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  • av Saurabh Shrivastava

    La mort maternelle est un problème de santé publique d'intérêt mondial qui nécessite essentiellement des mesures pour éviter toutes les formes de décès évitables. Les étudiants en médecine étant les futurs prestataires de soins de santé, nous devons tous les former à fournir des soins de qualité pendant la grossesse et l'accouchement. Nous avons donc conçu le Safe Motherhood Curriculum en utilisant l'approche en six étapes de Kern pour former les diplômés indiens en médecine tout au long de leur formation de premier cycle.

  • av Saurabh Shrivastava

    A morte materna é um problema de saúde pública de interesse global e requer essencialmente medidas para evitar todas as formas de morte evitável. Uma vez que os estudantes de medicina são futuros prestadores de cuidados de saúde, temos de os formar a todos para prestarem cuidados de qualidade durante a gravidez e o parto. Assim, concebemos o Currículo de Maternidade Segura utilizando a abordagem de seis passos de Kern para formar os licenciados em medicina indianos ao longo do seu período de formação pré-graduada.

  • av Saurabh Shrivastava

    La morte materna è un problema di salute pubblica di interesse globale e richiede essenzialmente misure per evitare tutte le forme di morte prevenibili. Poiché gli studenti di medicina sono i futuri operatori sanitari, dobbiamo formare tutti loro a fornire un'assistenza di qualità durante la gravidanza e il parto. Per questo motivo, abbiamo progettato il Curriculum Maternità Sicura utilizzando l'approccio in sei fasi di Kern per formare i laureati in medicina indiani durante il loro periodo di formazione universitaria.

  • av Saurabh Shrivastava

    Der Tod von Müttern ist ein Problem der öffentlichen Gesundheit von globalem Interesse und erfordert im Wesentlichen Maßnahmen zur Verhinderung aller Formen vermeidbarer Todesfälle. Da Medizinstudenten die zukünftigen Gesundheitsdienstleister sind, müssen wir sie alle darin schulen, eine qualitätsgesicherte Betreuung während der Schwangerschaft und Geburt zu gewährleisten. Daher haben wir den Lehrplan für sichere Mutterschaft nach dem Sechs-Schritte-Ansatz von Kern entwickelt, um indische Medizinstudenten während ihres gesamten Studiums auszubilden.

  • av Saurabh Shrivastava

    Community-based education is the need of the hour and it significantly aids medical educators to deliver contextual, student-centered, and experiential learning. The employment of participatory rural appraisal methods to deliver community-based education is an effective approach to training medical students in communication, leadership, and team-work related skills. Further, as students get exposed to the local community, they find practical relevance to reading and thereby this complete exercise aids in facilitating self-directed learning. It is quite important that all medical colleges explore the opportunity, to begin with, some form of community-based education within their settings, with a mission to produce competent medical graduates.

  • av Saurabh Shrivastava

    Family planning through the use of contraceptives has been recognized as an extremely effective way to help people have the desired number of children and maintain their spacing. Acknowledging the wide range of benefits associated with contraceptives, the global stakeholders have agreed to ensure their universal accessibility and availability by 2030. Access to family planning services among the population of the marginalized community is limited and that makes women extremely vulnerable to health hazards as well as social consequences. Thus, there is an indispensable need to identify the existing issues and take corrective measures to resolve the problem in a sustainable manner.

  • av Saurabh Shrivastava

    Become a master Solutions Architect with this comprehensive guide, featuring cloud design patterns and real-world solutions for building scalable, secure, and highly available systemsPurchase of the print or Kindle book includes a free eBook in PDF format.Key FeaturesGain expertise in automating, networking, migrating, and adopting cloud technologies using AWSUse streaming analytics, big data, AI/ML, IoT, quantum computing, and blockchain to transform your businessUpskill yourself as an AWS solutions architect and explore details of the new AWS certificationBook DescriptionAre you excited to harness the power of AWS and unlock endless possibilities for your business? Look no further than the second edition of AWS for Solutions Architects! Imagine crafting cloud solutions that are secure, scalable, and optimized - not just good, but industry-leading.This updated guide throws open the doors to the AWS Well-Architected Framework, design pillars, and cloud-native design patterns empowering you to craft secure, performant, and cost-effective cloud architectures. Tame the complexities of networking, conquering edge deployments and crafting seamless hybrid cloud connections. Uncover the secrets of big data and streaming with EMR, Glue, Kinesis, and MSK, extracting valuable insights from data at speeds you never thought possible. Future-proof your cloud with game-changing insights! New chapters unveil CloudOps, machine learning, IoT, and blockchain, empowering you to build transformative solutions. Plus, unlock the secrets of storage mastery, container excellence, and data lake patterns. From simple configurations to sophisticated architectures, this guide equips you with the knowledge to solve any cloud challenge and impress even the most demanding clients.This book is your one-stop shop for architecting industry-standard AWS solutions. Stop settling for average - dive in and build like a pro!What you will learnOptimize your Cloud Workload using the AWS Well-Architected FrameworkLearn methods to migrate your workload using the AWS Cloud Adoption FrameworkApply cloud automation at various layers of application workload to increase efficiencyBuild a landing zone in AWS and hybrid cloud setups with deep networking techniquesSelect reference architectures for business scenarios, like data lakes, containers, and serverless appsApply emerging technologies in your architecture, including AI/ML, IoT and blockchainWho this book is forThis book is for application and enterprise architects, developers, and operations engineers who want to become well versed with AWS architectural patterns, best practices, and advanced techniques to build scalable, secure, highly available, highly tolerant, and cost-effective solutions in the cloud. Existing AWS users are bound to learn the most, but it will also help those curious about how leveraging AWS can benefit their organization.Prior knowledge of any computing language is not needed, and there's little to no code. Prior experience in software architecture design will prove helpful.Table of ContentsUnderstanding AWS Cloud Principles and Key CharacteristicsUnderstanding AWS Well Architected Framework and Getting Certified Leveraging the Cloud for Digital TransformationNetworking in AWSStorage in AWS - Choosing the Right Tool for the JobHarnessing the Power of Cloud ComputingSelecting the Right Database ServiceBest Practices for Application Security, Identity, and ComplianceDriving Efficiency with CloudOps(N.B. Please use the Look Inside option to see further chapters)

  • av Saurabh Shrivastava

    The world has been plagued with multiple infectious diseases, and as public health professionals, it becomes our responsibility to plan and implement appropriate measures for the effective containment of these infectious diseases. Neglected tropical diseases must be targeted as they affect the most vulnerable, while viral hepatitis, yellow fever, and other infectious diseases have also impacted the public health authorities. It is high time that we take concerted measures to contain the outbreaks of these infectious diseases and minimize the suffering and consequences of the same on society.

  • av Saurabh Shrivastava

    Die Welt wird von zahlreichen Infektionskrankheiten heimgesucht, und als Fachleute des öffentlichen Gesundheitswesens ist es unsere Aufgabe, geeignete Maßnahmen zur wirksamen Eindämmung dieser Infektionskrankheiten zu planen und umzusetzen. Vernachlässigte Tropenkrankheiten müssen ins Visier genommen werden, da sie die am meisten gefährdeten Menschen betreffen, während Virushepatitis, Gelbfieber und andere Infektionskrankheiten ebenfalls Auswirkungen auf die Gesundheitsbehörden haben. Es ist höchste Zeit, dass wir konzertierte Maßnahmen ergreifen, um die Ausbrüche dieser Infektionskrankheiten einzudämmen und das Leiden und die Folgen für die Gesellschaft zu minimieren.

  • av Saurabh Shrivastava

    Le monde est en proie à de nombreuses maladies infectieuses et, en tant que professionnels de la santé publique, il nous incombe de planifier et de mettre en ¿uvre des mesures appropriées pour endiguer efficacement ces maladies infectieuses. Les maladies tropicales négligées doivent être ciblées car elles touchent les plus vulnérables, tandis que l'hépatite virale, la fièvre jaune et d'autres maladies infectieuses ont également eu un impact sur les autorités de santé publique. Il est grand temps que nous prenions des mesures concertées pour contenir les épidémies de ces maladies infectieuses et minimiser les souffrances et les conséquences pour la société.

  • av Saurabh Shrivastava

    O mundo tem sido flagelado por múltiplas doenças infecciosas, e como profissionais de saúde pública, torna-se nossa responsabilidade planear e implementar medidas apropriadas para a contenção eficaz destas doenças infecciosas. As doenças tropicais negligenciadas devem ser alvo de atenção, uma vez que afectam as mais vulneráveis, enquanto que a hepatite viral, a febre amarela, e outras doenças infecciosas também têm afectado as autoridades de saúde pública. É tempo de tomarmos medidas concertadas para conter os surtos destas doenças infecciosas e minimizar o sofrimento e as consequências das mesmas na sociedade.

  • av Saurabh Shrivastava

    Il mondo è stato afflitto da molteplici malattie infettive e, in quanto professionisti della salute pubblica, è nostra responsabilità pianificare e attuare misure appropriate per un efficace contenimento di queste malattie infettive. Le malattie tropicali trascurate devono essere prese di mira perché colpiscono le persone più vulnerabili, mentre l'epatite virale, la febbre gialla e altre malattie infettive hanno avuto un impatto anche sulle autorità sanitarie pubbliche. È giunto il momento di adottare misure concertate per contenere i focolai di queste malattie infettive e ridurre al minimo le sofferenze e le conseguenze sulla società.

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