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  • av Zacharias Tanee Fomum

    This book can revolutionise the Church and help heal all forms of spiritual barrenness.The author, Z.T. Fomum, denounces the errors that hijack the Gospel message. He wants, through a reminder of fundamental truths, to bring the people of God back to a revolutionary conquest of souls. Why? Because evangelism is the act of presenting Jesus to a person who does not know Him, in a way that provokes a real encounter with Jesus.With God committed to this work, there is a need to walk and act in the power of the Holy Spirit. In this book, the reader will also find all the advice for approaching a soul and proclaiming the gospel with impact, as the author helps us to discover in the encounter between Jesus and the Samaritan woman.This book is a must-read!

  • av Zacharias Tanee Fomum

    This book is grounded in practicality. It underscores that the true test of a person's maturity is reflected in the harmony of their relationships, particularly with those in their inner circle. It teaches that maturity never leads to complacency; instead, it deepens respect and reverence as one draws closer to others.Addressing wounded relationships, the book challenges us to respond to dishonesty with unwavering honesty and respect. In essence, it encourages us to treat those who may have wronged us as if they were honest, much like the Lord Jesus did with Judas.Throughout The Cross in Personal Relationships, you will find profound insights on themes such as courtesy and gratitude, both pivotal in nurturing healthy and meaningful relationships.Our earnest prayer is that the wisdom you glean from this book will empower you to handle your relationships in the manner of our Lord Jesus-bringing healing where it's needed, and nurturing growth and perfection where it's lacking.

  • av Zacharias Tanee Fomum

    Normally, such a book written for believers would be absolutely unnecessary, for the Bible clearly says, "No one born of God commits sin; for God's nature abides in him, and he cannot sin because he is born of God" (1 John 3:9).However, we know that a member of the church in Corinth did commit adultery and was disciplined. We also know that David fell into this same sin. The many warnings of the Apostle Paul to believers against adultery and fornication would leave the reader of the Epistles in no doubt that he wrote as one who knew that a converted person could fall into the sin of adultery and fornication.It is common knowledge that in our generation, some of God's servants who, without doubt, have truly believed in the Lord Jesus, have fallen into adultery and fornication. So, a believer can be tempted, yield to temptation and commit adultery or fornication. If you want to be honest, you will acknowledge that you have come close to falling, or have actually fallen, in either thought, word or deed. There are many who can say, "Thanks be to God, I have never committed adultery in act since I believed in the Lord Jesus." We thank the Lord for all such. That is only to be expected. However, the Lord Jesus is looking for those of whom He can say, "This one has never committed adultery in thought since he believed." I do hope He can say that of you.Our prayer is that in the course of reading this book, you should know the deliverance of the Lord from the sin of adultery and fornication in thought, word and deed. The Lord Jesus, the Deliverer, is near to deliver you and to enable you to walk in that deliverance for the rest of your life until He comes.

  • av Zacharias Tanee Fomum

    Trop souvent, les croyants se retrouvent piégés dans une "théologie centrée sur l'homme", où ils se concentrent uniquement sur leurs propres réalisations et comptent sur leur force. Cependant, ce livre présente un argument convaincant en faveur d'un changement de perspective, vous exhortant à embrasser la force incommensurable et l'amour infini du Seigneur.Avec une insistance inébranlable sur la grâce et la magnificence des plans divins de Dieu, l'auteur, Z.T. Fomum, s'adresse directement aux cœurs des croyants et des égarés, offrant réconfort et inspiration. Une profonde exploration de la provision abondante de Dieu à travers l'indwelling du Saint-Esprit est présentée. En dévoilant les raisons de la tristesse et de la désillusion qui affligent de nombreux croyants aujourd'hui, il est évident que ces luttes découlent d'un manque de conscience et de compréhension du pouvoir et du dessein illimités de Dieu.Ce livre vous apprendra comment le Saint-Esprit peut remplir votre foi d'un sentiment d'accomplissement, vous permettant de surmonter les sentiments de tristesse et de frustration.En fin de compte, il offre un message d'espoir et d'encouragement spirituel qui vous laissera avec un amour plus profond pour Dieu.

  • av Zacharias Tanee Fomum

    Within the pages of this profound study on the Book of Esther, Professor Zacharias Tanee Fomum explores the intriguing comparison between King Ahasuerus' kingdom and God's Kingdom, examining their power, glory, and influence.Did you know that, even without a direct mention of God, the Book of Esther imparts critical lessons on the workings of God's kingdom and the expectations Jesus has for His bride? Are you curious about the relevance of this ancient tale to contemporary Christians?If you've been seeking to uncover these connections, you've come to the right place. In this book, Z.T. Fomum guides you beyond the surface of Esther's fairy tale to a deeper, spiritual comprehension of this enigmatic character.The author delves into:The consequences of disobedience, as exemplified by Queen Vashti,King Ahasuerus' quest for and selection of a new bride,And much more,revealing powerful and practical life lessons that will transform you into a worthy and cherished member of the Lord's bride. Prepare to discover a profound, deeper meaning within these pages.Read it now!

  • av Zacharias Tanee Fomum

    This book My Separation from the Common unto God and unto World Conquest is a summary of the book The Joy of Begging to Belong to the Lord Jesus Christ from the same author.I have walked with the Lord Jesus for many years, He has blessed and satisfied me beyond measure. In response to His love, I give Him my spirit, my soul, and my body with joy, and I have found it an undeserved privilege to serve Him. I beg to serve Him. I beg to give Him my all. I beg with joy for the undeserved privilege of knowing, loving, and serving Him.Glory be to His great Name!

  • av Zacharias Tanee Fomum

    Dans Des Trésors au Ciel, le professeur Fomum explore deux thèmes essentiels :l'esclavage des dettes etl'importance spirituelle de donner à Dieu.Découvrez comment les dettes peuvent piéger et disqualifier les croyants, et pourquoi la dîme et les offrandes sont une obligation essentielle. Découvrez le pouvoir de mettre Dieu à l'épreuve et soyez témoin des bénédictions tangibles qui s'ensuivent.Ce message opportun est une lueur d'espoir pour ceux qui recherchent un réveil spirituel. Ce livre vous libérera de vos dettes et vous conduira à l'abondance débordante de Dieu.Puissiez-vous être richement béni en embrassant une vie sans dettes et bénie, et expérimenter la grâce abondante de Dieu.

  • av Zacharias Tanee Fomum

    La bible dit que nous luttons non contre le sang et la chair, mais contre les principautés et les autorités. Dans ce livre, nous faisons une étude des principautés et des autorités et nous indiquons comment les renverser.Ce livre sur le combat spirituel est né dans le creuset du ministère.Dans une certaine mesure, nous avons expérimenté ce sur quoi nous écrivons. Le Seigneur Jésus est vivant et Il est réel. Le diable est vivant et il est réel. Le combat est réel et non imaginaire.Nous publions ce livre, en priant qu'il conduise les enfants du Royaume à une plus grande liberté. Nous prions aussi que le Seigneur Dieu l'utilise pour ouvrir les yeux de plusieurs de Ses enfants sur la manière de gagner des villes, des nations et des continents pour Son Fils glorifié.

  • av Zacharias Tanee Fomum

    Daniel is one of the prophets who saw and tackled principalities and powers that stood against the accomplishment of God's purposes.That is the only Bible equivalent of the kind of ministry that the author, Professor Z.T. Fomum was called carried out. And the Bible shows that what was happening outwardly to the kingdom was the fruit of something that was happening in the spiritual realm.The Bible says that we are not fighting against flesh and blood but against principalities and powers. In this book, we have made a study of principalities and powers and how they can be overthrown.This spiritual warfare book was born in the crucible of ministry. To some extent we know in reality what we are writing about. The Lord Jesus is alive and He is real. The devil is alive and he is real. The warfare is real and not imaginary.We send this book out with prayer that it will lead to greater freedom among the children of the kingdom. We further pray that the Lord God will be pleased to use it to open the eyes of many of His children as to how to take cities, nations, and continents for His glorified Son.

  • av Zacharias Tanee Fomum

    A Vessel of Honour is a heart-to-heart exposure from the Scriptures of spiritual shallowness and dryness and their catastrophic consequences in the life and ministry of a child of God.There are some trees whose roots grow or are on the surface instead of burrowing down. Such roots are shallow-they lack depth. It is understandable if a young convert is shallow but if after many years a Christian has no deep spiritual roots, then there is a problem. In what are you deep? Are youDeep in forgiving people and forgetting wrongdoing?Deep in seeking, finding, and knowing God?Deep in loving and being content in God?Deep in bearing fruits, in leading people to the Lord?Deep in building the people who are in the Lord?Deep in Christian character?The author, Z.T. Fomum, brings out clearly the differences between a shallow and a normal Christian. He pinpoints the root cause of shallowness and spiritual dryness and provides the way out. You will learn what spiritual roots are and how to intentionally develop them.Now a person may not be dry. He may be cut off from God. That is what sin does. It may look as if it is dryness, but it is godlessness-spiritual death! On this, the author makes plain-with practical advice-the absolute necessity for believers in Christ Jesus to live a sanctified and consecrated life.Get a copy and read it through. It will lead you into deep heart cultivation unto godliness and Christian service from a position of spiritual overflow.

  • av Zacharias Tanee Fomum

    Perhaps you are dealing with life's unexpected detours in recent days where the future has never seemed so uncertain.It may be that it is you or a relative, friend, loved one suffering through setbacks.At some points in our lives, we follow scripts we never would have chosen and often do not know where to turn and how to cope. Is it that God is not at work?Or, is He unable to follow our carefully laid plans?Come with professor Z.T. Fomum, a teacher-prophet, as he draws on Scripture and helps you reframe life's curveballs as opportunities - and to find hope and encouragement in unexpected places.This message will help you navigate the U-turns and S-curves of life.

  • av Zacharias Tanee Fomum

    Revelation is an absolute must, for head knowledge is different from heart knowledge.In this book, Z.T. Fomum shows us how to cooperate with God and his Holy Spirit to have a revelation of the aspects of his Word that we have understood intellectually.It is through revelation that we can experience the truths of God's Word in our lives.The author expressly states that this book was written to convert Bible truth into effective spiritual experience. If revelation is given by grace, however, it requires that man should cooperate with God by obeying the heavenly vision.Man also cooperates with God by an active spiritual life and edifying teachings.This book is an indispensable read. The author has expressed it in the title: Revelation - A Must!

  • av Zacharias Tanee Fomum

    How do you bear fruit that abides?In this book, Z.T. Fomum answers this crucial question that believers often ask themselves in their walk with the Lord. In fact, they most often ask it from discouragement.The believer must have a heart full of compassion, be aware of the needs of people without Christ, in a world lost in impotent Christianity, religion, and the like. Here, the author provides us with some rather striking and disconcerting statistics of the distribution of populations, by religion.Everyone will need to know that they have what they need, only as long as we surrender ourselves to the Lord for the blessing and multiplication of what we have.This book is to be read in prayer and with faith.

  • av Zacharias Tanee Fomum

    This book could be for you a great source of restoration and renewed zeal.The Lord Jesus Christ calls all who receive Him as their Lord and Saviour into ''the disciple's life.'' Those who commit themselves to it must submit to the demands and conditions of such a life.At a certain point in the walk with God, it is necessary to examine yourself to see if you are still on this path, for it is a narrow and difficult path that requires a price to pay.The author, Z.T. Fomum, through this book, calls us to examine ourselves to see if we are still on this path, in order to escape the trap of self-seduction that could steal the price of the race from us.Through several testimonies of the saints who began to be disciples and ceased to be disciples along the way and a few thoughts on being a disciple, you could situate yourself in order to see if you are still committed to this path or you have grown cold or even backslidden.Read this book and you will receive the Lord's visitation.

  • av Zacharias Tanee Fomum

    Every Christian who has believed in Christ and received Him as Lord and Saviour must enroll and make progress in the school of the One in whom he has believed and Who is "the Way, the Truth, and the Life." Genuine conversion should lead to a radical end to sin and a radical commitment to the Truth.In this book, Z.T. Formum shows us how he himself cooperated with God to root out all lies and falsehoods from his life. It exposes, through characters from the Old and New Testaments, the manifestations of lying in many practical aspects of life.It is a burden borne and deposited to produce a deep love for truth and a deep hatred of lies and falsehood in the church.This book is a must-read and recommended to stir the conscience of every believer to the fact that one of the qualifications to be an overcomer alongside the Heavenly Bridegroom is to have a mouth in which no lie is found.

  • av Zacharias Tanee Fomum

    "... A leader cannot work alone. He needs a team; it is a man's team that determines the nature of his work. The ministry is connections."We take these words from the author, Z.T. Fomum, which maintain that we advance or frustrate God's purposes through our choices. So, in choosing the members of a team, God is the Initiator and man must take his responsibility. The leader must join forces with other valiant men or he is ruined.From this perspective, there is a quality of life that God demands of the leader. He must be a role model and cannot afford to do anything with a divided heart. His way of life, lifestyle and the way he communicateswill determine whether or not he will have a team.In a nutshell, in this book, the author gives a whole set of doctrinal tips necessary for the leader, his team and his ministry.This is a dense and rich book, highly recommended.

  • av Zacharias Tanee Fomum

    This book presents suffering for the Lord as an inevitable thing. It posits suffering as one of the great promises of the Lord Jesus Christ to all who are determined to serve Him faithfully, as He deserves to be served.Prof Z.T. Fomum demonstrates, through the teachings of Jesus Christ, that it is impossible to escape persecution while remaining true to the Lord.The apostle Paul certifies it, saying, "In fact, everyone who wants to live a godly life in Christ Jesus will be persecuted"(2 Timothy 3:12).Therefore, the church must be prepared solidly in order to stand firm and steadfast whenever she is visited by waves of persecution.In this book, you will find strategies and methods to deploy in order to thwart Satan's tricks and frustrate his and the persecutor's designs.This is a work whose message must never be forgotten.

  • - The wife's making
    av Zacharias Tanee Fomum

    Nowadays, many marriages are failing, and even some marriages of true believers are broken or in disarray.The reason is that many wives have missed the divine model for a successful marriage.What is a successful marriage?What's the role of the wife in ensuring a successful marriage?Indeed, the wife is called to be a suitable helper for her husband. She is called to assist him in fulfilling God's call in his life.In this book, we study the requirements for becoming and remaining a suitable helper. When a wife becomes and continues to be a suitable helper for her husband, she brings her full contribution to make their marriage a success.We publish this book, praying that it will be used by the Holy Spirit to transform some broken or breaking marriages into successful marriages; and that it will transform all happy marriages into successful marriages for the glory of the Lord and the advancement of the Gospel.

  • av Zacharias Tanee Fomum

    I recently spent one month in one of the leading countries of the world whose population is said to be twenty-five percent Christians. Yes, the claim is that one out of every four people is born again.I was also told that the divorce rate was sky-rocketing. One minister even told me that the divorce rate among believers was just as high as the one among the unsaved.I was told that leading ministers of the gospel were divorcing their wives and marrying other women, while continuing to have the blessings of God on their big ministries.This set me thinking!Were they using a Bible that was different from the one I was using?Were we in different religions?I began to think seriously on the subject. I read and re-read the Scriptures.You will find in the following pages the fruit of my study.

  • av Zacharias Tanee Fomum

    The Lord Jesus handpicked twelve individuals, appointing them as apostles. His intention was twofold: for them to remain in His presence and to eventually be sent to spread His teachings. Initially, they were to learn from Him intimately, absorbing His life, before venturing out to preach that very life.The book, Relationship and Intimacy with God, originated as a sermon delivered by the author, Professor Z.T. Fomum to the saints in Yaoundé. At its core, the message revolves around relationships. It not only underscores the significance of our relationship with God, exploring how and why it's nurtured and preserved, but the author also imparts a personal narrative concerning human relationships. He touches briefly on the huddles of physical distance in human relationship building.As you engage with this text, your perspective on the Christian life may undergo a profound shift. You'll realize that God isn't seeking your deeds; rather, His enduring, heartfelt desire is to have a personal connection with none other than you - yes, you!As you glean through the book, may you desire and kickstart a profound, unbreakable, and enduring relationship with the Lord Jesus-a connection that's as deep and enriching as it is transformative.

  • av Zacharias Tanee Fomum

    The thought of many is that when a person is saved, God forgives him and wipes away all the consequences of his past sins - that he is free. His freedom is so complete that he has no responsibility to rightly terminate with the past and to carry out restitution to those he wronged then. This book clearly examines that way of thinking in the light of the Scriptures and sets out the Biblical message for those who have overcome and those who want to overcome.If you do not want to reassess your life in the light of the Word of God, we recommend that you should forget this book completely and not bother to read it at all, for if you read it, you may find out that you have to carry out revolutionary restitution that will bring you to the crest of the wave of the Holy Spirit's move.If you are an overcomer, or desire to become one, this is your book. May the Lord bless you as you read it.We send this book out with prayer that the overcomers, in reading it, would become more conformed to their soon-coming Lord.

  • av Zacharias Tanee Fomum

    I am very persuaded in my heart that God cannot send a man who is not filled with the Holy Spirit-to go and do what? Throughout Christian history, everyone who was filled with the Holy Spirit knew when and where; because they were one person and after that, they were another. If you are ready, ask the Lord to fill you. If you are not ready, nothing will happen.A.B Simpson says, "There are special seasons of spiritual blessings promised to the church and the people of God. The Holy Spirit comes in a very glorious way and gives power to His word and his salvation to His people. But for this, there must be special preparation-The crooked must be made straight; the rough places must be made plain; the stumbling blocks must be removed, and the way of the Lord prepared."In The Spirit-Filled Life, Prof. Fomum takes us through all that it takes to be filled with the Holy Spirit and its indispensability to live out the supernatural life of God to the fullest.

  • av Zacharias Tanee Fomum

    I believe that there are some who yearn in an increasing way for the Lord, and in whose hearts the evidence of His soon coming awakens, with each passing day, greater desires to see Him-the Hope of the Ages-face to face. It is because of the presence of such saints in the church today, though their number be few, that I dare share these feelings of my heart in this way.The Way of Loving the Lord is very different from many of the books in The Christian Way Series. It is not an attempt to present the Bible's position on some aspects of Christian Truth. Rather, it is an expression of the yearning and longing-the spiritual emotions of my heart-after the Lord Jesus.May you read this book and be motivated to seek the Beloved, so that the unique desire of your heart should be to know Him and see Him face to face.

  • av Zacharias Tanee Fomum

    This book "God Centeredness" is a compilation of the teaching of Professor Zacharias Tanee Fomum addressed to the saints in Yaoundé, Cameroon. The author explains the place of God in biblical theology, His purpose for our generation and the importance of spending quality time with God. The author mentions that biblical theology is a theology where God is at the centre, but modern Christianity and popular Christianity is a Christianity where man is at the centre and God has been displaced to the periphery. It is God's purpose that man centred Christianity should give way to God centred Christianity. No one can make spiritual progress without putting quality time into it. The author pushes even further to explain that intimacy with God is not accidental. It is the fruit of a pathway chosen and pursued consistently and persistently. He invites you to cooperate with God so that all that which has taken God's place in your heart will give way so that God will have His way in your life. His rightful position-the centre.We recommend this book to you with prayer that the Lord will use it to bring your Heart back to Him.

  • av Zacharias Tanee Fomum

    Ce livre est un grand conseil de Dieu pour le progrès spirituel et pour la réussite du dirigeant spirituel.Vison, Fardeau, Action est véritablement un manuel de travail et de communication de stratégies. Ce livre est recommandable à tout serviteur conscient de l'appel de Dieu à être parmi ceux qui dirigent son peuple. Il établit clairement la relation entre la vision, le fardeau et l'action. Vous y trouverez, développés, les thèmes tels que La stratégie spirituelle, le dirigeant et le monde, le dirigeant en prière, la communication de la vision, etc.Il s'agit, en somme, d'un exposé de méthodes et de stratégies pour une direction spirituelle qui n'a pas à rougir devant le Seigneur et devant les hommes. En le parcourant, on découvre les raisons fondamentales de l'échec de plusieurs dirigeants spirituels dans le monde aujourd'hui: Le manque de vision et l'incapacité de communiquer la vision.Fais de lui ton compagnon discret.

  • av Zacharias Tanee Fomum

    Miracles, Healings, and Deliverances by Professor Zacharias Tanee Fomum is a captivating and breathtaking compilation of supernatural encounters, with a treasure trove of over 1000 testimonials, showcasing the remarkable healings, deliverances, and miraculous interventions witnessed throughout his impactful ministry.Brace yourself for a riveting journey into the realm of the extraordinary, where headaches are banished, diseases are cured, and lives are forever transformed, demonstrating the boundless love and compassion of our Heavenly Father.As you immerse yourself in these testimonies and exhilarating journey of faith, where the sick are made whole and the broken find restoration, may your own faith be revived, and may the Lord bring healing to your life.We attribute all glory to Jesus Christ, the source of every miraculous work. Amen!

  • - A challenge to live totally and sacrificially for Christ
    av Zacharias Tanee Fomum

    In Separation from the Common, author Zacharias Tanee Fomum shares his personal journey of obedience to God's call to live a life of separation from the ordinary. Fomum's journey began with small steps of obedience, like giving away his suits when God asked him to, but it soon became a radical commitment to living a life different from what obtains in the world around him.Using biblical examples and others from Church history, Fomum makes the case that all who are called by God to specific tasks are called away from the ordinary life and to uncommon lifestyle, He argues that success and distinction come at a great price and that responsibility curtails a person's freedom. Fomum's book challenges readers to consider whether they are willing to pay the price for success and follow the narrow way that Jesus walked.Through his own story and reflections on the Scripture, Fomum offers encouragement to those who are willing to heed God's call to a life of separation from the common. He reminds readers that they can hear God's voice and that He will be their guide and helper on the path to success in Him.Separation from the Common is a challenging and inspiring call to a radical commitment to Christ and a life that stands out from the crowd.

  • av Zacharias Tanee Fomum

    "God cannot do through a man what he does not have in him, or what a man has not allowed God to do in him."These words from the author, Z.T. Fomum, demonstrate that anyone who wants to walk with and serve God must deal with his heart. God seeks the inner temple, the heart of the believer, to make his home there.Therefore, God's first call to a person is not first of all the call to service. It is the call to know Him deeply and to love Him in a supreme way. These are people carried away by the knowledge and love of God who can go and serve Him.A heart filled with love for the world and the things of the world cannot serve Him. The service of such a man will be rejected. It is in these very clear and compelling terms that the author unloads his onus.As you read this book, you will certainly discover the state of your heart and you will be able to work to present to the Lord a heart qualified to worship and serve Him.

  • av Zacharias Tanee Fomum

    A book that will profoundly change your vision of prayer.In this book, the author, Z.T. Fomum, shares Revolutionary Thoughts on Prayer, received when praying alone, leading others in prayer, and teaching on prayer between May 2000 and October 2002.This 3rd volume will challenge, amaze, and inspire you to pray. You will find thoughts spanning topics such asFalsehood and prayerWhat prayer does to the praying onePrayer And Spiritual DemotionPrayer and answersThe power of prayerWhat Sin Does to Answers to PrayerThe Weapon of TonguesThe Centrality of PrayerPrayer And Spiritual ExperiencePrayer And The Spirit-Filled LifePrayer And BurdenPrevailing in PrayerMoving God to Answer Prayer TodayPrayer And The Love Of The Worldetc.This incredible classic on prayer is practical yet spiritual, challenging us to seek God in passionate and unrelenting prayer.The bold truth in each thought will ignite your prayers with a passion for the fire of revival.

  • av Zacharias Tanee Fomum

    Este libro trata de la liberación diaria del poder del pecado. Fue escrito para permitirte caminar por el Espíritu y por lo tanto no entregarte a los deseos de la carne. Fue escrito para enseñarte lo que puedes hacer para caminar diaria y continuamente en justicia, siendo liberado día trás día y hora trás hora, para que puedas pasar días, semanas, meses e incluso años sin cometer deliberadamente ningún pecado.Al leer este libro, oramos para que usted esté abierto al Espíritu Santo y coopere con Él, para que Él lo guíe primero a la crisis y luego al proceso de liberación del pecado. Esto efectivamente sucederá, y pronto te regocijarás en el hecho de que has pasado días, semanas e incluso meses sin pecar deliberadamente. ¡Esta es tu herencia!Levántate, lee el libro y entra en esta experiencia.

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