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Bøker av Ray Hobbs

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  • av Ray Hobbs

    Returning to the island of Jersey for his mother's funeral, Hugh Laverne is reminded of the Nazi occupation and what it meant for those living through it. By association, he feels prompted to revisit wartime friends in Brittany in Northern France.Reunited with former Resistance members, he learns that Louise, his friends' adopted niece, was captured and killed by the Gestapo shortly after his departure for Britain. The news is all the more devastating when he hears that she was pregnant at the time of her capture, and the knowledge now haunts him, blighting his relationships even seven years later.When he hears of the untimely death of his erstwhile first lieutenant and protégé Neil Godfrey, he fears that nothing but bad news will ever emerge from his fateful year of covert operations. However, his attendance at Neil's funeral results in an unexpected meeting.

  • av Ray Hobbs

    Recently discharged from the Army, Rob Parker, clarinettist and saxophonist, arrives at a northern variety theatre to be auditioned for the post of First Reed. It is 1949, men are returning from military service, and there are more musicians than there are jobs, but he is fortunate enough to be hired.He receives the barest introduction to the job from the surly conductor, and he has much to learn about the ways of the theatre, but he nevertheless proves himself capable and resourceful, rising to a series of challenges.Life outside the theatre becomes hectic, too, as he moves from one romantic situation to the next against the inescapable backdrop of post-war rationing and austerity.Despite changing fortunes, however, he never loses sight of his ambition to become, one day, a conductor in a London theatre.

  • av Ray Hobbs

    Rhona Loveday is a hard-headed Geordie, well-equipped to survive in the male-dominated world of 1970s secondary education.However, the romantic side of her character is aroused when she hears that the one-time Savoy Cinema, purchased by Akengarth Amateurs for conversion into a theatre, stands derelict for lack of funds.Aided by jobbing builder Matt Brocklehurst and his unlikely apprentice Bev, a girl whom Rhona remembers as a struggling child and a stranger to self-belief, she sets about persuading the society that their dream can still be realised.Faced with the economic adversity and industrial strife of 1973-74, the project is threatened from the start. With only the members' determination, Rhona's steadfast vision and Matt's down-to-earth planning in its favour, the success of the venture hangs very much in the balance.

  • av Ray Hobbs

  • av Ray Hobbs

    In this sequel to Unknown Warrior, Eileen Dewhirst, now enlisted in the WRNS, is serving on Orkney, where she meets pilot Reg Underwood in unusual circumstances. They meet twice and it is immediately apparent that a special attraction exists between them.All too soon, he is posted away, initially to an escort carrier on the North Russian Convoy route, but they promise to keep in touch. After a brief time together in London, he is posted, firstly to Rhode Island, USA, to be trained on the new fighter, and then to the Far East, where a distance of almost 12,000 miles and fierce fighting in the Pacific shorten the odds against his return, but they are as determined as ever to be reunited.

  • av Ray Hobbs

    Jeffrey Mortimer, aka 'Jeff Mort' is an ex-baker turned rock idol, whose band Tantum Somnium has just split up. However, far from being disappointed at the turn of events, he is relieved, because he can now escape from everything he dislikes and resents about the music industry - whatever his girlfriend says.Now minus his band and his girlfriend, he sets out to find a new way of life, although he has no idea what kind of life it will be.His quest takes him from one town and village to another, where he becomes unavoidably involved in the lives of those he meets, often turning his baking skills to their advantage.His odyssey soon takes on epic proportions, causing him to wonder if he will ever find the life he seeks.

  • av Ray Hobbs

    Recently discharged after twelve years with their regiment in India, Sergeants Seth Campion and Henry Fowler journey to the Dakota Territory of North America with the intention of pursuing their ideal, by joining the celebrated Colonel Custer and the Seventh Cavalry. However, they arrive in Bismarck, only to learn of the massacre at the Little Bighorn.They take the stagecoach to the town of Pentecost to seek employment in their former calling, as farmhands. They are successful in this, but life in the West during the 1870s is less than peaceful and often unfriendly, especially towards two Englishmen, and their survival relies heavily on their training and experience as cavalrymen in India.From time to time, they also feel obliged to assist the weak and vulnerable. This, and their idealistic approach to life invites comparison with the knights of old and, like those worthy champions, they press on, ever hopeful of finding their ideal.

  • av Ray Hobbs

    Recently demobbed after serving in the WAAF, Dorothy Needham learns of the disappearance of Sarah, her favourite Aunt since early childhood. As she is seemingly the only family member who is concerned for Sarah's wellbeing, she sets out to discover her whereabouts.Initial inquiries take her to Orléans and Paris, where she finds herself at a dead end.Back in England, she enjoys the support and encouragement of her old friends Kate and Jack Farthing, and she learns something remarkable about herself.A chance meeting with the mother of another old friend, Alan Lofthouse, leads to another reunion and another clue regarding Aunt Sarah's journey. The search moves to war-scarred Hanover and Lüneburg, and together they continue the quest despite poor communications, grudging co-operation, and open hostility, with Dorothy determined to find out if her aunt managed to survive the ordeal of the concentration camp.

  • av Ray Hobbs

    What is the connection between a music professor and the task of rendering mines safe? That is the question the Royal Navy's Commander (Mining) has to ask when he interviews applicant Vincent Reid.It is March, 1940, and Hitler has unleashed the first of his secret weapons, the magnetic mine, against Britain. They fall by parachute, many drifting on to dry land, where they cause large-scale disruption. The menace must be overcome, and Vincent is put to work despite the Commander's misgivings.With minimal training, he approaches each development analytically and with absolute precision. One development that catches him unawares, however, is the arrival of Hazel Wythenshawe from the Ministry of Information, but they soon rise above the initial awkwardness, and the two become mutually supportive.As the mine menace continues, Vincent works flat-out, realising that that the odds against his survival are shortening all the time.

  • av Ray Hobbs

    Four years have elapsed since Fred Fuller returned from New Zealand to join the Royal Naval Air Service. It is January 1918, and he finds himself at Dover Seaplane Base in Kent, searching the English Channel for U-boats in a vital struggle to keep the approaches open. He meets Agnes Morley, the young widow who runs the Navy and Army Canteen, and they are immediately attracted to each other. He surprises her with his liberal attitude towards society and his cavalier disregard for authority, and their relationship grows ever stronger. One significant hurdle stands in their way, however, and that is her reluctance to leave her familiar surroundings and take up a new life with him in New Zealand. As the war continues with no sign of resolution, they wonder if they, too, will ever reach agreement.

  • av Ray Hobbs

    In this latest story in the Hinchcliffe saga, Sylvia is now 87 and recently widowed. One of the features she misses from her marriage to Freddy is the music: his shows and pantomimes and, particularly, The Dalesmen, the dance band that was a local feature, but which fell apart as its ageing membership dwindled. One song is particularly important to Sylvia because of its association with Freddy, and she fears she will never again hear it played by a live band.Musician Liz Frankland, a friend of Sylvia's daughter Leah, also misses Freddy and the Dalesmen. She joins forces with lecturer Craig Townsend and, with some of Craig's students, they begin forming a new band. The process is daunting; Liz has her own work, and lone parenthood keeps her particularly busy. Craig also has his duties at the college, where his workload is increasing, but they are equally determined for the band to succeed.Craig is attracted to Liz, and is extremely popular with her daughter Carla, but a disastrous marriage has left Liz particularly cautious. Destiny, however, has its own agenda.

  • av Ray Hobbs

    It is 1938, and Prime Minister Chamberlain returns from Munich promising peace, but there are those who, like Ted Dewhirst, remain unconvinced. Fit and athletic, he is eager to serve his country, and he volunteers immediately for military service, only for his hopes to be dashed when he is rejected because of a food allergy. Determined to make his contribution, he joins the Auxiliary Fire Service, putting his earlier disappointment aside and training with total enthusiasm. He sees some action in the north, but is impatient for more. Transferred to London's beleaguered East End, he finds new satisfaction in rescuing trapped victims and fighting dockland fires. He discovers a special kinship with colleagues, who come from varied backgrounds, but who share one purpose. He also finds romance. Amid the carnage of the Blitz, Ted's courage, values and resilience are tested repeatedly, but he can only live from one day to the next, because no one knows who will be the next victim of the incessant bombing.

  • av Ray Hobbs

    It is 1951, and missing persons are naturally a normal part of Joe Pelier's portfolio as a private inquiry agent, but when he is asked to investigate the disappearance of Jerseyman Thomas Allard, previously believed to have died seven years earlier, the case turns out to be far from normal. For one thing, the man whom everyone believed to be dead is recently reported to have sold his cottage to a local fisherman. Joe's investigation takes him to Jersey and Brittany amid shadows of an ugly past that, aware of public weariness and distracted by the new threat of the Cold War, the authorities now prefer to forget. He learns of horrific crimes committed at St Malo Prison by the Nazi occupiers, and it is at this point that he begins to see his quest as more than just a case. It is a matter of honour.

  • av Ray Hobbs

    Lieutenant Ivor Loveday returns from survivors' leave after being torpedoed in the Atlantic. It is 1941, and Nazi U-boats are sinking Brtish shipping at an alarming rate. Ivor takes up his new appointment as First Lieutenant of HMS Hosta, a decoy, or Q-ship, brought out of retirement and hastily refitted after similar service in the previous war. He is a capable and confident officer, and he sets about training Hosta's gun crews and performing his duties as First Lieutenant. At Western Approaches HQ in Liverpool, he meets Grace, a confident and outspoken Wren from Tyneside. Their mutual attraction is immediately apparent, and their relationship flourishes until Grace begins to have reservations about their social differences and their future. He disagrees, but she is a determined young woman. Against the backdrop of the Battle of the Atlantic, Ivor can have no idea whether he has a future with Grace or if they are destined to part. Meanwhile, he must concentrate on the task allotted to him, to sink U-boats.

  • av Ray Hobbs

    In this prequel by 55 years to Second Wind, Jack 'Hutch' Hutchins is a maintenance engineer in a Yorkshire woollen mill. It is 1935, the lowest point of the great Depression, and the textiles industry, like many others, is struggling to survive. Hutch knows that the mill will soon close, and he will be unemployed, but his heart is set on following his friend Norman Barraclough's example, and becoming a professional dance band musician. He makes the journey to London, where he intends to fulfil his dream. Before long, Norman leaves his job on the RMS Duchess of Lancaster and joins him. Together they defy the odds stacked against their success. If they are to triumph, they will need all their ability and a great deal of luck. Romance also has its part to play in their story.

  • av Ray Hobbs

    In this sequel to Roses and Red Herrings, William Stamford is still working for the Admiralty's deception planners, but now without the help of Lucy, his assistant and fiancée. He has no idea of her whereabouts, except that she is somewhere in the USA and involved highly secret work.As if being parted from Lucy is not enough, William falls foul of a senior allied naval officer, who is resentful at being hoodwinked by one of his stories. An additional threat is the return of his old adversary Commander Bonnington. With those impediments, William must apply himself to the greatest deception of the war. The success of the invasion of Europe depends on the enemy being convinced that the landings will take place somewhere other than in Normandy. Agents on both sides play a deadly guessing game, culminating in a desperate bid to prevent the enemy from learning the truth.

  • av Ray Hobbs

  • av Ray Hobbs

    In the four years since his wife's death, Adam Watkinson has concentrated his efforts on helping his children cope with their loss. Now, he realises the time has come for him to find a new direction.He buys a house in Netherdale, which has become his family's refuge, and moves there with his 18-year-old daughter Leanne. With occasional visits from his son Jimbo, a free-spirited music student, they settle into their new home.Adam becomes involved in local matters, beginning with frequent visits to a care home to read to the grandmother of newfound friend and neighbour Jennie Thorpe, and then taking over as conductor of a dwindling and disheartened choral society.Encouraged by early success, he suggests revitalising the Dale after the devastation of foot-and-mouth disease, by creating a choir festival that he hopes will attract visitors and revive local businesses.It seems Adam has found his new direction. All that remains for him is to fill the void left by his late wife, and that is no easy task.

  • av Ray Hobbs

    In this final part of the Dales trilogy, Leah Hinchcliffe is now 24 years old. With her dreams of a dancing career hopelessly dashed, Leah is now teaching dance at the failing Nidderdale College of Performance Arts.

  • av Ray Hobbs

    While recovering from injuries sustained in the war, William Stamford, a natural storyteller, learns that he is to join a Naval Intelligence team whose sole purpose is to deceive the enemy.

  • av Ray Hobbs

    It is January 1944. Pilot Cliff Stephens and linguist Laura Pembury meet for the first time on a rain-swept night in Hampshire and are immediately attracted to each other. They meet again three times and their relationship blossoms. The future looks inviting until Cliff is posted missing over the English Channel.

  • av Ray Hobbs

    In this sequel to An Act of Kindness, Freddy and Sylvia are now married and living in Wensleydale, Yorkshire.

  • av Ray Hobbs

    Piano restorer Russell Tompkinson is a strong man, toughened by life's hard knocks. Most of his life he has dealt with his own problems and is slow to appreciate the feelings of the disadvantaged and vulnerable.That is until he embarks on a quest for provenance connected with an antique piano owned by Julie's Club, a self-help organisation for families of chronically-ill children.Gradually, a new attitude begins to emerge, as acquaintances appeal to his long-forgotten sensitivity and help him make sense of man's eternal brain-teaser, the female psyche.One of them is destined to join him in a lasting relationship, but he has no way of knowing which, and is even less certain that he will find the vital evidence that the piano was once a gift to the greatest pianist of all time.

  • av Ray Hobbs

    Recovering from a disabling injury, ninety-five-year-old Kate Whitehead can take no part in the VE Day seventieth anniversary celebrations, but a meeting with hospital visitor Rachel sends her on her own journey of recollection.

  • av Ray Hobbs

    Devastated by the accident that robbed her of her husband and her career, pianist 'Plum' Linthwaite returns to her northern roots to help her struggling granddaughter Nicola and to take stock of her otherwise empty life. However, when she discovers letters belonging to her great-uncle Hugh she becomes engrossed in the mystery and intrigue surrounding his supposed disgrace. With Nicola and her neighbour Paul sharing her curiosity, she learns of Hugh's return, physically and emotionally scarred, from the Great War, and his employment under a harsh and insensitive regime. It seems his life lacks purpose until he meets Ellen. Plum learns of their deep and touching romance and traces the early steps of their performing career. She now faces three challenges. She is determined to discover the truth about Hugh, she has to help Nicola make sense of her troubled life and, most perplexing of all, she must find her own way forward.

  • av Ray Hobbs

    When twelve ageing musicians are devastated by their exclusion from a breakaway orchestra, TV film composer Frank Morrison sets out to repair the damage and give them a new sense of purpose, by forming a retro dance band. After a hesitant start, they are soon reproducing the wonderful romantic sounds of the 1930s and before long, dedication and soaring enthusiasm lead to a string of successful engagements. Meanwhile, Frank's personal life becomes increasingly complex with the involvement of the athletic and appealing Regional Produce Candidate and the enigmatic Sarah. His professional life is no less hectic: he is soon working flat out with an impossible workload and, in his exhausted state, he still has to prepare the band for the most demanding gig of all.

  • av Ray Hobbs

    It is October 1943, and barely a year has passed since the air raid that destroyed Freddy Hinchcliffe's home in Yorkshire. Now a prisoner in German-occupied Poland, his bitterness at the loss of his family leaves him indifferent to the world outside his barbed-wire enclosure. That is until he receives a letter from Sylvia Charlesworth, a Wren serving at the naval base HMS Wasp in south-east England. They exchange letters and their correspondence soon becomes a vital part of their lives. They learn more about each other and, as their feelings intensify, they long for the day when they will meet face to face. But they have no way of knowing how they will cope when they meet as physical strangers.

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