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  • av Jane Hinchey

    Escaping your demons? Easier said than done, especially when yours revels in the swelter. Picture this: a fire demon inside you, not just any fire demon, but one that thrives in blistering heat. That's my daily battle. So, why live in a frying pan? I chose the icy calm of Alaska to keep my fiery companion on ice. Until now.Grandma's gone, and her last wish drags me back to Maxxan, Texas-my own personal inferno. Each scorching day is a fight to cage the beast within. I'm counting the seconds until I can flee this heatwave, back to my arctic sanctuary. But plans have a way of going up in flames.Enter a SIA agent, as sizzling as the Texan sun, gunning to enlist me in his vampire eradication squad. He thinks I'll stay for the hunt; he doesn't know my vampire-slaying days are long behind me, a childhood memory at five.The heat's on, my inner demon's stirring, and Maxxan's secrets are starting to simmer. Welcome to my firestorm. Welcome to Texas.

  • av Jane Hinchey

    I'm Paige Shelton, and my life in Maxxan, Texas, is anything but ordinary. By day, I'm a graphic designer with a designer wardrobe. By night? I'm an unlikely vampire slayer in killer stilettos, hunting the bloodsuckers that lurk in my town. Everything changes when I meet Nate Wilder, a vampire who's as dangerous as he is alluring.Nate offers me a deal I can't ignore: help him hunt a rogue ghoul, and I earn my freedom. Working with him, I start questioning everything I've been taught about vampires. With my family and friends in danger, trust becomes a luxury I can barely afford.As Nate and I delve deeper into the shadows of Maxxan, our bond intensifies. Caught in a web of secrets and lies, I'm torn between my duty as a slayer and the forbidden allure of my vampire ally. With each revelation, the line between friend and foe blurs. Can I trust Nate as we stand against an ancient evil, or will my heart lead me into peril? Storm the Night is a tale of passion, mystery, and the courage to find truth in the darkness.

  • av Jane Hinchey

    I'm Katie Shelton, and I've been running from my past long enough. As an agent for the Supernatural Intelligence Agency, I've masked my pain with sarcasm and a tough exterior. But now, duty calls me back to the town where it all fell apart, where memories of lost love and tragedy haunt every corner.Enter Brax Lane, Secret Service agent and the kind of man who sees through my defenses. He's dangerously attractive, and as we're thrown together to investigate a sinister threat, the walls around my heart start to crumble.Passion flares, tempting me with a future I never dared dream of again. But as danger looms, threatening my family and the town, I'm forced to confront my true nature as a fire demon. Harnessing my power means embracing the scars of my past, trusting Brax with the wounds I've kept hidden.It's a race against time. Can I tap into my strength and allow love back into my life, or will the evil lurking in the shadows consume everything I hold dear? This is more than just a mission; it's my chance for redemption, for love, for a new beginning. Welcome to my story, where the flames of passion and peril burn equally bright.

  • av Jane Hinchey

    I'm Raven Black, an SIA paranormal investigator, and my latest case is a dive into uncharted waters. Mutated humans are just the tip of the iceberg. Alongside my partner Carter, I'm tracking a shadowy scheme to engineer a new breed of supernatural beings. In a world where the uncanny is commonplace, this feels darker, more dangerous. And as we dig deeper, the heat between Carter and me is hard to ignore.As we chase leads, confront formidable foes, and unravel a web of dark secrets, our lives and future teeter on a knife's edge. Along the way, I discover startling new powers and truths about my origin that turn my world upside down.Balancing my emerging abilities with my growing feelings for Carter is a tightrope walk. As the stakes skyrocket, I'm thrust into a role I never imagined, standing at the forefront of a battle against a sinister plan.With every moment fraught with peril and passion, I must harness my full potential and trust in the bond Carter and I share. Will we extinguish the looming threat before it engulfs everything? Can our love endure the trials we face?Burn the Night is a high-octane blend of supernatural thrills and sizzling romance, where every choice could be the difference between triumph and disaster.

  • av Jane Hinchey

    The world needs a hero. Might as well be me. As Lucifer, the fallen angel and Devil, I never expected to find myself in the position of saving the world. But when Heaven begins to crumble, and God goes missing, the fate of the earth and all its souls rests on my shoulders. To save both Heaven and Earth, I must unleash the apocalypse, but my nosy, good-for-nothing Archangel brothers stand in my way. Can I find God, rebuild Heaven, and save the earth, all while fighting to keep the flame alive with my demon love? The Devil's Advocate is a thrilling and romantic urban fantasy that takes you on a journey of love, redemption, and the power of sacrifice.

  • av Jane Hinchey

    The world is burning, and I'm the one who lit the match.As Lucifer, the CEO of Hell, I never expected to find myself in the position of saving the world. But when the earth is broken, Heaven is bleeding, and someone-or something-is trying to break the seal on Hell, I can't help but feel responsible. I thought I was playing the hero, but it turns out I got played the fool, and I was betrayed by those I loved most.I've gone into hiding to lick my wounds, but I know I can't stay hidden forever. I must do better this time. With the help of my sassy orange kitten sidekick, I must mediate this celestial war that's been brewing for millennia.The Devil You Know is a thrilling and romantic urban fantasy that takes you on a journey of love, redemption, and the power of sacrifice as Lucifer becomes the unlikely hero the world needs in order to survive.

  • av Jane Hinchey

    Think your job's bad? Mine's Hell. Literally.As Lucy, AKA Lucifer, the CEO of Hell, I never expected to find myself on earth, trying to blend in and stop a terrible monster feasting on the souls of humans. It's my job to mete out justice in the afterlife, to serve as warden for sinful souls until their sentences are served so they can cross through those pearly gates in the sky. But some idiot humans playing with an Ouija board just opened an interdimensional portal, and it falls to me to stop the demon now running amok.As I spend more time on earth and with one human in particular, I start to question my old 9-to-5 job and wonder if I could give up my role in Hell for the love of this human.The Devil May Care is a thrilling and romantic urban fantasy that takes you on a journey of love, redemption, and the power of sacrifice.

  • av Jane Hinchey

    When 'I Do' Turns Into 'Whodunnit?'Wedding planning is tough, but it's even harder when you're a PI investigating a high-stakes murder. The moment a model turns up dead at the bridal expo, my to-do list gets a lot more complicated.As if finding a new venue weren't urgent enough-thanks to a fire that turned our dream location into a smoky ruin-I've also got some rather insistent ghosts clamoring for resolution.Piecing together betrayals, secrets, and a list of suspects as varied as my wedding playlist, time is running out.With matrimony and mystery both on the line, the stakes couldn't be higher. In this deadly game of vows and villains, will I make it to "I do" or will 'til death do us part' become all too literal?Dive into a world where wedding veils and police tape go hand-in-hand. Will you RSVP to this unmissable mystery?

  • av Jane Hinchey

    Wer wagt, gewinnt!Wie könnte eine anständige, leicht unbeholfene und stark koffeinsüchtige Privatdetektivin eine Mutprobe ablehnen? Kurze Antwort: Sie kann es nicht. Und nun versuche ich verzweifelt, herauszufinden, wie ich eine ganze Woche lang ohne Kaffee auskommen soll!Wie soll ich damit klarkommen, wenn meine Laune mies, meine Stimmungen schwankend und meine Geduld längst am Ende sind? Und mit ¿damit' meine ich die Leiche in meinem Vorgarten.Bevor ich ¿Doppelter Espresso" sagen kann, habe ich einen Geist, dessen Übergang ins Jenseits alles andere als reibungslos verläuft, eine übergewichtige Katze, die unablässig über ihre neue (definitiv notwendige) Diät schimpft, und ein Rätsel, dessen Lösung mehrere Besuche in der örtlichen Brauerei erfordert. Vielleicht hat dieser ganze Wahnsinn ja doch noch etwas Gutes an sich ...So viel zu einem einfachen Tag. Ich habe den leisen Verdacht, dass mein Leben bald eine ganz neue Stufe der Verrücktheit erreichen wird.

  • av Jane Hinchey

    Amateurdetektivin, Privatdetektivin in Ausbildung, Geisterflüstererin.Das bin ich. Audrey Fitzgerald, Geisterdetektivin. Ich habe mich endlich mit der Tatsache abgefunden, dass ich nicht nur mit Geistern, sondern auch mit Tieren kommunizieren kann. Nun, vor allem mit einem Tier, mit meinem großen grauen Teddybär von Kater, Thor. Was ich noch nicht herausgefunden habe, ist, wie ich meine neu entdeckten Fähigkeiten vor den Einwohnern von Firefly Bay geheim halten kann.Als mich die Präsidentin der Historischen Gesellschaft engagierte, damit ich eine verschwundene Halskette wiederfinde, dachte ich, ich hätte endlich einen Fall, der keine geisterhafte Einmischung erforderte. Wie schwer konnte es schon sein, ein fehlendes Schmuckstück zu finden? Doch die Dinge wurden sehr schnell kompliziert, als die Halskette an einem unerwarteten Ort auftauchte und meine Klientin plötzlich tot war.Jetzt stecke ich bis zum Hals in Geistergeschwätz, ich muss einen Mord aufklären, meine Prüfungen zur Privatdetektivin stehen bevor, ich mache mir Sorgen, dass ich Thor auf Diät setzen muss, und ich glaube, ich habe mich versehentlich in Captain Cowboy Hot Pants - alias Detective Kade Galloway - verliebt. Aber das Schlimmste von allem? Was schreibe ich auf meine Visitenkarte, ohne die Leute in der Stadt zu verschrecken? Amateurdetektivin, Privatdetektivin in Ausbildung, Geisterflüstererin oder Geisterdetektivin?Begleiten Sie Audrey Fitzgerald in der Geisterdetektivserie, einem paranormalen Cozy Mystery Crime mit einer sprechenden Katze, einem Geist und einem Mordfall, der gelöst werden will.

  • av Jane Hinchey

    Wer auch immer behauptet hat, dass es Geister gibt, muss verrückt geworden sein.Oh, warten Sie. Das war ja ich gewesen. Ich habe das behauptet. Wenn Sie mir gestern gesagt hätten, dass Geister real sind, hätte ich freundlich gelächelt, genickt und einen Psychiater angerufen, damit er Ihren verblendeten kleinen Geist heilen würde. Jetzt bin ich an der Reihe, an meinem Verstand zu zweifeln, nachdem der Geist meines besten Freundes in meiner Wohnung aufgetaucht ist. Waren es die Tequila-Shots in der Nacht zuvor, die diese Erscheinung verursachten? Oder vielleicht ein paar Schläge zu viel gegen den Hinterkopf - denn seien wir ehrlich, ich bin ein Tollpatsch, und es würde mich nicht wundern, wenn ich im Laufe der Jahre meine grauen Zellen irreparabel geschädigt hätte.Nun muss ich akzeptieren, dass das Paranormale tatsächlich existiert. Doch leider fehlt meinem Geisterfreund neben seinem Körper noch etwas anderes: sein Gedächtnis. Er weiß nicht, wie er gestorben ist, vermutet aber ein Verbrechen und bittet mich um Hilfe bei der Suche nach seinem Mörder. Das kann ich nicht ablehnen, denn ich habe eine Schwäche für gute Krimis, und die Chance, den Mörder meines Freundes zur Rechenschaft zu ziehen, ist zu gut, um sie nicht zu nutzen.Mich erwarten viele Überraschungen, als ich mein verborgenes Talent für Detektivarbeit entdecke, ganz zu schweigen von der unerwarteten Erbschaft einer sprechenden Katze und vielem mehr. Aber was das größte Problem von allen ist? Captain Cowboy Hotpants, oder - wie er gerne genannt wird - Detective Kade Galloway vom Firefly Bay Police Department. Er ist ein toller Polizist, aber mein Misstrauen gegenüber der Polizei sitzt tief. Und kann ich ihm trotz seiner Beteuerungen, dass er mir helfen will, wirklich vertrauen, oder dient sein Hilfsangebot nur dem Zweck, mich davon abzuhalten, die Wahrheit herauszufinden?Ich denke, ich werde es wissen, wenn der Tod an meine Tür klopft.Begleiten Sie Audrey Fitzgerald in der Geisterdetektivserie, einem paranormalen Cosy Crime mit einer Katze, einem Geist und einem Mordfall, der gelöst werden will.

  • av Jane Hinchey

    Ein schlechter Tag mit Kaffee ist besser als ein guter Tag ohne Kaffee.Eine Privatdetektei in der Küstenstadt Firefly Bay zu leiten, sollte eine ziemlich einfache Aufgabe sein. Eine, bei der ich das Sagen habe - bildlich gesprochen, denn wenn man mir, dem kleinen Tollpatsch, die Verantwortung für eine Schusswaffe überträgt, ist Ärger vorprogrammiert. Nach ein paar hektischen Monaten wünsche ich mir nichts mehr als einen ruhigen Tag, an dem meine Fälle nicht anstrengender sind als die Entscheidung, ob es am Abend Pizza oder Tacos (oder beides) gibt.Ich hätte wissen müssen, dass mein Tag nur übel enden kann, als jemand heimlich meine Kaffeepads gegen koffeinfreien Kaffee austauscht (ernsthaft, wer tut so etwas?) und Savannah McIntosh auftaucht, die Ex-Freundin meines Freundes - Captain Cowboy Hot Pants, auch bekannt als Detective Kade Galloway - und Ermittlerin für interne Angelegenheiten.Bevor ich Café Latte sagen kann, weicht Galloway meinen Anrufen aus, habe ich einen Waschbären am Hals, der beschlossen hat, dass ¿mi casa su casa" ist, verliebt sich mein geisterhafter bester Freund unsterblich und verschwindet ein junges Mädchen, Kira Melendez.So viel zu einem einfachen Tag. Ich habe den leisen Verdacht, dass mein Leben bald eine ganz neue Stufe der Verrücktheit erreichen wird.

  • av Jane Hinchey

    Niemals in meinen fast dreißig Jahren hätte ich gedacht, dass es meine neue Normalität sein würde, mit Geistern zu sprechen, aber so ist es nun einmal.Nachdem ich eine Privatdetektei geerbt habe, stelle ich fest, dass meine Klienten eher unkörperlich sind und sich darauf verlassen, dass ich ihren vorzeitigen Tod aufkläre. Leider gibt es jedoch auch Schattenseiten, wenn man ein Magnet für Geister ist. Hallo? Der Mangel an Privatsphäre, für den Anfang. Ganz zu schweigen davon, dass mich alle für verrückt halten, weil ich mich angeregt mit mir selbst unterhalte. Aber das größte Problem? Ihre Mörder wollen nicht, dass ich ihren Fall annehme.Jetzt habe ich ein neues Rätsel zu lösen. Die ortsansässige Hellseherin Myra Hansen ist als Tote aufgewacht und nicht gerade glücklich darüber. Anscheinend hat sie das nicht kommen sehen! Zusammen mit meinem geisterhaften besten Freund, einem sprechenden Kater und Captain Cowboy Hot Pants - oder, wie er gern genannt wird, Detective Kade Galloway - nehme ich erneut den Wettlauf gegen die Zeit auf, um einen Mörder zu fangen, bevor er mich erwischt.Begleiten Sie die Geisterdetektivin Audrey Fitzgerald in diesem paranormalen Cosy Mystery Crime mit einer sprechenden Katze, einem Geist und einem Mordfall, der gelöst werden will.

  • av Jane Hinchey

    Who knew meeting the in-laws could be this... haunting? I was all nerves on my way to Chicago, but stumbling upon a lifeless golfer took the jittery feeling to a whole new level. And guess who makes a spectral entrance in front of my future family? Joyce, the golfers' ghost, of course!Now my secret ghost-whispering abilities are out in the open, leaving me questioning if I should've stayed home. Surprisingly, my soon-to-be in-laws not only believe me but also offer to help solve the case. With a ghost in tow, a murder mystery to unravel, and the pressure of impressing my future family, it's safe to say my vacation has gone from latte to downright espresso.Grab a cup of joe, cozy up, and join Audrey Fitzgerald in the next spooktacular installment of the Ghost Detective Mysteries. This paranormal cozy mystery will keep you on the edge of your seat, with a talking cat, a ghostly sidekick, and a murder that needs a shot of justice!

  • av Jane Hinchey

    Secrets and soul stones and neon body paint... guess who's up to her neck in murder?Just when undercover SIA agent Holly Day thinks she has life in small town Gravestone handled, someone flies off the handle and Tarkath mobster Dino Cittadino turns up dead.Throw in a treasure hunt with fake clues, a busty blonde with secrets of her own, and a mysterious stranger who seems oddly familiar, and Holly is up to her eyeballs in intrigue and chaos.Holly's mission? Avoid trouble and keep a low profile.Holly's reality? She's on a rollercoaster ride of danger, where she can't go five minutes without getting injured, and the only thing hotter than the murder investigation is her crush on the sheriff.Life has become messier than a kid's finger-painting project, more complicated than advanced calculus, and more dangerous than running with scissors. And that's just a typical day for Holly! Her rat, Flynn, is her only constant companion in this whirlwind of madness, and her senior sidekick Doris is always ready to risk life and limb - or at least her driver's license - to help Holly solve the case.Holly's life is a swirling vortex of chaos. All she can do is hold on for dear life and hope she doesn't get splattered like a bug on a windshield.

  • av Jane Hinchey

  • av Jane Hinchey

  • av Jane Hinchey

    As a private investigator and ghost whisperer, I ask myself many questions-why can I see dead people? Can I wear purple to my own wedding? How do you get peanut butter out of a raccoon's fur? But 'who killed Gianna Tate' was never among them. Until now.The cut-throat attorney's death puts a crimp in my plans, for here I am, all dressed up and ready for the Scarecrow Ball, when she turns up, un-living, riding shotgun in my SUV. Usually an optimist, I'm finding my beloved cup o' joe less than half full as I set about finding her killer while deflecting questions from my family about my impending wedding to Detective Kade Galloway. Smokin' hot, lustworthy, mine. Right? I can't believe it either!But here we are, knee-deep in vampires, zombies, and scarecrows, hunting a murderer, bathing raccoons, stumbling from one crisis to another, asking myself, red wine or white at the reception?Join Audrey Fitzgerald in the Ghost Detective mysteries, a romantic paranormal cozy mystery featuring a talking cat, a ghost, and a murder to solve.

  • av Jane Hinchey

  • av Jane Hinchey

    Never in my almost thirty years did I think my new normal would be talking to ghosts, yet here we are.After inheriting a PI business, I find my clients are more incorporeal than not and are relying on me to solve their untimely deaths. Unfortunately, being a magnet for ghosts has its downside. Hello? Lack of privacy, for starters. Not to mention looking like a looney tune for holding animated conversations with myself. But the biggest problem? Their killers don't want me on the case.Now I have a new mystery to solve. Local psychic Myra Hansen woke up dead and she's none too happy about it. Seems she didn't see that one coming! Together with my ghostly best friend, a talking cat, and Captain Cowboy Hot Pants-or, as he likes to be called, Detective Kade Galloway-I'm in yet another race against time.Catch a killer before the killer catches me.Join Audrey Fitzgerald in the Ghost Detective series, a paranormal cozy mystery featuring a talking cat, a ghost, and a murder to solve.

  • av Jane Hinchey

    Whoever said that ghosts exist must be out of their mind.Oh, wait. That was me. I said that. If you'd told me yesterday that ghosts were real I would have smiled, nodded, and called a shrink to fix your deluded little mind. Now it's my turn to question my sanity when the ghost of my best friend turns up in my apartment. Was it the tequila shots the night before causing this apparition? Or one too many bumps to the head - let's face it, clumsy is my middle name, it really wouldn't surprise me if I'd done some irreparable damage to my grey matter over the years.Now I have to accept that the paranormal does, in fact, exist. But sadly, my ghost friend is lacking something besides his body. His memory. He doesn't know how he died but suspects foul play and he wants my help to find his killer. I can't refuse, I'm a sucker for a good mystery and the chance to bring my friend's killer to justice is too good to pass up.Surprises abound as I discover a secret talent for sleuthing, not to mention an unexpected inheritance of a talking cat among other things. But the biggest problem of all? Captain Cowboy Hot Pants, or as he likes to be called, Detective Kade Galloway of the Firefly Bay PD. He's one smokin' cop, but my distrust of the police runs deep and despite his assurances that he's here to help can I really trust him, or is his offer of assistance designed to keep me from discovering the truth?I guess I'll find out when death comes knocking on my door.Join Audrey Fitzgerald in the Ghost Detective series, a paranormal cozy mystery featuring a cat, a ghost, and a murder to solve.

  • av Jane Hinchey

  • - A Paranormal Ghost Detective Cozy Mystery #4
    av Jane Hinchey

  • - A Ghost Detective Paranormal Cozy Mystery #5
    av Jane Hinchey

  • - A Ghost Detective Paranormal Cozy Mystery #3
    av Jane Hinchey

    Amateur sleuth, PI in training, ghost whisperer.That''s me. Audrey Fitzgerald, ghost detective. I''m finally coming to terms with the fact that I can not only communicate with ghosts, but animals too. Well, one in particular, my big gray teddy bear of a cat, Thor. What I haven''t worked out yet is how to keep my newfound abilities a secret from the townsfolk of Firefly Bay.When I''m hired by the president of the local historical society to find a missing necklace, I figured I finally had a case that didn''t require ghostly interference. After all, how hard could it be to find a missing piece of jewelry? Things turn complicated real fast when the necklace turns up in the most unexpected of places and my client turns up dead.Now I''m up to my neck in ghostly chatter, I have a murder to solve, my PI exams are looming, I''m worried I may have to put Thor on a diet, and I think I''ve accidentally fallen for Captain Cowboy Hot Pants-aka, Detective Kade Galloway. But worst of all? What on earth do I put on my business card without scaring off the townsfolk? Amateur sleuth, PI in training, ghost whisperer, or ghost detective?Join Audrey Fitzgerald in the Ghost Detective series, a romantic paranormal cozy mystery featuring a talking cat, a ghost, and a murder to solve!

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