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Bøker utgitt av Big Sky Publishing

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  • - Soldiers Reflect on the Rwandan Genocide
    av Kevin O'Halloran

    The account of what happened in Rwanda on 22nd April 1995 when a group of Australian UN peacekeepers were forced to watch helplessly while over 4,000 men, women and children were slaughtered at the hands of the Rwandan Patriotic Army. Stresses the weaknesses of the UN charter and what happens when 'good men do nothing'.

  • - Case Studies of Australian Army Leadership After the Vietnam War
    av David Connery

    Much of Australia's military history literature focuses on battles and the way generals plan and prosecute an action or campaign. But what do generals do when they are not fighting battles? The Battles Before examines the role of senior leaders in preparing an army for war fighting bureaucratic battles, mobilising forces for operations, or preparing for a future that is impossible to anticipate. The five cases examined in this book focus on strategic leadership and describe how major organisations grapple with political, strategic, economic and cultural change over time. The first three case studies analyse a series of pivotal moments in the history of the Australian Army: the dramatic downsizing that followed the Vietnam War, the seminal 1985 Dibb Review, and the build-up to the East Timor intervention in 1999. Further cases describe planning within a large organisation, particularly the way senior leaders grapple with the demands of multiple operations while facing significant impetus for force modernisation. The final chapter focuses on the crucial role of the Army's leadership in developing the next generation of leaders. The book concludes with a series of insights into the study of command in peacetime and its relevance to wartime command, particularly given the challenges that face peacetime commanders who operate within considerable constraints. The Battles Before uses recently declassified documents and interviews with key participants in a meticulous examination of a 30-year period characterised by profound and far-reaching change. This was a period that would reshape the Australian Army.

  • - She Stayed Quiet for a Very Long Time...
    av Annette Stephens

    This powerful autobiography tells the sad story of a life stunted in childhood. Traumatised by a brutal assault, Annette retreats into herself. Many years pass before she seeks help: a friend recommends a personal development organisation. Before she knows it, she has fallen into the clutching hands of a cult called Kenja.

  • - A Collection of True Stories from Aussie Soldiers
    av Denny Neave

    A unique collection of personal accounts told by soldiers or relatives who have lived with their stories. Spanning the period from World War I through to the conflicts of the modern era, these stories are a mixture of the humorous and the intensely emotional. This collection is unmistakably Australian and tells of tragedy and often unspoken pain.

  • - Being a Grandmother in the 21st Century
    av Doreen Rosenthal & SUSAN MOORE

    Being a grandmother is one of life's most important roles and many women can feel unprepared to take it on. New Age Nanas presents the rich and diverse views of over 1000 modern Australian grandmothers on what it is like to be a grandmother today.

  • - Some Myths of the Aif Examined and Debunked
    av Graham Wilson

  • - Counter Bombardment in Australia's Military Campaigns
    av Alan H. Smith

    A comprehensive account of the history of counter bombardment, including the development of Australian techniques, equipment and procedures through the campaigns up until Vietnam. It is also the story of the brave men behind the artillery and their outstanding efforts and results across these varied campaigns.

  • - A Collection of True Stories from Aussie Soldiers
    av Denny Neave

    In their own words the Aussie diggers provide a fascinating glimpse of the many funny and touching moments that our Diggers often hold to their chest. This collection of stories in this book provides a taste of what a soldiers life is like in both war and peace.

  • - Surviving Life as an Institutionalised Alien
    av Mick Whatham

    So I Hit Him is the compelling story of a man who, despite all odds being against him, still says he has had a lucky life.

  • - Living with Stillbirth
    av Lisa Jankowski

    The loss of a child is the most devastating event a parent can face. In this moving memoir Liza Jankowski, the mother of four children, two boys and two still born girls, shares her experience with stillbirth and the effects that go far beyond what people could ever imagine.

  • - A Memoir
    av Patricia Barton

    A beautifully written and inspiring memoir, Why God Hates Me is the before and after story of a gutsy teenager who succeeds despite the odds. It is a story that shows what can happen when you claim responsibility for your own happiness and let hope and optimism shine through.

  • - The 47th Battalion in the First World War
    av Craig Deayton

    One of the shortest lived and most battle hardened of the 1st Australian Imperial Force's battalions, the 47th was formed in Egypt in 1916 and disbanded two years later having suffered one of the highest casualty rates of any Australian unit. Their story is remarkable for many reasons.

  • - A Life Dedicated to Landmine Clearance Around the World
    av Ian Mansfield

    Stepping into a Minefield highlights the dangers and the tragedies involved in landmine clearance, but also reveals the great humanity, dedication and humour of the thousands of brave men and women clearing landmines today.

  • - James Malcolm Lean MBE & the Great War Letters
    av Carol Rosenhain

  • - How World War II Changed Women's Lives
    av Ann Howard

  • - Military Detention in the Australian Army 1914-1947
    av Graham Wilson

  • - The Australian Army's Struggle Against Malaria 1885-2015
    av Ian Howie-Willis

  • - Scarred Forever
    av Dave Morgan

  • - The Jungles of Vietnam to Corporate Life and Everything in Between
    av Ian Mackay

  • - A Double Homicide Cold Case and Cover Up!
    av Bob Marmion

  • - A Gripping Story of Twin Brothers During World War II
    av Alan Fewster

  • - A True Story of Secret Lives and Hidden Families
    av Graham Graham

    In 2010, a recognised Australian author claimed that Penny Graham's parents were involved in espionage for the British Government before, during and after World War 2. Whatever Remains is a beautifully written story about solving mysteries, conquering adversity, and ultimately finding where you belong in the world.


    There were few bushrangers whose influence extended as far as that of Frank Gardiner. Handsome, clever, charismatic and dangerous, he inspired many young men to abandon the drudgery of their honest work and turn to highway robbery. This book outlines the life of Frank Gardiner, his descent into crime and the mystery of his final years in exile.


    The Australian Bushrangers series by librarian and historical researcher, Jane Smith, details the colourful lives of six of Australia's most famous bushrangers of the gold rush era: Captain Thunderbolt, Captain Moonlite, Frank Gardiner, BenHall, and the two men known as `Captain Starlight'.


    Ride shotgun with author and award-winning copywriter Josh Langley as he battles his inner-cynic and subjects himself to a barrage of strange and creepy adventures as a result of his lifelong obsession with the afterlife.Determined to find out what happens when we die but realising it's unlikely that an obliging ghost is going to jump out in ...

  • - In the Land of Sand
    av Barry Stevens

    After 22 years in the Army, there was nothing Craig Jackson (CJ) didn't know about the deadly craft of bomb detection and disposal. He was the go-to guy for clearing an area of explosives. So when he left the military, there was really no choice: his expertise was rare, sought after, and potentially very lucrative.

  • - My Battle with Depression, Infertility and Mental Illness
    av Matt Barwick

    This memoir, based on diary entries, is a frank, moving and at times humorous account of Matt Barwick's struggle with infertility, and diagnosis with bipolar disorder triggered by family suicide. At twenty-nine, still childless after a year of trying, Matt and his wife Ali realised that starting a family was not going to be the 'cinch' it appeared.

  • - The Myth of Simpson and His Donkey Exposed
    av Graham Wilson

  • - C'Est Moi! a South American Odyssey
    av Jorge Sotirios

    Lonesome George is a comic odyssey that combines travel adventure and comedy in a journey of epic proportions. Illustrates the beauty of the South American landscape, interweaving its history, culture and people , in his mock heroic quest.

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