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Bøker av Zacharias Tanee Fomum

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  • av Zacharias Tanee Fomum

    This extended excerpt from "The Making of Disciples" (by the same author) presents the nine conditions of becoming and continuing as a disciple of the Lord Jesus Christ as outlined in the Scripture.A disciple is one who loves the Lord with all of his spirit, soul and body. There is one fundamental test of love. There is one way of proving whether a person loves the Lord or not. This booklet will reveal it to you.Read each condition carefully and answer the questions that follow, preferably in writing.

  • av Zacharias Tanee Fomum

    In this book, Professor Fomum delves into the transformative essence of faith-the kind of faith that propels believers into action. By drawing from biblical examples like Naaman, the Syrian army general, and Saul of Tarsus turned Apostle Paul, the author illustrates the profound impact of acting on one's faith. Naaman's obedience to the prophet's word resulted in miraculous healing, while Saul's conversion showcased a total commitment to faith in action.Throughout the book, testimonies affirm the life-changing power of faith-individuals saved, healed, delivered from afflictions, and undergoing radical transformations. Our earnest prayer is that, as you immerse yourself in these pages, you not only cultivate faith in the Lord Jesus Christ but also actively live out your convictions. May the words of the Lord resonate within you: "It will be done just as you believed it would."May the Lord bless and reach out to you as you journey through these pages.

  • av Zacharias Tanee Fomum

    This is a book with a message that is applicable in all areas of life."We publish this book with the prayer that it should help God's people to come out of mediocrity, stemming from idleness, into spiritual success by means of a definite purpose." These words of the author, Z.T. Fomum, conclude the preface to this book. Without diversions, these words invoke the fundamental subject matter of this 6th book in the Practical Helps for the Overcomers seriesSuccess in the Christian life is defined in the book as being all that God saved us for, and all that he wants us to be, so that we can accomplish the purpose for which He saved us.Your purpose in life determines success in the Christian life. The believer should judiciously invest himself in knowing God's call on his life, and being able to set out to accomplish it beyond the limitations generally caused by mediocrity, the corollary of idleness and other impediments.This book was originally published under the title "How to set goals and accomplish them" It is a book with a message that is applicable in all areas of life.Read it ! You will be blessed.

  • av Zacharias Tanee Fomum

    Are you or a relative, friend, or loved one suffering through setbacks from life's unexpected detours? Increasingly, you find no meaning to life; you are empty and answers to life's questions are far-fetched.Jesus is The Answer recounts the lives of people just like you, who encountered the Lord Jesus Christ, were transformed, and found meaning to their lives. It is definitely the book you need!The author, Z.T. Fomum, without mixing his words, presents the full and complete counsel of God for those seeking true and vital union with God.The book is also a pathfinder for you who are burning with the desire to present the complete undiluted message of the cross to a dear one, relative, friend, or colleague and do not know how to go about it. Give them a copy.

  • av Zacharias Tanee Fomum

    Dans ce livre Marcher avec Dieu, une exploration approfondie de la présence et des ¿uvres du Saint-Esprit en nous et à travers nous est clairement présentée. Z.T. Fomum, souligne que chaque vie consacrée devient un canal pour la libération de la puissance surnaturelle. Cette vie de consécration conduit à une vie riche en vitalité spirituelle. Toute la puissance de Dieu réside en nous et cette puissance inhérente peut être libéré au travers de la prière, une connaissance de la Parole de Dieu et une vie consacrée au Seigneur.L'auteur donne une compréhension simple et démystifiée du don du Saint Esprit, don qui dois être réclamé car légitime. De même, Être remplie du Saint Esprit conduit à des changement radicaux, y compris un abandon absolue des projets personnels afin d'embrasser ceux de Christ uniquement.Le livre enseigne aussi sur la volonté permissive de Dieu, parlant du retard dans le jugement pour ceux qui devient du chemin de la volonté parfaite de Dieu. Le livre se penche sur les caractéristiques (la nature) de la volonté permissive de Dieu, mettant en garde contre le fait que, pour ceux qui sont dans la volonté permissive de Dieu les bénédictions apparentes peuvent dissimuler des difficultés sous-jacentes qui se manifesteront plus tard.Ce livre est une aide pratique pour surmonter les difficultés rencontrées dans le maintien d'une marche quotidienne avec Dieu.

  • av Zacharias Tanee Fomum

    Walking with God is a profound exploration of the Holy Spirit's presence and workings within and through us. The author, Z.T. Fomum emphasizes that every consecrated life becomes a channel for the release of supernatural power, with consecration leading to a life rich in spiritual vitality. The book underscores that all of God's power resides within us, and through prayer, knowledge of God's Word, and a life consecrated to the Lord, believers can unleash this inherent power.The inheritance of baptism into the Holy Spirit is demystified, with Fomum simplifying the process, likening it to claiming what is rightfully ours. He asserts that the implications of being filled with the Holy Spirit may lead to significant life changes, including parting with former plans and embracing a new direction.The exploration extends to God's permissive will, where Fomum discusses the delay in judgment for those who deviate from God's perfect will. The book delves into the characteristics of God's permissive will, cautioning that apparent blessings in this state may mask underlying difficulties that manifest later.Walking with God offers practical insights into the complexities of maintaining a daily touch with God.

  • av Zacharias Tanee Fomum

    Ce livre renverse la plupart des conceptions erronées soutenues par des étudiants chrétiens pour justifier leur médiocrité à l'Université. En effet, les années d'étudiant sont les plus déterminantes, car c'est le moment de marcher avec Dieu de toutes ses forces, et d'investir son tout dans ses études.L'auteur soutient que les meilleurs diplômes sont pour les croyants, et en donne le secret dans ce livre. En effet, si Dieu t'a destiné à des études universitaires, tu dois L'honorer en fournissant les meilleurs efforts pour atteindre les résultats que Dieu attend de toi.Parmi les obstacles à une vie universitaire réussie, l'auteur cite entre autres,L'absence d'un sens de destinée,L'enchevêtrement émotionneletc.Lis ce livre, et puisses-tu être béni.

  • av Zacharias Tanee Fomum

    Dieu a fait tout ce qu'il devait faire pour la sanctification du croyant.Dans cet ouvrage du Professeur Fomum, il est question de la responsabilité du croyant à faire ce qu'il doit faire afin d'expérimenter pratiquement la sanctification. Il s'agit pour le croyant de prendre toutes les mesures nécessaires pour rendre évidente la nouvelle qualité de vie que Dieu est en train de lui montrer.Sanctifié et consacré pour le ministère spirituel se résume mettre à la disposition du Seigneur un vase pur et disponible qu'il peut utiliser dans son service, à son gré, n'importe où et quand et pour n'importe quel but.Le contenu de ce livre est donc fondamental pour tous ceux qui sont appelés à une marche étroite et au ministère spirituel.Ce livre va faire de toi un ministre efficace et utile entre les mains du Seigneur.

  • av Zacharias Tanee Fomum

    If you want to accomplish all that God created and saved you for, read this book.Many are eager to do great things for the Lord, but they are unable to do so because they have not dealt with their past radically, completely, totally and thoroughly. That past becomes a blockage in their lives.The failure to deal with one's past is the thing that spoils the present and ruins the future. Dealing with your past radically, completely, totally and thoroughly is Professor Fomum's focus in this work.You can't ignore your past and think that you're okay. It will haunt you, harass you and, possibly, hamper you from releasing your God-given potential.

  • av Zacharias Tanee Fomum

    Ce livre Racines et destinées , qui traite d'un sujet très important de la vie, est une compilation des enseignements du Professeur Zacharias Tanee Fomum adressés aux saints en 2001. Ce message est libéré avec l'objectif d'aider les croyants à comprendre que tous leurs actes positifs ou négatifs affectent leur progéniture jusqu'à la 4e génération. L'auteur t'amène à découvrir que loin d'être un accident ou le fruit de la fatalité, tes handicaps sont des matières premières pour les bénédictions de Dieu dans ta vie.Il t'invite à coopérer avec Dieu pour revêtir le caractère de Christ, en finir avec ton passé négatif, à décoder et à couper les gènes négatifs afin de transmettre à ta progéniture un avenir glorieux et victorieux.Nous te recommandons ce livre cher lecteur en priant que le Seigneur l'utilise pour te permettre de bâtir tes racines en Christ et d'accomplir ta grande destinée.

  • av Zacharias Tanee Fomum

    Peut-être que ces jours tu es face aux détours inattendus de la vie et l'avenir n'a jamais été aussi incertain.Il se pourrait que ce soit toi ou un de tes parents, un ami ou un bien aimé qui souffre de remords.À certains moments de notre vie, nous suivons des scripts que nous n'aurions jamais choisis; et très souvent, nous ne savons à quel saint nous vouer.Est-ce parce que Dieu n'est pas à l'¿uvre?Ou alors Il est incapable de suivre nos plans savamment élaborés?Venez avec le professeur Z.T. Fomum, un prophète-enseignant, alors qu'il s'inspire des Écritures pour t'aider à recadrer les courbes de la vie en les voyant comme des opportunités - et à trouver l'espoir et l'encouragement dans des lieux inattendus.Ce message t'aidera à naviguer sur toutes les courbes de la vie.

  • av Zacharias Tanee Fomum

    The believer's responsibility in sanctification and spiritual ministry. There are things that God must do, and man must not attempt to do them. There are other things that He has decided in His sovereignty to let man do. He will not do them for man. If man decides not to do them, they will remain undone. This audiobook, "Sanctified and Consecrated for Spiritual Ministry" presents the responsibility of the believer to do that which he must do for his sanctification, consecration, and spiritual ministry. We are fully persuaded that in the light of the cross, the resurrection, and the out-poured Holy Spirit, the willing believer can:live a sin-free life,be wholly consecrated to the Lord, andserve the Lord to the satisfaction of the Father.Listen to this audiobook, and may the Lord of the harvest use it to transform you into someone who is sanctified and consecrated for spiritual ministry.

  • av Zacharias Tanee Fomum

    If you are a child of God who still commits sin deliberately, committing the same sin over and over, it is because:Your eyes have never been opened to see that sin is a knife thrust willingly into God's heart;Your eyes have never been opened to see the harm that sin causes in every domain of your life.This book is recommended to you. It is about True Repentance.True Repentance includes the knowledge of sin, sorrow for sin, confession of sin, forsaking of sin, restitution for sin, forgiveness sought and received, and restoration to the heart of God.Read it and you will be blessed.

  • av Zacharias Tanee Fomum

    Ce livre intitulé L'Arôme spirituel (vol. 1) par Z.T. Fomum contient des discussions profondes de l'auteur avec certains de ses très proches collaborateurs. En bref, ils sont un solide matériel de leadership aux niveaux macro et micro. Vous y trouverez un mot opportun pour les enfants, les parents, les étudiants, les jeunes, les jeunes adultes, les jeunes couples, les futurs missionnaires, les missionnaires sur le terrain, les pasteurs et les dirigeants des églises locales, pour ne citer que ceux-là.Le Seigneur est à la recherche de personnes dépendantes pour les promouvoir dans le leadership. Il cherche un rescapé sur lequel il peut compter. Dieu peut-il vous prendre au sérieux du fond du c¿ur?Lorsque le Seigneur Jésus s'est emparé du déjeuner du garçon volontaire, il a nourri probablement plus de 20 000 personnes, hommes, femmes et enfants compris. Le garçon devait être étonné que son petit repas puisse nourrir un si grand nombre de personnes. Si vous n'êtes pas brisé, vous n'êtes utile qu'à vous-même. Lorsque vous êtes brisé, vous devenez utile à un très grand nombre de personnes, au-delà de ce que vous auriez pu imaginer.

  • av Zacharias Tanee Fomum

    This book is a powerful motivator to get you started in an endless season of evangelism.Soul-winning is one of the three burdens that Professor Z.T. Fomum carried permanently on his heart, alongside those of prayer and the training of spiritual leaders.This first volume is a collection of provocative thoughts on evangelism that will surely revolutionize your attitude towards the perishing souls of men. It clearly shows you your responsibility in the enterprise of world evangelism. "God ordained soul-winning as the most important task on earth in our generation"

  • av Zacharias Tanee Fomum

    Life-changing thoughts on salvation and soul-winning.God's perfect will is that every human being should come to repentance. There is no human being on earth that the Lord does not want to save. Because God wants every human being to repent, it is God's perfect will for me to do everything to ensure that every human being repents. Every sinner can be saved if three things are done for him:The first thing is to pray for him,The second one is to fast, andThe third is to present the gospel to him.If these three things are done in the power of the Holy Spirit for every sinner, every one of them would be saved.These fundamental truths came out clearly as Professor Fomum ministered the gospel of Christ across the globe between 2003 and 2007.May the Lord make of you a result-oriented minister of the gospel through this book.

  • av Zacharias Tanee Fomum

    In this book, Z.T. Fomum shows us the skills and mindset we need to develop to ensure our success and enter into God's purposes. Thus, the first secret in knowing and serving God is hard work.Life in a sense is a game, it is a matter of choices and everyone is called to make choices. Being a failure or a success could depend on your choices. Your heart will determine your greatness or your defeat. Throughout his argument, the author describes a whole set of measures, means to achieve this goal.You need this book!

  • av Zacharias Tanee Fomum

    In life, some are uplifted by blessings, while others are hindered by curses.Blessings, a supernatural force, lead to your progress and success. They elevate you beyond your natural talents and abilities. On the flip side, curses act as invisible obstacles, thwarting your efforts and making you feel 'cursed.'Picture an invisible hand working against you, like an unseen wall blocking your way. Some experience constant misfortune, feeling as if they're under a curse.The author reveals the mysterious nature of blessings and curses, which possess supernatural power, yielding either positive or negative results.We offer this book with the hope that it helps you identify whether you're dealing with a curse and guides you in breaking free. Recognizing that you live under a blessing will empower you to cooperate with God for ongoing favor and abundance.

  • av Zacharias Tanee Fomum

    Is the eternal destiny of those for whom Christ died the prior thoughts of your life?I constantly think of the souls of men - how they will fare on Judgment Day and what must be done to rescue the largest number, in the shortest possible time, from going to hell. I am in an itinerant ministry of evangelism, soul-winning, church planting, prayer, and leadership. I carry these burdens most frequently on my heart.As I seek God, hear from God, read what others have written, and preach, I write down for myself the key thoughts that come to my heart and through my heart. In this book, I want to share with you what was impressed on my heart as I followed God speaking to me and speaking through me.Come with me along my journeys and share my thoughts on winning the lost and, by the grace of God, you will be blessed.

  • av Zacharias Tanee Fomum

    In Soul-Winning and the Making of Disciples, Professor Z.T. Fomum presents a passionate wake-up call to all who have become complacent in their faith and have neglected the preaching of the gospel, which is a crucial aspect of their calling as believers. His love for the gospel and his zeal for the perishing souls of men are evident on every page. He challenges readers to examine their own lives and to take their responsibility to spread the message of the cross seriously.Z.T. Fomum's call to action is not just for pastors and evangelists, but for every member of the Body of Christ. We are all called to be witnesses for Christ. The urgency of this task cannot be overstated.On the other hand, the author emphasizes the importance of disciple-making, and the need to teach those who have been won to Christ how to live the Spirit-filled life and in turn make disciples for Christ. This is a chain process, and every believer has a role to play.If you are looking for a book that will challenge you, inspire you, and equip you to become a more effective witness for Christ, then Soul-Winning and the Making of Disciples is the book for you. Get a copy, read it, and pass it on.

  • av Zacharias Tanee Fomum

    This book on deliverance talks about demons,their origin,nature,manifestation andexpulsion.The author, Z.T. Fomum who has personally carried out several deliverance sessions and led many people to freedom from the grip of demons, clearly shows, with Biblical examples, the different forms and manifestations of demons and the Biblical ways taught in the Scriptures to cast out demons and free their captives. This book is also rich in instructions and steps that can help anyone deliver themselves from demons and terminate with the past. This book, if made a handbook, can make you a minister of deliverance, and help protect you from the influence of demons.

  • av Zacharias Tanee Fomum

    This is a book with a practical message for the new convert, older believers and even leaders that will help each one of them to grow more and more in their walk with the Lord, and to rise to great heights with the Lord.In its preface, the author Z.T. Fomum specifies that these are eleven messages given to the church in Rixheim (France), during their spiritual retreat in July 1989.This book is about the basic lessons for any believer who wants to grow in his walk with the Lord, to be all that the Lord wants him to be, in order to rise beyond the limitations generally brought about by mediocrity.

  • av Zacharias Tanee Fomum

    In this insightful work, Zacharias Tanee Fomum, drawing from a profound understanding of the Bible and a lifetime dedicated to the Lord's service, delves into three critical themes:The Challenge of Denominational Systems: Fomum dissects the issues inherent in denominational structures, providing thought-provoking insights that challenge conventional perspectives.Fellowship in the Body of Christ: Exploring the concept of one universal Body of Christ, Fomum quotes Watchman Nee, who believed that this body encompasses members found within denominational systems. The pivotal question of which church to align with is thoughtfully addressed.The Local Church: Fomum examines the relationship between God's Universal Church and local churches, scrutinizing their establishment, membership, fellowship, functioning, and leadership. The book offers a comprehensive understanding of the roles of elders, deacons, apostles, and others within the church.This book is a guiding light for anyone who has pondered the nature of the Body of Christ and the multitude of churches in existence today. We earnestly encourage every Christian to delve into these pages. May the Lord grant you a profound vision of His Body and lead you into deep fellowship with Him and His people.

  • av Zacharias Tanee Fomum

    How do you make spiritual progress?In this book, Z .T. Fomum aptly and ably answers this determinant question that believers often ask themselves in their walk with the Lord.This is the second set of messages given to the church in Rixheim (France), during a spiritual retreat that took place there in July 1989.The believer must work out his salvation byfixing his thoughts on things above,cooperating with the Lord through prayer, anddeveloping a positive attitude in the face of life's circumstances.But first, everyone should know that the Lord has provided everything we need to make all the progress that we ought to make.This book is to be read in prayer and with faith.

  • av Zacharias Tanee Fomum

    If someone were to approach you and say, "I am a disciple of the Lord Jesus. Teach me to follow all that the Lord has commanded, mold me into a disciple, and guide me in making disciples" how would you go about it?This profoundly significant book encapsulates the revelations, doctrines, methods, and principles of discipleship. Its primary aim is to assist individuals in experiencing discipleship and, in turn, in guiding others to grow in a manner that equips them to actively engage in the process of making disciples of Jesus Christ.It is a book worth reading and recommending to any servant of God who is fully aware of the magnificent mission entrusted to the church by the Lord Jesus Christ: "Therefore, go and make disciples of all nations..."As you journey through its pages, our prayer is that you may find abundant blessings, enabling you to help others establish profound fellowship both with the Lord and with His people.

  • av Zacharias Tanee Fomum

    In this comprehensive four-volume box set, Professor Zacharias Tanee Fomum draws from his exhaustive study of the Bible and a lifetime dedicated to the Lord to explore a wide range of crucial subjects, including:Personal Spiritual ProgressSpiritual Warfare Through Prayer and FastingThe Being and Making of DisciplesLaws of Spiritual SuccessThe Normal Church Life and the Local ChurchFellowship in the Body of ChristThe Challenge of Denominational SystemsAnd much more.This collection comprises a total of 39 impactful messages. Volumes one and two contain teachings delivered during a church retreat in Rixheim, France, in July 1989, while volumes three and four encompass a series of messages shared during the teaching ministry of the church in Yaoundé, Cameroon, between 1985 and 1986. As these messages have been transcribed from recordings, they offer heartfelt insights rather than theological discussions.We wholeheartedly encourage everyone to engage with this collection. It is our prayer that the Lord will grant you a profound understanding of His Body and facilitate a deeper fellowship with both Him and His people.

  • av Zacharias Tanee Fomum

    In Treasures in Heaven, Professor Fomum explores two critical themes:the bondage of debts andthe spiritual significance of giving to God.Delve into the profound insights drawn from Scripture and the author's personal journey, as he reveals how debts can ensnare and disqualify believers, and why tithes and offerings are an essential obligation. Discover the power of putting God to the test and witness the tangible blessings that follow.This timely message is a beacon of hope for those who seek spiritual renewal. Allow this book to liberate you from debt and lead you to God's overflowing abundance.May you be richly blessed as you embrace a debt-free, blessed life and experience God's abundant grace.

  • av Zacharias Tanee Fomum

    This book is the expression of the life of a man who is totally abandoned to God - the testimony of an unspeakable and indispensable consecration of his all to God.Through it, Z .T. Fomum testifies to the undeserved love of God towards him and to the satisfaction and joy found in Him. Having seen the undeserved privilege of serving God, he lays out the rules of life which he previously imposed on himself in his walk with God as he received them from the Lord.He made a commitment to the Lord through vows which he expressed and manifested in a life of separation from the common in order to conquer the world for Christ.Here he expresses his joy in serving the Lord with his all and with his best.Read this book and you will realise the tremendous grace that there is in setting oneself apart for divine office.

  • av Zacharias Tanee Fomum

    Nul doute que tu ne seras plus tout ä fait le me¿me apre¿s la lecture de ce livre.Il y a un grand besoin ä pouvoir, apre¿s un e¿chec, reprendre courage en s'appuyant sur l'Eternel, de manie¿re ä oublier le sombre passe¿ et revivre la ple¿nitude. Z.T. Fomum pre¿sente dans ce livre, unique en son genre, le Dieu qui est toujours pre¿t ä ramener ses enfants dans l'assurance en leur faisant oublier leur e¿chec.Et me¿me le grand consolateur, le Saint Esprit, peut faire entendre sa voix au croyantde¿c¿u,de¿courage¿ etfatigue¿;cette voix qui retentit au dedans de lui et qui dit: ''Oublie ton e¿chec ! Je suis lä pour commencer un jour nouveau avec toi !''Le message contenu dans cet ouvrage de¿livre de la re¿signation et de la le¿thargie spirituelle.C'est un message de re¿veil et de restauration indispensable ä tout croyant ne¿ de nouveau, et re¿solument engage¿ dans ce chemin e¿troit et pe¿rilleux qu'est la vie e¿ternelle en Je¿sus Christ.Aucun e¿chec n'a besoin d'e¿tre final.

  • av Zacharias Tanee Fomum

    Although work requires the assistance of the whole being, Z.T. Fomum takes care to show that there is spiritual work, intellectual work, and manual work. Manual work is that which requires physical energy in any accomplishment.Therefore, it is obvious to note that all the heroes of the Bible were great manual workers, beginning with God Himself.Thus, every manual work should be done with a sense of honour, respect, and perfection. In this book, the author exhorts the Third World to work, to cultivate the abundant land that God has given them.Each worker must ensure that God is glorified in his work by his nature and that this work is pleasing to God in its quality and quantity of productivity.This book is a study of work through the Bible. Read it and be blessed.

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