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Bøker av Rajesh Patel

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  • - Your Passport to Success and the Pursuit of the American Dream
    av Anita & Rajesh Patel

    Welcome to the United States, a land of opportunity and diversity. This book, "An Immigrant's Guide to the Seamless Integration into the United States" is designed to offer help and guidance to those who have decided to embark on a new chapter in their lives in America. Throughout these pages, you will find practical and valuable tips to facilitate your process of integration into American society. From legal matters to cultural guidelines, this book will accompany you on your journey towards a successful adaptation. Start Writing Your Success Story Today with this "Essential Companion for Immigrants." In the pursuit of the American dream, every immigrant encounters a unique path-filled with challenges, triumphs, and the promise of a brighter future. Think of this book as an empowering roadmap crafted for those seeking not just to survive but to thrive in their pursuit of the American dream. Chapter 1 - Knowing Your Rights and ResponsibilitiesChapter 2 - Education and Professional DevelopmentChapter 3 - Understanding American CultureChapter 4 - Social and Community NetworksChapter 5 - Health and Well-beingChapter 6 - Understanding the Legal SystemChapter 7: Language DevelopmentChapter 8: Strategies for Employment IntegrationChapter 9 - Celebrating Diversity Why This Guide Matters: This isn't just a guidebook; it's your strategic ally on the journey to integration. This compassionate understanding of the immigrant journey, transforms this guide into a roadmap for not just survival but for unlocking the full potential of you and your family's new, successful and prosperous life in America. What Awaits You Inside: Actionable Advice: Navigate the intricate steps of immigration with confidence. From visa applications to understanding legal nuances, this guide equips you with practical tools for success. Cultural Mastery: Uncover the secrets to not just fitting in, but thriving in the diverse and tapestry of American life. Learn to not only coexist but to thrive in the rich tapestry of American life. Discover the art of celebrating your heritage while seamlessly integrating into your new community. Inspiration Unleashed: Be inspired by gaining the knowledge you need to successfully integrate into American society and follow in the footsteps of those who've walked this path before you. Discover how resilience, perseverance, and a strategic mindset can turn challenges into triumphs. About Your Guides, Anita & Rajesh Patel: Anita and Rajesh doesn't just guide; they advocate for your success. Their warmth and authenticity transform this book into more than a guide-it's a lifeline for every immigrant seeking empowerment, understanding, and a strategic approach to integration in America. Your Journey Starts Now: Turn the pages and embark on a transformative experience with this passport to success in the United States. Let your legacy begin today.

  • - Herbal Remedies for Ailments
    av Rajesh Patel

    "Be Well Again: Herbal Remedies for Ailments" is a handbook that welcomes readers to explore the world of herbal medicine. Within its pages, readers will embark on a journey to unlock the recovering abilities of herbs and learn how to effortlessly incorporate them into their daily lives."Be Well Again" serves as a resource for individuals at all levels in the field of herbalism. Whether you're just beginning your exploration or already an experienced herbalist looking to broaden your expertise, this book empowers you to take control of your well-being through remedies derived from plants. It advocates for an approach to health while underscoring the importance of seeking healthcare guidance when needed.To sum it up, "Be Well Again: Herbal Remedies for Ailments" is an accessible guide that opens doors to the world of herbal medicine. It encourages readers to delve into timeless wisdom surrounding herbs and their potential in enhancing health and vitality.

  • av Rajesh Patel

    Cognitive science mainly includes the interdisciplinary scientific study of the mind, including approaches from a wide variety of fields which can be broadly classified as follows:Philosophical perspective: It is one of the oldest disciplines under cognitive science related with a way of thinking about something based on experiments or reasoning. Reasoning involves reaching the fact based on the rules of logic or drawing a conclusion based on similarities among the many observations.Psychological perspective: It deals with the study of mental phenomena to understand both mind and behaviour.Neuroscience perspective: It includes studying brain anatomy and relating it with the cognitive processes in terms of underlying brain mechanisms.Linguistics perspective: It concern with the ability of the brain to understand the complex process related to language.Artificial intelligence perspective: It is toward developing approaches that can mimic the human brain. These developments lead to such programs, which can even perform complex operations. Human memory can be considered as the human brain's capacity to encode, store and recall the most relevant and valuable information out of a continuous stream of sensory perceptions, and experiences derived by interaction with the outside world with a view to use this stored information for analysis of future events and for acquisition of skills based on work and experiences. Human memory may be classified mainly into two broad categories:i) Short-term memory: This refers to the working memory, dealing with storage and recall of information over a relatively short period of time. Working memory is considered to have only a limited capacity, allowing temporary storage of the information and its quick retrieval whenever required for performing the cognitive tasks.ii) Long-term memory: This refers to the storage of information on a more permanent basis, or over a relatively long period of time, which can be retrieved whenever required, either consciously or unconsciously. Information received from the sensory organs and that received during interaction with the outside world is processed initially at the short-term memory storehouse, and depending upon the type of information and perceived requirements, selected information may be transferred to long-term memory for permanent storage. The processing of information in short-term memory involves important cognitive tasks such as reasoning, learning, and understanding. A cognitive task may be defined as a task that involves one or more aspects such as representation of information and knowledge, thought processes relating to these representations, analysis of information leading to development of strategies to achieve the pre-set goals etc. and may require mental processes such as attention, memory, judgement, decision-making etc. The complexity of a cognitive task depends on the load exerted on the working memory during its execution.

  • av Rajesh Patel

    V knjigi "Okusi Indije: Razkritje Skrivnosti Indijske Kuhinje skozi Avtenti¿ne Recepte" vas avtor Rajesh Patel vabi na kulinari¿no popotovanje, kjer boste odkrili ¿arobnost in raznolikost indijske kulinarike skozi izbran nabor avtenti¿nih receptov.Ta privläna in izvirna kuharska knjiga razkriva skrivnosti indijske kuhinje, ponujajö vam vpogled v tradicionalne recepte, ki so se ohranjali skozi stoletja. Rajesh Patel vas popelje na okusno potovanje po Indiji, predstavljajö jedi z raznolikimi aromami in okusi, ki so znäilni za to bogato kulturno de¿elo.Od pikantnih curryjev do okusnih rotijev, od sladkih sladic do osve¿ilnih napitkov - vsak recept predstavlja izjemen okusni razpon indijske kulinarike. Z izbiro sve¿ih zäimb, eksoti¿nih sestavin in avtenti¿nih tehnik priprave boste lahko ustvarjali jedi, ki bodo zadovoljile väe brbon¿ice in vas popeljale v srce Indije.S podrobnimi navodili in koristnimi nasveti v knjigi "Okusi Indije" boste pridobili znanje in ve¿¿ine, potrebne za pripravo okusnih indijskih jedi kar v udobju svoje kuhinje. Odkrijte ¿tevilne mönosti indijske kulinarike in u¿ivajte v razburljivem svetu zäimb, barv in vonjav, ki vam jih ponuja ta edinstvena kuharska tradicija.Vstopite v svet okusov Indije in pustite, da vam knjiga "Okusi Indije" razkrije bogastvo njene kulinarike. Navdu¿ite se nad raznolikostjo okusov, ki jih ponuja ta ¿udovita de¿ela, ter obogatite svoje kuharsko znanje s pristnimi indijskimi recepti.

  • av Rajesh Patel

    "Az India Ízkavalkád: Autentikus Receptek az Indiai Konyha Varázslatos Világából" egy leny¿göz¿ és egyedi indiai receptkönyv, mely a f¿szerek és ízek szerelmeseit hívja egy varázslatos kulináris utazásra az indiai konyha világába. Ez a könyv az autentikus indiai ételek iránt érdekl¿d¿knek szól, akik szeretnék felfedezni az exotikus f¿szerek csodálatos harmóniáját és a kulináris kalandok sokszín¿ségét.Rajesh Patel, a könyv hiteles szerz¿je, egy tapasztalt szakács és indiai konyha mester, aki éveken át mélyedt el az indiai f¿szerek és ízek gazdag világában. A pen név mögött egy szenvedélyes étterem tulajdonosa és híres kulináris szakért¿ rejt¿zik, aki boldogan osztja meg az autentikus indiai receptjeit a világgal."Az India Ízkavalkád" minden egyes receptje leny¿göz¿ módon vezeti el az olvasót az indiai ételek elkészítésének rejtelmeibe. Legyen szó klasszikus indiai fogásokról, mint a pikáns csirkemasala vagy a f¿szeres dal curry, vagy éppen különleges regionális specialitásokról, mint a déli Mangalori garnéla vagy a nyugati Rajasthan bárány biryani, e könyv minden vágyunkat kielégíti.Az "India Ízkavalkád: Autentikus Receptek az Indiai Konyha Varázslatos Világából" sokkal több, mint egy egyszer¿ receptkönyv. Ez egy útmutató, amely inspirál, hogy felfedezzük az indiai konyha gazdagságát és a f¿szerek harmóniáját, és ösztönöz arra, hogy otthonunkban is elkészítsük ezeket a különleges ételeket. Fedezzük fel az indiai konyha titkait, és engedjük, hogy az ízek és aromák varázsa betöltse életünket!

  • av Rajesh Patel
    1 133,-

    La présente enquête a été menée dans la forêt de la gamme Ambaji du district de Banaskantha au nord du Gujarat. Les populations tribales de la chaîne forestière d'Ambaji dépendent directement des ressources forestières pour leurs besoins quotidiens. Dans ce contexte, des enquêtes ethnobotaniques ont été entreprises pour enregistrer les utilisations ethnobotaniques et les remèdes ethnomédicinaux des espèces végétales poussant dans les zones forestières de Danta et Ambaji. Au cours de la présente enquête, il a été observé que les espèces d'arbres sont largement utilisées à diverses fins. Lannea, Alan gium, Butea, Zizyphus, Acacia, Diospyros, Boswellia, Gmelina, Ailanthus etc. sont les arbres que l'on trouve couramment dans cette forêt. En plus de cela, certains produits forestiers mineurs comme l'écorce, la gomme, les fleurs, les fruits, le bois de chauffage sont étroitement liés à la vie des tribus pour leur survie. Les espèces comme Dendrocalamus, Holoptelea, Phoenix, Wrightia, Acacia, etc. sont utilisées à diverses fins. Acacia leucophloea (Roxb.) Willd.; Alangium salvifolium (L.f.) Wang.; Boswellia serrata Roxb.; Butea monosperma (Lam.) Taub.; Cordia dichotoma Forsk.; Dalbergia sissoo Roxb.; Delonix elata (L.) Gamble; Derris indica.

  • av Rajesh Patel
    1 133,-

    A presente investigação foi realizada na floresta Ambaji, no distrito de Banaskantha, no norte de Gujarat. Os povos tribais da floresta Ambaji dependem diretamente dos recursos florestais para suas necessidades diárias. Neste contexto, foram realizados levantamentos etnobotânicos para registrar usos etnobotânicos e remédios etnomedicinais de espécies de plantas que crescem nas áreas florestais de Danta e Ambaji. Durante a presente investigação observou-se que as espécies arbóreas estão sendo muito utilizadas para diversos fins. Lannea, Alan gium, Butea, Zizyphus, Acacia, Diospyros, Boswellia, Gmelina, Ailanthus etc. são as árvores comumente encontradas nesta floresta. Além disso, alguns produtos florestais menores, como casca, goma, flores, frutas e lenha, estão entrelaçados com a vida tribal para sua sobrevivência. As espécies como Dendrocalamus, Holoptelea, Phoenix, Wrightia, Acacia etc. são usadas para vários fins. Acacia leucophloea (Roxb.) Willd.; Alangium salvifolium (L.f.) Wang.; Boswellia serrata Roxb.; Butea monosperma (Lam.) Taub.; Cordia dichotoma Forsk.; Dalbergia sissoo Roxb.; Delonix elata (L.) Gamble; Derris indica.

  • av Rajesh Patel
    1 133,-

    La presente indagine è stata condotta nella foresta della catena montuosa di Ambaji, nel distretto di Banaskantha, nel nord del Gujarat. Le popolazioni tribali della catena forestale di Ambaji dipendono direttamente dalle risorse forestali per i loro bisogni quotidiani. In questo contesto sono state condotte indagini etnobotaniche per registrare usi etnobotanici e rimedi etnomedicinali di specie vegetali che crescono nelle aree forestali di Danta e Ambaji. Durante la presente indagine è stato osservato che le specie arboree sono ampiamente utilizzate per vari scopi. Lannea, Alan gium, Butea, Zizyphus, Acacia, Diospyros, Boswellia, Gmelina, Ailanthus ecc. sono gli alberi che si trovano comunemente in questa foresta. Oltre a questo alcuni prodotti forestali minori come corteccia, gomma, fiori, frutti, legna da ardere sono intrecciati con la vita tribale per la loro sopravvivenza. Le specie come Dendrocalamus, Holoptelea, Phoenix, Wrightia, Acacia ecc. sono utilizzate per vari scopi. Acacia leucophloea (Roxb.) Willd.; Alangium salvifolium (L.f.) Wang.; Boswellia serrata Roxb.; Butea monosperma (Lam.) Taub.; Cordia dichotoma Forsk.; Dalbergia sissoo Roxb.; Delonix elata (L.) Gioco d'azzardo; Derris indica.

  • av Rajesh Patel
    1 133,-

    Die vorliegende Untersuchung wurde im Ambaji Range Forest im Distrikt Banaskantha in Nord-Gujarat durchgeführt. Indigene Völker der Ambaji-Waldkette sind für ihren täglichen Bedarf direkt von den Waldressourcen abhängig. In diesem Zusammenhang wurden ethnobotanische Erhebungen durchgeführt, um ethnobotanische Anwendungen und ethnomedizinische Heilmittel von Pflanzenarten zu erfassen, die in den Waldgebieten von Danta und Ambaji wachsen. Während der vorliegenden Untersuchung wurde beobachtet, dass Baumarten für verschiedene Zwecke stark genutzt werden. Lannea, Alangium, Butea, Zizyphus, Acacia, Diospyros, Boswellia, Gmelina, Ailanthus usw. sind die in diesem Wald häufig vorkommenden Bäume. Außerdem sind einige kleinere Waldprodukte wie Rinde, Gummi, Blumen, Früchte und Brennholz mit dem Leben der Stämme verwoben, um zu überleben. Die Arten wie Dendrocalamus, Holoptelea, Phoenix, Wrightia, Acacia usw. werden für verschiedene Zwecke verwendet. Acacia leucophloea (Roxb.) Willd.; Alangium salvifolium (L.f.) Wang.; Boswellia serrata Roxb.; Butea monosperma (Lam.) Taub.; Cordia dichotoma Forsk.; Dalbergia sissoo Roxb.; Delonix elata (L.) Glücksspiel; Derris indica.

  • av Rajesh Patel

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