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  • av Xi Jinping

  • av Xi Jinping

    The third volume of Xi Jinping: The Governance of China, divided into 19 sections by topic, contains a compilation of 92 of Xi Jinping's spoken and written works from October 18, 2017 to January 13, 2020, along with 41 photographs. Notes are provided for ease of reading.Since the 19th CPC National Congress, remaining true to the Party's original aspiration and founding mission, the CPC Central Committee, with Xi Jinping as its core, has fully considered the overall goal of national rejuvenation and the international situation in a context of change at a level unseen in a century, and has coordinated the country's efforts on the great struggle, the great project, the great cause and the great dream. It has united and led the whole Party and all the Chinese people in making significant progress in the undertakings of the Party and the country. The third volume vividly presents these achievements, along with new developments of Marxism in China and China's proposals for building a global community of shared future. It is the most authoritative book about Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era. CONTENTS Secure a Decisive Victory in Building a Moderately Prosperous Society in All Respects and Strive for the Great Success of Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era October 18, 2017 Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era New Requirements for Chinese Socialism in the New Era October 25, 2017 Fully Implement the Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era October 25, 2017 New Era, New Initiatives, New Achievements October 25, 2017 Continue the Great Historic Struggle January 5, 2018 Broader Dimensions for Marxism in Contemporary China and the 21st Century May 4, 2018 Focus on Our Tasks - Bear in Mind the National Goal and Changing Conditions May 21, 2019 Speech at the Celebration of the 70th Anniversary of the Founding of the PRC October 1, 2019 Overall CPC Leadership Strengthen Commitment to the Four Consciousnesses, the Four-Sphere Confidence, and the Two Upholds October 25, 2017-May 31, 2019 Maximize the Institutional Strength of CPC Leadership February 26, 2018 Initiative and Resolve in Reinforcing the Party's Political Foundations June 29, 2018 Ensure the Two Upholds in Central Party and Government Departments July 9, 2019 State System and National Governance Improve the Functions of Party and State Institutions July 5, 2019 Note to the Decision of the CPC Central Committee on Upholding and Improving Chinese Socialist System and Modernizing State Governance October 28, 2019 Uphold and Improve the Chinese Socialist System and Modernize State Governance October 31, 2019 The People as Masters of the Country A Better Life for All Our People November 30, 2017 The People Are Our Greatest Strength in Governance March 1, 2018-December 27, 2019 Always Put the People First March 20, 2018 Never Fail the People March 22, 2019 Poverty Elimination and a Moderately Prosperous Society Complete the Work of Building a Moderately Prosperous Society in All Respects October 25, 2017 A New Chapter in the Fight Against Poverty February 12, 2018 Win the Battle Against Poverty February 12, 2018 Deliver the Two Assurances and Three Guarantees April 16, 2019 Further Reform Follow the Guidance of the Third Plenary Session of the 19th CPC Central Committee February 28, 2018 Deeper Reform Requires Greater Resolve July 6, 2018-November 26, 2019 Valuable Experience from 40 Years of Reform and Opening Up December 18, 2018 All-Round Opening Up China Will Open Even Wider April 10, 2018 Roll Out Free Trade Ports April 13, 2018 For a Global Economy - Open, Innovative and Inclusive November 5, 2018 Open Up and Cooperate Towards a Shared Future November 5, 2019 Risk Management Ensure Absolute Party Leadership over National Security April 17, 2018 Be Alert to Risks January 21, 2019 Meet Challenges Head-On September 3, 2019 High-Quality Development Enrich the Thought on the Socialist Economy in the New Era December 18, 2017 China's Economy: From High-Speed Growth to High-Quality Development December 18, 2017 Accelerate Economic Modernization January 30, 2018 Speed Up China's Maritime Development March 8, 2018-October 15, 2019 Make China a Global Center for Science and Innovation May 28, 2018 Promote Rural Revitalization September 21, 2018 Boost the Private Sector November 1, 2018 Coordinated Quality Development Across Regions August 26, 2019 Socialist Democracy Constitutional Safeguards for Chinese Socialism in the New Era January 19, 2018 Advance the Rule of Law Under Chinese Socialism August 24, 2018 Protect and Promote Human Rights in the Chinese Context December 10, 2018 Enhance Local Legislation and Supervision July 2019 Consolidate Socialist Consultative Democracy September 20, 2019 Heighten a Sense of Chinese Identity September 27, 2019 Chinese Culture Enhance Cyber Capabilities Through Innovation April 20, 2018 Public Communication in the New Era August 21, 2018 Accelerate Media Integration January 25, 2019 A Nation Must Have a Soul March 4, 2019 Raise Students' Awareness of the Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era March 18, 2019 Carry On the Legacy of the May 4th Movement, and Be Worthy of the New Era April 30, 2019 The People's Wellbeing Continue the "Toilet Revolution" November 2017 Bring a Sense of Gain, Happiness and Security to the People December 2017-November 3, 2019 Remove Institutional Barriers to Educational Development September 10, 2018 Safeguard Political Security, Social Order and Peaceful Lives January 15, 2019 Harmony Between Humanity and Nature Principles to Apply in Protecting the Eco-Environment May 18, 2018 Win the Battle Against Pollution May 18, 2018 Build a Green and Beautiful Homeland for All April 28, 2019 Major Goals for Eco-Conservation and Quality Development of the Yellow River Basin September 18, 2019 The People's Armed Forces Strengthen the Party's Leadership and Organizations in the Military August 17, 2018 Improve the Socialist Military Policy Framework with Chinese Characteristics November 13, 2018 Be Combat Ready Under the New Conditions January 4, 2019 Hong Kong, Macao and China's Peaceful ReunificationPromote Development in Hong Kong and Macao as Part of China's Overall Development November 12, 2018 Strive for China's National Rejuvenation and Peaceful Reunification January 2, 2019 Speech on the 20th Anniversary of Macao's Return to China and the Inauguration of the Fifth-Term Government of the Macao Special Administrative Region December 20, 2019 China's Diplomacy as a Major Country China's Diplomacy in the New Era December 28, 2017 Strengthen CPC Central Committee Leadership over Foreign Affairs May 15, 2018 Break New Ground in China's Major-Country Diplomacy June 22, 2018 A Global Community of Shared FutureMeet the People's Expectation for a Better Life December 1, 2017 Carry Forward the Shanghai Spirit; Build a Community of Shared Future June 10, 2018 The Role of the BRICS in Building a Global Community of Shared Future July 25, 2018 Towards a Stronger China-Africa Community of Shared Future September 3, 2018 Define an Effective Approach to Global Economic Governance November 17, 2018 Endeavor to Shape the Future of Humanity March 26, 2019 Build a Maritime Community of Shared Future April 23, 2019 Create an Asian Community of Shared Future Through Mutual Learning May 15, 2019 Work Together for a High-Quality World Economy June 28, 2019 The Belt and Road InitiativeOpen a Path to Cooperation Across the Pacific January 22, 2018 Strengthen Cooperation to Advance the Belt and Road Initiative July 10, 2018 Ensure that Belt and Road Cooperation Delivers Solid Outcomes August 27, 2018 Promote High-Quality Belt and Road Cooperation April 26, 2019 Self-Reform of the CPCNever Forget Where We Started October 31, 2017 Say No to Form over Substance and Reject Bureaucratism December 2017-January 11, 2019 Strengthen Party Self-Governance as an Ongoing Mission January 11, 2018 Strengthen the Party and Its Organizational Line in the New Era July 3, 2018 Cultivate Officials with Firm Conviction, Political Commitment, Professional Competence, and Proper Conduct March 1, 2019 Goals of the Aspiration and Mission Education Campaign May 31, 2019 Stay True to the Party's Original Aspiration and Founding Mission and Carry Out Self-Reform June 24, 2019 Remain True to Our Original Aspiration and Founding Mission - An Ongoing Campaign January 8, 2020 Strengthen Discipline and Scrutiny over the Exercise of Power January 13, 2020 Index Flieder-Verlag GmbHUnser Webshop: chinashelf.deKontakt: info@fliederverlag.deFacebook: @china.shelf.europe, Instagram: Chinashelf_online

  • av Xi Jinping

    La jaro 2020, kun sia tutmonda ekonomia mal­kresko kaj la tendenco en multaj landoj al ekonomia izoli¿o, ¿inujo staras antä novaj ekonomiaj kaj sociaj problemoj. La reago de la Komunista Partio de ¿inujo (KP¿) estas: pli koncentri¿i al la interna merkato kaj fari dispoziciojn por ligi ¿in kun la ekstera merkato, en tio favorante la projekton de la "silka vojo". Dum multegaj ¿inaj studentoj lernis kaj lernas en la universitatoj de Usono kaj de aliaj kapitalis­maj landoj la benojn de la novliberalismo, la KP¿ atentigas pri la neceso studi la marksisman ekonomikon kaj adapti tiun teorion al la ¿ina realo. Por tio, la KP¿ ¿us publikigis artikolon de sia prezidanto Xi, kiun ni ¿i tie aperigas en Esperanto kun aldono de pluraj kromaj artikoloj pri la temo. La vojo, kiun iras la Regno de la Mezo, ja estas grava ne nur por ¿inujo mem, sed ankä por la cetera mondo kaj eble povas malfermi la vojon al nova epoko de emancipi¿o de la homaro.

  • av Xi Jinping

    Dieses Buch enthält eine Zusammenstellung von 92 Reden und Schriften von Xi Jinping aus dem Zeitraum vom 18. Oktober 2017 bis 13. Januar 2020 und 41 Fotos. Es ist in 19 Themen gegliedert und die einzelnen Artikel innerhalb eines Themenbereichs sind jeweils chronologisch angeordnet. Zum besseren Verständnis sind manche Textstellen mit erläuternden Anmerkungen versehen.

  • - The Governance of China
    av Xi Jinping

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