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Bøker av Miguel De Cervantes

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  • av Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra
    174 - 282,-

    Don Quixote has become so entranced by reading romances of chivalry that he determines to become a knight errant and pursue bold adventures, accompanied by his squire, the cunning Sancho Panza. As they roam the world together, the aging Quixote's fancy leads them wildly astray.

  • av Miguel De Cervantes
    128 - 160,-

  • av Miguel De Cervantes

    The story follows the adventures of Don Quixote, who decides to set out to revive chivalry, undo wrongs, and bring justice to the world. He recruits a farmer, Sancho Panza, as his squire and imagines that he is living out a knightly story.

  • av Miguel De Cervantes

    A beautiful, unabridged edition of the world's first novel.

  • av Miguel De Cervantes

  • - The History of that Ingenious Gentleman, Don Quijote de la Mancha
    av Miguel De Cervantes
    256,99 - 449,-

    "Fluent, strong, and engagingly readable. The narrative skill is such that we are soon willing to believe that Raffel is Cervantes reborn and writing in English." -Guy Davenport

  • av Miguel De Cervantes

    According to tradition Cervantes first conceived his comic masterpiece in jail - his avowed intent being to debunk the romances of chivalry. From first publication Don Quixote was a best-seller, initially taken as a knockabout account of a mad Spanish gentleman and his cowardly peasant squire, but later reinterpreted as an enlightenment text, a representation of universal human nature, a myth of a tragic hero defending man's nobler aspirations, a study in alienation, a spiritual autobiography, a metaphor for Spain's imperial decline, an experimental novel that shaped later prose fiction, a tragedy and comedy in one, and a demonstration that ambiguity and uncertainty can lie at the centre of great art and that great art can be comic.Smollet's vigorous and lively translation brilliantly catches the feeling and tone of the Spanish original. It is a comic novelist's homage to a comic novelist.

  • av Miguel De Cervantes & Edith Grossman

  • av Miguel De Cervantes

    Illustrated Edition: Featuring 20 stunning illustrations.Bonus Content: Includes a detailed summary, a comprehensive characters list, and an insightful author biography.Step into a world of adventure, laughter, and poignant moments with "Don Quixote," the timeless masterpiece by Miguel de Cervantes. This special illustrated edition brings the legendary tale to life with 20 beautiful illustrations that capture the essence of each chapter, making it a visual and literary delight.Join the aging nobleman Alonso Quixano as he transforms into the chivalrous knight-errant, Don Quixote, inspired by tales of heroism and romance. With his loyal squire, Sancho Panza, by his side, Don Quixote embarks on a series of whimsical and often comical adventures, battling windmills he mistakes for giants, rescuing damsels in distress, and challenging the very fabric of reality.Through its rich narrative and unforgettable characters, "Don Quixote" explores themes of imagination, idealism, and the enduring human spirit. This edition not only immerses you in the vivid world of Don Quixote but also provides valuable insights with a detailed summary, a comprehensive characters list, and an engaging biography of Miguel de Cervantes.Perfect for both long-time fans and new readers, this illustrated edition of "Don Quixote" promises to enchant, entertain, and inspire. Dive into the epic adventures of Don Quixote and Sancho Panza, and discover why this classic tale has captivated hearts for centuries.

  • av Miguel De Cervantes

  • av Miguel De Cervantes

    Harold Bloom says Don Quixote is the first modern novel, and the protagonist is at odds with Freud's reality principle, which accepts the necessity of dying. Bloom says that the novel has an endless range of meanings, but that a recurring theme is the human need to withstand suffering. Although burlesque on the surface, the novel, especially in its second half, has served as an important thematic source not only in literature but also in much of art and music, inspiring works by Pablo Picasso and Richard Strauss. Ever since the book's publication, the tall, thin, fancy-struck, and idealistic Quixote has been contrasted with the fat, squat, world-weary Panza, with Don Quixote's imaginings serving as the butt of outrageous and cruel practical jokes in the novel. Sancho, faithful and simple, must deceive him at certain points. The novel is considered a satire of orthodoxy, veracity, and even nationalism. In exploring his characters' individualism, Cervantes helped lead literary practice beyond the narrow convention of chivalric romance. He spoofs the chivalric romance with a straightforward retelling of a series of acts that redound to the hero's knightly virtues. Don Quixote's character gained widespread fame during its time, leading to the rapid adoption of the word quixotic in many languages. Characters such as Sancho Panza and Don Quixote's steed, Rocinante, are emblems of Western literary culture. The origin of the term "tilting at windmills" to signify attacking imaginary foes or displaying extreme idealism can be traced back to a pivotal scene in the book.

  • av Miguel De Cervantes

    Don Quixote is a knight-errant determined to keep the spirit of chivalry alive in 17th-century Spain. Accompanied by his sidekick, Sancho Panza, Don Quixote conjures up a love interest, meddles with other people's lives, and fights with "evil giants" that are in fact just windmills. How much of Don Quixote's adventures are real? Has he lost his mind . . . or is he the only lucid one in an excessively cynical world? The Classic Starts(R) series has sold more than 8 million copies since it launched in 2004. These abridged, kid-friendly editions are the perfect way to introduce beloved stories to the next generation. Each book includes discussion questions by Arthur Pober, EdD.

  • av Miguel De Cervantes

    "L'ingénieux Chevalier Don Quichotte de la Manche" de Miguel de Cervantes nous transporte dans un monde où la réalité et l'imagination s'entremêlent de manière captivante. Dans cette première partie, le lecteur est entraîné dans les aventures absurdes et poignantes du chevalier errant Don Quichotte et de son fidèle écuyer Sancho Panza. Cervantes, avec sa plume ingénieuse, peint un tableau vivant de l'Espagne du XVIIe siècle, tout en explorant les thèmes intemporels de la folie, de la quête héroïque et de la nature changeante de la réalité.Le récit dépeint l'esprit chevaleresque de Don Quichotte qui, poussé par sa lecture excessive de romans de chevalerie, se lance dans des quêtes extravagantes, défiant les moulins à vent qu'il perçoit comme des géants redoutables. La dynamique entre le chevalier idéaliste et son écuyer pragmatique crée un humour irrésistible, tout en suscitant une profonde réflexion sur la nature de la perception et de la vérité. À travers des rencontres comiques, des joutes verbales mémorables et des aventures rocambolesques, Cervantes tisse une trame narrative qui demeure une ¿uvre maîtresse de la littérature mondiale.L'univers de Don Quichotte est un miroir où se reflètent les aspirations, les illusions et les réalités de la condition humaine. La plume de Cervantes, pleine d'esprit et d'intelligence, fait de cette première partie une lecture incontournable, transportant le lecteur dans un voyage littéraire qui transcende les époques. L'ingénieux Chevalier Don Quichotte de la Manche émerveille par sa richesse narrative et son exploration profonde de la psyché humaine, laissant une empreinte indélébile sur l'imaginaire littéraire.

  • av Miguel De Cervantes

    "El Trato de Argel" es una obra teatral escrita por Miguel de Cervantes que destaca por su cautivadora narrativa y su profundo impacto emocional. Esta pieza maestra del Siglo de Oro español nos sumerge en un cautiverio lleno de intrigas, esperanza y desafíos.La trama se desarrolla en el cautiverio de dos jóvenes españolas, Zoraida y Leonisa, en la ciudad de Argel. A través de la pluma magistral de Cervantes, somos testigos de las complejas relaciones entre cautivos y captores, donde se entrelazan el amor, la traición y la lucha por la libertad.La riqueza de los personajes, desde el valiente y apasionado Cristiano hasta el astuto e intrigante Mustafá, crea una trama emocionante que mantiene al espectador en vilo. Cervantes teje magistralmente la tela de la historia, explorando las profundidades de la condición humana y la resistencia frente a la adversidad."El Trato de Argel" no solo ofrece una narrativa cautivadora, sino que también refleja la agudeza de Cervantes para explorar temas universales, como la libertad, el amor y la redención. Esta obra continúa siendo una fuente inagotable de reflexión y deleite para aquellos que buscan sumergirse en la genialidad literaria del autor.

  • av Miguel De Cervantes

    "L'ingénieux Chevalier Don Quichotte de la Manche" de Miguel de Cervantes nous transporte dans un monde où la réalité et l'imagination s'entremêlent de manière captivante. Dans cette première partie, le lecteur est entraîné dans les aventures absurdes et poignantes du chevalier errant Don Quichotte et de son fidèle écuyer Sancho Panza. Cervantes, avec sa plume ingénieuse, peint un tableau vivant de l'Espagne du XVIIe siècle, tout en explorant les thèmes intemporels de la folie, de la quête héroïque et de la nature changeante de la réalité.Le récit dépeint l'esprit chevaleresque de Don Quichotte qui, poussé par sa lecture excessive de romans de chevalerie, se lance dans des quêtes extravagantes, défiant les moulins à vent qu'il perçoit comme des géants redoutables. La dynamique entre le chevalier idéaliste et son écuyer pragmatique crée un humour irrésistible, tout en suscitant une profonde réflexion sur la nature de la perception et de la vérité. À travers des rencontres comiques, des joutes verbales mémorables et des aventures rocambolesques, Cervantes tisse une trame narrative qui demeure une ¿uvre maîtresse de la littérature mondiale.L'univers de Don Quichotte est un miroir où se reflètent les aspirations, les illusions et les réalités de la condition humaine. La plume de Cervantes, pleine d'esprit et d'intelligence, fait de cette première partie une lecture incontournable, transportant le lecteur dans un voyage littéraire qui transcende les époques. L'ingénieux Chevalier Don Quichotte de la Manche émerveille par sa richesse narrative et son exploration profonde de la psyché humaine, laissant une empreinte indélébile sur l'imaginaire littéraire.

  • av Miguel De Cervantes

    En El cerco de Numancia, Miguel de Cervantes pone en escena el sacrificio colectivo ante el asedio del general romano Escipión a Numancia.En esta obra se describe la heroica defensa de Numancia, capital de los celtíberos arévacos. En el asedio de la ciudad los numantinos murieron de hambre antes que rendirse a los romanos de Escipión.La obra culmina con la decisión numantina de no entregar nada ni a nadie al enemigo, suicidándose colectivamente. Esta decisión los dignifica y honra sobre los romanos, a pesar de la muerte y la derrota.Según la crítica, Cervantes mezcló varias fuentes históricas, motivos literarios y dramas ficticios. Así creó esta tragedia alegórica llena de virtudes como el amor, el heroísmo, el patriotismo y algunos valores cristianos.Aquí el hambre parece un personaje más ciñéndose sobre los habitantes de la ciudad acosada. Se añaden además figuras alegóricas que profetizan un futuro glorioso para España. El cerco de Numancia es una obra donde la Providencia parece tener un cometido trascendental.

  • av Miguel De Cervantes

    Sumérgete en las exuberantes páginas de "La Galatea", la ópera prima de Miguel de Cervantes que destila romance y aventura en cada línea. En este deslumbrante tapiz literario, Cervantes teje una historia de amores imposibles y pasiones desenfrenadas en el pintoresco escenario de la España del siglo XVI.A través de los prados ondulantes y los bosques misteriosos, sigues los pasos de Elicio y Erastro, dos pastores cuyos corazones arden con el fuego inextinguible del amor. Galatea, la deslumbrante ninfa que da nombre a la obra, es el faro que guía sus sueños y anhelos. Pero en este mundo de encantamientos y misterios, los obstáculos y los enredos se entrelazan con la pasión, amenazando con separar a los amantes y desencadenar un torbellino de emociones.La Galatea es más que un simple relato de amores cruzados; es un canto a la naturaleza, a los deseos humanos y a las complejidades del corazón humano. Los personajes cobran vida con una intensidad palpable, sus conflictos y anhelos reverberando en las colinas y los arroyos de esta tierra literaria. A medida que los lazos se estrechan y se rompen, te encuentras inmerso en un mundo de pasión desenfrenada, juramentos inquebrantables y un aura de misterio que infunde vida a cada página.Los aires pastorales se entrelazan con las emociones humanas en "La Galatea", recordándonos que los corazones anhelan, sufren y anidan esperanzas en todas las épocas. Cervantes nos guía a través de un caleidoscopio de sentimientos, llevándonos de la risa a la melancolía y de la euforia a la angustia con su prosa exquisita. Con cada giro y vuelta, la historia te atrapa en su telaraña de pasiones ardientes y desafíos épicos.Así que, abróchate el corazón y aventúrate en los prados perfumados y los crepúsculos dorados de "La Galatea". En sus páginas, descubrirás un universo donde el amor es la fuerza que impulsa a los valientes pastores y donde la belleza de la naturaleza se fusiona con la belleza del alma humana.

  • av Miguel De Cervantes

    Don Quixote is a Spanish novel by Miguel de Cervantes. It was originally published in two parts, in 1605 and 1615. A founding work of Western literature, it is often labeled as the first modern novel and one of the greatest ever written. Don Quixote is also one of the most-translated books in the world.The plot revolves around the adventures of a member of the lowest nobility, an hidalgo (""Son of Someone""), from La Mancha named Alonso Quixano, who reads so many chivalric romances that he either loses or pretends to have lost his mind in order to become a knight-errant (caballero andante) to revive chivalry and serve his nation, under the name Don Quixote de la Mancha. He recruits a simple farmer, Sancho Panza, as his squire, who often employs a unique, earthy wit in dealing with Don Quixote's rhetorical monologues on knighthood, already considered old-fashioned at the time, and representing the most vivid realism in contrast to his master's idealism. In the first part of the book, Don Quixote does not see the world for what it is and prefers to imagine that he is living out a knightly story.When first published, Don Quixote was usually interpreted as a comic novel. After the French Revolution, it was better known for its central ethic that individuals can be right while society is quite wrong and was seen as a story of disenchantment. In the 19th century, it was seen as social commentary, but no one could easily tell ""whose side Cervantes was on"". Many critics came to view the work as a tragedy in which Don Quixote's idealism and nobility are viewed by the post-chivalric world as insane, and are defeated and rendered useless by common reality. By the 20th century, the novel had come to occupy a canonical space as one of the foundations of modern literature.

  • av Miguel De Cervantes

    Don Quixote is a Spanish novel by Miguel de Cervantes. It was originally published in two parts, in 1605 and 1615. A founding work of Western literature, it is often labeled as the first modern novel and one of the greatest ever written. Don Quixote is also one of the most-translated books in the world.The plot revolves around the adventures of a member of the lowest nobility, an hidalgo (""Son of Someone""), from La Mancha named Alonso Quixano, who reads so many chivalric romances that he either loses or pretends to have lost his mind in order to become a knight-errant (caballero andante) to revive chivalry and serve his nation, under the name Don Quixote de la Mancha. He recruits a simple farmer, Sancho Panza, as his squire, who often employs a unique, earthy wit in dealing with Don Quixote's rhetorical monologues on knighthood, already considered old-fashioned at the time, and representing the most vivid realism in contrast to his master's idealism. In the first part of the book, Don Quixote does not see the world for what it is and prefers to imagine that he is living out a knightly story.When first published, Don Quixote was usually interpreted as a comic novel. After the French Revolution, it was better known for its central ethic that individuals can be right while society is quite wrong and was seen as a story of disenchantment. In the 19th century, it was seen as social commentary, but no one could easily tell ""whose side Cervantes was on"". Many critics came to view the work as a tragedy in which Don Quixote's idealism and nobility are viewed by the post-chivalric world as insane, and are defeated and rendered useless by common reality. By the 20th century, the novel had come to occupy a canonical space as one of the foundations of modern literature.

  • av Miguel De Cervantes
    1 315 - 1 594,-

  • av Miguel De Cervantes

    Quando, giorni fa, mandai a Vostra Eccellenza le mie commedie, stampate prima che fossero rappresentate, dissi, se ben mi ricordo, che don Chisciotte si metteva gli sproni per venire a baciare le mani di V. S.: ora dico che se li è messi, che si è incamminato e che se egli giungerà, mi sembrerà di avere reso qualche servigio a V. E., viva essendo la premura che da tante e tante parti mi vien fatta d'inviarlo a toglier via il fastidio e la nausea prodotti da un altro don Chisciotte che, mascheratosi sotto il nome di Seconda Parte, va girovagando per il mondo . E chi se n'è mostrato più voglioso è stato il grande Imperatore della Cina, dacché, sarà un mese circa, mi ha scritto per un suo co...

  • av Miguel De Cervantes

    In un borgo della Mancia, che non voglio ricordarmi come si chiama, viveva non è gran tempo un nobiluomo di quelli che hanno e lancia nella rastrelliera e un vecchio scudo, un magro ronzino e un levriere da caccia. Un piatto di qualcosa , più vacca che castrato, brincelli di carne in insalata, il più delle sere, frittata in zoccoli e zampetti il sabato, lenticchie il venerdì, un po' di piccioncino per soprappiù la domenica, esaurivano i tre quarti dei suoi averi. Al resto davano fine la zimarra di castorino, i calzoni di velluto per le feste con le corrispondenti controscarpe pur di velluto. Nei giorni fra settimana poi gli piaceva vestire d'orbace del più fino.

  • av Miguel De Cervantes
    1 455,-

  • av Miguel De Cervantes
    1 176 - 1 594,-

  • av Miguel De Cervantes
    184 - 268,-

  • av Miguel De Cervantes

    The story follows the adventures of a nameless hidalgo who reads so many chivalric romances that he loses his sanity and decides to set out to revive chivalry, undo wrongs, and bring justice to the world, under the name Don Quixote. He recruits a simple farmer, Sancho Panza, as his squire, who often employs a unique, earthy wit in dealing with Don Quixote's rhetorical orations on antiquated knighthood. Don Quixote, in the first part of the book, does not see the world for what it is and prefers to imagine that he is living out a knightly story.Published in two volumes, in 1605 and 1615, Don Quixote is considered one of the most influential works of literature from the Spanish Golden Age and the entire Spanish literary canon. As a founding work of modern Western literature and one of the earliest canonical novels, it regularly appears high on lists of the greatest works of fiction ever published, such as the Bokklubben World Library collection that cites Don Quixote as authors' choice for the "best literary work ever written."

  • av Miguel De Cervantes

  • av Miguel De Cervantes

  • av Miguel De Cervantes
    1 315 - 1 594,-

  • av Miguel De Cervantes

    Depois de ler muitas novelas de cavalaria, um fidalgo pobre resolve se tornar cavaleiroandante. Adota o nome de Dom Quixote de la Mancha, em homenagem à região da Espanha em que nasceu. Conta com a ajuda de um camponês, Sancho Pança, que se torna seu escudeiro. Sua imaginação desenfreada o faz ver tudo de modo alucinado: moinhos se tornam gigantes; rebanhos se tornam exércitos; pousada, castelo e assim por diante.

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