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  • av Penelope Dyan

    We all need to be kind to one another, merciful, meek and generous. Calling people names and making fun of them does not fit into this category and if it is true that the meek will inherit the earth, we need to be meek, each and every singe one of us. We should also not be boastful. We all need to he humble. The Bible sa we lay up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where neither moth nor rust doth corrupt, and where thieves do not break through nor steal. King James Version, Mathew 6:19. This means that what we have on this earth in the way of treasure really doesn't matter.Contemplate the meaning of these things as you read this 'learn to read' book filled with word recognition, and word repetition and rhyme. Enjoy the familiar characters created by the award winning author, attorney and former teacher, Penelope Dyan. This book with extra large print is perfect for young eyes, and the lesson in its words are important and perhaps too long unsaid or discussed.When you are done reading, go to Bellissimavideo's YouTube channel and watch the free music video that goes along with this book for even more learning fun!

  • av Penelope Dyan

    People always say you should soar like an eagle, right? But why not fly like a flamingo? Yes, it is true. Flamingoes fly. They fly at night. But that isn't the point of this story. The point of this story is to be happy with the person you are. You have many gifts, and you should be ready to use them all. The most important gift you have is that you are you. Being happy with the person you are means no matter what, you will be happy your whole life! Penelope Dyan brings this concept home and reinforces basic reading skills through repetition and rhyme. If a young child doesn't know a word, the child can guess what it is by the context of the rhyme. Let your child finish a phrase if you are reading to him, because out of the poetry your child will make sense of the sense of the rhyme; and your child will read! Penelope Dyan is an award winning poet and author, an attorney and former teacher who has written a lot of books for kids, each book encouraging creativity as it enforces basic reading skills. This is plain old fashioned teaching, and it's not based on gimmicks of any kind. As a teacher, Dyan proved this system works; and that it is the best way to really teach children to read and to understand what they are reading. Comprehension skills increase when your child isn't just reading a bunch of meaningless, strung together words that really have no importance or meaning at all. Dyan contends the reason kids really don't like reading is that they aren't having any fun reading. They read to please their parents and not for the joy of reading, so as soon as they can stop reading, they stop reading. This doesn't happen if kids have fun reading. Having fun reading is what really matters. If you have fun reading, you read. If you read, you learn.

  • av Penelope Dyan

    Christmas may come but one a year, but we should keep the spirit of Christmas alive all through the year, with tidings of joy and love and giving. And if we kept Christmas alive throughout the year, just think what a wonderful world this would be; because we all know that Christmas is about more than gifts and things. Written by award winning author, attorney and former teacher, Penelope Dyan, this 'learn to read book' helps kids practice reading skills through word recognition, and word repetition and rhyme, and uses a host of fun and familiar Dyan characters!Think about what Christmas means to you, and then sit down and write and draw a book of your very own that's all about Christmas. But most of all, have fun as you learn, because if you don't have fun learning, you won't love to learn!Then for even more learning fun, you can watch the free music video that goes along with this book that you can find on the Bellissimavideo YouTube channel!

  • av Penelope Dyan

    Things go up and things go down and in Mallorca de Palma, Spain there are things that are up and things that are down, especially when you look at the topography and the landscape of this beautiful place! Palma de Mallorca is the capital of the Balearic Islands and the largest city in Mallorca. The name Palma dates back to the Roman settlement on the site of the present city. Originally settled during the Bronze Age, in the early middle ages, it was conquered by Arabs. After that, in 1229, it was conquered by King Jaime I, ruler of Valencia and Aragon, and became an important trade city. Then in the 1950's, it became a tourist destination.Written by the award winning author, attorney and former teacher, Penelope Dyan, accompanied by the photographs of John D. Weigand, this 'learn to read' book with extra large print for little eyes, is the perfect size for a kid's backpack. Filled with word recognition, word repetition and rhyme, this book takes you on a journey through words and photography and lets you see some of what the author and photographer saw when they visited this unique and beautiful place. And if you want to see more, simply go to Bellssimavideo's YouTube channel and look for the free music video that goes along with this book and have even more learning fun!

  • av Penelope Dyan

    Cagliari is an Italian municipality and the capital of the island of Sardinia, an autonomous region of Italy. And Cagliari¿s Sardinian name, Casteddu, means castle, so expect to feel very enchanted when you visit. Here is an ancient city upon which many continuous civilizations have been built. If you look carefully, and use your imagination, you can see history in the streets, in the corners and in the eyes of the people. The Province of Cagliari is situated in the southern part of Sardinia, overlooking the Mediterranean Sea on the south and on the east; and although it is said the best way to arrive is by sea, you can travel there vicariously through the pages of this book, and you can see even more of this place by watching the free music video on the Bellissimavideo YouTube channel that goes along with this book.Written by the award winning author, attorney and former teacher, Penelope Dyan, and filled with photographs by John D. Weigand, this ¿learn to read¿ book, through the use of word recognition, word repetition and rhyme, lets kids learn and see some of what our author and photographer saw on their visit to this city and port. So put on the walking shoes of your mind, and have some fun as you learn!

  • av Penelope Dyan

    This is a 'Good Night' book, a book to read that is fun and just might help you sleep . . . or at least you can have fun while you are waiting to fall asleep.Written by award winning author, attorney and former teacher, Penelope Dyan, this book with Penelope Dyan's friendly illustrations is perfect for practicing your reading skills. The teaching techniques of word, repetition, word recognition and rhyme make the learning process easy, and Dyan hopes this book will encourage kids to try their hand at making a book of their very own! The extra-large print and physical size of this book is perfect for little eyes and little hands, and this book also fits perfectly in a kid-sized backpack.Penelope Dyan believes learning should be fun, because if learning isn't fun, a kid won't love to learn. This is why she makes sure all her books are fun above anything else. And to further the joy of the learning experience, there is a free music video that goes with this book that you can find on the Bellissimavideo YouTube channel!

  • av Penelope Dyan

    Volendam, Netherlands is known for its old fishing boats and the traditional clothing still worn by some local residents. The high pointed bonnet and dress style is one of the most recognizable of the Dutch traditional costumes; and visitors can have their pictures taken in traditional Dutch costumes at more than one of the many shops you will find along the waterfront. Volendam was originally the harbor of nearby Edam, situated at the mouth of the IJ bay. In 1357, a shorter canal was dug to the Zuiderzee, and it had its own harbor. The original harbor was dammed. Farmers and fishermen settled here. Vollendam, means 'Filled dam. The artists Picaso and Renoir also spent time time here, and they were most likely inspired by the surrounding natural beauty of this place. Award winning author, attorney and former teacher, Penelope Dyan and photographer John D, Weigand invite you to see some of the things they saw when they went to Volendam. So have fun turning the pages of this 'learn to read' book with its extra-large print that can be easily carried in a kid-sized backpack! And to make the learning even more fun, look for the free music video on the Bellissimavideo YouTube Channel that goes along with this book!

  • av Penelope Dyan

    Sometimes a person just does not feel like smiling. And not smiling all the time is perfectly okay. Maybe you are feeling other things, like sadness, or perhaps you are worried about something or you just want to sit and think, Award winning author, attorney and former teacher, Penelope Dyan believes all feelings are good feelings, and that all feelings should be embraced. No one feels happy all the time, and no one feels like smiling all the time. This book talks about times when you don't feel like smiling, and about feeling you also may be having when you just can't smile.Begin a discussion as you use this 'learn to read' book with its extra large that is made for little eyes and its kid-friendly,fun illustrations, to practice reading skills. Word repetition, word recognition and rhyme make reading this book fun and easy as kids can guess what is coming next and should out the words. This book, like all the Penelope Dyan books are meant to be copied, handled and used so that kids can make their own books! Then to add more excitement to the learning fun, look for the music video that goes along with this book on the Bellissimavideo YouTube channel.

  • av Penelope Dyan

    If you are dependable, then you are trustworthy and reliable, faithful, unfailing, steadfast and stable. However, If you are expendable, then you are designed to be used only once and not worth keeping. Once again you will be faced with a dilemma, and that dilemma is whether you will choose to be dependable or expendable. Written by the award winning author, attorney and former teacher, Penelope Dyan, this 'learn to read' book is filled with another big message that is perfect to use in conjunction with core curriculum studies as you practice reading skills through the use of word repetition, word recognition, and rhyme. This kid-sized book is a perfect fit for little hands to carry; and it has extra large, easy to see and read print that is perfect for young eyes to see.Filled with fun and familiar Dyan characters, this book also has a free music video that you can find on the Bellissimavideo YouTube channel to make the learning process even more fun, because Penelope Dyan and Bellissima Publishing, LLC believe if learning isn't fun, kids won't love to learn!

  • av Penelope Dyan

    There are tons of things for a kid to do and see in Kauai, Hawaii,and award winning author, attorney and former teacher, PenelopeDyan, along with award winning photographer, John D. Weigandhave combined their efforts once again to show you just a fewof those things. You can kayak down a river, surf on the beachand you can see some fun and beautiful birds. Chickens run wildon Kauai, surviving all on their own, left over from early settlers,and the Hawaiian geese are a real treat to watch and they paddleright up to you. There is a lighthouse you can visit that is 100years old, and it just had its birthday! And the color green isabundant, as the mist and rain caress the island daily. In fact,Mount Wai?ale?ale (near the center of the island) is 5,148 feet(1,569 m) above sea level. And it is said to be one of the wettestspots on earth, with an annual average rainfall of a grand total of460 inches! Yes, you can go to a luau and eat out and do all thosesorts of things; but you can also go bird watching, see a rainbowin a blowhole, and just lie under an umbrella on the beach andsoak up the sun. This is why they call this place paradise! Thisbook is also an early reader so a kid can practice reading skillsthough word recognition and rhyme, and there is a music videoon the Bellissimavideo YouTube Channel that goes along with thisbook for more educational fun!

  • av Penelope Dyan

    Sometimes we don't like it when it rains. All sorts of things come with rain, like thunder and lightning; and that can be very scary. You definitely can't go swimming when there is thunder and lightening, but you can still swim when it's just plain old rain, so that kind of rain isn't scary at all. Some people like to dance in the rain. There are old movies on TV that show you that. Maybe that sort of thing isn't for you and like the heroine of our little story, you just can't stand the rain! Sometimes people feel like that, especially if they are kids; and that's very much okay. However, there are lots of things you can do when it rains. You can even do what the kids in this book do if your mother will let you. The main thing to remember is you do not need to be afraid of the rain. Use it as an opportunity to do something else, something fun. Cozy up with a good book (maybe this book) draw a picture, watch a fun video, maybe the video that goes with this book! And it's free so look for it on Bellissimavideo on YouTube--It's easy because the name of the video is the same as the title of this book! Written and illustrated by Penelope Dyan, an award winning author, attorney and former teacher, if you can't stand the rain, or if you don't know what to do on a rainy day, then this book is perfect for you! Now this book won't tell you WHAT to do on a rainy day, but it will help you get started on thinking about what a rainy day means and get you thinking about how you can be creative on a rainy day!

  • av Penelope Dyan

    Do you feel all alone, like you are the white elephant in the room? Do you know what a white elephant is? The term 'white elephant' is an idiom ( a word group with an entirely different meaning from the separate words when the words are said all together) for something you can't afford to keep and can't throw away. The term comes from a story about the kings of Siam (now Thailand) who made presents of their sacred white elephants to those they didn't like in order to ruin them through the cost of caring for the elephants. Since the animals were sacred, they couldn't work or carry loads. The cost of keeping them was not equal their worth, and a gift from the king had to be kept and could not be refused. People should never be white elephants, but sometimes others are not kind; and they can make you feel like one. Find out why you are NOT a white elephant, and why there is (after all) someone who wants you. Award winning author, attorney and former teacher, Penelope Dyan, weaves a charming story in verse about what one white elephant found out about friendship and how we should treat one another. Enjoy this book as you think about some very important things and practice your reading skills at the same time. Most of all. remember learning is fun!

  • av Penelope Dyan

    Former teacher, attorney and international award winning author, Penelope Dyan, wrote this book, "Ben's Elephant!" for her good friend, Ben. Ben calls Penelope Dyan the 'book lady,' and he is full of ideas for stories he wants her to write. One day while drawing an elephant together on I-Pad, they noticed something about the elephant; and this story was born. Can you guess what it was that was different about Ben's elephant and what they did about it?Ben loves art, and he can't stop drawing. He has a very big imagination that never stops, and sometimes he will burst into laughter, and he will give someone a great big hug for no reason at all! Maybe you know someone like Ben. Maybe you are just like Ben. Do your drawings sometimes come to life for you in your imagination? If they do, then perhaps you should sit down and write a story about your own drawings. You could even make a book! That's what Penelope Dyan did when she was a kid! And when she was a teacher, her kids were always making books, drawing and having fun reading and learning, because learning and doing all of those things is always fun!

  • av Penelope Dyan

    Peebles is a burgh in the committee area of Tweeddale, in the Scottish Borders, lying on the River Tweed. That said, Peebles, Scotland is a wonderful little town, plucked out of a storybook, where birds fly and dogs run, and red-haired boys and girls ride bicycles and play in the green of the town and vast countryside. Award winning author, attorney, and former teacher Penelope Dyan and professional photographer John D. Weigand invite you to embark with them on a small trip though this colorful town where they ate delicious fish and chips along the river tweed and stayed in a hotel that was a castle!This book, like all the Weigand/Dyan travel books, will not merely spoon feed kids a bunch of facts. It will encourage imagination. See what things your children can find out about this place and make this book their own by inserting their own photographs, drawing, tickets, notes and whatever they want within these pages. This is how a child really learns--by doing, not my memorizing sets of facts. Children always see things very differently than adults, and Dyan and Weigand are able to see what children see and invite them to find out more!

  • av Penelope Dyan

    Who is always with us? Can you solve the riddle of this book? Penelope Dyan has used her gifts and talent to create yet another faith based book for you, filled with poetry and based on verses from the Holy Scriptures, set out on each page to give you a hint to the answer to the riddle. What is the question? Read this book and find out! Enjoy the fun illustrations and poetry of this award winning author, attorney and former teacher as you explore your fears and realize you are not alone. Just in case you can't figure out the answer to the riddle, by the time you get to the very last page of this book, everything will be very, very clear. Practice your reading skills as you read the fun poetry of Penelope Dyan set out in extra large print for the littlest of eyes to see, and see how the Bible was written just for you as you read the corresponding bible verses, or have them read to you!

  • av Penelope Dyan

    A steam train is a train that is pulled by a head locomotive that produces power through a steam engine. The purpose of a steam train was to pull freight cars and passenger coaches along railroad tracks. All the Steam locomotives are fueled by coal, wood or oil. The fuel is burned to produce steam in a boiler, and this is what drives the steam engine so that it can pull the train cars. Fuel and water supplies are also carried on the train. Beginning in Britain, steam locomotives dominated railway transportation from the start of the 19th century, until the middle of the 20th century. They were gradually improved and developed in their over 150 years of use. Starting in about 1930, other types of engines were developed, and steam locomotives were gradually superseded by the diesel and electric locomotives. So what this means is that they basically stopped using them in favor of more modern means of transport, including the more modern trains. A very fun thing to do when you are in England is to see if you can take a trip on a steam train, because you will be sitting and traveling in a real piece of something that came right from the history books! Try to imagine all the people who might have sat right here you are sitting. Write a story about it. Take some pictures, and put your tickets in this book and make it your very own. See if you can see some of the things Penelope Dyan and John D. Weigand saw when they conceived this book! Written by the award winning writer, attorney, and former K-12 teacher, Penelope Dyan, and accompanied by the always wonderful photographs of professional photographer and videographer, John D. Weigand, even if you don't get a chance to ride this train, you can still get a bird's eye view of it through the words and photos in this book!

  • av Penelope Dyan

    The city of Bath was first established by the Romans in 43 AD as a spa resort and was given the Latin name, Aquae Sulis, "the waters of Sulis." However, many believe Bath was known about before that. The Romans built baths and a temple on the surrounding hills of Bath in the valley of the River Avon around hot springs, the only natural hot springs in the United Kingdom. Edgar was crowned King of England at Bath Abbey in 973. Bath became very popular as a spa resort during the Georgian era. This led to major expansion of the city and left Bath with a rich heritage of Georgian architecture. Today, there is even more to Bath than the great Roman baths. There's ice-cream to eat, stores where you can shop and all sorts of musicians and things to see and hear. Use this book as a learning tool when you go to Bath, and see what you can add to this book. Take time to insert your own pictures of what you find inside and outside the Roman baths. You can get to Bath by train from London, rent a car to get there, or go on a sight seeing tour. Here is a secret. (Don?t tell anyone we told you.) You can even see Windsor Castle and Stonehenge on the way to bath (or from Bath) if you like. No professional photographs are allowed inside the baths, so this surprise also awaits your visit. This book was photographed by John D. Weigand, and written by award winning author, attorney and former teacher, Penelope Dyan in a way the youngest of kids can learn and understand. It is also a perfect complement to your mom?s coffee table!

  • av Penelope Dyan

    There is a reason for the Easter season, and while it is great fun to look for all the colored eggs and fun things the Easter Bunny might bring, there is an even bigger reason for the celebration of Easter.This book uses basic teaching skills, repetition of words from the Dolch reading word list, and rhyme, along with kid friendly colorful illustrations that will encourage your child to be creative. Let your child finish the rhyme, and let him name the characters he sees on the pages after he notices the word patterns presented in the book. This will reinforce his reading skills, and give you a chance to interact with your child as your child reads. It doesn't matter if you think your child is already reading and therefore doesn't need this kind of book, because that isn't the point of the book. The point of this book, and of all Penelope Dyan books, is to promote four things 1) creativity; 2) discussion; 3) enjoyment of reading; and 4) fun! If you meet these goals with your child when it comes to reading, your child will love reading. If your child loves reading, your chid will learn and love learning; because learning will be associated with both the discovery of new things and fun! Penelope Dyan is a former teacher, an attorney and an award winning writer. Two of her books for children have been chosen by the UK Arts Council and are on display at the Saison Poetry library on the fifth floor of the Royal Exhibit Hall at Southbank Centre, London. Two of her other books are listed in the best books (of the top ten books) on the Pukeke Reading list in Australia; and her book "Surfer Girl" was best teen book at both the 2008 New York Book Festival and the 2008 Hollywood Book Festival, and it is also recognized on the Girls Voices In Literature Database, Miami University Florida.

  • av Penelope Dyan

    All kids have a favorite something. Maybe your favorite thing is a blanket or a pillow. And maybe you like its smell and never want to wash it, whatever it is. The girl in this book had some socks she liked to wear because of Christmas. She never wanted to take them off her feet. What do you think happened to those socks? Read this book and find out, and find out what other things this girl did to help celebrate the Christmas season.Written and illustrated by award winning author, Penelope Dyan, this story brings us a whimsical side of childhood everyone can enjoy. Two of Dyan's books, "Ben's Adventures, Proof Positive A Boy Will Be A Boy," and "Happy Birthday, A Book About Birthdays, Dreams And Wishes," were recently chosen by the UK Arts council to be placed in the Saison Poetry Library, Southbank Centre, on the fifth floor of the Royal Exhibit Hall, London; and another of her children's books of poetry, " A Book For Girls About Being A Girl," is ranked 3rd on the Pukeke reading list of best books for girls aged 5-8 in Australia. Her book "Surfer Girl" was winner of best teen book at both the 2008 New York Book Festival and the 2008 Hollywood Book Festival, and is recognized by Girl's Voices In Literature Database, Miami University, Florida. "Surfer Girl" is also ranked fifth on Pukeke reading list of best books for early teens.Read this book and think about all of the very little things about Christmas, like your favorite pair of Christmas socks, your favorite ornament upon the tree, or the smell of Christmas dinner; and thenremember how special Christmas is, and carry it through your heart all year long.

  • av Penelope Dyan

    Innsbruck, Austria is one of the most beautiful places in the entire world. High in the hills of Austria, you can get a feel of what it was like in the not too distant past, and in the old part of town, they have made great efforts to preserve what has made the town unique. Evidence shows habitation in the early Stone Age. Surviving pre-Roman place names show that the area has been continuously populated. Innsbruck is the capital city of the federal state of Tyrol in western Austria. It is located in the Inn Valley at the junction with the Sill River, and it provides access to the Brenner Pass, The word bruck comes from the German word Brücke which means "bridge." Innsbruck literally means "bridge over the Inn." The Austrians and the people of Innsbruck have gone to a lot of trouble to make Innsbruck tourist and kid friendly. When you walk down the streets of the old part of the town, you almost feel like it was created by Walt Disney himself! And even if you can't go to Innsbruck, you can still enjoy going there vicariously through the pages of this book with award winning author, attorney and former K-12 teacher, Penelope Dyan, and John D. Weigand, professional photographer and videographer, Use the pages of this book to insert your own notes, photographs and tickets and things to make this book your very own; because it is only when you make a book your own that you can truly learn from its pages. Research, study and have fun; and if you go to Innsbruck see what you can recognize from this book! That will make your trip there even more interesting and fun, because you will be on a mission of discovery.

  • av Franz Dickson

  • av Penelope Dyan

    Is it true there is a time for everything? Silly Sally and her mother seem to think so. There is a time to relax and a time to have fun; and there is a time to scrub. And there is always time to smile, of course.Take a look at life through the eyes of silly Sally and her mother and see what you can see. Sally's mother does not get upset over the small things and she enjoys Sally and how Sally looks at life.Written and illustrated by Penelope Dyan, an award winning author, an attorney and a former teacher who simply loves kids, this book will make you stop and look at life's big picture, if only in a small way; and this book is meant for moms and dads as much as it is meant for children. Dyan thinks one should not sweat the small stuff of life, and you should, instead, revel in them.Dyan has had two of her books, much like this one, placed in the Saison Poetry Library at Southbank Centre, London, UK, in the Royal Exhibit hall, chosen by the UK Arts council for placement in their collection of children's poetry. Another one of her poetry books, "A Book For Girls About Being A Girl," is also ranked third on the Pukeke reading list in Australia in books of poetry for girls ages 5-9. Dyan's book, "Surfer Girl" is ranked fifth on the Pukeke reading list for best books for early teens, and "Surfer Girl" is listed on Girl's Voices In Literature Database, Miami university Florida. "Surfer Girl" (additionally) was winner of best teen book at both the 2008 New York Book Festival and the 2008 Hollywood Book Festival and has won several other awards, as have several of Dyan's other books.

  • av Penelope Dyan

    Eve was the very first woman on the entire earth, and you might say that because she was the first woman to wear clothes (thanks to her eating of the forbidden fruit) that she was also the inventor of style! Do you ever think about what it would be like to live in the Garden of Eden and how you would feel if you had to leave it? The award winning author, attorney and former K-12 teacher, Penelope Dyan, has thought about these things a lot. If you have thought about these things as well, then maybe you can draw some pictures showing what you imagine the Garden of Eden was like! Read the story of Eve and find out how she was tempted by the serpent to eat of the forbidden fruit of the tree of knowledge. Also find out why and how God showed his mercy to us all as you learn all about the first sin, the original sin, and how we were ALL blessed and given a second bite at the apple of life! Be sure to read all of the bible verses as you enjoy the delightful verse and drawings of Penelope Dyan.

  • av Penelope Dyan

  • av Penelope Dyan

    Sometimes when you go looking for answers, the answer is just outside your window. Of course, that does depend on what the question is. Penelope Dyan explores the answer to one question and finds her answer by looking just outside the window. Can you guess what the question is? If someone told you to look outside your window, then what would you see? What answers would you find.Penelope Dyan is an award winning internationally known writer and poet and a former K-12 teacher as well as an attorney, so she is used to asking lots of questions; and she is also used to looking for answers.Take a trip "Just Outside The Window' with Penelope Dyan and see what you find as you enjoy the kid-friendly illustrations and poetry that are in integral part of this fun book that Penelope Dyan wrote for her very favorite people, kids!Think about what is just outside your own window and make up a story and draw some drawings of your very own. and do it just because you can! Kids are the very best at this kind of stuff, and Dyan believes that every kid has a story inside just waiting to come out. After all, she has been writing these books since she was a kid, and when she grew up she just kept on doing the same old thing! Smile, laugh and read, and remember no one can read too many books!

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