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Bøker av Scott La Counte

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  • av Scott La Counte

    MacOS Ventura trasformerà il vostro Mac in qualcosa di ancora più intelligente e potente. Ma come si usa?Se siete coinvolti nell'ecosistema Apple, probabilmente avrete notato che macOS, iPadOS e iOS iniziano ad assomigliarsi un po' tutti. Ciò contribuisce a rendere il processo di apprendimento di ciascun sistema operativo molto più intuitivo.Se volete imparare a usare le funzioni più potenti, questa guida vi aiuterà. Si concentra sugli aspetti più importanti per gli utenti, in modo che possiate iniziare a lavorare il più rapidamente possibile.All'interno troverete informazioni su:Le novità di iMacCosa c'è di nuovo in macOS VenturaCome fare tutte le "cose" di Windows su un MacDirettore di scenaUtilizzo di SiriImpostazione di Internet e della posta elettronicaUtilizzo di SidecarUtilizzo del Centro di controlloScaricare/aggiornare le applicazioniOrganizzare le fotoUtilizzo di Safari e dei gruppi di schedeProtezione della privacyGestione delle passwordInviare, rispondere e appuntare i messaggiMultitaskingUtilizzo del testo in tempo realeE molto, molto di più!Siete pronti per iniziare a godervi il nuovo macOS? Allora iniziamo!Nota: questo libro non è approvato da Apple, Inc. e deve essere considerato non ufficiale.

  • av Scott La Counte

    Die GoPro Hero ist wohl die beste Action-Kamera, die man für Geld kaufen kann. Wenn Sie davon träumen, Ihre Reisen, Action-Aufnahmen oder mehr aufzuzeichnen, dann werden Sie von der Qualität der Videos, die sie produziert, geblendet sein. Auf dem Papier sehen die technischen Daten beeindruckend aus. In der Praxis muss man jedoch eine Menge lernen, um das Beste aus diesen Funktionen herauszuholen.Dieses Buch führt dich durch alle Funktionen, die du kennen musst, und bringt dich auf den Weg zu einem filmischen Abenteuer! Es basiert auf der Hero10, aber wenn Sie eine Hero9 oder Hero8 haben, gelten die meisten der Funktionen auch.Sie umfasst:Aufnahme Videos und FotosGestenElektrische WerkzeugeProtuneSchleifenbildungHiLightÜbertragen von MedienBenutzerdefinierte VoreinstellungenMontageSoftwareModsUnd mehrDieses Buch wird nicht von GoPro, Inc. unterstützt und sollte als inoffiziell betrachtet werden.

  • av Scott La Counte

    Quando vedete il prezzo di un telefono Pixel accanto a quello di un iPhone o di un Samsung, probabilmente immaginate che sia un po'... più economico. Vi sbagliereste: anno dopo anno, il Pixel ha dimostrato di essere forse il miglior telefono che si possa comprare.Con il Pixel 7 questo è più vero che mai. Non solo è più veloce, ma l'intelligenza artificiale che lavora in background inizierà a sembrare il vostro assistente personale.Se state passando da un iPhone o da un altro dispositivo Android, questo libro fa per voi. Vi spiegherà tutto quello che c'è da sapere sul dispositivo e lo farà in modo incredibilmente semplice!In questo libro, imparerete a conoscere:Impostazione del telefonoEffettuare chiamateInstallazione di applicazioniUtilizzo della fotocameraNavigare in InternetModifica delle impostazioni del sistemaE molto altro ancora!Siete pronti a saperne di più? Iniziamo!

  • av Scott La Counte

    Wort? Natürlich haben Sie schon davon gehört! Excel? Aber sicher doch! PowerPoint? Wie könnten Sie ohne es eine Präsentation erstellen? Aber Microsoft OneNote? Wenn Sie wie die meisten Menschen sind, haben Sie wahrscheinlich noch nie Microsofts leistungsstarke Software für Notizen ausprobiert. Das ist schade, denn es ist eine der besten Möglichkeiten, um gemeinsam an Ideen zu arbeiten und Projekte auf die nächste Stufe zu heben.Microsoft OneNote kam 2003 auf den Markt - noch bevor Dinge wie Pinterest die Welt im Sturm erobert hatten. Die intuitive Softwareumgebung ermöglicht es den Nutzern, entweder in ihrem Webbrowser oder auf ihrem Computer zu arbeiten, um Notizen zu erstellen, zu speichern und zu teilen.Dieses Buch richtet sich an alle, die neugierig auf die Software sind oder lernen wollen, sie zu benutzen. Es wird behandelt:Hinzufügen von Notizbüchern, Abschnitten und SeitenEinfügen von Formen und BildernPasswortgeschützte NotizenOrganisieren und KennzeichnungDrucken AnmerkungenGemeinsame Nutzung von NotizenUnd mehr!Wenn Sie bereit sind, OneNote freizuschalten, dann legen Sie los!

  • av Scott La Counte

    Cuando ves el precio de un teléfono Pixel al lado de un iPhone o un Samsung, probablemente imaginas que es un poco... más barato. Te equivocarías; año tras año, el Pixel ha demostrado que es quizá el mejor teléfono que el dinero puede comprar.Esto es más cierto que nunca con el Pixel 7. No solo es más rápido, sino que la IA que trabaja en segundo plano empezará a sentirse como tu asistente personal.Si usted está cambiando de un iPhone u otro dispositivo Android, este libro es para usted. ¡Desglosará todo lo que necesitas saber sobre el dispositivo y lo mantendrá ridículamente simple!En este libro, aprenderá sobre:Configurar el teléfonoHacer llamadasInstalación de aplicacionesUso de la cámaraNavegar por InternetCambiar la configuración del sistemaY mucho más.¿Listo para saber más? Pongámonos manos a la obra.

  • av Scott La Counte

    MacOS Ventura va transformer votre Mac en quelque chose d'encore plus intelligent et plus puissant. Mais comment l'utiliser ?Si vous êtes investi dans l'écosystème d'Apple, vous avez probablement remarqué que macOS, iPadOS et iOS commencent tous à se ressembler un peu. Cela contribue à rendre le processus d'apprentissage de chaque système d'exploitation beaucoup plus intuitif.Si vous souhaitez apprendre à utiliser les fonctionnalités les plus puissantes, ce guide vous sera utile. Il se concentre sur les éléments qui comptent le plus pour les utilisateurs, afin que vous puissiez être opérationnel le plus rapidement possible.Vous y trouverez des informations sur :Nouveautés de l'iMacQuelles sont les nouveautés de macOS Ventura ?Comment faire toutes ces "choses" de Windows sur un MacRégisseurUtiliser SiriConfiguration de l'Internet et du courrier électroniqueUtilisation de SidecarUtilisation du centre de contrôleTéléchargement / Mise à jour des applicationsOrganiser les photosUtilisation de Safari et des groupes d'ongletsProtéger votre vie privéeGérer vos mots de passeEnvoi, réponse et épinglage de messagesMultitâcheUtilisation du texte en directEt bien plus encore !Êtes-vous prêt à commencer à profiter du nouveau macOS ? Alors, c'est parti !Remarque : Ce livre n'est pas approuvé par Apple, Inc. et doit être considéré comme non officiel.

  • av Scott La Counte

    MacOS Ventura convertirá tu Mac en algo aún más inteligente y potente. Pero, ¿cómo se utiliza?Si usted está invertido en el ecosistema de Apple, es probable que haya notado cómo macOS, iPadOS y iOS están empezando a sentirse un poco similar. Esto ayuda a que el proceso de aprendizaje de cada sistema operativo sea mucho más intuitivo.Si quieres aprender a utilizar las funciones más potentes, esta guía te será de gran ayuda. Se centra en las cosas que más importan a los usuarios, para que puedas ponerte manos a la obra lo antes posible.En su interior aprenderá sobre:Novedades del iMacNovedades de macOS VenturaCómo hacer todas esas "cosas" de Windows en un MacDirector de escenaUso de SiriConfiguración de Internet y correo electrónicoUso de SidecarUso del Centro de ControlDescargar / Actualizar aplicacionesOrganizar las fotosUso de Safari y los grupos de pestañasProtección de la intimidadGestión de contraseñasEnviar, responder y fijar mensajesMultitareaUtilizar Live textY mucho, mucho más.¿Estás listo para empezar a disfrutar del nuevo macOS? Entonces, ¡empecemos!Nota: Este libro no está avalado por Apple, Inc. y debe considerarse no oficial.

  • av Scott La Counte

    The OnePlus is fast. Cutting edge. Sleek and modern. But how does it work?! This guide that will help you get the most out of the OnePlus line of phones (including the OnePlus 11 and OnePlus Nord series) without overwhelming you with irrelevant information? Inside, you'll find step-by-step instructions on everything from setting up your phone to using the camera, surfing the internet, and changing system settings.Inside you'll learn about:· What makes OnePlus different from iOS, Android, and other smartphones· Setting up your phone· Making calls· Installing apps· Accessibility features· Using the camera· Surfing the Internet· Changing system settings· And much more!So if you're looking for a practical and easy-to-follow guide to mastering the OnePlus's most powerful features, look no further than this book!Note: This guide is not endorsed by OnePlus Technlogy Co., Ltd. and should be considered unofficial.

  • av Scott La Counte

    Learn the Samsung Galaxy S23 and S23 UltraLooking for a guide that will help you get the most out of your new Samsung Galaxy S23 without overwhelming you with irrelevant information? Look no further than this concise and user-friendly book!With a focus on the most popular features, this guide is perfect for those who want to quickly and easily learn how to make the most of their phone. Inside, you'll find step-by-step instructions on everything from setting up your phone to using the camera, surfing the internet, and changing system settings.But that's not all! You'll also learn what makes Galaxy different from other smartphones, how to use Samsung SmartTag, and about the accessibility features that make the phone accessible to everyone.So if you're looking for a practical and easy-to-follow guide to mastering the S23's most powerful features, look no further than this book!Inside, you'll learn about:What makes Galaxy different from iOS, Android, and other smartphonesSetting up your phoneMaking callsInstalling appsAccessibility featuresUsing the cameraSurfing the InternetChanging system settingsAnd much more!As a bonus, this guide includes a comprehensive guide on using Google Search, ensuring that you have everything you need to get up and running quickly.

  • av Scott La Counte

    A Colorful Guide to the Latest Samsung S23 and S23 UltraGet ready to unlock the full potential of Samsung's Galaxy S23 with this comprehensive guide! If you're on the fence about upgrading to the latest smartphone, prepare to be blown away by its impressive speed, stunning photography capabilities, and all-day battery life.Whether you're a seasoned Samsung user or making the switch from iPhone, this full-color book has got you covered. From mastering the new OS to discovering the most powerful features, you'll learn everything you need to know to make the most of your phone.With step-by-step instructions and easy-to-follow full-color visuals, you'll become an expert in no time. Don't miss out on the chance to take your Samsung experience to the next level. Upgrade your knowledge along with your phone, and get ready to be amazed!Note: This guide is not endorsed by Samsung, Inc. and should be considered unofficial. It is taken from the Inanely Simple Guide to Samsung S23, but the graphics are in color.

  • av Scott La Counte

    Get Started with the Samsung Galaxy S23 and S23 Ultra!With a sleek and modern design, the S23 boasts impressive features that will blow you away. From its high-resolution camera to its lightning-fast performance, this phone is a game-changer.But what sets the S23 apart from other smartphones on the market? For starters, its accessibility. The S23 is priced to make it accessible to almost anyone, without compromising on quality or performance. And with a range of popular features, it's the perfect choice for anyone looking to upgrade their smartphone game.So what can you expect from this impressive device? Here's a sneak peek:¿ Stunning high-resolution camera to capture all of life's precious moments.¿ Lightning-fast performance, so you can use all your favorite apps without any lag.¿ Intuitive interface that's easy to use and navigate.¿ A range of popular features, including the ability to surf the internet, change system settings, and much more.And the best part? This comprehensive guide covers everything you need to know to get the most out of your S23. From setting up your phone to making calls, installing apps, and using the camera, we've got you covered. So what are you waiting for? Get ready to take your smartphone experience to the next level with the Samsung Galaxy S23.Note: This guide is not endorsed by Samsung, Inc and should be considered unofficial.

  • av Scott La Counte

  • av Scott La Counte

  • av Scott La Counte

  • av Scott La Counte

    "Start taking better photos with your iPhone! I remember my first phone. It had a cord attached and was shaped like a popular animated character. You didn't surf the Internet on it. You didn't send text messages. You didn't check your email. And you definitely didn't take pictures on it! Times have changed, haven't they? Most people probably don't even have a camera that's not attached to their phones. iPhons don't match the quality of a DSLR camera-but they're certainly coming close. This book won't teach you how to be the next Ansel Adams, but it will teach things you probably never knew about the camera and photo app. Inside, I'll show you how to: Take and edit photos -- Organize photos -- Use different photo modes and lenes -- Use photographic styles -- And much more. If you are ready to get the most out of your iPhone camera, then read on! Note: this book is based off of the iPhone 14 Pro, which has photo features (notably ProRes) that are not available on other iPhones. I will point out when a feature might not work on your phone." --

  • av Scott La Counte

    When most people think about a tablet, the first thing that comes to mind is the iPad. The iPad may have changed the way people think about tablets, but it's not the only tablet in town. There are countless Android tablets, but one that arguably beats them all: the Samsung Galaxy Tab S.The Tab S is a powerhouse that can outperform many laptop computers. And running Samsung DeX, the tablet can even turn into a desktop-like experience. If you are new to the Tab S, there's a lot to uncover and this guide will walk through all the basics of the operating system that you need to know. It's based on the latest version of the Tab S-the Tab S 8-but aside from hardware features, the Tab S 7 and 6 are almost identical, so you'll be fine if you have a cheaper tablet. Almost everything in this guide also applies to the A series (the budget line of tablets).It's going to cover only what most people want to know-so if you are looking for something highly technical that teaches you how to set up private virtual networks, then keep looking. But if you want something that teaches you all kinds of cool tricks and helps you get started, then this book is for you.You'll learn about: - Setting up your tablet- Using Samsung DeX to turn your tablet into a desktop-like experience- Installing apps and widgets- Connecting to Wi-Fi- Changing themes and wallpaper- Using Gestures- Using the camera- Surfing the Internet- Changing system settings- Using Samsung Kids mode- And much more!Ready to get started? Let's Go! Note: This book is not endorsed by Samsung, Inc, and should be considered unofficial.

  • av Scott La Counte

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