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Bøker utgitt av Aarhus University Press

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  • - Danish Economic Crisis Policy 1974-1979 in Comparative Perspective
    av Peter Nannestad


    An exploration of a rich equestrian burial from the 10th century excavated near Skanderborg, Denmark.

  • av Kirsten Frandsen

  • av Henrik Poulsen

    Conation is defined in this study as a striving that may manifest itself in consciousness as volition or desire, or in behaviour as action. The author argues that conation is even more fundamental than cognition, in as much as true cognition has developed on the basis of conative activities.

  • av Torben Clausen

  • av Hans Henrik Knoop

  • - 1000 Ar Pa Kanten af Europa
    av Carsten Fenger-Gron & Malene Fenger-Grondahl

  • - Ranked Exchange on Rossel Island
    av John Liep

  • - The Small World of Dion Chrysostomos
    av Tonnes Bekker-Nielsen

    Explores the interplay of formal politics with informal factors such as social prejudice, parochialism and personal rivalries in the cities of northwestern Asia Minor from the first to the fifth centuries AD. This book presents an analysis of the municipal speeches and career of the philosopher-politician Dion Chrysostomos.

  • av Lise Bek

    Denne bog ser på forholdet mellem virkelighed og kunst. Kunsten kan ses som forsøg på at fortolke præcis den virkelighed, enhver tidsalder, ethvert menneske gør til sin, og kan således bruges til at opfange glimtet af den virkelighed som er aktuel i et givent øjeblik, og fastholde den billede i et mere varig, om end ikke evigtgyldig skikkelse. Lise Bek ser på samspillet mellem visualitet og betydning i et kunstværk ved hjælp af en lang række eksempler lige fra stenalderens dyrebilleder til postmodernismens sætten spørgsmålstegn ved selve begrebet billede. Reality in the Mirror og Art er en udvidet, opdateret engelsk udgave af den roste, nu udsolgte, Kunsten i virkelighedens spejl.

  • - a lithic analysis of the prehistoric transition to agriculture in Southern Scandinavia
    av Michael Stafford

  • - Japanese education reform
    av Marie H. Roesgaard

    The Japanese educational system is admired and envied for its success in producing a well-educated population and contributing to the spectacular post-war industrialization and modernization of Japan. It is also criticized for inhibiting creativity and spontaneity, seen as crucial talents in the information age. In this book, Marie H. ROesgaard first gives a survey of the Japanese education system from 1868 to 1984, then continues with a detailed discussion of the debate following the reports of the National Council on Education Reform. The NCER´s conclusions, echoing educational reports world wide, stressed the need for more individuality in the system of schooling, and the need to develop an international sense among the pupils.

  • av Jens Christensen

  • - An empirical modelling approach
    av Christian Damgaard

    Som Christian Damgaards afhandling viser, har nye og langt mere kraftige computere nu gjort det muligt på en helt anderledes måde at indarbejde specifikke biologiske oplysninger om fx planter og plantesamfund i de matematiske modeller. Dermed er det også blevet muligt for forskerne at få langt mere præcise svar, når de tester specifikke biologiske hypoteser. For eksempel kan forskerne nu beregne sandsynligheden for, at to plantearter vil kunne leve i balance med hinanden. Dette vil direkte kunne bruges i risikovurderingen af fx genetisk modificerede planter. Koblingen mellem relativt komplicerede biologiske modeller og oplysninger om de faktiske forhold i naturen vil uden tvivl føre til store erkendelsesmæssige skred i forståelsen af planteøkologi i de kommende år.

  • av Johan Henrik Schreiner

    The first historian to record the period from the Persian Wars to 431 BC was Hellanikos, the author of a now lost History of Anthens from its mythical origins through the fifth century BC. According to Hellanikos, there was one war between Athens and Sparta from 431 to 421 and another from 412 to 404, and the first of these two wars was the outcome of events which took place in the 430s. THukydides, writing a monograph on a war he sought to establish as the most disastrous to date, criticised Hellanikos as chronologically inaccurate and lacking an appreciation of the impact of a stronger Athens. Thukydides asserted that there was only one war, beginning in 431 and ending in 404. It cause was the growth of Athens following the Persian Wars, and the fear which that growth inspired in Sparta.

  • - English, India, Culture
    av Prem Poddar

    What is the relationship between the British colonial project and English literature in India? How did official pronouncements on the role of English in culture and education help define modern India? How can postcolonial theory contribute towards an understanding of this history and its aftermath? In this historical study, Prem Poddar shows how colonisers and the nationalists who succeeded them tended to inhabit the same discursive space. True difference and heterogeneity became the first casualty in the name of a united nation. The book details the ´civil violence´ of such policies in independent India. If the study of English is to remain relevant in ex-colonies like India, Poddar argues, it must take cognisance of postcolonial critiques that recognise other voices and locate English literature in its varied cultural and historical contexts. Violent Civilities will speak most obviously to scholars of English, India or postcolonial studies. But it is also for anyone interested in how contemporary academe can negotiate the relationship between national identity, language and culture.

  • av Ole Borre, Sushil R. Panday & Chitra K. Tiwari

    This book contains the first comprehensive study of Nepalese voters. Sponsored by Danish Development Aid, it is based on hour-long interviews with one thousand Nepalese voters spread over the Himalayan kingdom . The survey was conducted immediately after the general election in May 1991, the first election to take place under the multiparty system which was introduced after the mass uprising in April 1990. The study registers the political attitudes prevailing in the Nepalese society, the voters´ perceptions of political problems, their evaluations of party differences, their participation in the election campaign and eventual partisan choice.

  • - the concept of crisis in the light of agrarian structural reorganization in late medieval England
    av Nils Hybel

  • - Acts of an International Conference at the Danish Institute at Athens, 30 January-1 February 2015

    A critical examination of the use of the koine concept as a heuristic tool.

  • - Signal, Pixel, Diagram
    av Bodil Marie Stavning Thomsen

    Danish director Lars von Trier has produced more than 20 films since his first appearance with The Elements of Crime in 1984. One of the most acknowledged – and most controversial – film directors of our time, Trier’s films often escape the representational production of meaning. In Lars von Trier’s Renewal of Film 1984-2014. Signal, Pixel, Diagram scholar Bodil Marie Stavning Thomsen offers a comprehensive discussion of Lars von Trier’s collected works. Examining Trier’s experiments with narrative forms, genre, camera usage, light, and colour tones, she shows how Trier’s unique ethically involving style activates the viewer’s entire perception apparatus. In understanding this affective involvement, the author frames the discussion around concepts from Gilles Deleuze, Alois Riegl, Brian Massumi and others on the haptic image, the diagram, affect and the signaletic material.

  • - The Christian Theology of N.F.S. Grundtvig
    av Niels Henrik Gregersen

    The Christian Church and the People's Culture (1825-56) 12 essays and articles, including Grundtvig's reflections on his trial for libel and his promotion of freedom in the Church.

  • - Ertebolle Fishers and Hunters on Djursland
    av Søren H. Andersen

  • - Research Methods & Approaches in Social Work Research
    av Inge M Bryderup

  • - Tracing Cultural Continuity & Invention

  • av Flemming Hojlund

  • - Reports of the Danish Archaeological Expedition to Bodrum
    av Poul Pederson

  • - The Roman Plaster Cast Market, 1750-1840 (three-volume set)
    av Jan zahle
    1 098,-

    Afstobningssamling (the Royal Cast Collection), Jan Zahle, presents a complete mapping and reevaluation of Thorvaldsens Museum's cast collection. With Zahle's research of the collection, the Roman market for casts and their importance for Thorvaldsen's art, a completely new base has been created for studying cast collections.

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