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  • av E. H. Whinfield & Maulana Jalálu-'d-Dín Muhammad Rúmi

  • av Williams Evans
    225 - 368,-

    Discover the profound truths that form the bedrock of Christian faith with "Great Doctrines of the Bible" by the esteemed Rev. Williams Evans. In this meticulously crafted exploration, Rev. Evans, a noted American Bible scholar, invites readers to delve into the foundational truths that underpin the Christian faith.From the profound contemplation of God's existence and nature to the intricate understanding of Jesus Christ's person and work, each chapter offers a rich tapestry of theological insights. Through careful examination and scholarly rigor, Rev. Evans navigates through essential topics such as the attributes of God, the doctrine of the Holy Spirit, the nature of man, and the doctrines of salvation.Spanning across various parts, readers will explore the complexities of the Church, the significance of the Scriptures, the reality of angels and demons, and the profound mysteries surrounding the last things. With each turn of the page, Rev. Evans provides clarity and depth, guiding readers to a deeper understanding of biblical doctrine and its relevance to everyday life.Whether you're a seasoned theologian or a newcomer to the study of Christian doctrine, "Great Doctrines of the Bible" offers a comprehensive and accessible resource that will enrich your faith journey. Join Rev. Evans as he leads readers on a captivating exploration of the great doctrines that shape Christian belief, illuminating the path to a deeper relationship with God and a more profound understanding of His Word.This new edition features a dynamic, comprehensive, and organized table of contents.

  • av A B Simpson

    In "The Life of Prayer" by A.B. Simpson, embark on a transformative journey that unveils the profound significance of prayer in the life of every believer. Drawing from a deep well of personal experience and biblical insight, Simpson, a revered Christian leader and founder of the Christian and Missionary Alliance, invites readers to explore the rich tapestry of communion with God through prayer.Within these pages, Simpson masterfully navigates the various dimensions of prayer, illuminating its power to bring about spiritual renewal, emotional healing, and divine intervention. Through heartfelt anecdotes, timeless wisdom, and practical guidance, he reveals prayer not merely as a religious duty, but as a dynamic relationship-a sacred dialogue between the soul and its Creator.From the quiet moments of solitude to the fervent cries of intercession, Simpson encourages readers to cultivate a lifestyle of prayer that transcends the mundane and taps into the extraordinary. With clarity and conviction, he dismantles misconceptions about prayer, urging believers to approach the throne of grace with boldness and expectation.This book is more than a manual on how to pray; it is a beacon of hope for all who long to deepen their connection with God. Whether you are a seasoned prayer warrior or a newcomer to the practice, this timeless classic will inspire you to embark on a lifelong journey of intimacy with the Divine.Join A.B. Simpson as he invites you to step into the sacred space of prayer-a place where faith is strengthened, burdens are lifted, and miracles unfold. May this book be your companion as you discover the boundless joy and fulfillment found in a life surrendered to the transformative power of prayer."The Life of Prayer-great and sacred theme! It leads us into the Holy of Holies and the secret place of the Most High. It is the very life of the Christian, and it touches the life of God Himself.We enter the sacred chamber on our knees. We still our thoughts and words, and say, "Lord, teach us to pray. Give us Thy holy desires, and let our prayer be the very echo of Thy will. Give us Thy Spirit as our Advocate within. Open our eyes to see our Great High Priest and Advocate above, and help us so to abide in Him, and to have His Word so abiding in us, that we shall ask what we will, and it shall be done unto us." And as in ignorance and weakness we venture to speak and think upon this vital theme, "Let the words of my mouth, and the meditation of my heart, be acceptable in thy sight, O Lord, my strength, and my redeemer." And may every true word and thought of this little volume be a living experience to him who speaks and to all who hear, and so minister to the life of prayer in all our lives, that it shall bring, in some humble measure, an answer to the greatest of all prayers, and the prayer with which this opening chapter begins and to which this book is dedicated, "Our Father which art in heaven, Hallowed be thy name."

  • - Essai d'histoire économique et sociale (Suivi de "Villes, marchés et marchands au moyen âge")
    av Henri Pirenne

    "Ce petit livre contient la substance de leçons faites dans diverses Universités des États-Unis d'Amérique. (...) On ne trouvera rien ici d'un manuel didactique. Je me suis simplement proposé de consacrer un essai de synthèse à l'un des sujets les plus intéressants de l'histoire sociale de l'Europe. J'espère que l'on m'excusera de n'avoir pu résister à la tentation de décrire, après de longues années de recherches spéciales, les grands mouvements de l'évolution urbaine depuis la fin de l'Antiquité jusque vers le milieu du XIIe siècle" - H. PirenneConsidéré comme l'inspirateur de l'école historique française dite École des Annales, Henri Pirenne (1862-1935) était un médiéviste belge dont la contribution à l'histoire médiévale reste essentielle.Le texte qui figure dans cette édition est suivi par un article intitulé "Villes, marchés et marchands au moyen âge", publié dans la Revue Historique en 1898.

  • - Illustré
    av Henri Pirenne

    L'ouvrage qui suit est l'une des oeuvres majeures de l'historien belge Henri Pirenne qui examine ici l'histoire de l'Europe depuis les invasions barbares jusqu'au XVIe siècle. Plusieurs thèmes y sont abordés, tels que l'effondrement de l'Empire romain et les invasions barbares, le rôle de l'Église ou bien encore l'émergence du système féodal et plus tard des États-Nations. Il s'agit ici d'une analyse approfondie de l'histoire de l'Europe médiévale et de sa transition vers l'époque moderne, analyse dont la force est de mettre en évidence les interactions complexes entre les forces politiques, économiques, sociales et culturelles qui ont façonné le continent européen.

  • - A Romance of Riches
    av Marie Corelli
    250 - 368,-

    Enter the enchanting world of 19th-century England through the pen of Marie Corelli in her timeless classic, "The Treasure of Heaven." This captivating tale follows the protagonist on a quest for a true friend amidst the tumult of Victorian society. As the protagonist navigates the complexities of human relationships and societal expectations, they are drawn into a world where the pursuit of genuine connection becomes paramount.Through Corelli's evocative prose, readers are transported to a realm where the bonds of friendship transcend the barriers of class and circumstance. Alongside themes of beauty, passion, and moral ambiguity, the narrative explores the profound longing for companionship and understanding.As the story unfolds, readers are swept along on a journey filled with twists and turns, where the true treasure lies not in material wealth, but in the bonds of friendship forged along the way. As you journey through the pages of "The Treasure of Heaven," prepare to be mesmerized by Corelli's unparalleled storytelling prowess. This timeless tale will linger in your mind long after the final chapter has been read.

  • av Gustave le Bon
    225 - 368,-

  • av Martin Luther

    "Diesen Katechismus oder christliche Lehre in solche kleine, schlichte, einfältige Form zu stellen, hat mich gezwungen und gedrungen die klägliche, elende Not, so ich neulich erfahren habe, da ich auch ein Visitator war. Hilf, lieber Gott, wie manchen Jammer habe ich gesehen, dass der gemeine Mann doch so gar nichts weiß von der christlichen Lehre, sonderlich auf den Dörfern, und leider viel Pfarrherren fast ungeschickt und untüchtig sind zu lehren, und sollen doch alle Christen heißen, getauft sein und der heiligen Sakramente genießen, können weder Vaterunser noch den Glauben oder die zehn Gebote, leben dahin wie das liebe Vieh und unvernünftige Säue und, nun das Evangelium gekommen ist, dennoch fein gelernet haben, alle Freiheit meisterlich zu missbrauchen." M. LutherDer Kleine Katechismus ist eine kurze Schrift, die Martin Luther 1529 als Einführung in den christlichen Glauben verfasst hat. Über Jahrhunderte war er nicht nur in den lutherischen Kirchen, sondern auch in den öffentlichen Schulen in evangelischen Gebieten eins der wichtigsten Unterrichtsmittel; auch jetzt noch wird er in lutherischen und unierten Kirchen oft im Konfirmandenunterricht benutzt. Neben der Confessio Augustana gehört er in allen lutherischen Kirchen zu den Bekenntnisschriften, die Grundlage der kirchlichen Lehre sind.

  • - Großdruck-Ausgabe
    av Stefan Zweig

    Die Handlung spielt in einem mondänen Kurort, wo der Baron den Sommer mit seiner Frau verbringt. Der Fokus liegt auf der Beziehung zwischen dem Baron und einem mysteriösen Jungen namens Edgar, der mit seiner Mutter ebenfalls im Kurort weilt. Ein "brennendes Geheimnis" entfaltet sich, als der Baron versucht, die Aufmerksamkeit und Zuneigung des Jungen zu gewinnen.Die Geschichte erforscht Themen wie Liebe, Eifersucht und die Ambivalenz menschlicher Beziehungen. Stefan Zweig meistert es, die Spannung und den psychologischen Druck zwischen den Charakteren geschickt darzustellen. Das Buch bietet einen tiefen Einblick in die menschliche Natur und die Komplexität der zwischenmenschlichen Beziehungen.

  • av Martin Luther

    The Small Catechism authored by Martin Luther stands as a seminal work, laying the groundwork for Protestant teachings and succinctly encapsulating Luther's theology. In this enduring text, Luther presents a systematic exposition of essential Christian doctrine, grounded in Scripture and the teachings of the early church. Through a series of catechetical questions and answers, he elucidates the significance of the Ten Commandments, the Apostles' Creed, the Lord's Prayer, and the sacraments of Baptism.Beyond mere instruction, the Small Catechism serves as a theological primer, equipping believers with a robust framework for understanding and articulating their faith. Luther's lucid explanations and pastoral insights offer practical guidance for Christian living, emphasizing the centrality of grace, faith, and the Word of God.As a foundational text of Lutheran theology and a touchstone for Protestant Christianity, The Small Catechism continues to exert profound influence on theological education, church practice, and spiritual formation.

  • av Gnb

    Aprender portugués - AnimalesLibro ilustrado para niños bilingües - Español / Portugués - con pronunciaciones

  • av Gnb

    Aprender turco - AnimalesLibro ilustrado para niños bilingües - Español / Turco - con pronunciaciones

  • av Gnb

    Aprender polaco - AnimalesLibro ilustrado para niños bilingües - Español / Polaco - con pronunciaciones

  • av Gnb

    Aprender alemán - AnimalesLibro ilustrado para niños bilingües - Español / Alemán - con pronunciaciones

  • av Gnb

    Learn norwegian - AnimalsPicture book for bilingual kids - English / Norwegian - with pronunciations

  • av Gnb

    Aprender italiano - AnimalesLibro ilustrado para niños bilingües - Español / Italiano - con pronunciaciones

  • av Saint Pie X

    "La nécessité de pourvoir autant que possible à la formation religieuse des enfants nous a porté à publier un catéchisme qui expose d'une manière claire les éléments de la sainte foi et les vérités divines sur lesquelles doit se régler la vie de tout chrétien." Saint Pie XLe Grand Catéchisme de Saint Pie X est composé de 5 parties précédées d'une leçon préliminaire sur la doctrine chrétienne: 1. Le symbole des Apôtres ou Credo.2. La prière.3. Les commandements de Dieu et de l'Église.4. Les sacrements.5. Les principales vertus et les autres choses qu'un chrétien doit savoir.

  • av Gnb

    Aprender catalán - AnimalesLibro ilustrado para niños bilingües - Español / Catalán - con pronunciaciones

  • av Gnb

    Aprender inglés - AnimalesLibro ilustrado para niños bilingües - Español / Inglés - con pronunciaciones

  • av Gnb

    Learn romanian - AnimalsPicture book for bilingual kids - English / Romanian - with pronunciations

  • av Gnb

    Aprender vietnamita - AnimalesLibro ilustrado para niños bilingües - Español / Vietnamita - con pronunciaciones

  • av Gnb

    Aprender francés - AnimalesLibro ilustrado para niños bilingües - Español / Francés - con pronunciaciones

  • av Gnb

    Learn catalan - AnimalsPicture book for bilingual kids - English / Catalan - with pronunciations

  • av Leonard William King
    178 - 280,-

  • av James H. Brookes
    178 - 280,-

  • av Gnb

    Learn vietnamese - Fruits and vegetablesPicture book for bilingual kids - English / Vietnamese - with pronunciations

  • av Gnb

    Learn catalan - Fruits and vegetablesPicture book for bilingual kids - English / Catalan - with pronunciations

  • av Gnb

    Learn polish - AnimalsPicture book for bilingual kids - English / Polish - with pronunciations

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