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Bøker av Paul Lynch

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  • av Paul Lynch
    164 - 244,-

  • av Paul Lynch
    1 076,-

    Explores Rene Girard's mimetic theory and repurposes it to invent a post-Christian "theorhetoric," a new way of speaking to, for, and especially about God. Advocates a rhetoric of meekness that conscientiously refuses rivalry, actively exploits tradition through complicit invention, and boldly seeks a holiness free of exclusionary violence.

  • av Paul Lynch

    The seas and oceans play a vital role in the earth's climate.One of the most important services the ocean provides to human society is the provision of food through captured fisheries and farms. This includes fish, invertebrates, plants and, for some cultures, marine mammals and seabirds for direct consumption or as feed in aquaculture or agriculture. These marine food sources have major benefits for human health and nutrition, economic returns and employment.Phytoplankton and algae form the basis of aquatic food webs. They are eaten by primary consumers such as zooplankton, small fish and crustaceans. Primary consumers are in turn eaten by fish, small sharks, coral and baleen whales. The ocean's top predators include large sharks, swordfish, dolphins, toothed whales and large seals. Humans consume aquatic organisms from every part of this food web.The seas and oceans are home to amazing species of animals.The Earth's oceans are home to millions of animal and plant species, as well as potentially millions more that are so far undiscovered. They are delicately balanced ecosystems and their healthy function is key to the balance of all life on Earth.

  • av Paul Lynch

  • av Paul Lynch

    Animals are everywhere on earth. This means if we were to travel to every country and continent we would find an animal living there. Some animals live in a hot climate and some in a cold climate. Animals have been around for eons. Some animals like lizards, turtles, and fish have been around longer than dinosaurs have existed. Read this short non-fiction book and learn all you can about our most beloved animals.

  • av Paul Lynch

    13 storie della Bibbia raccontate ai bambini. Leggi il racconto della Creazione, la storia di Abramo, Giuseppe, le 10 piaghe d'Egitto, Daniele nella fossa dei leoni, Ester la regina coraggiosa, e la vita di Gesù. Gesù è vivoDisse Pilato alla folla: "Che farò dunque di Gesù chiamato il Cristo?".Tutti gli risposero: "Sia crocifisso!".Il governatore aggiunse: "Ma che male ha fatto?".Essi allora urlarono ancora più forte: "Sia crocifisso!".Pilato, visto che non otteneva nulla, anzi che il tumulto cresceva sempre più, presa dell'acqua, si lavò le mani davanti alla folla: "Io sono innocente del sangue di questo giusto: voi tutti lo vedete".E tutto il popolo rispose: "Il suo sangue ricada sopra di noi e sopra i nostri figli".Allora rilasciò loro Barabba e, dopo aver fatto flagellare Gesù, lo consegnò ai soldati perché fosse crocifisso.

  • av Paul Lynch

  • av Paul Lynch

    The British conspiracy cycle of the 1980s emerged in response to an increasingly Orwellian secret state in Great Britain. This book draws on original interviews with novelists, film-makers, and intelligence community insiders along with original case studies to explore one of the most politically charged periods in film and television history.

  • av Paul Lynch

  • av Paul Lynch, Joao Roe, Jane Thistlethwaite, m.fl.
    579 - 2 099,-

  • av Paul Lynch

  • av Paul Lynch

    Bible Stories With A Twist Two is all about fun, excitement, and adventure. Read about your favorite biblical heroes from both the Old and New Testament with as the stories are told with a twist. These stories also are written from an imaginary perspective. Although these stories are from the author's imagination of various events they could have been easily true or real.

  • av Paul Lynch

    A powerful novel from the author of Grace, winner of the Kerry Group Irish Novel of the Year

  • av Paul Lynch

    An epic story of a young girl on a life-changing odyssey across nineteenth-century Ireland on the eve of the Great Famine

  • av Paul Lynch

    When his byre - and the forty-three cows within it - goes up in flames, Barnabas Kane asks the rural community for help to get his family back on their feet, yet all his requests yield are suspicion and sanctimony. Humiliated, Barnabas grows ever more indignant. Before long this anger makes its mark on an innocent, and toil turns to tragedy.

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