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  • av ¿¿¿ (Dwight) L. ¿¿ (Moody)

  • av ¿¿¿ (Dwight) L. ¿¿ (Moody)

  • av James Stalker

  • av Vernon J. Charlesworth

  • av Dwight L. Moody

  • av Dwight L. Moody (¿¿)

  • av Andrew Murray

  • av Charles H. Spurgeon

  • av Robert Boyd

  • av Richard Baxter

  • av Reuben A. Torrey

  • av G. Campbell Morgan

  • av Charles H. Spurgeon

  • av Charles H. Spurgeon

  • av Lewis O. Thompson

    Prayer meetings are no longer held at many churches and sparsely attended at others, and when held are often dry and uninteresting. Why? Lack of clear, biblical leadership has largely been the fault.It is hardly possible to over-estimate the value of the prayer-meeting, as it stands related to the life and usefulness of the Church of Christ. In fact, no other service can be compared with this in importance -for without a live prayer-meeting the church will be spiritually cold, the Sabbath services will be formal (or in some cases too informal), and the children will be fed with husks instead of provisions from the Master's table.In this book, Lewis Thompson beautifully and clearly offers solutions to the age-old complaints about prayer meetings. No more must prayer meetings be given a backseat in the list of priorities in churches today. In the chapters of this book, Thompson addresses topics such as The Importance of Prayer Meetings, How to Make Prayer-Meetings Interesting, Helps to Speaking in Public, Songs and Singing, How to Secure Prayer-Meeting Attendance, The Need for Preparation, Topics and Illustrations, Bible Readings, How to Keep the Prayer-Meetings Hot, and more.

  • av John Flavel

  • av J. C. Ryle

    Watch therefore, for ye know neither the day nor the hour wherein the Son of man cometh. (Matthew 25:1-13)We live in troubled and dangerous times. It has been a long time since there have been as many ideas and events in our world causing fear and anxiety as there are today. But one thing, in any event, is clear, and that is the duty of Christians to search more diligently than ever the prophetic Scriptures. Do not be like the Jews at the first advent who were blind to the hand of God and the fulfillment of His purposes in all that was going on in the world. Let us instead remember that the word of prophecy is given to be a light that shineth in a dark place, until the day dawn, and the day star arise (2 Peter 1:19). Let us walk in that light. Let us search what, or what manner of time the Spirit of Christ which was in them [the prophets] did signify, when it testified beforehand the sufferings of Christ, and the glory that should follow (1 Peter 1:11). Let us compare prophecies fulfilled with prophecies unfulfilled and attempt to make the one illustrate the other. Let us strive, above all, to obtain clear views of the things we should be expecting, both in the church and the world, before the end comes and time will be no more.

  • av Dwight L. Moody

  • av Dwight L. Moody

    Vence a tu mayor enemigo: tú mismo¿Eres de los que vencen? ¿O hay pequeños pecados que te acosan y te derrotan? O peor, ¿fallas en tu anduviera cristiano porque te niegas a admitirlos y ocuparte de ellos? Ningún cristiano puede darse el lujo de desoír el llamado a vencer. El costo terrenal es menor. Pero la recompensa eterna es inconmensurable. Dwight L. Moody es un maestro en esto de desenterrar lo que nos perturba. Utiliza relatos y sentido del humor para sacar a la luz los principios esenciales de la vida cristiana exitosa. Nos muestra cada uno de los aspectos de la victoria desde un ángulo práctico y fácil de entender. La solución que Moody presenta para nuestros problemas no es la religión, ni las reglas, ni las correcciones externas. Más bien, nos lleva al corazón del asunto y prescribe remedios bíblicos, dados por Dios, para la vida de todo cristiano. Prepárate para vivir en auténtica victoria en el presente, y en el gozo para la eternidad. Los temas de nuestro interior incluyen:el temperamentolos apetitos o deseosla envidiael orgullolo carnal Los temas del exterior incluyen:el mundolos negociosla persecuciónnuestros hijos

  • av J. C. Ryle

    Formar bien a los hijos y no hacerles tropezar de ninguna manera debería ser una de las máximas prioridades de los padres cristianos.En El Deber de los Padres, J. C. Ryle presenta diecisiete responsabilidades sencillas y a la vez profundas de los padres cristianos. No hay nada nuevo en este pequeño volumen, pero lo que se presenta tiene el potencial de cambiar las generaciones futuras tanto ahora como para la eternidad. Aprenda a pastorear a sus hijos; aprenda a utilizar la clave más significativa de todas: el amor; y aprenda, ante todo, a presentar y representar a Cristo ante sus hijos. A medida que lea este libro, se encontrará desafiado y entusiasmado para comenzar una relación maravillosa, apropiada y creciente con el regalo más maravilloso que Dios puede darnos en nuestra vida: nuestros queridos hijos.

  • av Paul Eshleman

  • av J. C. Ryle

  • av J Martin & Charles H Spurgeon

  • av Charles H Spurgeon

  • av John Flavel

  • av David James Burrell

    All scripture is given by inspiration of God - 2 Timothy 3:16The world has been hunting during all these centuries for something better than the Bible and has not yet discovered it. And the thing that has been, will continue to be. Dreamers will still dream on; undevout thinkers will pursue their hopeless quest; kings and potentates will continue their search for a new and better religion as they have done by the light of Smithfield fires and the burning of heretics. But thoughtful and reverent men and women will go on loving their Bibles. The troubled will run for comfort to this shelter as to the shadow of a great rock in a weary land. Sinners will search the Scriptures for a clear hope of salvation and find it under the cross. For there is no weapon in the arsenal of unbelief that can prevail against the "Yea" and "Amen" of the living God.List of ChaptersThe Antecedent PresumptionThe Claim: Is It Verified?An Unaccountable UnityIts CompletenessIts SufficiencyIts Literary ValueIts Up-to-DatenessIts Tone of AuthorityIts TrustworthinessIts Influence on Personal LifeIts Influence on National LifeIts Place in the Forefront of EventsIt Is Christ's BookExcursus: A Hypothetical StoryIt Is the Church's BookIt Is Everybody's BookIts System of DoctrineIts Moral CodeIts Plan of SalvationIts EnemiesIts Indestructibility

  • av Charles G Finney

    All Christians and sinners should understand that the whole plan is complete. They should understand that the whole of Christ - His character, His work, His atoning death, and His ever-living intercession - belongs to each and every person and simply needs to be accepted. There is a full ocean of it. There it is. You can just as well take it as not. You are invited and urged to drink, and to drink abundantly! This ocean supplies all your need. As the Scriptures say, He is of God made unto us wisdom, righteousness, sanctification, and redemption (1 Corinthians 1:30). What do you need? Wisdom? Here it is. Righteousness? Here it is. Sanctification? Here you have it. It is all in Christ. Can you possibly think of anything needful for your salvation, moral purity, or your usefulness that is not here in Christ? Nothing. All is provided here. But salvation, to be real and available, must be salvation from sin. A religion that does not break the power of sin is a lie. If it does not drive out selfishness and lust, and if it does not bring about love to God and man, joy, peace, and the fruit of the Spirit, it is false and worthless. It can be of no use. That which does not bring about in us the spirit of heaven and make us godly, no matter where it comes from, or by what deception it is defended, is a lie, and if it is fled to as a refuge, it is a refuge of lies. If it does not produce a heavenly mind, expel a worldly mind, and detach us from the love of the world, it is a lie. If it does not produce in us the love required in the Scriptures, genuine love and worship of God and also love for His people - if it does not produce all those states of mind that fit the soul for heaven, then it completely fails of its purpose.* * * *Few preachers in any age have surpassed Charles Finney in clear and well-defined views of conscience and of man's moral convictions. Not many have distinguished the true from the false more closely or have been more skillful in putting their points clearly and prudently. Therefore, these sermons under God were full of spiritual power.

  • av Dwight L Moody

  • av Charles H Spurgeon

    Master, we have toiled all the night, and have taken nothing: nevertheless at thy word I will let down the net. - Luke 5:5Original title: Miracles and Parables of Our Lord.Volume 4A deep, inspiring, and often challenging study of the Lord Jesus Christ's miracles and parables.Men who were led by the hand or groped their way along the wall to reach Jesus were touched by his finger and went home without a guide, rejoicing that Jesus Christ had opened their eyes. Jesus is still able to perform such miracles. And, with the power of the Holy Spirit, his Word will be expounded and we'll watch for the signs to follow, expecting to see them at once. Why shouldn't those who read this be blessed with the light of heaven? This is my heart's inmost desire.I can't put fine words together. I've never studied speech. In fact, my heart loathes the very thought of intentionally speaking with fine words when souls are in danger of eternal punishment. No, I work to speak straight to your hearts and consciences, and if there is anyone with faith to receive, God will bless them with fresh revelation.- Charles H. SpurgeonIn this fourth volume, Charles H. Spurgeon expounds in marvelous detail on the following miracles:Jesus tells Simon to cast his net on the other side of the boat and he obeys. (Luke 5:4-5)Jesus heals the centurion's servant and marveled because of the centurion's great faith. (Matthew 8:7-10; Luke 7:4-8)Jesus casts an unclean spirit out of a man, and all are amazed at His authority. (Mark 1:21-28)Jesus heals the persistent Gentile woman's daughter and compliments her remarkable faith. (Matthew 15:24-28)

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