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Bøker av Penelope Dyan

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  • av Penelope Dyan

    It may be a man's world, and a man (or a boy) might think it's a man's world; but things are changing. And things have been changing for a long time now. The truth of the matter is girls are finding out they can do anything a boy can do! Sometimes, girls can do things even better than a boy can! The truth is we are all different. We all have our strengths and our weaknesses. However, no girl shoud ever be told she can't do something just because she happens to be a girl!Use this fun 'learn to read' book filled with word repetition word repetition and rhyme, written by award winning author, attorney, and former teacher, Penelope Dyan, to practice your reading skills and build your reading vocabulary, as you are guided through this book by some fun, familiar Penelope Dyan characters. And take some time to think about this very important subject and what it means to you, whether you happen to be either a boy or a girl.Then go to Belissimavideo's YouTube channel and watch the free music video that goes with this book and have some more learning fun!

  • av Penelope Dyan

    A girl can do anything a boy can do; and (in fact) she just might be able to do it better! All a girl ever has to do is to tell herself, "Yes, I can!" And then . . . watch out world! Now, this doesn't mean boys can't do things as well as girls do things. It simply means we can all do anything we want to do; and we can do it well, if we believe in ourselves, and if we tell ourselves, "Yes, I can!"Written by the award winning author, attorney and former teacher, Penelope Dyan, you can practice your reading skills using this fun, 'learn to read' book that is filled with word recognition, word repetition and rhyme, as you think about this very important subject.Share this book with a friend, and start talking about what it means to really believe in yourself; and then let your life soar!When you are finished reading, you can go to Bellissimavideo's YouTube Channel and watch the free music video that goes with this book for even more learning fun! And don't forget, if a kid doesn't have fun learning, a kid won't love to learn!

  • av Penelope Dyan

    Forgiving others is something we all need to do; and we need to forgive others even when they are mean to us. and even when they say things about us that simply aren't true! And forgiving others really isn't all that difficult a thing to do. It basically takes no physical effort. The only effort you need to exercise is the love in your heart!Use this fun, 'learn to read' book by award winning author, attorney and former teacher, Penelope Dyan, to build your reading skills and your reading vocabulary through the use of word recognition, word repetition and rhyme. And visit some familiar Penelope Dyan characters as they once again guide you through the pages of this book! This book has extra-large print, so it's easy on young eyes; and its size fits perfectly into a kid-sized backpack, so be sure to share this book with all of your friends!When you are all finished reading, go to the Bellissimavideo YouTube channel and watch the free music video that goes with this book; and have some more learning fun!

  • av Penelope Dyan

    Sometimes, when someone in your family gets sick and has to go to the hospital emergency room, it can be very scary indeed. And if that someone has to have an operation after that, things become even more scary, especially if you are a kid! This is what happened to the young hero of this book when his grandpa had to go to the emergency room, because his grandpa was having some trouble breathing, and ended up having bypass surgery! Of course, Grandpa was in very good hands, and all went very well; and if you don't believe this, you can just ask the elephant or one of the other fun, familiar Penelope Dyan characters! Written and illustrated by award winning author, attorney, and former teacher, Penelope Dyan, this 'learn to read' book is meant to get a kid thinking and talking and sharing about things that just might scare them, and about how even scary things that happen can turn out all right! Its extra-large print is easy on developing eyes, and its size is perfect to carry along in a kid-sized backpack! (You could even give this book as a gift!)And there is a free music video that goes along with this book that you can find on Bellissimavideo's YouTube channel!

  • av Penelope Dyan

    As you gaze out at the sites of this most interesting place, you learn the statistics of Iceland from your friendly guide. It seems, you are told, there are only 342,000 inhabitants of this Island called Iceland that has run the course all the way from iceberg to tropical, to what we see today; and the amazing thing is they use their natural resources and work in harmony with nature, as they actually run their country on hydro-power and steam heat! This means that electricity is relatively cheap. Even the streets are rid of snow due to pipes of hot water running beneath them! The idea the island sits atop 31 volcanoes makes the tour even more fascinatingWritten by the award winning author, attorney and former teacher, Penelope Dyan, this fun, 'learn to read' book filled with word repetition, word recognition and rhyme, is artfully complemented by the photography of John D. Weigand that is certain to amaze and delight! You can travel vicariously with our author and photographer as they explore the layout from the Port of Reykjavik, Iceland. Then when you are all finished reading and exploring vicariously, you can go to the Bellissimavideo YouTube Channel and watch the free music video that goes with this book for even more learning fun!

  • av Penelope Dyan

    When you see a wrong or hear a wrong, you should always speak up for what is right; because speaking up for what is right is never wrong. Like the three monkeys, you should hear no evil, see no evil and speak no evil! And if you don't know about the three monkeys, just ask your mother or your father about them, or the elephant in this book! They will all tell you this is true!Written by the award winning author, attorney and former teacher, Penelope Dyan, this fun, 'learn to read' book is filled with word repetition, word repetition and rhyme; and it is filled with fun and familiar Penelope Dyan characters. Its extra large print is easy on young eyes, and grandma eyes too! And its size is perfect for carrying along with you in a kid-sized backpack. So be sure to share this book with your friends!Build your reading vocabulary word list, and have fun reading this book as you practice your reading skills; and then when you are all done reading, you can go to the Bellissimavideo YouTube channel and watch the free music video that goes with this book for even more learning fun!

  • av Penelope Dyan

    Yes, America is the land of the brave and the home of the free; and we do have freedom of speech! It's right there in the Bill of Bights! It's right there in the First Amendment! But this does not mean we can say whatever we want to say, whenever we want to say something. There are limits to our freedom of speech, and we need to be kind and good; and we need to think carefully about what we say before we say whatever seems to pop into our heads!Think about this concept and more, as you practice reading skills through the use of word repetition, word recognition and rhyme, as you are guided through the pages of this fun 'learn to read' book by a host of fun, familiar Penelope Dyan characters who seem to know something about this subject.This book is a perfect carry along size and fits perfectly in a kid-sized backpack, so don't forget to share this book with your friends! When you are all finished reading, you can go to the Belissimavideo YouTube channel and watch the free music video that goes with this book for even more learning fun!

  • av Penelope Dyan

    The very most important thing to remember about being an American is that we are all different and unique. And the next thing we need to remember is that we all need to take care of one another, no matter what! And, of course, it goes without saying that we need to remember our forefathers and how they fought for the freedom we have today. Yes, we are a part of their American dream, each of us; but we are also a part of our very own American dream! Written by the award winning author, attorney and former teacher, Penelope Dyan, this fun, 'learn to read' book is filled with word repetition, word recognition and rhyme. And you can build your reading vocabulary as you are guided through the pages of this book by a host of fun and familiar Penelope Dyan characters, who all seem to know something about what it means to be an American!When you are all finished reading and practicing your reading skills, you can go to the Bellissimavideo YouTube channel and you can watch the free music video that goes with this book for even more learning fun!

  • av Penelope Dyan

    ood manners are always right and never wrong. And some of the time, good manners and safety simply go hand in hand! If that seems a little strange to you, and if you are curious how this can be true, you could just ask the elephant! After all (as everyone clearly knows) an elephant never forgets, especially when it comes to being safe! (At least that's how it is with our elephant, the elephant in this book!)Written by award winning author, attorney and former teacher, Penelope Dyan, this 'learn to read' book filled with word recognition, word repetition and rhyme is meant to not only tickle your funny bone (if you happen to have one) it is also meant to get a kid thinking! Its size is perfect to carry along in a kid's backpack, and its extra large print is easy on young eyes. Most of all, this 'learn to read' book is fun!When you are all finished reading, practicing reading skills, and building your reading vocabulary, you can go straight to the Bellissimavideo YouTube channel; and you can watch the free music video that goes with this book for even more learning fun! Because as everyone knows, if a kid doesn't have fun learning, a kid won't love to learn!

  • av Penelope Dyan

    Love always surpasses hate, and this is how it should be. We are all one small part of the great human race, and we need to love one another. We also need to appreciate and honor all of the ways we are like one another, as well as all of the ways we happen to be different from one another! We don't need to understand the why of this, because this is the kind of love that passes all understanding. Written by the award winning author, attorney, and former teacher, Penelope Dyan, this fun, 'learn to read' book is filled with word recognition, word repetition and rhyme; and it is meant to get a kid thinking about things as a kid learns! The whole world is a melting pot, and when we melt together we become stronger as a whole. And so remember this as you are guided through the pages of this book by some fun and familiar Penelope Dyan characters.And when you are all finished with this book, you can go to the Bellissimavideo YouTube channel and watch the free music video that goes with this book, for even more to think about and for even more learning fun!

  • av Penelope Dyan

    Sometimes we may feel like the sky is falling, just like in the old European folk tale of "Henny Penny"; but it really isn't. And if you don't know the story of "Henny Penny", the hen, then it is time for you to hear it and to learn all about this wonderful character of old. But this book is not the story of Henny Penny of old. It's the story of one girl who knew a modern day Henny Penny and believed what that modern day Henny Penny said! And that made the girl in this story scared. Luckily, a host of fun and familiar Dyan characters reassured her that the sky wasn't falling; and that was simply that!Written by the award winning author, former teacher and attorney, Penelope Dyan, this fun, 'learn to read' book, filled with word repetition, word recognition and rhyme, is meant to get a kid thinking as he or she builds a reading vocabulary. When a kid is all finished reading and developing his or her reading skills, there is one more fun thing left to do! And that is to go to the Bellissimavideo YouTube channel and watch the free, fun music video that goes with this book to have even more learning fun! And always remember that if a kid doesn't have fun learning, a kid won't love to learn!

  • av Penelope Dyan

    This book is not intended to tell you everything about the Americas or how America came to be. It is merely intended to indicate those of us who happen to be here are simply all immigrants, even the ancient peoples of the Americas! And even the ancient peoples came in search for a better life! (And this is something a kid can discuss with grown-ups, as this is indeed the basic intent of this book, to open up the conversation!)Written and illustrated by award winning author, attorney and former teacher, Penelope Dyan, this fun, 'learn to read' book, that is filled with word repetition, word recognition and rhyme, is meant to get a kid thinking. It is also meant to get the conversation flowing. Its overall size makes this book a perfect carry along for a kid-sized backpack. The extra-large print is easy on young eyes! When you are all finished reading and developing your reading skills as you add to your reading vocabulary, you can go to the Bellissimavideo YouTube channel; and you can watch the free music video that goes with this book for even more learning fun! Because if a kid doesn't have fun learning, a kid won't love to learn!

  • av Penelope Dyan

    Cobh, Ireland, known from 1849 until 1920 as Queenstown, is now primarily a tourist town. It is sits on the south coast of County Cork, Ireland, on the south side of Great Island in Cork Harbour. There is a lot to see and do, and kids can have fun at the park that sits right off the water that has ancient cannons and a great playground! There is shopping nearby, and there are tour buses you can take to see more of the island and to get a feel for the people of the island at the same time. Have fun learning and reading this 'learn to read' book that's filled with word recognition, word repetition and rhyme, written by the award winning, author, attorney and former teacher, Penelope Dyan, complemented by the photography of John D. Weigand. It's size is perfect to fit in a kid-sized backpack, and its extra large print is easy on young eyes!When you are all finished reading and traveling vicariously with our author and photographer through the pages of this book, you can go to the Bellissimavideo YouTube channel and watch the free music video that goes along with this book for even more learning fun!

  • av Penelope Dyan

    Akureyri has been served primarily through geothermal sources since the late 1970's. Construction of its geothermal distribution system began in 1976, after the discovery of a commercially viable source was discovered in 1975. But our guide simply told us they get energy from the river, and that the nearby towns in Iceland get their energy from the rivers that run through them; and this is why the title this book is, "River Power, A Kid's Guide To Akureyri, Iceland". That said, the truth is geothermal energy provides about 65% of Iceland's primary energy, and hydro-power about 20%. And this means about 85% of all of the primary energy of Iceland comes from renewable energy sources, which is an amazing fact!This fun, 'learn to read' book, filled with word recognition, word repetition and rhyme, is meant to get a kid thinking about living in harmony with nature. Written by the award winning author, attorney and former teacher, Penelope Dyan, and complemented by the photography of John D. Weigand, this book will delight! Extra-large print is easy on young eyes, and its size is a perfect 'carry along'. For more learning fun, watch the free music video that goes with this book on the Bellissimavideo YouTube channel.

  • av Penelope Dyan

    The Panama Canal, a man-made waterway in Panama, connects the Atlantic Ocean with the Pacific Ocean. It cuts across the Isthmus of Panama, serving maritime trade. The canal locks at each end actually lift ships up to Gatun Lake, a man-made lake that was created to lessen the excavation work on the canal. Building the Panama Canal was a dangerous endeavor, and seeing the project through to its completion is a tribute to perseverance. France began building the canal in 1881, and the United States took over the project in 1904 and opened the canal on August 15, 1914. There were many perils during the years that transpired, but this book isn't about that!This 'learn to read' book is meant to show the Panama Canal the way a kid would see it, and enjoy it, with its ups and downs! And as a kid travels through the pages of this book, he or she can also practice reading skills through the author's clever use of word recognition and word repetition and rhyme. When a kid is all finished going through the Panama Canal through this book's pages, they can go to the Bellissimavideo YouTube channel and watch the free music video that goes along with this book; and they can see even more of the Panama Canal!

  • av Penelope Dyan

    Life is full of surprises and ups and downs. Sometimes good things happen; and sometimes bad things happen, just like what happens in this book when a boy falls down and skins his knee! Think about the good things and the bad things that happen and about what you should do when something bad happens to you! And never forget that the good things in life really do outweigh the bad things that happen to you in your life!Written and illustrated by award winning author, attorney and former teacher, Penelope Dyan, this book is meant to get a kid thinking as he or she uses this fun, 'learn to read' book to practice reading skills. Filled with word recognition, word repetition and rhyme, and kid-friendly illustrations, this book is sure to make a kid smile. Its size is perfect for a kid=sized backpack, and its extra-large print is easy on developing eyes!When you are all finished reading and thinking about these things, you can go to Bellissimavideo's YouTube channel, and you can watch the free music video that goes along with this book, for even more learning fun! And remember that if you don't have fun learning, you won't love to learn!

  • av Penelope Dyan

    This is the story of French Fry Fred, who ate nothing but French fries morning, noon and night, and before he went to bed. Have fun with this book for boys only that even girls will enjoy, because its message is for everyone. Decide for yourself if you will become what you eat, and smile as a host of familiar Penelope Dyan characters guide you through the pages of this book!This fun, 'learn to read' book, filled with word recognition, word repetition and rhyme, is meant to tickle your funny bone, as it builds reading vocabulary and increases reading skills. The extra-large type is just perfect for young and developing eyes, and the dimensions of this book are perfect for a kid to carry along in a kid-sized backpack.When you are all finished reading and practicing reading skills, you can go to the Bellissimavideo YouTube channel and watch the free music video that goes along with this book for even more learning fun; because if a kid doesn't have fun learning, a kid won't love to learn!

  • av Penelope Dyan

    You always want to be kind and you always want to share, and sharing can be as simple as offering another person a chair!This is a very simple thing to do; and somehow many people, even grown up people, seem to forget this all the time. And by that I mean being kind and polite and following the golden rule!Written by the award winning author, attorney and former teacher, Penelope Dyan, this 'learn to read' book is meant to get a kid thinking as they practice reading skills through the use of word recognition, word repetition and rhyme, and as they build a real reading vocabulary!Then . . . when a kid is all finished reading and practicing reading skills, they can try their hand at making a book of their own, if they like, about something that is important to them. And after that (or before that, if they prefer) they can watch the free, fun music video that goes with this book on Bellissimavideo's YouTube channel!

  • av Penelope Dyan

    One day Ben got to thinking about his sister, Scarlett. And he wandered who or what she would grow up to be. This was a very big thought, and so he decided to ask a few of his friends what they thought about this. In the end, he found out the answer to his question, at least he found out the big part of the answer to his question. Written by the award winning author, attorney and former teacher, Penelope Dyan, this 'learn to read' book is meant to make a kid laugh. So have some fun as a host of familiar and fun Penelope Dyan characters guide you through this book. Practice reading skills through the use of word recognition, word repetition and rhyme, as you build your reading word vocabulary list!Then think about something silly and funny, and make a book of your very own! Most of all, have fun learning and reading; because if learning and reading isn't fun, a kid just won't love to learn! When you are all finished reading and learning, go to the Bellissimavideo YouTube channel and watch the free music video that goes with this book for even more learning fun!

  • av Penelope Dyan

    William Shakespeare reminds us in 'Romeo and Juliet',that "A rose by any other name would smell as sweet". And we need to remember one more thing William Shakespeare's Polonius says in 'Hamlet'; and that is, "To thine own self be true." And this means we need to always be true to who we are, because this is the only way we can be the person who we are meant to be!While this book says it's 'for boys only', and while it tells the story of one little boy who was given a great big name, this book is also a book from which girls can learn an important lesson; because we all have to be true to who we are! Written by the award winning author, attorney, and former teacher, Penelope Dyan, this fun ' learn to reed' book is filled with word recognition, word repetition and rhyme, and has extra-large print easy on young eyes, that is the perfect size for a kid's backpack. And after visiting once again with a host of fun and familiar Penelope Dyan characters, you can go to Bellissimavideo's YouTube channel and watch the free music video that goes with this book, and have even more learning fun!

  • av Penelope Dyan

    It is never a good thing to cheat. And we should be careful whose example we follow when it comes to right and wrong; and that's because it is good to do right, and it is always bad to do what is wrong! Sometimes this might not be as easy to understand as it seems when people you might admire, or who you are supposed to admire, do things that don't seem quite right. In fact, when you see people that you are supposed to admire, or who you do admire, do things that seem to be wrong, it just might make you feel very confused.Use this fun, 'learn to read' book written by award winning author, attorney and former teacher, Penelope Dyan, that is filled with word repetition, word recognition and rhyme, to practice your reading skills and to also think about this very important subject. And if you have any questions about things that are right and things that just may be wrong, you should talk to a trusted grown-up and get the truth on the matter!When you are finished, you can go straight to Bellissimavideo's YouTube channel and watch the free music video that goes with this book for a bit more Bellissima fun!

  • av Penelope Dyan

    What do you have if you gain the world, but you give up your soul? The answer is that you will have nothing! And even the cow, the horse, the elephant, the bee, the sheep, the cat and the dog, the giraffe, and the monkey in the apple tree with this will agree (even if they aren't human beings). And this is why if you care, you should share!Written by the award winning author, attorney and former teacher, Penelope Dyan, this 'fun, 'learn to read' book is meant to get a kid thinking and caring and sharing. And if you are a kid who likes to have fun learning, then this book is perfect for you, especially if you like to think about some important life lessons! Filled with word repetition, word repetition and rhyme, this book is perfectly sized to fit inside a kid-sized backpack! And its extra large print is perfect for young eyes to easily see!Use this book to think about all the things that are important you; and then try your hand at making a book of your very own, all about something important to you! When you are finished, go to Bellissimavideo's YouTube channel and watch the free music video that goes with this book for more learning fun!

  • av Penelope Dyan

    Think about what you have instead of what you don't have. Decide the glass isn't half empty, but that the glass is half full. In other words, be grateful for what you have, and stop thinking about what you don't have. After all, it is really true that the best things in life really and most certainly are truly free!Written and illustrated by award winning author attorney and former teacher, Penelope Dyan, this fun, 'learn to read' book, filled with word recognition, word repetition and rhyme, is meant to not only increase your reading skills and reading vocabulary, it is also meant to get a kid thinking. So think about things that are important to you, as you consider what it means to be grateful for what you have. Try your hand at making a book of your very own about something important to you, and then make a book of your very own!When you are all finished, you can go to the Bellissimavideo YouTube channel; and you can watch the free music video that goes along with this fun-filled Penelope Dyan 'learn to read' book!

  • av Penelope Dyan

    Bubbles are fun, and there is nothing as fun as an entire bath full of bubbles! And . . . there are bubbles, and there are bubbles! You might think you can't hide inside of a bubble; but the truth is that sometimes you not only can, but you do! And when you stay inside a bubble in life, then this really isn't a good thing at all, because you can't do good things for others if you never reach outside of yourself. And you can't reach outside of yourself if you are living in a bubble world.Use this fun, 'learn to read' book filled with word recognition, word repetition and rhyme, written by award winning author, attorney and former teacher, Penelope Dyan, to practice your reading skills as you think about bubbles and also about a most important subject. (You see, sometimes things not only mean different things at different times, sometimes things really are different things at different times, just like bubbles!}When you are all finished reading and thinking about this very important subject (and maybe after your bubble bath) you can go to Bellissimavideo's YouTube channel; and you can watch the free music video that goes along with this books for even more learning fun!

  • av Penelope Dyan

    Some boots are made for walkin', and some boots are meant to sit firmly at the sides of a horse! Learn all about Tammy's bright red boots and about how she loved to ride out under the sun on her beloved horse, Sassy.Written by the award winning author, attorney and former teacher, Penelope Dyan, this fun, 'learn to read' book is meant to put a smile on a kid's face as he or she practices reading skills through the use of word repetition, word recognition and rhyme. A host of familiar Penelope Dyan characters will again guide you through the pages of this book as you also increase your reading word vocabulary.Do you have a favorite pair of shoes or boots? If you do, then ask yourself why they happen to be your favorite piece of footwear. Perhaps, just like Tammy's bright red boots, they have some special meaning for you too! (Or maybe they have a special use.)When you are all finished reading this book, you can go to the Bellissimavideo YouTube channel and watch the free music video that goes along with this book!

  • av Penelope Dyan

    If you hurt somebody's feelings, even if you really didn't mean to hurt their feelings, it is always a very good thing if you apologize. And one thing you should never do, is to say mean things to others or to call them mean names. The time old adage, "If you can't say anything nice, then say nothing at all," is always a very good rule by which you should manage your life.Written by the award winning author, attorney and former teacher. Penelope Dyan, this fun, 'learn to read' book is filled with word recognition, word repetition and rhyme; and it is meant to get a kid thinking. After all, it is never a good thing when someone is mean to another person; and people should never call others mean names or be rude to one another!Most of all, have fun learning as a host of fun and familiar Penelope Dyan characters guide you through this book. When you are finished reading, you can go to Bellissimavideo's YouTube channel and watch the free music video that goes with this book for even more learning fun!

  • av Penelope Dyan

    Kids like to say and think they (and everyone else) can say anything they want to say; because (after all) this is a free country. And a kid worth his salt will be quick to tell you this! But freedom of speech under the First Amendment of the Constitution of the United States of America is not without limitation! And fighting words are not protected words.Think about this concept as you practice your reading skills though word recognition, word repetition and rhyme; and please note that fighting words are only one of the limitations on our freedom of speech. (But perhaps we can discuss that with the elephant and the other Dyan characters at a later date and time.) Written and illustrated by the award winning author, attorney and former teacher, Penelope Dyan, this fun, 'learn to read' book is meant to get a kid thinking as he or she learns to read. Its extra large print is perfect for young eyes, and the size of this book is the perfect size for a kid to carry in a kid-sized backpack! Then when you are all finished reading, go to Bellissimavideo's YouTube channel for even more learning fun!

  • av Penelope Dyan

    Visit some fun and familiar Penelope Dyan characters who are here to impart some of their special kind of wisdom to you about the subject of relaxing and going with the flow, as you build your reading vocabulary through word recognition, word repetition and rhyme, and think about this important subject and exactly what it means to you to 'go along with the flow'.Remember that life is a celebration, and to not worry about the small things, and instead concentrate on the big things in life, like your family and friends . . . And think about why your family and friends are really what matters in this life.Try your hand at writing your own book; and then, when you are all finished, you can go to the Bellissimavideo YouTube channel and watch the free music video that goes along with this book for even more learning fun!But most of all, have fun reading and learning as you travel through this book written by award winning author, attorney and former teacher, Penelope Dyan; because if a kid doesn't have fun reading snd learning, a kid won't love to read and learn!

  • av Penelope Dyan

    There are dreams, and then there are dreams. If your dream is about doing good and about helping others, then you are on the right track. And if you are only thinking about yourself and what you can get for yourself or keep for yourself, then you are on a train traveling down the wrong track. And the elephant and the monkey and all of the other fun and familiar Penelope Dyan characters will tell you this is true as you turn the pages of this book . . . but not in so many words; because you need to figure this out for yourself!Use this fun, 'learn to read' book to practice the concepts of word recognition, word repetition and rhyme, as you build your reading skills and reading vocabulary and embark on a journey of thought. Sure, you are just a kid; but it is never to early to think about caring and sharing and following a dream! And this is especially true if your dream is to help others! And even the monkey in the tree shares his apples, as you can clearly see!When you are all finished reading, watch the free music video that goes along with this book on Bellissimavideo's YouTube channel for even more learning fun!

  • av Penelope Dyan

    Love is everything, and all this world really needs is love, and the reason for that is that if we all loved one another with love that was unconditional, all of the problems of the world would be solved, absolutely and once and for all! This book is all about love and how you can't ever take anything at all for granted except the love of family and friends! And Penelope Dyan wants you to think about that and what would happen if we could extend that love to everyone in the whole wide world.Use this fun, 'learn to read book' with a message, written by award winning author, attorney and former teacher, Penelope Dyan, to practice your reading skills through the use of word recognition, and word repetition and rhyme, and build your reading skills, as you think about this very important subject. Its extra large print is very easy on young eyes, and its size is perfect for carrying along in a kid's backpack!Most of all have fun learning, because if learning isn't fun, then a kid won't love to learn! And, besides, learning should always be fun. When you are all finished reading, you can go to Bellissimavideo's YouTube channel and watch the free music video that goes along with this book!

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