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Bøker av Sophie Laurent

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  • av Sophie Laurent

    Découvrez la Puissance de la Méthode CERCLE pour Arrêter de Fumer - Un méthode éprouvée qui a aidé plus de 2000 personnes à arrêter le tabac. Arrêter de fumer peut sembler être une quête complexe et intimidante, mais rassurez-vous, vous n'êtes pas seul(e) dans cette aventure ! Plongez au coeur de la méthode CERCLE, une approche révolutionnaire qui a déjà aidé plus de 2000 personnes à dire adieu au tabac pour de bon. A travers les pages de ce livre inspirant, vous découvrirez les six piliers de la méthode CERCLE: Conscience, Engagement, Remplacement, Communauté, Lifestyle et Évaluation. Chaque lettre de ce mot magique est une clé essentielle pour vous libérer de la dépendance au tabac. Vous cherchez une solution efficace pour arrêter de fumer sans souffrir ? La méthode CERCLE est là pour vous guider pas à pas vers une vie sans tabac, remplie de bien-être et de liberté. En utilisant la méthode CERCLE, vous développerez une conscience aiguisée de votre dépendance, vous vous engagerez corps et âme dans votre démarche, et vous remplacerez les anciennes habitudes par de nouvelles plus saines. Rejoignez une communauté bienveillante, des milliers de personnes qui ont déjà bénéficié de cette méthode éprouvée. Laissez-vous inspirer par des témoignages émouvants et découvrez comment ils ont relevé le défi avec succès. Prenez le contrôle de votre vie dès aujourd'hui. Le temps est venu de laisser derrière vous le tabac, et de vous épanouir dans un mode de vie sain et équilibré.Prenez votre envol vers une vie sans tabac !

    av Sophie Laurent

    CAPTIVATING FRANCE: FROM PARISIAN DELIGHTS TO CHARMING VILLAGES With "Journeys through France," set out on a remarkable journey through the magnificent landscapes and alluring culture of France. This fascinating book transports you on a spellbinding journey through the legendary cities, undiscovered wonders, and stunning landscapes that truly define France as a treasure.Each chapter reveals a different aspect of France's rich tapestry, from the romantic attraction of Paris with its iconic sites and thriving café culture to the timeless beauty of Provence's lavender fields and ancient towns. Discover the historical tapestry of Normandy's D-Day beaches and medieval wonders, as well as the glitz and glamour of the French Riviera, Burgundy's world-class wines, and culinary delights.Discover the magic of the Bordeaux vineyards and cellar tours, and see how French and German influences coexist in the quaint Alsatian villages. Explore the grand châteaux of the Loire Valley, which are encircled by beautiful gardens, and go on alpine excursions amidst the breathtaking French Alps.Learn about the off-the-beaten-path attractions and activities that showcase rural France's true charm and traditions. Explore the rich artistic tradition, delectable cuisine, and fascinating history that have shaped this fascinating and diverse nation."Journeys through France" transports you to the heart of each location with colorful descriptions, gorgeous photos, and engrossing anecdotes, kindling your wanderlust and motivating you to set off on your own French trip.This book will capture your imagination and inspire you to discover the magical landscapes, immerse yourself in the culture, and savor the culinary delights of this magnificent country, whether you are an experienced traveler or dreaming of your first trip to France.Journey through the chapters of "Journeys through France" to discover the hidden gems, explore the mysteries of the famous locations, and engage your senses. Your ticket to an extraordinary journey across the worlds of art, history, and cuisine is this book.Don't pass up the chance to discover France's enchantment. Today, add "Journeys through France" to your library to start an amazing journey through this alluring nation.

  • av Sophie Laurent

    Questo lavoro è il risultato di una ricerca d'azione condotta da una professionista del settore. Come educatore specializzato e responsabile di progetto in un servizio specializzato in prostituzione nella regione di Parigi, ho sfruttato otto anni di ascolto delle storie di vita dei giovani. Infatti, questo servizio di integrazione e prevenzione completa la sua azione educativa con gli strumenti della storia di vita e del genogramma. La mia pratica mi ha permesso di comprendere il problema del rischio di prostituzione alla luce di ciò che raccontano e della loro realtà. Oggi, in un contesto di vita difficile per giovani tra i 18 e i 25 anni che hanno rotto i loro legami familiari e sociali, l'approccio al rischio di prostituzione e alla prostituzione è cambiato. Le loro pratiche di rischio estremo sono invisibili e senza nome e molto spesso sfuggono alle istituzioni che le sostengono. L'atto ha la precedenza sulla parola. Il tema della mia ricerca è analizzare e comprendere meglio come il dispositivo biografico possa ridurre l'assunzione del rischio tra i giovani, e individuare i vari fattori dello scivolamento verso la prostituzione su cui è possibile agire.

  • av Sophie Laurent

    Diese Arbeit ist der Abschluss einer Aktionsforschung, die von einer Fachfrau aus der Praxis durchgeführt wurde. Als Sonderpädagogin und Projektleiterin in einem auf Prostitution spezialisierten Dienst in der Nähe von Paris habe ich acht Jahre lang die Lebensgeschichte von Jugendlichen angehört. In der Tat ergänzt dieser Eingliederungs- und Präventionsdienst seine erzieherischen Maßnahmen durch die Instrumente der Praxis der Lebensgeschichte und des Genogramms. Meine Praxis hat es mir ermöglicht, die Problematik des Prostitutionsrisikos auf der Grundlage ihrer Aussagen und ihrer Realität zu begreifen. Heute, in einem schwierigen Lebensumfeld für junge Menschen zwischen 18 und 25 Jahren, die aus ihren familiären und sozialen Bindungen gerissen sind, hat sich die Herangehensweise an das Prostitutionsrisiko und die Prostitution verändert. Ihre Praktiken der extremen Risikoübernahme sind unsichtbar und unbenannt und entziehen sich sehr oft den Institutionen, die sie begleiten. Die Tat tritt an die Stelle des Wortes. Das Thema meiner Forschung besteht darin, zu analysieren und besser zu verstehen, inwiefern das biografische Dispositiv es ermöglicht, die Risikobereitschaft der Jugendlichen zu reduzieren, und die verschiedenen Faktoren für das Abgleiten in die Prostitution zu identifizieren, auf die man Einfluss nehmen kann.

  • av Sophie Laurent

    Este trabalho é o resultado de uma investigação-acção levada a cabo por um profissional da área. Enquanto educadora especializada e gestora de projectos num serviço especializado em prostituição na região parisiense, aproveitei oito anos de escuta das histórias de vida dos jovens. De facto, este serviço de integração e de prevenção completa a sua acção educativa com as ferramentas da história de vida e da prática do genograma. A minha prática permitiu-me compreender a problemática do risco de prostituição à luz do que eles dizem e da sua realidade. Actualmente, num contexto de vida difícil para jovens dos 18 aos 25 anos que romperam os seus laços familiares e sociais, a abordagem do risco de prostituição e da prostituição mudou. As suas práticas de risco extremo são invisíveis e inomináveis e escapam muitas vezes às instituições que as apoiam. O acto prevalece sobre a palavra. O tema da minha investigação é analisar e compreender melhor como o dispositivo biográfico pode reduzir a assunção de riscos entre os jovens, e identificar os diferentes factores do deslizamento para a prostituição sobre os quais é possível agir.

  • av Sophie Laurent

    This work is the accomplishment of an action-research carried out by a professional in the field. As a specialized educator and project manager in a service specialized in prostitution in the Paris region, I have put to good use eight years of listening to the life stories of young people. Indeed, this integration and prevention service completes its educational action with the tools of life history and genogram practice. My practice has allowed me to understand the problem of the risk of prostitution in the light of what they say and their reality. Today, in a difficult life context for young people between 18 and 25 years old, who have lost their family and social ties, the approach to the risk of prostitution and prostitution has changed. Their extreme risk-taking practices are invisible and unnamed and very often escape the institutions that accompany them. The act takes precedence over the word. The theme of my research is to analyze and better understand how the biographical device can reduce risk-taking among young people, and to identify the different factors of the slide into prostitution on which it is possible to act.

  • - From Molecules to Particles
    av Sophie Laurent

    This book describes the multiple aspects of (i) preparation of the magnetic core, (ii) the stabilization with different coatings, (iii) the physico-chemical characterization and (iv) the vectorization to obtain specific nanosystems.

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