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Bøker utgitt av AEI Press

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  • - Federal Policies and Programmes
    av John C. Weicher

    This book focuses on the two main purposes of government housing policy: enabling the poor to live in decent housing and increasing the opportunities for homeownership for lower- and middle-income groups.

  • - The Long-term Agenda

  • av Walter Berns & Etc.

  • - A Time of Turbulence

    This volume presents the edited proceedings of a conference sponsored by the American Enterprise Institute.

  • av Willett Thomas D. Willett, Haberler Gottfried Haberler & Amacher Ryan C. Amacher


    This is the seventh volume of AEI's annual series on Contemporary Economic Problems.

  • - Where They Stand
    av AEI (Associazione Elettronica ed Elettrotechnica Italiana)

    "Nine issues ... to address emerged from a series of conferences held during AEI's annual public policy week in mid-December 1979."

  • - Software and Biotechnology

    In this volume, leading scholars tackle the debate over intellectual property rights in high-technology industries and express their views on how to improve the current system.


    This volume explores the claims of proponents of free-trade areas and analyzes two principal initiatives associated with recent US trade policy: NAFTA and APEC. The authors conclude that the US should reject preferential trading in favour of the more beneficial goal of non-preferential trading.

  • - A View from the Inner City
    av Robert L. Woodson

    Proceedings of a conference sponsored by the American Enterprise Institute and held in Washington, May 1980.

  • - The Growing Use of Direct Democracy

    This book analyzes the strengths and weaknesses of the referendum and the initiative and how they fit the requirements of democratic ideals.

  • - Mismeasurement and Misrule
    av Nicholas Eberstadt

    This book examines the facts and figures that have led to government measures that have been unhelpful or injurious to their intended beneficiaries.

  • av Henry N. Butler & Larry Ribstein

    The authors relate current arguments to traditional ideas of republicanism and democracy and compare them with the Revolution, Civil War, and civil rights and suffrage movements.


    What is the relationship between democratic government and a capitalist economic system?

  • av Christina Hoff Sommers

    Are women victims of a widespread bias in science and engineering, as a 2007 report of the National Academy of Sciences concluded? Or are there other, more plausible explanations for the paucity of women in various quantitative fields? This book presents a collection of essays on both sides of the issue.

  • - Problem or Cure?
    av Charles W. Calomiris & Joseph R. Mason

    The authors weigh the functions of this industry, its practices and policies, and the changing nature of the consumer finance marketplace to determine whether limiting such lending would serve the public interest.


    This monograph assesses how the adverse health implications associated with regulatory costs can affect mortality risk by considering a broad group of federal regulations.


    This book analyzes the elections that were widely expected to bring the left to power in France. Instead they gave the center-right coalition a slim lead in the popular vote and a decisive majority in the National Assembly.

  • - Competition and the American Hospital
    av David Dranove & William D. White

    This study examines how hospitals have evolved since 1975.

  • av James Q. Wilson

    While many Americans live in conditions of prosperity, a second nationwhere illegitimacy, child and drug abuse, violence, criminality, and other social ills proliferateis growing within.

  • - The Influence of Changing Opportunities and Choices
    av Robert H. Haveman

    The author analyzes the change in male earnings inequality since the mid-1970s to see how much is attributable to changes in labor market opportunities

  • - A Critique and Some Proposals
    av George J. Benston

    This study explains why financial services have for centuries been regulated to a greater extent than are most products that do not directly affect people's health or safety.

  • - A Global Persepctive
    av Robert W. Hahn

    This pioneering study uses the latest available data to examine the internationalization of regulation and regulatory reform.

  • - America's Failure to Defeat Saddam Hussein
    av David Wurmser

    This book argues that current policy, even if invigorated by more aggressive military efforts, will not bring the United States victory over Saddam and his regime.

  • av Scott E. Harrington & Patricia M. Danzon

    The authors demonstrate how regulation intended to control costs can exacerbate cost growth by subsidizing high-risk activities and firms at the expense of low-risk activities and firms.

  • - A Tragedy in the Making
    av Anne O. Krueger

    The author argues that American productivity and living standards, along with those of other countries, will improve only with a renewed commitment to open multilateral trade.

  • - Private Contracts as Instruments of Health Reform
    av Clark C. Havighurst

    This book provides a point of view on the debate about health care delivery in the U.S., particularly in light of the debate surrounding the Patient Protection Act.


    This book is a collection of essays on proposals to provide tax incentives to stimulate the growth of high-technology firms.

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