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Bøker av Regine Abel

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  • av Regine Abel

    Él era su pareja perfecta. Harta de los inútiles y los imbéciles que infestan el mundo de las citas, Maeve acude a la Agencia Primaria con la esperanza de mejorar su suerte. Su temor a acabar junto a un extraño alienígena primitivo se alivia de inmediato cuando la emparejan con un despampanante Edocit. Inteligente, divertido, dulce y tan empeñado como ella en proteger a los débiles y oprimidos, Helio supera todo lo que ella había soñado. Ojalá ella no tuviera que ocultarle tantos secretos. Helio no había estado buscando activamente una compañera, y menos aún una forastera. Pero en cuanto ve a Maeve, se siente atraído... pero también intimidado. Aparte del choque cultural que supone para ella su emparejamiento, él es un simple cazarrecompensas, mientras que ella es una brillante oficial de alto rango de los Enforcers, las fuerzas de élite intergalácticas para el mantenimiento de la paz. A pesar de sus inseguridades, tienen un gran comienzo... hasta que se desata la tragedia. Con las vidas de innumerables inocentes en juego, ¿los separará el choque de sus respectivos mundos o superarán la adversidad para prevalecer contra el mal?

  • av Regine Abel

  • av Regine Abel

    Her heart's desire would be her downfall.After spending her life in training, Esmeralda still can't believe she's been appointed to serve as the Vestal of Our Lady of Paris-the greatest temple on any planet in the Nine Circles. Her beauty and unrivaled ability to manipulate energy quickly catch the attention of Praetor Frollo, the grand magistrate of Paris, and High Seraph Phoebus, the greatest winged warrior in the solar system. But her dream of becoming the consort of one of those handsome, powerful males is forgotten the moment she lays eyes upon the hunchback secretly living in the temple.Kwazeem feels Esmeralda's power as soon as she lands in his city. She awakens the primal energy that has lain dormant within him-and a possessive hunger that demands he claim her. But he's a Fallen, a monster that would be destroyed on sight if the citizens of Paris discovered his existence. Worse still, Esmeralda's Divine Light inflicts agony upon his already tortured body if he basks in it for too long. And yet... he cannot stay away from her.With Kwazeem's mysterious condition and Esmeralda torn between her duties to the people and the sinful desires of her heart, is there any chance of them sharing a future?

  • av Regine Abel

    Can you resist temptation?King Erik Thorsen, also known as Bluebeard, is once more widowed. Like all the others before her, his late wife succumbed to the lure of the curse that plagues him and threatens the realm.As willing maidens gather at the castle in the hope of being chosen, Erik sets his sights on a golden beauty named Astrid. However, becoming his queen comes with a steep price. The King's new bride must first resist temptation for one year and one day... or die trying.Will Astrid be next to fall to what lies beyond the Sealed Door?

  • av Regine Abel

    He was her perfect match.Fed up with the deadbeats and jerks infesting the standard dating pool, Maeve reaches out to the Prime Mating Agency, hoping to improve her luck. Her fear of ending up with some weird primitive alien is immediately alleviated when she's paired with a stunning Edocit. Smart, funny, sweet, and as hellbent in protecting the weak and the oppressed as she is, Helio exceeds everything she ever dreamed of. If only she didn't have to keep so many secrets from him.Helio hadn't been actively looking for a mate, least of all an off-worlder. But the moment he lays eyes on Maeve, he's smitten... but also intimidated. Aside from the cultural shock their pairing is bound to give her, he's a mere bounty hunter, while she's a brilliant, high-ranking officer of the Enforcers, the elite intergalactic peacekeeping forces. Despite his insecurities, they're off to a great start... until tragedy strikes.With the lives of countless innocents on the line, will the clash of their respective worlds tear them apart, or will they overcome adversity to prevail against evil?

  • av Regine Abel

    To be loved by a shadow in the Mist.Every month, for three days, a mysterious fog filled with demonic creatures swallows the world. Since its first appearance a decade ago, I've diligently secured my home against the danger. Today, my sister's negligence has allowed something in. A Mistwalker. A part of him now resides inside of me, his brand on my chest a constant reminder of his presence. He terrifies me and threatens to derail the life I've been building. And yet, a part of me is drawn to him...I have walked two worlds to be with her.For years, I have lurked in the Mist, lying in wait for the opportunity to get to my fiery Jade. Now that humans have torn the Veil, nothing will keep me from crossing into the Mortal Plane to claim her. She's my mate. I will not allow her to hide from the truth she knows deep within her but fears to acknowledge. I was made for her. I am her greatest wish.

  • av Regine Abel

  • av Regine Abel

    Ser amada por una sombra en la Niebla. Cada mes, durante tres días, una niebla misteriosa, llena de criaturas demoníacas, se traga el mundo. Desde su primera aparición hace una década, he asegurado diligentemente mi hogar contra el peligro. Hoy, la negligencia de mi hermana ha permitido que algo entre. Un Mistwalker. Una parte de él ahora reside dentro de mí, su marca en mi pecho es un recordatorio constante de su presencia. Me aterroriza y amenaza con descarrilar la vida que he estado construyendo. Y, sin embargo, una parte de mí se siente atraída por él... He caminado dos mundos para estar con ella. Durante años, he acechado en la Niebla a la espera de la oportunidad de llegar a mi ardiente Jade. Ahora que los humanos han rasgado el Velo, nada me impedirá cruzar al Plano Mortal para reclamarla. Ella es mi pareja. No permitiré que se esconda de la verdad que conoce muy dentro de ella pero que teme reconocer. Yo fui hecho para ella. Soy su mayor deseo.

  • av Regine Abel

  • av Regine Abel

  • av Regine Abel

    Ser amada por uma sombra do Nevoeiro. Todos os meses, durante três dias, um nevoeiro misterioso repleto de criaturas demoníacas engole o mundo. Desde a sua primeira aparição há uma década que protejo a minha casa do perigo, mas hoje, a neglicência da minha própria irmã permitiu que alguma coisa entrasse. Um Nevonauta. Parte dele reside agora dentro de mim, a sua marca no meu peito um lembrete constante da sua presença. Ele me aterroriza e ameaça destruir a vida que construí com tanto cuidado. E, ainda assim, parte de mim sente-se atraída por ele... Atravessei dois mundos para estar com ela. Durante anos escondi-me no nevoeiro, à espera de uma oportunidade para estar com a minha linda Jade. Agora que os humanos rasgaram o Véu, nada me irá impedir de viajar até ao Plano Mortal para a reivindicar. Ela é a minha companheira, e não irei permitir que se esconda da verdade que o seu coração reconhece e que ela nega por medo do que isso significa. Eu fui feito para ela. Sou o seu maior desejo.

  • av Regine Abel

  • av Regine Abel

    Il était son partenaire idéal. Lassée des bons à rien et des abrutis qui infestent les réseaux de rencontres classiques, Maeve s'adresse à l'Agence Prime dans l'espoir d'améliorer son sort. Sa crainte de se retrouver avec un alien primitif bizarre est immédiatement apaisée lorsqu'elle est jumelée avec un superbe Édocit. Intelligent, drôle, doux et aussi déterminé qu'elle à protéger les faibles et les opprimés, Hélio dépasse tout ce dont elle a toujours rêvé. Si seulement elle n'avait pas à lui cacher autant de choses. Hélio ne cherchait pas activement une conjointe, encore moins une étrangère. Mais dès qu'il pose les yeux sur Maeve, il est épris... mais aussi intimidé. Outre le choc culturel que leur union ne manquera pas de faire subir à sa nouvelle épouse, il n'est qu'un simple chasseur de primes, tandis qu'elle est un brillant officier de haut rang des Défenseurs, l'élite des forces de maintien de la paix intergalactique. Malgré son manque d'assurance, leur relation est au beau fixe... jusqu'à ce qu'une tragédie survienne. Avec la vie d'innombrables innocents en jeu, le choc de leurs mondes respectifs va-t-il les séparer, ou vont-ils surmonter l'adversité pour l'emporter sur le mal ?

  • av Regine Abel

  • av Regine Abel

    He was her perfect match. Fed up with the deadbeats and jerks infesting the standard dating pool, Maeve reaches out to the Prime Mating Agency, hoping to improve her luck. Her fear of ending up with some weird primitive alien is immediately alleviated when she's paired with a stunning Edocit. Smart, funny, sweet, and as hellbent in protecting the weak and the oppressed as she is, Helio exceeds everything she ever dreamed of. If only she didn't have to keep so many secrets from him. Helio hadn't been actively looking for a mate, least of all an off-worlder. But the moment he lays eyes on Maeve, he's smitten... but also intimidated. Aside from the cultural shock their pairing is bound to give her, he's a mere bounty hunter, while she's a brilliant, high-ranking officer of the Enforcers, the elite intergalactic peacekeeping forces. Despite his insecurities, they're off to a great start... until tragedy strikes. With the lives of countless innocents on the line, will the clash of their respective worlds tear them apart, or will they overcome adversity to prevail against evil?

  • av Regine Abel

  • av Regine Abel

    Her winged savior was no angel.When death nearly claims Brianna at the tender age of eight, a being that shouldn't exist saves her. Twenty years later, she becomes an architect specialized in historic buildings, still searching for evidence that the one who saved her-the one who haunts her increasingly wild dreams-truly exists. When a mystery man hires her for a major project in the catacombs of an old church turned exclusive, gothic nightclub, Brianna believes she may have her chance at long last.Alkor has grown weary of this era. Forced to hide in plain sight, forbidden from ever claiming the only woman to have stirred his mating instincts, he considers going back into hibernation rather than pining for her from afar. But the sudden activation of the beacon changes everything. Rescue is on the way! With his only means of reaching the rendezvous point trapped in the catacombs, Alkor hires Brianna to help recover his treasure. However, his lost sigil isn't the only thing he intends to take back home with him.Time is running out, and the evil forces conspiring to capture him will stop at nothing to achieve their goal, even using Brianna. Did Alkor save his true mate only to lose her now that they might have a chance at a future together?

  • av Regine Abel

    For Family. For Honor.Discarded by her husband who then sells her as a pleasure worker, Hope secretly enters into an Indentured Servant contract with a strip club owner to avoid being given to an unknown master. But she soon realizes that he has not only conned her into endless servitude, he also has nefarious plans involving her child. Desperate, she turns to a broker to find a new buyer for her contract. As soon as she meets the buyer, a Braxian giant named Krygor, with a fearsome face and the body of a god, Hope knows the Goddess has finally answered all of her prayers.When Krygor comes to Lilith Hive for business and leisure, the last thing he expects is to fall hard for a delicate beauty and feel so paternal towards her teenaged daughter, both in desperate need of his protection. Hope awakens in him feelings he had banished after getting his heart torn to shreds by his first love. But a broken heart quickly becomes the least of his worries when enemies from his past use his females to capture him.They shouldn't have messed with the most insane of the Braxian Berserkers. They may think they have him at their mercy, but Krygor will bathe in their blood for daring to threaten what's his.

  • av Regine Abel

  • av Regine Abel

    For Braxia. For the future. For revenge.As the rarest hybrid in the galaxy, Mercy has been forced to hide in plain sight for fear slavers and collectors would hunt her down. Quite ironic, considering her late father had been the greatest slaver of the Guldan Empire. Determined to make amends for some of the wrongs he has done, she goes on a mission to Braxia. But those plans are quickly derailed when she encounters Ravik; a mountain of a man with a fearsome face, and a planet in turmoil.As the new ruler of Braxia, Ravik is surrounded by enemies. His planet is teetering on the brink of bankruptcy and stuck in ancient, bigoted ways. When an exotic, sassy, and strong female reluctantly accepts his protection during her stay on Braxia, she becomes both his strength and his greatest weakness. As his detractors plot and scheme against him, Ravik fears the horrors of his past will destroy the fragile happiness and glimmer of hope this woman has brought him and his people.In this brutal, unforgiving world, greed, hatred, and twisted obsessions will clash in a bid for power, for the future, and for revenge.

  • av Regine Abel

    Revenge is a patient beast.Grace is in trouble. Her agent and ex-boyfriend, Marcus, has fled, leaving her stranded on the Venus Hive pleasure barge. His creditors want compensation and with Marcus nowhere to be found, they've decided Grace will do nicely. Desperate for help, she turns to Anton Myers, the wealthy and ruthless owner of the Hive Network. He agrees to help her. The terms: anything he wants for six months.Anton has waited a long time for this moment. Grace may not remember him, but he hasn't forgotten her. Signing herself over to his every command will not keep her safe. A Braxian never forgets a slight to his honor. And Grace will pay... with interest.Anton's Grace is a twisted tale of unlikely second chances that will leave you squirming in your seat. Can you stomach the darkness? This dark romance is not for the faint of heart. It contains explicit scenes of violence and deal with topics such as domestic violence and slavery. Sensitive readers please abstain.

  • av Regine Abel

    He is the Beast of her dreams.Belle prayed for the day she would meet her Beast. As a proud monster lover, she signs up with the Prime Mating Agency for a chance to be paired with an exotic alien. The one she's matched with exceeds her wildest fantasies. With four eyes to better see her, four arms to better hold her, and a rumbling voice that curls her toes, Bayron is the perfect mix of cinnamon roll personality sprinkled with a hefty dose of grumpy to make her melt.Bayron wasn't looking for a mate when a PMA agent convinced him to marry, and with a human at that. He's still baffled about why he agreed. Compared to a Zamorian female, Belle is delicate, disturbingly eager, and nothing like the submissive female he'd always assumed he wanted. And yet, her boldness, straightforwardness, and eternal enthusiasm stir a possessiveness in him that cannot be denied.But as events of his past clash with their future, will they be able to overcome their cultural differences, or will adversity tear them apart?

  • av Regine Abel

    She was a pawn coveted by kings.From the moment of her birth, Thalia has been groomed to become a Blood Maiden to a vampire. As a human born in one of the colonies of Karthia, Thalia's extremely rare blood type is her ticket out of the life of poverty and hardship that normally befalls her species. During her first Blood Fair, she intends to entice the Vampire Lord Konstantin into claiming her. But unable to resist an unexpected offer, her long years of hard work and carefully planned future are derailed by a stunning, silver-eyed Lycan named Drogo.Struck by a rare but deadly illness, King Drogo's only chance of survival relies on securing some golden blood. Yet, the moment he sees Thalia, the rabid emotions the clever female awakens in him surpass even his thirst for her unique blood. But the Lycan King's efforts to claim Thalia as his mate revive a century-old rivalry with his nemesis, Konstantin.As the realm braces for a cataclysmic event, the clash between the two most powerful males of Karthia escalates. Will the battle to claim Thalia bring about her ultimate demise?

  • av Regine Abel

    Lui è la Bestia dei suoi sogni. Belle ha pregato per il giorno in cui avrebbe incontrato la sua Bestia. Essendo una fiera amante dei mostri, si iscrive all'Agenzia Primaria per avere la possibilità di essere abbinata ad un esotico alieno. Quello con cui viene accoppiata supera le sue più sfrenate fantasie. Con quattro occhi per vederla meglio, quattro braccia per stringerla meglio e una voce cavernosa che le fa arricciare le dita dei piedi, Bayron è il mix perfetto di personalità da dolce alla cannella, cosparso di una dose massiccia di scontrosità che la fanno sciogliere. Bayron non stava cercando una compagna quando un agente dell'AP lo ha convinto a sposarsi, per di più con un'umana. È ancora perplesso sul perché abbia accettato. Rispetto a una femmina Zamoriana, Belle è delicata, inquietantemente bramosa e non assomiglia affatto alla femmina sottomessa che lui aveva sempre pensato di volere. Eppure, la sua audacia, la sua schiettezza e il suo eterno entusiasmo suscitano in lui una possessività che non può negare. E mentre gli eventi del suo passato si scontrano con il futuro, riusciranno i due a superare le proprie differenze culturali oppure le avversità li separeranno?

  • av Regine Abel

  • av Regine Abel

  • av Regine Abel

    Il est la Bête de ses rêves. Belle a prié pour le jour où elle rencontrerait sa Bête. En tant que fière amoureuse des monstres, elle s'inscrit à l'Agence Prime dans l'espoir d'être appariée à un alien exotique. Celui avec lequel elle est jumelée dépasse ses fantasmes les plus fous. Avec quatre yeux pour mieux la voir, quatre bras pour mieux l'enlacer et une voix grondante qui lui fait friser les orteils, Bayron est le mélange parfait d'une personnalité câline saupoudrée d'une bonne dose de tempérament grincheux qui la fait fondre. Bayron n'était pas à la recherche d'une conjointe lorsqu'un agent de la PMA l'a convaincu de se marier, et avec une humaine de surcroît. Il ne sait toujours pas pourquoi il a accepté. Comparée à une femelle zamorienne, Belle est délicate, d'un enthousiasme déroutant et ne ressemble en rien à la femelle soumise qu'il avait toujours supposé vouloir. Et pourtant, son audace, son franc-parler et son éternelle joie de vivre éveillent en lui une possessivité qu'il ne peut nier. Mais alors que les événements de son passé se heurtent à leur avenir, seront-ils capables de surmonter leurs différences culturelles, ou l'adversité les déchirera-t-elle ?

  • av Regine Abel

  • av Regine Abel

  • av Regine Abel

    Son sauveur ailé n'était pas un ange. Lorsque la mort a failli emporter Brianna à l'âge de huit ans, un être qui ne devrait pas exister la sauve. Vingt ans plus tard, elle est devenue une ingénieure en architecture spécialisée dans les bâtiments historiques, toujours à la recherche de la preuve que celui qui l'a sauvée - celui qui hante ses rêves de plus en plus fous - existe vraiment. Lorsqu'un homme mystérieux l'embauche pour un projet important dans les catacombes d'une ancienne église transformée en boîte de nuit gothique exclusive, Brianna pense qu'elle est enfin sur la bonne piste. Alkor est las de cette époque. Contraint de se cacher, interdit de réclamer la seule femme qui ait jamais éveillé ses instincts d'union, il envisage de retourner en hibernation plutôt que de se languir d'elle à distance. Mais l'activation soudaine de la balise change tout. Les secours arrivent enfin. Avec son seul moyen d'atteindre le point de ralliement piégé dans les catacombes, Alkor engage Brianna pour l'aider à récupérer son trésor. Cependant, son sigil perdu n'est pas la seule chose qu'il a l'intention de ramener chez lui. Le temps presse, et les forces maléfiques qui conspirent pour le capturer ne reculeront devant rien pour atteindre leur objectif, y compris utiliser Brianna. Alkor a-t-il sauvé son âme soeur pour la perdre maintenant qu'ils ont peut-être la possibilité d'avoir un avenir ensemble ?

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