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Bøker av Sigmund Freud

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  • av Sigmund Freud
    114 - 224,-

    In what remains one of his most seminal papers, Freud considers the incompatibility of civilisation and individual happiness, and the tensions between the claims of society and the individual. We all know that living in civilised groups means sacrificing a degree of personal interest, but couldn't you argue that it in fact creates the conditions for our happiness? Freud explores the arguments and counter-arguments surrounding this proposition, focusing on what he perceives to be one of society's greatest dangers; 'civilised' sexual morality. After all, doesn't repression of sexuality deeply affect people and compromise their chances of happiness?

  • - The Psychology Classic
    av Sigmund Freud

    Part of the bestselling Capstone Classics Series edited by Tom Butler-Bowdon, this collectible, hard-back edition of The Interpretation of Dreams provides an accessible and insightful edition of this important work of psychologySigmund Freud's The Interpretation of Dreams introduced his ground-breaking theory of the unconscious and explored how interpreting dreams can reveal the true nature of humanity. Regarded as Freud's most significant work, this classic text helped establish the discipline of psychology and is the foundational work in the field of psychoanalysis. Highly readable and engaging, the book both provides a semi-autobiographical look into Freud's personal life - his holidays in the Alps, spending time with his children, interacting with friends and colleagues - and delves into descriptions and analyses of the dreams themselves.Freud begins with a review of literature on dreams written by a broad range of ancient and contemporary figures - concluding that science has learned little of the nature of dreams in the past several thousand years. Although the prevailing view was that dreams were merely responses to 'sensory excitation,' Freud felt that the multifaceted dimensions of dreams could not be attributed solely to physical causes. By the time Freud began writing the book he had interpreted over a thousand dreams of people with psychoses and recognised the connection between the content of dreams and a person's mental health. Among his conclusions were that a person's dreams:* Prefer using recent impressions, yet also have access to early childhood memories* Unify different people, places, events and sensations into one story* Usually focus on small or unnoticed things rather than major events* Are almost always 'wish fulfilments' which are about the self* Have many layers of meaning which are often condensed into a single imageThe Interpretation of Dreams: The Psychology Classic is as riveting today as it was over a century ago. Anyone with interest in the workings of the unconscious mind will find this book an invaluable source of original insights and foundational scientific concepts. This edition includes an insightful Introduction by Sarah Tomley, a psychology writer and practicing psychotherapist. Tomley considers paints a picture of Freud's life and times, reveals the place of The Interpretation of Dreams in the context of Freud's other writings, and draws out the key points of the work.

  • av Sigmund Freud

    Den mest betydelige Freud-klassikeren når det gjelder det moderne syn på personlighetsutvikling, oppdragelse og seksualitet. Forord av Eivind Tjønneland.Oversatt av Trond Winje.

  • av Sigmund Freud

    An extraordinary collection of thematically linked essays, including THE UNCANNY, SCREEN MEMORIES and FAMILY ROMANCES.Leonardo da Vinci fascinated Freud primarily because he was keen to know why his personality was so incomprehensible to his contemporaries. In this probing biographical essay he deconstructs both da Vinci's character and the nature of his genius. As ever, many of his exploratory avenues lead to the subject's sexuality - why did da Vinci depict the naked human body the way hedid? What of his tendency to surround himself with handsome young boys that he took on as his pupils? Intriguing, thought-provoking and often contentious, this volume contains some of Freud's best writing.

  • av Sigmund Freud

    HarperCollins is proud to present its range of best-loved, essential classics.

  • av Sigmund Freud

    Et utvalg av Sigmund Freuds tekster fra grenselandet mellom psykoanalysen og diktningen. Psykoanalysens grunnlegger Sigmund Freud øvde stor innflytelse på kulturlivet i hele Vesten, ikke bare gjennom sitt menneskesyn, men også gjennom sine mange arbeider om kunst og litteratur. Denne boka viser Freuds litterære betydning på flere felt: Gjennom flere berømte sykehistorier framstår Freud som en meget selvbevisst forteller. Hans metoder for å «lese» menneskesinnet, viser seg å ha betydning også for lesningen av litterære verk. Og til sist: Han skrev interessante og kontroversielle studier av diktverk. I 1930 mottok han den prestisjetunge Goethe-prisen for sitt arbeid. Dette utvalget av tekster er en stimulerende innfallsvinkel til å se nærmere på sammenhenger mellom psykiske prosesser og kunstneriske produkter. Flere av tekstene foreligger på norsk for første gang, og professor Atle Kittang har skrevet et etterord.

  • av Sigmund Freud

    I denne klassikeren fra 1929 drøfter Freud muligheten av to likestilte grunndrifter i mennesket - eros (livsbegjær) og thanatos (dødsdrift), eller sagt annerledes - mennesket i spennet mellom natur og kultur.Oversatt av Petter Larsen.Nr. 9 i Cappelens upopulære skrifter.

  • - Penguin Classics
    av Sigmund Freud

    One of Freud's central achievements was to demonstrate how unacceptable thoughts and feelings are repressed into the unconscious, from where they continue to exert a decisive influence over our lives.This volume contains a key statement about evidence for the unconscious, and how it works, as well as major essays on all the fundamentals of mental functioning. Freud explores how we are torn between the pleasure principle and the reality principle, how we often find ways both to express and to deny what we most fear, and why certain men need fetishes for their sexual satisfaction. His study of our most basic drives, and how they are transformed, brilliantly illuminates the nature of sadism, masochism, exhibitionism and voyeurism.

  • av Sigmund Freud
    170 - 176,-

  • av Sigmund Freud

    Building on the crucial insight that jokes use many of the same mechanisms he had already discovered in dreams, Freud developed one of the richest and most comprehensive theories of humour that has ever been produced.Jokes, he argues, provide immense pleasure by allowing us to express many of our deepest sexual, aggressive and cynical thoughts and feelings which would otherwise remain repressed. In elaborating this central thesis, he brings together a dazzling set of puns, anecdotes, snappyone-liners, spoonerisms and beloved stories of Jewish beggars and marriage-brokers. Many remain highly amusing, while others throw a vivid light on the lost world of early twentieth-century Vienna.

  • av Sigmund Freud

    This collection of writings is famous for giving us the phrase 'Freudian slip'. It also builds up a strong social history of Vienna and the middle-class social milieu of Freud and his patients. Through a series of case histories, some no longer than a few lines long, Freud explores how it is that normal people make slips of speech, writing, reading and remembering in their everyday life, and reveals what it is that they betray about the existence of a sub-text or subliminal motive to our conscious actions. As he explains, most of these slips tend of be of a relatively anodyne nature, but some are a little more sinister, particularly those where pride or thwarted love are concerned...

  • - Vintage Minis
    av Sigmund Freud

  • av Sigmund Freud

  • av Sigmund Freud

  • av Sigmund Freud
    452 - 572,-

    Diese beiden Bände sind eine Sammlung von Aufsätzen und Abhandlungen von Sigmund Freud aus der Zeit zwischen 1911 und 1913. Sie bieten einen tiefen Einblick in Freuds psychoanalytische Theorien und beinhalten einige seiner wichtigsten Werke, darunter 'Totem und Tabu' und 'Das Unbehagen in der Kultur'.This work has been selected by scholars as being culturally important, and is part of the knowledge base of civilization as we know it.This work is in the "public domain in the United States of America, and possibly other nations. Within the United States, you may freely copy and distribute this work, as no entity (individual or corporate) has a copyright on the body of the work.Scholars believe, and we concur, that this work is important enough to be preserved, reproduced, and made generally available to the public. We appreciate your support of the preservation process, and thank you for being an important part of keeping this knowledge alive and relevant.

  • av Sigmund Freud

    It was while tracing back the abnormal to the normal state that Professor Freud found how faint the line of demarcation was between the normal and neurotic person, and that the psychopathologic mechanisms so glaringly observed in the psychoneuroses and psychoses could usually be demonstrated in a lesser degree in normal persons. This led to a study of the faulty actions of everyday life and later to the publication of the Psychopathology of Everyday Life, a book which passed through four editions in Germany and is considered the author's most popular work. With great ingenuity and penetration the author throws much light on the complex problems of human behaviour, and clearly demonstrates that the hitherto considered impassable gap between normal and abnormal mental states is more apparent than real.This new edition comes with an Easy to Read Layout designed to make reading comfortable.

  • av Sigmund Freud
    176 - 259,-

  • av Sigmund Freud
    161 - 250,-

  • av Sigmund Freud
    259 - 433,-

  • av Sigmund Freud
    220 - 345,-

  • av Sigmund Freud

    A General Introduction to Psychoanalysis is a book written by Sigmund Freud, the father of psychoanalysis. First published in 1910, it is a comprehensive guide for anyone who wants to learn about the basics of psychoanalysis. The book is divided into five parts, each of which focuses on a different aspect of psychoanalysis.The first part of the book explains the development of psychoanalysis, including its origins and how it has evolved over time. The second part focuses on the unconscious mind and how it influences our thoughts, emotions, and behavior. The third part delves into the theory of dreams and how they can be used to uncover unconscious desires and conflicts.The fourth part of the book discusses the different stages of psychosexual development, which is a central concept in Freud's theory of personality. Finally, the fifth part of the book explores the different methods of psychoanalysis and how they can be used to treat various psychological disorders.A General Introduction to Psychoanalysis is a valuable resource for anyone who wants to understand the basics of psychoanalysis and the role it plays in our understanding of the human mind.

  • av Sigmund Freud

    "A Young Girl's Diary" is a book by Sigmund Freud that was published in 1915. It is a collection of diary entries written by a young girl named Anna between the ages of 11 and 14. The diary was given to Freud by one of his patients, who was also Anna's father.In the diary, Anna writes about her daily life, her relationships with her family and friends and her experiences as a growing adolescent. Freud uses Anna's diary as a basis for his psychoanalytic theories, particularly his theories on female psychosexual development.The book is significant because it provides a rare glimpse into the inner thoughts and experiences of a young girl during a time when female voices were often silenced. It also sheds light on Freud's theories and his approach to psychoanalysis. However, the book has also been criticized for its invasion of Anna's privacy and its potential exploitation of her experiences.

  • av Sigmund Freud

    Publié en 1913, cet ouvrage majeur de Sigmund Freud explore les origines de la société humaine et de la culture en examinant les concepts de totemisme et de tabou. À la croisée de la psychanalyse, de l'ethnologie et de la linguistique, "Totem et tabou" est un texte clé qui se propose de déduire, en abordant des notions telles que la prohibition de l'inceste, le sens primitif du totémisme et des aspects sous lesquels il se manifeste au cours du développement de nos propres enfants.Cette nouvelle édition bénéficie d'une mise en page dont la taille des caractères assure un confort de lecture optimal.

  • av Sigmund Freud

    It was while tracing back the abnormal to the normal state that Professor Freud found how faint the line of demarcation was between the normal and neurotic person, and that the psychopathologic mechanisms so glaringly observed in the psychoneuroses and psychoses could usually be demonstrated in a lesser degree in normal persons. This led to a study of the faulty actions of everyday life and later to the publication of the Psychopathology of Everyday Life, a book which passed through four editions in Germany and is considered the author's most popular work. With great ingenuity and penetration the author throws much light on the complex problems of human behaviour, and clearly demonstrates that the hitherto considered impassable gap between normal and abnormal mental states is more apparent than real.This new edition comes with an Easy to Read Layout designed to make reading comfortable.

  • av Sigmund Freud

    Delusion and Dream is a collection of essays written by Sigmund Freud, one of the most famous and influential figures in the field of psychology, along with the novelist Wilhelm Jensen. The book explores the nature of dreams and delusions and the relationship between the two.The essays in the book are based on Freud's psychoanalytic theory, which suggests that dreams are a reflection of our unconscious desires and fears. Freud and Jensen explore this idea in depth, analyzing the dreams and delusions of various individuals and discussing the symbolic meaning behind them.One of the most interesting aspects of the book is its examination of the relationship between dreams and reality. Freud and Jensen argue that dreams are often a distorted version of reality, reflecting our fears, desires, and anxieties. They also suggest that delusions can arise when individuals are unable to distinguish between reality and their own distorted perceptions of it.Delusion and Dream is a fascinating exploration of the human mind and the complex relationship between dreams and delusions. It offers insights into the workings of the unconscious mind that are still relevant today and remains a classic text in the field of psychology.

  • av Sigmund Freud

    A General Introduction to Psychoanalysis is a book written by Sigmund Freud, the father of psychoanalysis. First published in 1910, it is a comprehensive guide for anyone who wants to learn about the basics of psychoanalysis. The book is divided into five parts, each of which focuses on a different aspect of psychoanalysis.The first part of the book explains the development of psychoanalysis, including its origins and how it has evolved over time. The second part focuses on the unconscious mind and how it influences our thoughts, emotions, and behavior. The third part delves into the theory of dreams and how they can be used to uncover unconscious desires and conflicts.The fourth part of the book discusses the different stages of psychosexual development, which is a central concept in Freud's theory of personality. Finally, the fifth part of the book explores the different methods of psychoanalysis and how they can be used to treat various psychological disorders.A General Introduction to Psychoanalysis is a valuable resource for anyone who wants to understand the basics of psychoanalysis and the role it plays in our understanding of the human mind.

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