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Bøker av Marshall B. Rosenberg

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  • - Life-Changing Tools for Healthy Relationships
    av Marshall B. Rosenberg

    Nonviolent Communication: A Language of Life is a captivating book by Marshall B. Rosenberg, an acclaimed author known for his insightful and inspirational works. Published by Puddle Dancer Press in 2015, this book falls under the enlightening genre of self-help and personal development. Rosenberg's book introduces readers to a new way of expressing and receiving communication in a nonviolent manner, leading to a more compassionate and understanding life. The book is a must-read for those seeking to improve their communication skills and build healthier relationships in all areas of life. Published by Puddle Dancer Press, this book continues to impact lives positively, promoting peaceful interactions and understanding.

  • - Nonviolent Communication Helps Schools Improve Performance, Reduce Conflict, and Enhance Relationships
    av Marshall B. Rosenberg

  • av Marshall B. Rosenberg

  • av Marshall B. Rosenberg

    You can feel it when it hits you. Your face flushes and your vision narrows. Your heartbeat increases as judgmental thoughts flood your mind. Your anger has been triggered, and you're about to say or do something that will likely make it worse. You have an alternative. By practicing the Nonviolent Communication (NVe process you can use that anger to serve a specific, life-enriching purpose. It tells you that you're disconnected from what you value and that your needs are not being met. Rather than managing your anger by suppressing your feelings or blasting someone with your judgments, Marshall Rosenberg shows you how to use anger to discover what you need, and then how to meet your needs in constructive ways. This booklet will help you apply these four key truths: - People or events may spark your anger but your own judgments are its cause- Judging others as "wrong" prevents you from connecting with your unmet needs- Getting clear about your needs helps you identify solutions satisfying to everyone- Creating strategies focused on meeting your needs transforms anger into positive actions

  • av Marshall B. Rosenberg

    Dr. Rosenberg reveals how to take the first step to reduce violence, heal pain, resolve conflicts and spread peace on our planet, by developing an internal consciousness of peace rooted in the language one uses each day.

  • - Healing and Reconciliation Without Compromise
    av Marshall B. Rosenberg

    In this important and insightful work, Marshall B. Rosenberg, PhD, demonstrates the powerful healing potential of the Nonviolent Communication (NVC) process. You can transform emotional pain, depression, shame, and conflict into empowering connections. Rosenberg shares that behind all emotional pain are unmet needs. He provides simple steps to create the heartfelt presence necessary for healing to occur. Learn how to transform your relationships, find satisfying reconciliation, and move beyond pain to a place of clear, honest communication. Through role-play dialogues and every-day examples, Rosenberg demonstrates the keys to healing pain and conflict without compromise. The healing power of NVC provides practical and effective tools for individuals, mental health practitioners, mediators, families and couples.

  • av Marshall B. Rosenberg

    "A comprehensive collection, The Nonviolent Communication Book of Quotes by NVC founder Marshall B. Rosenberg draws not only from other books and interviews, but also from the internet and previously unpublished workshops. It illuminates his revolutionary four-part Nonviolent Communication (NVC) process and shows the myriad ways NVC makes life more wonderful through the joy of compassionate giving. This essential compilation invites us to transform our lives, our work, our world"--

  • av Marshall B. Rosenberg

    Med giraffspråk kan du gjøre potensielle konflikter til fredelige dialoger, bryte med tankemønstre som kan føre til sinne og depresjon, si din mening uten å skape fiendtlighet, kommunisere med empati ved å bruke din innlevelsesevne og gjøre livet bedre for deg selv og andre. "Hver gang en annen tolker det du sier som kritikk, angrep, vurdering eller fordømmelse, er sannsynligheten for at vi får våre egne behov tilfredsstilt nærmest lik null", sier Marshall B. Rosenberg, "og vi kan være nokså sikre på at den andres neste trekk er å forsvare seg eller gå til motangrep." Rosenbergs instruktive bok handler om å lære deg å gi uttrykk for dine egenskaper som kommunikator - og dine udekkede behov i de fleste situasjoner, og å lytte til andre med innlevelse i stedet for å vurdere, dømme og få dem til å skamme seg eller føle skyld. Formålet med giraffspråket er ikke å endre andre eller å justere andres atferd, for at vi selv skal få det som vi vil: Formålet er å etablere kontakt, basert på oppriktighet og innlevelse - og dermed kunne ivareta den andres og dine behov.

  • av Marshall B. Rosenberg

    According to Marshall B. Rosenberg, Ph.D., our most basic spiritual need is to contribute to the well being of others and ourselves. His brief, unscripted reflections on the spiritual basis of Nonviolent Communication (NVC) will inspire you not only to connect with the Divine in yourself and others, but to begin to create a world of empathy and compassion, where the language we use is the key to enriching life. Discover an intensely satisfying and joyful spiritual experience that begins with you. In these rich pages, learn how NVC can help you achieve a more practical, applied spirituality. Discover how to: - Strengthen the connection between your actions and your spiritual values- Let go of enemy images and moralistic judgments, and experience our common humanity- Connect with others from a place of compassionate energy

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