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Bøker av Olga Tokarczuk

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  • av Olga Tokarczuk

  • av Olga Tokarczuk

    WINNER OF THE NOBEL PRIZE IN LITERATURE WINNER OF THE MAN BOOKER INTERNATIONAL PRIZE NATIONAL BOOK AWARD FINALIST FOR TRANSLATED LITERATURE A visionary work of fiction by "e;A writer on the level of W. G. Sebald"e; (Annie Proulx) "e;A magnificent writer."e; Svetlana Alexievich, Nobel Prize-winning author ofSecondhand Time "e;A beautifully fragmented look at man's longing for permanence.... Ambitious and complex."e; Washington PostFrom the incomparably original Polish writer Olga Tokarczuk, Flights interweaves reflections on travel with an in-depth exploration of the human body, broaching life, death, motion, and migration. Chopin's heart is carried back to Warsaw in secret by his adoring sister. A woman must return to her native Poland in order to poison her terminally ill high school sweetheart, and a young man slowly descends into madness when his wife and child mysteriously vanish during a vacation and just as suddenly reappear. Through these brilliantly imagined characters and stories, interwoven with haunting, playful, and revelatory meditations, Flights explores what it means to be a traveler, a wanderer, a body in motion not only through space but through time. Where are you from? Where are you coming in from? Where are you going? we call to the traveler. Enchanting, unsettling, and wholly original, Flights is a master storyteller's answer.

  • av Olga Tokarczuk
    160 - 194,-

    With DRIVE YOUR PLOW OVER THE BONES OF THE DEAD, Man Booker International Prize-winner Olga Tokarczuk returns with a subversive, entertaining noir novel.

  • av Olga Tokarczuk

    In the mid-eighteenth century, as new ideas begin to sweep the continent, a young Jew of mysterious origins arrives in a village in Poland. Before long, he has changed not only his name but his persona; visited by what seem to be ecstatic experiences, Jacob Frank casts a charismatic spell that attracts an increasingly fervent following. In the decade to come, Frank will traverse the Hapsburg and Ottoman empires, throngs of disciples in his thrall as he reinvents himself again and again, converts to Islam and then Catholicism, is pilloried as a heretic and revered as the Messiah, and wreaks havoc on the conventional order, Jewish and Christian alike, with scandalous rumours of his sect's secret rituals and the spread of his increasingly iconoclastic beliefs. In The Books of Jacob, her masterpiece, 2018 Nobel Prize in Literature laureate Olga Tokarczuk writes the story of Frank through the perspectives of his contemporaries, capturing Enlightenment Europe on the cusp of precipitous change, searching for certainty and longing for transcendence.

  • av Olga Tokarczuk
    164 - 194,-

    Winner of The Man Booker International Prize 2018! FLIGHTS, a novel about travel in the twenty-first century and human anatomy, is Olga Tokarczuk's most ambitious to date. It interweaves travel narratives and reflections on travel with an in-depth exploration of the human body, broaching life, death, motion, and migration. From the seventeenth century, we have the story of the Dutch anatomist Philip Verheyen, who dissected and drew pictures of his own amputated leg. From the eighteenth century, we have the story of a North African-born slave turned Austrian courtier stuffed and put on display after his death. In the nineteenth century, we follow Chopin's heart as it makes the covert journey from Paris to Warsaw. In the present we have the trials of a wife accompanying her much older husband as he teaches a course on a cruise ship in the Greek islands, and the harrowing story of a young husband whose wife and child mysteriously vanish on a holiday on a Croatian island. With her signature grace and insight, Olga Tokarczuk guides the reader beyond the surface layer of modernity and towards the core of the very nature of humankind. Olga Tokarczuk is one of Poland's best and most beloved authors. In 2015 she received the Brueckepreis and the prestigious annual literary award from Poland's Ministry of Culture and National Heritage, as well as Poland's highest literary honour, the Nike, and the Nike Readers' Prize. Tokarczuk also received a Nike in 2009 for FLIGHTS. She is the author of eight novels and two short story collections, and has been translated into a dozen languages.

  • av Olga Tokarczuk

    "In the mid-eighteenth century, as new ideas...begin to sweep the Continent, a young Jew of mysterious origins arrives in a village in Poland. Before long, he has changed not only his name but his persona; visited by what seem to be ecstatic experiences, Jacob Frank casts a charismatic spell that attracts an increasingly fervent following. In the decade to come, Frank will traverse the Hapsburg and Ottoman empires with throngs of disciples in his thrall as he reinvents himself again and again, converts to Islam and then Catholicism, is pilloried as a heretic and revered as the Messiah, and wreaks havoc on the conventional order, Jewish and Christian alike, with scandalous rumors of his sect's secret rituals and the spread of his increasingly iconoclastic beliefs"--

  • av Olga Tokarczuk

  • av Olga Tokarczuk

    A gorgeously illustrated picture book for adults—with two gatefold pages inside—by Nobelist Olga Tokarczuk and illustrator Joanna Concejo, creators of The Lost SoulA devastating putdown of our self-obsessed, superficial social media culture.Mr. Distinctive has a memorable, attractive face. He only has to walk down the street, and everyone turns to smile at him. Once he starred in a TV commercial and was praised and congratulated for having a face that sold the product well. Mr. Distinctive is very pleased with himself and loves to take selfies with his cellphone. He posts countless images of himself that are shared all over the internet.One day Mr. Distinctive looks in the mirror and sees that his features have begun to fade, his face has changed into a blur. With every new photo he posts, his distinctiveness dwindles. Determined to regain his flawlessly beautiful face and the adoration it brought him, Mr. Distinctive seeks out an extreme solution. But are the lengths he goes in order to restore his sense of being unique and exceptional worth it?In their new story, the creators of The Lost Soul—Nobel prize in literature winner Olga Tokarczuk and illustrator Joanna Concejo—show us a world of obsession with personal appearance and self-promotion, where happiness is an imperative, and the cult of youth rules.

  • av Olga Tokarczuk

    इस संग्रह में तीन कहानियाँ संकलित हैं-'अलमारी', 'कमरे' और 'ऊपरवाले का हाथ'। तीनों कहानियाँ अपने पात्रों के रहस्यमय आन्तरिक मनोजगत का दिलकश उद्घाटन करती हैं। अपने लिए एक सुरक्षित जगह तलाश करने की मनुष्य की आदिम इच्छा का वर्णन 'अलमारी' में बेहद खूबसूरती के साथ किया गया है। वहीं 'कमरे' कहानी में एक होटल के विभिन्न कमरों के बहाने इंसानी जीवन के स्याह-सफेद को बहुत दिलचस्प ढंग से रेखांकित किया गया है। 'ऊपरवाले का हाथ' में कम्प्यूटर का माहिर नायक मनुष्य और सभ्यता की कुछ नियतिबद्ध अपरिहार्यताओं की तरफ इशारा करता है। अत्यन्त पठनीय कहानियाँ। राजकमल प्रकाशन समुह की अनुमति से यह पुस्तक का अंश प्रकाशित किया गया है. ऐसी गंदगी केवल बच्चे छोड़ सकते हैं आधा छिला हुआ संतरा बिस्तरे पर, मगों में रस, पाँव के नीचे दबा हुआ टूथपेस्ट कालीन पर। सजाए हुए कागज के टुकड़े, महँगी दूकानों से खरीदे हुए कपड़ों की कीमतों के पर्चे, तकिये ठूँसे हुए अलमारी के अंदर, टूटी हुई होटल की पेंसिल, सूटकेस का सामान उलटाया हुआ आरामकुर्सी पर, पोस्टकार्ड जिसमें पते के अलावा कुछ भी लिखा नहीं, चलता हुआ टी.वी., ऊपर किये हुए पर्दे, ए.सी. पर सूखते हुए मोजे और कच्छे, छितरे हुए सिगरेट, राखदानी भरी हुई तरबूज के बीजों से। कमरा, जिसमें अमेरिका के लोग रहते हैं हास्योत्पादक होता है, उसकी संजीदगी खत्म कर दी गई होती है, सब कुछ उससे दोस्ती बनाने के बहाने से। इसी तरह गुलाबी और हल्के पीले, खूबसूरत कमरा नं. 223 की बेइज्जती की गई है। लगता है कि एक अधेड़ उम्र के सज्जन को विदूषक के कपड़े पहनाये गए हों। -इसी पुस्तक से राजकमल प्रकाशन समुह की अनुमति से यह पुस्तक का अंश प्रकाशित किया गया है.

  • av Olga Tokarczuk
    182 - 358,-

    Nowa Ruda er en liten by i Schlesien, et område som tidligere har vært en del av Polen, Tyskland og Tsjekkoslovakia. Da fortelleren flytter inn i området, oppdager hun at alle - og alt - har en historie. Med hjelp fra sin gåtefulle nabo Marta samler hun inn disse historiene: de lokale helgenene, mannen som ringer inn og vinner radioquizen hver dag, og mannen som skaper internasjonal spenning da han dør på grensen mellom Polen og Tsjekkoslovakia. Hver av historiene blir en byggestein i det enorme monumentet som er byen. På nysgjerrig, varmt og fantasifullt vis skildrer nobelprismottaker Olga Tokarczuk hvordan ethvert sted er et univers i seg selv, og hvordan sladder, anekdoter, oppskrifter og skjebner til sammen skaper et stort epos.

  • av Olga Tokarczuk
    203 - 358,-

    Ti uforutsigbare, vakre og merkverdige historier fra nobelprisvinneren i litteratur 2018. Bisarre fortellinger består av ti uforutsigbare, vakre og merkverdige historier. Hver av dem inviterer leseren inn i en annen verden, om handlingen foregår i Volhynia på 1600-tallet under den svenske invasjonen av Polen, i dagens Sveits, i Asia eller i en ordinær polsk bakgård. Eller steder som slett ikke finnes. Historiene er fulle av fantastiske, surrealistiske og ofte urovekkende elementer: En skrivefeil får fatale konsekvenser, et transplantert hjerte ønsker å vende tilbake til donorens hjemland. Olga Tokarczuk vant Nobelprisen i litteratur i 2018, og er en av Polens aller fremste forfattere. Bisarre fortellinger viser spennet i forfatterskapet hennes: den formidable evnen til å sjonglere stilarter og kombinere det underlige og komiske med det dypt mørke i menneskesinnet. Samtidig berører hun de store spørsmålene i tilværelsen, som forholdet mellom menneske og natur, sykdom, aldring og død. Gjennom blikket hennes oppstår verden som ny, og ja, bisarr.

  • av Olga Tokarczuk

    Særegen roman av Nobelprisvinner i litteratur, Olga Tokarczuk. Nominert til Man Booker International 2019. I en øde polsk landsby finner engelsklæreren og amatørastrologen Janina Duszejko naboen sin død på gulvet i hans hjem. Omstendighetene rundt dødsfallet er mystiske, og Janina legger merke til at det står flere hjorter utenfor vinduet. Kan dyrene ha hatt noe med dødsfallet å gjøre? Når flere landsbyboere blir funnet døde, alle tilknyttet den lokale jaktklubben, engasjerer Janina seg i etterforskningen. Det er det ikke alle som er like begeistret for. Olga Tokarczuk, vinneren av Nobelprisen i litteratur 2018, har skrevet en helt særegen roman. Før plogen din over de dødes knokler er en mørk feministisk komedie, en eksistensiell fabel, en hyllest til poeten William Blake og et mordmysterium.

  • av Olga Tokarczuk

    Løperne er navnet på en gammeltroende russisk sekt som ikke anerkjenner noen form for kirkelig eller verdslig autoritet, da de anser begge å være i hendene på Antikrist. Deres lære er at det eneste mennesket kan gjøre for å berge sin udødelige sjel og frelse verden fra ondskap, er å befinne seg i konstant bevegelse: å aldri slå rot, å aldri innordne seg, å dø navnløs i et fremmed land. Å løpe. Løperne utspiller seg i vår samtid. Nå har konstant bevegelse blitt et grunnleggende vilkår for den bestående orden. Hvor mye mennesket enn løper, kommer det ikke unna, verken fra seg selv eller systemene det er en del av.   I Olga Tokarczuks roman er menneskene fullt sysselsatt med egne og andres forsvinningsforsøk. Scenen er vårt eget kontinent – en verden formet av menneskets fiksering på synet, på det å se. Se for å begripe, se for å nyte, se for å beherske. Menneskene er omringet av grenser de bærer helt inn på skinnet, grenser som generasjoner av karttegnere, anatomer, pornografer og organpreparanter ugjenkallelig har fastslått. I Tokarczuks roman møter vi dem alle: de sette og de usette, de flyktende og de våkende. Men hvor har det blitt av løperne i dag? Og hvor mange av dem finnes det?Vinner av Man Booker International.  «En forfatter på nivå med W.G. Sebald.»Annie Proulx]]>

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