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Bøker av Naveed Ahmed

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  • av Naveed Ahmed

    Unlock the full potential of Microsoft Lists, an indispensable tool within the Microsoft 365 suite for tracking and organizing information. This book is your comprehensive guide, from the fundamentals to the advanced capabilities of Microsoft Lists, and will help you improve productivity and foster collaboration. Whether yoüre making a basic to-do list or managing a complex inventory system, Lists is built for a broad spectrum of users, from beginners to professionals, catering to diverse enterprise and consumer use cases.The book provides thorough coverage of a wide array of topics, from the history of the product and initial setup to the entire set of features it offers. Insights are presented on using templates, optimizing columns, managing your lists, mastering the views, JSON features, and the various sharing and collaboration tools to utilize the product for maximum productivity. The book includes the latest features, such as commenting, Lists forms, real-time presence, and an in-depth look at the mobile experience.This guidebook is designed to transform your approach to information tracking and management. It offers practical examples, scenarios, and step-by-step instructions, complemented by rich visuals. The book is ideal for enterprises seeking to boost team productivity and also for individuals who wish to manage information with friends and family. What You Will Learn Optimize information management and manage lists like a pro, with list templates, custom columns, views, and JSON customization Boost collaboration through sharing and commenting, and by employing Microsoft's security and privacy features Maintain productivity on the go by navigating and managing lists on mobile devices, keeping your information accessible anywhere Enhance productivity by connecting Microsoft Lists with other products in the Microsoft 365 ecosystem Who This Book Is ForBusiness professionals. IT administrators, and individuals keen on leveraging Microsoft Lists within the Microsoft 365 ecosystem

  • av Naveed Ahmed

    Questo libro descrive un nuovo approccio all'algoritmo di acquisizione del segnale GPS, il primo e probabilmente il più critico passo nella catena dell'architettura di un ricevitore GPS. L'obiettivo del progetto proposto è un ricevitore definito dal software. In questi scenari, la costrizione del tempo e dello spazio è molto forte. Il TTFF più piccolo è una metrica significativa per pesare lo schema di acquisizione tra le altre tecniche prevalenti. I risultati preliminari sono stati soddisfacenti, ma sono ancora necessari test più rigorosi in diverse situazioni.

  • av Naveed Ahmed

    Este livro descreve uma nova abordagem ao algoritmo de aquisição de sinais GPS, o primeiro e, sem dúvida, o mais crítico passo na cadeia de arquitetura de um recetor GPS. Um recetor definido por software é o objetivo do trabalho no esquema proposto. Em tais cenários, há uma restrição rigorosa de tempo e espaço. O TTFF mais pequeno é uma métrica importante para ponderar o esquema de aquisição entre outras técnicas prevalecentes. Os resultados preliminares foram satisfatórios, sendo ainda necessário efetuar testes mais rigorosos em diversas situações.

  • av Naveed Ahmed

    Dieses Buch beschreibt einen neuen Ansatz für den Algorithmus zur GPS-Signalerfassung, dem ersten und wohl kritischsten Schritt in der Architekturkette eines GPS-Empfängers. Ein softwaredefinierter Empfänger ist das Ziel bei der Arbeit an dem vorgeschlagenen Schema. In solchen Szenarien ist die Zeit und der Raum sehr knapp bemessen. Die geringere TTFF ist eine wichtige Kennzahl, um das Erfassungsschema gegenüber anderen vorherrschenden Techniken abzuwägen. Die vorläufigen Ergebnisse sind zufriedenstellend, da noch weitere strenge Tests in einer Vielzahl von Situationen erforderlich sind.

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