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  • av Ron Mueller
    170 - 180,-

  • av Ron Mueller

    Book 1: The FoldBook 2: The MessageBook 3: Fold WormholeBook 4: Negative FoldBook 5: Ripples In Time Book 4: Negative Fold The locked viewing room was opened, and reality was altered. The message on the board and the notarized note stating the date and time it was notarized altered everyone's understanding of what reality might be. The proof that the past could be altered and changed undermined the belief that the past was fixed. The question that surfaced was, "Had their reality been altered?The negative Fold realm totally scrambled Bram's perceptive of reality. His experiment with stepping physically back just a few moments in time and physically being able to step into that time changed how he thought about history. Had those in the future already been stepping into the past and altering it? Had his discovery of the Fold capability been triggered by someone from the future giving him the clues to create the Fold equation that would allow the future to change the past. He wondered where the circle began.The establishment of the oversight committee had triggered him to design a way to make it near impossible for the negative Fold environment to be accessed except by he and one other person and only from Mataia.The discovery of the ability to look at the past and to be able to step into and alter it changed Bram's plans of how to explore the negative Fold realm.He knew he had the capability to alter the past and to change what any specific person would experience. He knew that he had to put blocks on such action and that he would need to do so as soon as possible. But the most pressing investigation was to determine if the future was actively engaged in altering history.He decided to set up several chicken and egg experiments to determine the current situation that he was facing.He felt like he was making progress then he found the almost hidden evidence that indeed someone in the future was reaching back.Bram decided to set a trap and almost lost his life to the intruder from the future.Help came from an unexpected situation that had occurred previously and had accidently crossed the timeline that he and the villain from the future occupied.Bram takes action that will seal the future entry port and figures out a way to prevent the future from altering the past.Bram implements the rhombicosidodecahedron maze from which nothing is able to exit.

  • av Ron Mueller
    233 - 237,-

  • av Ron Mueller

    Book 1: The FoldBook 2: The MessageBook 3: Fold WormholeBook 4: Negative FoldBook 5: Ripples In TimeBook 3: Fold Wormhole The Sun had not yet broken over the horizon as Bram approached the boulder on which he had spent many a morning during the development of the Fold Equation. He was returning to celebrate the tremendous success that he experienced and to return Einstein back to his home. This time he would sit with Pat, his soul mate and share the sunrise with her. He would give Einstein a cookie crumb and see what his mouse companion would do. Bram had expanded the capabilities of what he could do with the Fold process and had been able to overcome the adverse impact of Folding space. He had learned how to send and receive Fold messages by folding and sending neutrinos as tiny Fold objects. He had used this capability to reply to an Alien civilization in response to their call for help. His next step was to personally use his Wormhole Fold capability to visit the water world that would most likely be the new home for the Aliens. He also wanted to see the Earth like planets that had been identified. He was anticipating a need for he and the Fold community to have a place where they could isolate and be safe from the havoc that he anticipated when the impact of the Fold technology had on the social and economic environment. The flexibility and leverage that Bram had was overcome by the numerous attacks that had been launched against the Fold project, himself, and the rest of the Fold community. He anticipated the need for a place where everyone could retreat. The exploration into the negative time fold exposed a new dimension where time did not exist. Bram entered into a world where his mind guided where he went and what he saw. The universe was not the only existence. The philosophers had been on the right track of thinking of other types of existence. The universe that Earth and humans existed in was just one of millions of universes. Each universe had its own unique condition. It was hard for Bram to fathom what he had discovered. Then Bram lost his way. He was lost in one of the dimensions. It was a moment of pure terror as he realized that he did not know how to return to his own time and space. Then his sensors began to blink a simple message in morse code, "follow the light," ..-. --- .-.. .-.. --- .-- / - .... . / .-.. .. --. .... -, Bram knew immediately that Pat had guided a group to figure out how to reach him. He followed the light. The light led him to his starting point from where he knew how to return to the Fold compound and those he treasured. This time he was invited to go fishing by Mike and Mary who had learned about his getting lost somewhere in the Universe. That seemingly innocent invitation was an invite to yet another attack from his adversaries.

  • av Ron Mueller

    Book 1: The FoldBook 2: The MessageBook 3: Fold WormholeBook 4: Negative FoldBook 5: Ripples In Time Book 5: Ripples In Time The discovery that time has no meaning in the negative Fold realm and that the present can interact with both the past and the future alters the meaning of reality. Bram realizes that the ability to enter the negative realm empowers that person to have ultimate control of events. Intervening in any manner creates a ripple in the fabric of time and alters events into the future. Bram discovered how to Fold the Fabric of Space. During learning how to operate using the Fold he had accidentally discovered the alternate negative realm. It exists on what he refers to the negative realm because the mathematics of both his current realm and the negative realm is the same except for the negative signs in all the places where they are positive in his original equations. His exploration of the negative Fold realm drives home the fact that the negative Fold realm must be closed. It eliminated all meaning to living. One's life has no meaning if anyone operating in the negative realm is able to alter the reality around you. The discovery of a world similar to Earth provides a way to isolate the knowledge and the use of the Fold process.Setting up a new world presents an overwhelming challenge that Bram and his team undertake. They also slowly erase all knowledge of the Fold Process on Earth. An early mistake of sending a time capsule one hundred years into the future results in an attack by the future trying to kill Bram and his team.Brama his team manage to eliminate the initial threat and then try to make sure that the Fold knowledge is erased in the future.The avenging descendants of the antagonists that had been eliminated take the opportunity to avenge the deaths of their ancestors by launching high powered missiles to blowup up Bram's house. The missiles are neutralized by the laser shield technology that Bram has developed. Using all his abilities and the characteristics of the negative realm, Bram creates a labyrinth that requires millions of years to escape and to where he relegates those who insist on using their power in a negative way. Life on the new planet is managed in a green way. It becomes an Oasis and a place where the animals of Earth are preserved and managed in their natural state. Total independence from Earth is not achieved but total isolation is. Other intelligences are discovered and interacted with. Only Bram and his team have the Fold technology. It allows them to interact across universe with these other intelligences. The Ripples in Time are impossible to fully control and must be carefully monitored and controlled.

  • av Ron Mueller
    243 - 253,-

  • av Ron Mueller
    193 - 204,-

  • av Ron Mueller
    211 - 229,-

  • av Ron Mueller

    The River Front: Introduces Alex as Cincinnati's first Black female detective.The Girl on the Grill: The murder of a young woman by a local drug distributor.Missing: Alex solves a fifteen year old abduction cold caseMaggot: Alex has a Mexican Drug cartel boss attacking her.Racist: Alex is targeted to be killed by a racist.Votive Candles: A local priest gives Alex a new perspective of crime.Country Road: An organization killing young women is eliminated by Alex and team.Pool of Blood: On vacation Alex gets involved in stopping a serial killer.Sins of the Daughter: A demented person kills individuals and buries them along the Canadian Border.Her extraordinary skills both physically and with her weapon, a great deal of luck and the strong support of her detective team members is the "force" that is her armor.Her unwavering belief is that she should, "treat others the way she wishes to be treated."The politics of the City slowly change from one doubting her abilities to proudly referring to her as "Cincinnati's Black Annie Oakley."Her national and international recognition changes the nature of her role.Her first external assignment to is to help restore the integrity of the Chicago Police department.Her attackers make the mistake of underestimating her willingness to take immediate and lethal action. Action that remains within the law but results in many casualties. The River FrontA runner, in his late thirties, lay dead in a pool of blood running out of his ear. His running shorts are pulled down and his penis has been staged on his abdomen with a pencil driven through it to hold it in place.This is a first for the newly opened Cincinnati Waterfront park. She is faced with a "bad guy," but it is not the quick gun she needs but a very quick mind.She has a Bachelor of science in Criminology and Law Enforcement and has earned a master's degree in Phycology. During her college years she became a black belt.She spends three years as a detective in a small town. Then she lands a job in Cincinnati, Ohio.One reason for her selection as a detective for the Cincinnati Detective division is that she is a Black female and the Chief of detectives, also Black, desires to integrate the all-white detective division. He recognizes Alex as an exceptional candidate.Alex is thrilled with the possibility of being a detective in Cincinnati. It is a smaller city, but its murder rate is comparable to New York or Chicago.The Chief hires Trey McGregor, a Marine veteran, a policeman in Milwaukee. Trey, trying to escape the depression that a combination of PTSD and several recent shootings in his precinct, accepts the offer. She is focused on becoming the super detective she always desired to be. And practices a daily routine that includes the gun range, bicycling, running, daily floor exercises and weight training.The first murder has a bizarre twist that tests her capability, threatens her support, and makes Trey wonder if he has the right partner.Her preparation and skill development pay off and she overcomes the killer. Trey assists her on the capture of the killer.She becomes friends with Trey and his family.The Chief gets recognized for stopping a serial killer. He becomes an Alex supporter.Little does she know that future events will challenge her in all areas.

  • av Ron Mueller
    187 - 200,-

  • av Ron Mueller

    The River Front: Introduces Alex as Cincinnati's first Black female detective.The Girl on the Grill: The murder of a young woman by a local drug distributor.Missing: Alex solves a fifteen year old abduction cold caseMaggot: Alex has a Mexican Drug cartel boss attacking her.Racist: Alex is targeted to be killed by a racist.Votive Candles: A local priest gives Alex a new perspective of crime.Country Road: An organization is killing young women.Pool of Blood: Alex is asked to help a case involving a serial killer.Sins of the Daughter: A demented person kills individuals and buries them along the Canadian Border.Her extraordinary skills both physically and with her weapon, and the strong support of her detective team members is the "force" that is her armor.The politics of the City slowly change from one doubting her abilities to proudly referring to her as "Cincinnati's Black Annie Oakley."Her national and international recognition and desire to employ her services changes the nature of her role.The Girl on the GrillIt is late on a hot muggy night. The street is empty as the lone homeless Vietnam Vet walks slowly towards the highway over pass. A young woman runs frantically past him, and a car squeals its tires as it takes the corner behind him. He watches in horror as a car speeds past him and then skids to a halt and a huge man jumps out and slams the young woman against the overpass wall. He then lifts her over his head and launches her over the retaining wire fence to the highway below.Johnnie is now a witness that must be eliminated. His first concern is to save himself. He escapes by climbing over the retaining fence blocking his way down to the highway and runs across the interstate. He is stopped by the scene of the young woman smashed by the grill of the semi-truck. He thinks of her as the girl on the grill.When an innocent man is accused of the murder, Johnnie decides he must step forward.He knows that his PTSD, his being homeless and being Black will all work against being considered a credible witness. Johnnie decides to engage a Black female police detective he has seen almost daily as she rides her bike past the Cincinnati library. His first encounter with her convinces him that he has found the right connection.Alex Evercrest, the only Black female detective on the Cincinnati, police force believes Johnnie. She gets herself and her partner assigned to the case. Her apartment is destroyed by a self propelled rocket, she tracks down and captures her attackers and solves the case.

  • av Ron Mueller

    The River Front: Introduces Alex as Cincinnati's first Black female detective.The Girl on the Grill: Deals with the murder of a young woman by a local drug distributor.Missing: Alex solves a fifteen year old abduction cold caseMaggot: Alex's work with the DEA has a Mexican Drug cartel boss attacking her.Racist: Alex is targeted to be killed by a racist.Votive Candles: A local priest and his licentious behavior give Alex a new perspective of crime.Windy City: Alex is hired to root out the bad members of the Chicago Police.Country Road: An organization that is killing young women is eliminated by Alex and team.Pool of Blood: On vacation Alex is asked to help a case involving a serial killer.Sins of the Daughter: A demented person kills individuals and buries them along the Canadian Border.These are the cases that Cincinnati's first black female detective, Alex Evercrest, with her dedicated team solve.Many of her suspects attempt to kill her. Her apartment is blown up by a rocket grenade. Her car is blown up by a deranged kidnapper. A drug cartel attempts twice to use a helicopter gunship to eliminate her. A racist decides to kill her because of her color.Her extraordinary skills both physically and with her weapon, a great deal of luck and the strong support of her detective team members is the "force" that is her armor.Her unwavering belief that she should follow her mother's advice to, "treat others the way she wishes to be treated," allows her to be advocated by those around her.The politics of the City slowly change from one doubting her abilities to proudly referring to her as "Cincinnati's Black Annie Oakley."These stories are meant to be enjoyed and to show the power that one person can wield when done in the proper manner.

  • av Gordon Miller & Ron Mueller

  • av Ron Mueller

    The line to the counter had a snivel just ahead of them. Snivels were not supposed to be allowed as pets because they were likely to attack people.Bangor immediately went into defend mode and a commotion ensued. Nopek saw the guards coming toward them along the line and knew he had to get Bangor away from the area or they would be removed from the terminal. He did not want to loose his vacation. He had no idea at the wonders and the feeling of joy he would experience. He arrives and the stench of the world is more than he can stand but his filters allow him to overcome the environment. He hears a sound that enthrals him and he sees a being that enchants him. He is invisible in the three dimensional world and he needs his visual translation google to see. What he sees and hears, brings him to his knees. It is so powerful and enthralling. He has come to a three dimensional world but he is having a multi-dimensional experience. In a one sleep time cycle he experiences more than he has ever done on any regular four dimension vacation and he has ten more cycles to experience.

  • av Ron Mueller

    Taelo looked across the valley at the misty cloud sparkling in the sunlight. His twin sons were playing in the compound with Lasher.He and Golden Hawk spent many a night sitting in the warmth of their bathing area discussing what their next adventure would be. They had waited until the children were old enough to ride a mount and be able to travel for an extended time.They were not prepared for the laughter of their mates when they shared their vision of their next trip. Taelo had picked up a smooth round granite stone and described the next journey as one going west until they returned to where they started.Throughout the snowy days Taelo and Golden Hawk accumulated the provisions they thought would be necessary for their journey. Quiet Rabbit and Busy Bee joined the effort in support. They were making sure that the needs of their young would be thought of.Once again a visit to Broken Spear set the tone of the upcoming journey. Broken Spear shared that he had in discussions with the Ancients been instructed to make sure that strong warriors of the Others were part of the team. He asked that six members of the other be part of the team. Taelo was pleased that the six were none other than one of his best friends Burley Bear and Meadow Flower. The other four, Saber Scar, Marigold, Single Leaf and Sharp Blade. They were all veterans of previous journeys.Taelo had accepted Lilly and Slow Walker''s offer to be cook and camp leader. Floating cloud insisted that one cook would not be enough and insisted to be included. Quiet Rabbit was concerned about her grandmother''s age, but she knew that Floating Cloud would be a great help in taking care of the two boys.The team was augmented by Talking Wren and Little Otter who arrived several sun cycles prior to the time of departure. They arrived with the members of the Others, a load of meat on four mounts that pulled four travois with sleds mounted on them. The team was equipped in a similar manner as they had been for their Dangerous Passage journey.The journey to the Eastern Sea was smooth and problem free. The trip past the coast was a treacherous, and overwhelming challenge. It was one that Taelo doubted could be accomplished going with the sun.Taelo and Golden Hawk both commented that they had to be right, or they might have to establish a totally new Elk Clan, "The Isolated Elk Clan".Their travels though challenging produced numerous positive experiences. They met a black Prince and his troop of twelve warriors. Taelo greeted him and received a warm reply. The Prince wanted to join Taelo for at least part of the journey.What now looked very much like a small army approached a village on a river that ran to the north.Two eagles flew circles in the sky.A tall person backed by what seemed a formidable group of warriors met them outside of the village. He had his hand up in a greeting of friendship. Taelo, Golden Hawk and the black Prince all walked up with the same greeting.When they were exchanging names, the person greeting Taelo pointed to the sky and indicated that his name was Flying Eagle.Taelo smiled and pointed to the sky and indicated that he was Taelo, the claw of the eagle.One of Flying Eagles warriors came forward and showed his scars and pointed to Quiet Rabbit, Busy Bee and Talking Wren and showed them the scars on his face. He pointed to Taelo and made as if to cut off his hand. He then indicated what his name was by rolling a stone on the ground.The meeting confirmed for Taelo that he knew the path back to the valley of the Northern Elk Clan.He was not sure of the time it would take for the remainder of the journey, but he knew that the world was round...

  • av Ron Mueller

    The meanest girl in school suddenly became friendly. The bully that regularly beat him suddenly wanted to be his buddy. The entire football team accepted him sitting at their table.It was nice to be accepted but, IT WAS NOT NORMAL.Jason, and his two buddies Jake and John discuss the change. They were known as the three J''s. It turns out that Jason is experiencing a change, but his two buddies seem normal. They set up a way to gather data on the change.After several weeks they realized that everyone around them seem normal. No strangers, No Aliens.John suggests that maybe its not the other people but something that happened to the three of them.They make work at determining what has happened to the three of them that is common and don''t find any connection.They decide to make a list of people that may have done something to them. Their mothers end up at the top of the list. This frightens the three of them.They decide to confront their mothers and determine that Jake who is an only child is the one who should ask his mother what she had done.Their mothers admit to secretly letting their doctor administer a pheromone treatment that improved the acceptance of the individual.After stopping the treatment, the meanest girl in school becomes mean again and the world gets back to normal.The three buddies are enjoyed being liked but they enjoy being Normal more.

  • av Ron Mueller

    Angela has fallen, hit her head and when she wakes up she does not know who she is or where she is. The only image in her mind is a boy with a radiant smile.It is pouring rain and she finds out that her ankle is badly sprained. She sees a backpack down the steep embankment and decides to slide down to it. The contents of the backpack let her know some of her talents and the fact that she is packed to camp out.Once the rain stops, still only able to maneuver on her knees, she sets up camp. She takes out her note pad and begins to capture the scene of the valley she is in. She takes a dip in the stream by which she is camped to wash off all the mud. Once clean she sits on the stream bank with her feet in the cold water.She is not sure of what she is seeing but as she sits down by her fire ring, the Princes points to a spot where a gold chain is exposed. Angela pulls the chain from the ashes. The pendant at the end of the chain is a likeness of the Princes.After a couple of days, Angela''s ankle is strong enough for her to walk on.As she gets her camp cleaned up, she sees the Indian Prince pointing across the valley to where a sparkle can be seen. Angela decides that her ankle will make the journey across the valley to see if she can find the what is sparkling. She finds a pendant that is the same as the one she has sketched being worn by her Princes by the stream. She is now ready to leave the valley.She is constantly wondering who the boy with the Radiant Smile might be. She hopes that she will meet him.Her hike across the valley and out along the trail that she had come in on, slowly brings back some of her memory, but she still cannot remember her name.Then she comes up from the trail to a road. There on the road is the Boy with the Radiant smile. It is her twin brother. Things all seem to flash back. She walks to him with her own Radiant smile and gives him a hug.

  • av Ron Mueller

    Jasper and his two friends were just about to set up their camp. He watches his two friends get pulled into a beam. He knows immediately that aliens have arrived. He was able to duct while his two friends stood and watched the beam that pulled them up. He knew the aliens would be back for him.Jasper grew up in the mountains he was now in and his father has taught him how to be a ghost in the forest. Other than facing technology superior anything he has experienced before, Jasper is sure he can outwit the alien arrivals. To his friends he was known as Jasper the ghost for his ability to seemingly disappear and not be able to be found.The Aliens return to capture him but he figures out a way to get on their small ship that he figures is a scout ship. He hides as they return with his cell phone that he has used like cheese in a mouse trap. He has left them a message that he hopes will lead to the release of his two friends.He is able to get on board the mothership and locate the holding area of his two buddies. The escape plan is so simple that Jason is not sure it will work.He sets it in motion and then waits on the scout ship.His plan works. The aliens return to capture him, using his two buddies as bait.He overcomes the alien left on the scout ship. He has the scout ship move from its landing location.His two buddies escape as the two aliens with them realize their scout ship is leaving.Jason lets the alien on the scout ship know that Earthlings would soon be competing with them. They should return in a more open manner and introduce themselves.They should call ahead and let folks know they are coming.

  • av Ron Mueller

    The opening of a book found in the basement of the small private library that had been a church, opens the world to creatures from another dimension.A creature with no mouth utters the words that begins the transformation of the world around Claudia, her sister, Clarissa, and her best friend Silvia.Claudia can see the creatures from the other world as they work at entering hers.The three friends had started their summer by looking at the old books in the basement of the library. Claudia figures out how to make a key for an old and ancient looking, locked cabinet.The cabinet comes open, but they realized that it had been an airtight seal.There is only one book in the huge cabinet. It locked but a key is on the same shelf as the book.The first page is adorned by a gargoyle with luminous eyes on a snarling face. Subsequent chapter each had weird figures drawn around the margins. The translation of the first chapter indicated it was a way to open the door to time and space. It was written in an ancient Egyptian script.Claudia practices saying the strange word written on the first page. There is an immediate change in the room and the mouthless creature appeared and floated through Claudia and went up the basement stairs.The other world slowly vaporizes the neighborhood where the three live. They begin to slowly become shadows of themselves. It is clear that they are being erased.The creatures from the other side are beginning to make their appearance.Claudia reads the phrase that closes the door, and the world becomes whole again.The three friends leave the book sealed in the cabinet and walk home. They do not see the old man that had established the library walk away with the book.The three are focused on their upcoming cruise to the Bahamas.The Book of Time and Space will someday again be opened. The opening of a book found in the basement of the small private library that had been a church, opens the world to creatures from another dimension.A creature with no mouth utters the words that begins the transformation of the world around Claudia, her sister, Clarissa, and her best friend Silvia.Claudia can see the creatures from the other world as they work at entering hers.The three friends had started their summer by looking at the old books in the basement of the library. Claudia figures out how to make a key for an old and ancient looking, locked cabinet.The cabinet comes open, but they realized that it had been an airtight seal.There is only one book in the huge cabinet. It locked but a key is on the same shelf as the book.The first page is adorned by a gargoyle with luminous eyes on a snarling face. Subsequent chapter each had weird figures drawn around the margins. The translation of the first chapter indicated it was a way to open the door to time and space. It was written in an ancient Egyptian script.Claudia practices saying the strange word written on the first page. There is an immediate change in the room and the mouthless creature appeared and floated through Claudia and went up the basement stairs.The other world slowly vaporizes the neighborhood where the three live. They begin to slowly become shadows of themselves. It is clear that they are being erased.The creatures from the other side are beginning to make their appearance.Claudia reads the phrase that closes the door, and the world becomes whole again.The three friends leave the book sealed in the cabinet and walk home. They do not see the old man that had established the library walk away with the book.The Book of Time and Space will someday be opened.Will you be there to save the world?

  • av Ron Mueller

    Stress Free Supply Chain Solutions provides guidance to a flowing, optimum inventory, customer facing supply chain. Output tracking clearly documents issues at each flow boundary. The issues are prioritized, and supply chain participants apply resources to eliminate them. Issues at supply chain boundaries are easier to address given the clarity given by the use of output tracking. The stability created by reducing flow barriers increases throughput and reduces the level of required inventory. The discussion by the boundary owners becomes focused on mutually identified problems. The close association of the boundary owners leads to mutually agreed to priority improvements This close association supports the development of the personnel on both sides of the supply chain boundary.The resolution of problems at the supply chain boundaries creates a flowing, low inventory, high margin business. The flowing supply chain, the skill developing personnel and the superior business results will not go unnoticed. Imagine being the top performers in Safety, Quality, Throughput, Response Flexibility and First in Profit Margin. Apply Stress FreeTM Supply Chain Solutions and achieve it.

  • - The Eastern Elk Clan: The Eastern Elk
    av Ron Mueller

    The leaves were off the trees and the cattails at the edge of the lake were bursting their tops and the wind was blowing the fluff bound seeds out across the water. Her wolf, Bold Walker was sitting at her feed as she absent mindedly scratched behind his ear. Feather-in-the-Wind's mind was slowly drifting across all the adventure and growth that she had experienced since being rescued from the cave of the Condor and joining Taelo and his team. She had participated in establishing the Northern Elk Clan and in building the grand lodge and compound in what turned out to be the original valley the Elk Clan had started. She was now a permanent and accepted member of Taelo's team. She had been on the Journey of discovery when they traveled east. It was on that trip that she had first observed the mount. They had traveled much of the journey riding on their mounts. The team had just returned from their journey to the north and across the ice bridge to the world beyond. She had faced the giant brown bear and had almost lost her life. The journey was her journey into her mature life. The team had faced battle with the sky eyes and had won. She had helped save Taelo from almost certain death when his sled went into a fathomless crevasse in the ice. The team had returned with more than one hundred people from that far land. She had expressed her desire to lead the new sub-Elk clan that she had named the Eastern Elk Clan. She had Taelo's and the team's support but she did not think that would be enough. She was young, she was an adopted member of the Elk Clan, she was the wrong gender and had the smallest physical stature of all the people in the Clan. She had come to the realization that Running Stag, saved by Taelo from the cannibals was the soul mate she had always dreamt of meeting. He came out and sat with her as she waited to be summoned by Wise Owl the Elk Clan Council leader. She held little hope that she would be selected leader of the new Eastern Elk Clan. When she was called in to the council meeting she expected to hear rejection, instead she was given the staff that signified her appointment to the position of Eastern Elk Clan leader.She had tears in her eyes as she realized that her dreams of getting to lead a clan and finding her soul mate had both come true.

  • av Ron Mueller

  • av Ron Mueller

    Long ago in the far northwest new people were making their way in an new land. Two young women were coming of age in a male dominated world that tried to control what they were allowed to do. They had a mother who empathetically understood her daughters and a supportive father that taught them the skills of hunting and protecting themselves in the wilds that surrounded them. White Swan and her sister Quiet Pheasant though two years apart could have passed for twins and they shared the same desire to be able to fend for themselves. Their transition into the mating age, brought their situation to a head. They attacked the situation and decided they would choose who would be their mates. The insistence of the Clan elders catalyzed the situation. They approached their two potential mates and challenged them to a hunt. Their goal was to see if their choices were the right ones.On the hunt both White Swan and Quiet Pheasant hunt on the bet that their two potential mates must clean and process the buffalos that the two of them will hunt They demonstrate a secret way to down the buffalo that has their two potential mates amazed. More amazing is when in an exchange White Swan proposes their union to Gray Fox Running. His stunned silence make White Swan wonder if she has pushed too far too fast. His suggestion his suggestion that he wants to make sure that she looks as sweet with the smell of buffalo washed off is to her a yes! She pushes her sister to make the same proposal to Red Oak. Their two new mates accept with the condition they get taught the new hunting technique that was so grandly displayed. Once home, her parents rejoice at their aggressive but successful daughters. White Swan and Quiet Pheasant change sub-Clans and leave with their new mates.

  • av Ron Mueller

    White Swan and her sister Quite Pheasant had anticipated his day for two autumns. Now both her and her sister were anticipating the naming of their children. It was the naming day. This was a day of celebration by the entire clan. It was the custom to wait two seasons before naming a child. The belief was that if the child did not survive then it would go into the next life free of any burden of this world. During this time, the child was under observation. Mannerisms were noted and would be added to the name. Each child chose their name by the object they chose from the each of the naming hide. Their two boys had been born on the same day. They would each select an object from the edge of the naming hide that would determine their name. So far neither one of their sons had demonstrated any behavior that would add an extra identifier to their name. A large white swan had arrived early in the morning. White Swan looked across the lake where is swam gracefully in a gracious and relax manner. This was a sign to her that something special would happen. White Swan was aware of an eagle that circled silently overhead during the entire naming ceremony. Quiet Pheasant''s son selected the feather of a Golden Hawk. This was a powerful symbol and would mean that he would have the name Golden Hawk. White Swan''s son was the last child to select his name symbol. He was the youngest of all the children selection names. She watched as he went immediately and picked up the claw of an eagle. He turned and held his selection high above his head. The eagle lets out a loud cry and descended like a spear on its way to the heart. The target continued to hold the claw above his head. In panic she rushed to protect her son, but the eagle got to its target first and carried off its prize. With tears in her eyes White Swan hugged her untouched son as. He was all smiles. Her totem and the totem of her son, the eagle flew gracefully out of the valley. Her son had chosen the eagle and the eagle had chosen her son. White swan held up her son and declared his name as Taelo, the claw of the eagle.

  • - Solutions
    av Ron Mueller

    Ian Sinclair is the problem Solver. Never be one of his problems.There are problems that occur that seem unsolvable. These are problems that often have clear resolutions, but which have no socially acceptable way to get resolved. These are problems that cross political, social, and moral boundaries that are not manageable in normal ways.The problem solver crosses these boundaries. He resolves the problem in the way he determines is required.His research of the problem is thorough, in depth and as fair as possible.Once his research is done and he engages in the field, Ian never looks back and he carries out his plan.But as we all know plans often fall apart. It is at these times that his thoroughness saves him.He lives two lives and in both worlds, he is a problem solver. In his normal life he solves problems around the world for a multi-national company. In this normal world his family provides his anchor. In his other world his ethics and moral compass provide the reference by which he functionHe always questions his foundations and counts on his wife, Lesley to keep him on firm footing.He is a problem solver in both of his worlds. He has superior results in both.Once in action, he maintains a forward momentum that carries him through the toughest spots.Animals sense his fearlessness and his fundamental goodness and always seem to accept him but the people around him are often frightened by his direct and often devastating actions.His targets seldom know his intentions until the fatal moment when he takes action.Once action is initiated Ian is relentless, but he is always checking himself to ensure he is executing against plan and not emotions.His personal centering on fundamental truths and principals serves to guide him and it protects those that he works with as he carries out his plans.

  • - Border Crossers
    av Ron Mueller

    Ian takes in the scene as the news camera zooms in as the police open the back of a semi. The heat waves shimmering up from the pavement speak to the extreme desert heat. One of the police officer turns and holds his hand over his mouth as he gets sick. The people in the back of the semi are dead and it is clear that many tried unsuccessfully to claw their way out. The camera man turns the camera to the field reporter who describes the scene and the awful smell.This was the second such discovery in as many months.The reporter poses the question of how or who will solve such a horrible problem. Ian knew immediately that he had been activated.Almost immediately after the news cast his phone displays a simple message, "call".Using one of his disposable phones Ian calls the number that he has memorize. He gets briefed on what is expected of him. As always he is reminded that he has a support team that he should leverage.Ian becomes Herman A. Lunquist senior FBI investigator. This was one of his most used identities that he has on record.He contacts the FBI regional office in Phoenix and arranges for a visit.His thorough understanding of the situation and his research into the region provide him with the break he needs to resolve the current situation.He knew any solution he accomplished would only be good for the near future. The pressure to cross the border into the US was not going to lessen.He discovers that a key person second in command of the local police department is a prime suspect. And another person is part of the border security office. The two support a Mexican Cartel''s human trafficking operation.Ian and the team come up short on the needed incriminating evidence to indite the police second in command. Ian utilizes both threat and bluff to extract a confession from the crooked assistant police chief.Ian leaves the Phoenix FBI office, and the local law enforcement leaders with a success story that they all embrace.Ian leaves on a helicopter that will take him directly home to the warmth of his Lesley.

  • - Drug Lords
    av Ron Mueller

    Ian Sinclair is the Problem Solver who solves problems that are beyond the boundary of current organizations and governments.Raised on fundamental principles and forged in the hell of Vietnam, Ian has become the solution to many otherwise unsolvable situations.A desire to slow the flow of drugs across the border gets Ian assigned to eliminate the heads of the drug cartels.Ian wonders who is crazier, he for accepting the assignment or the person assigning him to disrupt the drug flow.His desire to survive one of the most challenging assignments of his career provides the drive that fuels his careful research into the drug cartels operating along the Mexican borderHe defines and becomes a series of different people as he eliminates the heads of the various drug cartels.His initial success bodes well for his plan, and he continues on but the load of his action weighs heavy.He lets himself get close to one Drug leader and almost losses his way. He recovers and continues to execute his plan and execute the leaders of various drug cartels.The highlight of the drug leader elimination journey is the journey into the bay of California and his ride with a mother humpback whale and a ride on the back of a killer whale. He decides he is crazy enough for the role he plays.His weapons are C4, a switch blade, a bullet, and a pen. He plays the role of robot engineer, a news writer, a beggar, a vacation sailboat captain, an old man, and a businessman.He travels west along the Mexican border to California and hooks back to Mexico City where he finishes his Drug Lord Solutions crusade.He then looks forward to returning to his loving wife Lesley.

  • av Ron Mueller

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