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  • av Richard Rogers

    A work which sets out to show how future cities could provide the springboard for restoring humanity's harmony with its environment, describing how cities should be created for a planet that is growing smaller and smaller.

  • - The United States In The Global Economy
    av Elliott Zupnick

    This examination of the impact of globalization on the American economy looks at controversies such as the perceived lowering of environmental and labour welfare standards to combat the loss of industry to low-wage countries. The conclusion is that the impact is less damaging than thought.

  • - Rival Myths Of American Origin
    av Ann Uhry Abrams

    A fascinating comparative study of two myths that have shaped American culture not only at Thanksgiving and in the recent Disney film, Pocahontas, but also in the division between North and South in the Civil War and the way in which we have come to define our nation.

  • - Psychological Approaches To Theory And Treatment
    av Michelle Craske
    1 026,-

    Anxiety Disorders: Psychological Approaches to Their Theory and Treatment is a distinctive textbook combining theoretical research developments with a discussion of the nature and treatment of anxiet

  • - The Struggle For Islam
    av Mark Huband

    A revealing inquiry into the Islamic fundamentalist phenomenon, based on firsthand accounts of the movement and candid discussion with its key players.

  • - Nature's Algorithms for Learning and Prospering in a Complex World
    av Leslie G. Valiant

    A leading computer scientist shows why understanding computation is the key to understanding life

  • - Finance, Physics, and the 300-year Journey to the Black-Scholes Equation
    av George Szpiro

    Options have been traded for hundreds of years - at least since the sixteenth century when they were used to buy and sell commodities in Antwerp and Amsterdam - but for centuries nobody knew what their true value really was. This title retraces the historical developments that ultimately led to the breakthrough of an options pricing formula.

  • - The Role of Childhood Trauma in Adult Disease
    av Meredith Wiley & Robin Karr-Morse

    The first years of human life are more important than we ever realized. Karr-Morse connects psychology, neurobiology, endocrinology, immunology, and genetics to demonstrate how chronic fear in infancy and early childhood--when we are most helpless--lies at the root of common diseases in adulthood.

  • - Creating a Culture of Continuous Growth and Development through State-of-the-Art Human Resource Practices
    av Jerry Gilley

    The next step in organizational development, showing companies how to integrate all areas of human resource practice to drive continuous learning

  • av Barbara Bergmann

    "At a time when quotas and preferences are under attack nationwide, Barbara Bergmann courageously show that without the help of affirmative action America will never be able to attain a truly race-blin"

  • - Class, Race, And Affirmative Action
    av Richard Kahlenberg

    "In this provocative and paradigm-shifting book, Richard D. Kahlenberg argues that affirmative action programs ought to be based not on race but on class. America's exclusive focus on race in determini"

  • - Life In The Working-class Family
    av Lillian Rubin

  • - The Transformation Of An Ex-liber
    av Linda Chavez

    The rich and revealing story of a tumultuous journey from Left to Right and from poverty to prominence-by one of the most influential female conservatives in the country

  • - Why The White Working Class Still Matters
    av Joel Rogers & Ruy Teixeira

    A powerful look at the real America, dominated by America's "forgotten majority"-white working-class men and women who make up 55 percent of the voting population

  • - Political Origins of Modern Communications
    av Paul Starr

    A sweeping social history of the political roots of the information age, by one of this country's most distinguished public intellectuals, the Pulitzer Prize-winning author of The Social Transformation of American Medicine.

  • av Craig Stanford

    What the family connection between apes and humans really means

  • - Keeping Faith With Our Values in a Dangerous World
    av Anne-Marie Slaughter

    A leading voice in global affairs calls us back to America's founding principles--and shows how they can guide us forward into the twenty-first century

  • - Essays in Defense of the Imagination
    av Lee Siegel

    From renowned critic Lee Siegel--hailed as a model of "original thinking and passionate writing"--a sometimes scathing, always thrilling examination of the state of contemporary art and culture, and beyond

  • - What Happens to Kids When They Age Out of the Foster Care System
    av Martha Shirk

    On Their Own is meant to serve as a clarion call not only to policymakers, but to all Americans who care about the future of our young people.

  • av Alexander Borbley

    One of the world's leading sleep researchers provides the latest word on sleep, dreams, and sleep disorders.

  • av Clifford Pickover

    If we were to meet actual aliens from outer space, what would they look like? Noted author Clifford Pickover speculates on their appearance, biology, language, even their sex lives.

  • - Why Teenagers Do The Things They Do
    av Lynn Ponton

    Through fifteen riveting case studies, a leading figure in adolescent psychiatry offers a provocative new way of thinking about parenting teens.

  • - A World View
    av Thomas Sowell

    Encompassing more than a decade of research around the globe, this book shows that cultural capital has far more impact than politics, prejudice, or genetics on the social and economic fates of minorities, nations, and civilization.

  • - Human Resilience In An Age Of Fragmentation
    av Robert Jay Lifton

    "Proteanism"--or the protean self--describes a psychological phenomenon integral to our times. We live in a world marked by breathtaking historical change and instantaneous global communication. Our liv

  • - The Epic Journey to the Battle of Tsushima
    av Constantine Pleshakov

    A stirring reconstruction of one of history's great--and least known --naval battles... Fascinating stuff. A boon for students of military history and naval warfare.--Kirkus Reviews (starred review).

  • - Toward A New Politics Of Hispanic Assimilation
    av Linda Chavez

    Are Hispanics making it",achieving the American dream following the pattern of other ethnic groups? This controversial book shatters the myth that 20 million His panics,fast becoming the nation's largest minority,are a permanent underclass. Chavez considers the radical implications for bilingual education, immigration policy, and affirmative action.

  • - Religion, Liberty, and the Father of Our Country
    av Jana Novak & Michael Novak

    In Washington's God Michael Novak-one of America's leading neoconservative pundits-and his daughter, Jana, uncover George Washington's religious life. Finally the record is set straight on the most thoroughly misunderstood aspect of Washington's life. The Novaks focus on Washington's strong trust in divine Providence and see this belief as providing the unifying narrative to his monumental life.

  • - A Labor Perspective On American Business
    av barry bluestone

    "It is no secret that corporate America is in trouble--as are labor unions--and a principal reason is our archaic system of labor-management relations, which excludes labor from participating in, and sha"

  • - Why We're Better Off Than We Think
    av Michael Cox & Richard Alm

    A leading economist and a top economic journalist show that contrary to conventional wisdom, America is at the peak of its economic well-being, with more opportunity for more people than at any other time in our history.

  • - Does The Abuse Excuse Threaten Our Legal System?
    av David Wilson

    "In Moral Judgment, James Q. Wilson demonstrates how our judicial system has compromised its obligation to discriminate between right and wrong. Citing highly publicized verdicts, he makes an erudite c"

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