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Bøker av Simone H

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  • - Een horrorverhaal, de novelle
    av Simone H

    School, schaduw, klimopEen horrorverhaal, de novelleDoor Simone H. Er vindt een ongeval plaats in een laboratorium in een schoolgebouw. Tijdens de explosie komen onbekende chemicaliën vrij en worden deze gedistribueerd naar mensen en planten, waardoor mutaties ontstaan. De klimop die op de buitenmuren van de school groeit, valt zelfs mensen aan. Een groep leerlingen merkte niets en ging de school binnen. Als de groep op school is, gebeuren er vreemde dingen. Het licht blijft uitgaan, waarna mensen worden aangevallen en gedood door een onbekende figuur. De klimop blokkeert nu de uitgangen waardoor de leerlingen de school niet meer kunnen verlaten. De zenuwen staan op scherp, de groep wordt steeds kleiner en splitst zich vervolgens op. Uiteindelijk ontstaat er wantrouwen tussen de studenten, worden er vermoedens geuit en ontstaat er zelfs fysieke ruzie tussen de studenten.

  • - A horror story, the novella
    av Simone H

    School, shade, ivyA horror story, the novellaFrom Simone H. There is an accident in a laboratory in a school building. The explosion causes unknown chemicals to leak and spread to people and plants, resulting in mutations. The ivy growing on the outside walls of the school even attacks people. A group of pupils are unaware of this and enter the school. When the group is inside the school, strange things start to happen. Again and again the lights go out, then people are attacked and killed by an unknown figure. The ivy is now blocking the exits so that the pupils can no longer leave the school. Nerves are frayed, the group gets smaller and smaller and then splits up. In the end, mistrust develops between the pupils, suspicions are voiced and there are even physical altercations between the pupils.

  • - De fire portenes voktere - Ildporten
    av Simone H

    Vampyr og varulv, forbudt kjærlighetDe fire portenes voktere - IldportenEn nervepirrende, spennende og romantisk skrekkhistorie av Simone H. Alexis og Lio er elskere, noe som egentlig ikke er noe uvanlig, men hun er vampyr og han er varulv.De skjuler sin kjærlighet fordi slike forhold er uglesett og vil være ufordelaktig for begge parter.En morgen forlater Alexis varulvenes villa i all hemmelighet, og kort tid etter blir et lik funnet.Etterforskningen begynner, Lio hjelper politiet, og etter kort tid kommer de første resultatene, men det dukker også opp mange spørsmål.Er den farlige Drageordenen aktiv igjen?Eller er det vampyrene som står bak mordet?Vil kjæresten hans hjelpe ham med å finne morderen?

  • - Mystery- Thriller
    av Simone H

    Two guests disappear at night in a vacation village. Their friends enlist the help of a hunter and a forest ranger. They all set off into the forest in search of their friends. The group splits up when a scream is heard in the forest. The forester finds the mangled body of a young woman in a clearing. However, she is not one of the original missing persons and the hunter rushes to her aid. The rest of the group, who have stayed behind on a forest path, become impatient and split up again. The young people disappear one by one into the branches of the forest, not realizing that something is following them, and when the hunter and the forester arrive at the forest path and find it empty, they search for tracks. They discover the group's footprints and large wolf-like prints on the forest floor and follow them, and one by one the various group members disappear. They are lured into various traps, killed and hunted by wolf-like shadow creatures with glowing red eyes until only one group member is left alive. Part 2 of the thrilling tale.The story is written in screenplay form.

  • - Mystery- Thriller
    av Simone H

    Two guests disappear at night in a vacation village. Their friends enlist the help of a hunter and a forest ranger. They all set off into the forest in search of their friends. The group splits up when a scream is heard in the forest. The forester finds the mangled body of a young woman in a clearing. However, she is not one of the original missing persons and the hunter rushes to her aid. The rest of the group, who have stayed behind on a forest path, become impatient and split up again. The young people disappear one by one into the branches of the forest, not realizing that something is following them, and when the hunter and the forester arrive at the forest path and find it empty, they search for tracks. They discover the group's footprints and large wolf-like prints on the forest floor and follow them, and one by one the various group members disappear. They are lured into various traps, killed and hunted by wolf-like shadow creatures with glowing red eyes until only one group member is left alive. Part 1 of the thrilling tale.The story is written in screenplay form.

  • av Simone H

    Vampires and werewolves, the investigators of the underworldSimone H. People keep disappearing in a small harbor town. A special police unit is set up to investigate. Annabell and David are part of it. They are no ordinary police officers, because she is a vampire and her partner David is a werewolf.They suspect that the local mafioso is behind the kidnappings. However, after painstaking investigations and questioning, the trail points in a different direction.Annabell and David keep coming across inconsistencies.Is a politician behind the kidnappings?Or the other vampires or werewolves? The chief of police is also one of the suspects.The two policemen can no longer trust anyone.

  • - Bewaker van die Vier Poorte - Die Vuurpoort
    av Simone H

    Vampier en weerwolf, verbode liefdeBewaker van die Vier Poorte - Die Vuurpoort. 'n Spannende, opwindende en romantiese gruwelverhaal deur Simone H.: Alexis en Lio is minnaars, dit sal nie ongewoon wees nie, maar sy is 'n vampier en hy is 'n weerwolf.Hulle steek hul liefde weg, want sulke verbindings word afgekeur en sal nadele vir albei tot gevolg hê.Een oggend verlaat Alexis in die geheim die weerwolwe se herehuis, kort daarna word 'n lyk gevind.Die ondersoek begin, Lio help die polisie en na 'n kort rukkie is daar eerste suksesse, maar baie vrae ontstaan Look.Is die gevaarlike Dragon Order weer aktief?Of is die vampiere agter die moord?Sal sy geliefde hom help om die moordenaar te vind?

  • av Simone H

  • - Motives for dream: After paintings by Simone Homberg - flowers, landscapes, nature, animals, people and the abstract
    av Simone H

  • - Motive Zum Traumen: Nach Gemalden Von Simone Homberg - Blumen, Landschaften, Natur, Tiere, Menschen Und Abstraktes
    av Simone H

  • - Das Geheime Portal! Ihr dritter Fall!
    av Simone H

  • - Wachter der vier Tore - Das Erd-Tor
    av Simone H

  • - Motive zum Traumen: Nach Gemalden von Simone Homberg - Landschaften, Natur, Tiere, Blumen und Abstraktes
    av Simone H

  • - Wachter der vier Tore
    av Simone H

  • - Eine Horrorgeschichte, die Novelle
    av Simone H

  • - Dinosaurs, Action & Adventure! No. 5 / Collection No. 1-4
    av Simone H

  • - Das Abenteuer geht weiter
    av Simone H

  • - Die Seuche!
    av Simone H

  • - Versteck dich!
    av Simone H

  • - Chaos! Ihr zweiter Fall!
    av Simone H

  • - Partyboot in Not
    av Simone H

  • - Vampire: Sammlung spannender Horror- / Fantasy- und Abenteuergeschichten
    av Simone H

  • - Angriff der Drachen
    av Simone H

  • - Das Ende
    av Simone H

  • - Dinosaurier und Abenteuer
    av Simone H

  • - Vampire und Werwoelfe
    av Simone H

  • - Science Fiction: Sammlung spannender Science Fiction-Horror-Geschichten
    av Simone H

  • - Horrorthriller
    av Simone H

  • - Horror, Kreaturen, Abenteuer und Dinosaurier
    av Simone H

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