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Bøker av Phyllis Ann Giarraffa

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  • av Phyllis Ann Giarraffa

    Las Apariciones Místicas de María recopila los encuentros más inspiradores y fascinantes con María, la Madre de Jesús, en un libro magnífico que seguramente reavivará la fe y la esperanza que hay en cada uno de nosotros. Desde países devastados por la guerra hasta depresiones económicas devastadoras, y desde tiempos de enfermedad hasta momentos de conflicto personal, estas historias son una prueba más del amor incondicional y la compasión de la Santísima Madre por todos nosotros. Ella ha hecho brillar su luz divina en los rincones más oscuros de la tierra y durante nuestros tiempos más difíciles. Lo único que nos pide es que nuestra fe se mantenga fuerte. Abarcando apariciones que ocurrieron hace siglos hasta la actualidad, este libro seguramente conmoverá a cualquier lector sincero que lo lea. Y eso es precisamente para lo que fue diseñado, con historias convincentes que dejarán al lector maravillado, pero que también pueden inspirar a todos los que lean estas páginas a poner su fe en acción.

  • av Phyllis Ann Giarraffa

    This book is concerning the life and times of Mary, mother of Jesus, and her continued presence throughout history. Through the pages you will find combinations of historical and Biblical accounts, along with inspiring stories that illustrate her life. From the time before she was born, Mary was preordained to have a calling on her life. She was handpicked to be chosen by God. You will also get a glimpse into the many religious perspectives that show the significance of her life and her role in God's plan. Her destiny may have been to give birth to the King of Kings, but her life was dedicated to God and to the Works of the Kingdom even after the death of her son. It is the author's hope that this book will appeal to those of all religions to gain knowledge of Mary, Mother of Jesus.

  • av Phyllis Ann Giarraffa

    Mystical Appearances of Mary compiles the most inspirational and fascinating encounters with Mary, the Mother of Jesus, into one magnificent book that is sure to rekindle the faith and hope that lies in each of us. From war-torn countries to devastating economic depressions, and from times of illness to moments of personal conflict, these stories are further proof of the Blessed Mother's unconditional love and compassion for us all. She has shone her divine light into the darkest of corners on earth and during our most trying times. All she asks of us is that our faith remains strong.Spanning apparitions that occurred centuries ago and right up to the modern-day, this book is sure to touch any sincere reader who picks it up. And that is just what it was designed to do, with compelling stories that will leave the reader marveled, but may also inspire all who peruse these pages to put their faith into action.­

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