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  • av Theodore Andoseh

    In a world of distractions and worldly allure, the imperative of molding young hearts into true disciples of Christ looms large.In this insightful book, Theodore Andoseh leads us on a journey through the combined transformative power of attraction, admiration, and imitation in shaping our children's devotion to Christ.As ministers to children and parents, our duty is clear: to steer their admiration toward heavenly pursuits, fostering a deep and transformative bond with their Saviour. The anecdotes and accounts shared herein underscore the profound impact of nurturing a love for God in young hearts.May this book embolden all who endeavor to cultivate true discipleship to Jesus Christ in the children under their care, equipping them to raise a generation of devout worshippers who walk closely with God from their earliest years.

  • av Theodore Andoseh

    The practice of "church" is witnessing a radical paradigm shift from mass gatherings, aka megachurches, to discipleship-making organs. In this book, The House Church in God's Eternal Purposes, Theodore Andoseh, describes in a practical way what a house church is and all that goes into her form and expression.House churches are the inns, the inns of God. They are the tabernacles of God. The house church is a place to welcomepeople from the street;wounded people;people who have received only the first aid ministry.House churches are there to care for, heal, nourish, keep and watch over the people so thatWhat was brought from the street does not go back there, What was taken from the hand of the thief does not fall back into their hands.If you are a house church leader or a leader of any organic community of believers at whatever stage and size, then this book provides valuable material to help disciple them in an organic house setting.It is both realigning and enlightening, with a strong voice of Scripture.It is a must-read!

  • - un facteur de croissance
    av Theodore Andoseh

    Lorsqu'une oeuvre de Dieu arrive au carrefour critique de la croissance d'église, il y a un besoin indispensable d'une augmentation correspondante en nombre de dirigeants, de ministres, de disciples et d'églises. Arrivé à un tel carrefour critique, continuer à faire du progrès demande l'intervention divine - la bénédiction du Seigneur.Dans La Bénédiction: Un facteur de croissance, l'auteur Théodore Andoseh fait une exploration des bénédictions de Dieu, tirées à partir du livre de la Genèse. Il veut amener les dirigeants spirituels à comprendre que la croissance de l'OEuvre de Dieu est foncièrement liée à la bénédiction divine. Le message à retenir qui nous interpelle est que la croissance est inséparable de la bénédiction de Dieu, et ceux qui cherchent de telles bénédictions doivent ardemment s'efforcer de s'aligner à Sa volonté.Puisse le Seigneur t'accorder une révélation plus profonde de cette vérité spirituelle pendant ta lecture, et puisses-tu t'établir dans une vie qui, de façon consistante, cherche à plaire à Dieu en toutes choses.

  • av Theodore Andoseh

    When a work of God reaches the critical juncture of Church growth, there is an indispensable need for a corresponding increase in the number of leaders, ministers, disciples, and churches. Further progress at such a critical juncture requires divine intervention-the blessing of the Lord.In Blessing for Growth, the author Theodore Andoseh explores God's blessings drawn from the book of Genesis. He intends to bring spiritual leaders to understand that the growth of the Work of God is intricately tied to divine blessing. The underlying message is compelling-growth goes hand-in-glove with God's blessings, and those who seek such blessings must earnestly strive to align with His will.May the Lord grant you a deeper revelation of this spiritual truth as you read, and may you settle for a life that consistently seeks to please God in all things.

  • - Spiritual Statesmanship
    av Theodore Andoseh

    The Lord Jesus Christ came to found a great kingdom of many spiritual nations-the race of the elect, the community of king-priests-and the apostles were the builders. In a sense, every ministry, and every community, has a founder and the rest are builders of that community.The Lord has called our community to emerge as a great spiritual nation-an organ possessed by the Holy Spirit for the accomplishment of God's end-time purposes. The general concept and Biblical background of a spiritual nation are introduced in Building a Spiritual Nation: The Foundation, by the same author.Building a Spiritual Nation: Spiritual Statesmanship takes us a step further from just the burden of organization for effectiveness, to confront the need to become spiritual statesmen and nation builders. It is a simple study with life-changing lessons from the leadership genius of king David. He forged a spiritual nation for God with a seven-fold might and led it with skillful hands.In this timely book, you will learn the principles of organic leadership in the building of a God-fearing community that brings fusion and provides regulatory coordination throughteamwork, team leadership, andteams of leaders.This principle of organic leadership is directly opposed to the toxic and cancerous paradigms fueled by individualism, selfishness and self-seeking which stem from the uncrucified self life-the enemy within!This book is MUST reading for all serious active or aspiring spiritual leader!

  • - In the Pattern of Apostle Paul
    av Theodore Andoseh

    In Strategic Missionary Work, the author, Theodore Andoseh delves into the core principles and practical strategies essential for success in fulfilling the divine call to spread the Gospel to the nations.Drawing from profound insights into the life and ministry of Apostle Paul and real-world experience, Andoseh takes readers on a journey through the stages of missionary work, guiding them with wisdom and purpose.With a focus on adapting to the ever-changing world and understanding the unique dynamics of mission fields, this book equips missionaries to effectively communicate the unchanging message of the Gospel.Under the divine guidance of the Holy Spirit, the ultimate Director of God's Missionary Enterprise, Andoseh reveals the timeless wisdom derived from Apostle Paul's strategic endeavours. With authenticity and passion, this book captures the essence of a God-given mission and ignites a burning desire to impact lives and honour God's call.Whether you are a seasoned missionary seeking renewed purpose or someone sensing a divine call to serve, Strategic Missionary Work provides invaluable insights and strategic plans to maximize your impact. It is a timely resource that empowers missionaries to rise above challenges and fulfil their mission with precision and effectiveness.The harvest is waiting-answer the call today.

  • av Theodore Andoseh

    Watching in Prayer by Theodore Andoseh is a timely book that emphasizes the need for leaders to watch and pray as their ministries grow and expand. The book highlights the challenges and threats faced by ministries as they grow, including attacks through cooperation. The author reminds us that to navigate such big changes and macro transformations without failing God, we must be vigilant and prayerful.This concise but poignant book is a wake-up call for spiritual leaders at all levels, parents, teachers, disciple-makers, and anyone seeking to build a hedge around their life and ministry. It emphasizes the need for watching men and women who are spiritually alive and more attuned to God's leading.With its emphasis on the critical task of watching and praying, Watching in Prayer is a must-read for anyone seeking to lead with excellence and navigate the challenges of ministry.

  • - The Master's Way
    av Theodore Andoseh

    This was the 19th collective prayer, fasting, and praise crusade since 2009. Each night, from 7 pm to 5 am, four different teams led us in intercession according to the following respective burdens: Thanksgiving, praise, and the impact of the 3rd CMFI world convention and the take off in phase three.Praying through the programme of phase 3: the Santa Cruz Prophecy, the Bertoua Message, and the (re-)organisation of the Headquarters.Praying for faith and commitment to the goal of phase 3-on the part of all in our ministry; praying for miracles of transformation and multiplication-on God's part; crying to God for personal transformation and the blessing of God on our work of the making of disciples.Exhaustive and comprehensive praying for protection, provision, and direction for phase 3.In this compilation, we have laboured to restitute in its wholesomeness the daily proceedings from the third burden above-the slot between 12 am to 2 am-led by brother Theodore Andoseh. The account includes the numerous life-changing exhortations that spiced the event.The Lord bless you abundantly as you relive these redefining moments!!

  • av Theodore Andoseh

    Lorsqu'une ¿uvre de Dieu arrive au carrefour critique de la croissance d'église, il y a un besoin indispensable d'une augmentation correspondante en nombre de dirigeants, de ministres, de disciples et d'églises. Arrivé à un tel carrefour critique, continuer à faire du progrès demande l'intervention divine - la bénédiction du Seigneur.Dans La Bénédiction: Un facteur de croissance, l'auteur Théodore Andoseh fait une exploration des bénédictions de Dieu, tirées à partir du livre de la Genèse. Il veut amener les dirigeants spirituels à comprendre que la croissance de l'¿uvre de Dieu est foncièrement liée à la bénédiction divine. Le message à retenir qui nous interpelle est que la croissance est inséparable de la bénédiction de Dieu, et ceux qui cherchent de telles bénédictions doivent ardemment s'efforcer de s'aligner à Sa volonté.Puisse le Seigneur t'accorder une révélation plus profonde de cette vérité spirituelle pendant ta lecture, et puisses-tu t'établir dans une vie qui, de façon consistante, cherche à plaire à Dieu en toutes choses.

  • av Theodore Andoseh

    Ce livre, Grandir avec l'¿uvre, de Théodore Andoseh est un récit vivant de l'un des cours annuels les plus sérieux de l'Université mondiale de la prière et du jeûne pour les leaders, les missionnaires et les implanteurs d'églises, qui s'est tenu à Koume, Bertoua, du 27 mars au 5 avril 2023.Tout ce qui grandit est appelé à changer au fil des ans. L'¿uvre de Dieu ne fait pas exception. Au fur et à mesure que l'¿uvre grandit, le dirigeant doit grandir. Si le dirigeant grandit, l'¿uvre grandira. Telles sont les deux idées clés développées dans ce livre sur le réalignement du leadership spirituel :Au fur et à mesure que l'¿uvre grandit, le leader doit grandir aussi.Si le leader grandit, le travail grandira avec lui.L'¿uvre ne doit pas grandir plus que le leader, et le leader doit rester sur le courant principal de Dieu au fur et à mesure que l'¿uvre grandit. Si le dirigeant ne grandit pas, il ne sera bientôt plus en phase avec l'¿uvre et pourrait devenir inutile. Il ne dirige plus l'¿uvre, c'est l'¿uvre qui le dirige.C'est notre besoin urgent en matière de leadership !

  • av Theodore Andoseh

    This compilation offers a unique perspective on encounters with God, both on an individual and collective level, as exemplified by the lives of Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, and the people of Israel. By delving into their personal journeys, we uncover the distinct facets of God's identity as Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. We explore direct and indirect forms of collective encounters by studying God's interactions with Israel.Our quest to understand what it means to experience God's tangible presence led us to Scripture. We wanted to know if such profound encounters were documented how individuals and communities prepared to meet and experience God, and what ensued thereafter.This daily journey unfolds during the 11th session of our annual 40-day Praise, Prayer, and Fasting Crusade. It captures the essence of our fervent prayers for a tangible encounter with the Almighty during the Third World Convention of Christian Missionary Fellowship International.As you immerse yourself in this life-changing moment, may the Lord abundantly bless your experience, leading you to relive a profound encounter with the Lord.

  • av Theodore Andoseh

    This was the 19th collective prayer, fasting, and praise crusade since 2009. Each night, from 7 pm to 5 am, four different teams led us in intercession according to the following respective burdens:Thanksgiving, praise, and the impact of the 3rd CMFI world convention and the take off in phase three.Praying through the programme of phase 3: the Santa Cruz Prophecy, the Bertoua Message, and the (re-)organisation of the Headquarters.Praying for faith and commitment to the goal of phase 3-on the part of all in our ministry; praying for miracles of transformation and multiplication-on God's part; crying to God for personal transformation and the blessing of God on our work of the making of disciples.Exhaustive and comprehensive praying for protection, provision, and direction for phase 3.In this compilation, we have laboured to restitute in its wholesomeness the daily proceedings from the third burden above-the slot between 12 am to 2 am-led by brother Theodore Andoseh. The account includes the numerous life-changing exhortations that spiced the event.The Lord bless you abundantly as you relive these redefining moments!!

  • av Theodore Andoseh

    Nombreux sont ceux qui languissent après un leadership canonique, tandis que très peu sont en train de se qualifier pour un leadership intrinsèque.Lorsqu'on nous présente Gédéon, nous remarquons premièrement qu'il était un cultivateur de céréales craintif qui se faufilait dans un pressoir, comme un lâche dans sa cachette. Il était le candidat potentiel le moins susceptible d'être qualifié pour le leadership spirituel.Quel est le genre de personnes que Dieu choisit et dont Il se sert pour Son oeuvre ?Dans les écritures, nous retrouvons des hommes et des femmes effroyablement grands, qui avaient faibli, lutté, et parfois échoué. D'après John MacArthur, Dieu s'était servi de ces hommes de manière surprenante et extraordinaire, pour accomplir Ses desseins. Les écritures dépeint leurs faiblesses, n'exagèrent pas leurs forces, et ne modifient pas leur histoire de manière à exhiber une certaine noblesse humaine. Au contraire, elles décrivent ces dirigeants du peuple de Dieu avec une honnêteté indéfectible et nous donne une fin surprenante: c'est pourquoi Dieu n'a pas honte d'être appelé leur Dieu (Hébreux 11:16).Dans le livre: Le leadership spirituel selon le modèle de Gédéon, le Pasteur Théodore Andoseh, nous fait revivre l'époque, l'appel, l'ordination, le travail et les périls du leadership dans la vie de Gédéon-un homme faible rendu fort. Par ce rappel, nous comprendrons clairement dans quelle mesure son histoire s'applique à toute personne qui, de nos jours, aspire à émerger en tant que dirigeant du peuple de Dieu.Qu'a accompli Gédéon afin de se qualifier pour le leadership ?Qu'a-t-il réalisé en tant que dirigeant ?Qu'est-ce qui était impliqué dans son leadership ?Quelles sont les risques et dangers auquel il faisait face dans son leadership ?Dans ce livre, vous verrez comment Dieu a agi de manière surprenante dans ce qui a contribué à la formation de l'appel de Gédéon et les leçons propices à l'émergence d'un leadership spirituel intrinsèque.

  • av Theodore Andoseh

    The messages in this book were delivered at the Third World Convention of Christian Missionary Fellowship International at her headquarters in Koume, Bertoua, Cameroon from 8th to 17th December, 2019 to brethren of the Community from 93 nations from the six continents. We were gathered to give account to God, thank and celebrate Him who blessed and enabled us to accomplish the Phase 2 goal of our work.These messages serve as an orientation for the pursuit of the goal, and directives for our work in the next five to seven years. In pursuing these directives as a disciple-making movement, God being our Helper, and by the blessings of the Lord, we expect to be a community in which every member loves the Lord Jesus or returns to the first love for the Lord Jesus.Our heart cry to the Lord is that these messages would help keep us on the rails and stir us to work hard at accomplishing the goal that we joyously accepted from and committed ourselves to before our blessed Lord and Master Jesus Christ.

  • av Theodore Andoseh

    The Missionary as a Son is a keynote lecture delivered by the author to missionary candidates during a transformative session at the School of Knowing and Serving God, the esteemed missionary training institution of Christian Missionary Fellowship International The message unravels the essence of being a missionary son and provides invaluable guidance on how to embrace and put on this identity.Drawing inspiration from the Lord Jesus Christ-the ultimate example-the author illuminates the core principles of becoming a missionary son. Jesus, as both the Son of God and the Son of Man, devoted His entire existence to accomplishing the work entrusted to Him by His Father, thus bringing glory to God.In this divine blueprint, God reveals His design for the missionary enterprise, thus, He expects every missionary to begin their journey as sons, both of God and of man. The pathway to truly belong to a man is through complete allegiance to God. To accurately relate to a man of God, one must first understand how God speaks and relates to that individual. Admiration forms the foundation of sonship; for without admiration, one fails to perceive the glory indwelling in another person. It is through this natural process that we emulate those we admire.Ministry is the natural overflow of a genuine relationship with God. Spiritual union and communion with the Divine inevitably bear fruit in the form of impactful ministry. As you embark on this enlightening and transformative journey, may your heart be open to the cry enshrined in these pages-a heartfelt plea for God to perform spiritual heart surgeries in the lives of all missionaries and missionary candidates, birthing in them a profound transformation that molds them into missionary sons, mirroring the character and example of Christ.

  • av Theodore Andoseh

    Les messages contenus dans ce livre ont été prêchés du 8 au 17 décembre 2019, lors de la troisième convention mondiale de la Communauté Missionnaire Chrétienne Internationale, dont le siège est basé à Koumé - Bertoua, au Cameroun. Ces messages ont été adressés aux frères de la Communauté en provenance de 93 nations des six continents. Nous étions rassemblés dans le but de rendre compte à Dieu, Lui dire merci et Le célébrer; Lui qui nous a bénis et nous a permis d'accomplir le but de la Phase 2 de notre oeuvre. Ces messages sont une orientation en vue de la poursuite du but, et des directives pour notre oeuvre dans les cinq ou sept prochaines années. Dans la poursuite de ces directives en tant que mouvement de formation des disciples, avec l'aide de Dieu et tout en comptant sur les bénédictions du Seigneur, nous aspirons à être une Communauté où chaque membre aime le Seigneur Jésus ou retourne à son premier amour pour le Seigneur Jésus. Le cri de notre coeur vers le Seigneur est que ces messages nous maintiennent sur la bonne voie et nous motivent à travailler dur dans l'accomplissement du but que nous avons joyeusement accepté et que nous nous sommes engagés à accomplir devant notre Seigneur et Maître béni, Jésus-Christ.

  • av Theodore Andoseh

    Many people long for nominative leadership, but very few people qualify for intrinsic leadership.When we are first introduced to Gideon, we see a faint-hearted grain farmer sneaking around like a coward hiding in a winepress. He was the most unlikely of potential candidates for spiritual leadership.What kind of people does God choose and use to do His work?Throughout Scripture, we see unnervingly real men and women who faltered, struggled, and at times, fell short. In the words of John MacArthur, God worked through them in surprising and incredible ways to accomplish His purposes. Scripture does not hide their weaknesses, caricature their strengths, or spin their stories as a display of human nobility. Instead, it describes these leaders of God's people with unflinching honesty and delivers an unexpected ending: "God is not ashamed to be called their God" (Hebrews 11:16).In Spiritual Leadership in the Pattern of Gideon, Pastor Theodore Andoseh takes us back to see the times, call, ordination, work, and perils of leadership in the life of Gideon-a weak man made strong. In doing so, it becomes clear how his story applies in our days to anyone who aspire to emerge as a leader of God's people.what did Gideon do to qualify for leadership?what did he do as a leader?what was involved in his leadership?what were the perils or dangers encountered during his leadership?In this book, you will see God at work in unexpected ways in what went into the making of Gideon's call and the timely lessons on the emergence of intrinsic spiritual leadership.

  • - Learning From Biblical Models
    av Theodore Andoseh

    A spiritual nation is an organ possessed by the Holy Spirit for the accomplishment of God's end-time purposes.Through a distinct relationship with God, Moses built the nation of Israel around the major vector of making them into the people of God and making out of them a people for God.Prophet Samuel brought in the fulness of God through his walk with God to offer the nation of Israel a spiritual model in three distinct domains-an unusual walk with God; a distinct ministry, and leadership blamelessness.King David brought in might in nine domains in forging the nation of Israel. His invincible arsenal of mighty men, mighty deeds, mighty hearts, mighty numbers, mighty faith, and teams of mighty men brought uncountable victories that ushered Israel into a great nation.The Lord Jesus Christ came to found a great kingdom with many units called nations by making disciples and by making those, who like him, will make disciples-and the apostles were the builders. In a sense, every ministry, every community, has a founder and the rest are builders of that spiritual community.In this live narrative compilation from the 14th session of the annual 40-day Praise, Prayer, and Fasting Crusade of our community, a portrait of a great spiritual nation and spiritual nation builders is projected and prayed through for the community in the light of the lessons learned from the above four outstanding Biblical models.The Lord bless you exceedingly as you relive this life-changing event!!

  • av Theodore Andoseh

    Écrasé par le fardeau de voir toutes les promesses de Dieu à notre ministère s'accomplir dans le contexte d'une oeuvre missionnaire croissante, le frère Theodore Andoseh a donné une série de conférences internationales sur la croissance des églises.La première, qui portait sur l'importance critique des effectifs pour l'accomplissement des desseins de Dieu met en relief que le niveau de leadership d'un dirigeant dépend de ses effectifs. Aussi notre héritage personnel, notre héritage en tant que peuple de Dieu dépend de nos effectifs. Les bénédictions de Dieu sont libérées en proportion de nos effectifs. Dieu a besoin de grands effectifs pour nous donner tout ce qu'Il a pour nous.Dans ce livre, l'auteur aborde des sujets tels que: L'importance critique des effectifs dans les desseins éternels de DieuLa croissance et le leadershipLe modèle d'églises ayant connues la croissance dans le nouveau testamentLis-le et tu seras béni; tu seras mis au défi de coopérer avec Dieu pour l'explosion en nombre de tes effectifs.

  • av Theodore Andoseh

    What does a true minister of Christ look like, and what constitutes his ministry? How can we identify the life and labours of one called by God to serve in the church?A Good Minister of Jesus Christ, by Theodore Andoseh, seeks to provide answers to the above questions through a close examination of the life (worker) and ministry (work) of Timothy-a protégé of Apostle Paul.From his own steadfast, dynamic, and utterly devoted life and ministry as a messenger of the gospel, amid suffering and hardship, Apostle Paul admonished Timothy unto faithfulness in ministry, personal cultivation, commitment to the goal, submission to spiritual authority, and self-watch as an antidote to apostasy and moral bankruptcy.The author shows that Timothy's unrelenting faithfulness in the worst kinds of trials-leader of a church infiltrated by false teachers; church members looking down on him because of his youth; frequent stomach ailments; and so on-is a remarkable example to every contemporary worker in the vineyard of God.At the end, the fruit of his labours-the growth, overflow, and partnership of the churches in Macedonia-defines the faithful minister (worker) he became.As you read on, may the Lord stir in you the urge to be a good tree that will bear good and lasting fruit for His glory.

  • av Theodore Andoseh

    There are the general purposes of God and the distinct purposes of God that He entrusts to specific individuals, groups of individuals, communities, and even to a Spiritual Movement. Both kinds of callings are documented in the Scriptures and all serve the economy of God's purposes.To Zach Fomum and those that God called along with him, a distinct economy of the Gospel was entrusted that translated into a clear goal. The pursuance of that goal through obedience to God's specific instructions has gradually clarified the will of God and the means of accomplishing His purposes. God's will, God's ways, our responsibility, who we must be, what we must do to please God, and accomplish our goal, are presented here as constituting our ministry.This is written for all who are part of our ministry, and for all who will be part of this ministry, so that we may serve in the same spirit for the same purpose and, by accomplishing the goal, bring glory to our Lord Jesus.God bless you.

  • av Theodore Andoseh

    With an expanding work-both local and international-there is pressing demand for new leaders.Emerging leaders often observe the deficiencies in the ministries of those who have long occupied center stage. Filled with innovative ideas and creativity, they aspire to bring something out of the ordinary-the very essence of God's creativity. Yet, the God of creativity demands that His creatures do not tamper with His design. The work of God must be carried out in God's way. The curse of carnal service lies in its ineffectiveness. Natural attributes, worldly achievements, and scholarly prowess can only be instrumental in God's service if the Holy Spirit chooses to employ them.The Power of Brokenness takes you on an extraordinary journey into the heart of effective Christian leadership, uncovering the hidden strength found in embracing brokenness. The author, Theodore Andoseh, artfully weaves insights from biblical narratives, particularly the transformative story of Moses-once a prospective Pharaoh, with vast knowledge, martial expertise, and numerous conquests under his belt-to demonstrate the work of God within the inner man, preparing the servant of God for usefulness and effectiveness in their divine calling.Brokenness, though painful, is not a negative force. The mighty prince proved ineffective, but it was the broken shepherd in God's hands who served the Lord with remarkable effectiveness. The elite Moses proved useless and could only save one person, who did not even leave Egypt. However, the broken Moses fulfilled his calling in the might of the Lord and led over three million people out of Egypt.As you read through the lines of this book, may the Lord open your eyes to the power of brokenness and its centrality in the service of the Lord.

  • av Theodore Andoseh

  • av Theodore Andoseh

    Le Seigneur Jésus-Christ est venu fonder un grand royaume composé de nombreuses nations spirituelles - la race des élus, la communauté des rois-sacrificateurs - et les apôtres en ont été les bâtisseurs. Dans un sens, chaque ministère, chaque communauté, a un fondateur et les autres sont les bâtisseurs de cette nation spirituelle.Le Seigneur a appelé notre communauté à émerger comme une grande nation spirituelle - un organe possédé par le Saint-Esprit pour l'accomplissement des desseins de Dieu à la fin des temps. Le concept général et le contexte biblique d'une nation spirituelle sont présentés dans le livre Bâtir une nation spirituelle : la fondation du même auteur.Bâtir une nation spirituelle : la stature d'homme d'État spirituel nous fait franchir une étape supplémentaire par rapport au simple fardeau de l'organisation en vue de l'efficacité, pour nous confronter à la nécessité de devenir des hommes d'État spirituels et des bâtisseurs de nations. Il s'agit d'une étude simple avec des leçons qui changent la vie, tirées du génie du leadership du roi David. Il a forgé une nation spirituelle pour Dieu avec une vaillance septuple et l'a dirigée avec des mains habiles.Dans ce livre, tu apprendras les principes du leadership organique dans l'édification d'une communauté craignant Dieu, qui apporte la fusion et assure la coordination réglementaire à travers le travail d'équipe¿; le leadership d'équipe¿; et des équipes de dirigeants. Les obstacles majeurs tels que l'individualisme, l'égoïsme et l'exaltation de soi, qui sont toxiques et cancéreux pour un tel paradigme de leadership, sont identifiés et traités.

  • av Theodore Andoseh

    The Missionary as a Son is a keynote lecture delivered by the author to missionary candidates during a transformative session at the School of Knowing and Serving God, the esteemed missionary training institution of Christian Missionary Fellowship International The message unravels the essence of being a missionary son and provides invaluable guidance on how to embrace and put on this identity.Drawing inspiration from the Lord Jesus Christ-the ultimate example-the author illuminates the core principles of becoming a missionary son. Jesus, as both the Son of God and the Son of Man, devoted His entire existence to accomplishing the work entrusted to Him by His Father, thus bringing glory to God.In this divine blueprint, God reveals His design for the missionary enterprise, thus, He expects every missionary to begin their journey as sons, both of God and of man. The pathway to truly belong to a man is through complete allegiance to God. To accurately relate to a man of God, one must first understand how God speaks and relates to that individual. Admiration forms the foundation of sonship; for without admiration, one fails to perceive the glory indwelling in another person. It is through this natural process that we emulate those we admire.Ministry is the natural overflow of a genuine relationship with God. Spiritual union and communion with the Divine inevitably bear fruit in the form of impactful ministry. As you embark on this enlightening and transformative journey, may your heart be open to the cry enshrined in these pages-a heartfelt plea for God to perform spiritual heart surgeries in the lives of all missionaries and missionary candidates, birthing in them a profound transformation that molds them into missionary sons, mirroring the character and example of Christ.

  • av Theodore Andoseh

    There are the general purposes of God and the distinct purposes of God that He entrusts to specific individuals, groups of individuals, communities, and even to a Spiritual Movement. Both kinds of callings are documented in the Scriptures and all serve the economy of God's purposes.To Zach Fomum and those that God called along with him, a distinct economy of the Gospel was entrusted that translated into a clear goal. The pursuance of that goal through obedience to God's specific instructions has gradually clarified the will of God and the means of accomplishing His purposes. God's will, God's ways, our responsibility, who we must be, and what we must do to please God, and accomplish our goal, are presented here as constituting our ministry.This is written for all who are part of our ministry, and for all who will be part of this ministry, so that we may serve in the same spirit for the same purpose and, by accomplishing the goal, bring glory to our Lord Jesus.

  • av Theodore Andoseh

    Le monde passe par un cyclone d'incertitudes et plus rien ne ressemble à la normalité que nous avons vécue pendant longtemps. Rien du tout !!! les crises morales et sanitaires sont croissantes. Les lois législatives sont promulguées afin de s'opposer ouvertement aux instituions divines comme la famille et le droit à la vie. Les gens meurent dans les conflits armés à un taux jamais atteint. L'ennemi semble diriger toutes ses armes vers l'évangile et l'église.Au sein de ce chaos, nous sommes les élus de Dieu pour vivre en des temps pareils. Un jour pour les champions-à un moment où les batailles avec les méthodes conventionnelles sont inutiles-est sur nous. Les temps du christianisme complaisant et de la religion ritualiste sont dépassés. Dieu a besoin des héros.Les Héros du Royaume présente en grandes lignes, les caractéristiques des personnes ordinaires dans la bible et l'histoire de l'église qui ont pris la responsabilité personnelle, chacun à son niveau, face aux crises menaçantes de la vie et ont changé le cours de l'histoire. Ils ont tenu ferme, persévéré par la foi, expérimenté des victoires spirituelles, et ont reçu l'approbation divine alors qu'ils faisaient face aux terribles scénarios de la vie, et ils l'ont fait de manière spirituellement digne. Ce livre tiendra en éveil toute personne qui désire produire un impact positif sur les autres et faire avancer le programme du royaume de Dieu sur terre avec hardiesse et courage. Tu seras considérablement inspiré au travers de la vie de l'homme selon le cœur de Dieu-David : il a atteint la grandeur spirituelle au travers d'un héroïsme dans le caractère, le leadership, l'adoration, les batailles et bien plus.Se pourrait-il que tu sois le champion que Dieu a préparé en silence afin de faire taire l'ennemi aujourd'hui ou très bientôt ?Choisiras-tu de placer Christ au-dessus de la culture et les convictions au-dessus du confort ?Lève-toi et deviens un Héros du Royaume !

  • av Theodore Andoseh

    The pages that follow encapsulate the essence of the pathfinding message delivered by the author, Theodore Andoseh at the International Students' Bible Camp in 2020, Cameroon.In the grand tapestry of faith, the Church stands as a beacon, entrusted with embracing her Lord's Great Commission. In humble prayer, she beseeches the Lord of the harvest to send forth labourers into His abundant fields. And as her petitions rise, God, in His divine providence, calls and equips individuals to embark on His sacred mission. This book endeavours to construct a framework for understanding missions, intended to guide the Church and its missionaries in their noble work. It serves as an introductory exploration into the mission of Paul and Barnabas, with Paul serving as the primary paradigm for missions in the New Covenant.Through a careful examination of Scriptures and the author's personal experiences, this book illuminates various facets of missionary work, offering valuable insights into the missionary life and ministry.The author passionately believes that a profound understanding of the Lord's missionary economy can alleviate the burdens of oversight and unleash the full potential of God's missionary purpose. It is our heartfelt prayer that this book, in the hands of those who genuinely care about God's missionary vision, becomes a vessel through which divine blessings flow.May the Lord condescend to use it as an instrument of inspiration and enlightenment, touching the lives of many as they embark on their own transformative journeys of faith.

  • av Theodore Andoseh

    In Strategic Missionary Work, the author, Theodore Andoseh delves into the core principles and practical strategies essential for success in fulfilling the divine call to spread the Gospel to the nations.Drawing from profound insights into the life and ministry of Apostle Paul and real-world experience, Andoseh takes readers on a journey through the stages of missionary work, guiding them with wisdom and purpose. With a focus on adapting to the ever-changing world and understanding the unique dynamics of mission fields, this book equips missionaries to effectively communicate the unchanging message of the Gospel.Under the divine guidance of the Holy Spirit, the ultimate Director of God's Missionary Enterprise, Andoseh reveals the timeless wisdom derived from Apostle Paul's strategic endeavors. With authenticity and passion, this book captures the essence of a God-given mission and ignites a burning desire to impact lives and honor God's call.Whether you are a seasoned missionary seeking renewed purpose or someone sensing a divine call to serve, Strategic Missionary Work provides invaluable insights and strategic plans to maximize your impact. It is a timely resource that empowers missionaries to rise above challenges and fulfill their mission with precision and effectiveness.The harvest is waiting-answer the call today.

  • av Theodore Andoseh

    Nombreux sont ceux qui languissent après un leadership canonique, tandis que très peu sont en train de se qualifier pour un leadership intrinsèque.Lorsqu'on nous présente Gédéon, nous remarquons premièrement qu'il était un cultivateur de céréales craintif qui se faufilait dans un pressoir, comme un lâche dans sa cachette. Il était le candidat potentiel le moins susceptible d'être qualifié pour le leadership spirituel.Quel est le genre de personnes que Dieu choisit et dont Il se sert pour Son ¿uvre ?Dans les écritures, nous retrouvons des hommes et des femmes effroyablement grands, qui avaient faibli, lutté, et parfois échoué. D'après John MacArthur, Dieu s'était servi de ces hommes de manière surprenante et extraordinaire, pour accomplir Ses desseins. Les écritures dépeint leurs faiblesses, n'exagèrent pas leurs forces, et ne modifient pas leur histoire de manière à exhiber une certaine noblesse humaine. Au contraire, elles décrivent ces dirigeants du peuple de Dieu avec une honnêteté indéfectible et nous donne une fin surprenante : c'est pourquoi Dieu n'a pas honte d'être appelé leur Dieu (Hébreux 11:16).Dans le livre : Le leadership spirituel selon le modèle de Gédéon, le Pasteur Théodore Andoseh, nous fait revivre l'époque, l'appel, l'ordination, le travail et les périls du leadership dans la vie de Gédéon-un homme faible rendu fort. Par ce rappel, nous comprendrons clairement dans quelle mesure son histoire s'applique à toute personne qui, de nos jours, aspire à émerger en tant que dirigeant du peuple de Dieu.Qu'a accompli Gédéon afin de se qualifier pour le leadership ?Qu'a-t-il réalisé en tant que dirigeant ?Qu'est-ce qui était impliqué dans son leadership ?Quelles sont les risques et dangers auquel il faisait face dans son leadership ?Dans ce livre, vous verrez comment Dieu a agi de manière surprenante dans ce qui a contribué à la formation de l'appel de Gédéon et les leçons propices à l'émergence d'un leadership spirituel intrinsèque.

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