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  • av Devon Attaei & Max Wells

  • - Part 2 of the Erica Series
    av Max Wells

    Rising From The Sea is Book 2 in the Erica Series Can the past become the present? Can the present become the future? Yes, if we are aligned. My quest began after Erica left me to marry Soleman, reportedly the richest man in this world. It was not his wealth or power that concerned me, it was what he sought. The door to the heavens. Erica possessed the key to that door, a door he must never be allowed to open. The future of this world depends on that. When I read and reread the letter Erica sent me from Crete, for the first time I understood Erica, and her purpose, it was all in the manuscript. Erica is a pure-blooded Sabaean whose ancestors were called the Star People, they were reputed to have migrated to Earth from Mars when the Planet Venus wandered into Mars' atmosphere causing havoc and destruction. It was how those Sabaean people migrated to Earth that caused Soleman to need Erica, and why she needed or thought she needed him. In my mind or soul I came to the realization that I am the only one who can prevent Soleman from gaining this power, a power so vast as to be beyond human understanding. After these things I looked, and behold, a door standing open in heaven. And the first voice which I heard was like a trumpet speaking with me, saying, "Come up here, and I will show you things which must take place after this."

  • - A Trilogy
    av Max Wells

    This Explosive Historical Saga reveals America is not ruled out of Washington DC, that is only the playhouse, the stage the actors perform on. If the rulers enjoy their performance they are allowed to continue. If not, they are sent packing, some forever. Richard Martinson was sent off to Yale Law in the fall of 1960, at the age of 20 with only 2 years of undergrad schooling at Duke. He was being trained to serve the real rulers of America, however, he had other goals that conflicted with those of the kings. It was because of his actions that JFK became President. They detested JFK and Richard for helping him. Now he was also a target. In Exempt you will discover who those rulers are and how they rule. Nothing is as it seems. Exempt is a word that can change history when you learn how. This is part one of a three-part trilogy. Part 2 is, Yesterday & Today, part 3 is, Tomorrow. True history is not what you learned in school.

  • - And Family
    av Max Wells

    This Nation, America is doomed.Those who have read VISION OF DAVID understand, or were warned, that Satan and his family will begin the destruction of America in 2025 continuing through 2032. They will accomplish their goal to eliminate 290 million of our people, those not of his family, unless.The teams have assembled a force to prevent Satan, The Devil, and his family from, even beginning. How can humans stop spiritual powers?With faith and the Full Armor of God.

  • - A Flower From A Tree
    av Max Wells

    Certain people have almost mystical powers that affect the destiny of those they become close to. Erica with her pure Sabaean bloodline, the star people of ancient history, holds such power. She was in her senior year at USC when she was invited to a music industry fundraiser at the Huntington Hotel in Pasadena, California. There she met Bradford Hay, a young music producer. She and Bradford became very close; their loving relationship was described as magical. Within their first year together Bradford produced two of the #1 songs in the world and two albums of the year. He won 9 Grammys, never before had a first-year producer achieved this success. Erica performed on several of those songs, she also won 2 Grammys. MGM signed Erica to star in the most costly film the studio had ever made. The destiny her mother had told her was to become a Queen and restore the Sabaean dynasty. Such vast powers will be strongly opposed.

  • - A Child Who Will Change The World
    av Max Wells

    The few people I have allowed to read the pre-published manuscript in unison commented; Max is this for real? Yes, Henry uncovered those writings made by the child, Ariel, who walked with Jesus Christ during his years in Galilee. Ariel wrote on skins in the manner of the scribes. Max, this can change the world. Will the Church allow this to be told? They have tried to prevent this from being published, but we did.During his University years, Henry took a part-time position at a local gallery called 'Relics', they specialized in artifacts unearthed from around the world, his dream was close by he felt it calling to him. Buried deep in piles of old artifacts stuffed on shelves in the warehouse of this gallery, Henry found a bag of fragments, the bag also contained a hand-drawn map of The Sea of Galilee showing where the fragments were discovered. One of the larger pieces had a mark etched into the clay, Henry took the pieces to Mr. Samuel, the owner, asking what are these? Just old pieces, not important. Have you dated them? Yes, they are around 2000 years old. May I try to reassemble them? No, Henry, please leave them be. Henry was not deterred, he copied the mark on the fragment, then went to the library at his University trying to find the meaning of this symbol, he felt it was important almost as if it were alive speaking to him.It was a chance meeting in Reggio Calabria he met Dr. Singer, a director of the world-renown Museo Nazionale della Magna Grecia, who led him to the meaning of the Mark. What Henry did not know was that Dr. Singer also notified the Mossad in Israel that Henry was on to an important find, and he should be watched. Henry and Fiona found what was meant by God for them to find," the writings." They were taken into custody by the IDF in Haifa, Israel. They escaped the grasp of Mossad in Israel, but the reach of this worldwide intelligence network is boundless. They risk their lives and liberty to bring to the world, the writings of Ariel, The Child Who Walked With Christ. Yes, these writings were viewed and held by Jesus during his ministry, nothing in this world is of such importance. Important to those who wished to suppress the messages and important to the Church to reveal this historic find. The chase led to Athens, Lisbon, and Moscow. This book will bring those words to all who seek.Max Wells

  • - Part Two of the Exempt Trilogy
    av Max Wells

    YESTERDAY & TODAYTRUTH! What is truth? When it comes to history, truth is as evasive as a moth. The moth can only be caught with light. Truth also needs light to reveal it for it is kept in the dark as are you dear people. Yesterday & Today is part two of the EXEMPT, The Trilogy that was written to bring light to our dark world. The world went dark during the 1960s in the USA and remains so today. EXEMPT part one follows the remarkable untold story of how Richard Martinson at the tender age of 20 years influenced the election for President of The United States and made it possible for John Fitzgerald. Kennedy to become the President against all odds, and against the wishes of the real rulers of America and the world. Richard Martinson was sponsored into Yale Law School after having only 2 years of undergrad school at Duke by one of the most powerful men in the United States and the world. He was to become a leader for the shadow government some call the Deep State. Fortunately for we the people, Richard is a Christian and has a different vision for America, it is called Freedom In Yesterday & Today, we learn how Richard was able to forge the forces to check the all-powerful true rulers of America d the world. He reveals those dark forces hidden behind the curtain. We The People have been led to believe that politicians can solve all the problems of mankind. It is only necessary to "Elect" the right person. You have all been deceived.

  • - The Golden Key
    av Max Wells

    David was shown the future up to 2032. What David was shown will be, unless we act soon.What would you do if you saw death and destruction on a scale never before imagined? Millions of Americans were eliminated, huge swathes of America burnt out. David was shown the future and he was also shown how to prevent it from becoming a reality.The prevention requires vast sums of money, along with a large team of honorable, courageous men and women willing to put their lives and fortunes at risk. Would you do that?Very, very soon, you will have to decide, which side are you on. This is not a book, it is a prophecy. Time is short.

  • - Part Three of The Exempt Series
    av Max Wells

    Mary Pinochet Meyer is the key to who and how those hidden powers rule America. Mary and JFK were lovers, both assassinated by the same group.Tomorrow is part three of the EXEMPT TRILOGY. The word EXEMPT holds the power to change America, to help us restore the Freedoms, the basic rights God granted to all mankind. What God grants, Satan, and his family are there to take away. If you are not a person of faith, you can at least agree, that there exists both good and evil. As the basic laws of physics dictate, you cannot have one without the other. There is always an equal and opposite for all. Words are weapons in the hands of those learned people who craft the words to control mankind. Words become rules or laws and the masses comply with those words as other words have taught them to do. Why do all men, or better to say people, need to follow some leader? Why do they cheer and follow the words of those who will set them in chains? Why do they not follow their inner voice, called conscience or some say the holy spirit? I have no answer for that, I do have the answer, the means to overcome all the lies, the deceit that has been implanted in our minds since we were small children. This deceit began long ago, when the rulers, the ultra-wealthy took over the world. You will need to read EXEMPT, A Trilogy, part one of this series for that answer. This part three, Tomorrow is here to show you the way to the light. The way to restore your liberty and regain your wealth. Yes, your wealth. Each of you can live like a king, trillions have been stolen and can be repaid with interest. It is up to YOU. Tomorrow provides the only BLUEPRINT on how to accomplish this great task. I can only pray that enough good people will say; It is time.

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