facts that differ from fiction commercially shown about the Vikings. But don't worry; your admiration of them will not be diminished. These were amazing Scandinavian people worth knowing more about.In this book, you will learn about the following:The impact of the Ice Age on Norse landformsHow the Stone Age and Bronze Age influenced the VikingsThe first known Viking raidRagnar and other famous VikingsIvan the Boneless and the Blood EagleThe Great Heathen Army and its famous battlesThe Viking legal system and the daily life of the Scandinavian peopleThe magic of Norse runes and poetryThe Vikings' impressive ability to craft ships, allowing them to traverse the known world and fartherAnd much, much more!

  • av Billy Wellman

    La Inglaterra de principios de la Edad Moderna fue una época de grandes transformaciones que sacó a Inglaterra de la Edad Media y la introdujo en la era moderna, pero es probable que no conozca muchos detalles sobre este periodo.Por ejemplo, ¿sabía que Enrique VIII nunca llegó a divorciarse? ¿Sabía que los piratas, Shakespeare y los juicios por brujería existieron al mismo tiempo? ¿Sabías que Irlanda fue técnicamente la primera colonia inglesa y que Inglaterra decapitó a su propio rey?La primera época moderna de la historia de Inglaterra fue una época turbulenta. En el transcurso de los siglos XVI y XVII, Inglaterra tuvo que encontrar su equilibrio mientras sufría una transformación religiosa, cambios en el gobierno y el inicio de un imperio colonial. En este libro se describen los principales acontecimientos, los personajes más importantes y los datos más interesantes de esta época de la historia inglesa, incluyendo:Cómo llegaron los Tudor al poder.Por qué Enrique VIII tuvo tantas esposas.La estructura social de la Inglaterra moderna.Cómo la reina María se ganó el apodo de María la Sangrienta.Qué hizo gloriosa a la Revolución Gloriosa.Las razones de la colonización.Por qué un rey inglés fue ejecutado por traición.Por qué Irlanda e Inglaterra no se llevan bien.Qué crímenes fueron los más destacados.Con quién luchaba Inglaterra y por qué.¡Y mucho, mucho más!

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