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  • av Carla L Rueckert

  • av Shelley Husband

    Are you ready to take your crochet to new places?Inspired by experienced crocheters saying, 'I never thought to do it that way, Shelley,' Granny Square Academy 2 gives you everything you need to master crocheting your granny squares.Over 12 lessons, you'll know what you need to do, why it's important, and how you can apply it to other parts of your crocheting. Whether you're new or already know me, you can feel confident that I've created every design with you in mind-making each step easier and moving you closer to being a granny square expert.Even after almost 10 years of workshops, books, and hundreds of granny square designs, I'll be honest, it still gives me the warm and fuzzies to hear, 'When I work through your patterns, Shelley, it feels like you're standing there with me' and, 'The videos are such a great help' and, 'I actually finished it!'I share with you everything you need to enjoy your granny squares even more...I know, I didn't know it was possible, either!Each lesson in Granny Square Academy 2 has:+ a design with all you need to know about the techniques and stitches+ charts for left and right-handed crocheters+ videos, again for left and right-handers, and+ UK and US pattern formats.Granny Square Academy 2 is a companion book to Granny Square Academy, so it's highly recommended that you have both-and, yes, beginning as a confident crocheter makes it easier to dive into this book.So, if you don't feel like a confident crocheter just yet, then start with Granny Square Academy, and you'll have everything you need to join us here soon enough.

  • av Alio Publishing Group

    El Librito Azul is now in English! Conny Mendez firmly believed in metaphysics for everyone, and dedicated a significant portion of her life to teaching spiritual truths in plain simple terms that anybody can begin to apply in everyday life. One of her most important, prized, and popular books is El Librito Azul, or The Little Blue Book. It is a compact, concise read that is designed to be carried and read easily on a regular basis, until its laws and principles become second nature. This book can teach even a young child how to combine laws of thought with spiritual truth, producing the fruits of what can best be described as "a life truly worth living." By popular demand, The Little Blue Book has been revised & updated for busy 21st century readers while painstakingly preserving Conny's masterfully-written legacy as faithfully as possible. Order today to find out how simple life's truths can be!

  • av David Kyle

    Rocket®Yoga: Your Guide to Progressive Ashtanga Vinyasa is a stunningly photographed journey of Rocket yoga—its background, its benefits, detailed instruction for 90+ asanas, explanation of the sequences used in the Rocket yoga system, and teaching tips for instructors.

  • - A Teen's Guide to Managing Social Anxiety
    av Aya Wang

    Guess who's stronger - you or your anxiety? It's YOU! And you're about to discover why. Does the idea of going to a party make you break out in a cold sweat? Do you look for reasons to get out of school events or big social gatherings? Perhaps the idea of talking to a new group of people makes your heart race and your hands tremble. If this sounds like you, you might have been called 'shy'... and you might spend most of your life feeling awkward and uncomfortable. But what you're going through is far more common than you probably think. There's a name for it, and there's a lot more to it than simply being shy. You have social anxiety... and while that's not a pleasant experience by any stretch of the imagination, the good news is that you can manage it and unlock a powerful sliver of confidence you had no idea you had. Did you know that Johnny Depp - Captain Jack Sparrow himself - has social anxiety? This is someone who's constantly in the public eye and spends much of his life in high-profile social situations. His secret is that he has developed ways to manage his social anxiety so that it doesn't get in his way... and you can too. This book is your secret weapon... and before you think of school textbooks and feel your heart sinking, don't worry - this book will have you laughing and challenging yourself in the most fun way possible... all the while giving you the tools you need to triumph over your anxiety. Inside, you'll discover: An exciting and enlightening journey with Isa and Jeremy, two teens who face, battle, and overcome a host of social challenges and show you how you, too, can handle social anxiety with ease and confidenceThe science and symptoms of social anxiety - complete with a quiz so you can be sure it's what you're dealing withCommon myths about social anxiety... dispelledHow to recognize your triggers and why it's important to do soWhat your 'safety behaviors' are and how they affect youThe natural superpowers your mind already has - and how you can harness them to gain control over your anxiety (ever heard of CBT?)How you can tell when your mind is playing tricks on you... and how to beat it at its own game with science-based hacksWhy your breathing has a bigger role to play than keeping you alive... and what to do to access its full potentialA powerful self-soothing toolkit - how to use every part of your mind and body to calm you down and reduce your anxiety in any situationWhy it's so important to reframe panic attacks and identify cognitive distortions, so you can respond to triggers more positivelyA panic attack cheat sheet that works every time!How to have a standoff with your anxiety - win every battle through Exposure Therapy!The 4 Rs that will help you get better and better at facing your anxiety every day6 simple yet significant habits you can start building today to make sure Future You is calmer and more confidentHow you can talk to your loved ones about what you're experiencing (and why you should)Practical exercises, quizzes, and quests to make the whole process fun... and a lot more effective than reading a dry textbookPerhaps you've tried reading self-help books and ended up more confused or anxious than you were when you started... This time, it's going to be different. This time, you're going to build your confidence by stealth, all the while absorbing the information that will help you in a fun, engaging, and relatable way. The science is still there, but your experience is at the forefront... and once you've mastered these tools and strategies, you'll never look back!

  • - La maraude tend la main
    av Djamal Hamadache

    Plongez dans le coeur caché de Paris avec "La Maraude Tend la Main", le premier roman captivant de Djamal Hamadache dans la série "Les Misérables de l'An Deux Mille...". Cette oeuvre poignante dévoile une facette méconnue de la Ville Lumière, où la grandeur de Paris se heurte à la réalité crue des sans-abris. Chaque page vous transporte dans un univers où les destins brisés et les espoirs évanouis des SDF se mêlent à des actes de résilience inattendue.Djamal Hamadache, ancien technicien d'intervention d'urgence sociale (Maraudeur professionnel) au SAMU Social, tisse ce récit avec l'authenticité de quelqu'un qui a marché aux côtés des invisibles de la ville. Ses années passées dans les rues, à la rencontre des âmes égarées, infusent chaque histoire de vérité et de compassion.Innovant dans sa forme, ce roman fusionne poèmes, images capturées et récits, créant un collage narratif riche et profond. La collaboration unique avec une Muse numérique, une Intelligence Artificielle avant-gardiste, transforme ces témoignages en une symphonie d'histoires humaines, offrant aux lecteurs une immersion totale dans ces vies souvent négligées."La Maraude Tend la Main" est un hommage aux maraudeurs et aux associations qui oeuvrent inlassablement pour un monde plus juste. Ces gardiens de la nuit sont célébrés pour leur courage face à l'indifférence, éclairant les rues des villes de leur humanité et de leur amour.Ce livre est bien plus qu'une simple lecture; c'est une fenêtre ouverte sur le monde, un appel à la réflexion, et un défi à nos préjugés. À travers son récit émouvant et sa narration empathique, Djamal Hamadache nous rappelle l'importance de chaque histoire humaine et la valeur de chaque vie.À propos de l'Auteur: Djamal Hamadache, aujourd'hui en retraite après des années consacrées à aider les plus vulnérables, est un artiste multidisciplinaire dont le talent s'étend de la poésie à la photographie, en passant par le théâtre et la comédie musicale. Sa passion pour la narration, couplée à son engagement pour les causes sociales et son utilisation novatrice de l'intelligence artificielle, font de lui un auteur unique dont les oeuvres résonnent profondément dans le coeur et l'esprit des lecteurs.

  • av Susie Choi

    John, the only human or 'monster' in a world full of foxes is sent on a mission to find a magical statue in the human world to save the king of the foxes from a deadly disease. However, living amongst humans proves just as difficult. There's Ron, his unfriendly, suspicious boss in the human world, and Ben, a boy who hardly ever talks to him despite begging John to adopt him. Wait up. These guys can't possibly have been John's creators, could they?

  • - Cinque Lettere a Vespasiano
    av Mario Barbaglia

    La Giudea è in fiamme, rivolte e massacri si susseguono sotto lo sguardo costernato di cinque personaggi che osservano increduli l'ascesa e il declino del re dei Giudei, Simone bar Giora: forse un messia, forse un mistico, forse un mago, di certo un rivoluzionario e un nemico dell'Impero. Tito, il fratello Domiziano, un maestro di cerimonie, un cospiratore ebreo e uno scanzonato vagabondo scrivono all'imperatore Vespasiano, interrogandosi su Simone, l'uomo che sta guidando i Giudei alla rivolta. Dalla sua apparizione tra le fila della guerra giudaica, fino alla sua crocifissione a Roma, la figura di Simone bar Giora si compone e si ricompone lettera dopo lettera, attraversando come un fantasma le maglie della nostra tradizione. In un mosaico caleidoscopico di citazioni, Cinque Lettere a Vespasiano intesse un giallo storico che scandalizza, rapisce e che riscrive una pagina ancora sconosciuta della nostra antichità. Mario Barbaglia, architetto e designer milanese, è nato nel 1950. Ha firmato diverse lampade di conclamato successo internazionale, ma i suoi interessi sono molteplici. Mario Barbaja, cantautore prog, è il suo alter ego musicale

  • - Le testament jamais publié de l'ancien chef d'Etat-Major de Lon Nol
    av Songthoul Fernandez

    De 1970 à 1975, pendant cinq longues années, le Cambodge a été le théâtre d'une guerre dévastatrice, qui a été qualifiée à tort de "guerre civile". Curieusement, cette guerre meurtrière - qui a fait 5 à 600 000 morts selon les estimations actuelles - n'a été étudiée méthodiquement dans aucun ouvrage, alors que de très nombreux livres ont été publiés sur la guerre du Vietnam qui s'est achevée aussi en 1975. On appréciera donc d'autant plus l'ouvrage que le Général Sosthène FERNANDEZ, ancien Commandant en chef des Forces Armées Nationales Khmères, a consacré à l'étude de cette guerre du Cambodge, bien mal connue jusqu'à présent.

  • av Najat Larbi Najari

    Les aventures de trois grenouilles musulmanes espiègles, bienveillantes et pleine d'Amour

  • av Nikola Tucakov

    An easy read for a very complex subject. This pocketbook introduces three forward ideas regarding our evolution and our ancient past. 1 - Humans are a product of the environmental change associated with the start of the glacial cycles. 2 - There have existed not just one, but many other ancient civilizations, in various pockets of time, separated by major global disasters, all likely unaware of each-other's existence. 3 - Using pyramid cardinal deviations, glacial cycles and Earth's precession, the construction time of the Egyptian pyramids is calculated and argued to be about sixteen-thousand years ago.

  • - a collection of fictitious book titles and bizarre musings on life
    av Sergio Sturino

    A long time ago, in a world far far away, I used this material I for my stand-up comedy act.It is a collection of strange and comical book titles that I created. None of which should beused as any kind of how-to help book. If you enjoy a good laugh, and even sometimes at myown expense ( I poke fun of myself here too ) then have a good laugh on me.

  • av Gnb

    Aprender inglês - AnimaisLivro ilustrado para crianças bilíngues - Português / Inglês - com pronúncias

  • av Gnb

    Aprender ucraniano - Frutas e vegetaisLivro ilustrado para crianças bilíngues - Português / Ucraniano - com pronúncias

  • av Gnb

    Aprender finlandês - Frutas e vegetaisLivro ilustrado para crianças bilíngues - Português / Finlandês - com pronúncias

  • av Gnb

    Aprender francês - AnimaisLivro ilustrado para crianças bilíngues - Português / Francês - com pronúncias

  • av Gnb

    Aprender catalão - Frutas e vegetaisLivro ilustrado para crianças bilíngues - Português / Catalão - com pronúncias

  • av Gnb

    Aprender romeno - Frutas e vegetaisLivro ilustrado para crianças bilíngues - Português / Romeno - com pronúncias

  • av Abdul-Razak Abubakari

    Digital Transformation in Education and Artificial Intelligence: Emerging Markets and Opportunities aims to shed light on the various advantages and drawbacks of the same along with the opportunities and markets that are emerging because of digital transformation. This volume encompasses diverse perspectives on the digital landscape for Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs). It delves into the use of digital tools like Big Data, IoT, AI, and ML in Chapter 1, followed by an exploration of factors influencing online shopping adoption in SMEs in Ghana (Chapter 2). Chapter 3 sheds light on the digital transformation of African SMEs, while Chapter 4 offers insights into the consequences of digitalization for SMEs in Sub-Saharan Africa. The subsequent chapters cover topics such as the impact of Big Data on SMEs' performance, digitization initiatives for African telecom service providers, the role of social media as a promotional tool for SMEs in Ghana, and the utilization of Artificial Intelligence by SMEs in Africa, addressing both benefits and challenges. The chapters provide information for educators at all levels to obtain a complete understanding of the technology-based environment that impacts teaching and commerce. It also serves as a resource for policymakers, entrepreneurs, researchers, and students interested in digital transformation in Africa.

  • av J R Hudberg

    The book of Amos contains some hard messages that their original listeners would have found difficult to swallow. Yet, amid the unrelenting warnings of judgment, we can find assurances of God's love and compassion. Journey through Amos, and discover how the strident call to repentance comes with comforting promise of restoration.The Journey Through series provides assistance to those who desire to spend time with God in His Word, book by book. The daily insights will help Christians discover the precious, life-transforming wisdom of the Bible, inspiring them towards a closer walk with God. Perfect for personal devotions.

  • av Philip E Satterthwaite

    Enjoy Life Under the Sun with Your CreatorTake a journey through Ecclesiastes to find out howWith its familiar opening statement, "Meaningless . . . Everything is meaningless!", the book of Ecclesiastes appears to be a book of sheer pessimism. But dig a little deeper, and you'll discover that it actually contains an uplifting message about how we can enjoy life in God's presence if we look at life from an eternal perspective.This 30-day devotional offers ancient wisdom for the issues we face today, from work-life balance to justice and politics. Journey through Ecclesiastes with biblical insights from Dr Philip Satterthwaite today!

  • av David Cook

    The book of Proverbs is much, much more than a poetic collection of pithy, common-sense sayings. Dig deep into the teachings of Solomon, Agur, Lemuel, and others, and you'll be surprised by what you can learn from these men of ancient wisdom. You'll discover why true wisdom begins with "the fear of the Lord", how a relationship of reverence and love for God will lead to true knowledge, and how contemporary and relevant Proverbs continues to be for life today.The Journey Through series provides assistance to those who desire to spend time with God in His Word, book by book. The biblical insights will help Christians discover the precious, life-transforming wisdom of the Bible, inspiring them towards a closer walk with God. Perfect for personal devotions.

  • av Peter Lau

    The story of how a young woman conquers challenging circumstances to save her people is a dramatic one. It is a tale of courage and self-sacrifice. But where is God in the story? And what can we learn from Esther, the reluctant heroine who rises to the occasion when she realises she has been placed "for such a time as this"? Dig into the book of Esther with Peter Lau and discover how you can live as God's delivered people in a hostile world. The Journey Through series provides assistance to those who desire to spend time with God in His Word, book by book. The biblical insights will help Christians discover the precious, life-transforming wisdom of the Bible, inspiring them towards a closer walk with God.

  • av David Burge

    Why would anyone want to follow Christ when it brings suffering? Does it make sense to hang on to the faith when you might lose your job or even your own life? The Apostle Peter addresses these questions and more in his first epistle. Journey through 1 Peter, and be inspired by God's grace and His glorious plans for us. Discover the value of pressing on faithfully like His Son, and strengthen your resolve to walk with Jesus through the pains and troubles of this fallen world. The Journey Through series provides assistance to those who desire to spend time with God in His Word, book by book. The biblical insights will help Christians discover the precious, life-transforming wisdom of the Bible, inspiring them toward a closer walk with God. Perfect for personal devotions.

  • av Remo Susanna

    Undisturbed, glaucoma blinds people. It respects neither gender nor education; it ignores wealth and privilege. We have no cure for it and we cannot reverse the damage that it has caused. Glaucoma affects about 2% of people over 40 years of age. It is not rare. It is the commonest cause of irreversible and preventable visual disability everywhere. But most of the time we can control it. The earlier glaucoma is diagnosed, the less damage that has been caused, the better the long-term outlook. Early detection requires informed communities whose members seek eye examinations as well as knowledgeable and appropriately equipped eye health care professionals. This requires access to a worthwhile health system. Even in developed societies, about 50% of patients with glaucoma have not been diagnosed and are not on treatment. Half of these undiagnosed people have been seen by an eye health care practitioner in the last two years. With this book, we wish to enlighten our readers with quality information to minimize visual disability from glaucoma.

  • av Luis Pon Ce

    Mientras que en nuestras vidas cotidianas la lectura en voz alta de un texto escrito suele ser menos frecuente que el hecho de "hablar", construyendo frases de forma espontánea cuando participamos en una conversación, en la práctica musical y en los procesos de educación musical se suele otorgar una importancia considerable a la lectura de "textos", a la interpretación musical de partituras, a veces en serio detrimento de la actividad de improvisar, que podría considerarse el equivalente a "hablar" el lenguaje de la música. En este libro se ofrecen, desde la investigación y reflexión, varias aportaciones en torno a la improvisación musical en grupo y sus beneficios en el contexto educativo y terapéutico. El Aprendizaje Social y Emocional y la Musicoterapia son dos áreas de conocimiento que inspiran los estudios y propuestas que aquí se comparten. Entre otros contenidos, este libro presenta: Una autoetnografía en torno a una experiencia de improvisación grupal libreEl diseño y evaluación de un proyecto de improvisación grupal dirigido a estudiantes de un conservatorio profesional de músicaUna serie de propuestas didácticas relacionadas con la improvisación musical en grupo Luis Ponce de León es Doctor en Ciencias de la Educación (UNED). Profesor Superior de Piano. Profesor Superior de Solfeo y Teoría de la Música (Real Conservatorio Superior de Música de Madrid). BA (Hons) Humanities with Music (The Open University, Reino Unido). Máster en Musicoterapia Avanzada y Aplicaciones (Universidad Autónoma de Madrid). Amplía su formación en pedagogía musical en otras instituciones, entre ellas el Instituto Kodály y la Eastman School of Music. Además de su formación musical es Ingeniero Superior de Telecomunicación por la Universidad Politécnica de Madrid. Ejerce como profesor e investigador en el Departamento Interfacultativo de Música de la Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, labor que compagina con la interpretación y la composición. Sus líneas principales de investigación son la didáctica del lenguaje musical y la orientación para el desarrollo de la carrera musical.

  • av Noelia González Gálvez

    En los últimos años se han desarrollado diferentes modelos pedagógicos en Educación Física y han sido investigado sus efectos. Encontramos principalmente cuatro modelos pedagógicos básicos: aprendizaje cooperativo, educación deportiva, modelo de enseñanza comprensiva del deporte, modelo de responsabilidad personal y social.Este libro se centra en dos de ellos: enseñanza comprensiva del deporte, y modelo de responsabilidad personal y social. Sin embargo, existen otros modelos pedagógicos emergentes como el modelo ludotécnico, modelo actitudinal, modelo basado en la práctica, autoconstrucción de materiales, modelo de educación aventura, aprendizaje servicios, gamificación y aula invertida, entre otros.

  • av Gary Beck

    Until the Bell takes place mainly in New York. A young Puerto Rican boy from the Bronx escapes gang life when he discovers boxing. He quickly rises in the rankings, but is not satisfied and desires education. He gets his G.E.D. and meets an exciting girl, an actress going to college. They fall in love and he becomes interested in acting. He goes to college and keeps winning his fights. He becomes an actor in a feature film, writes the screenplay and is a rising star when Covid 19 strikes and everything changes,

  • av Marc-André Ricard

    Key to the 150 Psalms and the 72 Genies of the Cabala.Being a faithful transcription in every respect of an 18th century text of Angelic Magic from the Ms. Français 14788, of the Arsenal Library in Paris.This book is not a collection of prayers. It is an 18th century grimoire made to summon beneficial Spirits by means of their Names, their magical Characters and the Psalms. Occultists and Cabbalists call them Genies. The uninitiated call them Guardian Angels.To use this book, this Key to the Psalms, the faith essential to success - your faith - does not need to be Christian or Jewish. No need for magical tools to undertake this mysterious Art. You must only have faith, that is to say an unshakeable confidence that your operations will succeed and that through the help of the Magical Intelligences and Characters contained in this book, you will succeed in calling and conjuring these Genies; real invisible, powerful and unsuspected forces.Their scope of action covers many areas. With their help, it will be possible to obtain protection from enemies and thieves, gain the favor of people in high places, deliver those who have been unjustly condemned, obtain the love of someone, deliver a besieged city or put an end to a war, protect yourself from dangers on land and sea, against storms and earthquakes, cure various illnesses, obtain answers in dreams... and more.This book contains: Key to the Clavicles of Solomon, of the 150 Psalms of David, with the Characters of all the Genies or Spirits who preside over miraculous operations;The 72 Names of God, with verses from the Psalms;Comparative table of the Names of the Genies;Comparative table of the Intelligences;All 150 Magical Characters fully traced by the author.

  • av Chris Welton

    Dive into the thrilling narrative of "One Jordan," a testament to the extraordinary impact of a unique networking strategy that flipped the script on conventional approaches. This book shares the captivating journey of its author, who embarked on an audacious quest to connect with high-level individuals by sending them a single Jordan shoe and a handwritten note, promising the other shoe in return for a call. Through riveting stories and insightful reflections, the book demonstrates how this innovative approach led to meaningful dialogues, valuable mentorships, and impactful collaborations that defied all odds. The transformation you'll experience as a reader goes beyond the engrossing narrative; it plants the seed of inventive thinking, encouraging you to design your personal strategies for success. With "One Jordan," you'll understand the power of individuality, the impact of persistence, and the profound results of stepping out of your comfort zone. The book propels you to think outside the box, fostering the creation of your unique narrative in the vast world of networking. Remember, it all starts with one step-or in this case, "One Jordan." Chris Welton, a distinguished performance coach, dynamic speaker, and expert connector, never fails to inspire and enlighten. As a seasoned podcast host, his insightful conversations shape the minds of listeners around the world. Chris's expansive knowledge and unique approach to personal and professional development fuel his work, empowering individuals to reach their utmost potential. In his latest venture as an author, Chris leverages his wealth of experience to create a book that is as captivating as it is profoundly transformative.

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