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Bøker av Rakesh Patel

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  • - How You Move Matters
    av Rakesh Patel

    Do you experience some sort of muscle or joint pain on a daily basis?Does pain affect your ability to perform activities of daily living, work duties, and exercise and sports?Would you like to discover the root cause of your pain and how you can fix it without having to spend a lot of time and money?Then this book, "Movement Karma - How You Move Matters," is your answer. Learn the Most Effective Treatment For the Following Problems: Neck PainShoulder PainTennis ElbowThoracic painLower Back PainHamstring StrainBursitis/TendonitisHip PainKnee PainShin SplintsAnkle PainPlantar FascitisAchilles PainHeel PainFixing your aches and pains is easier than you think. And it doesn't have to be complicated or expensive. Many injuries can be prevented and even corrected with the right knowledge.Learn what you are doing wrong in your daily activities (incorrect postures and movements) and how they are damaging your muscles, tendons, and joints, and what can you do about it.Knowing the cause of pain problems and learning the correct solutions can help you save hundreds of dollars in medicine, lost wages, and doctor and physical therapist fees.As a physical therapist specializing in movement science, I realized there was a need for a guide to educate people on the mechanism of most common pain problems and enable them to fix these issues on their own, quickly, and without having to spend time and money at doctor's offices and on pain medicines.We attend school to learn different subjects and life skills. Products we purchase come with instruction manuals that teach us how to use them properly and extend their life. Unfortunately, we learn little about the human body in our education, and a human being doesn't come with a user guide that teaches us how to avoid faulty postures and poor movement patterns and how to correct them, nor tell us what exercises to perform to maintain a strong and healthy body.This guide, "Movement Karma - How You Move Matters," is a movement-based guide. This means you don't need to be an expert in anatomy to identify a problem. You won't need X-rays or an MRI in most cases. You can fix the problem by using this book to identify your pain, then treat it using the recommended postures and movement patterns corrections, and exercises.You can also use this book to address the areas of the body that are very prone to developing tightness or weakness. You will learn which exercises will prevent these problems in order to keep your body healthy so you can continue your daily activities, exercise, and sports-related activities while reducing your chance of injury.The book is full of easy-to-follow photographs and few words, making it simple to read and understand. I believe my book will prove very helpful to anyone who wants to take control of their health.

  • av Rakesh Patel

    Il calcestruzzo è un materiale ingegneristico estremamente versatile utilizzato nella maggior parte delle strutture di ingegneria civile e, come altri materiali ingegneristici, deve essere progettato per ottenere determinate proprietà desiderabili sia allo stato fresco che a quello indurito. Le proprietà desiderate allo stato plastico sono: lavorabilità, coesività e ritardo di presa iniziale, mentre quelle allo stato indurito sono: resistenza, impermeabilità e durabilità". Il processo di selezione degli ingredienti idonei del calcestruzzo e di determinazione delle loro quantità relative, con l'obiettivo di produrre un calcestruzzo con la resistenza, la durabilità e la lavorabilità richieste nel modo più economico possibile, è detto progettazione della miscela di calcestruzzo". Le paste cementizie sono costituite da cemento Portland, acqua e aria, sotto forma di aria intrappolata naturalmente o di bolle d'aria intenzionalmente inserite. Gli inerti sono costituiti da aggregati. Gli ingredienti di base del calcestruzzo sono cemento, aggregato grosso, aggregato fine e acqua. A questi si aggiungono negli ultimi anni anche additivi chimici e minerali.

  • av Rakesh Patel

    O betão é um material de engenharia extremamente versátil utilizado na maioria das estruturas de engenharia civil e, tal como outros materiais de engenharia, precisa de ser concebido para certas propriedades desejáveis, tanto em estado fresco como endurecido. As propriedades desejadas em estado plástico são - trabalhabilidade, coesão e retardamento do conjunto inicial, e que em estado endurecido são - resistência, impervibilidade e durabilidade". O processo de selecção dos ingredientes adequados do betão e a determinação das suas quantidades relativas com o objectivo de produzir um betão com a resistência, durabilidade e trabalhabilidade tão económica quanto possível é dito ser o desenho da mistura de betão". As pastas de cimento consistem em cimento Portland, água e ar, quer sob a forma de ar naturalmente preso ou de bolhas de ar intencionalmente presas. Os materiais inertes são compostos por agregados. Os ingredientes básicos do betão são cimento, agregados grosseiros, agregados finos e água. Para além destes aditivos químicos e minerais são também adicionados no betão nos últimos anos.

  • av Rakesh Patel

    Le béton est un matériau d'ingénierie extrêmement polyvalent utilisé dans la plupart des structures de génie civil et, comme d'autres matériaux d'ingénierie, il doit être conçu pour obtenir certaines propriétés souhaitables à l'état frais et à l'état durci. Les propriétés souhaitées à l'état plastique sont la maniabilité, la cohésion et le retardement de la prise initiale, et celles à l'état durci sont la résistance, l'imperméabilité et la durabilité". Le processus de sélection des ingrédients appropriés du béton et de détermination de leurs quantités relatives dans le but de produire un béton ayant la résistance, la durabilité et l'ouvrabilité requises de manière aussi économique que possible est appelé "conception du mélange de béton". Les pâtes de ciment sont composées de ciment Portland, d'eau et d'air, soit sous forme d'air naturellement piégé, soit sous forme de bulles d'air intentionnellement entraînées. Les matériaux inertes sont composés de granulats. Les ingrédients de base du béton sont le ciment, les granulats grossiers, les granulats fins et l'eau. En plus de ces ingrédients, des adjuvants chimiques et minéraux sont également ajoutés au béton ces dernières années.

  • av Rakesh Patel

    Beton ist ein äußerst vielseitiges technisches Material, das in den meisten Bauwerken des Hoch- und Tiefbaus verwendet wird und wie andere technische Materialien für bestimmte wünschenswerte Eigenschaften sowohl im frischen als auch im erhärteten Zustand ausgelegt sein muss. Die gewünschten Eigenschaften im plastischen Zustand sind Verarbeitbarkeit, Zusammenhalt und anfängliche Abbindeverzögerung, im erhärteten Zustand sind es Festigkeit, Dichtigkeit und Dauerhaftigkeit." Der Prozess der Auswahl geeigneter Betonbestandteile und der Festlegung ihrer relativen Mengen mit dem Ziel, einen Beton mit der erforderlichen Festigkeit, Dauerhaftigkeit und Verarbeitbarkeit so wirtschaftlich wie möglich herzustellen, wird als Betonrezeptur" bezeichnet. Die Zementpasten bestehen aus Portlandzement, Wasser und Luft, entweder in Form von natürlich eingeschlossener Luft oder absichtlich eingebrachten Luftblasen. Die inerten Materialien bestehen aus Zuschlagstoffen. Die Grundbestandteile von Beton sind Zement, grobe und feine Gesteinskörnung sowie Wasser. Darüber hinaus werden dem Beton in den letzten Jahren auch chemische und mineralische Zusatzstoffe beigefügt.

  • av Rakesh Patel

    Beton qwlqetsq chrezwychajno uniwersal'nym inzhenernym materialom, ispol'zuemym w bol'shinstwe grazhdanskih sooruzhenij, i, kak i drugie inzhenernye materialy, dolzhen byt' razrabotan dlq polucheniq opredelennyh zhelaemyh swojstw kak w swezhem, tak i w zatwerdewshem sostoqnii. Swojstwa, zhelaemye w plastichnom sostoqnii - äto obrabatywaemost', swqznost' i zamedlenie nachal'nogo shwatywaniq, a w zatwerdewshem sostoqnii - prochnost', nepronicaemost' i dolgowechnost'". Process wybora podhodqschih ingredientow betona i opredeleniq ih otnositel'nogo kolichestwa s cel'ü polucheniq betona trebuemoj prochnosti, dolgowechnosti i obrabatywaemosti kak mozhno bolee äkonomichnym sposobom nazywaetsq proektirowaniem betonnoj smesi". Cementnye pasty sostoqt iz portlandcementa, wody i wozduha libo w wide estestwennogo wozduha, libo w wide namerenno wwedennyh wozdushnyh puzyr'kow. Inertnye materialy sostoqt iz zapolnitelej. Osnownymi komponentami betona qwlqütsq cement, krupnyj zapolnitel', melkij zapolnitel' i woda. V dopolnenie k nim w poslednie gody w beton dobawlqüt himicheskie i mineral'nye dobawki.

  • av Rakesh Patel

  • - An Overview
    av Rakesh Patel, Mohit Chaturvedi & Rohit Saraswat

  • av Rakesh Patel
    130 - 225,-

  • av Rakesh Patel
    159 - 266,-

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