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Bøker av Simon Grant

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  • - How to Reject Diet Mentality and Honor Your Hunger and Feel Fullness
    av Simon Grant

    Are you stuck in a rut, confused, or simply do not know what to do? Are you terrified of your fridge and what lurks in it? Emotional eating is a book that will help you conquer all of your feelings and fears about food. It will set you on the path to work through your emotions and make you realize that food is not the answer to everything life has to throw at you.In this book, you will learn the following:- How to define the things that are making you eat and ways to combat them- Understanding what makes you eat and looking closely at your emotions- Being mindful and thankful for the food you eat - The signs that you are an emotional eater - Making peace with your relationship with food- The dangers of emotional eating - How to say goodbye to emotional eating foreverThis book will not only help you take back control, but you will learn a lot about yourself, heal your relationship with food, and appreciate that food and exercise do go hand in hand.This is the first step on your journey toward unleashing and understanding your emotions and why they make you eat. Now you have taken the first step; you are on your way to stopping emotional eating forever. Click the Buy Now button and never look back!   

  • - 10 Proven Unconventional Methods to End Binge Eating Disorders
    av Simon Grant

    Binge eating disorder can be one of the most debilitating conditions to have. You are constantly worrying about food. Will you succumb to your cravings and eat for hours, or can you manage to survive the day with just your regular meals? Is your kitchen a safe place for you, or do you dread entering it?Just like other toxic relationships, BED is harming your life. This book is all about breaking up with your bad habits and kicking them to the curb. However, we all know that even the most destructive relationships leave a gap in your life when they are over.This book will help you do the following:ΓùÅ Create a kitchen that invites you in and provides you with nutrition and not temptationΓùÅ Change your attitude about foodΓùÅ Understand how to hydrate properlyΓùÅ Learn to listen to your bodyΓùÅ Give yourself positive self-talkΓùÅ Keep mobile even when exercise is your least favorite thingΓùÅ Practice a mindful lifeΓùÅ Sleep properly and wake with added energyΓùÅ Use distractions to fill your spare timeΓùÅ Create a daily routine that keeps you on the right trackNutrition is important. We all know that, but why do we need certain foods? Understand the difference between protein, fat, and carbohydrates and why your body needs them to function.You need a life that is free from fad diets and unhealthy attitudes toward food, and this book will give you the life you''ve been hoping for. Replace obsessive food cravings with a thirst for knowledge. Have you ever considered online learning as a replacement for food? Chances are you haven''t!There are so many ways to change your life, and now is the time to do it. Take an online course, become more active, and become a better version of yourself. Stop that negative self-narrative and turn it into positive self-talk to inspire you throughout your day.If you think you are stuck in a rut and you don''t have the time or resources to change that, then think again. BED has been with you for too long already, and you need to replace those feelings with positive ones.This book is all about inspiring you to change.ΓùÅ Change your eating habitsΓùÅ Change your daily routineΓùÅ Change how you feel about yourselfΓùÅ Change how you sleepΓùÅ Change the atmosphere around youOnly you can make these changes, but you now have the inspiration and resources to do so. Yes, you will have setbacks, and yes, you will have successes. Learn how to embrace both and forgive yourself for being human. You are your own worst critic, and it''s time for that to change.Take the first step to banish BED by buying this book. Your life is about to change, and you won''t look back!  Get started today! 

  • - How to Break Free from Binge Eating and Gain Control Over What and When You Eat
    av Simon Grant

    Have you ever grabbed a tub full of ice cream after a bad day at work? Did you sleep well after eating the tub of ice cream and control your cravings the following day? Or did you find yourself overeating at lunch and longing for a large piece of cake when work got hectic? You may have the symptoms of binge eating disorder. Let''s take a look.Binge eating or binge eating disorder, as the name suggests, is an eating disorder, and not many people are aware of it. Many people think it''s okay to indulge in comfort food, such as chocolate, chips, and other processed food, if we feel terrible about ourselves or we''ve had a bad day. But how do you feel the day after you binge eat? Most people are ashamed of giving in and feel worse than they did the day before. It is okay to do this occasionally, but if you do this frequently, it is cause for concern. Binge eating becomes an issue when a person has binge eating episodes once every two or three days. It is only when you nip binge eating in the bud that you can lead a healthy life. This book provides all the information you need about binge eating disorder, and some tips to help you cope with it. You will learn more about:ΓùÅ What binge eating is, and its symptoms ΓùÅ The basics of nutritionΓùÅ The challenges of eating healthyΓùÅ Whether genetics and diets lead to binge eatingΓùÅ Tips to alleviate stress and depressionΓùÅ How to overcome negative body image and low self-esteemΓùÅ How to get back on track after a binge and moreYou''ll discover why you binge eat and how to overcome the cravings. You''ll learn how to reprogram your mind to control your thoughts, emotions, and cravings, which will help to reduce the frequency of binge eating episodes. So, what are you waiting for? Take control of your life. It''s time to feel good about yourself! Grab a copy of this book now.

  • - Why your Past Experiences Affect the Way You Communicate With Your Spouse
    av Simon Grant

    You may not think that you are at fault in your marriage when arguments begin. You may blame your partner for their attitude or lack of commitment to the marriage. In reality, communication within a marriage is as important to your marriage as the vows that you make when you walk down the aisle.Unfortunately, you grew up in separate houses with separate priorities, and what you each bring into the marriage may not be something you have really thought about. The habits that you have, the way that your brain tackles problems, the emotional luggage left in your mind, and the beliefs that you have grown up with can all get in the way of communication.This book looks at what past experiences you bring into your marriage that may affect how you communicate with your partner. Topics include:ΓÇó Your spending habitsΓÇó Your beliefsΓÇó Your emotional luggageΓÇó Your expectationsΓÇó Your definition of rolesΓÇó Your egoΓÇó Your upbringing and its effect on your thought patternsWhen you look at the dynamics of a relationship, you find that two people are seeking the same thing when they walk down the aisle but that these beliefs and past expectations can soon make the marriage seem like a nightmare. Putting together two personalities and expecting them to live in complete harmony is unrealistic. This book has been written in an attempt to help couples overcome problems that they find within the confines of marriage.There are easy to do exercises, as well as hints and tips that will help you get your marriage back on track. The fact is, most people who get married have already lived a considerable number of years, so it''s obvious that there will be past events that will dictate how you react to life. It''s unlikely that you and your partner will think on the same wavelength all of the time. Thus, adjustments may need to be made so that you can live in harmony without one partner having to make all of the sacrifices while the other demands them.Hopefully you can gain insight into what''s going wrong in your marriage through the pages of this book, and although not all areas will apply to your particular marriage, many will. When you decide that you want to get your marriage back on track, simply do the exercises that relate to you and your spouse and begin to repair the damage of miscommunication. Once you do that, your marriage will work better for both of you. You will know each other better and respect each other for the individuals that you are.You entered your marriage out of love, respect and desire. Isn''t it worth working on it to try to resurrect the love you once had? Don''t waste another day being unhappy! Click the Buy Now button to get started. 

  • - Disciplina a tus hijos de manera amorosa
    av Simon Grant

    Crianza de los hijos: la única palabra que garantiza asustar a muchas personas. Es un esfuerzo muy arriesgado. Usted tiene el control de la vida de alguien, después de todo. Es un hecho innegable que la crianza de los hijos es una tarea difícil. Hay tantas cosas de las que preocuparse durante los primeros 18 años."¿Qué pasa si no le va bien en la escuela?", "¿Qué pasa si mi hijo comienza a consumir drogas?" "¿Qué hago si mi hija no se duerme cuando se lo digo?" "¿Qué hago si mi hijo se vuelve rebelde?"Estas son las preguntas que todos los padres conocen tan bien. Peor aún, los padres se preguntan si han sido buenos padres para sus hijos. Eso no quiere decir nada sobre si los niños alguna vez conseguirán un trabajo, se casarán o mostrarán a sus padres a sus nietos.Hay tantas cosas de las que preocuparse. La crianza de los hijos parece muy compleja porque los padres tienen el control de la vida de una persona. Esa no es una responsabilidad insignificante. Afortunadamente, la paternidad no tiene que ser tan complicada como piensas.La crianza de buenos hijos que luego crecen para ser individuos satisfechos se considera un logro significativo. Puedes engañar a cualquiera en una fiesta diciéndoles lo buenos que son tus hijos. Eso es algo de lo que puedes estar orgulloso. El único problema es la fase inicial, los primeros 18 años de la vida de sus hijos que determinan la persona en la que se convertirán. ¿Cómo abordas este problema?¿Qué pasaría si alguien le dijera que hay una manera de criar a los niños sin todo el alboroto y otros problemas de crianza con los que ya está demasiado familiarizado? Muchos estudios científicos han demostrado que existe una solución que tiene efectos psicológicos potentes, positivos y permanentes en los niños. ¿La mejor parte? No requiere que seas violento.Intrigado? Todas las respuestas que necesita están aquí en este libro.

  • av Simon Grant
    265 - 611,-

  • - A Helpful Guide With Valuable Tips to Nurture Your Child's Developing Mind
    av Simon Grant
    265 - 381,-

  • - 20 Reglas de Oro Detras de un matrimonio extraordinario
    av Simon Grant

    El matrimonio es una institución que debe proporcionar consuelo y calidez a las partes involucradas: el esposo y la esposa. Lamentablemente lo contrario es el caso en este mundo moderno en el que vivimos. El divorcio está en aumento, y la tasa a la que terminan la mayoría de los matrimonios en estos días es bastante alarmante. Un pequeño problema que puede resolverse en cuestión de minutos es ahora una de las principales causas de divorcio. Una unión que comenzó como una verdadera causa de risas y gritos alegres ahora se convertirá gradualmente en una cúpula inhabitable.El matrimonio, tal como lo instituyó Dios, es una unión que fue diseñada para durar mientras el esposo y la esposa estén vivos, o para abreviar una unión de por vida. Eso significa que si es para toda la vida, tanto el esposo como la esposa deben hacer el esfuerzo y la determinación necesarios para que funcione.Si una comida será realmente deliciosa, debe haber un suministro adecuado de ingredientes presentes en la comida. Del mismo modo, para que un matrimonio sea exitoso, los ingredientes o sustancias necesarios deben estar presentes de manera consistente. Entonces, ¿cuáles son las sustancias e ingredientes que ayudarán a que su matrimonio sea exitoso?Este libro tiene como objetivo ayudar a las parejas casadas a comenzar sus vidas juntas con una buena nota. También destaca las cosas prácticas que debe hacer para salvar su matrimonio si ya está buceando en la dirección equivocada. Este libro es producto de investigaciones de calidad y entrevistas de personas que han estado casadas por mucho tiempo. Su consejo se observa claramente en el libro, ya que analiza 20 reglas de oro que las personas casadas pueden comenzar a implementar justo después de leer este libro.Si bien no pretendemos entender todo acerca de los problemas matrimoniales, solo ayuda a minimizar cualquier problema matrimonial que pueda surgir en su camino y puede ayudarlo a tomar la decisión correcta cuando lo necesite.

  • - Hacer la paz con los alimentos
    av Simon Grant & Sophia Durner

    Te sientes impotente y atormentado por una enfermedad que rige tu vida.No puedes controlarlo.No ves salida de eso.Has probado todos los caminos que has encontrado sin obtener resultados, y estás desesperado por encontrar una manera segura de apostar; Un método probado que te sacará de este laberinto.Sé cómo te sientes porque solía ser como tú.El trastorno por atracón es el trastorno alimentario más común que existe. Hay más personas que sufren de esto de lo que sabemos, y la mayoría no sabe cómo curar el problema. Yo solía atracones. No tenía autocontrol cuando la enfermedad se hizo cargo y no tuve forma de detenerla. Estaba indefenso y me llevó algo de tiempo recuperar mi vida y sanar mi relación con la comida y conmigo mismo.Es posible, ya que el trastorno por atracón no es una cadena perpetua. No tiene que pasar el resto de su vida en un episodio de atracones tras otro. Te voy a enseñar cómo hacer esto. Te guiaré a través de los conceptos erróneos comunes que nos impiden controlar nuestros atracones, y te mostraré la forma correcta de hacerlo.¡Todos pueden hacerlo!No tiene que comer en exceso por el resto de su vida. No es difícil ni complicado. Si tiene problemas para recuperar el control sobre sus hábitos alimenticios o si cree que es imposible, es porque lo ha estado haciendo de la manera incorrecta. Una vez que aprenda a controlar sus impulsos, sus atracones y su vida, será algo natural para usted. Puedes vivir una vida normal como la de todos los demás. La vida no necesita ser miserable, y puedes comenzar a caminar por tu camino hacia la libertad.Puede tener un camino claro y cuidadosamente descrito para hacer las paces con la comida. Está justo aquí para ti. Después de todo lo que has pasado, finalmente has encontrado la esperanza.

  • av Simon Grant
    265 - 623,-

  • - 20 Commandments That Really Work
    av Simon Grant
    278 - 381,-

  • - Discipline Your Kids the Loving Way
    av Simon Grant
    265 - 381,-

  • - The Secret Code for Recovery and Ending Your Lifelong Food Addiction
    av Simon Grant
    278 - 381,-

  • - 20 Golden Rules Behind An Extraordinary Marriage
    av Simon Grant
    278 - 381,-

  • - Make Peace with Food
    av Simon Grant & Sophia Durner
    278 - 381,-

  • - The Complete Guide to Overcome Your Anger and Stress Using the Mindfulness Approach
    av Simon Grant
    265 - 381,-

  • - Personal Reflections on Art by Today's Leading Artists
    av Simon Grant & Tomma Abts

    A collection of reflections by 78 contemporary artists in which each artist reveals the influence and inspiration he or she has found in a particular artwork or artist. It identifies themes that emerges and contextualizes the history and practice of artists looking back at the work of others.

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