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  • av Zacharias Tanee Fomum

    The book of Ephesians, on which this study is based, was not written to independent individuals. It was written to the church. All of God's power is available to us in the context of the church.Total power was manifested in Christ, the Head of the church. After that, God has purposed that His total power would be manifested not in the arm, foot or eye, but in the whole body; the body of Christ, which is the church.The church is not a human creation. The church is not a creation of the apostles. The church is the creation of the Triune God. The church was in the mind of the Triune God-Father, Son and Holy Spirit - from the very beginning.The purposes of God are tied to the church. The exaltation of Christ has the church in view. It has nothing else in view. In a sense, He has only the church in mind. He does not have individual believers in mind, even if they are very consecrated and holy.Unless I find my place in the church, in the local context, I have missed it all; I am out of His purpose. Unless I see myself, my character, and my work, in the context of that which God has set Christ as head, I have missed it. It is from this perspective that the Lord Jesus could say, ...I will build my church, and the powers of death shall not prevail against it (Matthew 16:16).

  • av Zacharias Tanee Fomum

    If you remove idols from your heart, the Holy Spirit will fill you. If you leave the idols there, the Holy Spirit will also leave you alone. What will you do with the idols in your heart?Do you know what took away the love that you had for Jesus? It could be a more dangerous situation not to know what took away your first love for Him. If you do not know, how then will you be restored? If you know what stood between the Lord and you, put it away immediately. Do not relent until the barrier or barriers are removed.God follows a specific pattern to prepare people for service. First, the blood of the Lamb and then the anointing of the Holy Spirit. In preparation for Pentecost, firstly you need cleansing by the blood, then the anointing of the Holy Spirit can come. The cleansing power of the blood must cleanse a life before the Holy Spirit falls on that life.Where the blood has cleansed, the Spirit may fall! What qualifies a person for the anointing of the Holy Spirit is the cleansing by the blood of the Lamb. Total filling requires total cleansing!It is self-seduction to expose and repent of some sins but leave others, while expecting to be totally filled. Until the blood has cleansed, the oil cannot come. We repeat, the Holy Spirit can only fall upon the person who has been cleansed by the blood.

  • av Zacharias Tanee Fomum

    In this book, the author, Z.T. Fomum, highlights the need for God to have men and women determined and committed to the triumph and glory of God. He's looking for people who are ready for critical battles requiring faith and obedience.The author explains that the Lord is looking for groups of individual overcomers that He will use. Ultimately, He wants the whole Body, the Bride of His Son, to be committed to establishing the kingdom of God on earth through their lives of sacrifice and total surrender.All this is illustrated bythe life of Gideon and the 300 overcomers,the life of an individual overcomer like Caleb,an overcomer at work like Joshua, and then, finally,the church and the overcomers.This book is a real instrument of revival in order to lead each saint to cooperate with the Holy Spirit toovercome the flesh and its desires,overcome the world and its desires,overcome the devil and his inspired desires.

  • av Zacharias Tanee Fomum

    God gives limitless authority to those whom He places in leadership. He backs them without any reservation but judges them with the greatest severity. Divine privileges carry with them great responsibilities.Are you a spiritual leader at any level?Is someone looking up to you to lead them to Christ or along the Christian way?Has God called you to lead one or more people out of the captivity of sin and self into the fullness of the obedient and sanctified life?Are you at a loss on how to become and continue to be the spiritual leader that God meant you to be?In Spiritual Leadership in the Pattern of Moses, the author, Z.T. Fomum, will take you through the necessary ingredients required to build the leadership wealth that sets you apart and promotes a mere seeker after God into a spiritual leader. He highlights twelve different sources of rebellion among God's people and their causes and provides godly solutions/pathways for each type.If you are looking for divine guidance in spiritual leadership delegation and succession or leadership perils and how to avoid them, then this is the book you need.From another angle, the author demonstrates that leadership is conditioned on a life sacrificed, spent, and sold out for others. It all starts with a deep and intimate knowledge of God, without which all spiritual leadership exercised would be from skill, talent, or natural endowment. Such can never satisfy God's heart; neither can it lead God's people to their destiny.If God has called you to lead one or more people, then this is a must-read for you!

  • av Zacharias Tanee Fomum

    In this book: A Word to the Students, Professor Fomum, based on his personal testimony, makes it clear that the student life is not incompatible with a rich spiritual life. Rather, academic excellence depends on the priority the student gives to God during his student years.This book overturns many misconceptions supported by Christians to justify their mediocrity at the University. Indeed, the student years are the most determinant because it is the time a person ought to walk with God with all his strength and invest his all in his studies.The author argues that the best certificates are for believers, and gives the secret in this book. Indeed, if God has destined you for university studies, you have to honour Him by putting in your best efforts to achieve the results that God expects of you.Among the obstacles to a successful academic life, the author cites, among others,The lack of a sense of destiny,Emotional entanglementEtc.Read this book, and may you be blessed.

  • av Zacharias Tanee Fomum

    God created man in His image and likeness but when man sinned, he became susceptible to diseases and infirmities some of which medical science has failed to treat. Worse still, sin will take the sinner to hell unless he repents radically.The son of man, the Lord Jesus came to seek and to save what was lost.In this action-packed book, Professor Fomum shares some of the lessons the Lord is teaching him. The fact that God ordainedsalvation from sin,healing of all sickness,freedom from curses and demons, anda life of blessingsas one complete package paid for by the Lord Jesus.Using examples from the old and New Testament and also the fruit of his ministry, this book is a powerful witness to the living, healing, and abiding grace of God in the lives of His people.

  • av Zacharias Tanee Fomum

    ''... I was praying in my room at 5 pm, yearning for the supernatural power that would allow me to preach at a 'Christian union' meeting at Makerere University, Kampala, Uganda. I didn't expect anything in particular other than reassurance that the Lord would come with us to this meeting. I hadn't prayed for more than five minutes yet when suddenly I found myself praying out loud, actually shouting praises to God in other tongues ...'' We take these words from author Z.T. Fomum describing his experience of the baptism into the Holy Spirit, which was followed by tremendous success in the ministry of evangelism. This experience of the author justifies the publication of this book in which is all the advice needed to be baptised in the Holy Spirit and to remain there.

  • av Zacharias Tanee Fomum

    In a world where the church often appears powerless and believers' lives contradict their proclaimed faith, a desperate need for spiritual power arises. Z.T. Fomum reveals that this power, originating from the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit, holds the key to embodying the character and deeds of Christ.However, many believers find themselves standing powerless in the face of afflictions, demons, and doubt. Fomum challenges the prevailing reliance on human techniques and organizations, urging a return to the power of God's presence. Through heartfelt prayers, deep immersion in the Word, and a pursuit of holiness, readers will discover the channels that beckon divine intervention.The Way of Spiritual Power emphasizes the necessity of embracing holiness and obedience on this journey. The author demonstrates that those who surrender their lives to the Lord and cooperate with Him will experience the transformative might of spiritual power. With each step forward, their understanding of the Lord and His awe-inspiring abilities will deepen.This book serves as a catalyst to awaken a profound hunger for the Lord and His matchless power. Its pages inspire a remarkable journey where the ordinary becomes extraordinary, and the presence of God manifests in every aspect of life.

  • av Zacharias Tanee Fomum

    This is one of the most serious books the author has written!"To sin willfully is to crucify anew the Son of God! Do you want to be responsible for such a thing? If you do such a thing, it may be impossible for you to be brought back to repentance. You should be wise and turn away completely from the sin before you. If you commit it, it could be the end of your life!"These are heavy words indeed. We quote these words from Z.T. Fomum, the author, praying that they should have the intended effect on you.It is a scary thing for anyone to know that an act may be final and fatal but still commit it willfully. For anyone to know that a sin could lead him to death, and still commit it, that person is idiotic or suicidal!This book can help you reconsider the gravity of sin in order to make progress in the path of sanctification that Christ, by His death on the cross, acquired for you. We highly recommend this book!

  • av Zacharias Tanee Fomum

    This book is the fifth in the series ''God sex and you." From an impeccable knowledge, understanding, and mastery of the Scriptures, the author, Professor Z.T. Fomum, argues convincingly that, as the king of the household, the prophet, and the priest of his wife, a man is solely responsible for the success of the marriage according to God's bidding.The need arises for the husband to put his 'self' under control, to love his wife as Christ loved the Church, to have a supreme goal, and to pray and fast for her.Every man is to love his wife using God's evaluation system in the Bible. Many marriages fail because the partners are using personal, traditional, customary, or modern evaluation systems.This book can make you wise onto salvaging and saving your marriage, for those who are married and providing a solid foundation for those who will marry one day.

  • av Zacharias Tanee Fomum

    If your heart is not correct towards money, it will be correct in nothing else!The Bible is a textbook on money; in fact, there are 700 references about money in the Bible thus making it one of the few subjects in the Scripture that receives such attention. In this book, the author, Z.T. Fomum, exposes the relationship betweenGod's financial principles and walking with Him.Financial poverty and spiritual dryness.Debt and leakage into a man's spiritual System.The giver and receiver of loans.Through personal experience and from a few living testimonies, Prof. Fomum presents the pathway to total deliverance from the horror that debts bring upon a child of God and his progeny.May the Lord, through this book, meet you at your point of greatest need.

  • av Zacharias Tanee Fomum

    This book by Prof. Fomum treats the way of salvation, notably:God's original purpose in the creation of man.The tragic sin of man and its consequences in time and in eternity.The unparalleled love of God manifested in the redemptive love of Christ on the cross for rebellious man.The sinner's response to God through repentance towards God and faith in Jesus Christ.The victorious new life in Christ.Read it and experience in a new way the love of God for you.Give a copy to your friend, spouse, neighbor, colleague, parents, etc. and they will be blessed.

  • av Zacharias Tanee Fomum

    Ученичество любой ценой - самая первая книга, написанная профессором Фомумом, когда он начинал свою деятельность в качестве христианского автора, в 1976 году. Таким образом, эта книга отражает первоначальный замысел автора.Как ясно указано в книге, основное послание профессора Фомума не изменилось. С самого начала он говорил о силе полной отдачи со стороны человека. И по сей день его послание все еще о той же силе.В этой книге рассматриваются следующие темы цена, которую нужно заплатить, чтобы быть учеником, основы жизни ученика, цель жизни ученика, страдания ученика, инаграда ученика.Прочтите эту книгу, вам будет брошен вызов, и вы вдохновитесь следовать за Господом всем сердцем.

  • av Zacharias Tanee Fomum

    Эта книга Путь жизни - первая по счету в серии книг, рассматривает тему "Путь в христианскую жизнь - Путь к Иисусу Христу - Путь к Богу - Путь жизни."Она написана специально для того, чтобы помочь тебе найти Господа Иисуса. Отдай себя Ему, и тогда ты действительно начнешь жить. Пока ты читаешь, мы поощряем тебя дойти до самого конца, а также ответить на все вопросы в конце каждой главы.Наша молитва о том, чтобы к тому времени, как ты закончишь чтение этой книги, ты вступил бы в живые взаимоотношения с Иисусом, и тогда ты тоже сможешь сказать Иисус - мой Спаситель.Пусть Бог благословит тебя обильно!

  • av Zacharias Tanee Fomum

    Nowadays, many marriages are failing, and even some marriages of true believers are broken or in disarray.The reason is that many wives have missed the divine model for a successful marriage.What is a successful marriage?What's the role of the wife in ensuring a successful marriage?Indeed, the wife is called to be a suitable helper for her husband. She is called to assist him in fulfilling God's call in his life.In this book, we study the requirements for becoming and remaining a suitable helper. When a wife becomes and continues to be a suitable helper for her husband, she brings her full contribution to make their marriage a success.We publish this book, praying that it will be used by the Holy Spirit to transform some broken or breaking marriages into successful marriages; and that it will transform all happy marriages into successful marriages for the glory of the Lord and the advancement of the Gospel.

  • av Zacharias Tanee Fomum

    In this book, Z.T. Fomum talks about stewardship to the Lord manifested in giving to God. Stewardship means we give Him back everything because all we are, will ever be; all we have and will ever have, belong to Him.The author puts forth consecration as a fundamental prerequisite for a financial sacrifice to God and His work that is approved. God is interested first and foremost in you, before your sacrifice.The author also highlights the benefits of consecration. Consecration enables us to belong to the Lord together with our tithes. It is, therefore, necessary to know the fullness of the Holy Spirit and deliverance from the world's system as well as freedom from the "Self".Gifts to God and to the work of God are true investments in heaven. They move God to release abundant blessings for believers who give; especially if they give with love, established in a covenant with God.This is an important book that is easy to read and has a clear message.

  • av Zacharias Tanee Fomum

    S¿ tr¿ nên môn ¿¿ b¿ng b¿t c¿ giá nào là cün sách ¿¿u tiên ¿¿¿c giáo s¿ Fomum vi¿t khi ông b¿t ¿¿u là m¿t tác gi¿ C¿ ¿¿c vào n¿m 1976. Vì v¿y, cün sách này ph¿n ánh t¿ t¿¿ng ban ¿¿u c¿a tác gi¿.Nh¿ ¿ã ¿¿¿c trình bày rõ ràng trong sách, s¿ ¿i¿p c¿ b¿n c¿a Giáo s¿ Formum không thay ¿¿i. Ngay t¿ ¿¿u, nó là s¿c m¿nh c¿a t¿t c¿ c¿a m¿t ng¿¿i. Ngày nay nó v¿n là s¿c m¿nh c¿a t¿t c¿ c¿a m¿t ng¿¿i.Các ch¿ ¿¿ khác nhau ¿¿¿c ¿¿ c¿p trong sách này là:giá ph¿i tr¿ ¿¿ tr¿ thành môn ¿¿nh¿ng n¿n t¿ng c¿a ¿¿i s¿ng môn ¿¿m¿c ¿ích c¿a ¿¿i s¿ng môn ¿¿.s¿ ch¿u kh¿ c¿a môn ¿¿ vàph¿n th¿¿ng c¿a môn ¿¿.¿¿c sách này b¿n s¿ ¿¿¿c thách th¿c và khích l¿ ¿¿ h¿t lòng ¿i theo Chúa.

  • av Zacharias Tanee Fomum

    În aceast¿ carte prof. Forum descrie modul în care omul este mântuit, în special:Scopul original a lui Dumnezeu în crearea omului.Tragedia p¿catului omului ¿i consecin¿ele ei de-a lungul timpului ¿i în ve¿nicie.Dragostea incomparabil¿ a lui Dumnezeu manifestat¿ prin iubirea r¿scump¿r¿toare a lui Cristos, de la cruce, pentru omul r¿zvr¿tit.R¿spunsul p¿c¿tosului la lucrarea lui Dumnezeu prin p¿c¿in¿¿ ¿i credin¿¿ în Isus Cristos.Noua viä¿ victorioas¿ în Cristos.Cite¿te aceast¿ carte ¿i experimenteaz¿ într-un mod nou dragostea lui Dumnezeu fä¿ de tine!D¿ruie¿te un exemplar din aceast¿ carte ¿i unui prieten , so¿ului t¿u, vecinului t¿u, colegului t¿u, p¿rin¿ilor t¿i ¿i altora ca s¿ fie ¿i ei binecuvântäi.

  • av Zacharias Tanee Fomum

    Denne boken er ikke skrevet til å bevise teoretisk kunnskap om Guds synspunkt om emne. Det handler om å bringe den troende inn i den åndelige opplevelsen av det hellige livet.Det er en dybdestudie av kapittel 6 og 7 i romerbrevet. Den troende blir frelst fra konsekvensene av synd. Derfor kan han oppleve utfrielse fra synd og syndens makt på daglig basis.Denne boken svarer på to grunnleggende spørsmål og, i utvidelse, alle de som er relatert til dem:Hvordan ble vi syndere?Hvordan kan vi komme ut av Adams natur?Hvordan kan vi bli en slave for rettferdighet?Hvordan kan vi opplever å vandre ved Ånden?Det er også i denne boken at du kan oppdage den Åndelig betydelse av befrielse frar loven.Han er en sant og praktisk veiledning i helliggjørelse. Måtte Herren velsigne deg i sin lesning

  • av Zacharias Tanee Fomum

    You, Your Team, And Your Ministry is a powerful guide for anyone looking to excel as a leader. Written by author Z.T. Fomum, this book emphasizes the importance of building a strong team for success in ministry. The author recognizes that a leader cannot work alone and must have a group of people working alongside him to advance God's purposes.Fomum explores the qualities of life that God demands of a leader and the importance of being a role model. He emphasizes that the leader's lifestyle and communication skills will determine the success of their team. He also provides a set of doctrinal tips necessary for the leader, their team, and their ministry, making this book a valuable resource for anyone looking to improve their leadership skills.Whether you are a seasoned leader or just starting out, the practical advice and deep insights in this book will help you build a strong team that will help you achieve your ministry goals.

  • av Zacharias Tanee Fomum

    As an apostle of prayer, Professor Fomum traveled widely among the nations teaching the church on prayer. This book is a compilation of the teachings he gave in India in 1999.It was born from a burden arising because of the lack of prayer among many leaders and believers. It was also orchestrated by the ignorance and helplessness of the Church in India as to the all-important issue of prayer.The church has the kind of leaders that its prayers have produced. When there's no abundant and abounding prayer, the church has leaders who love sin.It is therefore urgent that the church in the world and in the nations should act together with God through prayer.This book is a true heart cry to awaken and move men: believers, leaders, and churches to pray abundantly and intensively.Read it and surrender yourself to be moved to meet this need of God.

  • av Zacharias Tanee Fomum

    "Ucenicie cu orice pre¿" este prima carte scris¿ de profesorul Fomum la începuturile sale ca autor cre¿tin în anul 1976. Prin urmare aceast¿ carte reflecta gândirea autentic¿ a autorului. Mesajul principal al profesorului Fomum pe care-l accentueaz¿ clar în carte,nu s-a schimbat. De la bun început, mesajul lui a fost despre puterea unui om totalmente dedicat lui Dumnezeu. În zilele noastre mesajul lui este despre omul dedicat deplin lui Cristos?Cartea abordeaz¿ diferite subiecte cum ar fi:care este pre¿ul pl¿tit de cre¿tin pentru a deveni un ucenic a lui Cristosce sta la baza unei ve¿i de uceniciecare este scopul ucenicului în viäasuferin¿ele unui ucenicr¿splat¿ uceniculuiCitind acesta carte vei fi provocat ¿i totodat¿ încurajat sa p¿¿e¿ti pe urmele Domnului Isus Cristos cu toat¿ inima.

  • av Zacharias Tanee Fomum

    Este libro trata de la liberación diaria del poder del pecado. Fue escrito para permitirte caminar por el Espíritu y por lo tanto no entregarte a los deseos de la carne. Fue escrito para enseñarte lo que puedes hacer para caminar diaria y continuamente en justicia, siendo liberado día trás día y hora trás hora, para que puedas pasar días, semanas, meses e incluso años sin cometer deliberadamente ningún pecado.Al leer este libro, oramos para que usted esté abierto al Espíritu Santo y coopere con Él, para que Él lo guíe primero a la crisis y luego al proceso de liberación del pecado. Esto efectivamente sucederá, y pronto te regocijarás en el hecho de que has pasado días, semanas e incluso meses sin pecar deliberadamente. ¡Esta es tu herencia!Levántate, lee el libro y entra en esta experiencia.

  • av Zacharias Tanee Fomum

    Ce livre peut changer toute une communauté. C'est un message révoltant et révolutionnaire.Ce livre parle du temps, que l'auteur, Z.T. Fomum, définit comme l'un des plus précieux dons que Dieu ait fait à l'homme.Le temps étant un don du Seigneur, l'auteur est convaincu que son utilisation correcte ne peut pas être séparée de la connaissance profonde de Dieu et de ses volontés.L'utilisation décente du temps passe par une rigoureuse planification de celui-ci à travers l'élaboration d'un emploi de temps qui consacre les meilleures heures aux choses prioritaires de la vie, conformément à la révélation de Dieu et de l'¿uvre que le Seigneur nous confie.Par une démonstration analytique avec des chiffres estimatifs probables, l'auteur nous convainc des dangers que comporte la perte du temps, même dans les proportions les plus infimes, tant dans le siècle présent que dans la gloire à venir.Vous y trouverez quelques comptes rendus de l'utilisation du temps, de l'auteur lui-même et d'autre personnes.

  • av Zacharias Tanee Fomum

    Nicodème-un éminent pharisien et un important chef religieux juif-est sans aucun doute l'un des personnages les plus mystérieux de la Bible. Il est venu rendre visite à Jésus secrètement, de nuit, et a reçu une instruction qui l'a rendu très perplexe. On lui dit : Il faut que tu naisses de nouveau ! Comme si Nicodème devait savoir exactement ce qu'Il voulait dire !Concrètement, que veut dire naître de nouveau ?Es-tu né de nouveau ?Dans ce livre, le professeur Z. T. Fomum présente, sans mâcher ses mots, le conseil plein et entier de Dieu pour ceux qui recherchent une union véritable et vitale avec Dieu. Il s'agit d'une histoire de rédemption entrecoupée de témoignages de deux hauts fonctionnaires qui ont rencontré le Sauveur, ont été transformés et n'ont plus jamais été les mêmes.Si tu cherches sincèrement la réconciliation et l'union avec Dieu, c'est le livre qu'il te faut ! Tu pourrais aussi brûler du désir de présenter le message complet et non dilué de la croix à un être cher, à un parent, à un ami ou à un collègue, mais tu ne sais pas comment t'y prendre. Ce livre répond à ce besoin. Il est ton éclaireur !Ose le lire !

  • av Zacharias Tanee Fomum

    Le professeur Z.T. Fomum présente dans cet ouvrage, premier d'une série de quatorze livres, la voie pour entrer dans une communion parfaite avec Dieu à travers le salut en Jésus Christ.Sont développés, dans ce livre, les raisons de la chute de l'homme, les tentatives de l'homme pour sortir de l'ancienne création où règnent la mort et le péché, et la voie de Dieu pour sortir de l'ancienne création, afin de connaitre une nouvelle vie en Jésus Christ.Vous y trouverez aussi les conseils spirituels pour établir le croyant dans l'assurance de son salut.L'auteur a également évoqué dans ce livre, les principaux points de la doctrine biblique:la rédemption, l'adoption, la justification, le rachat.Le livre est profond, puissant pour conduire à l'action par les multiples questions auxquelles le lecteur ou l'étudiant de la Bible doit répondre.

  • av Zacharias Tanee Fomum

    The content of this book centers around a crucial theme: "Dealing with the Self-life." Its message will help you comprehend the nature of the self-life and, more importantly, how to overcome its grip on your life.The author, Z.T. Fomum, imparts the revelation that God, the Lord of history, continually orchestrates events and circumstances to shape our destinies and propel us toward a future marked by divine purpose. You will be challenged to relinquish self-reliance and instead yield to the guidance of the Holy Spirit, recognizing the vital role of divine influence in leading a life pleasing to God.Could it be that you have grown comfortable, complacent, and passive in your spiritual journey? Then this book is a wake-up call for you! Awaken from your slumber, discard your indifferent attitude, and break free from the shackles of the self-life. Then you will embrace a selfless existence that will bring profound satisfaction to the heart of God and fulfill His purposes through your life and service.May you encounter a radical deliverance from the clutches of the self-life as you read this book!

  • av Zacharias Tanee Fomum

    Dr. Zacharias T. Fomum is a minister of the Word, and a scientist. He combines the teaching of organic chemistry at the University of Yaounde, Cameroon, West Africa, with the spiritual ministry of teaching the Word in many countries. He searches out facts and presents them in a teachable format.In expanded outline form, Dr. Fomum presents the Biblical teaching about who an intercessor is, what intercession is, and how an intercessor intercedes in this book entitled, The Art of Intercession.An intercessor then ... takes the sin of another upon himself... He pleads and labours with God until the guilty party is forgiven.Pointing to a great shortage of intercessors, the question is asked, "Does it matter to you?"Biblical teaching on intercession is covered in both the Old and New Testaments. Perhaps the greatest need of the Church today is that we be intercessors. Dr. Fomum examines the art of intercession as practised by Moses, Abraham, Daniel, Nehemiah, Paul, Epaphras and Jesus Himself.The challenge is disturbing as the reader realizes how short of the mark is even the most spiritual of Christians.Dr. Fomum practises what he teaches, as do some Churches in Cameroon. Who of us prays for several hours each day? Who of us fasts and prays in spiritual warfare for from 21-40 days at a time, several times per year?This book is MUST reading for the serious Christian.Dr. Lester Sumrall

  • av Zacharias Tanee Fomum

    Ce livre, La Pratique de l'Intercession, fait suite au livre: L'Art de l'Intercession, déjà en circulation. Il traite essentiellement des aspects pratiques du Ministère d'Intercession.Étape par étape, le Professeur Fomum nous fait passer par les différents stades d'intercession, à savoir, de l'intercesseur débutant à l'intercesseur avancé.L'intercesseur débutant aura des indications sur l'utilisation du temps, la discipline, le travail dur, la lecture de sa Bible, les retraites spirituelles, et bien d'autres aspects de la vie de l'intercesseur.Pour les plus avancés, il aborde des thèmes tels que le renversement des Autorités et des Principautés, et donne des indications sur la mise sur pied de chaînes de prière, ainsi que d'un ministère d'intercession à plein temps.Ce livre est écrit de manière que chaque chapitre peut être lu à part, car il est assez complet. Nous sommes convaincus que Dieu a un message dans ces chapitres pour t'encourager, te bénir et te défier.La prière est le travail le plus important sur terre. Les intercesseurs sont les gens les plus importants sur terre.Lis ce livre et engage-toi dans le ministère de l'intercession, faisant ainsi le plus grand bien au Royaume de Dieu, à l'Église, au monde, à ton continent, à ta nation, à ta ville, à ton église locale, à ta famille et à toi-même.

  • av Zacharias Tanee Fomum

    Un grand conseil de Dieu pour assurer ton succès à tous les niveaux.L'art de travailler dur est un véritable manuel révolutionnaire et incitatif à se défaire de la paresse pour travailler de toute notre force, afin d'accomplir le but pour lequel Dieu nous a créés.Il s'agit pour l'Auteur de nous faire comprendre qu'il est presque impossible de travailler dur sans un but en vue et que ce but doit être suffisamment grand pour nécessiter l'intervention de Dieu. De plus, il faut garder jalousement ce but en vue afin de ne pas le perdre, tout en planifiant son travail pour garantir sa réussite. Cependant, pour qu'un but soit accompli, il faut se déterminer à travailler sous pression, tout en pressant de l'avant.Fais de ce livre ton compagnon. C'est un grand conseil de Dieu pour assurer ton succès à tous les niveaux.

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