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Bøker av Paul J. J. Welfens

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  • av Paul J. J. Welfens
    1 399,-

    This book considers climate change from an economic and international policy perspective. It argues that an emissions trading systems (ETS) should first be adopted in all G20 countries with those national ETS then integrated into a global ETS. The topic of global warming is at the forefront of international discussions, especially given recent environmental policy changes in the US under Presidents Trump and Biden and the emergence of the Fridays For Future movement.Combatting climate change does not necessitate a trade-off between economic growth and climate policy provided that the latter is consistently linked to new economic policy. Policymakers should support innovation, effective redistribution policies and modern mobility concepts. Moreover, there are crucial links between financial market dynamics and price dynamics in ETS. If measures discussed here are coordinated effectively in the EU/G20, and at the global level, then climate neutrality could be achieved.

  • av Paul J. J. Welfens

    Diese Studie beleuchtet und analysiert die aktuellen Perspektiven der Weltwirtschaft vor dem Hintergrund des Russland-Ukraine-Krieges. Mit dem Angriffskrieg Russlands am 24. Februar 2022 ergibt sich eine Zeitenwende. Gegen Russland haben viele Lander umfassende Sanktionen verhangt, nicht immer durchdacht. Groe Fluchtlingsbewegungen und zugleich starke Energiepreis- und Weizenpreis-Erhohungen sowie hoher Inflationsdruck ergeben sich weltweit. Von Seiten einiger Okonomen ist ein deutsches und EU-seitiges Gas-Importembargo gegenuber Russland vorgeschlagen worden - bei uberschaubaren okonomischen Effekten. Diese Sicht ist zweifelhaft, zumal mit Gegenmanahmen Russlands bei einem Boykott von Energieexporten zu rechnen ist. Bei der Russland-Analyse des Westens gibt es kritische Punkte; Putins neue Ideologie war seit 2016 erkennbar. Die Weltwirtschaft durfte vor einem Zerfall in regionale Handelsblocke stehen und die Wirkungsmacht wichtiger internationaler Organisationen ist gemindert: zum Nachteil von Wachstum, Innovation und Stabilitatsverankerung. Eine EU-Ukraine-Erweiterung ist als kritische Herausforderung zu sehen.

  • - New Insights into Schumpeterian Dynamics, Inequality and Economic Growth
    av Paul J. J. Welfens
    1 582,-

    This book takes a new look at the golden age in neoclassical growth theory and explores in detail sustainability and optimum growth in China, the US and Europe.

  • - Issues, New Indicators and Economic Policy
    av Tony Irawan, Evgeniya Yushkova, Jens Kai Perret & m.fl.

    This study develops a new indicator for national and global sustainability. Correlation analysis of the new sustainability indicator with the human development index indicates complementarity, so that a new hybrid superindicator can be constructed. Sustainability rhetoric dominates environmental policy.

  • av Paul J. J. Welfens

    This book analyzes the links between social security expenditures and economic globalization. It explores the role of a changing age dependency and derives implications for the stock market price index, the exchange rate and the interest rate.

  • av Thomas Gries, David B. Audretsch, Hariolf Grupp, m.fl.
    1 429,-

    In the new global economy, more countries have opened up to international competition and rapid capital flows. The analysis also picks up European and US labor market issues in the context of economic globalization and raises the question of which EU policies in the field of labor market reform and of innovation policies are adequate.

  • - Structural Change, Schumpetrian Adjustment, and New Policy Challenges
    av Paul J. J. Welfens
    1 429,-

    There are also new theoretical challenges where a "structural macro model" and a Schumpetrian model of innovation and full employment are presented as new approaches. Besides theoretical challenges the increasing global dynamics raise new problems of international policy coordination which could lead to unsustainable economic globalization.

  • - Macroeconomics, Deregulation, and Innovation
    av Paul J. J. Welfens
    1 429,-

    Deregulation, privatization and internationalization of the telecommunications industry has brought about enormous changes within both the European and world economy. The changing patterns of innovation in the digital economy have forced governments to consider new strategies to promote innovation, network effects and growth.

  • - Economic Analysis of the Stability Pact, EU Reforms and International Organizations
    av Paul J. J. Welfens

    The complex challenge of economic recovery and reconstruction in the Balkans is looked at in this book. The Balkan Stability Pact stands for a networked approach of international organizations to deal with these problems. There is also a risk of EU imperial overstretch facing eastern and south-eastern EU enlargement.

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