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  • av Sharon E Sirocco

    Every journey has ups and downs. By the end of Sharon Sirocco's first book, Bunches and Piles and Heaps...Oh My! the reader is impressed with the role her faith plays in adapting to childhood diabetes, kidney/pancreas transplantation, chemotherapy resistant metastatic squamous cell cancer eventuating in complete loss of her right leg with right hip disarticulation.This book, "Bumps in the Road Ahead", looks at long term concerns. The reader learns about the seeming coincidence of outstanding healthcare workers showing up as needed in different capacities-doctors, physical therapists, prosthetics, and specialized surgeons. But as Sharon points out, this is a God incident; not a coincidence.While the reader is introduced to many new things such as wound clinic, wound vac, hyperbaric chamber, phantom limb pain, caretakers etc., they are all wrapped up in related scripture and prayers. The ever-present fear of recurrent or new cancer is a lesson in how your faith doesn't eliminate fear, but shows you how to manage it. While there are multiple different concerns and needs, Sharon shows how they all condense to one belief "GOD is good"Hallelujah! And thank you, Sharon.Jeffrey W. Wilson, M.D.

  • av Elizabeth Montanez Hurtado
    193 - 265,-

    I created a coloring book that contains words to lift us when others feel down.The book's design is intuitive, inviting users to engage both creatively and emotionally. As they fill the pages with color, they're also invited to reflect on the messages woven throughout, fostering a sense of peace and positivity. This dual approach not only soothes the mind but also nurtures the soul, making it a perfect companion for anyone seeking a moment of calm in a chaotic world.With its thoughtful combination of art and affirmation, this coloring book transcends mere entertainment. It's a tool for personal growth, designed to lift spirits and strengthen the heart. Each page is a reminder that, even in the darkest of times, there is light to be found if one only remembers to look. It's more than just a book; it's a journey to a better, brighter self.

  • av Mark F Wise
    151 - 338,-

    Hello, my friends! Do you believe in love at first sight? Have you ever wondered about the Afterlife: what it's like, what are Heaven and Hell like; will we see our family, friends and pets again? Have you ever pondered who God and the Holy Trinity are; does each religion have its own god; who are Mary, the saints and the angels; who is the devil? Ever wondered about Creation versus Evolution? This unique novel, "Conversations with Blanchie," is loosely written from a Catholic perspective and discusses all of these issues and many more in a tender, humorous and often emotional approach. "Conversations with Blanchie" is actually 90% autobiographical for me, Mark F. Wise. Bob and Blanchie sat on their park bench in San Luis Obispo, California every morning before work for 71 years, discussing the above issues and many more. Blanchie dies and goes to Heaven, but she and Bob soon discover that they can continue their morning discussions on the very same bench! Blanchie tries to answer their 71 year old questions from Heaven, attempting to de-mystify them. Conversations with Blanchie is a roller coaster of emotions, featuring the ups and downs of Bob and Blanchie's 71 year marriage, their children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren, the sadness of Blanchie's death and Bob's "penchant for puns!" I hope that you enjoy "Blanchie;" I wrote it with a lot of love and emotion! In fact, the character of Blanchie is based on my late mother, Kathryn Claire "Speeder" Wise. I believe that no other work of fiction or non-fiction has addressed as many of these tough issues, ones that everyone of any religion or lack thereof has pondered all their lives!

  • av Julio Saucedo

    Descubre el catálogo definitivo diseñado para aquellos que buscan dominar el acordeón de botones de manera efficient e. Este manual ofrece lecciones estructuradas, desde lo básico hasta piezas avanzadas, permitiéndote aprender de manera rápida y práctica. Con los mejores ejemplos explicativos y partituras detalladas, esta metodología te brinda las herramientas esenciales para desarrollar tus habilidades musicales con facilidad. ¡Sumérgete en el mundo del acordeón de botonesy avanza en tu viaje musical con confianza!

  • av Julio Saucedo

    En el corazon de cada gran discurso y sermon reside el poder de la palabra hablada, la habilidad de inspirar, persuadir y transformar en nuestro viaje hacia el dominio de la oratoria y la homiletica, exploraremos un mundo donde las palabras se convierten en herramientas de impacto y cambio. Este libro es una guia definitiva que te llevara desde las basfs de la comunicacion efectiva hasta las cimas de la elocuencia. Descubre los secretos de los granges oradores y predicadores a lo largo de la historla, y aprende como aplicar esas lecciones a tu propia habilidad para hablar en publico. Preparate para convertirte en un maestro de la palabra capaz de cautivar audiencias y transmmr mensajes con pasion y la claridad que solo los verdaderos expertos en oratoria y homiletica pueden lograr. Bienvenido a un viaje que transformara no solo tu habilidad de hablar, sino tambien la manera en que el mundo te escucha. Este es el mejor libro que te guiara hacia la exelencia en la oratoria y la homiletica profecional.. En las paginas de este libro, el escritor ha dedicado decadas de experiencia y sabiduria en el arte de la oratoria y la homiletica su profundo conociemiento y pasion por comunicar mensajes impactantes y espirituales brillan a lo largo de estas palabras. A medida que leas este ubro, te invito a llevar con tigo el conocimiento y la inspiracion que has adquirido y a aplicarlos en tus propias presentaciones y sermones. Que las lecciones aqui contenidas te guien no solo en la maestria de la palabra, si no tambien en la capacidad de tocar los corazones y las almas de quienes te escuchen. Que este libro sea una brujjla en tu camino hacia la exelencia en la oratoria que tus palabras resplandescan con la luz de la verdad, y el amor de dios en cada palabra que pronuncies.

  • av Stacy Shelley
    193 - 278,-

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