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  • - Resist Temptations and Reach Your Long-Term Goals
    av Martin Meadows

    If you want to make positive changes in your life and achieve your long-term goals, I can't think of a better way to do it than to learn how to become more self-disciplined.Science has figured out a lot of interesting aspects of self-discipline and willpower, but most of this knowledge is buried deep inside long and boring scientific papers.If you'd like to benefit from these studies without actually reading them, this book is for you. I've done the job for you and researched the most useful and viable scientific findings that will help you improve your self-discipline.Here are just a couple things you will learn from the book:- what a bank robber with lemon juice on his face can teach you about self-control. The story will make you laugh out loud, but its implications will make you think twice about your ability to control your urges.- how $50 chocolate bars can motivate you to keep going when faced with an overwhelming temptation to give in.- why President Obama wears only gray and blue suits and what it has to do with self-control (it's also a possible reason why the poor stay poor).- why the popular way of visualization can actually prevent you from reaching your goals and destroy your self-control (and what to do instead).- what dopamine is and why it's crucial to understand its role to break your bad habits and form good ones.- 5 practical ways to train your self-discipline. Discover some of the most important techniques to increase your self-control and become better at resisting instant gratification.- why the status quo bias will threaten your goals and what to do to reduce its effect on your resolutions.- why extreme diets help people achieve long-term results, and how to apply these findings in your own life.- why and when indulging yourself can actually help you build your self-discipline. Yes, you can stuff yourself (from time to time) and still lose weight.Instead of sharing with you the detailed "why" (with confusing and boring descriptions of studies), I will share with you the "how" - advice that will change your life if you decide to follow it.You too can master the art of self-discipline and learn how to resist temptations. Your long term goals are worth it. Buy the book now.

  • - Pressing Ahead (or Not) When Your World Turns Upside Down
    av Martin Meadows

  • - A Short Book on Making Permanent Changes
    av Martin Meadows

    Do You Want to Make a Permanent Change? This Time Can Finally Be Different!Making a permanent change often feels outright impossible. Making one attempt after another, you fail and continue to fail, and it seems there's no way to make the change stick for longer than a couple of weeks.Perhaps… except some people somehow manage to stick to their resolutions in the long term and their lives do get better - permanently.What makes the difference between those superheroes and "mere mortals"? More importantly, can the "mortals" acquire those superpowers, or should they accept that they'll never be able to permanently change their lives?Written by bestselling author, Martin Meadows, This Time Will Be Different: A Short Book on Making Permanent Changes goes through a 4-step process called STAR that will take you on a journey, from the moment you introduce a new change, all the way to how to live your life after you've successfully implemented it.Designed to be a short read packed with practical advice, you can finish the entire book in just one or two sittings and quickly begin to implement it in your own life.Here are just some of the things you'll learn from the book:- One motivator you might not have thought about that can mean the difference between failure and success. Don't proceed any further until you learn about it…- What motivational links are and why they're crucial if you want to introduce permanent changes. This unique concept alone can be enough to successfully implement a change in the long term.- How to gain traction when implementing new changes. Discover CCC, a 2-step process designed to help you undergo an identity shift that leads to a permanent change.- 5 tools to help you persevere when you're struggling to stick to your new resolution. That's when most people give up. Avoid their fate by applying the strategies discussed in this chapter.- 3 core principles to live your success. It's not only about reaching success; it's also about maintaining it, which is often trickier than achieving it. Learn how to ensure permanent, long-term success.If you're tired of consistently unsuccessful attempts and itch for a permanent positive change in your life, buy this book now and learn how to finally make this time different!

  • - How to Set the Right Goals, Develop Powerful Focus, Stick to the Process, and Achieve Success
    av Martin Meadows

    Discover 4 Steps to Permanently Eliminate Distractions and Focus on Your Goals in the Long-TermHow do you feel about investing years of your life into achieving an important goal - your time, energy, money, blood, sweat, and tears - only to give up and throw it all away?If you constantly switch your attention from one thing to another, dabble in multiple projects, and give up on your goals whenever things get hard, you'll eventually fail - absolutely guaranteed!Wouldn't it be life-changing to finally be able to focus on your most important goals, work on them diligently on a daily basis, and make them a reality?Fortunately, even if you've been engaging in such unproductive behaviors ever since you can remember, you can escape this vicious cycle.Written by bestselling author Martin Meadows, The Ultimate Focus Strategy: How to Set the Right Goals, Develop Powerful Focus, Stick to the Process, and Achieve Success uncovers a powerful strategy that helped him overcome extreme shyness, get in shape in less than twelve months after years of negligence, launch a successful business after six years of failures, release several bestsellers, learn two foreign languages, dramatically reduce his fear of heights, and travel to exotic destinations.Here's just a taste of what you'll learn from the book:- How to make smart sacrifices to achieve your goals. Sacrifice is a must, but it doesn't mean you have to throw your life out of balance.- How to set the right goals, transform them into real-world actions and motivate yourself to get started. Discover when and how to start working on your goals.- Learn how to overcome the common fears and problems of getting started, such as balancing several goals at once, overcoming a fear of failure and a fear of success (it's more common than you think, and it might be one of the reasons why you struggle).- Discover a 4-step process that shows you how to develop deep focus on a single path. This is how ordinary people achieve extraordinary goals.- 7 powerful ways to overcome everyday distractions. Find out how to become focused, including how to recognize and avoid laziness triggers.- How to focus and take action when you're not motivated. A lack of motivation doesn't automatically mean you're destined to fail. Learn how to overcome this common problem and keep trucking!- How to prioritize what to do and manage your to-do list. You'll be surprised to hear such outrageous advice in a self-help work, but you'll surely find yourself nodding as you read it.- 3 key areas of life you have to change to get fascinated with your goal. Developing a positive obsession about your objectives can make the difference between success and failure.- 5 powerful tips to stick to your resolutions despite hurdles and challenges, develop more patience, and bounce back after a failure. Learn how to persist, even in those challenging times when all you want to do is give up.- 3 golden rules for sustainable progress. Learn how to make the Ultimate Focus Strategy a part of your everyday life and achieve consistent results.- How to maintain success when you reach it. Discover the final lesson you absolutely need to heed, to stay successful for the rest of your life.Nothing prevents you from finally escaping the vicious cycle of working on your goals in an uncommitted way. Buy the book now, study the strategy, apply it, and reap the benefits for the rest of your life.

  • - Develop a Powerful Work Ethic, Improve Your Focus, and Produce Better Results
    av Martin Meadows

    Short. To the Point. To Help High Performers Become Even More ProductiveResults are what matter the most to you. You want to be a reliable producer of value in your chosen domain: whether it's your career, business, sports, studies, non-profit endeavors, or any other undertaking requiring intense focus.You'd like to learn how to become more productive, but your time is precious, and you don't have time for a five-hundred-page book only to discover that you can summarize it with two sentences.If that's you, Self-Disciplined Producer is for you. Written with high performers in mind, it's a concise guide covering the most effective techniques to build self-control, improve your productivity and deliver consistent results day in, and day out. In about an hour and a half of reading you'll discover:- a confusingly simple strategy of an American novelist and screenwriter that can help you overcome one habit that is most harming your productivity,- how distractions can make you more eager to get to work,- three strategies to ensure that you always finish what you started instead of leaving all your projects half-finished,- five strategies to embrace delayed gratification and become more patient with the process so that you won't give up prematurely,- a fun mental exercise to help you identify the most important task and reduce time spent on less meaningful activities,- a principle developed in the 14th century by an English philosopher that can help you simplify your workday and become more productive,- a law humorously invented by a British naval historian that can help you perform your most important tasks in half the time usually needed to get them done,- six methods to recharge for higher productivity-because without a proper rest protocol you'll be unlikely to ever operate at an optimal level.The author of Self-Disciplined Producer has been using these techniques to help him publish sixteen books, create four video courses with over 25,000 enrolled students in total, and translate his books into ten languages-all in the span of two years and a half.If you're eager to learn how to double, triple, or even quadruple your productivity, don't hesitate any longer. Invest an amount equivalent to what you pay for a cup of coffee, apply the teachings from this book to your workday and reap the benefits that might lead to thousandfold or higher returns.

  • - How to Lose Weight and Become Healthy Despite Cravings and Weak Willpower
    av Martin Meadows

    How to Lose Weight and Become Healthy with the Power of Self-DisciplineHow often have you tried to lose weight or start eating healthier simply to get frustrated and revert back to your old, bad habits? Is this your first time to try, and friends and family are telling you how difficult it is? What if I told you there are things that can make it easier than you think?Everyday temptations drain your determination and cause frustrating slip-ups when you're on a diet. You become extremely aware of everything you can't eat, and it seems like everyone else is eating those things right there.Meanwhile, you look in the mirror or at the number on the scale, and don't see the results promised by the infomercials. Eventually, the temptations chip away at your willpower and "maybe just this once" turns into "whatever, I've already failed." It isn't long before the little weight you lost has made a re-appearance, and possibly brought some friends.This scenario is too common. Self-Disciplined Dieter has the secrets to change it and break the cycle of dieting, getting frustrated, gaining weight back, and dieting again.You'll see permanent results while eating what's good for you and feeling more satisfied without totally giving up the foods you love.Inside, you'll learn:- how to overcome (or completely remove!) the most common obstacles that can make or break your diet (like being hungry while you're on a diet),- what daily habits contribute to setbacks and how to replace them with better alternatives to design a healthy lifestyle (just one bad habit can add more than 500 calories a day to your diet),- how to deal with cravings and temptations (including a morbid, but extremely effective mind trick),- how to like healthy foods as much as, if not more than, unhealthy foods (it's all about making small changes),- how to increase satiety to stick to your diet (the right foods can be up to seven times more satiating),- and how eating healthy can be actually cheaper than eating off a fast food dollar menu (it can be a money saving technique, too).Inside you won't find the gimmicky "well, duh" tricks so many dieting fads say are the secret to weight-loss. In fact, they aren't tricks at all. The tips inside are scientifically proven (and supported) strategies and tools to lessen the burden on willpower and help you finally reach your weight loss goals.You want to change your life for the better. Together, we can help you shed off those extra pounds - and keep them off - while shifting your view away from short-term frustrations to long-term results and lifelong health.

  • - How to Develop and Maintain Self-Discipline as an Entrepreneur
    av Martin Meadows

    How to Develop the Self-Discipline Essential to Become and Remain a Successful EntrepreneurIf you are an entrepreneur or want to become one, self-discipline is one of the most important skills you need to develop to achieve success.Entrepreneurship is a wild rollercoaster. It will test your willpower and persistence time after time, like nothing else. Get yourself ready for that ride by reading Self-Discipline for Entrepreneurs.Learn how to overcome the common temptations of entrepreneurs and deal with some of the most common challenges that stop many of them in their tracks through developing and maintaining self-discipline by using the tools that are given in this book.Drawing upon my own experience of successful entrepreneurship and current scientific research, this book covers the challenges faced by both new and seasoned entrepreneurs. Here are just some of the things you will learn:- Three types of motivation and why one of them is much weaker than you think. Choose the right motivators and you'll dramatically strengthen your resolve.- How to create a lifestyle centered around self-discipline. Discover how to change your mindset and your default behaviors so you will thrive as an entrepreneur, even when you find yourself in less than ideal circumstances.- How to keep balance and maintain sanity as you work on your business. The book gives you four reasons that lead to work imbalance and offers actionable solutions to enable you to persist in achieving the success you desire. If you want to achieve lasting success, sustainability is key.- Four toolsets to develop your self-discipline as an entrepreneur. Discover the most powerful traits, habits, or mindset changes that are necessary to strengthen your resolve as an entrepreneur.- The most common challenges facing people who want to start a business. Learn how to escape from a syndrome that is debilitating for new entrepreneurs and discover how to get past some of the most common stumbling blocks.- Common self-discipline challenges for experienced entrepreneurs. Once you have made a good start, if you want to remain successful as an entrepreneur, it's essential to discover how to handle these issues.- Frequently asked questions related to self-discipline. Find out how to maintain self-discipline when you feel discouraged, keep going when everyone rejects you, boost your confidence when business goes down, find the willpower to work on your business if you have a day job and/or other obligations, and more.The life of an entrepreneur can be arduous. Let this book help you prepare for these challenges and thrive, no matter what you encounter in your entrepreneurial life.

  • - How to Simplify Your Life, Do Less, and Get More
    av Martin Meadows

    Get More out of Life with Less EffortYou've heard of people living "the good life." They always seem to have plenty of time, money, and energy to fulfill their goals and dreams. Their secret? A simple life.Pure and Simple is based on the 80/20 principle and suggests steps to simplify your life, accomplish more, and increase the quality of your time and efforts - all with less work!Inside, you'll learn how and why you should:- limit your choices in everyday life. Discover four areas of your life that can be greatly improved.- declutter your physical and digital space. This doesn't mean living with less than 100 things.- use the golden rules of simplification. Make decisions more quickly and with less effort.- cut unnecessary time commitments. Have the time to reach your goals and fulfill your dreams.- build a positive outlook. Learn to overcome a negative mindset to better enjoy your life.All these suggestions are laid out to help you shift away from the frustrating mindset of "fixing" your life by working harder, gaining more possessions, and holding on to what's truly limiting you in life.Each step is supported with research by leaders in psychology, behavioral studies, and neuroscience as well as examples of real habits by successful people such as Warren Buffet and President Obama.Once you finish, you'll be better prepared to take your life to the next level. You'll be able to enjoy the simplicity and ease of a life without unnecessary and exhausting demands on your time and energy. More importantly, you'll be able to stick to your simple, new habits instead of defaulting back to complexity.Buy the book now to accomplish more in less time and get more joy out of life than you thought possible.

  • - Aim Higher, Get More Motivated, and Accomplish Big Things
    av Martin Meadows

    How to Get More Motivated, Set Bigger Goals, and Achieve More by Thinking BiggerHave you ever wondered what separates people who think bigger from people who set their bar low? What makes one person accept low standards and another person to constantly raise them?Why does one person strive to build an international organization affecting the lives of millions of people, while another person is content working her entire life as a clerk? (Not that there's anything wrong with being a clerk!)Why is one person challenging herself to run marathons, train her body and get fitter, while another is happy living a sedentary, unhealthy lifestyle?What drives a person who's optimizing every single aspect of her life and what causes another person to maintain the status quo?You can say, "Well, the answer is simple enough - one person is ambitious, while the other one is not." But what exactly causes it? And most importantly - how do you become more ambitious and think bigger? Is it something you're born with and can't change, or is it something over which you have control?I found this topic so fascinating I decided to find out the answer for myself and write a book about it. This book is the result of my research about people who think big and the science of being more ambitious.Here are just some of the things you will learn from the book:- What key things you need to inspire yourself to think bigger, and more importantly, achieve your big goals.- Why you need a "why," and what kind of motivators will set you up for success (hint: attaining money or status are some of the least motivating goals possible).- The single most important thing to thinking bigger. If you don't have it in your life, you will sabotage your efforts - guaranteed.- What the chimp is and why you need to learn how to control it to get yourself motivated and work on your big goals. You can be making things hard for yourself without being aware of it.- How to cultivate the art of strategic laziness to achieve more while doing much less than other people (why work so hard if you can get better results by being lazy?).- The seven most important triggers of flow - a state of perfect focus where the magic happens.- The secret of achieving the impossible is not really such a secret, but most people tend to forget about it and get overwhelmed by their goals.I wrote this book to increase my motivation, teach myself how to think bigger and learn how to raise my standards. I hope the answer I found will help you as much as it has helped me.You can also learn how to find motivation to become the best version of you. Scroll up and buy the book now.For more free resources, sign up for my self-improvement newsletter:

  • - Stop Being Busy, Take a Break and Get Better Results While Doing Less
    av Martin Meadows

    How to Relax, Slow Down, Recharge Your Batteries and Reclaim Control over Your LifeToday's world is charging at a breakneck speed. People are working over twelve hours every single day, catching extra minutes of sleep in the metro, and completely giving up on the antiquated notion of time to spend with their own kids. There are people in their twenties neglecting every single aspect of their lives but their careers looking twice older than they should.And 1 person out of 4 dies from cardiovascular disease - caused mostly by unhealthy eating, a lack of physical activity, smoking, and consuming too much alcohol and worthless junk food that clogs their arteries.This book will teach you how to step away from noise, relax and recharge your batteries so you have enough left in you to control your life. Here are some of the things you'll learn:- why rituals create your life and how to develop a proper morning routine to ensure a calm mind.- 3 main stress management techniques for recharging you're probably not aware of. They can make you well-rested or, if you disregard them, extremely exhausted.- how to get away from highly-stimulating surroundings to recharge in peace. If you live in a city, you MUST read this chapter.- how to let go of negative nagging thoughts you can't get out of your head. You don't have to carry them with you all the time.- 7 powerful habits to reduce stress. And no, I'm not talking about obvious advice. You'll discover how to exactly reduce stress with lesser-known tips.This is your chance to find out what the hard science says about how to become more relaxed. You too can finally recharge your batteries and regain control over your life. Learn how.

  • - Practical Ways to Put an End to Constant Busyness and Design a Time-Rich Lifestyle
    av Martin Meadows

    Learn How to Put an End to Busyness and Finally Have More Time to Live Your Life on Your Own Terms"I don't have time."When was the last time you heard that or said it yourself? A few days ago? Yesterday? Today?Every day is full of things to do, people to see, and decisions to make. When do you get time for yourself and what you really want to do?Time is your most precious commodity - everyone only has so much - so why do you spend it like you have an unlimited supply? When the Grim Reaper finally comes for you, will you smile, remembering all the experiences you had that made you happy, or will you think back with a tear at all the "what ifs" you missed because you just "didn't have the time"?How to Have More Time will help you reclaim your time for you, your goals, and your sanity. Learn some of the tricks to make the time for a healthier lifestyle: have time to eat better food, exercise more, and surround yourself with the people that are good for you. Inside, you'll discover:- the biggest time-suck in your life and ways you can better deal with it (trends show more and more people are starting to get how big of a time-suck this one thing is - you're about to find out the what, why, and how),- how working harder is actually counter-productive and ends up taking MORE time (and learn what to do instead),- how to maximize your time to do everything you need to and still have time for yourself (yes, it is possible to have your cake and eat it),- how a materialistic lifestyle robs you of precious time and why it's a sure-fire way to attract unhappiness in your life (and what to do to have both more money and more time),- and the silent robbers of your time that do nothing but steal time from you (but don't worry, you'll learn how to overcome them).Take the journey through this book to cut away the unessential and maximize the use of your time.Discover how much time you could have for yourself to improve your quality of life, spend more time with your family and friends, or simply get to do those things you've always wanted to do but could never find the time for. The answers (and a better lifestyle) are waiting for you inside.

  • - A Concise Guide to Help You Eat and Enjoy the Most Important Food for a Fulfilling Life
    av Martin Meadows

    Don't Just Eat Your Veggies. Love to Eat Them- Every Day!You know that vegetables are good for you, but you're still struggling to eat them regularly. You would like to take better care of your health, but there's always something standing in the way: little time for shopping and cooking, a lack of knowledge what to eat, or your taste buds protesting the change.Eating veggies doesn't have to be hard, and you too can learn to love eating them every day. It all comes down to some simple, but powerful actions you can take today to transform your health.Optimizing your diet can have an immense impact on your life, and vegetables are the closest thing to a magic pill. Written by bestselling personal development author, salad-addicted Martin Meadows, How to Eat More Vegetables is a concise guide to help you eat and enjoy this most important food for a fulfilling life. Advice described in the book includes, among others:- 5 techniques to get motivated to eat more vegetables (that have nothing to do with the "vegetables are good for you" argument).- What vegetables you should eat, divided into a low-return group of 13 vegetables and a top 20 high-return group (learn which veggies give you the best bang for your buck).- 11 highly effective methods to eat vegetables every day (including 58 vegetable-rich alternatives to popular, less healthy foods).- How to enjoy the taste of vegetables (including 3 specific strategies to use every day).- 6 strategies to enjoy vegetables without adding too much fat to them (you don't have to coat your veggies with butter, cheese or dressing to enjoy the flavor).- 13 ways to prepare vegetables to grab and go (no more excuses that you can't eat veggies because you're rarely home).- 7 methods to avoid boredom when eating veggies (use them every day and you'll keep things interesting forever).- How to deal with fresh vegetables spoiling so quickly (find out which vegetables last for at least two weeks).- 6 ideas if you can't afford to buy more vegetables (including a common excuse that shouldn't hold you back).- 10 ways to work vegetables into breakfast (yes, you can eat veggies with every meal).- 7 tips to deal with vegetables giving you digestive problems (because eating veggies shouldn't be uncomfortable).There's no denying the fact that your health is paramount to your enjoyment of life.While you can't control everything that happens to your body, you're in control over your diet. Proper nutrition will lead to more energy, better appearance, and mental performance.Manifest your devotion to your loved ones and to yourself by eating vegetables every day. You only stand to gain.

  • - Practical Techniques and Strategies to Develop a Lifetime Habit of Exercise
    av Martin Meadows

    How to Build Self-Discipline to Exercise: Discover Proven Strategies to Finally Get in Shape and Exercise on a Regular Basis for the Rest of Your LifeEverywhere you go, you see gyms, videos, and books about exercise, advertising how they can help you get in shape fast and easy. You've probably even put some money down before, vowing that THIS was the year you'd get in shape, lose that extra weight, and become the energetic person you know is hiding inside you. Unfortunately, life happens, and you fall into the habit of "I'll start tomorrow."Your motivation drops, and your self-discipline fails to push you through to achieve your goals. You begin to make excuses: you'll be really sore after working out, it's been too long since you've last exercised, you don't have willpower, your friends and family tell you to be happy with how you are, you think you're too weak, inflexible or otherwise unfit for exercise, and many more. There was that one time you started a program, but you couldn't keep up with the weekly or monthly goals, so you got frustrated and gave up.All of that has added up to make you think you're incapable of starting and continuing an exercise program. You're afraid you aren't mentally or physically strong enough, but still hold out the hope that someday a magic pill will change all that.The magic exists today, but it's not as easy or fast as swallowing a pill. However, it can be simple and enjoyable. How to Build Self-Discipline to Exercise is a concise, practical guidebook on how to introduce and keep exercise in your life. Inside, you'll learn:- why the most common type of motivation people use to exercise is usually ineffective (and which types of motivation are much stronger)- the wrong "P" that will lead you to giving up when you face obstacles- how to overcome procrastination and finally start exercising - including a slightly uncomfortable trick that will ensure you'll get plenty of exercise- how to find time to exercise despite a hectic schedule (and surprising math that shows you actually lose time when you don't make time for exercise)- practical tricks and tips to stay motivated forever, even when you encounter obstacles- how to enjoy exercise while still getting the most powerful benefits of it (hint: if your workout involves "work," it's not a good workout)- how to prevent injuries, improve recovery, and handle the inevitable muscle soreness so you stick to exercise even if your body acts against you- how to deal with other people, wrong expectations, and negativity (from both your surroundings and yourself in the form of self-criticism or self-doubt)When put together and acted upon, the six chapters in this book - supported by over 80 references to scientific studies and credible experts - will help you form a new habit and make one of the most important changes you'll ever make in your life.Purchase the book now and let's embark on the journey to learn how.

  • - Everyday Habits and Exercises to Build Mental Resilience and Turn Failures Into Successes
    av Martin Meadows

    Discover Everyday Habits and Exercises to Overcome Failure and Achieve SuccessHow many times did you fail and gave up out of frustration or discouragement? How often does failure ruin your resolve and send you back to square one, only to fail over and over again, with little hope anything will ever change?Written by bestselling author Martin Meadows, From Failure to Success: Everyday Habits and Exercises to Build Mental Resilience and Turn Failures Into Successes reveals what failure really is and how to deal with it in a constructive way that will help you achieve success.The author has suffered through multiple failures in his own life. He spent several years launching one failing business after another. He struggled to change his physique, despite doing all the right things as preached by the experts. For a long time, his social life barely existed because he struggled with crippling shyness. In the book, he shares his vast experience of how he turned failure into a friend and finally achieved the success he had failed to reach for years.Here's just a taste of what you'll learn from the book:- A different way of thinking about failure. Applying this mental shift will change your perception of what failure and success are and fine-tune your brain to automatically convert obstacles into wins.- 7 types of failure and how to handle them - including failure due to self-sabotage, fear, unrealistic expectations, self-licensing, and more. Each chapter talks about a different source of failure and comes with tips on how to overcome it and prevent it in the future, along with valuable exercises you can perform to better understand the discussed concepts.- 5 rules and exercises to develop and maintain a success-friendly mindset. Discover 5 principles the author follows in his life to ensure that even with failures, he will eventually reach success with every goal to which he sets his mind.- A 5-step process to cope with failure and bounce back. If you're struggling to recover from failure, this strategy will offer you step-by-step instructions on how to process the failure and restart your efforts.- 3 master strategies to build strength to keep going. Discover three fundamental techniques that will help you build mental resilience and determination.- 4 reasons to give up. Contrary to what many self-help authors say, sometimes it's better to give up than keep trying. Learn when and why it's better to drop your objective and dedicate your resources to another goal.- 10 empowering stories of people who faced insurmountable obstacles, yet turned their struggles into immense successes. Learn from real-world examples from all walks of life.Failure is a fact of life. You can get angry at it or befriend it and use it as a tool to change your life. The choice is yours. If you'd rather take the constructive approach so you can eventually win, buy the book now, study it, and apply the teachings in your own life. You, too, can develop mental resilience and turn failures into successes!

  • - Everyday Habits and Exercises to Build Self-Discipline and Achieve Your Goals
    av Martin Meadows

    These Habits and Exercises Will Help You Build Iron-Like Resolve and Self-DisciplineDo you make goals, yet get discouraged when your plans don't work? We all know that person who seemingly was born to succeed. Fitness, health, business, they achieve all their goals. You want that success, and know you can get it... but how?Everywhere you turn, there are obstacles that block your path. Being successful doesn't mean avoiding them, it means meeting those obstacles head-on and pushing through. You need the self-discipline and willpower to see you through to the end. You need the tools that will enable you to have that self-discipline and willpower. Daily Self-Discipline has those tools.Inside, you'll learn methods to:- develop powerful self-discipline by building a fit body and mind,- thrive in face of adversity, cravings, temptations and discomfort and feel good about it,- develop key self-awareness skills to push yourself through to your goal,- gain a clear vision of how self-discipline works that will inspire you to carry on no matter what,- keep pushing when nothing seems to work and you're on the verge of giving up.Each page of this book is designed to help you build the self-discipline that leads to the resiliency and mental strength you need on a daily basis. Simple everyday exercises and habit-forming practices will teach you the skills you need to overcome obstacles and have confidence in yourself and your path to success.

  • - How to Overcome Your Limiting Beliefs and Achieve Your Goals
    av Martin Meadows

    Unsure of Yourself? Learn How to Develop More Confidence in Your Abilities and Achieve Your GoalsMost of us have no problems identifying goals we want to accomplish. It's putting these plans into action that is difficult.Sometimes we lack discipline or motivation. However, there's another reason why you might struggle to make changes in your life - you have low self-efficacy.What is self-efficacy? What are the main four sources of it? How can you develop more confidence in your abilities?These are some of the questions I'll answer in this short book. The advice you're about to read is based both on scientific research and my personal experience. I will share fundamental knowledge that will help you build more confidence in your abilities and reach your goals.Here are just a few things you will learn from the book:- Five characteristics of people with strong self-efficacy and five characteristics of people with weak self-efficacy. These behaviors determine whether you'll realize your full potential or succumb to mediocrity.- What you can learn from building a university in space (and what it has to do with the belief in your own abilities). It's the single most important thing to achieve bigger and bigger goals.- A simple therapy to teach you how to handle failure the right way. It's uncomfortable, but you can be sure it will kill your fear of failure once and for all.- What a strange study about hitting dolls or treating them kindly can teach you about how others affect your beliefs about your competence. It's the second most effective way to increase the strength of your belief in your abilities.- What a phenomenon discovered by a German industrial psychologist can teach you about motivation. There's a simple way to inspire you to put more effort into your goals.- The #1 key to improving the confidence in your abilities. If you don't have time to read the entire book, read this one tip alone.- What a study on experts and novices can teach you about how experts approach problems. You too can adapt this behavior to shorten your learning curve and develop a stronger belief in your abilities.If you don't actively work on developing a strong sense of self-efficacy, making any kind of changes in your life will be an extremely difficult ordeal. Scroll up and buy this book now to change your life for the better.For more free resources, sign up for my self-improvement newsletter:

  • - 365 Life-Altering Thoughts on Self-Control, Mental Resilience, and Success
    av Martin Meadows

    How to Build Self-Discipline and Become More Successful (365 Powerful Thoughts From the World's Brightest Minds)Its lack makes you unable to achieve your goals. Without it, you'll struggle to lose weight, become fit, wake up early, work productively and save money. Not embracing it in your everyday life means that you'll never realize your full potential. Ignoring it inevitably leads to regret and feeling sad about how more successful and incredible your life could have been if you had only decided to develop it.What is this powerful thing? Self-discipline.And if there's one thing that self-discipline is not, it's instant. It takes months (if not years) to develop powerful self-control that will protect you from impulsive decisions, laziness, procrastination, and inaction.You need to exhibit self-discipline day in, day out, 365 days in a year. What if you had a companion who would remind you daily to stay disciplined and persevere, even when the going gets tough?365 Days With Self-Discipline is a practical, accessible guidebook for embracing more self-discipline in your everyday life. You'll learn how to do this through 365 brief, daily insights from the world's brightest minds, expanded and commented upon by bestselling personal development author Martin Meadows.This isn't just an inspirational book; most of the entries deliver practical suggestions that you can immediately apply in your life to become more disciplined. Here are just some of the things you'll learn:- why living your life the hard way makes it easy (and other suggestions from a successful entrepreneur and longevity scientist);- how to overcome your initial resistance and procrastination based on the remark made by one of the most renowned Renaissance men;- why, according to an influential neurosurgeon, it's key to see problems as hurdles instead of obstacles (and how to do that);- how to embrace an experimental mindset to overcome a fear of failure (a technique recommended by a successful entrepreneur and musician);- how to quit in a smart way, according to a world-famous marketing expert;- how to improve your productivity at work by implementing the advice from one of the most successful detective fiction writers;- how a trick used by screenwriters can help you figure out the first step needed to get closer to your goals;- how to maintain self-discipline in the long-term by paying attention to what a bestselling non-fiction author calls necessary to survive and thrive;- how your most common thoughts can sabotage your efforts (and other valuable insights from one of the most respected Roman Stoics); and- how to overcome temporary discouragement and look at your problems from the proper perspective, as suggested by a well-known public speaker and author.If you're ready to finally change your life and embrace self-discipline - not only for the next 365 days, but for the rest of your life - buy this book now and together, let's work on your success!

  • - How to Keep Going When You Want to Give Up
    av Martin Meadows

    Tempted to Give Up? Here's How to Keep GoingIf you browse through the interviews with some of the most successful people on Earth, you'll find one common piece of advice shared by virtually all of them:They never give up on their big goals.Research shows that grit is a better predictor for success than any other factor. The ability to keep going despite setbacks is more important than your IQ, character or other external factors like your upbringing or surroundings.But what does it really mean to "never give up"? What exactly is grit? How do you persevere when faced with larger than life difficulties? How do you keep going when you're at the brink of exhaustion and all your hard work hasn't been rewarded yet?I wrote this book to explore the subject of persistence from a more scientific point of view than cliché self-help sayings. I want to share with you how exactly to stick to your goals according to peak performers and science - not vague motivational advice that assumes we have unlimited strength once we're motivated enough.Here are just a couple of things you will learn from the book:- A crucial piece of advice you can learn from the first people who reached the South Pole. If you make the wrong choice, you'll burn out - guaranteed.- What famous American comic Jerry Seinfeld did in his early days of career to keep going. It's a simple trick that provides huge results.- What a study on top musicians, athletes, actors and chess players can teach you about achieving results and persistence. The elite performers practice much fewer hours than you believe.- Five of the most common ways you lead yourself to self-sabotage. Usually, you're not even aware of how many of your efforts go for naught simply because of the five things I discuss in this book.- According to studies, this one trait is strongly associated with grit and persistence. Learn what it is and how to develop it in five different ways.- Five focusing questions to keep going. Asking yourself these questions will help you boost your motivation when you're at the brink of giving up.- How listening to others whining makes a part of your brain shrink and affects your ability to persevere when faced with setbacks.- Six bestselling authors and bloggers share their best techniques on how to keep going when you want to give up: Stephen Guise (author of "Mini Habits: Smaller Habits, Bigger Results"), Joel Runyon (blogger at, Serena Star-Leonard (bestselling author of "How to Retire in 12 Months: Turning Passion into Profit") Derek Doepker (bestselling author of "Why You're Stuck"), Michal Stawicki (bestselling author of "Trickle-Down Mindset: The Missing Element In Your Personal Success"), and Hung Pham (bestselling author of "Break Through: 12 Powerful Steps to Destroy Your Mental Barriers and Achieve Success").There's no reason why you should give up if you're working on the right goal. Learn how to make sure you'll reach your objectives. Buy the book now.

  • - Practical Perspectives on Personal Growth, Permanent Changes, and Progress in Life
    av Martin Meadows

    If You're Expecting a Revolution, Expect DisappointmentThe world wants to sell us the idea that all we need to succeed is one lucky event. One lucky event and your dreams come true, your problems are forever solved, and everything is perfect.But life doesn't work that way. Those who expect an overnight revolution in their lives end up right back where they started-bitter and angry at the merciless world that placed so many obstacles on their path to a better life.If you wish to make your dreams come true, instead of hoping for a revolution, prepare for an evolution-an arduous but fruitful everyday process of self-improvement. And for that, Everyday Evolution, a new release by bestselling author Martin Meadows, has you covered.Here are some of the things you'll learn from this book:- When dreaming is dangerous and how dreaming strategically can help you accomplish your goals rather than sabotage them.- Five traps that stem from fixating on events which can jeopardize your goals and set you up for failure.- An overlooked, crucial step that will help you overcome plateaus and enjoy sustainable, long-term success.- Five tips to stay determined over the long term, including a morbid strategy inspired by Japanese movies and a method based on the findings of a relationships expert.- Six ways to improve yourself daily, including focusing on various important areas of your life that you might have not considered before.Don't fall victim to the trap of event-obsessed thinking. Learn how to cultivate and enjoy a process-oriented outlook for consistent progress towards your goals. Buy the book now and begin a new chapter in your life.

  • - A Short Guide on How to Use Self-Help Books to Achieve Your Goals
    av Martin Meadows

    Are Self-Help Books Good for Anything?Have you ever bought a self-help book, read it cover to cover, only to find that nothing changed for you? How many hours have you wasted this way, expecting to improve your life by simply being inspired by something you read?The hard truth is that it's easy to read self-help, but difficult to implement it in real life. First you need to figure out what exactly to read, and then you need to know what exactly to do with the advice you find inside.The world of self-help has a lot of traps, and throughout my years as a voracious reader, I've fallen into probably all of them. Now, as both a reader and an author of self-help books, I'd like to share with you some advice on how to use self-help books in a way that will actually help you achieve real-world results. Here are some of the topics I cover in my short guide How to Help Yourself With Self-Help:- The 5 most common pitfalls of self-help and how to avoid them (you've probably fallen victim to most of them).- Tips on how to identify what specific area of your life you should target first in order to benefit the most from reading self-help.- What confirmation bias is, why it's dangerous, and how to escape it to stay flexible and enjoy consistent personal growth.- How to interpret the advice you get from a book and tailor it to your life circumstances (cookie-cutter approaches don't work).- Why it's sometimes better to skip self-help books and what to read instead to help you achieve your goals and become a better person.Don't let another self-help title become just another book on your shelf. Learn how to read in a more strategic way and, more importantly, act on the advice you get. This short guide can be your first step toward the new you.

  • - 50 Habits to More Self-Control, Success, and Satisfaction in Life
    av Martin Meadows

    Discover 50 Illustrated Habits to Self-Discipline, Success, and Satisfaction in LifeWritten by bestselling personal development author Martin Meadows and illustrated by skilled artist Tamara Antonijevic, An Illustrated Guide to Self-Discipline is an entertaining short read covering 50 key habits to build more self-discipline, achieve more success, and become more satisfied with your life. Some of the habits described in the book include:- a key habit to rule them all (a must have if you want to implement other habits),- a simple habit to overcome procrastination (to train you to finally stop putting things off),- a powerful habit advocated by an American admiral (it will carry over to your entire life),- a valuable habit to keep your motivation levels high (learn how to be consistently inspired),- a little-known habit that will help you make big changes in life (its lack leads to inertia),- a smart habit to increase the chances of implementing other habits (to build a self-reinforcing network of habits),- a shortcut habit to achieve your goals more quickly (it's simple, yet few people do it consciously).Habit by habit, you will begin to attract more self-discipline, success, and satisfaction in life. Get started now!

  • - Writing Is Hard, But You Too Can Write and Publish Books Regularly
    av Martin Meadows

  • - 50 habitos para lograr un mayor autocontrol, exito y satisfaccion en la vida
    av Martin Meadows

    Descubre 50 hábitos ilustrados para la autodisciplina, el éxito y la satisfacción en la vidaEscrito por el exitoso autor de desarrollo personal Martin Meadows, e ilustrado por la experta artista Tamara Antonijevic, Una guía ilustrada para la autodisciplina es una entretenida lectura breve que cubre 50 hábitos clave para desarrollar más autodisciplina, lograr el éxito y sentirte más satisfecho con tu vida. Algunos de los hábitos descritos en el libro incluyen:- un hábito clave para gobernarlos a todos (algo que debes tener si deseas implementar otros hábitos);- un sencillo hábito para superar la postergación (que te programará para finalmente dejar de posponer las cosas);- un poderoso hábito promovido por un almirante estadounidense (que tendrá un efecto en toda tu vida);- un valioso hábito para mantener tus niveles de motivación elevados (aprende a inspirarte continuamente);- un hábito poco conocido que te ayudará a hacer grandes cambios en la vida (la falta del mismo conduce a la inercia);- un hábito inteligente para aumentar las posibilidades de implementar otros hábitos (para construir una red de hábitos que se autorrefuercen);- un hábito que te servirá como atajo para alcanzar tus metas más rápidamente (es simple, pero pocas personas lo llevan a cabo conscientemente).Hábito por hábito, comenzarás a atraer más autodisciplina, más éxito y mayor satisfacción a tu vida. ¡Comienza ahora mismo!

  • - 50 abitudini per una vita con piu autocontrollo, successo e soddisfazione
    av Martin Meadows

    Scoprite 50 abitudini illustrate per una vita di autodisciplina, successo e soddisfazioneScritto dall'autore di bestseller sullo sviluppo personale Martin Meadows, e illustrato dalla creatività dell'artista Tamara Antonijevic, Guida illustrata all'autodisciplina è una divertente, breve lettura che va a coprire 50 abitudini, fondamentali per costruirsi una maggiore autodisciplina, ottenere più successo e diventare più soddisfatti della propria vita. Tra le abitudini descritte nel libro vi sono:- l'abitudine chiave per controllare tutte le altre (un must, se volete mettere in pratica altre abitudini);- una semplice abitudine per superare la tendenza a procrastinare (per allenarsi a smettere, finalmente, di lasciare le cose da parte);- un'abitudine potente suggerita da un ammiraglio americano (che avrà ripercussioni su tutta la vostra vita);- un'abitudine valida per mantenere alti i vostri livelli di motivazione (imparate ad essere costantemente ispirati);- un'abitudine poco conosciuta che vi aiuterà ad apportare grandi cambiamenti alla vostra vita (la sua mancanza porta all'inerzia);- un'abitudine intelligente per aumentare le possibilità di mettere in pratica altre abitudini (costruire una rete autorinforzante di abitudini);- un'abitudine-scorciatoia per raggiungere più rapidamente i vostri obiettivi (è semplice, ma poche persone la applicano coscientemente).Abitudine dopo abitudine, inizierete ad attrarre sempre più autodisciplina, successo e soddisfazione nella vostra vita. Iniziate subito!

  • - 50 habitudes pour parvenir a une meilleure maitrise de soi, reussite et satisfaction dans la vie
    av Martin Meadows

    Découvre 50 habitudes illustrées favorisant l'autodiscipline, la réussite et la satisfaction dans la vieÉcrit par l'auteur de best-sellers sur le développement personnel Martin Meadows, et illustré par l'artiste talentueuse Tamara Antonijevic, Le guide illustré de l'autodiscipline est un petit livre divertissant présentant 50 habitudes clés pour renforcer l'autodiscipline, et connaître plus de réussite et de satisfaction dans ta vie. Parmi les habitudes décrites dans ce livre, tu trouveras :- une habitude qui régit toutes les autres (à appliquer absolument si tu veux adopter d'autres habitudes),- une habitude simple pour vaincre la procrastination (pour t'entraîner à cesser de tout remettre à plus tard),- une habitude très efficace prônée par un amiral américain (qui aura des effets sur toute ta vie),- une habitude précieuse pour maintenir un niveau de motivation élevé (apprendre à être constamment inspiré),- une habitude peu connue qui t'aidera à faire de grands changements dans la vie (ne pas la suivre conduit à l'inertie),- une habitude judicieuse pour augmenter les chances de suivre d'autres habitudes (créer un réseau d'habitudes qui se renforcent elles-mêmes),- une habitude évidente pour atteindre tes objectifs plus rapidement (c'est simple, mais peu de gens le font consciemment).Habitude par habitude, tu commenceras à attirer davantage d'autodiscipline, de réussite et de satisfaction dans ta vie. Commence tout de suite !

  • - 50 Gewohnheiten fur mehr Selbstkontrolle, Erfolg und Zufriedenheit in deinem Leben
    av Martin Meadows

    Entdecke 50 illustrierte Gewohnheiten zu mehr Selbstkontrolle, Erfolg und Befriedigung in deinem LebenDieses Illustrierte Handbuch zu mehr Selbstdisziplin aus der Feder des Bestsellerautors Martin Meadows mit Illustrationen der talentierten Tamara Antonijevic ist ein unterhaltsames, kurzweiliges Buch mit 50 Schlüsselgewohnheiten zu mehr Selbstdisziplin, Erfolg und einem erfüllten Leben. Unter anderem werden diese Gewohnheiten besprochen:- eine Schlüsselgewohnheit, die über allen anderen steht (ein Muss für Erfolg in allen anderen Gewohnheiten)- eine einfache Gewohnheit, mit der es dir gelingt, Dinge nicht länger aufzuschieben- eine wirkungsvolle Gewohnheit, auf die ein Admiral schwört (die alle Bereiche deines Lebens begünstigen wird)- eine wertvolle Gewohnheit, die dir hilft, deine Motivation aufrechtzuerhalten (Lerne, wie du durchwegs inspiriert bleibst.)- eine wenig bekannte Gewohnheit, die dir hilft, große Veränderungen in deinem Leben vorzunehmen (Ohne diese Gewohnheit befindest du dich auf dem Weg zur Untätigkeit.)- eine kluge Gewohnheit, mit der du deine Chancen steigerst, dir weitere Gewohnheiten anzueignen (Du baust dir ein sich selbst verstärkendes Netzwerk an Gewohnheiten auf.)- eine Gewohnheit, mit der du deine Ziele viel schneller erreichst (Sie ist ganz einfach, doch nur wenige Menschen setzen sie bewusst um.)Gewohnheit für Gewohnheit begibst du dich auf den Weg zu mehr Selbstdisziplin, Erfolg und Zufriedenheit in deinem Leben. Mach den ersten Schritt noch heute!

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